Skates Hollow Ground A Good Job Guaranteed. P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decoratcr MILVERTON eae > MILVERTON GARAGE E.H.GROPP, - = _- Proprietor Bargains in Gasoline Engines Only four * zal be sold at a bargain. Get r left—4, 5, 10 and 20 h. Vol. XXVIII—No. 37 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, March 13, 1919 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher 87 Years of Growth Ever since 1832 this Bank has been serving the Canadian public. Its steady growth in assets and de- posits is as mucha tribute to public confidence in its integrity as to its own efforts, . Your ahi account would be gla yn ie ceived—and the regular interest and ul Sanehih will oe decidedly. welcome to fe as time goes on. Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital $ 6,500,000 Reserve Fund 12,000,000 J. H. LEWIS Resources 150,000,000 Manager Milverton Branch (ESTABLISHED _1872)= = BANK OF HAMILTON ONEY saved now is twice saved be- M eae it will buy more after prices own again. You get high prices for Bets es produce. Don’t spend the mon- ey De Save it, and buy when prices are low. Open a Savings Madi with the Bank of Hamilton. MILVERTON BRANCH : N. G. Schafer. Items of Local Interest. Miss Isabel lon erent the week- end_with frien: ir, W. H. made 5 Dishieg trip to Toronto on Wedi St, Patrick's ga Day will be celebrated . H. McLeod, of Atwood, will Special preacher, on Sunday evening, March rn The “Measure” Social held at ‘he me of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Lon; Friday pd ward Denyer, who $2800, disposed of his farm in Wellesley township, has moved his. family in the ‘house. on Mr. R. H, Coulter’s nounce the ir daughter, Effi r. William lace. in early William ‘Livingston, of Calgary ciently firong to withstand the effects We ‘received this week a couple of for the Millbank news custom in omitting it from our col- umns. is at present in ue a great scarcity of hou: ould Interrogatives are you. go- ing?” or “Where do we go from re?” ey e m Women’s Institute will G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for PORTLAND SCRANTON CEMENT STANDARD ST MARYS ANTHRICITE LIM f eucesssful, Institutes? Dy Mise ¢ ladies’ and men’s Patriotic So- eis reque . Patriotic Society of tend a_ banquet honor of Lieut. Perey D. Conky all ar Friday evening March lath. Ladies ate requested to bring cake or sandwiches, ¢ E ‘The a pplication of Miss Lena Smith as probationer at the-Western Hospi- tal, Toronto, has been accepted and G Farmers Take Notice Call and inspect our ee of CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED and get prices before buying. We always have on hand a stock of OIL CAKE and LIN- SEED MEAL. A full line }f POULTRY SUPPLIES, STOCK and POUL- TRY TONICS. We — eying a big reduction on Pratt’s and International Poultry Have you seen the sia Buckeye and Blectele INCU. BATORS and BROODERS ? We are sole agents. Try our “SPECIAL” SCRATCH FEED. bound to lay if you feed them this mixture. We have a small quantity of FEED CORN on hand. I. D. ATKIN, Your ee are =- Milverton Miss Georgin An iiigsteated 4 tecture se the Great. with it when Be Tony! ived vere cu’ ever, again at one thonght aoterksl a Nats ither se- rt NOTICE Hog Shipping Day will be Changed from Thursday to Saturday Commencing SATURDAY,MARCH 15th, we will ship hogs from the G.T.R. Station, Milver- ton and Brunner on Saturday instead of Thursday. We guarantee highest prices paid during the week. Bring us your hogs—Other dates will be an- nounced later. F. Zimmerman & Son Mr. John Henry, of Elma, while i in for chopping at the mill on Wednesday morning, took for him. His friends are hoping that he will make a speedy and complete the Bee snowfall of ystems arts of Be province was en- in Zimmerman’s ing, the Iri ipe were very Sam: unro’s imitations of Harry Lauder were vi kit ii vaued the audience on her every ap- earance. ‘The proceeds amounted to Bbout $75.00. 2 | Starch 2 16th, in Christ see K Gillespie, fhe marriage to take/ en regular monthly meeting of | Pe MeDonald. 