‘ OFFICIAL LIST OF. “The Weekly Fashions * HUNS’ WAR CRIMES | Sub‘Committee Careful to Point Out * ON R BH ITY FOR THE WAR That This List Does Not Exhaust /) \_ Record of Enemy’s Crimes. Here is ne at of the thirty-one d by the mam itt o fact epppintsd Wt commission on ities ae the war sa vilians. feitting'to death: of hosinats: ivilians. wor Abduction of girls and women for the Porpote of enforced degradation. Deportation of. civilians. Mitaroiett of civilians under bru- x of civilians in con-|- nection with imilitary operations. Enemy usurpation of sovereignty A box-coat for the junior boy is sane military aaa ion. quite essential. This one is gerelapea mpulsory enlistment of soldiers fip gabardine or ser; 1 Put- ae inhabitants of occupied terri- ea No. 8882. Little Boy's Box Oust: see - months to 6 yea: Pea 20 Conteation of property, ‘xaction of. illegitimate or exorbi- tet contributions aut requisitions. Debasement of currency and issue of spurious Sieh Imposition of collective pensirieg W: ‘anton devastation and destru tion: of property. mbardment of undefended places. Wanton destruction of religious charitable, educational and_ histori buildings and moni eens r als struction of Destruction of a relief ship. * Bombardment of hospitals. Attack and destruction of hos- pital ships. Breach Gi ‘gage rules relating to the Red Cri Use, ft daletanious “eid asphyxiat- ing ‘Tse. ay explosive and bullets. Directions 8 give no ie treat expanding i wells. Even this hiss as the sub-commit- tee takes pains to point out, does not exhaust the record o! irate and it ree intment of some standing suitable for any size from 34 to 42 atizing further information with the Dela. $0 cents. > view of laying ee a tribunal or| bust. sribgaals to be set up a comprehen- e Het of tages A a per- gee Punishment Urged. some energetic people commo! sense as the g sian ae “hare ibe others who are unable to get away Bes peal vreeetant, unable to see that war may even have rendered wut of cae all the sacred t it may ta oaid thatthe first drafts Mens of their uy: means satisfactory s to the punishment of those chiefly Seapcaattio for the war, which, it uggested, would be satisfactor- fellow. Those drafts are red, and the British, doing their utmost. to bring the ex-Kaiser to together with other chief offenden Flew Over the Andes. Dagoberto Godoy, of the crossed the Andes at NAVAL WAR WORK OF GREAT BRITAIN NEW HEARING DEVICE PROVES | OF GREAT SERVICE. | $3.00 = iduskrats scabs Hiatal AE 4 IGE ERIC we Pay xpress and Postage WE WILL PAY i ae ee eee More Than 26,500,000 Troops, 200,000 2,250,000 Animals Trans- ported During War. “Oliver Spanner & Co. |! Prisoners, The British navy from August, 1914, to March 2, 1919, ‘transported. more than 26,500,000 soldiers and other per- BRITISH WAR HELMET peace is an sight and the British navy has borne its full’share nobly in the attainment of that great end,” Mr. er said. “The activities of the navy we been universal. From North Seotiand to the Great African Lakes, the fleet has made its power felt and the weight of its hand has been ap- gs an Hose tiny preciated fully by the enemy, In aid-) When the Ministry of aunitions ing the food supply the navy has never | was as — question of d Fight om) con: | signing an arm address for the pleas oes tt consulted a gentile- slot known expen ‘on mediaeval a: He poin that the palsies cat ‘the noted Sore led armor and: th, ine clayed belt. the eats of the war. Although were late in the feld with it, our “tin hat? is better than that of tl French or German. It owes its sue- cess largely to that_hang: i there might still si mas- je errors that made the | ter of this ancient