Bargains in Gasoline Eases : a Only four left—4, 5, 10 and 20 h.« p.—will be sold at a paexain Get Z Skates Hollow Ground A Good Job Guaranteed. a ss yours” now. . NEUMEISTER Sg _ MILVERTON SARS Painter and Decorater ERTON § . t i x en Vol. XXVIII—No. 36. ae Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, March 6, 1919 : ; Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher : ae = —— Items of Local Interest. {Fura cos ad below. Hage oe deren paca, | Milverton School Report CARVEL'S PLAIN TALK : { 1 eland: in tions Eieland & (sor one ee ee Reece oe rat aah re ie ons ON. ictions.-—— On. Following is the report of Milver- een note ‘or p ain cept jent visiting irs. C. F. Dahms. Es nay pe rarer e tee jSat-| ‘The treat of the season in fale Buble chook for ths aonth: of DE His zepubatton i lie coniadauon i » ; : : Miss Hilda Schneuker of Guelph, m man’s hall, Thursday February, Those marked with an (*) |i he ‘debate on the address. He . The Farmer's eee teers th garat Sesc merc tag Hepa i) ul here et thera hurch organ for sale.—. n seen. Managing Board Burns chure a ate | a car of Stone’s fertilizer ess public works from every member, On account of the storm on Form 550, pass 380— 3 s . . Friday | verton, Bas oh Ree eh Taate yout Sarat s 830— | every riding ‘ s and every munici) | inancial evens a tS Eo concert wat)" hits. C. E, Dakims is, ab present order now with J. Kelterborn ‘or Geo, | Ele "Clemens ea iy Olga Ban oe nttey Le Pad the uae ve Mx, and Mrs. J, J. Strong, of Bre. [sees cg ihe are short of 5, 10 and 25 cent Net S18) Blarence Guenther 304, Bt Oe eran ge pa yur Fr nd lau, spent a day or two Jani week With)’ “On Friday last Air. Fred Schneider coins, Would parties having” these |e dice ne ie an Kelierborn 245, | fave the memb Hide: Gorteide Zimmerian, “of ship east Se Brunner, for|coins kindly get them x ae for | Ste pase [Unpleasant facts to thin k about, Stratford, spent the week-end at her | Which he paid ae: 25 2 | anger ones and sbhee ey Boon Gleave Sooke ae. ood Weir While candidly iaderers that the E We have large resources and E home at the Grand Trunk station irs. ¢. W. Walker and children Grand Trank Pacific Gom-|355. Stewart Pug rman | Public works estimates. would consist ~ 3 Tg : Mee teuthers, of Monkton, is| 6° wanstown, spent a esuple. of “ae pany bonds, caret by the Gov- (305), Stews nol Bundscho 44, |9f @-series of bitter “disappointments the vast experience of 87 years poe couple et weeks with her Tas Week ni Wr deotieeipmards ei lean ta “tae mada, yielding 5% Der |Mfeivin Schatz 928, Janet Hamilton |OF Coneemsetion of necctsary Work 10 : i to draw upon to serve you; but parpnie, Mrcsand. Mss, JoseOm Tm {day night, - Will pay same Saturday ee 295, Frank we have something even more pedis. Wane Hartmier and Miss 10a)" han Mee Henry qpuneeland’s, ‘ ee ee have the earnest funeral ‘of the late Charles Dietrich | {he poy erences Sor Ayton. lesire to do so. °" he famil Ace y of Mr: Robert MeMan¢ | "Plan of ball now open for the Mun- ae BGs Wing oats ro-Henderson Concert Co. at Pettie's s Henry, of Brunner, is at pres- Toledo is to Michigan what Mon- | Bath 282, Beata Mobr, 276, ar foore | This. was being Dae adie be eal is to pies Sun ete ones 249% Lavi " Ng done in centres mht pe ai ave been keeping lusty be- s ‘ was most acute. He announced that tween the two eities when four thous. |», Snrollment 22, average attendance within the next ten days new public ee lenis to get the elixir of youth} - ROOM 2. ‘ gece Toronto, Hamilton and Calgary. a ecesn your produce and personal cheques, before the fountain ran dry. explain his position Mx , ; rr, Carvell your drafts—all by te npr aes wags I—and Influenza, we are'glad to hear, have Arias: [or the beat boata secure| Use Sy Roy Rolled Oats, C th—Total 520, honors 890, Me quite recovered. t Miss Vida Crawford returned from |¥°R" ches wo ae aetne mae lakes, Rob Roy Wheat her both last err ese Crawford, |S saver” Beetle Washer Sold three eal. They cost a 8, ce —n Aiden suite past few weeks Who'll be the irfle more, but the quality is there.