Milverton Sun, 6 Feb 1919, p. 8

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VICTORY BONDS Vietory bonds bought and sold.— George Roe, R. R. No. 1, Newton. TO RENT ‘The store recently occupied by M: Sproule as a millinery parlor. Kops Dy, es Annie | -HYMENEAL Lame sot Maiktons whe, 4% was dressed in blue sill. eatin athe room, was gisisted. by oS iD’ og an. Lol other 0: 1e Near! reps iiede te whey are making their home with the A very pretty home wedding took “pride’s parents. plice, at the residence of Mr. and Sis Mrs. Hen: ‘idt, on January 29th at 3, 30 noe Eanen Siete rouge QUICKFALL—POMEROY to R. Miller, Milverton. daughter, Frieda C., became the bri fn Brod oesaint, of eerie ! 7 The ceremony was performed in the FOR SALE wing room, under an arch of ever. een and smilax. The bride enter. Heifer with calf at foot, and also a}ed on the arm of her father, wh ay of springers for sale. Apply |S@ve her away he strains of Li to J. G. ‘Hamilton, Milverton hengrin’s wedding march played by Miss Marie Schmidt, cousin of th = bride. The bride looked handsome in er of white silk crepe de chene FOUND eee Be Beare es fringe - carried a bouquet of carnations an Found Berner may he Ago, if sum oe 25, hey ouple were n- ttended. ‘ter congratulations ani proving property an paying advertis good wishes, the y couple led the ing expenses—Johin” C.” Gingerich, way to. the taste Folly decorated. di 2 3 here a sumptuous wedding - = |linner awaited them. ‘The evening was spent in games an cing, The FOR SALE ts, were beautiful and costly show ing the steem in which the; 1 Waterloo ane outfit; Water-|are held Susie ass" felencik loo omgine , and 1 Cham-|'The happy couple left amid showers pion Pace jer, stacker and | of confetti for a short trip to Toronts cutting ttgehed also water tank. |and eastern points. bride All in good order, ‘Apply. to Ee é Selling in a green Delhi suit with ha Sun office, Milverton. match and Persian lamb furs, the ift of the groo! x their re i at home to their’ Store Business For Sale Store building and business at se phy Good rad trade. tha sietiacs address Poole, Ont. est. wishes og, dnd “happy joumey through life is extended to and Mrs. Roessing. BARR—McKENZIE Clydesdale — Fer Sale pea id mannered, hitch single or Goable; ent in every way; very quiet will weight over 1800 lbs. For price H. Grosch, Milverton. FOR SALE Four pure-bred _ Holstein roducers and prize stock get~ e 2 re-bred Hol- For further particulars apply to D. G. MeLellan, lot, 84, 6, Elma, R.R. No. 1, Atwood. J-year-old stallion, | M* a cows, | in; very. pretty wedding took place at’ the Pee sbyterian, church, Strass- Florence Ruby, the eldest daughter of became arr, a prosperous young farmer of that dis. The ceremony was performed pexamany the FARM FOR SALE 6 acres, being lot 13, con, 3, Mor- nington. $0 olid brick house and kit- chen; bank barn, straw shed, driving shed, pig an nm house; all wire i first-class- shape. x further parti- FOR SALE held. | Sunday evening of Mr. William r, ar s Barr have now taken | Noble at the age fof SUE" year De: 3 registered: Shorthorn bulls, good | UP hele eegiaence on “Rosedale cedsed had been ill previous to his color, goo dividuality, best arm, Strassburg, demise ‘with acute indigestion and Tamanna Blas The renee tr ibases Bore Sener win cane ey Canin immediate e gral i : these bulls have uslited or are. of GLASSER—LOHR when about six years of age with his feially registered for milk, Fox f0r-| a pretty, but quiet wedding took|Ricau’ Lake.” We followed. farming ers, lot 4, con, 4, Rico place ar Se. Andvew's manse, Strat the most of his life time, which was sea ford, on Jan. 29th, 1919, when Ade-| spent in that locality, with the ex- line, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SnOne Saas FARM FOR SALE That 2197, acres, 10 North Easthope; bank hare 7 installed; emanteaian aneine ; 8 good spring wells; 45 acres of good bush; remainder under nd. Easy terms, Apply to Peter Wahl, R. R. No, 1, Gadshill, 2-m. t 25, con. 12, biel, tried and ki HOUSE F ‘OR SALE Frame house, brick lined, with kit- water; nice garden with a few fruit trees. Situated corner of Main and George streets. For further particu- lars apply to Henry Miller, Milverton. Notice to Farmers undersigned will ship hogs in futane as 1D lows: e x the first session of