\d Decorator | Skates Hollow Ground A Good Job Guaranteed. P. NEUMEISTER | MILVERTON Ft Shines For All.” Cold Weather! Take itr ah and. drain water ar. from Don’t Pee your garage sae is -MILVERTON GARAGE . H. GROPP, and engine Proprietor XXVIII—No. 32. Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., BA bel February 6, 1919 & Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher petence. 6,500,000 Re 0004 ,000 0,000. aid-up Capital $ ie Reserv i Bans a al Thrift is the Maker of Character Thrift is patriotic at this time. It is more—it is evidence of prac- tical common sense, sound judg- ment and prudence, because it shows you are willing to make present sacrifice for future com- This Bank will gladly open a Savings Account for you, and deposits may be made by mail or in person. Bank of Nova Scotia J. H. Lewis “Milverton Branch Nil pL pas <" 5. G. HAMILTON ’ Sole Agent for D. SCRANTON 4 “} s@., ia ANTHRIGITE Coal ST PORTLAND CEMENT MARYS LIME i: : \ It is not necessary to visit the Bank deposits by mail, in cheque or money order. house. it is not safe. Do not keep money in the It does not earn interest and MILVERTON BRANCH : N. G. Schafer. Items of Local Interest. Mr. H, 1, Engeland made é busi- ness trip to Toronto o ye A Alf. Hopf, of "litter “spent fonday with his cousin, Miss Cora Schneider. Miss Alice Hamilton was confined last and son, of Harriston, spent Sate with “hee mother, Mrs.” John Mokr. n Knitting Circle will | cent the home of Miss B. MeDo $ eee of Listowel, are at pres ent visiting ‘their friend, “Miss Mr. J.B, Wicke has returned to his home in Mildmay, after spending a couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs. Smith, late of the C.G. is discharge artmier over the wee! a Our. sebsee pee list has been and if the AH Hs and after six to advance, they purchased these that oe oy patre Reine ruder, 0! On Pri day afternoon and evening of this week the 1.0.D.B. meet bring their thimbles and come. Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes, New- announce ae ol, Log: gan, announce the engagement their fourth daughter, Edna E., Milton H. Ronnenberg, eldest son Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ronnenberg, o: time in February. Th B intr oeae conte: of the balloon in which all took part. n Nee from sy aes ely Chevrolet Cars If you ae the new 1919 m 2 seated Top. DeLaval Oream Se; arators, Fleury Plows aed eel We will ship hogs from G.T.R. station at Milverton and Brunner on Thursday, Feb. 20. Highest prices paid N. A. Zimmerman Implement Dealer Feed a new car, see me about Price: $895 f.0.b. Oshawa (Not including war tax.) 4 aye on Hand Good Second-Hand it & Wood 5 ft. mee cer Drill. st eae Cultivator. Bargs Brockville and Me- Laughlin Buggies SENIOR N.H.L. OCKE HockeY W. D. Weir’s Sale Register ‘Thursday, mi 4 LISTOWEL - PALMERSTON e vs. MILVERTON in MILVERTON RINK on Thurs. Ev’g., Feb. 6th Don’t miss this game as it will most likely be the deciding game of this group. SKATING AFTER GAME Admission 25¢ - Children 15 a panier Feb. 6th—Stock, nts, Grain and household eff imple- B.O. con. 4, Wale, Western Section, 18th—Stock and oe eee nts for Joseph Lamb lot 35, con. 16, ai of the’ late Robert tl Pen ay 4 "Farm lati, imple- Bs Tuesday, Feb. John We hace, lot. mi Moet ington, no ert, 01 a wo effects mbert). potatoes, 5, con, rth of Millbank, Land, stock and | guil grain an , con. 4, Mornin; 18th. implements: for Henry Schwindt, igton. Births, Marriages and Deaths. ww ‘THS. Martin—At Elma, on Mon ene 1919, Ezekiel Martin, Feb. 2nd, Lt.-Col. pat nee Men ‘Naught, Ath day, in his MeNanght—At Toronto, on Sun William vie C.M.G., Feb. | {hat ¢ iday evening, Feb. 28th, free for the Daughters of the inmpie Soldiers will, therefore, vited to all I the evening’s proceedings free of any charge. Particulars later. Women’s Institute meet- Bla and be Is are ean payal Scotia on or before the 1th t and make Be ake White; councilors Mesdaines rs Me- Mane, W. J. Smith, J. N. G. Schafer ae im Bastendorff, oe. Gaul, leasant incident happened at Owen eae: the 1 e guilty we can ri = je fittingly and properly d and there is no need o: ing the law iato Poviaes own act, their Sade mobs tak- hands. et i) ed some years Aitomor ioe 0! Ont kout of the functions of his rs is| with the same measure of impartial- ity. - | Mr. ani See daughter are visiting Swroglnat = The Sun ern) is nj suing ion ‘ons. the | ing ent undey-withetriende’i