apported, how m the ‘in pare sisted, upon. os the | bo: Fe vey * an fot Saaaetne =| sores bo S a abserstege, = living and pro- | ng ade He nd_and : p i ticket P See e, : ee i ela 2 bey $8 ‘time ere nE| Bui tobe "mentally a star A i eal} i % wae / IY _\_ Advertising aa ie enous politcal one tof at would snes Seaeee f j a ™ EAS 7 : q = : The. 2 : 7 s for contract art sumers ee pathetic ‘ali ment thi a 7 Bae yo ne. ay i f : milled at ; an b Ai has Ses SS SRR a Ss ea edj against the manufacturers “and pro-|or anyth you do i = Sh ae mi ma’ a 1 A mos tron | sue a ‘i 3 fa ee |iiable C ; Such is the coming battle ery inl Ca a ‘ The uctors Sida “ ‘ Canada. 2 ye Pp this | Western 4p coupled with a fon that | = production will not decline If you see it in The Sun—it’s so. e greater It sv bedecked for the occas- * Tet 's look for a few paint at the chiles te in the honté. i weet ‘or nce, ne sae there was once a cel long been sr to see an extension |. : of ‘the i DR. Bod; R FORSTER — feneti te wish ar ie S Boi gite Tr ack Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat etter the opening ae It called upon " X to epeak a few w ara se on dolence se Route 7 f lower wi ; eibces or flowers. Bes betwe ood afternoon, my dear int a the, vies, as city |MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT * 200% . AND CHICAGO lon. 2 d_in a contented 10 io if ams 2 to 5 ou i For all gardeners—a com- ee is he 0 Lc pity 41a ae LIER \ . 4 ee re new cemetery,” he went} ’ ‘et ined fees end saa x e mW v ws comedy meiiean : o on, “sdems to be filling up nicely.” Unexcelled Dining Car Service. ad Saturday cai tts pe he fameek< Study it Before you commence « ad eeee “@ hare ss your season’s work. WES Woul i ee ee : Sle i 83 Waterloo rm s Se . co ‘Preseription,” — i leeping cars on night trains and °: mi ited thes and.| sason, 186 Welllin 5 rf Maa Wa! A Low Opinion parlor cars on principal day trains. or all poultry keepers and stock raisers, a book thavtells you what to-do, what to use, The real German opinion of Rus-| pun information from an: Gea id sian democracy, if we could only ‘run Teket Agent or C. ay S DENTIST. : : J. F. SEBBEN, DDS. LDS. Windsor Blo e Ate a eee SO ee TE Gea a Ragdy place De Tae: would: ae aciehtakan: Ante as a meus ing, District Passenger/ Ree Tore Of ahuite value as a ready reference. =, 4 “oven about vention, rieane spenber was Frank A. Vander. Opp. City Hell, = STRATFORD ?| heating, light, etc. ip, chairman. 0’ -savings-cer-| H, C, BAIRD,’Phone 1, L Dominion Seeds, Limited Eng HE ace eile pny| Rete opicee He wert xt Phone 3, Local Agent Die LONDON, CANADA cee for the chi ‘When child- ‘Hen Hay: up with Open evenings from 7 2 9 o'clock gies ren are so fond of swimming, aid" | Comstalle in ‘front of the. pastottice ing, swinging, ete., say. can’t we have | One day and he stopped his turnout ‘tema Pcie: if wre for sush—we could, [Aye hal in't lookin’ for a good ho GA ‘ 4 elive, if we got ether. I mn goo SS, e 5 4—We could ta plans to help| Cal, be H. B. Morphy, K.C. ke those just past the school nae. who| (1 sane Why?” says C: e {have not yet started on some definite} __ “This here mare’s for sale eee Cw pring Bplicitor fe Bank of al Saas ‘ ‘ course, couldn’t we? We could be| Hen. . ‘You know Cal. al- ualgoncae MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, seein me, more sociable. 