Milverton Sun, 6 Feb 1919, p. 2

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SS vey vv of “india, rip is Feasible as There are are Kips Now Capable of Making the Journey—Mail Service En; gland and United ‘States i in 1920. A de Gen. eaceat vi yes is iin up ch iter-General of Rersonnel ae e were three or four airplanes ss which over air routes and frontiers. 1 ni officially informe] that the British} summer of 1920 és re; as cer- in veterans’~organizations Ba. “Th Admiralty is embarking on a big pro-| tain by airship builders. e OSS ATLANTIC TOBE UNDERTAKEN IN MAY 2 ly navy. an| be ae of remaining in the air ing News says it has been| and of airship construction. Air- ult ‘These airships, it is said, will seh ae pe were Ree Bhan the United: States during th ‘Veterans Give Aid named by. the Great War 4 Veter visory council to the Repaisiaton Commitien, of which executive officer enough to have | a eer conferring ree var ese allo: ome i se to Messts, W. s’ Association, early of the new. conditions ews ls has eae ie are sebieset the who i ‘ait (1), Davi at Loughe @) ‘at the panes ‘of the Domini lon. J. A. Calder is f whom saw. servi in the war, its many problem: overseas was Mr, Tait with the 7h Conder Siege Batte e the regimental num! oe tn 101605 recat s/twice president th Batiaken-end was wounded at-Y snd RB. Bere “@) tae: been ion Governm act as eas Mt eH J. Day hie! iid “hatte beer hom 10n, ite = eth Winnipeg G. Since his se ‘ editor of UNITED STATES VOTED “DRY” Effective in 1920—Remaining 8 States Expected to Fall in Line. A despatch from Washington says:—The American nation was v n Thursday by covstitu- tional i Poe rghit approxi- r hence, wl e Legis- a, the re of Wil- fied the proposed. améndment. Ri cation of the amendment by 86 of the tes wais necessary ake it a valid part of the American constitu- tion, Nebraska was. the thirty-sixth tates remain out in the ‘ailure thus far of their e the amend- missing Commonwealths New Island, Minnesota, New Mexico and Nevada. Five of these missing States are tate. Only eight cold through Legis! es 8 before the em the /montl gislatures of all eight: of these States, except that of Nevada, are in Nevada's Legislature will meet January 20. PANEL SYSTEM AT PEACE CONFERENCE « Enables Britain to Admit Repre-| ¢ Laat of Dominions. itch. from London pases to the official statement given out by the Governments taking prelit iminary peace conver- —Each delegation being a unit, the number of delegates forming it shall have no influence upon its status at the conte —In the _ selection of its dele- patio peak ai ctaveath to such persons as it may designat ‘The adoption. of the panel system will in particular enable the British mpire to admit among its five wele- gates representatives of the Dor fons, including Newfoundland, which arate representation, and CANADIANS inte T -VLADIVOSTOK despatch ae Vladivostok says:—The troopship Proteins, eveith gona Col. Bickford, icers, an ,( other rank: Le nko mi min- BRITISH LEARN LESSONS OF WAR How Germans Controlled Indus- try = A despatch from London says:— Sir Erie Geddes, Minister withot | 68 portfolio in the new Cabinet, in an address before the Associated Cham- ers of Commerce, said the biggest thing that had been learned in the war and the greatest benefit that could be gotten from it was that the British people had discovered as a led toy They ta ‘improved machinery and “key mans raed British industry be- nation what they could do if they pul-| ogetl Markets of the World Breadstut Cue ae 68¢; extra No. ¥s, liam, not including tax, | fanitoba beast hea in {el fo. 8 yellow, $1.’ 753 | | corn—] no 4 sae $1.70, jsuonaey shipment. intario oat white, 70 to to*73¢; Nes 2 Spring, $2.06 to Spting, 8, ee to 5 90 Ss cacsordingste fe} Buckwheat—No. 2, Ry ye, fore ‘the ear tuatateaetis male tent gaet spelter and tungsten, which, though controlled throngh Germany, came al- most entirely from the Briti a Em- pire, while the whole monopoly of magneto manufacture, indepensibe jodern’ devel in steel plants, ‘was held back by the dumping e Tyne and the. Clyde than the cost of the castings, on tl ty pricgoniee + raw material. MINE SWEEPERS’ WORK. Are Now Busy Clearing Fields Outside | German Territorial Wate: itish mine-sweepers ~will have the hands full for some time-in cai obstruc- tions laid by Germany outside German :—| territorial waters, the