Milverton Sun, 10 Apr 1919, p. 1

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Aladdin Lamps MANTELS and WICKS For Sale by Be _ P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorater MILVERTON “Ft Shines For AML” r The Fordson Tractor WITH BELT ATTACHMENT MILVERTON GARAGE E. H. Gi Proprietor Vol. XXVIII—No. 41 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, April 10, 1919 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher | The Farmer's Financial Friend We have large resources and ¢ the vast experience of 87 years to draw upon to serve you; but we have something even more important—we have the earnest desire to do so. eset your drafiral by mal raged ard gladly give you impartial advice on any financial or business matter. Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up C: | $ 6,500,000 he Reeve ind: 12;000-000 J. H. LEWIS 7 Resources.- ~ 150,0( Manager f 5 ‘Milverton Branch whether labor, produce or Dae nari at high prices. It is also a ver, t fie to buy anything that is not. npaniately necessary. Harn to the limit. Save to the limit. That is the road to prosperity. Oper a sane Account with the Bank of Ham- | Pies present is a good time to sell things, | MILVERTON BRANCH : j N. G. Schafer. ; Chevrolet Cars Ingwing you are buying the best value for quality, and iba nd the eubie satiate 4 ve ao & reels Casiada! f.o.b, Oshawa (not: including war : We are shipping hogs on Saturday, April 12th. N. Zimmerman, nm purchasing a Chevrolet car you have the i elt of arance ion o: cell gt jat_your “provide Gapleysent for Canadians See the new model on exon my showroom, Price $895 - Milverton > J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for D. L. @ W. PORTLAND SCRANTON CEMENT STANDARD Oa ST. MARYS Be ANTHRICITE LIME ; % ' Bou and get prices before buying. SEED MEAL. A full line of POULTRY SUPPLIES, STOCK and TRY TONICS. i International Poultry O paras and BROODERS ? We are sole agents. Call in. ry our “SPECIAL” SCRATCH FEED. ‘ane gi lay if you feed them this mixture. We have a small quantity of FEED CORN on hand. ; I. D. ATKIN, | | Farmers Take Notice , —_———_ z Call and inspect our stock of CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED We always have on hand a stock of OIL CAKE and LIN- and POUL- ‘e = givin ing a big reduction on Dr Hess’ and Foo you seen the celebrated Buckeye and Electric INCU: Your hens are = Milverton ie Items of Local Interest. April showers bring May flowers! Ella Zimmerman, of Stratford a pea in Burns church on Easter b Mr a furse, of Dres- dén, end sniay Sith Dr. and Mrs. eggs. “Miss May Dick, of. Listowel, spent a Pid days this swook with her friend ‘iss Rose Rann a iends of Mis. Chi regret to heat it: Es ‘Stratford hospital 4 rs. J. W Pfeffer, of Listowel, is aren visiting al the home of Mn Jacob. Hoflman:has purch a new Cheveolet car ee the local arles Kerr will s Mrs. leat, is recovering trom an attack of pleutisy. Williamson Brothers. ship- ped out of Milverton on Wednesday Preatload. consisting of twenty-three ae 2 2 & 2 2 spend a tinie here convalescing. Mrs, _J. icholson, reti ae Brockville, accompanied by Mrs, Nicholson, ‘who will spend = few ith turn to Milverton at the end of the present week. The, friends of Mrs. Joseph Lam bert, Sr., of Milverton, will regret to feat that she is at present suffering growth of a malignant natu e spi friends, apprehensive. meeting to reorganize the bowl- ing club will be held in the parlors of the Grand Central hotel, 0 day evening at 8-0 in town, ioitiested. ts Ricard: Sos price as they have a frontage of 5 fect and a depth of 226 feet and wil make ideal building ening was then |.y; ocial way, after which served. wet ‘season now -seems to be or a time a consider- able quantity, of rain f poe 7s aon ro Electric Com- i le a reduction in the rges for Sawer to 51. ‘nuinleipalities including Milverton, wel, Welles- Mr. Clemens was un: he thought in all probability’ they The choir of the Methodist church suaited. by. mamibere oft e gatio ethe Galilean orang ay iat William Hawken and Pte. ed from over- Edward Boeckner arriv Ss tained in Lond will, arrive os the village in the course of a day. two. As the boys are: now demine home with due regularity and within ony net few weeks all v es on our behalf, vi that she is at present ta avies after spending @ b in extending |; <, gai r of the seen friends of e say, but] b 44c a dozen for eggs.