Milverton Sun, 6 Mar 1919, p. 7

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ALS EQUIPPED . NEWSPAPER Ww i nd Job > peta. pleat ee on guick sal, Boz 62. Bas, sha ht eer caps x. MEW Ar aE mor Koln fea sat mix 0. BO fas unt. pl Pubusuine Co... Apr a: ted, ect ‘MIS OU , LUMPS, ETC. fnavrexternal, cured Sits ACER, Welt oh ore er Tate, oe alias eta Medical’ Ort sae Collingwood. © ANTED TO DO PLAIN Loe ni sewing at home, whole. oF pare time, good pay, work sent any dis- qpare Umnerees paid. Send. stamp for farticulars. National » Manufacturing Eompany. “Montreal, TO PERPETUATE FOREST CROP. For Conservative Made Forests of ee Feaiuenle the bal pen ct the Columbia Larner 80 ontal many large an different aite classes that it is difficult ing more than a rough ery wobable loss from fires must be con- ie ¥: wich depends upon individual. in 0 TSE Neia itebbeices sob cba ONT IS aed gate Pera eee tive, cutsid0 the observation of super eration is depended upon for refores-|14 to 20 years. Price : Str thuibe, All Gegress of restocking occur |za: Desioe No. 915, “ric, set Speer SLY cues ater fully restocked areas are the exception HE a cea saree Co a Shaloanr age ati ss ine aen ce on-various points about the x hpi to roan ga ay German air service, ‘The losses due t merchantable stand contains mature caine airvice The tase and overmature t where the de- ess ee Ce cay ‘Abster rept effsets the incre- areas on the coast that mi were fully restocked have been found uce an annual increment 1,000 board feet per acre in forty years growth. Obviously, this figure is much too high for ral average, even for the coast rate 1s ex- ceedingly high as compared with ue interior. Taking tors into ler eat it hi assumed that the average an ta gi erement might be estimated at 100 board feet per acre, over ap) seer ater e dertaken by the Com servation show that there is 95,580,000 acres capable of producing merchant- able timber, but a large part of this large in the. esate stm ecessible. e, the estimate of 5, 000, - may 00 ‘eat ‘i eaainat conseryative, e) ral areas, especially “ape sai MODEL | VILLAGE IN LONDON British Government - Intends te Build One in Capital. hat is the bal of yes te the baitfish Govern ideal? Ac sta xis cael details of the Local Gove housing sche ich is now pub- ei 12 oom per acre in urban. areas. districts. in living and Minimum of sun for Jarders mad itores. Comfortable living room, 3 d- rooms, washhouse and bathroom or Standarized essential fittings, such ‘ s doors, windows, | ranges, bots Be door handles, in ai at the present famine houses, Fhe official vast that a model village is t ected, ph and developed’ as fast as the schemes are appro instead of tea or coffee Try the change for ten days if health or other reasons appeal to you * You'll like this excellent table heverage withits dshcious, mild, flavor and the results of the ene mgs ela da '3 whi toys so mud ih Posturt is sold nowadays the ioe Ladies’ Wa‘ «Lord ‘Readin; bw Hai et pact sivas x Pleats from un rapes thet at either side in a Price, 20 cents each This threé-piece dress has middy skirt and bloomers. plain at the top, ordinary wais' full and adjusted ‘at the center-front, No, 8 2-to 32 waist. e) patterns may ibe indulge to the full whe in Aa from aig local; McCall _ dealer, or with het father when the Duke of Pepeaeiy Governor-General, ae Reel 70 Bond St., W. en there Minaxd’s Tinkment Cures Dinnthertay has| 4 » and Convertible. collar, MeCall Pattern ‘te With a pleasing grace this rode McCall Pattern it. anes ‘There was also a marked shortage of Ee sale Ne ee “y i “4 # mal certain types of machines. With re- Pi is fal ate isizee.'22 to 82 waiat,| E02 © vardontiel, an Rekaph> Was Cs pellet ila a Na ee ade to meet the shortage by compul- i ics vy The bloomers are knees with Pattern No. 8728, elastic. McCall meg ivroen Girl’s Dress. In 6 sizes, 4 to 14 years, be possessed of a head of heavy, ice, mts. beautiful balr!, soft, tustrous, ‘Audy, wavy and free from dandruff is mer This costume feature’ the rounded tunic which gracefully curves across McCall Pattern No. Skirt, “In Price, 0 cents obtained axe | but when! tern. | Tue ARMISTICE. ex Morale Crumbled More Quickly Than ~ in Any Other Section of “Fong'betore the war seis to ite sud- den end there was plent; REaiontes that the going to pieces, as much vs ae ihe: faulty ae es and sible source, that mx the air service ean to crumble @/ ts exceptionally high, because s0 V crashes per day was eight. Shortage. of Pilots. e four. months ago ghee was a shortat be ited that pilots formerly always eevee ed ed scout units. situation is said to bgt arisen from ie fact that