jent. senor stam, ped ane add ddre: answer ‘ee ker bor Co, Ltd. 73 Adelaide: St. W. Goose Raising for Profit. dress Fonte. ‘Here is. ©: poull ‘business that is not likely to be over-|. done, at any time Le the nee future. | £00se pasture. there i syne While ing, im many seston oe the fact th Ne yet a farthe The fact tive ai Also, that oo conditions, in they ‘must Naan at night and are less difficult to raise any oth-| during hard rain cold en domestic fowl. Neither reat skill ae expensive equipment are required. Easy A few good, and plenty of pasture ‘are the most a important requirements in making #f course, shelter of some sf it from the elements, especially so night. » However, 1e Boose is a jivd and can endure ‘@ great» deal of cold without yappar- | +} ent suffering, In 3 fact,| Geese! inds and are fee] They are also free fro ee raised’ geese for mber of years and have never Tet ae a HA hird from disease, We Jose a gosling, After, ur days old, we ) con-| Grete tenet weer es rae A ¥ a3 a They shoul with other poultry, however, as they are more or less abusive, as a rule, Those who healthy stock geess| vy 5 Aeronenis ist. ir fare rex ade jers who want the advicd ete. If your cme id with yo! iets Parenoinisy care ro ‘wiisen een very good range for : feck ‘of geese’ during ‘the great of the year. Coarse grac3 and Taste Bod re. As a range for dings fe auto Her one fenced see “eqsnped | raed yj With suital 1 gosl- appearance. > China geese have pure white plumage < : S FREE TO GIRLS Big Doll and Doll Cortese: This Big Doll is 15 _t- Shas eet nae doit, Tess She inst the, rignt alze for the Big Di nage vou: ot ze witout ane one t your Doll friends pet ‘prizes ‘00. your - nami dress eens can get your Doll ani eateoee quickly OME. Dept. 199, Toronto LIP GRATITUDE. ~ AND TEA ‘An Appeal by Jo John Galsworthy to Face the Facts in the Wounded-Soldier — P: lem. yar aN Serva fsa] VAT FOOT BALL WILMIES: Ao ‘WE STRAIGHT Se OE EDN TAD 'AND-VERY NEARL zy (BUT POE ChaGit aN i it 08 : piemorai + thers are of jalways bring the highest market price. A. Good’ Market Goose ‘These birds, while not so large as some others, are suitable anes purposes where very large geese are o' not wanted. they” are, some timés called the “Leghorn ‘of the family,” ‘ much feeding large quantities of mar nee water eeP lable grain. geese. ~ We can get more ogee We always try to have poultry in pleasure from a flock of geese than! goog Riaditon ele being sent to from any other poultry on ees mises, hey are easily managed’ to and really seem to than any cther fowl we have ever Pasture is Essential As stated above, plenty of eure is necessary. is, in fact, the most important point to be considered. @ Goose’ is essentially a grazer; ass or roughage, is as €3- to be more intelligent yj market, but have always been efit din “stuffing,” partly because it seems kee} een convinced easonable amount of Chi swage sell poultry of all kinds aliv. ire less grain from the ine ey axe hatched unt ready for their downy coats yield a profit that * should not be ignored, even in this daf! P' of “new fang Saati jons ee a way “ot beddin has a wrices. A we tured bird will yield about a pound | ing geese eeagon. ful in handling the pete Right now is a good time to p! for goose-raising, if the work ce not been done before. If the venture is to be a ‘success, spring. Geese mate in February, a: cf rule, and new stock should be pro- aned it oy Rae or five. ung stock be kept separate oe the old any birds at Do Not an Roe Range We learned, by costly experience, that where the goslings have free range it is impossible to control ams after they otice acquire the panite it'all pate: k, makes a! don’t sot “oft until he as a side-tine, so to m to ase about two hundred young ason. We use large,|* pee ‘eigeen hens. Have never | tried “hatching with incubators, but ‘{bave been told that it can be done, Use see Dat | to dea aiaee with the old birds, which were twenty- two. in number (Seventeen geese and ganders), ad a pretty nice flock. We we Coes on ithe old geese 4! as they metimes get together dur- Toe he abe tact Or his aceon aad it is hard to tell old from young, 3 the entire flock is allow- Hee py Fae ince cool weather ve| began in October we kept for oS year’s. stock. be eet will seldom-lay as bare fire, Oe but an old bird i often y from seventy-five to o hundred | ¢ as @ season, bird ures in jlaid fifty-four