—A. C, Clem- ens. Butter 52 to 5be; Eggs 44c; lard 38e; at Loth’s . Eggs 44e, butter 55e) at H. L. Al brecht’s, Newton. Get our price on 30. aes Pte Cans—only a few left.—A. ‘The best ates. of Clover and Tim stay and Seed Corn for sale.—1 ae eee GON. don, ‘who did not fully tecover from his recent illness again confined to his Foom hased Tot Pte-Sidn ae the phe plata. of having rded word to Rev. Hay ving disposed of. my shoe busi- 1 desire all accounts setiled by the ‘end of the present month.— is. Hav earn rne and daughter days last pay there by u Parchment paper in-print sizes, in any quantity at Th ffice. “Al- the price ene sign~ Pa S 3 8 i Margaret, for the Hera! rip _con- | 2 st. We understand that Mr. Schaef. | °¢4 buyin te nal aan ma id clea _ | Stephen, of Thedford, attended the .The friends of Rev. J. F. Knight | funeral at Detroit, Mich., er sis- will be glad to know that the recent ter, . Margaret Henderson, who umor of serious illness has bee dis-|-died there on March 30th. Hen- credited. Mr. Knight. preached last] ders #4 sister of the late Sam- Sunday evening and expects to re-| yel Boyle, of Milvei The electors of “Hichigan on Mon- day voted on a constitutional amend- ment to the temperance act against ermitting the sale of light wine and Beer i in the stat ve The result of the mplete victory for istrict the meeting. co-operation 2 7 Hie healthful sritetty ‘ ange is reques = d. A good attend. Mr. William Hartmier has disposed | “tr. Henry Schneider bas sold his his lots on’ Mill Street, near. the farm, inown. as the of8 Boyd form) G. T, R, station to Mr, John Ritter“ Hes Dives for the sam of $2 Mr. Ritter se" ice, aes Tas of the Do lominion “Ae liance will be present and deliver an address. The ing in his work in Ontario. r mail. Save tro’ y or- dering ‘or renewing: thrétiah this: of fon social will be held at 0x. 8... ‘d, Noe s Schoolhouse a concession of For the first tims in pea tiie ears the regular~a essi John Engeland & Son does. bs ap- pear in The St Its absence oe gab e C1 a the rescue and loaned: him his. Gray formed an Audubon aftern ul teen apes mésting. (0 which the other teachers and Ooage were in- te me ee aay as given and a aisn ay of bird houses made by the boys of the room was on exhibi- tion, The formation of club not only commemorates the name of Audul bon the great. American naturalist, but teaches children the value of er the habits and characteristics of There are thousands of Audu- ia societies and clubs throughout. Canada and the Unite: and ii many regions, most bird life would have been extinct but for their fos- 5 ering care. ie province of|er t y Kerr is expected home | Lea; is beeen i - | Bill, The’ Milverton .Women’s Institute | ates Reid cae Edmund Loney, he half. th take ‘subscription agent is 8.50 Mics of cub in Yer room in the publie school ba on Friday { Sele sles fom in Hamilton r Wall Paper at Loth’s. Gropp spent the week-end | Beg: sree butter 550; at H. L. Al | bree! es, Newton. ‘esh water r herring 85e doz. or 3 doz, for $1.—Loth’s. Mrs. J. Tuesday in Milverton. m. .|end with friends at Hen: being lot 13, Ho ab official civie. flow to get 100,000 b The rt r. Nelson Kitchen bee Mr. Charles eae 'S aes farm Sina ate na itney suept fhe week- orenen Cheap- ‘dil. te been chosen as the || for Brai ca ae Society: plank ni Mornington Patriotic | Mrs. Smit th ©: welcome ndsome me Sunday la: ough we have had in Ontario a remarkably mild win! different aiitora: have prevailed’ elsewhere. read that: Loch Lomond has been frozen over e first time in whe years ago. She was a 1 Roe the Seta ene un, BAUS | afternoo: emetery, OBITUARY where tl e ere’ interred. | Members of Golden Rule Lodge, 1.0, 1OE., a f L.0.L. No. 1999 of which a MRS. OLIVER SMITH jordans was a member, attended body andepald ticke Ikstaaate M Mrs. George Miller, of the! at 1 the graveside. The following act- 8rd li pay ve been near- oa _ “i Fever Henry I y prostrated with grief since receiv- ores Ward, on Thursday last the sad intelli- ret: of the death of their only daughter, Mrs. Oliver Smith (nee Miss Ella Miller) ‘of. Provost, fol-| Am wing ittack of i the funeral were: Mrs. the | Brown and sons, Gibson and Bert, of fact that only'a day or two previous- | Woodstock; Mr. james. ly they received word of the ‘death | Holmes, Mr, and Mrs, Hol- ildren, Samuel and