3s "ready for a hoss rade. ‘ne Let’s try! ye wraint the mare Or ion’t ye? She's St 1 “ j 2 ts a beauty. ‘Take her of leave her.” yies Mousse hass, i ‘ “Cal studied the mare a moment. THE YANKEE AT cournT | "oP BS E84. would take her, Hen,| With spring Suitings and Overcoat- Harding, Owens & Goodwin 4 as Oe only I hain’t got nothing smaller than |ings and Trimmings purchased and de | . Barristers, Solicitors, &c. altos Holman ok ie Argonaut, @ dollar on me, and I hate to bust it.” | livered from one to ares years ago,] corioynlock,- STRATFORD, ONT Se r : ican. editors has bee! ng Eng- cate oer ecg gaunt Orem drones ¥o Loss Now is the time to feed DR. HESS’ STOCK FOOD. [We have a Se teecorem coats at last years prices, / | a. a, HARDING. W. 0, OWEND We, GOODWIN full ine to choose from. Also ROYAL PURPLE STOCK FOOD Lloyd @ Tet Na a ie eR aa PS and CALF MEAL at Right Prices. shock of hair, typically Welsh in face} At a convention of poultrymen of| You are absolutely certain of get- Notary Pople: 4 “3 and Autres frank, mentally alert. . .|Canada held at Ottawa last week, | ting the best value in town when you ‘ eee -. . A dynam ched to a uni-| Professor F. C. Elford, of the Do-| get us to make your clothes. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public ctor i Tae We | versal joint, To whomever. or what-|minion Experimental Farm, advocat- e 4G ‘ i J a i Ea A ce Ge ever subject he addresses himself, he|ed the policy of 100 hens ae ten SeAbe Auctioneer for the ‘Counties of Perth you can, if you wi m gives an absolute attention. “It was|farmer in Canada, or 75,000,000 Conveyancer deed wile mortgages drawa with experience facts. ON Wil in this historic room, gentlemen,” he|head by the next census, in 1921. My onmaanehe, fit, finish and fash- vars wits made: 4 ice facts. inom life's | remarked, as he sank into a chair, Canada, at the Low rate of six dozen|ion guarante clerk, : Z jour e ff, ae Lord North his cabine' year, should then Oftice: ena over Bank of Nova Scotia : é le the first of our great piandete peodure bee 000, 000 dozen, of which eee RUSSEL S52 ERAS in dealing with your great country.” t We have several cars of Furnace and Chestnut Coal on the road, allowing double the present domestic King “George: A betterlooksn i Publi : pbetter looking | consumption, 50,000,000 would then| Jf, M. FLEISHHAUER A. Chalmers, - Notary Public which we expect to arrive in a few days. Just phone us or drop nan, than indicated by ie and we will advise you when it arrives. The price is right. | era The appearance of an Eng- a eae get rid of the mongrel ne ie aay ea oe oe First come—first ish country gentleman, not an im- i ag Posing personality, bat one of de- hen, the ae cay oes nee MILVERTON, eo TONTARIO Real estate bought'and sold. A few chotee " e finite dignity. He has the rather farms for immediate sale. Set in yt rho sm {AA | = PONTARE SS 3 ; iate your children, How can you : oe M. E. BE TTGER & CO ert Gerour duty tank how you should ee ere Neterinery: zo . a you ever think how you should ql Branitard Eepontor. Weir's List of Farms For Sale R. E. Beggs, V.S. Monkton, - Ontario room? He h rdened with the wai > Ss y. bu wits 3 the lies and seve. er own to Southeast quarter of lot 3, as ne VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND pay or repudiate, will not be able for} 9th concession 0: jornington, SURGEON pend in his tender years at There are many little things you can many years 23) "a ain threaten the taining 50 acres. On the arecions ts teach him at home that will be world peace—provided that guaran-|erected a good comfortable brick Office: Barr’s old stand 4 , broadened as he gore to school—no tees can be secured for payment.