Three Days More of our Mid-Winter Sale ‘The Following Prices Hold Good Until Then nies regular ee fOr e.g: a 5 reg. 26¢, for. Canned Peas, best paris reg. ate, for. Canned Salton, reg. 35c, for. Corn Fila! opiate ges for Rolled Oats, “Purity,” reg. 35e pke., ° £ g & Es 2) § a2 z ip Glasses, ASH Lam: Boys Suits, a Annies to clear at . It will be worth your while to A. H. TERRILL, Ladies’ Coats, a variety lay in a good supply of the above, as prices are not going todrop for some time, Canada Food Board License No. 8—13188. “The Busy Corner Store’ = 0 Boys’ pg your choice of any worth to $1 000, TOR rea es ele ies $4.00 Coats, your choice ‘for. Girls’ Coats, a variety £ Flamelote Blankets, ‘ate Ledion Cashmere Beat Brown Denim, reg. 40¢ yard for. Black Denim, reg. 80¢ yard for... Come Again— sibs FEB. 1st, WILL BE THE LAST DAY | ~ Tpaiee, {Cashmere finish Hose, reg, G5e, for..38¢ — Ladies iE : (inane Oak And: Get Another Supply oe weer fose, reg. $1 ee 390 Model 90 Touring, $1860; Made 5-4 Toarint $1405; Made $84 Touring, 2575; Willy Sx, 82425 fab. Torente: increasing demand for Model 90 cars. of this season. Overland cars always have been designed and built to meet the taste and needs of substantial people. The good things owners say cause the steadily There probably will not be’enough to meet the demand WILLIAM ZIMMERMAN, Dealer MILVERTON, ONT. inches? Montreal, Winnipeg and Reg ae. satis Head Office and Works, West papas Ontario BIG FUR SA LE | A Rousing, Smashing Sale of Remarkable Values in Reliable Furs manufactured right in Stratford are now on sale at from 50 to 25 per cent. off the regular prices. AN ABSOLUTE DISPOSAL OF ALL FURS LADIES’ HUDSON SEAL COATS— $290.00 value for........... $180.00 LADIES’ HUDSON SEAL COAT— With beaver collar and cuffs, $325.00 $22.00 value for $20.00 value for GREY WOLF MUFF—. GREY WOLF STOLE— MONKTON BRIEFS t, Lambert and Miss Jessie cepeeed inti on Hite tom Potreee ston, where they will spend some time visiting friends t ere, The dance held in Brskine’s hall on Wednesday night last was enjoyed by all Mr. a AH. Holmes and eens: 6 Sent tthe week-end with Mr. Messi 1s, Ezra Knechtel-and Thomas - ete esbyterian church to bid far 0 GLENALLAN cattemember John C. Foelt’s Sage sale on (ae Mis LW. Se iehati returned home from London after spending Me Space in your valuable. pap. some time with friends there, call the attention of the privileged ber of the young people’s People of this locality to the matter Sinb ceulayed hs aleitineeplete ec the: OF Placing some thing “permanent to jason Strait” on Saturday. even- ie memory ae eft their Homes and ‘friends in our Mis: Starr is spending a few mit and we days wich friends in oS rena and me their dear lives an On Frida; eS Tan. 28th, a blood in the great } i large euch of friends yathered! at the and Freedom pnd nobly did.their pars ewell in breaking t e tyrannizing hand of Dr. and Mrs. McKinnon, who in- autocracy. and now we may’all re- tend taking up their residence in joice in the Pane results of a glor- | The Memorial Movement is: being made in different, fcratard. were i -|which was prepared by the young move ae Tuesday ard, were ‘in Monks) adple, en addreea was read by Misa: Disses t0 commemorate t eir memory ‘and Miss | Coote, on behalf of the Women’s In- and suri Lis ple ‘of this part of Minnie, Sasunucer arent Monday at| stitute, of which society Mrs, McKin- the country will not be behind in d Mitchel norm ad ash pemert args Ton ane eS uit pie ante a eter years, followed by an address read-by ow it is to ae ms gd Mr ‘vith tie eae eee Le Craig, on behalf of the peo. be done is the most: difficult ‘cKinnon. were