positions of | which are to be indicated by the Ger ns. Throughout the war ‘these min sweepers have been doing, silently and fi but the ae -laying peta of the enemy } much kinds were put into “the service, Around the British eae pect about 700 vessels have been u: Each month the mriied a eepers have baba 46,000 miles of water. To do this they steamed a total of 1,132,000 les. In 1916, 21,000 mines were removed with a loss of fifty-one minesweepers, | In 1917, 4 iG mines were swept up and 89 mine-sweepers were lost. In| 1918, up fe the end of September, 1,- 00,mines were swept up and 19 mine- sweepers lost. Saw SS ESS GUILT OF STASIS WAR FIXED ON KAISER as despatch frou Berne says:—A. icon Expeditionary ee rived here on Thursday. Butler, of Baterhioeo, oard the steai a a er ‘ive a Nits in the force, ngineers, ats Byes} cumbee a phos at River Camp! by the present German Government | $15.25 to $16. _ to sterday, being the fifth. he lat- i clvect axaininalidit nf-documenta i ae #10300 a tae ter's death ts the second to cecur at) the archives of the Foccign Ofes baleen har ae iy ee that ¢ “Marginal ioteaiby tie: Kaleet's points, $16.25." % own handwriting on the most import-| ~ Montreal, thoice _ steers, ~ aul papers in the Foreign Office prove | $12.00 to $13.00; good, $10.50 to FIRST BATCH OF TROO! ot the Baelpal war mak-| $11,50; medium, '$9.00' to $10.00; oe ae "PANAMA “CANAL i Kautsky r “Th is nec- eres tale $9.00 to $10.00; a saysi— good, $8.50 to $9.00; medium, $8.00 thee! seine matte Sj essary to bring ae before a tsbun oR bo: shale ae ther cow, Asia passed uisias e Panama Don't Fold Rugs. Rugs. $10.50 5 $8,005 Canal on Thursd: its way from England charged soldiers on Vancouver aan 1,400 dis-] crease that does not come The recommendation Was announeed by Herr Kautsky, who was appointed Never fold a rug, as tt out. ways roll it up. medium, makes a/$5.00 to $6 $9. Al an 007 lamba, $11.00 to $13. 00; bal 1 45, toba ‘flour— qualty, $11.35, oronto. mtario flowr— ee fre 25, in bags, prompt: shipmer eee el, delivered Mont-/ pees ibe per ton; shorts Te Ne 1 of pieces of porersty: such as erank mixed, $21°to $22 per eae track Tor- onto. Straw—Car lots, $10 to $11, track Toronto. Provisions—W! arrelled Meats—Pickled ak $48; mess por! Green Meats—Out edium, 38 t € rolls, 85 t Dey, Satted Meats tons, $68.00 to $70.0 car ‘oy, $1900 t Easterns sar. 00 | to $28, 00; but a chee creamery 61 a c; to 8c; Pototaes, per He dr hot $21.00. to $23.00. Ia: pails, 20 Ibs. net 81 to 32%. Live Stock Toronto, Jan. ers, $13.00 cattle, choice, a3. be d,' $11.00 510.00 to o $8. $0. 0; itch ae Springers, $90.00 to $140.00; ewes, $10.00 to $10.50; 12.75 to aarti 20; spring iene, 6 00; red calves, $12.00. to ar lot, $2.14 to $2.22; $2.11 to $2.19; No. 3, do. 2.153 Re, 1 Spring, $2.09 | Sey Bia in eee p, 85 Heats Rots 82 to 33c; aces, B0%5¢; lies, 28e io 2Bier tat rd—Pure, tierces, tubs, 30 to 80%c; pails ne- 30%c; ia ~ sheep, 3 ‘white, 69 to ‘ gine outside, ice id crop, war old quality, and| avon luded. Bran, 7 $42.25 per ton.| eat holes: of pickle, Z| Long clears, in| clear -bel- % to bBe; j ees, bag, car tots ogs, abattoir killed lard, pure, wood Markets set shuts to $15.00; grass. | fed, $5.00 to $7.00; Vhog's, $18 to 18,35, ;under the directi ae ing in | wores OF INTEREST FROM HEB FROM OLD ) SCOTLAND ae BY ‘MAIL Abou JOHN _ BULL. AND HIS PEOPLE «BANKS AND BRAES- What ig Going On fn the Highlands and Lowlands o? Auld Scotia. - : +f Oceurrences In the Land That cole ~ Supreme, tn the Commer. ja! World. St. Donald Main, reported missing, is a son of the late Capt. W. S. Main, commander of the SEAS ot Bri- tain, There are only seventy-eight words: New. ae wden at six shillings per loz A bar, cake Satan has ea added to the! Military Cross award maser Robert Mahan Greig, of Par- tickhill The- Paealigtery “al oe sent atulations to Miss Thomson, her on her one hun. in see igor nt. ‘he trée given by the Duke of Buc- deh for ee Red ROR, timber sale road £1,3 Asi sara a ‘yearling pall belonging to C. F. Raphael brought £1,575 ($7,- *| 560) at Birmingham. Over £2,000 was raised for the Red Cross Eee, at ene by the sale of “Oi Fire “aid £100,000. damage to the Colonial Combing Companys works. By Lieut. Janies Robertson xillea in action, was the only son of Henry Robertson, headmaster of Ayr Gram- mar Schoo! The Rothesay School Board’ have] at