Milverton Sun, 6 Mar 1919, p. 5

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THIS IS “SAM” THE EVENT OF THE SEASON HEN DERSON ONE NIGHT ONLY MUNRO CONCERT CO’Y. Thursday, March Gth Zwneenans “wait MISS ALICE DUNBAR, HUMOROUS SONGS AN! ID STORIES, ~ “Queen of Comedy Entertainers” — CHARACTER CHANGES, A Real Treat. Miss Jean Walker READER and IMPERSONATOR ~ Miss K. England JUVENILE READER Miss Mary Bishop JUVENILE BAG PIPE ARTIST “If you like bag pi ic, all SINGER and SCOTTISH DANCER. ye atleast Maeno Mrs. R. Munro PIANO ARTIST and ACCOMPANIST EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTION Canada’s Juvenile Harry arry Lauder with his dainty sister in Scotch and Irish Acts. THE MUNRO CHILDREN -- SAM and DOROTHY For Best Seats Get Your Tickets at Once Plan of Hall Now Open at Petrie’'s Drug Store Don’t Miss This Treat of the Season ALICE DUNBAR ~ “Is Making Phe Liugh Evebywhsre” LOGAN COUNCIL Council met on Monday, Feb. 24th "da. and disposed of the following usiness. 1d and seconded that auditors’ or wor! famuel Mulholland be paid $4.00 as balance of as tax collector for year That the sum of $15. 1918. 10 be dona’ hi Ns That the following named person: Repatriation casper hina Becker, Dentth Matto salary due him i Fitiek Sie o} Linton, William Harvey. Bese and Councillor dia committee to ‘a complaint re George ane ies Naught Drain with peck T.M. hat th Becker be a investigate, Logan wil sideration pay such price per yard for mntractors’ Record for f the jowest or any tender not necesnsily accepted. That Councillor 3 C. Douglas be Basswood per cord Elm per MILLBANK, - LOGS and Wanted at Millbank Saw Mill pe will pay the highest CASH prices for all kinds of Logs and ea ding :— LOG PRICES: Soft - $30.00] Basswood . Har sates $35.00| White Oak $40.00) Soft Maple 2 3 Bary 00] Black Ash ices fo passer. gradesjaccording to quality. See us for cutee of logs HEADING PRICES: ++ -$5.00 for 20 in.; $9. $3.75 for 20 in.; $7. H. E. RATZ & CO. HEADING .50 for 40 inch. -00 for 40 inch. : ONTARIO vel by ate by. anes ‘hat this sonst: do now SS Douglas, grav! That the clerk be instructed to ad-|¢ appointed delegate to attend the Good Roads Convention at at Toronto and report at next. ‘meetin ber of accounts amounting to $2632, 95, were Senta and 0} ered paid: Douglas and seconded March 31st 2 B rn to meet again at press time and by aeaee od seconded by that this council meet on ereea business on March in the Bese nel Borabeln, at the ho our ot one o'cl VARIABLE WEATHER The weather me late has been quite :| Monday with beautiful sunshine and winds; Tuesday broke drear extolled the democratic and domestic | pe ed to come down and kept at it during mid- snow, with th ing broke, the ground was covered with several rg of snow, which but the indications re that it Twill not Tie long. Stomach Pains Eight Years Now Feels Fine ASKS ME TO TELL OTHERS m. Fullarton, R.R. 1, Listowel, 18th, 1919) : “ET want to write| Fri MONKTON BRIEFS : The friends and acquaintances of the late ae Campbell, formerly of Grey township, but who has resided for some years in the Saat with ie son, John, would ‘be taken in sad sur- last week at*the tl eing home for interment in. the |family plot at Brussels, Much sym- pathy for the bereaved is felt in their fad Rour of trial, deorge Fisher's sale last week turned out well and he now intends residing in Listowel, followed by the ‘ood wishes 0: riends in his proposed locati . William, ‘Stott, reeve of Elm Loye, piano agent, of Ethel, has been successful in placing pianos in the homes o: Love, ; J. Dewar, 12th of Elma. iss Daisy Snowden returned ie. vom in ain nto after spendin; reeks with her friend, Miss lig Struthers. Mr. Gaon Flood’s ee was con- siderably damaged by ligh w panes and. doi M ‘ran! ery osition as pees = the Upper cae s Sees, ~_ ‘ch 6th, | Mr. J.