Milverton Sun, 6 Mar 1919, p. 8

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¥ ie < - : i ee. z as : 3 = Bee Sau see 3 “ %, = = ae + : a = S ae ics & . & * ~~ . = i FOR SALE VICTORY BONDS - NO NEEP OE aS HIGH TARIFF Zs re “ oat a ET : 2 c Hes i a prominent far- ‘ adi 3 : om * ~ Thoroughbred Shorthorn cow in tory bonds bought and-sold.— AS Bs ory ee sent aa - 2 |. \ calf (young). Apply to John S. ae ie Roe, R. R. No. 1, Newton. mer of 0 the’ Pople’ Param, ‘Toro ae B ; Eee to, on Saturday” That _on two! polices i TED the farmers of Canada to-day. are - : ynimous an ey ae economic Fs FOR SALE aa frectom and” wise expenditure of “YOUR DOLLARS GO FARTHEST HERE” One’ of Canada’s well” established |money during reconstruction. Their aor. A team of matched oy aged Live arate Companies desires an viewpoint on the first issue, he said, & = aoe so broken Apel te wel agent for the village of Milverton iat Aaa miguaey sea fot 6, con. ‘ington, and bei ns *G pply. to Box 6 a eer any. otter: Aa tothe mason the rae did no oan to we are ti See ees ee still Se ing adies’ Suits and Pee AEE FOR SALE Dublie buildings but rather, expendi _ tu ol evelopment o: e oS hbred Roosters — a few : Rhode laland Red, oer | anes end 1OE Dain Be, Me ee ee eae res the that ape ie expected to ul- Tacks “Apply at the Manse | bank. Brick house, six rooms, sum-|Po2teiy ‘yield a revenue, 3 i Millbank. mer kitchen and woddshed; hard and Se a Fa: ahi Eee ee ‘ an oor water; lot tues 1% acres; good} ae mari the tariff . For fur & n, and thre of the FOR SALE fo Albert Smith, Millbank, Ont tt gudience vigorously applauded when \* = esc at Greatly Reduced Privas manufael ‘ecsseues. ads FARM FOR SALE mighty poor spirit when they. said : ef f land, has 2 stable, % a d. S08 | a a 110 Pa Gee 19 | they gould. not make ends meet_wn- water. Situated in Poole. Apply fo} _, That acres being lot 6, con. 16 |less they were enabled by a law : Ellice; frame house with kitchen;| put their hands into the common ‘Wilbg: Gropp, Feole bank barn 40x80 with stra wshed:|people’s pockets to the extent of 25,| fi) En mE = = = “ driving shed 2030; good well: land |B0'or 40per cent. of the cost price : j = : a well drained; clos cl mile| of an article, He told the meeting ‘ f oe , and aq uarter east of Brunner sta-|frankly he did not think the manu- 4 Clydesdale Stallion For Sale|an¢ «9,,uartes,cas sistant |inarat"yate eating, uu Getting Ready to Fit Your New Here is a Showing of New Blouses ; to Mrs, Conrad Doerr, Brunner. 4t.| He instanced a big textile monopoly ] <1 7 5 5 " ey Re = year-old sine os which closed down because i said it Dress? You will Surely ~ Combined with the Frill a could pay only r cent. ¥ : doable, r in every way; very quiet e ¥ apital, after which the Secretary of will weieke over 1 1800 a ie ied price Notice to Creditors sc iveal Netva HOnIeT ales Serre eo Want a New Corset : and Collar ah apply to W. H. Grosch, Milve ission admitted that sd All creditors or other persons hav- 90 per ent Mot the sack mine Most every woman has come to learn Combining the frill and the wanted ADAP — | ingrlainns acainet the estate of Abra. |and the 5 per cent, really represent- that it is folly to attempt having a new collar into one blouse ‘has produced: an -ef FOR SALE Hann Kipfer late of the Township of | ed 50 per cent. profit on investment. dress fitted over an old corset. It is there- fect that every woman will take to. Mornington’ in the County of. Perth,| “I want to acquit the farmers of fore essential that you first ane Add_to this the fact that the blouse * 3 registered Shorthotn bulls, good| farmer, deceased, who died on or|the charge of profiteering,” Mr. modelcorset, one that a conform with the may be had in either pink or white geor- color, good . individuality, best of|about the 29th day of October, A-D., | Drury told his audience in. opening. correct fashion tende gette crepe, and you’can well imagine how breeding and priced reasonable for|1919, are hereby required to send in| ‘The farmers do not sei i ‘The new sae Se just been re- ' beautiful and effective pe: combination is. immediate sale. The granddams of |their claims to the