IN cy] HAWOOD 1 TOPICS rehased the late Algkandes Rennie farm adjoining the -vill for the sum of $10,000, and Sante yosiee sion imme Ty. ed's biyannaal ‘spring fair: and horse show will rite held at ae : : ; : ; : Ds 4 a , a 4 , , ; 2 > , , > > > , > , 3 , , : , : ; f : ; : , : ¢ ‘ : : : : ¢ : ’ ¢ ; : MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM JOHNSTON, OF CARTHAGE, (Contributed by a Gragauanenige:) Avy wary. uaais and interesting event took place near Carthage on Fri- day, March 14th, when the children, ancl ren made ‘othe rs to the num- Ibert Jol nas ston to commemorate ta ea Johnston. two of the early pioneers of Mornington. Ae han the year 1855, Mr. Johnston was one of the first settlers of the township, Leaving, the home of his father at the ag f 21 he hewed out for himse! in a wilderness of forest. 9 he married Martha Patterson, daughter of a neighborin; Hoe hous - vane. Tot tof the vas fatale was hard, hé steadily Prenat 5 nio! an ee ble: aes ‘with three boys and three girls, who-ai sil ‘iving. “Tew a very i say sat was celebrated on the homestead farm which he had cleared for imsel eautiful home of Mr. A. Johnston was fittingly seccrae for the occasion. After a sumptuous repast at 12 o'elock, served in a charm, ra, Master Elson McLaughlin, a great grandson, was then called upon to read the address, while Little Miss. Eileen Weber and Miss Thel Bs ne made the interesting agence that the Sixti jeth ent who wood-on Tuesday, April 8th. f 8 ed in all class Be = ind set posters for fall “partiew 5 Ibs. Purity Rolled Se ald 25¢ from Mare Pat to 3ist at Ter- rill’s. Mr. John Dehler, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with friends in Linwoo: Mr. Glayton Dechert, of Guelph, has been spending a few days at his home Mr, Allie Dammier, of the Eastern section, was on Wednesday of last sgn uiibed. sa vnarage to Miss Satt- ler, of Heidelburg. Messrs. William and Charles Holl- ing recently purchased a, farm near mbu aug aad they are moving; there this eek, ote: Russell Shaw, C.P.R.- age at Auburn, spent the week-end erith Pitendk at Linwooi Brabachers ae Kitchen ree a nent Wednesday of last week in the silage on business. vy. and Mrs. Fred Jackson, Mr. George Stinson ai Mel i ey, of Glenallan, left on Wednesday for Saskatoon where they intend re- siding in | ature, 22c from for . | March Bist. ie gat ae Terrill’s, Miss Vera Heinbuch teey the week end with friends at Kitel r. Ezra Fink, of Kitehener, spent Puadey ‘at his home oebel, then 3 been somewhat Tndispsed is Spending a few days at his h Mr. Atchison, of Fergus, who re- cently purchased the Rennie farm, has already taken possession and is td. a da ROE, ‘getting settled in his new Rot fort Lye, for 19¢, from March 21st to ist, at Terrill’s. are being fo: rwarded Laughlin, two. of purse of gold and gold- finned spectacles. Dear Parents:—We, your children, are pleased to have the opportun- ity of celebrating with you the Sixtieth Anniversary r marriage, that we all together may thank God for sparing you statis nae delightful years, and to express our thankfulness to Him for allowing you | 0: n children have taught us what love on us wee m_ we were children in times less luxurious than x During our lives you set up for us a Godly example to follow the Di- vine Pathway that leads to Everlasting Life, and we want to say “Thanks” while you are still within hearing and to show our gratitude while you can still appreciate i w that for us you endured untold hardships in your early s of working and your nights yeal wi afternoon and arenas vot ite shall Be without a shadow and at the mae pai you to accept these gifts, As we look back with joy to our earthly home With every one present and every member welcomed by father and mother, so all are looking forward to the Heavenly Home hen. father and mother will have welcomed the last ees er. si Sa on behalf of the family McLaughlin, se