|397, Ralph Bastendovft 375, Dorothy |debt of the country at two, billion * ° elie DAB eat i acne juror hexthoAs C, Ole sale your grocer about them, If he|Pagh 395, Alvin Schatz, $4 yhis meant an i Bank of Haus Scotia aa ge aoa att Mons (2 rhe, drienda. of ‘Mr, John Elgin At-|does not handle, write direct to— | Schneuker, 842, Louis Schmidt 333, $110,000, 000 annually at Stratford gn Monday where he wil] Xin Will regret to hear that he is at) Rob Roy Mills, Limited. Durham, Oné.| Becton Pfaff 380, Barl Smith 322, | with ‘some twelve millions before the : aifend the sack sales presen confined to his bed through| ‘The Allies have made it possible| Whitney ‘Thompson. 314, "Alvin. Sip: |war. Pensions would total $50,000,- and. Mim. Henry Deckert, of ® attack ‘of pneumonia, Foe oes Ses tae aes ough to eat |ple 313, Widon Hamilton 308, Billie|000 a year and the work of the Sol- Liz fd, Ms. Henry Deckert, of) "ars, C, Schwindt, who underwent by taking thelr eagro ships to trans- Rpencer’ 290, Meredith Pugh. 260, |diers’ Civil Re-establishment, which usec Fund 1000000 J. LEWIS Pee eee acter and Mi ean operstion 0 on ‘Thuvsday of last woek| port the foodstafls needed from bn. | Gordon Schadher 238, Howat ce [oe arded as vitally important he Mines pe ae we are 0 s. German: iilion a year, ee itsivenon Branch Wh duping the past weak | oa awards recovery, position where she is glad to get |do Reet oait’s total aged expendi ¢ iti han ~|. Those holding paid-up subscription food me any. cost and has about given Sr. 3rd—Total 520, honors $90,|of some $185,000,000 a year, In ad- ig at prevent. waiting on, her daughter | eccipis for the last Vietory Loan are |up hopes of ever again being a great | pass 31 312 Luslia Bundscho 375, Eva dition the general administration, of : 369, e po Sit roesing Toeih Dormia mma: are) Ancol raat in his letter to the [dell Pfeffer’ 350, Verna Candler 829,|000, a total of over three hundred David, who have been spending a|"0W, there for deliver Guelph Mercury, hits the nail on the |Tsabel Hamilton’ 328, Elgin, Bundscho | million “dollars month with friends in Ontario, lett on|, N- De Schata “has disposed of |head, concerning a lot of the corres. |328, Eleanor Carter $25, Helen Hon-| | To meet this expenditure | the: shies Wednesday for thet ntario, lef on his creamery business at Elmira to |pondence regarding a oF ihe cours; |gerich $28, Earl Capling 821, Eddie | souree of revenue now We ms the Farmers’ Club for the sum of |to the returned soldiers, Something | Carter 316, Isabel Siegner $06, Ralph jexcise and. income and business nse p Bary. John Atkin, we regret to hear,| $7000. Mm oe operate the idealistic rather. - than something |Spencer, 204, Clara Woolner. 276, is x i er D. saa ave give ve you ingartel advice on any financial i factory for thi ‘and materialistic, is his con-|Mervin Gallop 272, le Tu Seneca nah rocarious con) ~ Messrs, N. G. Schafer, A. C. Clem: tention. It should be something |269, Roy Akins 264 Gertie Ratz Si SG IE A a a ‘renders. chances. of recovery very|¢U®:,~° G. Pte fer EE Groseh, heroic to commemorate a heroic ser- Ae eir ar wees . N. A Zimm snes ant ae mee is a vie saath janae Wea Gortr le Moore fendanc AR creased next year ae fos $ I ¢ je e Kitchener- atrick’s Fe six-year-o! id in New has | verage attendance — was likely to decrease her imports. de, G. HAMILTON ee “hs “Gaonre: Bawa ae meat hockey match at Toronto on Saturday |a fortune of $8,357,889.00 ‘wished on | Gray, Teacher, T excise was $25,- > ford; hin crdale ance uiethe bed im. ‘The worst of it i e boy 000,000, ‘The income and business i | Sole Agent for Fide ot thei sister, ‘Mrs. mini ie bed) Notice —We, the