undersigned soli- | nor have they asked that the price ceived, Complete size ranges in the various These blouses are priced 0 $9.50, Other these bulls hi ualified or are of-|citors on or before the First day f | be set. eat pri models. Let us emphasize that you take blouses of georgette aan eee de chene - ficially registered for milk. For fur-| April, A.D., 1919, together with a|downward rather than. and particular care to purchase the model just from $4.00 to $9.50. poy Protec k epee ih ed B, Strath statement bt ise ’security (if any) ae icity eet peices have sun! mabe to your Sree tos os wont eas id by them low the level o' ie v not sell you a corset at all, than to sell you . HNotice ia Toner given that on and |are not: asking fixed pric a corsetthat would prove uncomfortable or Spring Goods Appear on the Scene on 5 gas j {after the said Ist day of Apx 1919, , |the Administratrix wil jistribute the FARM FOR SALE rab Eine ie that there were big discrepancies in individual requirements. rices range all vite your inspection of certain i i 0 $5.00. said ing regard on the prices th ay from.$1,00 t ian Geos aaclea That-197 acres; lot 25, such claims as shall then have heen |those which the conve Otc god We specialize D. & A., Crompton’s, Hevasrntte Steer Cored olla oe tastie S FF rr i icit e instal is mn : : North Easthope; brick house and Kit-| °°, N0H "nen have notice, at $1.90 per gallon and a retail pri Nemo and Gossard Corsets. ive Dress Lengths that we have ever shown, shat Peed rrioeont nee pepe Dated this 27th day of February, of $3.00. | ‘Only co-op erat hods { H AD., Se nsumer and farmer s 3 < shed 40x70; 3 good spring wells; 4 : Be er tigahs Conubiser aides “Claca Kipter, Adminstatsix, [Shae the exploit, Fashions Prettiest and Patterns in Guaranteed Wash Goods aileie eo aoe land. Easy terms. | Harding, Uwens & Goodwin, ers’ Heel, fe a the ced feel hg er Wahl, R. R. No, 1, No. 6 Downie St, Stratford, {big question of tariff. 1, for one, You will probably enjoy this spring's showing of Wash Goods more Gadshill, 2-m. Her Solicitors, 8-t.|have been fighting the men who than mate} have ever seen. The ‘weaves, patt nd colorings are Z 3 pa tariff wall as high the most fascinating we have ever shown. This is no ordinary. display, it . SE as Haman’s gallows. Nothing that includes the very newest wash materials, many ot which are appearing for FOR SALE e n do within our own. borders the first time this season. We want every woman to see the new ideas help the farmer to get a, fair that have done so much to popularize Wash Materials. Frame house; tinned oms, his labor, and there is no mit goodampliar, hardand soft wat. | [i Pe. 2 | more, assiduous laborer in this, coun: er, tat e cistern; barn 24x36 and hog OTST, ry than the farmer. He has to live . 5 ee ave isterm, barn 2436 and hog | | Be oS ren time derived from the sale A Gorgeous Showing of New Dress Goods and Silks building for purpose. A number of | |= Se || of the fruits of his labor in the mar- fruit trees and eleven acres of good e 1 of the | world, while the same Nowhere will you find such practical demonstrations of delightful land of which three acres is in good time tl makes him pay. trib- possibihties, color effects and weaves in the new dress goods and silks clover hay. 2 acres in pasture, ‘The He hrough his teach- You. will, stand-in admiration as you review our display unfolding as it femainder all ploughed. For further er, his doctor, his clothing, and_his does the story of the very latest ideas for the coming spring and summer, particulars apply to John C. Se implements. ‘The farmers of an e have searched diligently and eee to accumulate the greatest ich, Poole, Ont. ada are handicapped by the tariff. ress goods display ever shown in Milvert ‘ow well we have succeed- One result of the present. fiscal sys ca soietial a the dudge Come in patly wile eae stocks ave ceompletal SS a = tem, he said, was the migration of the Extensive farmers from the pad to the cities. a Leto R eon pine} AY Sale | isms cits "i! ff] Attractive House Dresses at $1.50 and Upward hex to infor the general publi uction ale ractive House Dresses at $1.50 