|house with kitchen and woodshed. +, ' is A. B. C.’s and fi That is one phase of the question | Drilled well, windmill, bank barn, pig cee which ll be the presence in] pen and driving shed. "Also the. nord ca , ermany of an army of occupation | easterly forty acres of lot 3, in the ; for, many yew 8th concession and the south ‘easterly The Queens Hotel bre unlike France in}34 acres of oa e 8th _conces- CANADA FOOD BOARD LIGENSE NO, 10-622, -— mar 0 es or en 1870, will find none to commiserate| sion, Will be sold Ia ia biped Ue) Hees mesa ceteneaee oe TR ith’ her in her depleted financial | separately. siesaigh a apa : ea staat referred to so many times ;, i $9.8 800 will buy lot 18, concession ‘Two large Sample Rooms. hs rnington ; acres, comfort- T i ith other child- 2 GEO. F. PAULI, Prop., -» Milverton, Ont <. Our advice ie to buy. Pure Woollen Cloths and Suitings So iim to fhink: this ml 1 come FINANCIAL COST OF THE WAR. |Qble. dwelling, houses splendid bank f such as we have are going to advance mucl r owi iy; to it may, but to oth- 2 ae ed to the demand for wool for other. purposes, and ind Pees ogame arses: schoo! he) ‘The direct cost of the war is esti- ue, “cement fale. Corner sar: bt hate conditions in England. It is doubtful next seaso i 2s | Stae,, fi mated at $200,000,000,000, and the glone to Millbank and C.P-E, sayin: oollen goods can be im from the British Isles in rel ‘The Reconciliation,” and other indirect cost of diminished trade and Ee he at Milverton Lpsiae No. 478 Bee ns quantities to supply the demand for civilian use. | We he il others, | familiar prints, any one of which may | of financial disturbance at $225,000-| 87000—Will buy the east half of AE. & A.M. GRC. Bi put in a heavy stock of ‘Suitings and Overcoatings many to hineete by being selfish when try-|be had at the Eporium basement toe 0 ‘Vast sums have been used | !ot 3, con. 6, me lopnington} 100 acres; rise edb ey Rise Tronths ago, “Our customers will get the benefit of our ing to enter the RR ana ie ein evidence, It] POO. uetruction and. vast public |Drick house, bps apres scree igi S foresight. ORDER NOW. : Se eater child the proper encour-| Was ® homey place, and. “thats sbout debts have been incurred for which| 200d water;’2 miles brain Miveston. fag, 2. Wel ent to 80 tall that ean be said for there is no corresponding property.| _$6,800—Will buy the east halt of| Waiting brethren aivave' wele id ia A ony poralngien ~ acres; | 4: Harrow, W.M. iH, L, Nicholeon, | Secy, The Up-to-date Nol : y ott eae ge ogee ay v1 FLOATING HELLS. been suspended during four. years|plenty of water; right at village o - E LD Monkton, - Ontario d its alae ed during four, years |Pery na the greatest snap in afarm,| Silver me eee No. 202. ; (John Bull, London.) Snughter of human lives and the an-| $2,000 down, balance at 5 per cen! . i - 20 nihilation of accumulated wealth. $7,200 wall boy ie north half of| Meets very se pe at 7,80 In thetr : n, 100 acres; hall over Bank of ns es \ OUR CLUBBING LIST ; OW and soft water; x ads. Boys who resent pres al ‘an ie n berth” | Si Sun and Toronto Daily Globe. ae08 69, eatoentt stabling; ee shed 26x MON KTON ’§ POP lessons of reverence and self. Ss. mean: hu: Sun and Daily Mail & Empire: 4, with hen house and pig Stabling, UL AR STORE control from good biographies. They | women and children, are, packed in Sun and Toronto Daily World. . i and ing ing reat state of cultivation. i dee eiaan tet books: Dear dining room” tables. an 3 Sun and Toronto Daily News.. 4.26 ~ Is yon s school propery 9 srrnuuavent i iddle: A in n eae 4 ant lighte io you low your aie « N e S ren, eany cups at} dash down the open hatches or tl ein CAPS 2 oe ( ow in Season | 2320.82 Stere se JA ae: rovide your child wth towel Gat means inden oat | Wrenly ar < 3.15 ounter 4 . 