Milverton Sun, 10 Apr 1919, p. 8

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Shoe Sale Tremendous| \ Schrenk, Milverton “The New Shoeman’” Under no Consideration wili Goods be Sold Until This Date at Sale Prices. | NOTHING RESERVED! (__. I have purchased the $4; 000 | Stock of T. P. Roe at:a rate on the dollar and I am going to sell out the entire stock in WAIT! | / Don’t Buy Till Then--Twoud be Foolish Tell You More Later (14 days. seeied SCH RENK : It’s Quitting Time for T. P. Roe’s Stock & Store Watch for our full page circular which you will receive by mail Sale Starts April 15th {- “a » LET NOTHING KEEP YOU AWAY VICTORY BONDS Vietory bonds bought and sold.— | George Roe, R. R. No. 1, Newton. WANTED A caretaker for the Methodist church, Milverton: ly ing terms, 'ete,, to R. H. Coulter, Milver- ton ., Secretary for the Board. EGGS FOR HATCHING Pr Imperial strain White Or- pingtons. Paes layers. Eggs $1.50 per 1 ARTER, Milverton. 4. FOR SALE A general iva) gelding rising 2 years; also a draft mare risin; 8 years. Apoly rte Martin Schweitzer, Newton, Ont. Bt. DAY-OLD CHICKS From bred-to-lay White Leghorns —Barron strain, April delivery 17c¢ cna ‘or hat- per 15. w.—A. W. Gi allop, “Mibverton: one no AUCTION SALE T t The Grand Central Hotel, Listowel and all its contents, starting Monday afternoon, April , and every af- ternoon until all sold ou See bill for particulars. ” A. ndrick, pro- prietor; C.F. Vahdvick, auctioneer, FOR SALE--PRIVATELY ving disposed of m ai “ntendi ing to leave | property ilverton, I of buggies and wheelba: farther particulars apply at house, Henry Miller, Milverton, 2-t. Notice to Farmers The undersigned | will ship hogs in future as follows Friday, cle 1 16, at C.P. R. verton, and runner. on Puday, April e it prices ranteed, t C.P.R., a.m. ete ATKIN & SCHNEIDER. FOR SALE A auantity Of goad Seed Peas for mt Apply Riddell, lot LB; Meeiinet sty Newton, ‘Ont. 3. FOR SALE Bull calf, purebred aki AS tea a collie pup 4 month’s old. 0 Otto Schmehl, Atwood R. R.2. FOR SALE Heifer (part Jersey) 3 years old;| due to freshen middle of May; also a young calf. Apply to Robt.’ Mor- ‘on, rison, Milvert $6,800—Will buy lot 32, con. 11, e inte in telephones is cordial- ly aeited to attend. W. T. SHEARER, Reeve. ert now if you, are wanting any as the stock is imited. Box 364. Wa" s list of Farms For Sale ) PEN NO. 1—$2.00 a setting of 15 eggs. va PEN NO. 2—$1.50 a setting of 15 BES. at JOE LOCKHART, Listowel. 4.1 Sh aesenb ate es farmers are floating |ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE! DOWNIE-ELLICE SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIA. TION Tohiaing? transportation, jive foes, accident and tornado. = |Rev. T. HESHRY ‘Present—Of-| FOR SALE its anon convention fat Rosto ek ‘on Choice seed pi Roe, Milverton, Ont. Apply to Geo. WANTED tive and edifying addves ses, good music and re; eat modérate | ious Sunday Schools showing progress| in every ease. : ing session was opened = with devotional exercises led b; Cow and a few hen! pice eapoy bor 10 Sun ofite LOST Elma,<100 acres; a splendid farm; al T ndek cultivation; comfortable dwel-| A black and brown collie dog with |S ling house; 2 bank ba zood | bob tail; answers to the name of Rov- ality; reasons for selling, widow|er. Finder kindly tity” William and daughter cannot work the land;| Cooper, Millbank R. R. No.1, and re-| ary immediate possession. Apply on|ceive reward 2 leave ‘ane addresestn {Red ee et ee ee — ———————— | fre Child.” ‘The child of to-day cae wake citizen of to-morrow. The Sunday NOTICE FOR SALE School had the responsibility of train- ing for citizen Formation” was ; _8 9A008.. |hetter than “reformation.” ‘The child ponte. gr = ae discuss the ired buggy i Al condi- tae “the right of proper bi This forming. a Municipal tion, electric lights complete, Cheap inestiva :oktevorant chad Maphond Macsiation Wil'se rents for quick sale.—George Lang, B rit. the Hight, of- pune Seatin ery ship hall, Newton, on Sat-|ton, lot 1, con. (10, Mornington. 4.