and Upwards tl x am still in tl jursery it, and f Made of Chambra: il ys, Ginghams and Pereales. | Styles are plainly tor he elon and Reliable frm PURE- ey agen Sinéoe, pannre Paros cone Be pees practical for service, ‘et,attractive for general day-time. wea arious OTR be pleased. t6 S Primed effects some with white-or colored collaes or‘ cuits; iinined of Toronto,sand would be pleased to|Farm Stock, Implements and Stove|was but a population in one town- pial ‘ i. . Side teas tier comtinia nae tor the a SR ce with pearl buttons and belts, panel front and yokes. All are well made. Brike Binaly. tase ny horas 9g TS relia evens pt moe These newest House Dresses range in price from $1.50. upwa Millbank (as I am unable to go on}? ing times of reconstruction,” he ir & Son and Geo. Glas the road) and see samples of fruitFhave’ ee veal instructions from M trees, berry bushes, strawberry plants|Samuel J. Miller to sell by public The New Spring Suitings for Men’s » flowers, ete., and obtain my suetion on Lot, 4, Con. 8, Wellesley, es ae prices efore ordering els miles east ot in an and 4 miles |/20 “4 x i JOHN REINWALD, Millbank, Ont. West of Linwood) on THURSDAY, i Smetana tnd estas: Ry our Made-to-Measure Suits 20th, 1919, th i — <= |"auable stock’ and effe dhe toliwing ey said, many peo- Are Here . Hor : ‘he the manufacturer and the exploiter. Notice to Farmers Heavy. black claire) 5 years old,|He held up Lord Beaverbrook as the | were fortunate in purchasing oui Registered bay mare rising 4 Years, |typical exploiter, and told how he Ee ee ee anne an egistered bay mare rising 2 years,|had seen that. with twenty-three ce- se a “ ie sate eaieeriennds: ged will ship hogs in heavy bay hina: xisttig’ 3 years “Dld;| ment companies operating full “ad- New Suitings earlier. But more important Friday, March 7th—C.P.R. Milver- 2 heavy bay geldings rising 3 years,|vantage was not being taken of the, than koe ae bought before the advance in : Ss poavy bay mare righ 3 etre, henry taut. formed combine, Pu Mit Staats at Popasial lors : a 4]. | bay_ mare rising: years (bot ¢|some of them ow usiness, an Friday, March 14th—C.P.R. Mil-| shove mares are by Hindsward Crest, | boosted cement ‘0. operate ee verton, and G.T.R. Brunner. ‘ | This is important to you because we Other dates “will, be announced pal wees Bad Bre: mene by Aa ion ee have hundreds of stylish cloths here from ly. | Highest prices guaranteed. z fs sary. which we ean make yo’ erfec' Riau’ det deliver hope at at OP rMl:| come, good family vee (Breddie) |short and that was why some "of the mort wpneantee. the wat decposiively. aso verton, befor Byes cement companies were closed down its color,.and we will do this at very rea- ¢ Bara bead Boltciaht instead of being operated the tle Pe 3 10 MILLER, ATKIN & SCHNEIDER.|’ Cow 6 id fresh milk combin ¢ wire manufacturers, sonable»pen ices range $25 to $ . tow 6 years o! resh milker; cow |} a had “a: eaulane ruereby 5 years old, fresh;'2 cows e said, had an agreement whereby ; PHATE low vense olds ace the market became oversupplie ; . fy me of the plants were to clos FOR SALE HPs Ay atten Bas fom ad gots of roti Men's Odd Pants Men’s Reliable Overalls ‘ : 12 | from their ostensible competitors. My house and lot on Mill Street, | years old, due in April; 3 heifers ris- a ; opposite school. A solid brick {rect ling 1 year old, 8 heifer calves; bull| “I believe that if we could get ur suit needs an odd pair of ‘This store is headquarters for Reliable built under plans and specifications; spine "9 years old, bull rising 1 year | down and squeeze the water out of pants to isips it finish out the season, we Overalls and Smocks for men, There 4b eatin stall, parlor, din | old—the abo vis are all registered and|much of the stock the country have just iat you want, made of Tweed, no better snnepte priads than the Kind ¥ we ing room, kitchen, pantry and wash |are a “fine Tot 1c manufacturers could go ahead Worsted, Serges, well finished, properly sell—they give you the limit of honest wear room downstairs; summer kitchen and Shorthorn bull calf. prhous * Soi sod ae ae ei trimmed and carefully cut. Prices $200) up. and