Green peti “like We gees Eoant: the Chins ay layer a lage. ; of these cui the int grain twice 2 day. “Raw vege- Pe eonped, Syeit ban dood Reige s siteie alt ecatves variety’ to the ration. Provide good, clean wa- ter to drink, chickens mix taree parts gasoline and one pars crue eurbolic acid with, as mud aid:s ‘will moist Allow the mater: os to Vdry for a few hours cand then. Bt] while dusting and | care Zhould be taken'to work the dust into the feathers | -thorohly, Te pounds of the mixture will treat-250 maee see th li lay sie fs myn rete ont be exe minated witly mercurial ointmen “blue butter,” This ills the lied lice. al ment i. pare vatis Stig shoutd be mixed a ‘he Wie of ove part to two parts, 0! e ty apply gaat: A bit of the mixtu Of & pe ith a tip of the finger and to ‘eather’ about, the head will desing th the lice, J% should ely, not be v a) Cléan, ing ‘hot water be used tosattain oe udders and eaiee if badly soll- x us s damp ‘cloth as should be brushed to remove. loose hairs. and dirt. half over the ope Immediate colle sg the milk to 50 degrees Fahrenhe’ The cow that drops Ae calf justed to the new method of milking. Carcass on farms.should be cremated or buried. Exposed, they are not only unsight- Jy.ctib may. spread contagious dis- 3. Cleaning Old Barrels. O}d-barre!s should be used cautious- sh lye obtainable from wood-athes, ov crude potash secured at-drug-stores. ‘They"must be treat- tedly, and thoroughly rinsed and drained. Barrels in“ which sauerkraut or molasses has been stored cleaned by first scalding well with, “boiling water (letting the water’stand inf them till cold); then fill with cold Water, and threw in a large quantity of live coals from 9 § Won Jeavit tfie cask uncovered, better method is to rinse the: Pes with a strong solution of ofl of vitriol and water. = ae EE eeneeaee. ararvrnecl This is ae gospel of labor — Rig 1H ye @ hells of the kirk? The Lord love came down from, boy To he With the men ane dies We a number locally, to} som We us regard that man a tow geese or 3, Small-top milk pails with cover ning Only by revivifying in each separ- ate disabled soldier the will live can you save om the fate of merely continuing to exist. d- men, se spirit is sudl they will march in front of any effort made for i y. I we rorenitee one = many, the e; es of a morning, 3 i ”) tl never had, n gf ae indomitable buitietive, sas ave rare, are but fracti The majority have rather as happy-go-lucky soul. For hem, it is only too easy to postpone oat help till sheer necessity drives or ‘ill. comeoné in whom, they believe inspires them. The work of re- Pe these with initiative, with a new ‘interest in life, with work He m do, is one of in- ‘and: complexity. Neverihelets at mus: be done. The oe publics of our countries do not yet, I think, see that they ‘too have their part iS the sacred wort So far they only movies and gi each member of the seck to re-inspite the disab! with t@ fecling thab he*is n = out of the main’ stream. of life then. ey sare themeslved; ‘each man, ae cordingly to his private chances, ‘chould hat in te find that special niche which st, m cheerfully, and me Z usefully “ll. in the long futur e-more we drown the disabled in tea and lip gratitu ur o to win through, e, the wells tude have dried when, in the yeans + of our tea and gratii up. can do and helpful thing. will soon be no one personal friend disabled. Let working life, and to try to find it for| 5° him. _ biter Note—The foregoing is mn the foreword waitten by John Gory 7 he “Re t is reproduced Mere in Alc tiene tie miny, sae bititation of our wounded feeiae Be Thebibe wes cpubllc 4 30. ter.| tize. that we must facé facis and dis- regard fancies and sappositions in the solution of Be present problem. What Farm aa Best? Keeping tne pays as well on a mi bank, @ railway office Mang lane farms have bookkeeping tment. Tl ize farm ot need such an stebomnts system. of account books any more than it need three 0 nee.a week, will be needed to farm, account books. re “are several bie pore thin; How many dolar a a farmer knows Foodstuffs ‘sold off ithe farm Tage a How much money was cleared on the farm ast year? What crops ate é paying ? - How did this profits compare with pel year, ae years ago, five years ag A farmer che o oie oe Siete up very item © ‘expense such a3 seed, poultry, cattle, and hogs, their cost Snd the value of their product to fam. nother- pleasing oe mralable thing about a set of farm books—one gan Gls an tnvasiary ay te end. ‘of ‘the year of all the live stock, the im- plements, the buildings, the grain on hand, and all of the equipm oe and know just where the farm’ stand3 Hct nis ely ica tacicee, 5 tity Pays You the]; de + | use INTERNATIONAL LESSON NOVEMBER 24, —. _ Lesson VIII. / Jacob's Return— Genesis 33. 