thi mnty 7th per Bi, Milverton, iad sreeerty for Sale | coueil of, which he is ber. ‘The G.T.R., Brunner, Friday, Feb. charges allege breaches of the Mili- iste xm lots 28) 84, 26, 2 ae oe Ser edo t. ak scab to Othe dat » 26 ans in| bail on $2, urity. On Thurs- ly. Highest prices (manganese ath canession of the Township |day ‘night’ he was taken from his Rondly deliver hogs at C.P.R., Mil-|of Grey. wroperty would make|room in the hotel at Owen Sound by verton, before 11.30 s rata tw 0 good zing and of returned soldiers, made to ‘There are four drilled wells|kiss the flag, sing “God Save the MILLER, ATKIN & SCHNEIDER. and three windmills; two frame hous- | King,” and then was started out of 3 and a good frame Stable. All of| town’ for home in a blinding snow C these lots are under pasture at pres-|s orm: In adgition, it is said, he re- ceived a and punches. DO Ee OR SALE (SG, ialsctia trick store of the| walked through the storm to Shallow Building 84x75, strong] east sid instanley seeet pa a where he spent the ‘inder bina aa le tor 86 tent on ih ton (now occupied by Mr. J‘. the night ina shed in that village handlin; tons and a number of Ces village jot boarding the morning train home, hour. igs SR attachen. Rest fen whieh will be sold singly or en block where he is now suffering from pneu- of flats with hen house, wil bet suit PUFCRASET. sy, an the| threatened with an action for. dam: our opportin: as n- sla with auaivien or se] ratel ly. For Hee na ae ent ene 7 a OF ding oplages if het a eehie further particulars apply, to. John Fewings, Millbank.’ deb, é ‘ the standard makes. Wri ata oe from Sthe chur About three hundred guests were md received by Mr. and Mus. MeKenzie the Rev. Mr. Bell and the bride and in the town hall immediately following. the ceremo Following the reception « supper and dancing filled a very enjoyable evening, The music being supplied +|by the Cochrane orchestra. Charles Lohr, of Ellice, was united in Glasser, of eson officiated. The bride was nice FOR SALE A good heifer calf, eight tao old.. Apply to George A. ¢ Millbank. 2-t. + WANTED A good second-hand piano of any age, make, condition and price ash).—Box 56, Milverton, Ont. MILK ROUTES The Milk Routes of the Elma and will be let in the School House, Bur ton, on Sete ‘eb. o’clock p.m, All interested please ae tend. George Hargreaves, President. James Cleland, Secretary. Mr. 3 epee Kitchener, became the . | fall eft 208 their Western home. Y| day San Bath 1919; ab he Methodist non, of Mi ria Pr cutuietone cerssee burg, Sask. a ptere: 16th, when | <9 ut wil is Rev. Finlay Math-|/ ite, stat- Are v foe Be nee ae si ae bead A quiet ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s sister, Miss Eva rt B. Quickfall, Coleville, Sa i i te: son of M juickfall y lo * on, assist: pastor of Gollege street Presbyterian church condue! le ceremony, an iss Mildred Farrill sang, accompanied by Miss Chrissie Matheson, After the eaten imehee, which* followed the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Quick- ee eee SIMPSON—HENDERSON e marriage took place on Tues- - Hazelwood, of Lebanon Rev. . Millson, of Listowel ENGELAND’S reat Sale Still On Be Sure to Attend This Great Sale--The Biggest Success We Have Ever Had--Every Day a Busy Day. 20% OFF Everything in the Store Except Flannelette, Batting, Groceries ee Eg EZEKIEL MARTIN r “ ae M in Elma on Nortl Remaca ee “Christ Chaveh, ‘Milver: ton, by Rev. H. L. Nicholson. The pallbearers will be three sons and three “sonsin-law, Messrs, Robinson and MeWaters. will take place in Greenwood ceme- tery, Milverton eee WILLIAM NOBLE The death ppeurted at Perth, on n hin (anny), an Tis who predeceased One sister, Mrs was well kiiown among the older gen- eration 0! ‘ert ec other-in-law of Mr. Allan MeMane, Milverton, and pike d in Elma and Atwood 30 ye: REEVE OF NEUSTADT MOBBED. eeve Joseph Weber, of Neusadt, ma arrested on Tuesday of last week n two warrants covering five charges the estate of the Ree John ios r FOR SALE \ That 24 acres of tr being, lot 8 con. 5, Mornington, nthe preuees od be bank barn, new driving Beis iné hen house; d 3 5 horns, a pele Ist pen any bird at Guel yh in : Wt For weg eens lars ay 0 Henry Schwindt. ie ¥9 COMMERCIAL Spring ata per baa... 1 Wheat s Bisley wow ur, spring, owt, 5 75 6 7 War ‘Flour, blended cwt, 5 60 5 60 4 War Flour, winter, cwt. 5 40 5 45 ae Shorts per ton 3.00 43 00 woe 88 00 38 00 gy 11 00 13 00 aos liveweight. . 