Keigh! elev, Yorkshir asked for religious instruction in istol girl a on November it be made man-| the 1th has been regi: uste red with eehnolseand thattt da sd the Christian name of Peace, lameron| Alderman William Paine has been choice select RAISING, T THE is “VINDICTIVE” Brave Old Hulk May Yet Be Towed Back t Londo: The Admiralty paneee Departinesk i modore: Youna, eee wit one Seed allowing vessels about 700 tons of cargo to go right, eu to the deep water ae and dis- ar} The raising of the ee is the and ma} some ' it is quite possible that to buoyancy will be established by com-| t Pressed ‘air and the brave old hulk) The towed t The cleariig “of Zeebrugge sented a problem which did not differ ™on' Brussels, at the outer entrance to the harbor, and near by were the Iphi- genia, Intrepid and other British nayal craft. Not far from these the pee before leaving, sank two small | | sels anda tug ee have see fo give a deep-water passage to the aes uges all sorts of craft are ly-| tie docks and.eanal in ie alacrt indescribable mostly apes “small sumboats, by our bem "enemy destrnesied pau he fled. i. Uae ‘An Uncanny Clock, most ungahny clock is in the | of a 2 | prince. ‘di into nervous person: canny clock indigates iting, as with « bones heaped | eizes | It seems eae that she was | are ie kahda, Celtic, sennal cng Pan- he Olympic and Aquitania have en ployed. in bringing ‘home 4 omen troops during or past 70 SAY GOOD.BY ire, TO CANADIAN BOYS | Ai iH iB ‘itain daa Wal BRITISH am 10 CARRY US, TROOPS Olympic and Aquitania Will Also be Loaned During February. portation of troops home, it was an- nounced here on Tuesday by ie ‘istry of Shipping, pees yes the Caronia, Minn monia, Cedric and Ore: lition, it is “announced, the Olympic, Mauretania an muitan’ three of the largest C058 ships; will bring. additional Amenican ah ‘despatch from Loridon saysi— ment is afoot in Buxton, the feat little Derbyshire town where we are agen for ie excellent behavir and management th tro Public reference is made to the manner in’ which Carfadian officers hav ve ende: peed ® the in- 9 A Worth-While Purchase. jaska has been worth much more at its cost to the sald Star es half-century ago Alas | chased at a cost of $7, 200, i000, ‘and that | ned | | j@uced during the 1 Two sources of large ead, ats income are copper ore and the fisheries. —— ‘A| sation for the use of a part o} | ton Harbor. | nd | the:D-8.0, and M.C, The British Agricultural Wages |y | Board recently issued | ws for the whole of Great | in A New Stunt—New ways of han, every. dey. This flying machine us, ding aeroplanes are beng devised | es ship's guns as its starting me chosen mayor of the city of Chatham for the seventh consecutive -year. The paupers of Swansea are allow- e Order of the rae Empire | ¢d to remain in bed three-quarters of has ‘San eeacs on ‘elen a fou new to economize fuel. Fe ind Li an Steel, of i days of ites cele- Sat Ae eet nn br ae the London ambulances had Major Angus McPherson, Argylls, three. Tues and Aaseoiy ae alin gassed, rose from the rank of \private wing 9 German field gun Ci Bighander, “ite i action, was a of Beinn cas lorry to Onopdonica soldier #20 gy Sak ee ees See the beginning} vider’ one. of the wheela and’ was ienatveaitege eat OaMteainl Sap RAT eu ae ine ne he| Alloway, was visited by over BEY! Court, Reading, has collected four peence year | hundred neue eggs for the ending September 20th, Se ae There was a big demand in Glas-| "tre tery. ColKery Company x gow slrests for the flags, sold in ald | woreestarshire, Was. Rned has of Harry Lander =. Fond for Scottish Selsiers wa Sai e de: thee speci aunotiieea Be Lady. Naesmiyth, of Posso, mother of the present ae 3; Heinle Naesmyth, seventh baro1 Major. Colin. geri sagas MG, who has received a bar to his D.S.0., is a son” of Sir John Jardine, M.P. for Roxburghshire. Mrs. Sophia failing to supply a monthly pes to the Fuel Controller. The Ecenntric Club entertained at: the Albert Hall ten thousand of the British, Colonial and American woun- ded. soldiers. The supply of beef at the Newport Cattle Market on a recent Saturday showed ‘an ineeane of over one hiin- need per cen’ The late ‘Alfred Redsall, a Deal lifeboat man, is credited with having aye over five hundred lives from the Goodwin Sands. Three hundred and twenty-two wo- men have entered for the prelimin- ry examination of the Institute of