1-11, Golden Text, Prov. 15.1.» Vi With him four hundred men—— the ‘long interval Esau’s separation fro aly eee of the life which can not easily rang the Baas pull Herk: A See ‘standing, front of his machine wavin, [seni ant shouting: “ton! Hi) % top! (What's the’ trouble?” ecked’ the motorist, after he had brought the car to a standstill. “Is this a police rap? Beene Me it is, T-wasn’t driv- ing more tha: miles an hour—” ‘ePhat’s all ae 2s said the vil- |lager blandly. »*I ain’t no policeman. Oal wife. has Gant invited to a wedding Loaponteats and I wanted to ‘ask if you could spare her a few drops of ins: Se ere glove arte.” ES AOE Ta a ty estes one 3 me more stroke with the brash mre the paint in - D that it lasts long- with the harrow and the seed-hed is mellower and the promice of a good harvest greater. Go and do the right action over and it Becomes @ as gain ” the extra touch is Been mark be- ilure that can: That ‘will stick, and it amounts to more than it costs. Rets Are Big Eaters. rts have estimated thet onerat will elatery 40 to tion. rats OF er erty, mainly ‘of agricultural origin, the "OK mn of work gives a . — Baptists To Prevent Potato Rot. Pick over your potatoes about three ‘or four weeks after you have stored led the life them away. The wet ther™this by the chase and predatory raids upon : = Fiaes tends cane oe blessing | $280n increases the tendency to rot predicted that he would live by the/and unless the diseased potatoes are sword. In the cour: his adven-|at once separated from’ the healthy, tures he, led a warlike expedition to|there will be heavy loss. Many pota- unt Seir, a mountainous region | toes| that good when harvested southeast of the Dead Sea. seemis| will decay: after being in storage a able that, | Esav'a ‘Goscendants | Pow weeks a eacvaat amalgama i " A Potatoes ‘should be stored in a cool lation the, Horites, the original populati Se ree eee mith a be bought. 2, He put the eon and their He still baller ed E ean could children. —The pends maids were Seer Sig eS, an stitution which ee eS these Pri tive times, but utterly con’ law of Christ. b ate the safest place to the wives and ae whom he te echel and seven tion was the highe: Orientals have always use m. extravag- ran to meet him—His re- with Jacob was marked 4, Esau conciliation. seeming the pate int Cae ferdly harmonizes with the evident magna- and genuine brotherly true interpr' etation of\ wre! and prayer. God rst ae the heart of Tatoh The the mn art of Esau. al interpretation ds. always meanest thou by all presents had the ordinary human way of handl- ne, the matter ae, with sae es e discovered ae his mes molnt. noth! & Godt ing, Gy 10. Receive my present at my hand #5| __No a bribe, pia ¢| of tesHiect. Forasmuch as are nian ty ae ¢ Jacob: had fo faco-as it were) the there received thy face—This is, Wlicry of Bangs seen. God face ‘unfriendly God. ha ‘Ther m so Esau ha him in'a friendly manner, t thought ae oe aes 7 Esau an aa pian himsel in Rosie God ba ee graci- ously, with me— 8.2 Be. te pes Gees between-them, yf the day Daas 2 ask for it, statin, e time how many acres they work, The eek, ‘of these is limited and the tule f “first come, first served” will ap- nk and i faci ae Th st i tonic. in the we outdoor asthe eld Drink lots ot ee and be hephtnl evaug ratnittes About Oloverdale, B,C. pe oe jg. reported as yielding, a half oe acre, zat & sing te $6 per lost 1 | providing, of course, froezin permitted, the better they will keep. r. o| katchewan wheat grower, has dev this presents Jacob had ried, a at if had turned the ite of his broth- ie age is to ac- “4 is a iokee of the #econ- cligtion wt weounett by the goodness of when God Deught oh sae ig is not Aes Matas The cellar ies a the best place for hes ood cool go business, and stick to it till the fase, rat is under the spring, gene Seager Wheeler, the oped a. variety of whent that is claim- ed-to mature ten days earlier than the famous Marauia whet, and ‘therefore, prac fro: rust and early ae on the | rraivies? es Gites