“VICTORY BONDS Victory bonds. bought and sold.— George Roe, R. R. No. WANTED Ladies wanting to do fur. binding “8 at. home, call at, the Grosep Felt Bios dy mpa) » FOR SALE Thoroughbred Shorthorn cow in salt oun. Apply to John 8, Eydt, FOR SALE mber of agi — due to ise in ene ela bo con. 10, Britton R. Se FOUND A set of tools for a Ford car. Own- er may have same by paying expenses ips fe to Eis Oesch, G.T.R. station, LOST A gold wrist watch on the night of the Oddfellows’ “At Home”. Finder please leave at the Monkton post of- fice and receive rewar FOR SALE Holstein cows due to freshen in Magen 15 sows due farrow in March, April and May. Apply to W. ‘aylo: x, lot 6, con. 9, Mornington. 2 1, Newton. | high peeps) in wl | (HYMENEAL iF By) HAMMAR—LINSEMAN retty wedding was solemn- at Se Marys RC. church, Hes- by her father, yan charmingly, attired in a suit, of navy y of confetti and rice, the happy couple on an extended honeymoon to Drenentad received were se’ gold pieces, ich the young couple eeee KNECHTEL Succes Stratford ichigan, where they will spend their WANTED ur own boss, start a hig grocery business. of your own. $23 to we invested should earn you $25 we! —H. V. Martin, Windsor, Ont. WANTED > me of Canada’s well “established Bite arene Cotivenies for the village of Milverton and vicinity. office, Milverton. FOR SALE 2-storey brick house, kitchen and woodshed attached. stable, %4 acre of land, hard and soft water, Situated in Foole. Apply to Wilby Gropp, Poole “FOR SALE _ House gud Tot on Main St., ba Bri se, six “rooms, Tear aitchan an woodshed; har soft water; lot about 1%. ac stable. articulars apply to Albert ‘Smith Nal ank, Ont. FOR SALE 3 registered color, good a Tes 5 oad Shi n bulls, good individuality, best of breeding ana priced reasonable for immediate sale, The granddams of these bulls have qualified or are of ther particulars apply to W. lot 4, con. 4, Mornin pata i FARM FOR SALE Ellin £ 110 acres being lot 6, con. 16 ie runner sta- ‘or further particulars apply to Mra, Conrad Door, Banner.” 4% and ad_uarter east of B i FOR SALE Frame house, tinned, seven rooms,|~— warm; good cellar, shard and soft wat- er, large cistern; barn 24x36 and hog stable, hen house 12x40, splendid building for purpose. A number of it trees and eleven acres of good land of which three acres is in good clover hay. 2 acres in pasture, The remainder all ploughed. For further particulars apply to John C. Ginger- ich, Poole, Ont, 4-t Notice to Farmers The Bndaestanes will ship hogs in future as follow: ‘iday, Barch "14th—C.P.R. Mil- TR. Brunner. be announced Highest ores jaranteed, Kindly Fo tided A es at fiat Mil- verton, befor: MILLER, ATKIN & SCHNEIDER. ' FOR SALE house and lot on, Mill Street, | ho rlor, se a wash desires an | h Apply to Box.6 Sun | M. Large frame | W3' a ny ;| never jain tae ask them back t: eir return they, friends and relatives nish, them’a sate urn and a happy and prosperous journey through life. oeee KRESS—McINTOSH (Listowel Banner.) A quiet wedding took place at the me ot Mr, and John McIntosh, Retacenniy on Wed y evening, Giute couple wete abeuded by Mrs Rueben Hoffman, Shal and Miss Louise Daub, of The newly married couple will extend their honeymoon trip to Buffalo, N.Y. % Rather Surprised Perthshire farmer was asked + iis tinasakot Gusletbors hind wife As he had attended the funeral of the two others, his own wife, was ather surprised ‘when he declined this ati n being presse is gave “Wee acceptin’ ither folks eivilit as naethil ing oH ie o’ his Victory Boene Wanted WANTED cate with S. J. Miller, R. R, No. 1, Linwood, Ont. 4. @STRAYED There came to the premises of the eh 8th, a collie may have same by prov- fing property ang: uaying expensens— Dan Schneider, R. R. No. 1, Brunner. FLAX LAND WANTED req self or W. 