Bankers. The citizens of Ellistown, a mining of Leicestershire, 6 175 local soldiers with a Lucy ~ Mackworth |. Great canes Me oh De Conna, Glasgow, has been apointed a mi ber of the Order of the British Em: though seventy years of age Sir enry Jones has crossed the Atlantic to tell the people of the United Bbiter about the British effort in the w: The Erustene iat the ‘wutatecoe aie George Dickson have pre Siskee ‘0 Glasgow corporation the oil paint- ie “Ralls of Dochart, Killen” by Sir Lloyd was re- Alfred Hast, RA. Captain Sir George loyd wi ceived by the King on his appoint- A.D. Cameron and 5 Capes, Lake of Wine” and other romances, died at Winchester remigu eee of oes new "extenson to the Desk system is to be completed at e for the ialerated sHopnae btivities after the London milkmen made an appeal 5 Gunte eastouiearion rau nite atarn Red Cross, using quart cans as col- Coatbridge Town Comeil presented TEE NORA ee ies ae Shes eee gold | veiled in a London area in memory watch’ in honor of his being | ae | of twenty-one citizens killed by Ger- a with wrist watches by the citizens of Tobermory in recognition of their having won Military wee Ss. Lieut. gal, M. Royal Scots, killed in retons was son of the late Dr, Scougal, jaspestor [5 ‘of training colleges. The Admiralty has awarded £3,500 to the Duke of Buccleuch as eompen- Gran- Albert m Sergt. William Stevenson, wi Lord Furness has presented ‘Turn: was awanded the D.C.ML, is the tha | stall House to West Hartlepool as a of Mr, and Mrs. Stevenson, Pol- trainin ne hom me for disabled soldiers Hae ailor ir Hugh Stewart, Deputy »Lord procera eas ‘ Lieutenant of Renfrewshire, present- Phe HoAL EWE ed to Sergeant William Leggatt, Gor. ont the Military Medal awarded to When oar. the mud-black Flanders The vellum of the Royal Humane ati file Society has been awarded to Miss van ie not thal A walk with you, Margaret Caird, daughter of Profes-| But there am {sor Caird, for a heroic’ rescue in St.| You limp: a m ile tough and do not Abb’s Bay. | Captain Guy Anderson Herbert,/ Tt is my feet that leave the blood. who was awarded the Croix de Guerre stains there. and palms in duly last, has now been awarded the M,C. He is a native of | Trough all the fury eh ene) Troon. | Owing ‘to the coal situation the | TH*eURh All the ways Sad gees Ardrossan Town Couneil has recom- mended the carly closing. of shops and one service a Sunday in churches. i stare Sone ie You tale Be nd tha tlay's work’ undis- Sergeant William Hutcheson, of ze ip my fesh that shrinks and is Ardross, who was awarded the D.C.M. el bout three m As si ce been awarded ths Military Medal, There ts no pe on your strength The death took place recently at Townhead Farm, Helensburgh, of James Caldwell, a well known breeder of Ayrshire cattle. and Leicester shee T do not b There is no hortor that you face But I am the: There is no. niehend that you may ever know, ‘Araylshire’s recent efforts on he-| But that my heart was shattered by half of the Red Cross funds realized the bla nearly £10,0 nd if from out, the sower’s hand Your life is thrown A seed against the harvest—there mark| I, too, am sow You anu attain the genll insahat tag Ae TEN using various colors to clothing, each child having its own color, much time may be saved in sort- ing and putting away clothing. But I sal “only know the sting of Fall or winter © praning ot t rape dea vines may be done at any time dur- ing mild weather from November to March, while the vines are in a dor- mant condition. And if at last—at last you come To home—to me, Only the woman that you Jeft Your eyes will see, And you will never know I enter, too, BRINGING uP Ea PEE me And share the rapture of return with you. TLL HIDE ‘THIS NIN HERE WHILE I'M our ‘i We | LOCKED! ace The Roll of Honor. We ge the list at sunset, when the Was Bf a-stream with ‘splendors Mtiform, ‘ Rose-color lit to flame, that still swept by, Bright spirits thronging from the battle-storm. Against the royal purples of the cast, The pride of our great mourning, fair ony released, Speeding to Hénor’s beautifyl abode, | Still ait cit their youth's unslaked | des! Leaping the ‘clouds with feet too Hight a many-bannered arch of 10 Those glories vaced like boys le festival, Beneath fi Riivey laid eggs are being sold at- in the bill w wiich allows women to sit.

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