eds pe A. Gray, Stratford; J. Johnston, ‘Stockton, California; M ikon, Milverton; B. ohnston, Carthage; A. A. Johnston, pecan wut James, of California who was there in spirit . Stewart, of North Mornington, very fittingly replied rs behaif of the aged couple. The evening \ was spent in listening to sp: es, recitations and music. Mrs. A. ©. art gave several vocal taleetionis which were very much appreciated by al Guests were present from Maceo: Stratford, Listowel and Milver- Love. was-& business vis- The attendance was not vory large i it the dectios at Knox church m= Mr. Geo, itor at*Poronto this week. ers and care Rie bestowed DE ah SE of this gathering we wish fa arthage. (All an fined to the house since his return} day. f 2 from Baltimo ore. His many friends hope, he will soon be able to be about ith regard to opening the flax mill again this fall. Mr. Bund: has got under option a considerable man -will be chosen for foreman to carry on the work. Mr. S. J. Wismer ane a yery suc- cessful sale on Mon lack Dress Sil ‘mest quality, ee Sywide;irer: ($2.25 yard, for $1.75 yard at. Terri Mr. Gordon Hackett, who intends and runs s ‘pig th Mr. Victor Diekelt Meft Tiast week for the West, his d near Edmonton, where he will find employment during the summer with his brother-in-law. Couipesaon between local buyers the Farmers’ Club caused the oaP of hogs last Friday to soar to - | $19.25 ae ewt. wate was the price ards here. best quality, Flannel- ae Blankets, reg. $4. 50. pair to clear eo Petch & Stever shipped a aa ‘of cattle to Toronto on Mon- paid ai ere are many signs that spring is advancing and that winter is break- ng up, but the surest indication that Ms. Cecil Tanner spent the past| Tuy’ svicine owing to the ram and|casting rods and begins to see that ear eee tote at Listowel and | cay evening owing to the rain and tis bass bait is in order. It is then |1ine. a eo Palmerston. : attended, felt fully repaid for going | spring and low water. ge pene Sone on thedines Sees ti i Ss 3 ti Wesley Lowrie, of Toronto,|as the pictures, were extra good and| ,, Mr. Staniey, Brunton spsut ee Seer har attended thie tan is visiting his: parents, Mr .and Mrs.|a yery enjoyable time was da; James Lowrie. Should the Government Protect the | at Milverton, Mr, Hugh Ross has returned home|rarmers? “Come and hear the de-|- Mr. Isaac’ Curry spent. the week- after visiting his son and daughter at|}ate at the Mock Parliament on Fri-|end at his home at Goderic indsor for the past six weeks. da ig, Mar Miss Jenny ‘MeCormic Kk is able ie hall, Millbank, under the auspices of ilverton be up again after being confined to|the Epworth Leagues of Milvei her bed for several weeks with bron- and Millbank Methodist churches. re p _ Mrs. Spence, of Fordwich, is visit- Racer aaaauition, ing her daughter, Mrs. Jacques. The Women’s Institute will hold Mr. Wm. Winkler shipped two car-) their regular monthly meeting at the loads of hogs to Toronto on Saturday |home of Mrs. J. Watt on Tuesday, “ March 25th, at-2.80 p.m, eae iss Lottie Kerr tana over. shes programme. Everybody welcome. A. er, who sold his ~ farm ‘geently, anaasvare cuccosatal FERNBANK and implements last} 4 very enjoyable evening was spent ne at the home of Mr. Reid ‘Ailingham Fem and Art Rennie were on one eee ea h 8 Gla adys Niven has accent Allister, PightLie i i |and Pte. William, Gillespie, the latter tie n being unable to_be are owing to e. et Il assembled Elsworth Phair at- >| Friday in Kitchen tended n wedding at Bright this week dss, awaiting his discharge in Lon-|""Rey ‘Reble spent a few days in|Hymer's hall to tender him a recep zi . Cecil Tanner | corated for the occasion with ropes of New Yiam z. LS oi rags oh a whens ed wore ‘visitors at Milverton one day|red, white and blue, cedar boughs Mr. and Mrs. Milner’went, to:| tendered, after which Deut Coble last_w carnations and numerous flags. . The | Toronto