|frmme sheutd bo eave th ae April 12th, at 2.30 o’clock p, | i pnd goed Weceetiee: eovecislly chart J. M. McCallum, Reeve o: | periodicals. The idea of stewardship Easthope, will be ‘present to| PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS |{hould be developed. Good examples e meeting, | Every ratepay- ould be set by parents, teachers and sl am again prepared to take and| others in the community. Further the at all orders for Lightning Rods—|chi ‘i ‘1 ‘otect your buildings from bei famaged «|two out of five, or 40 per cent. 0: rods to choose from. I handle the} Christ. This was too small a per- pure copper cable as well as others. | centage. ave your order now. es W. ‘ternoon session was opened Schmidt, Milverton, Ont. t.f.n.| with. devotional exercises le: e aS wee ve Ns Kauth, o! A. saat a 2 Brosicial a Sunda; chool Seeretary, gave a Notice to Contractors, © Senex Satvel Secretary, gore an in: The undersigned will let by auction | the value of eac mi lfor the existance Of each, after wich in the ‘Township of |a successful Question Drawer was p.m., a contract for gray-| Rev. W. D. Bell, of Avonton, open- el or broken stone|ed the evening session with devotion- Ts erection and completion of a Recto for chureh in the vi | Notice to Creditors Creditors and all others having 80th day of April, 1919, for the dig-|@ foundation suitable to the building lai inst the estate of the late the ia inst, at the Recto 1 of | Zing, excavating and filling in of the|t? be + Hhe building of hu-/' «we record our gratitude for bene. e Towns ‘ip y ied - ie sale an Femova fel drain. Plans, profil a apettfica-| 80 HEC Was ome minaaes fore that have been wrought by died Der Y tart a dwelling ened AG ft, by -ft,| tions may be’ inspected at the office |1t was the ie a aa inaugurating and faithfully enforeing 4th ne of Pebru ry, 1919, Raa tenderer t Rectory roperty. | of the clerk during office hours. All| ope Bieusions and walks of life, Of OUP advance erance le pene required to deliver full par. | These ten ith vt ae ick ith hi | tenders to be marked “Sealed Tend-| iy eo ree ee id T Aa to ata: on ae we sincerely hope shall be Heulacs to: the paderalgned Solicitors eee ae “bul ding to{ers” and addressed to the tacts that era So rdueae Cte le permanent.” aed 5 3 | { ret, the the 21st day of April, 1919, after [be removed on or before the First W. D. WEIR, Clerk life, ‘These were the tests of temps |, me J instruction that has resulted vehich dats Se eer hanes Ste lass of dane of thi tation, the money test, the test of religious instruction that tas teem: ie lowest or any Peender not niec- = oe and erifice. | The idea of ex jratel use of all literature essarily acceptes . celling was ee os lable but of no i “Clement & Clement, | esarily accep Notice to Creditors — | aiueli'ained by trampling on oth. other, than English and we, hope, Chat are MIRE areca 3 haieman oF Building ‘Comraittee. pes ting peace rae ow <3 our gratitude to Al- jenry, Hostettlér,;Administrator. 2. In the estate of Neil E. Matheson |! oo girls, mighty God who has since our la: vaceaead: learned to think of others as well as ™iHiY faused they great ato cease, an we now pledge our- COMMERCIAL Notice to Creditors The creditors of Neil E. Matheson| ,, "He following officers were install- <cives to a more devoted service to s Wheat, per bu of Norwich, well driller, deceased, |¢% for he onguing year:—President, our Lord and Saviour in the great Spring Whont, pet bug 0 died on or about the twentieth | U. H. Pe jebringville; Vice-Pres., work | of building up His Réagdom oh Fall Wh All creditors or other persons hav-| q, y of December, 191 omas Joseph Mountain, ‘Avonbank; Secy- Barley mae a oh owes peg oo of alvin Misxander’s, township of Elma, near | Teas Rev. W. D. Bell, Avonton, ages Poe see fat Wiskcounrinac owi. 6F6~ 8. 1 |Elma, in the County of Perth, farm-| Atom Ont», having eleims. against Children’s—Miss Stella a Worden, St St. | ae and Presentation War Hour, Handel ewt. 6 60 8 Gola, desu nto Sig! gh a, aboat| etn are hereby auifed to send, to| Bales Noung, Peoglen is as of, Miss Irene, Ren Lon Mahe oP Of a8 haraby. required send in theix| he UAtersEned execu OTS On “rong, {Gordon Knechtel, Rostock; Adults, sail, es ne home’of her pay Bhovte per tom,2i34-+.