'reeborn, as soon as George, B. atmasiae, ossible regarding t udson, Millbank, Ont FOUND ‘he undersigned on Friday, March} ® rh, naeae. bh Liaods Molesworth ne on’ and several other tie ar ticles. Owner may b: proving pronT and ~ a nthe a vertisin; ‘hom: Reid, Newto: ar Ont Wei’ List of Farms For Sale — $11,000 will “ne lot 1, in the 13th res E imately $50, iS dejuener was served. mid showers |" festitying the | ins! TheWestern Farmers’ Weather| Insurance Mutual Company's Annual Meeting The Western Farmers’ Weather surance Mutual Co. held their anal ae at the City Hall, Woodstock, SOS 13th, 1919. very large attendance from all rtsg@ef Western Ontario was pres- y|Ent and the Directors’ and Auditors’ zer. The bride, who was given away | "<P' DN atedien Company, has attalt® meeting was addressed brat of the Pear ers nifi a the. Com) progressed—and the splendid Enancial standing ‘of the mpan, ‘A resolution was passed raising the cattle beasts from $40 to $75 per hea The present Board of Directors are ; President, Embro res., Norwich; James Donaldson, Director, ; John Davidson, , |Director, Newton; David Bonis, Direc: ; Marys; George Meldrum, Dircetor, Guelph; J. R. Murray, Dir- ector, _Embi B y, Direc- tor, Wocdstock; John MeLevin, Dir- ector, Woodstock; John Calder, Dir- ector, Kintore; S. R. Wallace, Diree- tor, Burgessville; George McIntosh, Managing Director, Embto; Geo ana McKay, Valuator, E: erland, Secretary-Treasurer, Embro. FINANCIAL STATEMENT = To the Shareholders of the Western ‘armers’ er Inusrance Mu- se Compa erewith we beg to submit | the Fi ani Report showing the pos lecember ob ictory Bonds of a The undersigned desires to. rent_a| ¢ 10" hs %, 4 la k house with brick kitche “onan a fe water Elec-| summer kitchen and woodshed; la failing artesian well pumped by elec- | Pan! ith straw. shed; imple- 18x24" double board-| men ig pens and hen-Youses froved, water in barn, | Windmill; never failing, spring lose : to the ings; good bush and or- ag ee ena Smet chard. | % mile trom, C.P-R. station al ANWOO: ‘rom _ school—a oot Via HN eh eer Aes Jase great is ry Aetebs he ROE, Milvertn, Ont. COMMERCIAL Notice to Creditors Spring Wiest ver bus...8 2 06 $2 06] All creditors or other persons, hav- Fall Whe 211 211] ing claims against the estate of Abra Barley 85 a5 |ham Kipfer, late of the Township of Oats §8|Mornington’ in the County of Perth, 7 er, leces |, who on or Rubee piled 5 78] about the 29th day of October, A.D., gst! vi, 4 9, are he required to send ar Blont, winter, owt 5 | their’ claims to the undersigned soli- Shorts 44 00 44 00|citors on or before the First day of oe w 43 00 43 00; April, A.D., 1919, together with a 11 00 19, 00 statement St the ‘security (if any) Hoye liveweight, 14 00 16 00 y ani Hogs Cattle Notice is further given that on and after the said 1st day of April, 1919, Harding, Owens & Goodwin AT No. 6 Downie se Stretford, the Administratrix will distribute thé ‘id wing regard only to such claims as shall then have been filed with her solicito: ic] she shall then have notice. 