fit comfortably and retain their shape. woodshed; 3 rooms in cellar. Fur- Grade Cattle: port articles made from our nation e} nace, range and bath, hot and cold on Water up-staire-and downstairs and in | ers; 8 grade Holstein, cows s stupposed believe the elimination, of watered t We also Desire to Thank the People of Milverton and Surrounding frie te et phe ate tran lec |to calve in Apel ar de Holstein cow |stock is the on! way, by which we Country for their liberal patronage during our Big Mid-winter Sale failing artesian well pumped by elee-| Holstein heifers rising 3 Years old, trouble PO prea Kota ean ~-making it the “Biggest and Best" Sale we have Ever Conducted. tricity. ee + pal. louble le supposed to calve in April and May:|the state of iRcmoiie of: ths oh Konaee bed grade Jersey-Holstein heifer supposed | concerns that uphold the tariff, and Lot ‘il feet contare fe bee 08 208% feat to calve in Hil; Jen pee ares | when a few apples taken from the at the 0.A.C., Guelph, supposed to b of the b: J rotten, we x tnd Wot and Shoe busines. A.grst| fy chi agro olin elfors vis pllned to turn the burel up 5 propost toy or i dpe veg PPIY | ing. 2 Aen ae steer rising 2 years,|side do lown and hare a ioe at the 2 steers ing 1 yea wane Ze grade | bottom.” it Holstein heifers Hase i year old. CPaviiers atthe present time, are Pi organizing “as they never have done ey Tenders Wanted Pare-bred Yorkshire boar fea et a ened “THE STORE WITH THE STOCK” | MILVERTON, ONT. a old, regatered, Yorkshiee sori sour|ing so fast that the officers can Sealed tenders will be received by May Sth, registered. Yorkshire fire|hardly take care of it. ‘They are or- ri register orkshire A : the undersigned until noon, on Satur. | soy due April'16th, registered Bork. |genizing, not as manufacturers, or, day, March Spt; 2909, for the Jon ng|shire sow due May 5th, registered |zanized, to get specie Deibeas ved ee on wagon and drawing to .P.|Tamworth sow due May Ist, pure.|not want to get fletitons prices, font | said, would be an adjustment of the |eampaign, for believe cigar. saan ene eR valle all the bred Hampshire Sow due April Sth, 2|We are organizing to fight the syst em expensive system of distribution jettes are’ a greater menace to the ' heese mantfactui the fitst| \ure-bred Yorkshire sows due May|that rules to-day. Again I say T)whereby farm ipraduets Increased. i in| childhood of our count try than liquor day of Apal until the 15th day of| Pug Sane oes ne rth sows ouppos. think the economic salvation of this| price 100 per cent, overnight i ever was, I believe that the thinking November, 191. hb Sen eee aa Kpat and Maye ai [country will be the squeezing of the |Ing ‘thro ben the hands of probably | people of the eguntry are besoming cu R N iT U 4 E! alec renders Wil e geeiy: sd i water out of manufactures. e ar nly one e istri aware of it. je men 0! e air — x a secretary to make ac- cg dropee ah aaah i alli determined—and we are going to get a force know the bad effects of cigar- A counts for all cheese and butters man- ie Pi it—to have economic freedom, and —— ettes, and vel ew 0} em smoke Gfactured from the first day of April] 4 nice payee ae we are going to get rid of the tariff OTHERS! PENSIONS for fear of losing their nerve. “But until the 15th ‘day, of Nowennet 1919 implements: that. oot aleren one see of e: eres are of all we Sees ia) elite west or tender not neces- ie: y-Harris binder, |ers to plunder the public on watere; = a with prayer. jidn’t we succee sarily aceopetd by the, directors of [nen 6-tt, Deering mower, hay load: |stock.” (Woodstock Sentinel-Review.) Jin our campaign against this evil, : S: : the Millbank Cheese & Butter Manu-|er, side delivery rake, steel dum Farmers, he want on, were frank: The time has passed when a civil- eee ten years ago, when we were We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furniture. ing Co., Limited. rake, 17 tooth Deering cultivator, 12 |hostile to concrete Provincial high ized, st ate can hpaore e its respons 2) bile trying to get legislation against it? A hoed seed drill, oak land roller, 2-|ways because ‘iey, regarded them as|ity for at least