Pa Peat to meet the| Well was presente: be a address he friends of Miss A. Gillespie |large school flag of S.S, No. 8 was| latter's rather Pte. A. Hackett, who | and @ pair of old cum inks set with are Maas “to welcome her home after draped in. one corner he parlor, | is expected home from ove: eee ds. Locate read by some month’s abse) mee at Toronto. merals Haig and Curries’ pictures ay Beggs spent Sunday in| Miss Mary Cowan and : presenta- | improving af-|heing fastened on and a wreath of | Elmii | ey a aaron pete ae to ter being ill for the past two weeks. |mapfo leaves encircling that of Gen SAS cate corn eareares thet 3. mwvood of Moorefield, and |Currie, Du tise. perdu: reply thanking P . Gre Misses G. and A, Glenn, of Milve Tp Cot week with Mr. "and tions and music, the boys were pre- i Kerr. Mrs. Arthur a Debling (an Cana ee pre aaa x to, visited'| signet ri li i over Binday with nar Wistar, Mrs. bn Bd ray Pere ee enls ae ne! repl vided a dainty lunch, arron, of Listowel nother of Lieut, Har- badges.” ‘The remainder of the even- ing was spent in games and music. HESSON number of farmers prom ts: quested to-attend ane, meeting to be eld on March spe THE RIGHT LEVERAGE ton a rains. ona) rs. Josep] } = onine Bui NOE aay a Aa gt of the day. i err have: nated } < a tirgek anew ree re PLBP URN Mector Mrs. Thomas Hanley and son. Office at vie Grand “Conta Hotel. ick, returned home from Waterloo, het i Office Rr. torasie nies | eeataton Consultation pany examination Free. | that he is itdiniy: pieely. ch. Mr. David MeCormick of Millbank spent Monday in tow Mrs. Dr. Pratt and ndaughter, Mar- jorie, and Mrs. McGillivray, of Ba towel, spent a few days ‘wit McEachren. x, Arthur Sanders spent the week end with friends at Stratfor last week with her sister, Mrs. wor: "Miss Leulla Bricker, of Elmira, spent a few days Mise Myrtle Bricker. ing her daughter, Mrs. Allan ees Mf. Stanley Hamilton, of Trow- bridge, spent Sunday with friends in s Winnifred Seats returned to Biratford last -w jeip POOLE F._ Clark and daughter, Jean, eit on Friday for their home in Mr. Thomas H. Tanner, of Uta: spent a day ‘ast week with Mr. R. A. struthers. Mrs, Albert Dahms held a very suc- cessful sale here ve soe irday. The B. Bohwartzen- [Jo 03 m Ropp ‘left’ on Monday for anne. where ae cee secured a pee in a bute eeend with his parents essrs. A. B. and W. J, Chalmers formerly of this place, left Wingham on Monday to take up farming in | Saskatchewan. Mr, and hris. Roth, of Ne- braska, are at ‘present visiting their relatives with fins J. W. Chalm Mrs. John Hlamnne mand family Listowel last Mrs. Resting BneRe 5 day in ‘trat- ford last wi rs. Jol cate Donald, of Tavistock, isnt present visiting her mother, Mrs, Mue'¢. ols Spent a day with her ~arents, Mr, irs. E, Matthews, Wallenstein, of. Formosa, spen a few weeks ena a quai ° faces here lat weeks Mrs. David Beggs spent a ia days chi with her sister, }# m. Carnochan is at present Gree "and N. Roe spent D. Nav I. Kipfer, set water avec the ere. rs. Robt. Fleming pent Monday | i and in the richness of a We specialize in sik A a See The New Spring Silks ’ THE NEW SILKS FOR SPRING SUITS AND DRESS! iS. ARE MORE describe—bright and cheerful colorings, neat and dressy patterns and a general both in the wearabilii superior for the price. SILK POPLINS—in all colors, reg. $2.00 to $2.50, Friday and Saturday DYED Srareoner SIEKS—Regu- lar $1.50 to $1,75, Friday and Sat’y. BEAUTIFUL THAN WORDS COULD improvement in _qualities— arance—mark the new silks as truly something unusuall. ‘THOUSANDS OF YARDS of othe: silks in the finest qualities. ‘See them. D. & A. Corsets f D. & A: Corsets is the e specializ (laced i in front) at $2. 