8| Dated this 27th day of February, | ¥ 2 | A.D., 1919. a Clara Sete Administratrix, 6 50 11 00 13 0 ‘otatoes por bag....., 123 60 25 25 ‘allow 06 08 hickens, 26. 2 ens 22 3 bien! 26 34 18... 28 Butter. 47 38 -t.|ter, Hazel’ Irene, was united i {kept correctly and zeflect: credit: to riage to Mr. William Kress, of Mil-|the company officia verton. The bride looked lovely in qiieh: ia yreapectfally. wate Weivens of white messaline ail. “The | mitted. 2 wedding march was played by Miss W. L. MacWhinnie, Emma Fullarton. and the ceremony Géo. B. Anderson, Auditors. s performed by Rev. T. A. Bell, of Molesworth, in’ the presence of ‘the RECEIPTS immediate friends. Payments, Fixed Pemiums.§22779.88 020: @ 5 ents’ Fees .. # By eaeest on investments «+ 1507.5 YOST—KRESS Reet — unclaimed Mr. C t, : PES 35.00 Mr, Clayton 4. Yost, of Milverton, | pani balance Dee, 81, 1917 8702.86 in Wed- aa nesday, Feb. wae t 6 o'clock by the $33670.30 Rev. John Schneider, pastor “of St. Be ca cae Matthew’s church, Kitchener. DISBURSEMENTS Losses ... +6$ 7954.25 pe aint Fees 648,25 ita Olen ome ifsellancovs ‘ory Loan Inv Bante balance as ‘at Decem: er Sist, 1918 ......,- 11861.35 $33670.80 ASSETS Royal Bank balance ember 3ist, 1918 .. “i aha 35 8000.00 78 000,00 Unpaid premiums 4.5: Premium Notes Office Furniture . $270329.56 10th LINE ELMA ordon eaebely of _Brant- . Wm. Little’s. dance and concert at Atwood on Friday evening. i ue held their Cockwell’s, Corp. Gordon Campbell, of Toron- to, has returned to. his home after spending a week iends here. ‘A banquet is being tendered to the ys who have returned from over- geas on Friday. evening, March 14th, in Mr. D. B. Hymer’s hall, Donegal. cop and Miss Dina Hymers ates spent | the week-end un- der the paren’ Miss Florence Woods has returned to Britton after visiting her aunt, Mrs, Wright Irwin. Miss Mary caren ‘has returned home after spending ith Mrs, Fisher, Silver Corn wwe dding bells ‘are ringing. iss Grace Cowan spent Sunday a epee Barton. Misses Alic Vipond and Dorothy. Little visited "trlends in Atwood one. a, rs. Agnes ce her fine 50-acre farm to Mr, Adam Gri number went to Listowel ir. ands Mrs, Mi baby, spent Saturday at Mr. mers’. Mr. ‘an@® Mrs. Hai argraves 3] re | aM Pete evening with Mr. an: and Mrs, Irwin and Mr. Gallo- cot pre D. rie. wa Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCou: MORNINGTON COUNCIL The council met in the rmiakip hall, Newton, on Monday, ‘March 3 at ten o'clock. ‘The members present were W. T. Shearer, Reeve; ley, B.S, Gamble, J. Hu A] BAe: to atte! nd; R. S, Gam ectet ing. a ¥) to ie ps Gaal for the erection of a joint memorial with Milverton is set- Her Solicitoy tied. 3-t. A petition signed by R. M. Alling- § Anderson has BE gs i “of Guelph, spent an evening i . Han- Storer ae itiors. Wm. | gist Waddell, ees cram! and the beginning of by phone-and he erable period of, we quoted Government, Army Double-Blankets at $3.75 per pair whereas the price quoted should have been $3.75 each. The blankets were left with®us to bej sold ~on commission. The mashes was done In the circular issued at the week ncé we misunderstood the price. The blankets, however, are a great bargain at the price as wool will continue to be high for a consid- time. Remember the Price $3.75 Each Blanket Price