undersigned, have | will not be aiipered: to. snioy it like ROOM 3 rofits tax PORTLAND ber a3 who is very ill. ool our plumbing and enanaithing a real boy should. When some of u: s _|business and all accounts owing us| were boys we used to have a lot of | _ Examined in Eng ad geography ig] G SCRANTON CEMENT ‘Me. Thomas Attridge has parchas-| business and ayy April ety on ebat [fon ust pretendin’ what we would do |comPosition, writing, serine, "Ge: |ment position of these two sources SCRA! st Rt ARYS 3 Sonwvindt oa the Sth line of Morning. | date our succesor oie possession.— if we had a million, After devouring |!" “a! “ard oan 2 pass v7g, |of revenue this year. He favored an STANDARD | ton, for m of $2,800 and will |Frank Rudow & in imagination, barrels of peanuts | ,.10 Jute Rae aaj easter, 3467 {increase in the income tax. Eve ANTHRICITE take phate shortly. | _ The W.ILS. of the Methodist |and ice cream, a million was soon ex- Jack Pe mi 324, oe ii’ MacBeth [man if only earning a thousand dol- i ise Tucker took to school | church will hold = socisl on the ree {wlth aniaene Jack Pepe etemart 813; Alex. Akins| 2", should pay sn_i ee ing of Friday, Marel , atthe home| Although many people J elieve tha >. Pear ic. s mall. os es ‘ st of daisies that ae etre Wan’Long, A good program |every Chinese in’ China eats Tice 300, Hillis Paddon 200, ‘Louie Tuck father, Me, Harry Spencer. Califor: | Will be given. ‘fnimission Ge a foot | every day, mains of Chinese, liv living a qs ter 3 , _|for every foot high you are. -t}in Shensi, (Shinsi northwe: ae 2 * ration. e also favored, ee nothing on Western, On- Montreal Tramways and Power |China where rice is not grown), nave pel Were 258", Hattie Moore’ 255, tie var was Seer, tbe abovent ‘ot ie “The friends of Rev. J. F. Knight| Company, Limited, 6% per cent. se- | never seen or asted rice, and millions | °° ESTABLISHED 1872 I A ed gold bonds issued in denomin-| more in the rice-producing Sie e anit rs 238.) it would prove too great a arden ta! pestge of he. Method cheb, will) ctions of $100, $500 and $1000, ma | cannot afford to eat it re Ain ety bg, Antu Scmeider 184 industry. ‘These main sources of re- sscevered trom his reeent: illness as turing March Ist, 1924, to yield 6% |be sure, rice is the staple article of | iiizabeth Hoftm m3) menus totalled only $200,000,000 a BANK OF HAMILTON recovered from, his yecen’ sew hours| Percent. Apply at Sun office, bee in south and central China, but oft he The question had to be faced daily. a regular monthly meeting of|there is reason to believe that in the | yo), Mone + 370, i sa coat 364 oo was the remainder of this re- Mr. end Mrs. pou Wagner and|the Milverton Wom m's Fonds will | dietary -of the Chinese people as a Geo 33 Prakt ubetate 362, Hi ms tow. venue to come from. It had to be Mr; an: C. B. Ropp, spent Sun-| be hala the pang set 2 HBS whole the sees uti occupies a | SO°TRS bas! ae Fear Bi0;; Oscar raised He ra used | ae drawn a ce’s “| urday afternoon, March 15th, at 2.30 | more important place. , 3 ‘ |to his “own ideas. He le’ e fac O do.without a thing until you can pay pay ts a, dienty Saves, North Bast) Yfelock shrap. - Subject; “What makes | However paradoxical it seems, the Schnauken B11) tens C00e a rgAl| with the members for consideration cash is sometimes good business pol- habe. Menvings on Monday. next. fotl® successful Institute,” by Miss B. | United States, in the eighteen months | Vin, Hopf 298, SeNGTC Signer 278,| but he was not slow in driving home + the article at a lower price Allan, Sask. Lae Jonald. 2-t.