VICTORY BONDS Victory bonds bought and sold.— George Roe, R. R. No. 1, Newton. Letters From Deis e two following letters were re- caved by the Secretary of the local Just a few lines to thank you all 9 ae much fi ea remember- Pa ce ave al ba in good conaiog and ave en so very nice—have just filled ae bill often- dines wherwe have been aut of sup- TO RENT ‘The store recently occupied by Mrs Spro outa at x milinety parton Apply ae R. Miller, Milverton. FOR SALE He: eavy draft gelding, 4 years old, sired by Knight of ee 5 ope to John Hastings, R. R. No. 1, Britton. FOR SALE store; y, red | brick veneered hou: sae 5 practicaiy new. For further articulars apply to Louis oparays ilverton, Ont. LosT board of a Bain wagon. return. t Walter Kerr, Brunner. FOUND Found some time ago, a sum-.of Owner tay have same by Soeins property foe p cexpenses ohn C. Ginger t. FOR SALE Aberdeen-Angu s bulls and ae etek cows (1 registered.) to D. “in aor peared R. R. No. Milverton. °s re Store Business For Sale building and business at Good country trade. Post Store George E. Tanner, Milverton. bi lies, ie ol ounde: mn (bul- wound in chest) did so enjoy the tobacco. I got him outside in a big chair-in the sun gave him a pack- et and the daily paper and he had good time all to self. I asked him how he Ii! he tobacco and he said, “Aye, ‘was grand, wee bit of hame.’* . All ee boys ap- preciate so much what you home le ae fom ae Aya Just al hy A week ago the b rd t. se fie ee so roud. of the fact, the discussion close ae greed with him as none contradicted the remark. I certainly am gladde every day I live that nr a at ian—and now just a word before closing on the work being done a present in our hospital. You would ee by the papers that the “flu” een ne heraybut war bre all of the opinion here that it has not been any. worse than at home. the past four weeks I have been spec: on our worst cases and out fla terete anda oceneinttaye test sent to our hospital, we have onl; had four deaths “they all had pnew. onia complication: ‘e sure ha some terribly sick m have also been greatly blessed with good re- wults for our labors, At present am specially with two of our own sisters have been ill with it, but they are improving nicely now. eal many of them have had it, 15 all at lo once, but no dea’ there is another hospital around here that has had a lower death rate than ou: quinine, aspirin and cinnamon and ot it cheeked jand now must. close for this time. I wrote you just the Mi Vday before receiving. last parcel, but we heard later that a great amount of mail was lost about that time so have often wondered if my letter went to the little fishes. With very Clydesdale Stallion For Sale Registered, 7-year-old _ stallion, sou ma good man: ag hitch gnee double, right in e’ way; very qui fet will weight over 1800 Ibs. Bee Beige Grosch, Milvert all and sincere thanks fo I remain, yours |sincerely, Nursing’ Sister A. Craig Bell, C-A.B.C., No. madian Gen. ospital, Moore Barracks, Shorneliife | Kent, England. FARM FOR SALE lot 13, con. 3, Mor- 76 acres, bein; Solid shed, pig. pe 1 wire | ha’ fences, lots ter; in; first-class sha For further parti-| man: culars apply te Conrad Schwindt, it pea yerton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE That 197 acres, lot 25, con. 12, \m North Easthope; brick house and kit: chen; bank barn 70x84, litter carriers just installed cement silo; driving shed 40x70; 8 good spring wells; 45 acres a remainder under of goo ‘Sop to eter W and. lasy terms. eae r Wahl, R. R. No. 1, Gadshill, -m, patients are getting better it is such rite Gat without exception, born. their pain silently—no murmuring, no com- plaints. we given their stren- “HOUSE FOR SALE Frame house, brick lined, with kit-| S over and they chen, woodshed and work shop, four} at home have helped, no one can ever rooms and hall upstairs; four rooms| know, we can only thank i and hall downstairs; hard and soft) water; nice garden with a few fruit trees. Situated corner of see and George streets. For further particu- lars apply to Henry Miller, Milverton, sincerely yours Jessie tice, Nursing Sister, Ginactan General Hospital, ‘Brighton Englan eee Mrs. David Seiler, of the 14th con. Elma, received a letter from her son Notice to Farmers I will be at the C.P.R. stock yards | tj on FRIDAY, JAN ..31st, and will pay the ¢ highest TuAaret price for. live teres Farmers, do jot sell our ‘hot until you get my prices. be delivered at station Delors. et o'clock in the morning. I. D. ATKIN. ag COAL SHEDS FOR SALE Building eth Lyi built with bins and elevator 35 feet high, with capacity of han nding 20 tons * About eight er sold with business or separately. arther. particulars apply to John Fewinga, Millbank, 4+t the other day which pty as follows: . 