7 $8.50, 4.50 We also cai he cheap er lines in D. & A. Corsets. is the sewing month. prices by tl less variety. Hnech poems des Now mes the most importa: event of ‘the spring schedule. — at 20c, 25c nad 30c yard. Voiles, Seen and Muslins in end- Yarns Peidey cud siturda "$2.35 50 ibs. Grey and Mottied Yarn, 8-ply, regular $2 for $1.65 1b. Skirts Our range of Silk ae has Pantha Specials for Friday ge ease Dn. ool Underwear, size $4. i eee) special at. 39 nderwear, Se a 50, See the Big Rolls of Batts We are selling—1 pe enough for a. quilt—reg. $1.75, for.......+. $1.50 New Spring Suits Just opened pe case of You Men’s Suits, sizes 34 to eee styles, close fitting, at $22. nb 5 $28. Keep Your Eye on These Specials Heavy Black Denim per yard ....65 Blue and Black Shirti ng Der © yd. 450 Plain Grey soannelea d, 46: Flannelettes at . ay en 36e Grocery Specials FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Corn Flakes ackage........ Stag, Black ratch, Shamrock, Black s, King George Tobacco, 2 plugs MeDonald’s ‘iarge | anser Rabbi's ‘Sleanse Ae, Ey tor 5 Drudge Clea: Rae aD, uarsely Heavy Live Fowl, (lbs. and over) 32c Ib. ‘ W. K. LOTH, - Milverton DONEGAL y at his home ina Hymers, ot Stratford, a ies spent Saturday. in. Lis- on Friday evening ie oan week. We are sorry to of Mr. E. Dolnetatrs seg wish him a speedy recovery. Following an “illness of three days the death occurred on Saturday even- branches, He leaves to mouta his ss, his wife and four daughters, viz: velyn, Edythe, Nettie and Laura, all at funeral wa: ° ed by icholson. ite Mr. Henry was eld in very high esteem by all 10 knew hi His wife and family have the sympathy of this community in ral ree Miss Laurene of Linwood, tal r - ATWOOD. spe! pont the week-end with Miss A. E. Miss Mary Robb, of Listowel, has been yisiting friends and relatives in! this vicinity. Mr. Gordon Clarke, of the U. y lett last sae for his home, i S St. » U.S.A. r to Paetthings ated as. mallee: ir, and Mrs. Wm. Woods, of Lis- towel, spent the week-end with Mr. and Knox. arton, of Listowel, spent, as week-end at his home in the pee Be is — pate ’her ‘a, Cameron Dick son and Jas. M. Erskine attended the Masonic peguited in London last Fri- s Collins, of Stratford, spent e St a ith her sister, Miss E. ns. sy? Roger is ill with influen- is night. _ Mr. Joe Hanna, Tately, ie th2 R.A. Po, '., has returned to tl BRITTON. are glad to report that Miss|Wm. Johnston, Carth iy " s been under| The Britton U.P. Gree Re r. P. D. Cockwell, of Galt, epene, td McCourt, of White’ Plaine, N. Y. is visiting friends on the diamond weddin; Thos. emer attended the Yr. an ts. {on intend eree! : i. ing a hall and warehouse in the ne ington Sproule entertain- | future, | was very succes n] Barton, of Peffers,vis-|being realized. Quite a number from here attend-| Sun office. good tim ent. A long investment. quet tendered Lieut, P. D. Cockwell, rt the illness" Our New Millinery spent the week acid Pala tie paren: | Our Formal Spring Openings | Friday and Saturday, March 21st and 22nd Fashions for the Coming Season are Exhibited in all Departments Includes a complete display of beautiful models. gaiety and youthful dial invitation is extended to the ladies of Linwood and vicinity. MISS L. BERIAULT Milliner in charge. WE ARE NOW SHOWING A COMPLETE RANGE OF: Dress Silks, New Gloves, New Hosiery, New Miss Rita Moore, of Palmerston, | Corsets, New Prints, New Ginghams, Etc. Comfort Soap, 3 bars for, . Castile Soap, 4 cakes for. . Oatmeal, 446 Ibs. for... 0.25 Rice, per Ib... woes TEN SPECIALS FOR A BUSY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ladies’ Cotton Hos: “White Shaker Flan: Shaker Flannel Blankets, pair $3.25 Union Tweed, worth $2, for... $1.25 Linen Towelling, worth 50c, for 35¢ per pair 34”, at. Get Our Prices on Red Clover, Alsike, and Timothy Seed ~“Tiosyocd’s Popular Store” | Frank H. Schummer ed the dance at Mr, R. HsshnErS gananday: evening and report a : and T: & the box social hel& on ridayievele (Eaten ds Gekanued bys Oe Gey About $200 pera of Canada, yielding ane Per Individuality ‘m are shown in the New Hats. A cor-