er tents je Mit are ate to report that Mrs. bresented with a Robt. R kk and son, John, are at md Mrs, McKi Present sone with influenza, | ented with her coe of gold ke the matter up also and comment E. Bettge ‘0. expect. some | the Womi aula je BE a in on. ae ee arenes a non expressed his gratitude for the tor, “wor fuzmace and ma coal So: 8 em AOS |e pect ahewe Wace aoe er, ereditadle aud mostadetaeblets rect rs, John White is at present vis- | Kinnon. monuments to the memory pt “ says friends in Stratford, —— Boys that wil] never Return” and . WOMEN TRUANT OFFICERS _ Put up the same in ow ed- tank ‘Terry. is spending a few “das with friends at Atw and Mrs. John Flood, of Strat. a few days visiting old Fy 8 ‘3 el 3 Bee Sse 5S Fe $ B 8 2 g 0 ‘uesday to Mitchell. At ti ie pecruy Gathers are six more in the family who ar ill with influenza, including Mrs. Col. lins, who is seriously ill. Mr. John White spent Monday, at Stratford on business. Bananas 2 for 5¢,'30c dozen at S. Mr. and Mrs. E, S. Wilson pee taken up residence in the man Rev. Suteliffe, of Atwood, occupied the pulpit of both churches at the Un- ion services last Sunday. Rev r 15 brave om Cody, Minister of Edu- °F 15 ys went cation, intimates. that there will be = and have paid several minor changes made in E et th of the provincial legislature. it pa Which could be agreed upon by com- tteee in charge, which would be lasting remembrarice of the;nero boys © ‘and locate this year. As soon as ther sufficient number of technical schools [a in the province to accommodate rial Wil: problihly be made compulsory up to the age of 16 years at | TO. DEPORT ALIEN SPIES nited States Department of Jasin titends to ask the government prices ree or four along the lines of ee ieee and otis: lan. preached anniver- | bs in the United States, and to forbid|. ‘Then again take the village of Mil: nary setvices at Atwood and Donegal. thar to return, of them are verton and vicinity, quite a number a iailanee to Me Jona Biliosen, of | Germ ‘They include men and wo- gave their lives in the great cause of Mitchell, who takes possession about |Men, spies, other, p who were Freedom and should surely be honor- March isi P : in the direct employ o: the er an a and ould it not Pe al eh gov ent as propagandists and still the memorial erected in their home pe ameron, of Mitchell, thers who planned bomb outrages. locality for nee and honor? ares a business visitor all of them we ean aay ie the The same ae the village ot Atwood old Quaker, “Friend, thee is not want- so on for all over the county . Thomson, who has been | oe ce Rage Ba practise will be held on Friday even- ing. ‘he night school classes are pro- gressing very favorably. Keen in- D. —_—-— Would it not be much better to LAD ESCAPES ON CRUTCHES The police have been notified by 5% horities in charge of the Mice toria Industrial School at Mimic © the parties more particularly concern- Mr, Editor, will you kindly alleys j movement for which should euensarily follow in due time, is and is to be shared and rejoiced in by all, Would it not be and make a grant to be equitably div, Tet anecond nes casio cecumante ses o and among the respective centres and localities to: aid in the cause in a similar mai verte grants made tothe patriotic societies I e cils if thought advisable? w, hop- ing that others will atu this mat- the subject mains, yours, ete. CORRESPONDENT. Elma, Jan. 25th, 1919. MILITARY TRAINING IN _ SCHOOLS (Dumb Animals.) What is the ae motive behind the as dein ae so mal y experts affirm is not only not she Speak ss of physi- 8 | cal exercise may even prove harm fult $ S oF A CARD OF THANKS’ Mrs. K. Sproule, who has disposed of her. millinery. business; desites. to convey her sincere than! to her many customers in Milverton and dis- trict for nage extended her during the past twelve years that she has been in business in Milverton, Brain Fag and Battery Fag Then the battery “plays out” your car is useless—but you get the bai rain, again radiate life and vitality gh the eee, ae ou full of nls ing life, ind energy. ¥ are listle was “and despondent, and feel “out of sorts” you will brighten up cea fae treatment of this valuable is an ed it for re tae work cud lie sonaee Tago ar nO Cacao the registration has reached who are said to be headed that way C4 than having a el UR At AE s at Gill’ x Detroit. The lads are Arthur Del.: monuments in the large towns, and r. Julius Miller resign-| vin and inter, aged 14 and 16 “ite eWergenet ron rs ing as councillor for the Township of respectively, and both were Om erut~ fief of the irreparable loss ry n election will. be hel x having lost his leg be- 3 Monday, Feb, 3rd. Four candidates |low the knee and Delvi Bp ER, of | he e offic ill, William Banner- man, William Dalling and Dennis Ma- hon bl . C, Richardson, of the firm of & Richardson, Mitchell, esi winding up: of the e. iss Mabel Armstrong, of Rostock visited Miss Candice Smith on Wed- |” nesday last. Stag Tobacco £0c plug at Gill’s. Mrs, Samuel Smith and me funds necessary to atte oe ie me. Now, Dear Sir, as tl = Detroit, escaped once before and was apprehended at border by officers. y S. Petri he Vie- ee & yt hort, ‘ockion, and &, C, e American tory gained and the ‘great results |Coghlin, Atwood, 50. ie, Milverton; W e- HARD ON BOLSHEVIKI | Returned soldiers to the number of 1,500 broke loose on ae after- oon and started, in to a = ®. me 2 i) tre, and on the city hall OUT THEY GO PERSIAN LAMB STOLES— $20.00 value for ... PERSIAN cca CAPES— $95.00 value for . MINK MUFFS. $60.00 yikits for FLL. A $40.00 MINK STOLES— $40.00 value for . MINK CAPE— $125.00 value for TUBE FOX STOLE— $80.00 value for ..........0. $55.00 TUBE FOX SET— i $50.00 value for ........ +++. $30.00 NATURAL SABLE SET— $42.00 value for®..........65 $25.00 SIBERIAN WOLF MUFFS— _ $20.00 value for .........++,$10.00 SIBERIAN WOLF STOLE— $20.00 value for. .eeveeee+++ $10.00 GREY FOX STOLE— 22.00 value for ....le.+..+» $15.00 GREY FOX MUFF— : $28.00 value for wiereeereees $18.00 BLACK WOLF STOLE— $30.00 value for , an Neiit sats CROSS FOX STOLE— PERSIAN LAMB MUFFS— 125.00 value for $50.00 value for ............$32.00 JAPAN FOX MUFF— PERSIAN LAMB MUFFS— $30.00 value for $25.00 value, for ...........,$15,00 Seance anoee > PERSIAN LAMB STOLES— $80.00 value for $50.00 value for ............$35.00 CHILDREN’S THIBET SET— $9.00 value for ......... seve e$ 5.00 RED FOX MUFF— $40.00 value for ...... beens $25.00 RED FOX STOLE— $35.00 value for ............ $23.00 SABLE MUFF— $62.00 value for) ..........05 $42.00 SABLE STOLE— $65.00 value for ............ $48.00 BEAVER CAPE— $60.00 value for . NATURAL SABLE SET— $45.00 value for . LYNX SET— $45.00 yalue for ............ $25.00 GENTLEMAN'S COON COAT— $250.00 value for ....... +++. $160.00 GENTLEMAN’S COON ,COAT— $200.00 value for . +++ $140.00 GENTLEMAN’S DOG SKIN COAT— $40.00 value for ............ $20.00 CORDUROY SHEEP LINED MEN’S COATS—$22.00 value for $14.50 MEN’S PERSIAN LAMB COLLARS— $10.00 value for .