A PRISONERS PIL- GRINS. PROGRESS | NO ONE WILL READ UNMOVED THIS STORY { SAY The Long, Ragged, Starved, But Un- daunted Procession of Prisoners Returning From Germany. Tong, Ueping procession: of tat- eotiied in the and bi a orting one another, m the e high best of their wae back to the: Allied lines. ‘Of all-the Allied prisoners of war, I think the French—to judge by thei (7 appeatance—were the least ill-treated, They, like the xest, are thin—for thin- universal amongst ny hae Panitatoas intact. ‘hy ¢ Road to Germany. The fey groomed horses, all the right hand of the hi ighway; on the ming from the-opposite eal Metis an endless procession of civilians pushing little hand-carts piled high with their little groups of*prisoner Sheer Inhumanity. k in the e; ed. Twi vit not oreity you with the repititiono = Are storigs you have yead in suc stly i Britlah official ote on the tr ind their superior ficers, the lack of e German aoe towards their British victi If it-were inconvenient to start A tioning a party of prisoners on certain day, the party would ae be confined without food or water until uch time as the rationing of the prisoners became convenier ere recognition even ‘The Spirit of Britain. t for all one’s deep compassion with: their sufferings, one cannot con. olay si aiaoars: Bs ours with ut of ‘elati However inne ass eisai tried. “to torment their body, they utterly failed to crush their spirit. captivity. There is no doubt that his The_ Popular Choice + ure, Se ae 5 3 i pase Wt ClOUS ~~. ‘ecpeoremerapcemeen 2a if wane DY nm} The ori proud refusal to knuckle down, to ust $ regsor angevéd the G - ET tila to. vedoablo: thelr eforta-to The Latest Kk his pride. | Designs the “German . failed as égiously as he has done in every, ae problem he has tackled Ania all their wasted looks, for’ all their noisome rags, these prigonets of war have the i free hi te Bunetilionsly, and nie one. ticaiels mn they are addressed. ae poe of “Brit ueee of war were trampi through Na- pinethe ota Garten Germart Le diers left. a> marching column yan towards them, otering them ae ettes and ‘Sin and all: oe prisoners g wouldn’t be ng to ae with them!” Thy sh sergeant who told What a on Wg of ie Repaid. | Our prisoners unanimously testify ‘to the kindness shown to them by 2 press. bread he prisoners eanth hing |villages. And on their long tramp |. These cute little rompers have con- rough Belgium on their wav to the |trasting collar, belt and cuffs, which lines after their liberation, the axe int trimming t prisoners denended entirely on the by the lages thro nt ss Chis Nombere In 4 ars. Price, 15 cents. his cattle. He had treated ther cron onal $6 the end of the ehianter: | He has even sought to lessen . | the means see iiiog i the [Alles are coing to from him by making adeanate provision for the re- of the watatidh prisoners of war. ‘has inst turned them adrift. the and the sick alike, and left them f when the eonle are called to account for their inhuman treatment of their prisoners of war this last act of callousness must not be forgotten. PRINTERS’ PIE. | i ' Some Interesting W: Wartime Samples | of Typographical Errore. ees e grim and oe Sorrowful details Janae war news’ brinj (0 most of are now and paces canine lit “ dy the mistakes of the compositor. se She ps errors are termed oe inter’s pie.” Si sion af a single bas ees skirt and blouse may the most attractive oar ‘that one wear, and tl i oul aid hospitals in France pana to use | this is surely an illustration of such, » ; 10,000; Cam- smallish bombs.” This one from a| McCalj Patter 12,000 prisoners; Arras, Sheffield paper seems Bas nearer the| Waist. In af fea eas brai, aaa and from Cambrai to truth: “Three bombs were dropped | Price, 20 cents. No. 8710, Ladies’ | Mo" 2* Spon af amimintHon train and. A-Alrect | Four Piece, Shi Tn eises 05 to a ne Last Day of War. hit obtained. e train contained 15,- % i ie the morning of the 11th, at four 000 els" "To whic airmen ap-| Dette, Neneh Opens. Teamet 3 Mon' 2 Design No. 883, Price, 15 cents. m= pear to have obliged by si i an ex- tra one. ‘The unintentional alteration of a etter also works wi where “Mr. Gallipolt campaign and was Liat the Military Cross,” her German frighttuiness A Be ne ™ cela