-: 00 | claims to the igned executors |a°Fa1l list of their claims, *|Neil Stevenson, - Avonbank; Home 3ssem> ou ‘conceion ot _Wetlestey, Bran on or before the 12th ida of April, ke Ne that after that date|Dept., Miss Mary Douglas, St. Pauls;}0" yfo,, 19, togethe: a state ‘ake Notice thet after that dat|Teachers’ Training, Rev. Roulston; 0% Monday ev ig “|the exe ai fared ited Ver witht a petit perme is after fe said 12th of Ap) 5 the executors will distribute. the said mete ai further ril 1919, 0 oo ve notic Dated this 18th day of March, A, D,, 1919. George ts as pe ae ease 2 ea en Dob! ixecutors. r ment ot the security (it's ney held by pro: en. that on and | $i oe of which they shall ane ‘on 0 Ip sarees aa it bl hy cheque f 50 as a mark of good og oa mmunity Problem,” he Tenders Wanted faith. "2 . id it was self evident that the foun- C, YOST, Commissioner. dato ion, though not conspicious, was a very important part of any building. Rennes wil 4 restived by, the The first 21: years of a, man's exis- undersigned up to and including ra * tence was the foundation period. 24th at 12 orclock (noon) for the Tenders for Drain Every in the’ community helped ps Tenders for what is known as Pacis! | tor. It was common sense to pi 3 Missionar TY, Armstrong, _ St. |! 5 2eI ‘emperanée, Geo. Kalbfieisch, deceased amon, er en- Brame : ee he claims of which they shall then following resolutions were un- have notice and that the said exeeu-|#nimously adopted:— tors will be liable for the said] Thanks vas enpreeed to the “pew assets or.any part thereof to any per-|ple of R tock. for manner. in 01 hose claims notice | which ine itors me entertai shall ni been received by them | and to the often and all who helped at the time of distribution, ake the conyention a success. Matnesan ae fii Corry, Executo: R. , At-| Hal we ood, Ont. welcom: lesire Dated at tee April 1st, 1919) our appreciation of and thanks to him flee tune omen cis lected -Helpfal Address: 7 pigs, chunks. Apply to A. Pos- et Delivere it, R.R, 2, Milverton. L-pd.| “The Downie. and Bllice Sunday| 4 = School Association, an auxiliary ‘of erth Cou eld FOR S SALE | good selection of good, reliable|Sunday School scholars are won for} Watch Engeland’s Ad Next Week “The Call of the Road”’ When you take the highway this spring you want a car that preciation of Overland owners has turing methods that make possible the unusual value of Model 90'at its economical cost. Get your Model 90 now. Onarand Motil go Tosrint, Model 85-4 Towing, $1493 $2575 «e+ $2425 ‘oronte Ete permits you to enjoy your outing. It must take the roads ; efficiently and with comfort, operate at low cost and inspire id ey pride in its appearance. Model 90 is just such a car. The ap- ey ee | uilt up manufac- JACOBS BROTHERS, Dealers MILVERTON, ONT. ‘Willy! Overland, Limited, Head Office and Works, West Toronto, Ontario Branchast Montroah Winniger, Retina for the ee of his Uoheagd and helpfulness of his address FURNITURE!| — We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furniture, See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers, We have a large assortment of Dressers and Stands, A nice new stock of Brass Beds at popular prices Tf you need anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- utes when in town and look over our stock, We also have Stair and Body Carpet. Congoleum Squares look nice. We have them. Linoleum always on hand, pres er clock on the eve of her departure for St. Joseph’s hospital, Guelph, where she will ra robationer for nurse-in-train dress GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS - McLAUCHLIN AUTOMOBILES re ies and the and the noble “calling on was enter ing 0} e of . ee sick, orate was Sai ae . e RO B E RT Mc MAN E Make new friends, e latter are gold. i Furnitére Dealer’ Funeral Bireotor and Embalm: Milverton

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