|that it was in the war, spent more |IADe. (Ther on 377, Eocene stew. [his argument that unnecessary publi icy. You get the Migs Lucy Zimmerman has just're-}.. With regard to Government income | than twice the amount of all the gold | Freddie, Hoffman £77, Cisrence Soo, |works must not be started simply. to and so save money; you also get inerest on sirned: ftom Toronto where she ame will be eee by see and silver uence in a ase HES Gaotwee "532 Roy Crawford 225, | satisfy es Amn of Pading i reading the synopsis of the act in this| they were al so short a time to § v +, | municipalities. ey were only jus- the money while you are accumulating it, tended he spring milinery openings. 4 and about oon fe ran start | expend. that stapendoas.sum-—iven- [200 ig ha zoplolbalties <Uaes es eae if you will deposit it in the Savings Depart- vices of Miss McDonald of B harm, come does not reach $1000 and mar- | t; nd a half billion ‘dolla: TBdat ec D ssity or of furnishing employment, . Gah ent 44, average attendances as trimmer for the spring s ried men whose income does notreach strikingly reveals the scope of mod- Ave Alive Se Hamilton, ‘Teacher. ment of the Bank of Hamilton. qouimament aearaiug coehines will|§ j2000 are: not required to make re-| ern systems of credit. The gold min- he made at early date. Y The Philipino Singers—the thir ore & e Roe y. Reis, the first case Songer of vthe @ 2B iBall the years since Columbus PRIMARY ROOM discovered America amounts only FINGER TAKEN OFF. eee te ce as ati alt | Src ist—Total_ $50, honors 260, | MILVERTON BRANCH : N. G. Schafer. on the non-jury list atthe Strat ford | ARE ne te pat money on deposit in the banks of ite pass, 140-—Pearl Schneider 303, Reg: |Unitea States barely ea als at Pao Paddon 288, E cape! the largest logs broug! i he I.0.D. to Doknaw. in recent years was tak- | Irvie Schauber 254, Shirley Ford 249, dent, on im mirday. forencba,. wit ing books of four tickets at $2.00 per ‘leged default of a certain mortgage |en gs MacDonald’s sawmill the other | Harold Knight 226, Charlie Hanna |, ; book, after which date tickets will be| of ees ‘This monster log was in four |222, Rosiria Opper 208, Ira Hamil- 75e each. A large barn on the farm of Frank pe each ten feet long, and meas-|ton 196, Alfred Ratz 194, Flossi Mr. John Wagner on Feb, 23rd re- Minchall, half a mile southeast of|ured 4,000 feet of lumber. It|Berger 187, George Hawkens 184, ceived a telegram from the Director Ingersoll, was struck b; iene the owner about. $125. Be-| Mary Neumeister 166, Muriel Dahms om- | side: : x, Andrew Appel, while operating he Plani r. eonds of wyood. The tree grew on the | Hoffman 89, Arthur Duench 74, Mary Test aoe “nde Rp geres Ce e uxton, lin the barn. Three or Eneland, On Feb, 27th he received |four of the cows and the bull perish- | farm of M- Gardnex, and owing to the |Ford 73, Walter Akins 69, Bessie | mutated & “t wich Se another telegram stating that he was a and a large quantity of hay was ape of Line They: had difficulty ane 69, oie Bundscbp | nae Victor- inder Farmers Take Notice Benloualy iL ving ie iso destroyed. getting it to to’ R crowd gatl se ia Gaines 36, Jack Gatek them stiff for life. ~Mr. Appel can: Mr. James Rustin left on Tuesday wee patricks defeated Kitchener at ered to see it It wi Sims 8h, ! : wit Iredge gang for Seaforth, nen ‘on Saturday njght by a score |found to oe too much for the jocal Yuna 60, eouié Coxon 60, Inez Call and inspect our stock of CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED Where he will continue, the constra and thus captured the cham- seales to weigh, Salvadge '59, Thelma "Schmidt 64 Dp ip me : and get prices before buying. tion of the Tuckersmith big drain. apis of group 2's wie ‘ew peo: ; 5 KE and LIN. Mr. Rustin worked on this drain for|and earned. the right "ea meet the| pertest pra cela along a|Teddie Hocking 48, Etoyle Bundscho : We sivays have on ae.4 stock of OIL CAKE an f a time in 1918, but owing to the dif- and earned tne ahs ome-and-home | large part of the great wall of China. |45, Carl Fleischhauer 45, Margaret| | ‘The death, oagred om Te SEED ME. feulty. in securing competent. help|games for