thal: Bo The |out of. grain ma. Marriage to take place some- 03 Red Circle. Society of Burns} se now that he will be th Ml tried by Judge an Trial will also be given on that even- on ing Engeland’s sale is sti ill 6 ; Get your suit or avarcode at Enge- hs and’s, Porter and, Beery XXX brand, per case $2.25, at Moh The 0; e ed an Se at present spending a few this locality renewing acquaintances. All blacksmithing saecount due re Zimmerman & Son. Hegies sted to ae settled at once. We: need the mon- ‘s. Norman eaainer: ut al rmer’s Drothess Mr. E. The Methodist church choir at Dur- eal ‘orms at the ser- of the fo: it. Bs of oma e oat fie and town people ah secu leave Paine order. at once. inst ion of ieificers star lodge 1.0.0.F. li Friday evening, Feb. 7th. All yadfellows are cordially invited attend. Grand Trunk eng aeey Com- “What r. and Mrs. J. D. and sons, m | David and Meredith, of ea Alta. eat Present “sper in, ine visiting Mrs. E. igh sand other friends in Miverton tags Elm: ig tiecisiee wae ar Gaehst a Wedne: meeting her sister, Mise @Mivia: Hart mier, who was on her way to Galt hospital where she will undereo treat- eo. Dunge) ee Ee The Mo ek Trial being 5 prepared une Red Circ Valentine Social, which the ladies’ i i on on Friday, Feb. iting. annual meeting of the share- holders of the Millbank Cheese and Butter M: G b eld in Fe Wednesday, Feb, o'clock. on milk routes will be let. J. | at the nie The bolton, , of Tate, has dropped offer ofa yallace farmer with ls, who recently declined ow! mouth stick, which laid his lip open nose, put in three stitches craves lin evered bal His moutl ruise It is reported that six Canadian sol diers who crossed the Rhine with the n, cad guma-were-aleo;ba em. Can- adian girls were up in arms already and this is the Rob Roy Rolled Oats, Chief- lakes, Rob Roy’ Wheat write direct to— Rob Roy Mills. Tiived; Durham, Ont. ladies’ aid of Burns Presby- terian church intend holding a Valen: of | ‘ames ae and_re- vided. The id aor in the Mo is the news from your coni- El eaey and be on the map. Send it in early, e are two things an editor enjoys, faithful correspondents and early news. It is heart-I reaking e forms closed up, in tim ch Call by Apahe or send by 's poor the to leave it to the aiseretlon 0: oliceman bu a mo make a joke of it by sanction of non-observance? ke and fulfill all lentning rods for the coming season. rifg done also at a reasonable ce, Mr. Blasius Gies, of Macton, has gone to 0 Storecox, Alta t fet docle atten the estate of Edward, who died of eicenes: on “the ae of Jan- ward wi this district prior to his Pip cos! to est. le ie it 45 years. af age at the time of | he death, and imma Hi consisting of Se 3 i, Mr. Gies s expects a return to if che —-Elmira Signet. Owing to the unsettled state of Pfeffer Silver | di he will be: given on su sday_ afternoon | ai tl were summoned and allowed out on/f ices, and a story is|make s to onathery tine Social on Friday, Feb. 14th. <A} 9% not rite 2 1019 Heense after Feb- ing pial ichmidt returned Butter 46c 1b—Engelan Granulated sugar $10.45. ot Mobo’ esh water, herring, 100 Ib. $7.95 Bponls Be, sgrochet cotton 8 for 25e. Taft's friends ‘are on Sunday after- E. Skaife is at Toronto is week attending the Wo: itute Convention as a delegate from the Mil Lesrion stitute. Mr. ELF. E “Johnston )K. C., of Toronto, one of the most eminent legal men in the Dominion of Canada Bee at his home there on Thursday last. ‘$Pte..Gordon Connell who recently returned from ov. e go to press we are informed uae we Coot Schneider, an aged citi- zen, who formerly lived near Dorking = had died after a few hours’ illness.— mira Signet. of live hogs has come og produ t. Geo, H. Harron, of the Royal ir pore in England (formerly man- wife's. sister, nthe jun of Saskatchewan, are eviden of the polylingual ichelaties eee for at a convention held last we soon be a forgotten ton: Testifying before a epestal commit: Senate last week, : hlehem, President of e mgperet os eat up the difference be- tween that figure and $12.50 per ton e. or seeker after light, asks that fashionable ‘ashionab} le rt ea ay x further iefgrmatiod be a chiffon, Geo: gette crepe, plain or figured silk Mr. aline, voile and wash silk or satin in|S shop windows. le; who has disposed of tiee millinery preieeas in Milve left for her wishes of the people of Milverton go r. nade 5 = hogs She 9! eek, aoe market prices will al- Lieut, 50 ie