assisting in. the Largely, I'think becanse we did not See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers, ope te ey * Newton, horse corn scuffler, 1-horse scufiler, tice esl of expense, and put line of decent living conditions Por depend ‘sufficiently on prayer. i ert provide 3] - the: d etn bi oe etl C . ao Sa shrad et ie Provine: es au eapouititia. £0 seme Beast We have a large assortment of Dressers and Stands. ‘i d | didn’ mor Oe ey ’ ay be justified, qi + COMMERCIAL cater 2-whesled Bang Portland | oement men might be pulling strings | Nor vecrely om the round of, Homan: BIOGRAPHY OF SIR WILFRID ac Gacd acs etek BE Bckae BES at ponte ene -inch i shi sr, | somewhere ity, but on the ground of social econ- Lag G: Re 3 is Bats Ales ee tee rae sf : Hi x ti be Re buon s hatin Cocineeand Be believed cAiseet Peete were pe aa as well. The first Seentleh ee a (Stratford Beacon.) é Tf you need anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- jack, root pulper, DeLaval|ginning to com a frame of mind /nation is its citizenship, and the time es : $ Barley 65 65 |BURD, Eocraton, 3 sets of team har-[where t would be possible for them lio begin-the preparation of the $9-] 42 It has Deon orguaat| that. popu: tutes when in town and look over our stock. . ees 5 , i somewhere in orang, he na-|dividual for good citizenship is wi i 5 rian Sree Piok) Wing, omer OTR RitB| etiace tees ee beiey calete « blagal policies of the country inthe |e child ‘g be published in about tye oaks, of We also have Stair and Body Carpet. War Flour, blended ewt. 5 60 5 60) with flat rack, set heavy sleighs with |past the stronghold of abe ‘agtionel pn een ees ace Feet anuiiton Herald papa tat M War Flour, winter, cwt. 540 5 45|box, set light pleasure sleighs, good|vice pa tyism, had existed on fhe, : “Deler must have delegated his work Congoleum Squares look nice. We have them. x Bhouta pact 4 3 00|wagon box, 4 new Clay steel gates,|farms, It was a viee:of "to, tesecs CHURCHES FELL DOWN SEE ne ere eet woneuvds: a le, 3. la WIk| table people, he said, who believe hi g th 3 " ; Bran ert up Noi totts akoven: noes (tl hat if grandson voted any difer, icpulde, A dvanetsss) cise. “hore fle doubt that Peter Linoletim always on hand < ro! is ns er Hogs livewsigh von Toa ee Rea cine wor toreyers Farmers had been fools in a “The churches wert fallen down én a Waites 1 in this time, dey llow- Butcher C the past, but he did not think they |this thing, Shee Ward WOOds 1p otelock Sharp. {Would bo in the future up and camry. 00, fr. ©. B.| would make four weeks © prenareds) WJ CERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS - MoLAUCHLIN AUTOMOBILES Pau ne cmmenn a2 er, Shr." ene fh yr ca [Ry Mal A | a We a we am a Ss .0.7.U,, a Potatoes per bag over $20.00 on furnishing approved mon, ground d to be found wave hours |The Cigarette.” “I have come to the | biography that would-bec joint notes, that amount and under, lay and another that was working conclusion, from what I have heard, {ard in years to come. It is not likely \ Tallow . cash; a discount of 6 per cent. per|toward a six-hour day. ‘The inter-|that the churches are just afraid to | that it is to supply, and demand that ROBERT M M AN E Chickens, dr’ annum off for eash over $20.00. |Uste of the farmer in ithe gounry andi] denounee tobacco, because they think}may exist in the future, but brief, Cc Hens verything will be sold as one farm| tr workingman in. the city, he said, |it would antagonize the men, and they|salient facts about | the "decease : ‘ Ducks is sold and other rented. were so nearly Mates that there|would then have no hold on them. |statesman now presented in readable Furniture Dealer Milverton Funeral Director il i A i ther the churches are right or|form can be supplied now and meet eT ATP PRET GFE is and Embalmer 8 Samuel J. Miller, Proprietor. | ought to be ground for co-operation | Whe! a pole Butter W. D. Weir & Son and Geo. Glass,|in changing the set rule. One. of the | rong He thee ey abe tee aa pI os ene who wish to re- SR ple + uetioneers. 2t.|big results of such an alliance, he|o ‘ es

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