-J. ey to iz | CFy cinity were present interviewing. the ;WILL HAVE TEnIOEEE, CONSE- rd to th lacing QUI couneil in regar the monument which ‘the council ‘s making a grant towards in Monkton wi vee made by Rev. T. J. Allan, . Merryfeld and Mrs. J. E. ide: Ewen were at Mitchell on Tuesday on_business, Mr. David Young is at Toronto this week attending the funeral of a nd eotietned Mr. ‘J. James and Mrs. J, Turnbull spent duesday and Wednesday at Mr, R. McCullough’s. Remember the ¥.P.S. meeting on at 2.30 p.m in Exskine’s also sho ower of soap and thread fo for destitute Serblans, sl Bes will sell oe parle auction on lay, Mare ie: farm “aoek cand ‘nmpements of cNichol,- lot 1, con. 16, 3 Township of Elma. eee e REPORT OF MONKTON PUBLIC SCHOOL For February. The. figure opposite sed by Senior Room. Form V—\ rite Hammond, ns Schade 1, Seott Golightly. Ellacott 1, Evelyn Shine, Edna fenry 1, Isabel Hazel. Adair 1, Jack Golightly, Frank Gill 2, Millie White 3. until ed Hacking’s Heart ada College, Form Sr. {1i—Lyall Erskine, Ken- Nerve edy, which fixed me ties gece Bae © act baby are at neth. Golightly, Marjorie Golightly, all right. I used ing’s Kidney | present visiting her parents, ee and|Edna. Gerth, Clare r Rutl md Liver Pills along with the Rem- Mrs. Hamlit ton, Milvert Bettger 1, Max McDonald, Iva Near I want you to publish this and Charles Dunge let other sufferers know about your| ed ihe Collison Pauses) Mitchell, ant “Form Jr. 1—Harry Peppler, Hth- in; ‘again to {el McDonald, Hilda Gerth, Loretti ‘of Born. |Shine 1, Wellington Struthers, How: 000. Mr.|ard Weber, Irwin Benneweis 1, Geo- s a box, 5 1. ne 100-acre|tge Benneweis 1, L ir 2, sale by-S. Petrie, Milverton; Weber| farm, which is valued at $9,000. Mr. ea a Arthur Leppard 1, Mabel & Bettgen Monkton, and E. G, Cogh- | Dungey pays him $2,000 besides. Mr. | Near 1, ce Dunseith 1, Wass- lin, Atw: Séts possession the first of | mann, Clifford Paterson; |° Mr. y and family are | Maggie _.2), Stanley Dun- *: SyRY SP rset ikely i “etay in Hive hell. if he can seith 1, arlie Gill 3. ee table house to live in and Ww G. Hammond, Principal. 2 MORE DAYS of the GREAT HARDWARE SALE IT HAS BEEN A DECIDED SUCCESS On SATURDAY, MARCH 8th. AT TWO O’CLOCK’P. M. We are going to hold a Demonstration ———— of the: ———— Famous Fi-Re-Co Ranges (Made by The Hall-Zedy Co., of Hespeler) A representative of the firm will be here to give a practical demonstration. Everybody is requested to be here and see this wonder stove. Mr. Arthur Sanders Bring your Tin and Granitware here when in need of repair Will Look After the Repair Department EAVETROUGHING and FURNACE WORK a Specialty. J. G. SEIP, - LINWOOD at tomobile agency ie 23 arm. fy . Andrew Gibson and vey, of Stratford, are at Dre 2 at a menlobe Me bad Mies, Frank Dailin Rev. and Mrs. Woblert will spend Junior Room. (Por January orma Hammond, ger, Hazel se ber, Elna Goli ght ly, Irene Woodco: Eliza Adair, Wil- ll all Have toe pl A. Chalmers and John Mc- | an he months of January and |L: upil's name shows number of tests|s 1 Hammond | (W.L:S. in Weekly Sun.) The Pecans ae the i Wil Scan Paoviueial dent by ate end of the present fisea 000. “Po provide gee fi eae That "| cessity again. is yea relief was looked , conditions on the farm, instead of being better, will be worse—that 1e tea pect of a six or eight-hour day and 5: en What little labor is left renter hardahip on the Provines than the war itself be the ultimate effect es, r “the Pilgrims” have disappeared, will be repeated here in Ontario. Instead rogeny of the sturdy yeo-| Bey from England, Ireland, Scotland, t ermany of the forties, and the good old Pennsyle ania Dutch stock—’ t insteai e Methodist, Presbyter- ian, Baptist and. Anglican conan have something” alto- diferent. ‘The rurel Ontario $f today will be no more and a W different. Ontario, and finitely lower level, (yn | tion after five delve year of ae be said there is|7100 | if they are not satisfied with th ATWOOD UNFAIRLY TREATED. (Atwood Bee.) Last week the ates of this com. munity earned it the Atwi ta. service. It is now up to make wed for mmer st Ant be iNeed the middle of the after- oon. TO CEMENT WINTER FAIR FLOOR (Guelph Mercury.) a conference between the mem- vers. of the Parks and Building com- Seay Of Things cannot go-muc it was decided to put in a cem- er without an utter collapse o: eat. ‘floor in that the Winter Ontario gerviotlbire he fi ill| Fair building which was used for the not gi re| assembling of ear. The Gal ieave Angin ele place will come| work will cost about $1,000 and the Europeans—Greeks, Slavs, Portu-| Sheep Breeders’ Association will con< guesé, Italians, people accustomed to| tribute $400 FS ae cost Hen year, a lower scale of living than ourselves. |and are agreeabl sie A 0 rent hi pee of the Ei end Stat-| yearly thereafter ati e full cost. rural New England, vhich of the cement floor ta paid by them. | Tenders for t] ‘ork will be called d | fox at an early dai ate, and it is expect- nH ave the