that “ umn in another ponevanes doves of our dear son. nobly answered his country’s call, ie gave , his wife for one and all.’” ‘igin of many such items may ‘not always. be laid at the door of the pagmenttans but often are the product In many of thee our trials and tribulations aris- ing from the war make their appear- ped up in Dublin the Lord Ee himself in these ion “Tt ing evil to leave the te people without milk, “It would be a wise thing if the Corporation would take the bull DY. the horns and deal with the matter. Tt was 2 Glasgow are on aes A very practical little apron in- threw cold water on the musical abili- aN of our fi 5 ry s 3 8 = 5 =) Et q » £ E Ea 2 aiconrag music throughout the af- F Complattte about the “inadequate a dd The food question is hardly a sub- Ject for mirth at present, but one can Bearcely resist a smile when we are told that “the markets are empty, and 8 of such things as remain Me ae FE saying got a new turn in an advertisement which lately ap- peared in a ages London paper ai low: y a pe 8 This new design has the 5 War Bond, He eeee waist which conse ‘on the soars Glves quickly who gives twice.” Tho} der and at the McCall Most up-to-date one deals with recent Patton No, 8712,/ Ladies ‘Dress, In 1 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust, cents, hard if out some of the fat -soant of a newly arrived recruit at os let it SHE hard. en spread sa! tt over the cut end of the ham about will Ds sak may like it bit [3 Sa ie Just & half- thick. is iow T think th too much drill-| clude the ai, Scrape off the fat ty tae oma vin “patroen bite slicing the ham and Ply “Kandi pp Wward feats, it on again & ‘before, baal Sent. 2 Price, 25/8 were Germany, the bell: wuld be rung | from your apneed McCall by gbiaind as the judgment of God upon him threadbare over to-day’s splendid from the McCall Co. 70 Bond. St,,| 2nd his peo) ore aa he accepted it as 4," ”--\/Moronto, Dept. W, "\a divine decision and as an expiation . : d an atonement for ‘his eM! Might Be Improved. Minard’s Lintment 1_Diphtherla, errors, and it a Bo tape 2 true Mas “wet do you think of the army as ie. See fn this spirit of interna’ far a8 you have gone?” inquired o sen The pam will not dry out and get! ya, ‘4 rather te otherwise. will t ‘CANADIAN RECORD. RECORD AUG. 8 10 NOV. 11 BRIEF SUMMARY. OF EFFORT IN LAST 3 MONTHS OF WAR Captured More Than 150 Small Towns and Freed Over 300,000 French and Belgian Civilians. The following despatch is ae Wards nt) S ki pondent with the Canadian Overseas/ Military Forces: { Canadian troops have iurnished a | British British battalion to leave Mons was the 42nd aE aa the ‘Scottish Black Wat epee 34,000 Germans. | From August 8 to November 11, the! late the armistice was declared, the $| Canadian Corps eaptared 34,000 ‘pris Stocks Purchased. by our PARTIAL. peat PLAN enables investors to monthly instalments, rou as you can comfortably save from your regular earnings. This method provides an attrac- tive its ing ae eee Se by the Part ae fora nes SH. Hl. M. Connolly & Co. Membérs Montreal Stock Exchange 105-106 Transportation Building MONTREAL Q. STUFF FOR MAKING PAPER. QUI Can be Manufactured of Almost Any WE of GE A Re Vegetable Substance. EAS Clippings from the collar factories te eee importantly to the supply of ; Yaw material for making ad fortanate- | BE eet tae oi Limited, Coll ASTHMA JAP. 'AN’S POPULATION Production’ of Rice Has Not Kept Pace With Increased Birth Ret®. shortage in the supply, of food- see in Japan ised the extra- ordinarily. high price of rice and ° ater food, says the Japan has not been at such a rate as to keep pace with thé steadily growing popu- | ation, Moreover, the yield of rice oners, 750 artillery guns of all <a sis at the mercies of the elements and , bres, 3,500 machine guns, hundre trench mortars, and huge Sates me Sy 3 oh of material. jp ast. three Ebates of the war Se corps advanced in depth to a pees of 95 miles, savoring all area oximately 450 square miles. The: Drinetbal towns es by the Canadians in that time were Cambrai and Le Cateau on Oct. 9; Denain, Oct. 20; Yalenelepnes, Nov. 2; Mons, Nov. 2. At | aptured in addi- centres, which domination over 300,000 French and Belgian| ae ns. ‘he three outstanding Tattler n tought we the Canadian Corps . 