14th, 1918. faving nice aes er here say. T expect to go to Germany an FOR SALE fo number of spri ingers for sale. to J. G. Apply Hamilton, Milverton. FOR SALE good heifer calf, eight month's Apply to George A. McKee, old -t.| Miliban Det pa, | sone’ FARM FOR SALE , That parcel of land known as lot Li gen 16, chia consisting of 100 actes with fra: barn 40x60, with | verton stabling Hele ‘another barn 34x52, good foi wo overflowing wells. Brick veneer house 20x26 with kit- chen 13 x 20, with brick on ground. Good orchard, well drained, all wire fen 1801 selling, ill- ky ag Close to school and a mile al if from Monkton. ‘or fur- ther se apply to Edward Brought » Monkto: NOTICE Zimmerman & Son a ship teas on Thursday, Feb. 6th, at Mil- and Brunner; and ev “ase ther Thursday thereafter. FOUND A goose on the gravel road, west of Newry. Owner may have same proving property and paying adver- ising expensen Fred COMMERCIAL Borie Wheat per a 3 ; ae ¥ ue Fall Barly os ah ai 0 He 8B. 68 we Flour, spring, cwt. 5 75 6 75 War Flour, blended cwt, 5 60 5 60}t War aap so ee cwt 5 40 Shorts p 4 MILK ROUTES The Milk Routes of the Elma and Mornin and Butter hy at ys or Feiockp zm. All Gitesestar please at- orge Hargreaves, President. jase Cleland, Secretary. own J Tom and I could get together ene 01 which time now. I think I will have a dry ristmas when I get there, but e: pect to see Pte. Thomas Middleton if he is in his battalion and I wisl Harold Stag and he looks fine, he told mie call about Lloyd Smith ‘and Albert Hammond, “my chums at n|Infantry Work. Battn., France. Heifer with calf at footy and also a |i 20 Weir's List of Farms For Sale Southeast quarter of lot 3, in the 9th concession of con- separately. G conces- | Lai Will be sold vaithier’ in block or | OBITUARY | LEONA LATHER a sad death took place at the home nd Mrs. sympathy is pai Ftd ae their heavy sorrow afflict Our Leona dear has left us, m we cannot tell. oe home is sad without her. o-day, 3 But still we know she is resting In a land that’s far away. We prayed that we might keep her, If God should think it best, ae a denied our wishes d took her to his breast. “Gone, but not forgotten.” —Father, Mother and Brother. eee SAMUEL SMITH News of the Broth, of Mr. Seis of “Will you kindly accept my thanks|friends in Ellice, Logan and mik- for yourself and the other members | ton. mith we west over 13 of the 1.0.D.E. who have so very|Years ago and for some years had is Christ- been engaged in storekeeping at Red This is my fourth Christmas| Dee nine years ago away from Canada since war began 4 is survived by a wife and three but how different to the other thres | childr ns aged respectively 7, 5 and this one has been. Now when our|1% ¢ is also survived by yei three’ eae and three sisters, vi: David, of Elli e, | Alta. ; and Oliver, of Red Deer, Alta.? Mrs. ©. Walker, ‘Branner; Mes McEwen, of Blma; and 3 W. an nerm ogan. mith was a man held in very high respect ‘both in mtario and Alberta. ‘The funeral took, Sue, to the Hed Deeenedrs Jan. 27¢l peat MISS JENNIE GIBBONS Following an attack of influenza nd_pneumonia, Miss Jennie Gibbons of Wellesley To ownship, near Linwood nee ok Pallbearers: Clar! - Lenahan, . y na is from Aaeph: SGibboiis, Toponter David Gib- bons, Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Bugg, London. eee WILLIAM I. WARD is our sad_dut; Il and going pemeaey to his room found that life had ‘imeral took place on Wednes- day, Jan. 22nd, from his father’s resi- Linwood. "Methodist chureh, he pee Rev, P. King, assisted W. Moffat, of Millbank, con- syste ‘the. services, I be especially worth Lea; Those 1 t ‘to mourn ‘his ‘loss are parents, two sisters, Greta md Ruby, ane one brother, ee ee FRED McBRIDE A sad death took place at “a a bord St., ‘Toronto, on Mone pas er Mr. Fred McBride, ‘brother e neem the. Sacer: School and Ep- 1+ usin of the aoe.” A very large seas bearers Wilford, Hc their last tribute of respect. Among abe ape Grasser, B. F H. Bean Arthur Rennie) those in attendance were the breth- la Food Board has been ind Irvi 1 ren of Maherfelt Purple Star Lodge informed that field and d garden seeds Beautiful fora offerings were con-| 84 and the Royal Black Knights of |have been removed from the restrict- q ributed by Church friends and rela-| Ireland. 