mes, rard Holmes and Mr, ly, ran Emerson r Donald, aged a respectively * years anda Mrs, F, Rowland, Stratfo! rd, e A ‘STRENUOUS ‘LIFE is merally and to the Korse, as well as to the sorsowing| ,, Since shortly after the outbreak of parents and brother, the sincerest | th * sympathy is extended. Mrs. ith | try doc! s be was a native of Mornington township |in€ to the larger oe he has had 13 youn; woman | EPS me raging since early Se cena beat a hale eas |iat fall, ai work and responsibilities ° z kind, that h the stor miccustulte rode: New epportunities to the “Old Bill,” Council met. this amber. Membe' of last regular m mn is mat EIR, C! bird : ae vastation Bert and Alf Typify Spirit of e British Soldie Three Musketeers” — other- wise Bert, Alf and Old Bill, are re- incarnated film version of “The Better ’Ole,” which will be the big picture tt many movie houses fo months t f the cinema might have appened over here, is the message of he t Capt. Baimsfather's plag, so in London ork, offered really magnificient roducer had a ‘or | lon, obvious, for iehere are any | prohibition, the “vote standing nearly a a eae dissolved into. the 3 etter bey ” “Bert! 0! and ches, the missing with ex] of the happiest be Hay ine pets only, ‘Thursday j Apa th. Doors o id thm 7.386 ‘ould not feel their it the oh seat plan opens on ae ‘April. it at 10 a.m. at Petrie’s drug store. War MILVERTON COUNCIL Milverton, au tia 1919 ch: ail present, with Reeve Grosch in the chair. Minutes Helen apent-8. few twenty-four yeai abebob liter iad oa Work Howes. «op and Mrs. F; Prost | visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Mrs. James. Crawford received alvety"hishest teeard by a seide einele have. been increased threefold sind, and sy Hk awrence, of Stratford,|id Schell, of List pee el. elegram on Tuesday from her son,|of friend: About. six and if :in ny » 80 ware ae ne spent several days ‘last. week with| . Miss Irene. Rei: finger |Mr. Robert - Crawford, vost, | years ago. she married. M Dliver the demands made upon him that he friends in Milve pietcad gir oueedie While operating | Alta., stating that he was able to be |Smith, a former resident of Logan, Das Deas unkblé to: OMA Sabee ae Ee De aes arrived in Mil-| one of the machines in the shoe fae-|up after spending two weeks in the |and Went west where she fas snes 2 few hours repose out of the twenty- verton a awed sday morning from | tory one day last wi oapital with influenz: resided. er married life had been f0Ur and in s instances yee overseas. His many paenes are glad|_ Messrs. Charles Moore, of Strat-| the Presbyterian Board of Finance |a very happy one and was brightened cumbed uhder the constant pea ta sfelconie. him: baci ford, and George Hopf, of yarn has received nearly one million dol: |py the presence of three sturdy boys Temitting strain, The people o his Mr. Bert Salvadge has purchased a siness trip lars towards the Budget of the Church |two of whom.also. fell Victims of the community have reason to congratu: Idt on Pacifie-Ave, from Mr, Samuel Kelly's Siding and Mitchell Tast wos. |for . The total receipts for the |malady, which carri Off. The late themselves that during the past Whaley and has let the conprack far is! Listen, we have a couple | past year are $981,861. This is con- funeral took place at ee ecet on Fri. number of tryin, cae ey ha the erection of a, dwelling ther dozens ag samples, which we are sell-|sidered a high figure in view of the|day. an na man of the vigor, rr, Jr., oe t|ing in order t tntrodil them, and | war and the influenza, of Dr. Tye, who o eonactons residi wa t the Grand | it will interest you to get the price.— Mrs. John Boeckner, after greet-| With silence only as their benediction of rare physical strength, wa: gal Central Hotel, pending the vacating . ms. ing her son, Pte. Edward Kehee r, od’s angels come, ,of himself and met almost every cal ¢ their house by Mr. W. R. Burnett.