Misquoted $5.00 $15.00 LADIES’ At $9.00 $18.00 LADIES’ $20.00 $25.00 LADIES’ At $19.00 $30.00 At Big Reductions 25 LADIES’ COATS At COATS COATS COATS LADIES’ PLUSH COATS ALL CHILDREN’S WINTER COATS REDUCED We are Determined to Clear Out all Ladies’ Coats and Men’s Winter Overcoats 25 LADIES’ COATS At MEN’S Bde O’COATS r $10.99 MEN’S~ ie ‘O’COATS ‘or $12.9! MEN’S $20.00 O’COATS ‘ For $13.99 MEN’S Pape! O’COATS x $17.99 MEN’S ‘sina0 O’COATS r $22.99 ALL ears OVERCOATS At Big Reductions LADIES’, MEN’S AND : 5 CHILDREN’S SWEATERS Greatly Reduced Ladies’ Spring Suits and Coats in Stock | (Two New Pieces) “YOU ARE WELCO BACK AT HOME, SWEET HOME.” and “WELCOME.” Popular Music 15c a Copy WE ARE READY TO SERVE YOU WITH THE LARG- EST STOCK OF UP-TO-DATE SPRING GOODS WE BUTTER 47c PER (1-Ib. prints) LB. HAVE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE OF SHOWING. DRESSED CHICKENS 30c PER LB. ME MEN!—Place your order for that Tailored Suit Suit engths to select from. Prices $30.00 to $60.00. Alive Poultry at once if you wish to have it for Easter. Over 300 Taken Thursday Only Bon FAIL TO- ATTEN! nm Friday, March 14th, ises to be even better. been the best ever given in Milverton. Thi: DON’T MISS IT! Friday Night Extra Special ! BROOMS «790 WASH BOARDS .27¢ 2 CANS TOMATOES 25c¢ iD THE 1.0.D.E. CONCERT The past two binaries Eig ENGELAND @ SON “The Store With the Stock”’ - MILVERTON m and others asking the council to ct a municipal drain was pre- read af radopied ‘and ‘he sinus ante printed for distribution. ‘A By-law numbered 519 appointing pathmasters, poundkeepers and fence eres for 1919 was read three tim- d finally passed. “oO de lers were issued for as follow- G. Ro) wel z R Ba Be 2 5 = & gravel to contractor. The council adjourned again on April 7th ae ae patos: W WM. WADDELL, Cle: Great Trunk ene Panes, Ge jom- any b , guaranteed v= a ’Canada, yiel elding ernment 1 ne pee ent. A long investment. mE xpply-at Sun office. n{in the Sons of S 6th LINE ELMA Quite a number of our sports took Scotland concert = gz. All re FURNITURE! twood on Friday i rt having had a good e. Weal sorry to say that 1] all was hot large enoug! ne nd then Foresters’ hall ee d to be opened also the crowd. ee is ae Nh of the day on our line. Mr. one is moving on to the Crocker tees Mr. Cro! ker is SONA to Mr. Taylor’s farm and Mr. W. Karges is moving onto Mr. Hone’ ‘8 farm. Mr. Bamford, of Listowel, is giving lessons in Stevenson’ ae school house on the 4th of Elma. e has quite large class, raft, |" Abo box: social will be held in Britton th} on the 1 ‘d new NS pital ae merges in aid of our Listo’ ia Mr. James Corry ‘has just re- sat iS Pane nee ‘presented Neat Mr. Galbraith ee a aor of “s a sek Miss Marion Alexander. eed 5, | ee oes os Listowel on Friday even- ordon ene aioe arrived We have a beautiful pants of Diningroom Furniture. See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers. We hiave a large.assortment-of Dressers and Stands. A nice new stock of Brass Beds at popular prices If you need anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- utes when in town and look over our stock. We also have Stair and Body Carpet. Congoleum Squares look nice, We have them, Linoleum always on hand, GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS - McLAUCHLIN AUTOMOBILES ROBERT McMANE Furniture Dealer Milverton Funeral Direotor and Embalmer