1918, ee iene which tera Aug. 8; Arras, on Aug. id Cam- | Jn there tine battles, | nd in the e from Cambrai to Mons netic "Valenciennes, the Cana- dian Corps. engaged and ident a total of ser aees German several of ym were sO badly deel, mated as to ena coe inelons ap dipniing oreenizatiols Ami A Benatration into the: enemy lines was | ym Cambrai to Mons ee itch See some troops , eleven veer he tim Sts armistice came in| In It is we ant established a Tine he us| | tile fabrics, ee aoc eres quired to set! metres east of the city, so that in nine ate the Canadians advanced thirty mi On the ees of the 11th, Lieut.| General Sir Arthur Currie and his staff made- a triumphant entry ge wi sented’ to. the. city a Canadian flag ie a h now. has fi 0 rps Commander was a sec- tion of the 5| ch Tninirial Lancers, all | of whom wore the Mons Ribbon and were among the last to leave the city | on August 28, 1914, it was 2 2, es fie B fe} s ne on the coal question thu wise f virgin, the father of a inves “aly, Riven by the 5 Cehedian- Belway | has laid in several piles ign pete ane eS Gatien Forestr eke pontine et etal sais tae as extremely |S time,” whilst a University journal Oimeuit owing to ‘be devastation baal eri.uction caused to railway tracks, bridges and roads. CHARACTER OF THE LATE (ZAR Uy ar aa Makeup of the Last r of the Russias. Asa sedate of an interview with the Fellow of the Royal So- y of ‘Medicine of London, etc., has n us the ae aleteh hit ‘ove of it “The most marked trait ot ans ‘Caar | was his absolute lack of will pores | Beith insufficient to gov 50 | great a ; and persons, Weak 0: Gear wa beh taal ‘nd a mystic, and when affairs of court or state did top ica. well be beleyal te was aban- doned by God. This always increas- ing conviction since the hurfan e still. possessed. eigners w aoprsaiica him in 1916 gathered this impression. It explains the ease with whi eat Nicholas II abandoned his and the absolute absence. ot the people arose fe Czar regarded ‘ or Wiieve that when history shall be furitian. Nicholas II will be looked upon with pity an dwith sympathy Only. time ‘Minerd'e tistmvaton cures | Distemper less | their food suppl of | 01 at Mons that the British | ern rontess MIEMGIoA dTiwhs ales Ounte erent and suspicions of all things | | out pain, = | Ad infection ben in a country Hike Japan, which is a0 ject to frei ahs at the ook Geet eid aa e corp, the precarious nature of the he cea industry may be fan i e is connection, continues the prearey it will note the tr Japan's Until, a few ‘0 the rate of | increase was a little more than 500, t last year’s increase is put at close upon 800.000. According to official statistics just published’ the total number of the Japanese popula- tian on December 31, 1917, was re- ned at 57,998,373, which were dis- telbated ‘nts 10.241,851 dwellings at the rate of 5.7 Be. dwelling. pared with the census taken at the Mele the Sontlatian sluiwed as increas of 799.096, and there can he joubt that Japan should be seri- oxsly Seven by the food problem its population continues to increase Pate v be added that pees ive of the Jap- ict ly is. concerne Rika gte Paes al PEAT AS FUEL It Also Has Many Other Interesting Fi Seite ie making. It sites a ‘pert pod fuels ighteenth century, ee the pu of northern Europe had bi at extent cleared ini pan i of pay Bee can red from peat at a cost of $20, leaving a senalectory ares °' i t, | France some very beautiful tex- and camel’s hair clot trom Pas fibre. They tan be Slesere d to snowy whiteness and will take atte Die athe vibe! intgretiag uses of | peat is for packin; eserving perishable foods, patie Dei vege- d fis! istanies aes perfect condition, thanks to the pecu- liar preservative qualities of the rial. About oor Show me the boy who ake threw A stone at someone’s r never hurled a cael ‘owift At someone’s high silk hat. from school, Or slyly from an Green apples never stole. Be me Ae bo ey who never broke do. Who oe sdebteyead the sigt ‘hat grieves us sore to tell: And I'll show you a little boy Who must be far f Fir wonst NH. Try It ‘There will never be a real papeb amine, because -paper be out of almost anything vegetable. It EFUNDED. ASH ray DAUGCIST has been