$ 4.00 BE SURE AND COME, SHARE IN Phone 936 THE GREAT MONEY-SAVING EVENT. THE STRATFORD FUR MFG. CO. 113 Downie St., STRATFORD ATWOOD MINISTER CALLED Rev. W. D. MeDonald, of Atwood eee Uae, received a call from the charges 0 ashburn an WARTBURG of Battleford, Sask. Miss Kathleen Marshall was a vis-|companied by the promise of $1,600 ‘arses’ Graduation Exer- | sti eises which took place Friday even-|yearly vacation. The c: a ear of clean coarse salt at Sale fe R. station here on Feb. ttn r cwt. at ear. Leave your Raters ing at the Classie theatre, Stratford, |up for discussion at the next meet- Mr. eorge Dungey spent |ing of the Stratford Presbytery. a few days recently ‘5 the home o: Lae Drs. W ruspe and} Two Scotchmen were telling one Misses Mthel and: Olive were ees another what they aus like to do visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Kaiser, when on e remarked to Oscar Suering, of Seebach’s Hill. e other: “I see in th is_ morning’s Miss Emma Becker, of Stratford, pines that they are going to try the rant rs. id the other answered: “That’s George Becker, after suffering from |the stuff. I hope they give him the a rather serious at i ; year’ fo Mrs. Sam Henry spent the week-)ing on this prohibition stuff.’ end at the home of her eines Mrs David Dickson, -Stratfor VICTORY BONDS GO UP. rs. Peeles, of Swift Current, Sask., recently visited gue al Omit ihe prspoaduratas Coe Mrs, Jack Hen: buying orders over selling orders for Mrs, Louis Harloff spent the week-| the 15-year maturity of the 1918 Vie- parents, Mr. | ¢ an, the special commit cf con- ease the buying price recent visitors af the home of Mr. of the ‘matarity ‘@ full point from 1 oe sai 5 A} ” GERMAN ELECTION RESULTS BUY WAR STAMPS Full returns from the German el-| ‘The habit of thrift acquired during atority Socialists the war should not be lost am peo- ni Centrists, cast Wages or 18.8 per! reconstruction period. People with | e ti Na- small incomes should put as much of tional party cast 2,739.196, or. 9.62 their sayings as possible into Govern- | per cent. The Democrats polled 5,-|ment War St Bs, 930 votes or 19.5 p Fy “3 Fe § eee 9) : Ey CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. Edward G. Ward and|to leave Germany, Caguily wisbeto tigedk thls frend aha has “been thelr headquarters ae neighbors for the kindness shown them during their recent bereave-| will fall to ihe occupation of som nt. e amily desire to thank their. many. tinuing Ghelr désemetiaks they wiseket Prtende: and pe ems 15 Ge FIG ere wile bianoe cue et ness during their recent illness, , = ites “Wiliam Seott, reeve and [upper windows of the stub and mal Wl Remarkable Reductions on Heavy Rubbers & Felts saree Smith, deputyereeve, are at-|ing all the inmates kiss the British tending. County Council oe “Stratford Peet eee people were se this week. Messrs, Weber & sphere Our stock of heavy rubber and felt foot= @ He, “3 8 3 & 2 5 = = aw THE— Morrice Shoe Store CANADIANS LEAVING GERMANY | o The Canadian contingent is about | Headquarters for Hockies wear, is unusually heavy for the time of year, a condition brought about by the mild weather and the influenza epidem- ic. Therefore, we announce starting to- morrow 10% Discount Sale On all Heavy Rubber and Felt lines in stock, the sale will continue for 10 days or while the stock lasts, as we cannot afford to replace it and sell it at this re- duction. The goods are first-class and of the usual ‘‘Morrice’’ quality, there are felts for Men, Women and Children, Heavy Laceit and 2-buckle Rubbers for Boys and Youths, Laceit, two-buckle, three, four and five eyelet Snag Proof, in. Leather Top Rubbers in Tan and Black Leather and 12 inch Tan Leather top rubbers for men, all made by the In= hea eaiald Rubber Co’y., ‘‘Kant Irak? bran There. Wil bu No Resarvaiiias wt Blas Sa SO COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH “The Home of Good Shoes’’ MILVERTON