| The W.M.S. of Burns church in- at the C.P.R. station, who had just| Where in the shadow. of a great a le upon him, alth« ae Pies mion services will be held in the eee holding a social in-the basement | arrived Tuesda es e Was wante Sou Presbyterian church next Sund: f the ea on Wednesday evening, night, collapsed from the excitement,| The poly cite dumb, pas at once. He never flagge ee orning and willbe in charge of a|April 2: a = eae) mission 25 and 15 = : 5 e ae nels fod fon nee ae ee ini AL ph ery ody welcome. ere she soon revive: se af-| God onus, our dared ones, but we lose * Te ae Hine: Se pi ee ee eee sat Ne aria ae Sean . n, of Milverton, | his lots on Mill st reet to Mr. John Yr, oe has ispose of his Po ant ‘ivel Ss - i hag bens oonee tr Of the Herald | B. Ritter and also his property known shoe ustuess fo Me. Be Scurenke hey daa ir Sa thought and | Of the hundreds of casee OF RAataes for 40 years, was a ewicome caller at|&3, the Joseph Berger ate to the /who is, removing, the tock fo is etd Hon that follow in its wake, 1t is re: pe ornington Agricultural Society. es lous store on Main street, the| As in His heaven. » eee CHIE ir Mamta yO aie MUD a eS aie Gray of MM ate Sone aE ee ee markable the measure of success that AdMrs. George pore of Stratford,|Mr. Noval Hall, 6th con. Elma, laid|As this stock was all purchased be- eee has attended his ministrations, Ren and son, Edwar ‘0. just recently an egg that weigl one pound and| fore the recent advance in prices, at ARCHIE HOLMES the community is deepl, * ebted feceived his discharge from the Am. |imeasured in cireumference 12% in-)a rate on the dollar, Mr. Schrenk him for the indefatigable attention exten army, spent Thursday at the | ches by ves hes, —Atwoo e able ~< offer some bargains in the vecthat the Grim Beansts Death, is no | that he rane his pra ~~ icWachren, of a of Mew Gv, Cooter | Fu, Cp, ena, uc. esac of parm, Condit | tod have ago heii "and i i "| Mrs. R. z nto; Mr. ee i 1 a vatal operations at, Kitchener | MeCarthy and Mrs, Wm Bannerman! yuyoR AND PATHOS IN “THE che eaages iby: the passing of Areh- pacconatally Beet coma hospital recently, arrived at the home|0 Monkton, spent Sunday at. the BETTER ‘OLE? ie Holmes, of Monkton, on Saturday |in which they of her, Mr. Henry Miller, on| home of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller. 4 last after a breif illness from influen- Friday and will s haem pee ee: za, P . Mr.| WEEKLY SCHOOL REPORT by —Grammar—Ella_Clemens e. He was born ma town-| gs, Olga eehaer 74, Ruth Bundscho ship and eight years ago he married|7y’ Florence Guenther 71, Lela Kel- Miss Beatrice Rowland, daughter of |tarborn 71, Mignon Petrie 70, Frieda iN Pommer 63, Kenneth Curtis 4 ce ‘lass—Grami vin Schatz 88, Gladys Cook 33, 3, Stew. rt 1, Woolner 70, 2 i, peo NOE ark! al, carton eet up farming and |49, Fred Bundseho 34, Harold Barth ~ 131. le understand that the Depart- ment of Edueation will not allow may be heard | empti an strongest expressions of sympathy nm. behalf. of the widow and the fath- erless children. e was conducted by Rev. T. J. the Methodist church, took place two weeks late: ject being to make up time lost on account of the flu FOR QUICK SALE The Mornington Agricultural Society having purchased ‘the par- cel of land and buildings known as erger property” from Mr, ‘ohn J. Kerr, are aie for tenders for the portions which they do not wish to retain,-as follows: 1.—Barn erected thereon 83x35 ft. This will mee ce Santee lent ar, shed and-is built of soon material througho ved at once from stone foundati All rood work ineladeds ee shop and:hen house 84x18 ft., with 12-ft, wing. —Lot in separate parcel consisting et % acre, more or less on whisk is planted many fruit-bearing Lotg as outlined on ere ster oo Will be sold separ- aia or en blog, Pian may n in corridor of tla ri) at S. 's drug store or at's. > At iin’ flour and pests ied or de- ‘enders to be addressed to the Spuretary’ and {0 pe man? iver by 3 o’clock on Saturday Ce ril 12th, and to bé ac- cepted or rejected as the directors may 8 Directors will be-on the ground Saturday afternoon read show intending purchasers the WpLe py ae give any further de’ ils Come, and look over Sle ihe a haiti and 5 oe miss this op- portunity of making a ying Sneetan Co-operate with in mae in this move for a Greater Fair, ° GEO. ROE, President. J. C, GROSCH, Secretary, none SPECIALS FOR 1 WEEK INLY gai of aba UN, Easter Millinery Revealed in a Stunning Exhibit The expertly planned showing of de- lightful Easter Millinery will instantly appeal to every woman and miss. One rarely finds such a well-chosen display —a charmingly interesting variety in a particularly moderate price range. :: Miss Lucy Zimmerman Next to H. C, Mohr’s Grocery Store. MILVERTON

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