26] 7 And Ch Than Meat | ee,4s-Peet ie foe ee ie cee SS as n eaper an iyiea washing, at Shoot instead of hinder: shout have cian: i mang ert oe Peace, eae ctr s tal i « idea of the “Nurses’ and Doc- ed sick- ; jee Lake Supetior Herring, & 5Q At | tom? 8csmningr to the school for med- * a ae eines oe OER eo 3 j ow a kegs, reg. $9.50, for.,.... Oe ni Hi ld be a splendid }y : ‘ARS. ‘ besa Eve" e Lake Superior Herring, our Wemen. T: mac * We are sending out a num- * B*iapouiiete ree Baas AP af tae, Te6. $626, for... * 4.50 . able to bring it to notice han the + her of accounts to subscribers * sito et don ae by ee gulag dats ? Chole Lake Superior Hering, We are so trying to hay e hot|! Won els . HR Teh ac ee eourte mcheons, £08 pupils ai “noon damned some of the passengers have i * J / heads off, pails, reg. $8.25, for...... Ate 5 ; Would. you ike fa, know som | paid as some as £30. a pesatiscud high cake oF paper tl Grats pes Bessoatianes y! Get your share before they are all sold. _ |* to which is added uncer- * Headsched Carec, pet a yee cin af NOT-A.VERY STRONG MANDATE.|+ the vast in at pl Haig ad peas perenne MAKE THIS ORANGE WEEK work inthe. afesrnon. — Co amare mage) Meena = —Interest is js added to the schogl} While aye George has an over-| eaves ° aie Sie = reget Check Book Co. Get your supply at WHOLESALE PRICES—Thursday, Fri- Riek: wi ip vin. the British difficult and cos! The pa- H Ss tnchuraaed to take | House o: Coton it is mot by any|* per controller is also making * day and Saturday—Golden Orange Brand Sunkist Navels at ion th nt une fo means certain that his majority in|+ 4h Lvoaid hy dethaudiag "40 7 SPECIAL, PRICES, ; cin IS intnie in household |the country is eq at. the]. eR eT eM UB This firm turns out | ily late election nearly the elector- Bost kettle rendered lat 20-0, me neelationanip between nome ae, including weird, of t,o ¢ he sont toe subscriber over */|| only high-grade work Special ils a $5, 20 and school is strengthened.» laters abstained or were prevented|* three months in arrears. The ‘||| at very reasonable ue ‘ 7—Paving the way for introduction |from voting, and in spite of its|+ weekl Rite Bhan aa: 2°" \ ve Schite 1scueee of epousholt act science. ercring majority in seats, = aoa Dated ent * cp thelr Kets *1f prices. om “si ees arrive 1st Marcl Hears your orders at en an we must not forget oe more than a f the electorate.j* and they do not know when * < f : Its majority ‘has, algo, been swollen|* the order may be applied to *|/f See our samples and = Be eT recat ond Labor tals ee ee eee tes oae 7c |» Set DUE prices before 2 ‘a ¥ three-corn oa At 3 and with a it : a matter of pple tay o ¢ 1 de ring. Canad: 3 ich on a fairly representative R er, ; la Food Board License Na. 8—16901 fem should have given ita maiority|* now that your sitenition his * : 5 ae pe cane tvs 22 four}+ been called to the matter, let * f 4 ou 5 ~ in seats, Of three to one in British|* ws have your prompt remit- *|] i 4 E y constituencies. * tance, ¢ a, 0 VV Ba {EN : 3 ae epee * THE SUN. * un ice oY \ ¢ * pean *| “yi To help ioe “inl a suggest ion ing The Sh office for eostedate Sock ia ace ce Sh ool