2-t. | 8 shovellers on the railways there went |i in } forei Butter 47c Ib. = ehgelandls, | e are again buying c ‘ain j and wheat at the Newton levator. err and Miss Gladys} aoe ‘were ator in town on Satur- See ancl: orgAd for sale-= Apply Managing Board Burns ‘chure ch, the Te the wearing of | "ihe seventeen-year locust is due to ohn McCloy spent a day in|bob up this year—nnless he has lost statford last week , visiting her} his count. ca Remember, that S, J. Miller's big starts at 12 o'clock sharp on Beats Bie and 75¢; Glauber Salts 2|6 Ibs. for fase aiee e Knight Soap 4 aor ai at rreenwood, of Moorefield, oe pends a meee at e home 0: ay ee nee Gle 1s, Wm. Hbel test disposed of her hone nm Maple street to err for the sum Miss Jose eae of ‘Stratford, “was: a a8 ae ona as te homte of 13 a “All Senin’ coal aeotsia must be paid on or before April 15th, | ‘hold, Milverton. me’s fertilizer will ar- . | rive first week in March. Leaye-your order now with J. Kelterborn or Geo. opf. The friends of Mrs. Albert Horn who been seriously ill, will be ee ae hear that she is able to be ur and Mrs. Robert Stewart an-|¥! ‘Avdebate on the great Irish ques- tion will be featured on Monday ev- i Patrick’s social in e carefully all letters writ- ten by soldiers from the trenches and the front—th il be interesting in the years to come, Messrs.’ George Pfaff and John ssing were each presented with gold veteran medals by Silver Star L 1.0.0. eir last meeting. bine Hausba omen atcaule cow ieee week through accident. For- tunately she was in prime condition {arid he had her slaughtered immed- ee want a good brood Powe "i if you od | come as 8. J. pe sale. All ai mn bred from prize stock. In 1918 Ee won over gh prizes st the local fairs on Authorities declare that the mild winter and the unusual degree of Paitate tn ta ground ‘will increase the run of sap in maple trees this coming season. Those hi i receipts for the last V: requested to al p subscription y Loan are turn them oS the bank which are were but a few w yards A meeting of the Brunner Farmers’ fh I | Club will be held at the Topping tl schoolhouse on Friday evening, March i4th, at 7.30 o'clock. All farmers interested are cordially invited to at- t Mr. H. B, Morphy, M.P., for North rth, has been appoint of the eed and Dr. Steele, M. P., for South 0 Perth, chaiiman of the Poyaie Bills Committe Notice We, the undersigned, have must be date our sictesor talies. posteasion:—~ Frank Rudow & Son. Pe BS z slowly recovering operatio ‘At the close of the winter we are fold that there is a coal tl transportation companies. that some of these | r, e following obituary, very much out ot the "ana is pone ot s paper: “Fra: unique chara Haneet pore ment on his life is ditneute to make him nothing; neighbored with n trusted no one; kept all he got.” Tramways and Power|™ a Dae Ser Ellice, a5 Feb. got all he could Sad oe Butter 47 1b--—Engeland’s, Ptes. Seiler, of Monkton, and Leon- ard, of Atwood, have arrived in Can- ‘The best anaes of eee abe, Tims Seed ° to | Jac , Newton. Mr. a1 rs. Wm. Orr, Jr., attend- ed the aese of the late Barl Griffin at Nelson last week. “The highest manhood,” said Henry ‘ard Beecher, “resides in disposition ae = a int aay spent the he week ne ei oe ace wee Schmidt. TS, Tien ‘note: hooke=-Very. nantly ‘foe business men and) Zarmers—mi had ab San. office for delivered a pure- ir. H bred Shorthorn oo ll to Mr. Capling, of North Easthope, on Monday. ‘ow that the — Janes thought | up the Weekly Sun they will not n need to Dother about daylight engine. has, Kerr, of Car- thage, and bi Mai argaret, Visited at the home of aie aunt, Mrs, E. is week. ‘A postage stamp of 13-cent de- nomination will-be used for special delivery ne and registered mail ci Don’t - “A Verdant Love Story” at ae St. Patrick’s Day party on Monday evening at the Presby- terian chur be Nine of pu heifers at Miter S f a cow that won Wellesley Fair tor two ruthers iikpoaadl of a Shorthorn bull” ‘at ree Guelph eect last week, Tl mal was purehas- ed by Hon~ Salon "Monteith, of Strat. re-bred cows and prsevetae at Local boards or oe’ are to be emy aliens rm cide are undesitable or dangerous, with a ‘wo team: hauling ice at Shallow Lake broke through the ice on Tuesiay of last week and were drowned. ‘Each team was worth from ran to $350. Mr. W. his Civdesdaie ‘tellion.