reports of enormous casualties in pursuit flights had been sidered very “safe” | been dubbed “life | panies. units, and had even | insurance ¢om- if to the oplane service for training and mciiayeteke as pil oi ‘The shortage of petrol, in pursuit units. Sixth German Army were allowed fly for an hour only every other day, and pilots were oe permitted to carry out ee: nt patrols. To machines, men and Ey time: aviation war time strength and efficienc; —_— GIRLS! THIGKEN AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AND. STOP: DANDRUFF Try this! Your hair gets wavy, glossy pas ee ee a F Tee WAS APPARENT LONG BEFORE > artificial light, either electric or, be = = j ee - ~ HM. Comolly &Co. ||( SPRING MUSKRATS Cam eee ; i TLD We pay thi ness aga fer Spring | ot & Old Age sTocks AND BONDS 8 The celebrated Dr. Michenhot®, Membare: Montres! Bteck Spel of etal ca ene price aud sn nathesiey ow sacl old ous, » in 3 fatestine: ABBEY FUR COMPANY ~ desl preparer aarad png setae] ae gt Tp, as ||] “PM Noein, | te eset eed . ess tenaton Most Tm 1020 a telal was!) on Eee Reference: Bank of Sinise of “Selgel's 5 th: 15 to 30drops made of the method near Burnham ong, RI. Petes lan to ‘on-Crouch, in Besex. Spring wheat inl ih > 4 ere is usually, in Mayeh oF : Re si Selassie < ie ccRBIGn, ia wheat, a ay ean | 408 » 408” TRANSPORTATION . % chat 4 VILDING Rie uaa ts wonTawa Victory Bonds, Stocks, 6th was in ear. It wa: from the eighteen weeks. Another qaethod of ieaaas crops is icity throu; i A third method . is to Sere ants are thus yy night. as well by aes lettuce are easily ii Aare ae db e. cial light, and are more brilliant. SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL e—e—0—0—0 00 9 098 est folks etek ‘on your feet eer a shoes a size smaller if you like, tore corns. will never again sane electric ape ‘3 of pain through Tob, according pe Cincinnati authority. fays that a few dro) caliea freezone, applied direct Saas shit Gs instantly re- meee 100. ea Beak tissue. nae any drug callus from one’s feet. Cut this o especially if you are a woman reader who wears high heels. jerk Ne SSO, The smallest roadside pool has its ie from heaven, and its gle: m the sun, and can hold the stars ie ee as well as the great ocean. Minard’s Zintment Cures Distemven There is an eager export market for Canadian maple products in the ul Be / HUN MINE tepee “HAMPSHIRE.” Admiral Jelllcoe’s B jook Reve: ‘tle cents in ere A book written by Admiral Viscount is. Bri- ed, gives _the cause of the sinking of the British cruiser’ Hampshire, on, which Lord Kitchener st his life. Admiral. Jellicoe explains that the apse ah struck loored which had been laid by sub- ook contains” revelations of Britt Been ras at the begin- ning ofithe war, The Grand Medi nad to run of harbor’ several times Heannss aad were reported in- Seis ral Jellicoe says he avoided night action with his big ships off Jut- land because the British Len eee and fire controls eae de! He recommends a gréater Superioiy of all classes of Fcancls than it pF BESS The Allies fought ome the world | as certainly as if they were bith 2 save the planet to being consum- d by. a comet—G. K. Chester aie uinard’s Lintment Cares Garget in Coma e blanket was first made and us- Th d by Thomas Blanket, a poor Flem- HIST ish merchant, in 1340. Pictorial" War GREAT }. J. DUNCAN-CLARI Canada’s Valorous ‘Adilorements es MAJOR W. Ss. $. WALLACE, M.A.Ox) VICTORY. BONDS —any maturity—bought or sold. Send us particulars of what you have for sale. If you 1 want to invest any funds, write for our list of offerings. 283 Jordan Street . - . Municipal Debentures pe :puuiapnnniiniisihiiomstaas ill Buy : Sey DEBENTURES STOCKS ANY LISTED OR UNLISTED STOCK MULHOLLAND & COMPANY The Barre And the exactly the right welght and diaphragm for each chamber—} wick the ave universal CORR. LL records CORRE jitona” reproducer—a feature Saye to —has three di inct needles, includ- ond point that stays permanently in “Ultona” is the only reproducer that ®ives CTL Pot phonograph recor S001 Dept. W. L. Without ghlnatton. send me, free of charge, your booklet ciples of the “Uitona.” ae SvUSIORE MERCHANDISE SALES CO. “ Excelsior Life Bldg. Name ... edplaining prin-, Street or RR. 4.002... FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. AGENTS WANTED For ote i oor NS fime to ose, The elegant colored plates and superior Canadian official photos sel niet HIS 18 DIFFE! wal PARE Ne carer Urckprectnomtanea Se Boe. tusiling expenses of slaborate working out and fall instructions immedi The JL, NICHOLS tO. “Tine, TORONTO 2 a 3 & = & g 6 & 8 Franee are for our maple sugar. - Eng be ee ecitiictoe MONEY