the O.H.A. senior cham-| The bricks of the parapet Are as firm | Bundseho 45, Viola Attridge 41, Od-|ayx, George Hamel, a. highly mre A full line of POULTRY SUPPLIES, STOCK and POUL- last year he abandoned the work un-|pionship and the sop Ross Robert-|as ever, and their edges have stood |el Schneider 41, Arild Baird 40, | ed cannes of the 10th Brant, in his TRY TONICS. We are giving a big reduction on Pratt's and til the present. son cup, and the winner of the fatter | the severe climatic conditions of Nor-|Helen Paddon 54, Emerson Attridge |74th year. Mri Oh ren International Poult "Food. ergy Andrew Ross, who enlisted series will defend the Allan cup. thern China with scarcely a break 3h, Mabel 1 oa 37, Willie Blair stroke on Sanday “end aeihAe yer internation: ry I. aa ‘went. overseas four years ago,| Notwithstanding the many reasur- |The paving ‘along the top of the w: a lays Have you seen the celebrated Buckeye and act INCU- is returned and is at eet ve.{ing statements printed in the local|is so smooth that one a Bal, ne De on roll 46, average attendance Sarg ets eaily hours 0 hiesday BATORS and BROODERS ? We are sole agents, Call in. covering from wounds. Sergt. Ross| press to the effect that Canadians liv-| it with a bicycle; and the se are 45.—I. B. J. Glenn, Teacher. morning. Mr. aes ‘a man, of Stas though some of the worst of it|ing in Windsor and employed in De-|ite blocks with, whieh it is s faves ee B. 2 Try our “SPECIAL” SCRATCH | pee: Your hens are wad is fortunate in being able to re-|troit, need not fear the enforcement |as smooth a) md as closely the community, . He was a member of bound to lay if you feed them this mixture ~ turn, His many friends are glad to|of the new United States meome tax-| whan, a in, Hace es ri thousand WHERE TO OBTAIN THRIFT | the Evangelical ¢ ee Besides his er cent. We have a small quantity of FEED CORN on hand. folly Presored tg pe Hea: fp may Pe on gross aavonie: nb mintter TOW. in- Wall: Sd one uoasad four hundred STAMPS Bele fe x daughters West os ‘ ——_—_—————_ w Reibling lost a val-|si sarge ue a non-resident aliens, | miles, It is twenty feet in thickness. —— >, | Walkerton Teles cape oo Seat week through his|may of the 4,000 persons s affected by | At intervals of one hundred yards or| The LS merchants and. busi-| "phe }; late Mr, Hamel wag a brother I D TK I N Mil rt n team taking fright at a Depa auto- the’ al , wer idee by their S Bue ne ere ee oe Bode feet in mee ned, ‘ uilverions Lay have Soe aan of our fellow-town: es oConaad ile i tg f|troit employers t were liable | height.—Popular Mechanics, te vs o sell. Thrift .DA = Vliverto Te ieee beoler senior We mata, for pagin ment of the full amount of the ‘watam ason, a hotelkeeper. of |will also provide patrons, Svitheards: | Hamely who nitended the funeral lst Cc th, a ice cor fore they ran among the trees at Mr. John} There’ 's a lot of agitation ra ae on} Ma: parents Reid, of Goderich, the oth- os pee eae & Son, z wertoas te iat Schenk, W. D. Weit’s Sal Sale Register 5 S 2 El a cy 2 B e — who attended the reception in Zim- cus ‘are mothers who have been bad-|made on Saturday, February 22nd, merman’s hall on Friday evening | ly used bys ths world ee sai 0 fault by County Constables Fellow and were: Lieut. Percy Cockwell, Galt; of their The country farm is a Wallace. They, found whiskey in a and Ptes. Sphriam, Linder, Elmira}| poor ant ae those who stove, and also in a partition with an rson, Toronto; Edward | strug Jed through a life of el opening from the cellar through the Loney, Britton; John Cunningham, | wi ith little Ber for their ee floor above into the partition. The Millbank and Lance-Corp. Landon Renniohs of a small amount would suf-| board in the floor leading into the Linder, who just returned from over- ace to keep them self r especting an: nd artition had a weight on it of about seas; at