* ‘Keir Prince” to Mr. Wilfrid Kerr, Brunner. Mr. er 4 e congratulated “Keir Pi ent “onrolle d, ome objection is made to caylee that long sum- ince” necessary rest provides lovers with more time for necessary courting. tree releases $8 per cent. ot which is sugar. will yield over 60. ceni ah continue to do so for 125 years. Births, Marriages and Deaths. BIRTHS. gee tye? sea ee Wednes- 4 ie and Mrs. Rober eat he amble—At Milverton, ae phe: 5 Lewi: eas ee pod Mr. and Mrs, am ‘Atlin sae eM verton, Mareh 10th, to Mr.'and Mrs. I. D: 1g Atl er. Lannin—At Mornington, on pe day, Feb, 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Lannin, a @) opp—At Mornii ington, on Saturday, ‘and Mrs. Joseph OPP, a Budidenhags ann Tillice, on punts hy to Mr. and Mfrs. John catagen cocina Gale At Wellesley, on Feb. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs, John Gale, a son. 10th, to Mr, and Mrs, Menno Brunck, a gon. Nafziger—At Marninaton, on Web: 1s and Mrs. David Nafziger, & lo wis given the gross revenu f the accounting post offices: of this Wellesley BACK IN OLD STAND (Listowel Banner.) Lieut. Geor; A new moto: ‘rothers. He is good natured, sles sat young fel- low—one of the finest spared to come ick—and Listowel citizens poll wish him every success in busin sale are daughters | Bani or da: their internment and anihie a s of horses employed in| h has disposed of |P on his |4 is registered |" an on Monday, THE CARNIVAL | There was a large sap tn he carnival held in the rink on Ti ‘There were some §) en. ty the r. notwithstanding that the. pro; red ni display a little more classical. Mes- Schafer, H. L. Engeland, “Grosch aad M. MacBeth Boted = Juiges and made the awards lows : Toughest Costumed Lady—Frieda ilkmaid; D, Ritter and G. rma Toughest, Cost rt. Yos' earn: Jack Cook e Toughest Costumed Siegner; R. Paddon, Boy — Jack “Huckelberry “Best t Fancy Costumed Lady N. H. Bones Mother Goose; Miss Pa, Ni Best Comie costar censienan —S. Noll, rube; C, Loth, Best Ladies’ Oummmation = — The Misses Roe, Red Cross Nurses; Misses Zimmerman, Smith and Hoffman, Mil- “Best Men's Organization—MeGinty Men's aces USE Bundscho 1st, iden Bundscho y's co Rrank Kelterborn Ast, A, Schnsdker 2nd. M. S. A. EVADERS ARRESTED veral arrests were made, but tl olice met with-a hot reception at the me of Joseph Berberic! jer le officers the contests of a vessel at is said not to have contained Florida water, The two sons, George d Tony who were upstairs met the officers with a rifle, which they fired point blank at them wounding one of them severely, after which they made their esca the woods. ‘The have since: given themselves up and lv are in Guelph fal Saale trial on several charg STRASBOURG RESIDENTS WIN AUTOS. (Strasbourg, Sask., Mountaineer.) the recent Regina Post Auto- i sien coneyatilataonk on ‘their ond oe erger is a son of Mr, and Mrs. Merin Gr of Milverton. WEEKLY SCHOOL REPORT Form I—Science—Ella Clemens 69 Lela Kelterborn 68, Ruth Bundscho 54 07 Mignon 63, mk Bund om 63, Harold Barth War will be given by Miss Boulton =| eo the Christmas strain on thei 62) Clifford Weir 62,’ Stewai under the auspices 0 mk accounts, Binneke Ne Millen, off rch | 60, Herbie Gaul 59, Beata Mohr 57, Zimmer fall Miverto gt. P. G. Connell, who returned | SRNC > “Mt ant Mn a erga enc Melvin Schatz 57, Joe Moore 56, Nor. 