A. Barron, R.N., Flight Commander Royal Naval val Airship, son een a Egon an Youngs, M.C, Leargapase as see re nee, Milverton Council Milverton, Feb, 8rd, 1919. betes met this p. m. in rton the office of the ai haciab a ch in the an a ‘er ere: read and confirmed Com i Sokapeec ane resident clergymen, Women’s Institute was appo' pointe, the functions of the committee bein: _1—To welcome all returned sol. ers and their dependents. on thei arrival in Mt for returned soldie: seyeis Connell helps cremnfaet alae tad employment eneral oversight kee in. | over the interests’ OF returned veldiers eir ee “Pfeffer and se- il attend in a ie oads Association at Stratford to be held in the City Hall on Friday, Feb. 1th, ai " 4 n treasurer until next meray: The clerk was instructe ie E. D. Bolton for i his account. Council then ‘agjourned Weir, Clerk. ‘omen’s In- | 25’ ney | Winifred finkbeiner 4 Stewart ited tendance 41,—., e Ri ew firm has been formed in Milverton School Report The following isthe standing of the classes for Jam Those mark- a wi i) Wess about tom.one or more eames Form I, total 400, honors 300, pass 240—Ella Glemsens 343, Ruth Bund- 3 & a B ae & Be pee to iS ‘= @ Moore 214, Margaret Roe Jacobs 201, Janet Hamilton 183, ‘ohr 173. Enrollment 22, average attendance —W. R. Burnett, Principal. ROOM 2 were tion and Tit a ee Jr. tal 450—Marie Yundt 406, Ruth Gaul 394, *hileen Saeenond ‘91, Clarence Schnei ler 357, Al ph Bastendorff 329, "304, Louis Schmidt Es li neer 270, atin, m Sippel 2 253, Ricwaitne Pui h 251, Rye Willie Sch- neuker 235, Howent: Gate ke 2 rer Bastendorff 181, 15*. Sr. 3rd—Total acrsencr a Bund- lop 199, Gertrad Tucker 148, Harold 40.—Vera Gray, teacher. ROOM 3 Examined in arithmetic, geography M hiseatre reading, spelling and oye “Ti—Total 530, honors 397, pass 318— ia Tones Tucker 317, Alex. Carl Schmidt 311°, Hillis Padion Sod eis 1 Margaret = iegner. ion Guent on |} 914, Jean Sinith Tho, ‘ela BI 180" Oscar Schne wan 148% Rose Blair’ 148 rt 134*, Enrollment 44, average daily at- A.’L,, Hamilton, teach- PRIMARY ROOM 1st Class—total marks 235, hon ie Hoff- S Chinetiog er, ary Ford 53, Scho Sis Arthuy Duench 48, Walter Sr, Primer Class—Earl Cook 126, , Victoria Gaines 54, Salvage Class—Inez elville. Goaen 50, Eva Yundt 55, Mal auber 22, Emerson tridge 18, Willie Blair 17, Cora Noll Names on roll 46, averars atten. zt ee , teacher, dance 44.—Y. BT. Glen: WATCH YOUR STEP SAMUEL saricite Banner,) enn is rey McPherson waited upon requeste ea ticket for the victor This she agreed to do, Mag aa to try out the warden first THE FINEST JANUARY EVER his has been the most agreeable deine that the present generation of humans have perh ienced in this part o; is over storm a jmany of the raves ead were achive 2 ss, {Martin Crofton will be at the Grand ed for days. cold wi Tite more it than all the aipulation ments could possibly do * with tions as they were twelve — Good honest reductions thing at Engeland’s. 206, Lavina | s asses exami graph arithmetic, Weoics, © compost: fi 322, Helen Guenther 312, Gordon| them p: : Schinber 3 306, Banl Smith 301, Whit. Roy Hoffman bell No, on roll 42, average attendance Be -| been respected and AT, \iy aaa of wl HOCKEY NOTES | ] WINGHAM vs. MILVERTON ~ y st game of the N. ; senior series to be played in Milver- wild avalanche “isitors he also scored a the goals W | ting, ount. ety ood: mnebared: ichaffing from “| old frien is in the bleachers. eee §!| MILVERTON 2 — PALMERSTON. 2, LISTOWEL 8. e Milverton hockey team suffer- of the coi a kind o: jarged mat box, badly lighted that it is all but im- ossible to keep track of the puck more than a few yards distant. How- ever, sure canal ‘ions may be ex- pected to be shey come. better stick next time, GOLDEN Auer HANS CELEBRA- BESS SH pie Bee at married ae Jacob Bundseho; of uring mi 7-9 e its of the village. em) honor. A pleasing programme wa! eee consisting of i ding and is addres: roa Rev. N. Hondei vich and Ww. et Day,” and ake Ae! Threads si burg: George, Milton, i of Milverton, also thirty-one ndchildren, a good- aE om took part in the esti LEAVING THE GROVE as | (Walkerton Pe oy ) Mr, Bi me the 0 £0 0 is ‘to get t his old § Pee back, "Telescope readers will miss the clever and some- and Mrs. Phillips from the Grove. Horses WANTED Central Hotel, Milverton, on horses from 1100 to 1600 Ibs you have one 10s sale e bene him OP” aR ea” Poy a ae oe | ‘ : ia zh a t . ‘4 ’ : .