floor completed by the is com- pistea it will be a great convenience @ farmets attending the Satur- La een | | LADY LAURIER DECLINES PENSION t is asserted that Lady Laurier Ue Harvey, Ralph A neve are strong’ statements, has, been approached by the Govern- Saturday and Sunday, in Toro Moe ve Ralph Adair, Irene Pat-|are not a whit stronger than the sit; |ment to see. if she wotlld accept The L.Liki te Inanehing @ drive of srson, Carl Holman, Edna Near, Hel. |uation calls for pension. While deeply. appreciating eee ee oe benefit | en, Schade nee d the coniplinient to her dead husband, of sperannuated nisters,, teachers| Jr. 1st—Mary Hammond, Mae] , ane e is understood that she has declined ope Peres oer Ritz, Gordon Leppard | MR. AND MRS. MILTON RONNEN- te zeae a eeeiind Bren ee ee Mrs, H.W. Hamilton, of | Pe Grete Kresler, Lilian Struth BERG HONORED ma ago Liberal friends of Sir Wil- [ahiverton, spent the jweel-end with] o.'and ‘Lloyd Betizer. ‘equal, Francis maine d arranged an annuity of $5,000 a. ‘Machall of SE Marys, Dunseith, Kat Stewart, Janet He ogning was and this has been accumulating, for r jonary snniversary sere imer——Harold Weber, Harold | th concession Elma, last) $9.590 annually as member. and §7,- ites ere. or uae yas Bettgor, ‘Sterling Golightly, Edna vhen a reception was held in| 00. as Leader of the Opposition Eee irae Uae Marshall's pal MeDonald, Norman. Berlet, “Elwood irs: Milton: Ron- | white his house has Increased 4n value aaa aye e (Methodist church | Matthews, Arthur Adair, Lore Go bout one hundred guests | trom $7,000. to. $40,000. His. sav {y usual on Sunday: “Moming servi lightly, Preston Holmes, Scott ‘Thibi- heat congrtult on ae renee Invested and Jat 10 a.m., Sunday school at 11 ame " (Foi Febiunty) evel was | and evening service at 7.30 o'clock. y ple asantly spent in eanbe musi I T. J, Allan will oceupy the pul-| gy. 2nd—Bliza Adair, Hazel Web cial inte nena and in for aa “he a Oo aaa Vpit, fammond ai el Bett- | lig! ‘antastic, | elie’ Mr. A. Chalmers conducted one of ger eaual, Ralph ‘Adair, Willie Har-|lunch had been jantaken th |the: most, euccessful sales held in this g Wordconk, Einn Golightly teresting event of the as ection for dward Bettger on|yejville McNaug lace, the Monkton friends pre- Sr. Ist—Irene Patan Carl Hol-|sented the young couple with | nareday. ga "when 36, 000 was real- ned ‘sal Fe B. Manton returned home jon. Monday night, after spending few weeks with her parents at Bright. ( 8. milton ani | Mr. and Mis. John Betiger spent Sun- [day at Mr.’ Richard Coghlin’s near iow. i A rial service in. memory of aneec john C, Keillor, chureh, [cose will be a community serv: | ‘The I.0.D.E. held a successful “At |Home? on Tuesday e' ra Mr. John Elligson, the new. pro- prietor = the Monkton hotel, took sessio) is busy po: Fonovating the building from top tom at present. Mrs, Wm. Bettger returned home on Monday. evening after visiting her daughter at Kitchener for the past week Miss Roxie Bilber, of Zurich, has returned from to resume her position al spring season, George Better is spending a couple of days at Atwood this week, ta in teug tee council hela on Tues ae deputation of the ratepayers of Monkton and vi- the millinery openings | whe Bettger’s millinery “parlors for the |1 iny man, Johnnie Adair, Helen Schade, | ue Edna Near. r Mary Hammond, _Mae|Amo Henry, Emma Berlet, Kathleen: Stew- cressler, Loretta Ritz, art, Earle a Boyd iBetiger Lillian Struthers, Gor- ppard, Marion Holman, Laura nda mer— Sterling gully and F, Edna nald and El- McNaught, © Arthur Thibideau G. A. Chalmers, Teacher. EARL GRIFFIN Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Nelson town- riend: reavement, your order for counter soe books at The Sun office—we are agents for acheter 8 Irene ole, Misses Dora and bath and Ms Rose McClellan, of Straifords Misses Maggie an anney and Mr. Roberston, of Milverton BACK TO STANDARD LOAF Notice has been | Served on the bak- law, but this February. 10th b; The Candaa did: #0 ‘conserve. wheat, ‘ahd the loaves should y lin perfect ali hey e erfect ali st e Office Be the THE RIGHT LEVERAGE man ccpeat means a spine pincestone of "the anal 1 verte- " GHIROPRAGTION NATURICE WAY OF RESTORING NORMAL CONDITIONS? ANSON B. KILBOURNE tpt hapa hae: rand Central Hotel. render and PEO: Office ours: 9 a, m. to 4 p. Consultation and Examination Free.

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