'uesday. evening, ‘Mareh 18th | home eecently fi Sa has got} a dau man Woolner 54, Lavina Jacobs 58, admission fee be is old position as Ging at Mast, on Saturday, March | Margaret Roe 53, Janet Hamilton 50. charged all adults; school ehildven |at Eden Grove. Agent P. Phil sett ; will be admitted fee oe omeziaay fo Stratford and a wl Br epee and Mrs. Charles Gies, rr o¥r,, Has disposed 6 ly act the reli ae : iain heme the GT o to| Walkerton Telescope aes eat inwood, on Satur-| Would the scholars who want the * Bible re-written in the vernacular re- Mr. Mose: merman for the sum| Come and y at a typical] Daniel E. Brodhagen of $8,000 and has purchased Mr. Jac-| Irish party, commemorating the | Hs Mogi—In, ‘Wellestey, ey Thursday, nce: She: Woe te ea eee ob Kelterborn’s house on iat ae of the good Saint Patrick, held| "March 6th, a rs. Joseph | P°8*e > the same WAY: for the sum of $2,200. He has also|im the basement of Burns Presbyter- wage © dows eet purchased Mr. Fred Wiederhold’s| ian church on Monday evening, | Gilmer ’-At Woodrow, Sask,, on Feb. 2 coal sheds and business. March: 17th; at 8 o'clock. Admission|~'gond, 1919, to Mr.and Mrs. John | Let Us Clean Your Silverware ‘arl Gray is off work on account of|25 and 15 cents, For. particulars see} Gilmer, a daughter (Dorothy May). having cut an artery in his right hand | small bills. — y a piece of tin on some freight Use Rob Roy Rolled Oats, Chief- MARRIAGES. Wa Have 8 new process for cleaning wad handling.—Mrs. F. L. Crawford, |tain Oat, Flakes, Rob Roy’ Wheat | |= ladon — At ii 1 kinds of Silverware—no matter of Milverton, is visiting her parents, |Flakes, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Poultry |* Te naas = At rie eae what condition ani Silverware is in Mr. and Diss, W. i Gra; "ive sg Vera | Feeds and Calf Meal... Tey, cort pat neue indinborcuch, Seote| 13, Bust {fo make first-class ray was home from Milverton over @ more, but the quality is there. » job of it, providing the plating is not Sunday.—Listowel Bani Jc your grocer about them, If he| 18%d, to Mx, Lawrence Newell, Wel- wo: fin your Silv Mr, "Frederick Diesenroth, ne bor does not handle, wri H yeas OE ak and let us sonytnce evn that we can erating a nip spw in the Hh & 2, Por. | Rob Roy Mills. Limited, Durham, Ont; do as we advertise. “Prices are very iture Co.’s factory on Thursday 0: plank it e farmers’ reasonal at week, Yad the isto i ibttarins Hine: deeiven, Hak every {cc eC RE ENUe rte se low. his left hand to come in contact} claim for tariff protection should be Saturday, March 18th, is lea: ing day every Saturday in the Futiner FINKBEINER ‘HARDWARE W. D. Weir's Sale Register Thursday, March 1: implements and Riddell, east half’ To lot 5, con. Mornington (ne: : ‘riday, March 14th—Farm stock a1 8th—Farm stock, grain for James 12, nd implements for August ‘Holtimeyer, Millbanl Saturday, “March 15th — Executors’ sale of general store and dwelling Thursday, March 20t head of Pedigreed and de cattle, 25 sows, implements, ete. for Samuel Miller, lot 4, con. 8, Wel- lesley, Western Section. Every- thi n nsive sale,: m and Glass Auctioneers. Wellesley, W: lon, Wednesday, March 26th—Stock, im- plements’ and effects. for William Orr, Jr., east half lot ae eae ot sideroad ae ae ition, Milve: Friday, rie ‘28th—Stock, ments, threshin outfit, the Rie 0. on lot 9, con. 4, Wellesle: 9, cone 3, fe late “pain a Erb, ce section, near pet Gi arg The, Chinese are trying to stop the and brewers. Evidently ie carried on This Washer Pays for Itself In One Year The Time Saver Electric Washer washer we ges; il lao Bs it saves “athe clothes, et Get last fe times as Time Saver Electric ite aN = ts less to run than A on eats. It operates for 2c. an hour, and is easi A. C. CLEMENS Hardware Merchant MILVERTON, ONT. € © Millinery linery Openings 0: MILVERTON, - SPRING .:. ° ‘ Openings fe extend to = 4 most cordial invitation to attehd our Mu MARCH 20th, 21st and 22nd and Following Days, We will have on display some of the newest shapes and col- ors in trimmed and untrimmed hats. ‘The hats of rough straw and Sap Nao braid are attractive and suitable for early wear. Colo: Jay, Henna, Navy and Victory Red. fects are as much in favor as the oR flower and fruit trim, MISS LUCY ZIMMERMAN - ONTARIO Ae are Dust, Blue eat and smart wing ef-