887. The casket and room ed expert lst of the Uni State is were banked with a profusion of|and that American shippers in futur a. tres, antl a: broken:wheel’by the fame tos gent by ceed friends. |do not require licenses for shipments ! William, zhoneh: rather reticent, ee seeds ‘ing into thi minion. a Mrs. Ruppert, Mrs. "ilefpel. yr fand Fre ‘Ss |, and 10th, _ a ENGELAND’S .:. Creat Sale Still On | Be Sure to Attend This Great Sale--The Biggest Success -We Have Ever Had--Every Day a Busy Day. 20% OFF | Everything in the Store Except Flannelette, Batting, Groceries GENUINE REDUCTIONS -- We're Selling Ladies’ Suits and Coats at a Rapid Rate. REASON—Values that can’t duplicated and big, honest reductions. Large Flannelette Blankets at $2.75 Surprise Box of Toys 25c : Worth 50c to 60c Each Get One of These for the Kiddies. These |} - have béen a great success. We know of sev- eral parties that have been back three times for one of these boxes. Grab Bag of Music - 25c Be Sure to Get One Grocery Specials White Cups and Saucers per doz. 1.29 2 pkgs. mone © Corn Flakes ... 16 Ibs. Oatmeal 20c Pkg. Seeded and Scedless Raisins.. < You will receive a circular in a few days announc- ing last day of the sale. Better do your shopping at once. Globe Washboards - 27c 5 Ib. pail Cone tebe Re 10 Ib. pail Corn DS 3 pkgs. Jelly Pow Roasted a Pear Coffee, per Ib. Peanuts, per Ib........ Bat All Prices on Our Circulars Hold Good Until Further Notice Gran. Sugar $10.60 Cash | Special---Black Derry, per yard 52c Bring Us Your Poultry--Highest Prices Paid CHICKENS, over 5 Ibs..... Alive Poultry Taken Thursday Only Dressed Poultry Taken HENS, under 4 Ibs.......ccsscscsesiee ves Every Day Butter, 1-lb. Prints, 46c. ENGELAND @ SON “Ghe Store With the Stock” “"*\>3 4. "°"" MILVERTON concourse of friends assembled to pay Tr ry, ae bee office for up-to-date WELLESLEY-NORTH EASTHOPE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY fon ns on flour also extend to The six great powers or ee world We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furniture. before the war were: t Britain, he following are the officers elect- | Be : " (a a4 ihe Wale -North Hasthope | Etance, Germany, Au ria, Rosia ane See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers, Agricultural Society: President Adam |preat. powers are: ‘i Help ipel ; ce vrand Sat, ‘att. 1p- Fre cé, Italy, United. States and: fap. ‘We have'a large assortment of Dressers and Stands. sacotid orlee-teenidanes Dea. "3 nSthey Won each have fivacdals: : Freeborn; secretary-treasurer, C, F. gate at the peace oeere an A nice new stock of Brass Beds at popular prices e nations will largely determine Boorel, BW, Ch ate pone ihe condiciones that wi will if make for the Tf you need anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- son, Dr. Croft, ‘aufman, Jos, | future peace o: utes when in town and look over our stock, Soria uy J. D. Fish: the Martin Govern- In of D. inlena? rittitade placing the French nguage in thé instruction ne ae mee eat gaa cletaing. elm, McGallum, Wm.’ Crerar, b | wee, Haipates Shakespeare; Malcolm. Rennie, J. ‘yde, ' Lady Directors—Mrs. McMillan, . N.S, Fleischhauer | test and Mrs. convention representing 4,042 Auditors— ‘Doyle and Alteman.) fi Delegates to ‘Convention—Ottinan We also have Stair'and Body Carpet. Congoleum Squares look nice. We have them, Linoleum always on hand. ee e 7 GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS - McLAUGHLIN AUTOMOBILES Fall show t to be held September 9th ool. Roosevelt's favorite hymn was f ROBERT McMANE Furniture Dealer Milverton bt ta peta dae ment os be climinated er pe a Republic.” ast, in the open,