A, Ross, of Paisley. onored citizens of the apcoiit nA 5 pounds, to make it appear that it a wi m: Friday, ‘March 7th—Real Bstate, farm mtacla implements and house- hold effect ‘or Peter Raaptes; ‘cole, Monday, fede 10th—Household ef- fects f ‘iss Morrice, Milverton. Tuesday, Shraecn: 1th} ‘arm stock, implemen’ in and household effects for Reet H. Schrénk, lot 7, ine 2 miles con, rnkbelner Hardwar south of Milve reury. s A who has been visiting his grandmother| Sir Sam Hughes, former minister |istrate Reid found him guilty and re- (Service at Gropp’s Garage). Mrs. 5. anes ‘on Satruday |of Militia in the Borden Government | served sentence mat rBaturday. This Tf you ar panes @ new car, see me about last hit in the face with a piece of ice oH ‘Tuesday afternoon made a severe |is Mason’s third offen 0} n the new 1919 m Z i face was ver ry ba et, bruised anc and charged peat Joeph Elayelle, had S in x eee ya loodshot it manipulat and brought about Mn- | f Price : “$e05 f.o.b. Oshawa however, ihe was Aral nec Roverma Add NAPE Maas: Guia OR ORE Ey Riddell, ee pa 5, con: 12, (Not including war tax.) Heuckin the eye force of the hundred million dollars out of the! ne programme of addresses on| TO INCREASE INCOME TAXES | Mornington (near C — pie v would have atroved ihe sight. Rc He also chard ie Seuaiien e Fo ward Movement in. connec- peerage i iday, March Vithe—Farm stock and wing f hunderstorm |troops were driven to slaughter to|tion with the Presbyterian chureh in| Speaking in the Commons last PHivoment tor Marine eee = pate tvs. district on Triday |glority a general who should be court a oak, Hon FB. Carvell estimated |. -Millbank, Have on Hand Good Second-Hand evening about eight o'clock, those in| martialled. ‘The speech | caused inal at cgntuded One (3225 | the additional expenditure which Can- Frost & Wood 6 ft. Mower. charge of the 1.0.D.B. concert: and| great sensation in the House and de- ‘ 7: a 2 Deering 6 ft. Mowe od as new. reception to the soldiers believing |velopments are being awaite 18 Cockshutt Dise Fertilizer Drill. ew wi nture out 01 ortan > Rk a alae HagsDie Hasvow (ew. {a night, postponed the affair toa lt=| years who is photogmaphed on Friday, |ered, bY Revs Re Ce Melony of [year these receipts: eutoms 1 Cockshutt Di ate num me. | Ms : ‘lverton. i i ie tooth Champion Frost & Wood Cultivator, Later on, however, fifteen soldiers |will receive a present, sent through ‘ rf $ 2 seated Top Surrey—a Bargain. Later, on, nomcvadred and fifty peo-|the mail a few days’ later. These |s¢ those meetings, i cannot be the |000. Mx. Carvell could sce no way ple assembled and nie some ell er-| presents will be ee one _in the fault of the speakers—Paisley Ad- of increasing these items to our great ic 0 object os 21 ‘No dot st ci i] : o ening there and they forthwith pro- pleasing each child, Remember only | © meome tax can be increased and will N. immerman éeeded to dance and kept the fun up|children taken on the 14th will re- be. increased.” til ee o'clock in the morning.|ceive presents. Every child in the WILSON WILL RETIRE Mr. Carvell, skncret ing a personal pore er Implement Dealer and Mi el would like to see phe ea arators, Flew tanghtin Bug a y ¢ i President Wilson told members of tax extended | w wards mses. which amount-|in the morning ores will surely be |] mocratic National Committee | wards. He would like to see every ‘puseda serch Ble reae ore stock mt to over $11 ee shnded 0 over to the| disappointed. A dull day makes no /tl ee would ee be a candidate for|man with an fattest of a thou: ae hhilip lot. 4, treasurer of the LO D.. difference in the finished photographs. Seeriantion in 1920. dollars paying some income tax. ot easiest: wae Section, 2 2 sr; 5 3 oe 3 Bs e = S & 2 3 3 iJ a 8 Be = 3 is 5 Ei & = s g 3 & ES Ey ES 3 # = a B Se eo gs oe = = $ 2 E Eg a5 ie ° id 5 1 z 3 Se 5 - . s 5 2 A 2 oe i ee