manufactured from banan: Peps oe ne PQ, Prive: leaves, pineapple. leaves, ean ‘8, cabbage-stalks, cat [The Highest Price] #. RAW FURS 0 matter what quantity. We a the Sinha ree also express ahaa arcane per: cotton s' oe incaleul wn cate flax stall same purpose; also wild ; thi mee over yast areas in . once and you are assured of ptinsedt ABBEY FUR COMPANY 310 St. Paul W. Montreal, P.Q. Reference: Bank of/Hochelaga, Bt , baper and eee: or re ‘There are always plenty of rags for i making high- Sats shane Why, then, | } He ? In business for 30 years. ‘ot yet learned to utilize the available Taw materials, w: tun to [Hirani JOHNSON, LTD. The oldest ost established Raw Fur Dealers in Montreal HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Satisfaction guaranteed to shippers 410 St.Paul St. West, Montreal ACurefor Pimples sary to draw upon the forests for nlp. Paves te A. marble boiled in milk, porridge, costa oa will automatically do | the s the liquid cooks and t | so ren Seine Keep Your Health TO-NIGHT TRY Minard’s Lin'ment for that- Cold and Teed Feeling. druggist calls it “Mother Seigel’s Get Well, Keep Well, Curative Syrap—and your skin Kill Spanish aa willctent we aa fraehtiee a by using the RELIABLE. It will sweetenyour st er MINARD'S LINIMBNT CO., Ltd, regulate your bowels.” Yarmouth, N.S, genuine. 50c.and $1, 00 Bottles \ At drug stores. © 5 Sugar beet raising, combined with the Keeping of live stock, is claimed |— 0 Pro’ KNOCKS OUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND Comforting rele relief from pain es Sloan’s the "Worle Liniment _ ‘This famous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, viding for the se za and early win- r feeding ‘arm cattle, and catia fertility. to the soil, MONEY ORDERS. eerie Express Money Orders are five thousand offices LEEehORE| Canada. ‘the nearness to British markets is re ‘Minard’s Liniment Cures Golds, &e. giving Canadian wheat growers an | SPrains, neuralgic pains, an adv: pee aa all others, in or out aie mternal twinge. slige humanity SARE, fuficrs’ from, enjovsatte es because it practically never fails to ly, comforti 01 ruse, it takes little to penetrate without rubbing and pro- duce results, Clean, refreshing. le ay pee rales who n Canada. At all drug stores, A desire to go on in the tae bottle means economy, State of ictoria, ane aie mai prob- ably amount to £7,000,000. HIRAM JOHNSON, LTD. The oldest established Raw Fur Dealers in Montreal HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Satisfaction guaranteed to shippers: 410 St.Paul St. West, Montreal 5 =a iD estimated that the money re- tl ~ Send your RAW FURS 42 St. Beut St. Wes' MONTREAL Being manufacturers and not buying to tellwoalways aenuretictaivent evading aod the highest market prices. Quick returns| 5 Ne ligt issued but we, quarantes to diger teaeaCacie et ek Bad vou esicn par Ul you aceent Pleslons dial Fas es eel out without pain. badisneaicecaca! an Booth. B Howton USA . ‘by dealers Good news pore rapidly and drug- gists here are kept busy dispenging freezone, the aie i of a Uin- cinnati man, which is said to loosen plied and never Lae sf even irritates the adjoin- ing tiss This. Maver will prevent thou- sands of deaths annually from lockjaw ee resulting from cutting corns, British employers who are paying less Ben: the minimum wi een warned that they will be pro- piesa against by the Government, suicidal ¥ | Minara’s Zintment nt Curep Garget tn CSwe Comper is anid te be to be the metal first known and used in the arts. According to gov ent Seuss the number of hens in Holla nd - has decreased foes 8,000,000 to 8,000,000 in two RR 2A al Se CO a ee ISSUE No. 3—19 wages. have | / p Pain ? Hirst’s. will stop it! one Sad sees torelioverheumatism, Hotcl Del Coronado Coronado Be ch, California Where the baimy yet invigorating climate makes possible the enjoyment of outdoor sports thinough- out the Winter months. POLO, GOLF, TENNIS, MOTORING, . FISHING, BAY AND SURF BATHING _ Write for Winter Folder and Golf Program, “ MOHN 3 HERNAN, ." « Manager ee "tt is just an instance of waste- eae miker an exopliont paper: Jak Aaa hich Saag fireproof, might recom- Q)AXCER, TUMORS Lumps, ae mend Kself highly for pets, rau Stipes ca eo as imam Medion