14 50 15 60 Butcher Cattle. 00 9 00 or A ziealare appl ‘Monk. Southeast quarter pr pe oe in ae 34 acres of lot 4, in the 8th ion. Will be sold either in block 0: separately. $10,000 will buy lot 13, con. al of the finest farms in mil Reason for mye. ill-heal Ane tite awel ng ese dose. to “stiibank rth & PR. station, wit greatest snap n, balance at 5 per cent. iy to—|in Thursday night's episode will be icamen' Weir's List of Farms For Sale eee 10 will | buy lot gedal ceneen in favo of t ie a 0. il buy the east Gots oe © in an awkward predis ie arden. Of the coun r, and Elias Le not in sympathy with such tactics, CARD OF THANKS This will be’ of interest to all wh is it ingly last 22nd of the registration ofall males 0: mn were to receive credit for their jess entral Red Province of O: iO a leh’ Magwooa, as. vegis- r, has received ithe Witowing letter! nice speaks for Thom: ipierereen Esq. .», Registrar, Distrieg No. pte Boer Perth, Strat- beg to ac nowletze one at your letter of the Ti to us and is very highly, iy appretinted, Yours very truly, B. 8, MeInnes, Hon. Secretary Red. Cross Society. e. manager 0} it is Tsing’ done for our returned sold- i an ARN A SC AE EE EMER PSY: TA Sa eR eA SARE SOE A honest reductions. SON —Values that can’t duplicated and big, Grab Bag of Music Be Sure to Get One 25c 16 Ibs. Oatmeal Peanuts, per Ib. 2 pkgs. Kellog’s Corn: Flakes ............. 20c pkg. Seeded and Seedless Raisins... er Roasted'and Ground Coffee per Ib. Grocery Specials [ Gran. Sugar $10.60 Cash GENUINE REDUCTIONS We're Selling Ladies’ Suits and Coats Large Flannelette Blankets at $2.75 at a Rapid Rate. Surprise Box of Toys 25c Worth 50c to 60c Each Get One of These for the Kiddies. We know of sev- eral parties that have been back three times for have been a great success. one of these boxes. White Cups and Saucers per doz. 1.29 You will receive a circular in a few days announc- Better do your shopping ing ist aay of the sale. Globe Washboards Worth 40c All Prices on Our Circulars Hold Good Until Further Notice Special---Black Derry, per yard 52c Alive Poultry Taken Thursday Only Babar 1-lb. Bring Us Your Poultry--Highest Prices Paid Prints, 46c. Dressed Poultry ENGELAND @ SON “Ghe Store With the Stock’? "273 Bos5 teem CHARGING TOO MUCH FOR COAL in complaint of Charles Ballard, of the Bank of Ci Fuel Con: . Grate coal, $10.45; og, $10.38, store $10.60; nut, $10.69; and pea, $9. PLEA FOR THE SOLDIERS The on of Horn letter from Mr. John Davidson. ‘ington, appears in Bayek Glo the ee of the Globe: What rim det ‘inat to win They accomplished their purpose and were i an never fully repay our follow-Canadians for the service they have rendered t their country. s Through their efforts we epnunge to enjoy the privileges of a free coun- t m the Atlantic to the. si Try The Sun office for up-to-date job printing. fie our homes remain intact. the dearest spot on earth. we "do ‘ommerce, | 1 oud local ree: controller for Niagara || ni ¢ | press speak oui tthe ladies who f al. not fully appreciate our liberty. It was bought with the blo ee our in their support. Give ught and won a square has under contemplation er building programme for the mmer, "3 ne. Eee an tt is expected that between a thousand and fifteen oe houses will be built this sum- me! Usiiadiien mepbipadiaaee conteinplnte sending a representative to England and packing interests of Ca naa an due pai e fact that Sritain i is well Machel eth meat products, having about three months’ supply on hand, and See to lack of ocean tonnage and the congestion of British ports. MILVERTON FURNITURE! Linoleum always on hand, We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furnitare, See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers, We have a large assortment of Dressers and Stands. A nice new stock of Brass Beds at popular prices If you need anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- utes when in town and look over our stock. We also have Stair and Body Carpet. Congoletim Squares look nice. We have them, GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS = .McLAUGHLIN AUTOMOBILES Furniture Dealer ROBERT McMANE Milverton

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