ORDERS. Bay your out- oH town supplies with’ Ex Money Orders. Five Dollars costs thres cents. Prices last year for pea ager re tl maple sugar cents a pound only, to the farmer. For Spanish Influenza from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar troubles and gets horse going sound. in pamphlet with $2.50 a bottle, iree. BINE, SR, te antieaee ie inful Sw be ak tote ail ina delivered. ABSORI ral ad Se ie 0. F..538 Lymans tide, Montreal. Can, Absorbla, Jr; are made The Liniment that Cures All Ailments— THE OLD RELIABLE—Try. It MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., Ltd. Yarmouth, N.B. Almost as many of the people of Canada a of the four war as there Canadian ‘oldiers killed im battle dur- e same period. fi Eat 6, 1s; We, helleve, tha fF grower destroyer. of cure for itchy scalp ai ( it evar fails to stop falling habe at once. If you want to prove how pretty and ightful surprise ‘eryone ‘to tres t thts awaits ev nen ati citul Princess; incess Patridia is on ofthe most in Burope, simple and unaffect: éd in her manne’ ae. a Sign favorit wherever si is one of th most ver: reatile Neier of the Royal Family, and ‘besides being: a paintey of i is vory Sis 0 OUR FAMOUS “Champion” Evaporator Only. users of the “Champion” are, en- titted £0 ontes OUr sipa0.08 Prize Com= petition for S¥Fup But ee reketins JP nats Sy ES mae nn seneane: Ae ‘waste. the “Onampion” know: what i ue “Chin prove its merits In this cempatt tion with sis eash prize win- rtunities, Non- users, ani Rew ners cas ade slong with old, nethods had be etter, wet in line nd necessary and order supplies 3 seins waxuracsuniic comPaNy Wellingto’ yatreal Fertilizers id akting, in which she wa: dg | Resuaratin xinimeat @ oasen Colds, ke For Profit [Write for Free Bulletin MINARD’S) DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Give. way before the pene- trating effects of Sloan’s \ Liniment So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin-aches of lum ), the nerve- inflammati ay neuritis, the wry ni pan ne eet tina gagee Piette pores pirevery page. Ness 400, Oficlal Photos, Besides effective colors, shania camoufl aged Meaty gun am | battery, worth about half the price of the book. Is the one indispensable r ee Cie and ini a Hous ‘diseases among horses, 8 "tales fos Bu0oese aa oi reventive and cure for TEMPER, INZA, and COLDS for more than twenty five years 11 as a medicing| horsemen and live stock meh’ Bi it of your SPOHN wm mevione% SMPANY, Gocheh, Indiana, U.S.A. Price your land run sont Are weli Laser a mean & sure gain growt! purean si be and bea en sor Nee ig riced rithm Ite eae che pane econ oul rite saowipdee of what Can: jeed—no begets a i—that, they get results, Write oaey. Tor discounts, prices end Bookl GUNNS LIMITED ‘Making two blades grow where only one grew D ces Firm for this ig ease one ae lower Lah are in order! dard fertilizer “Shur-Gain” Fertilizers your land's fertility—they WEST, TORONTO, ONTANIG the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing ruise, ‘The ease of applying, the quickness of relief, the positive results, ur cleanliness, econom: Joati’s Liniment make it Raersalty, nt preferred. Made in Canada. 30c., 60c4 $1.20. HIRST’S JAIN EATERMINALOR STOPS THE PAIN—AND ACTS neuralgia, sprains, lame back, ee ore throat swollen Join ab sienlay tr troubles are gutohly in Exterminator. Tt has bee ea, ‘a hun Rheumatism, lumbagoy wche, sar6 coi eald walk every bouoeh jold—has, \, All dealers or write us. HIRST REMEDY CO, Hamilton, canada GUTIGURA Heals Skin Trouble With One Cake Soap and Two Boxes Ointment, wTerible ttchin ing on-back’ of neck. using.them. No From signed statement of Mrs, Wile Ham Quigley, Windsor, N.S. If Cuticura did to fnore than soothe ‘snd heal, ag ton Teshed, pe sand bomnioge: 6 dy comtart'to fort Ten, eon af an it: san be entitled to the Parker's will-do ra ho other soap to Baisyone skin, syouwiltin many cases prevent these distressing experiences, For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- + ‘dress post-card: “ UGaticurs, ressnts - Boston, U.S.A.” Sold everywh nce By cleaning or dyeing—restore any articles to their former appearance and igs them to you, good as new. Send anythi ing from househol e draperies down-to the finest of delicate fabrics, We pay. postage or expresscharges one way. When you think of — CLEANING or DYEING Think of Parker’s Our booklet on’ household suggestions that save you money will be. sent free of charge. Write today to \ Parker’s Dye Works, timitea Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. * * ‘Toronto CaP tReet GR MER ONES Sa Oe

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