more over the plowed ground | 4, ‘ood | Sta, sarsaparill: and get So ion a sertfulong child heat alowiy, run} 8. hea - | foods whieh are: beneficial wh SeS ,, tacking the glands of-the neck and noted Sas- ys r. urrier’witt anewer all Hon ig pf generat interest f Syl Voxly cr fifty years agd it wo Fifty years ur and “tiles, aa stilin- dof suppo: nual. spring cleaning. It may be said that scrofula, stands for tissues| and organs order uae and when by of in re vicinit ity, Serofulous cbilgees have weak muc- ous membranes, catar ye nose, mouth and ears, adenoids and enlarg- badly. and are always catching dis- sa that have possibility of be- A scrofulous child is al- Hanae or e trou- se pees or hl if a child with lives, amid bad preniiees puricnadines he, = Sh to a certainty develop ser The, picae of tuberculosis are most frequently found in such cai at- erupt Hare heen difficult to find a person of wed Has: dominal ante laced bones and Tete, ago scrofula was thought to be & real disease like mumps or. chicken| ! pox, and the scrofulous young, jhad a thick, swollen neck with running sores. ecog~ nized, ‘scrofula ‘is ir col~ eg lection of eae without any def-| MLD. ters. ‘retaining 9 Boaltn. ¥f you te answered ae gh these columusy © pees wil be matteo ane it simi stay envelope 13 et ze AS will a eee for: indivi ist cases. oF a peste: aoa Andrew ¥, ta Her, e6 oe Roe ener Ye rouse Adelal ft. Wert, vroroutes y “Beretala, 4 joints 2 1 of them ae 5; faberee | See wilh found, tive liver. oi be given not only in a form in which they can be readily assimilated but in one which will sanks. them accept- able to the sof children. noses ah eee. 2—PI ere ul a oot tsicie to restore such an mal ee n. swer-—l—I suppose you mean by a 2 torpid” liver, an organ which is ne ting the proper quantity of bile. If that is due struc tion by gall stones, of course the ob- struction must be removed; if it ae ternee ber that this trepeing individual cases or aS iptions. If you need Sneileeesio ated: your , liver, Sune siya ‘is-the proper person to fur- nish fi Bs cof eaning z one oe ay ost danger- is perio fa pig’s life. You ones Sey are often eer are injured if al ed at one ag | Hime, n and of siti eet mother, so that are weaned they will know how to te i mi teondition ai all times, either sweet or sour, otherwise digestive es ate likely to, be, caused. feed: ing trough s 6 kept C4 Care a iby taben that Se. pigs are not ove! Overfeeding will ey their Eps “the yor ciover, if at all possible. OES EEN The Winnipeg Tribune reports that potatoes enough for six persons for ight ed were raised on prairie $2 aos — by “A sneer-is. the aiaee ton) argu- ment made does not andedaiang H. Morrison. districts today ! ” Office and Factory: of Your It is true, as he says, that one cannot now distinguish between the city man and his brother in the country. But do not give all the credit to the Gillette Safety Razor. Smooth chins assuredly do prompt correctness in other | things, but it hardly seems possible that the smartness of the social gathering in preseniday farm homes is due to a razor—even the best razor in the world, You answer an invitation to call at a friend’s Hguse: and enter a softly= lighted room to find well dressed women and keen looking, clean shaven men, How glad you are that you came prepared to hold your own in any company, And how satisfying it is to know that if guests drop in on you unexpediedly, the daily few minutes ewith your Gillette finds you READY to receive them. One thing is certain—a Gillette Safety Razor should be part of the equips “ment of every man of today.’ Gillette Sets are sold e ‘Jewelers, Druggists ana Hardware Dealers everywhere at five dollars, Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited, 65-73 St. Alexander Sty Montreal, . Desire the Pleasure. Company~” A Gillette enthusiast has boldly Stated his belief that the famous razor has caused a complete revolution in social life in the rural $998 \ ent is not-for the purpose.of- inite disease ,history. When “we speak = of scrofulous Sd nowddays we| 8 # usually ‘tuberculosis in the lymph glands of the neck : ’ a eee ae 2 ee oy = they aa oye ¥ oe os Proper. : various kinds of skin eruption of ere Se oa igen tibereular origin, Serefulous, blood See? af, 3 “Ghily bathe meet gent: t garde sS : eee ee eat Ree et eet means for fighting” serofula vas the excuse for giving ehildren GBuanar Meee