eraft who could orld so miserable during the last few| give. q useful hint or two for the year of. a shrapnel-proof helmet Me imnas Gestribpa thoi tm aian Se ee ae Bitos of Sonetbactod work that had Hurrah! How’s This The Army Nurse Off Duty. Cincinnati authority says corns (She Speaks to a Friend from Home). dry up and Ifft out “I'm tired—too tired to live, with fingers. sonnel co: ete ith the conduct of | ~ aia or Hume Long, First | ORe.of the Successes of the War Was. Lord miralty, announcin; From Japanese Design. ae these figures recently in the House of | "The steel helmet which was served CLOH HaGlGH i AIR Commons ing the nayal esti-| out. to the British soldier in 1916 i 3 mates for. certain to find an aiding place in the D en: In saan about 200,000 prisoners, | tit and equipment of ‘Tommy Atkins. BLE ITS B: AUTY elif haa Aten more. than. ae ‘The War.Office is ait ie ASE e vehicles, rar 00 tons of military | g, ‘atin and adorn’ i it Re . store: ,000 tons of live steers | jt will be worthy of a older full- ase this! and ace pale had been transported by naval trans- dress review order glossy, wavy an autiful ports, of peace when a, he shall at “Alter five years we can feel that he hack, again to the scarlet tunic tish steel helmet is one of 7 A © s shape, ae round t ing His Firet Vislt. Mr. Lloyd George would seem, says the Liverpoot Post, to have had a pre- monition of his future eminence when he paid a first visit to London.as a lad of nineteen, “Went to the House of wrote home “Very disappointed. __not say but that I eyed the assembly in a spirit similar to that in which William the Conqueror eyed England | on his visit to Edward the Confessor as the region of his future domain. Oh, vanity!” GIRS! JRAW A BIST Immediate Eos t. Se pg ?—that’s LIVE POULTRY WANTED. B BUY ALL KINDS LIVE PouL- av highest, prices. or returns ‘ suite for rica © ‘Weinrauch YELLOW CORN 10-15 giste Marker Noninst Ones P ‘Quebec grown) The earliest yellow flint corn tn ne Suppled’on cob only, quantity Mmit 22; 400.2 Ihe. 780, bu gia, poset AGENTS WANTED. PesPRALT agents wai ood prints; finishing a epeclalty: HARRY’ ot] {iames and everything at owen “Brices! nite 360 Pouerae es Went 4 Brunswick Ave., Toron’ pee sarees oF wodiatc en: FOR SALE || Pied Sale the cavabe’ Pay. V ELL EQUIP! NEWSPAPER |~) ar ir eee: and fob printing plant in Eastern utarlo | Insurance ¢ 1,500. Will £0, for $1.209 on auick sale. Box 62 Wilson Publishing Co Ltd Toronto, How to Purify REKLY NEWSPAPER FOR SALB ‘New Ontario. Owner going 2 DIO France’ Wilt selt'$b90. "Werth double that amoun cio" Wilso ‘ Fubushine Co. Limited: Taronte, i dea to thirty drops G ARDENS. onal Se a OWES. Complete Fertilizer. George Suevens, Peterborough, WANTED GENTS wanted (re-: € in ‘every case. Get'the pend at ee y WHEN NEURALGIA LIVE jusic Co., 17 Adelaide East, Toronto, what will @ you nrost will be after a few ¥ » When you see new ir— id downy at ATTACKS NERVES Sloan’s Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves eres: Pal ~ ‘MISCELLANEOUS A little, applied without rubbing, THIS will nee Series os ly and rest fon-Blastic Laced Stocking and soothe the S. \ SANITARY, as they may Sloan's A inknent ‘i oe SE ns in allayin, Chee * ieee ruises, aches, stiff joints, SO ae dle, Jumbago, neuritis, sciatica, rheu- to measure; Tight and matic. twin, cS 0005, contains NO RUB: BBR. 1,500,000 SOLD nReep. & big Bottle always on hand for family use. | Made in Canada. ruggists everywher Ity Co. 814 New Birks Blig. ‘Montreal, P. ——__»—__ A man pulled out =e poh that: streai M9 The suggestion was immediately| grew along the bank o een carried on duri war, €SPe-| adopted. The British Embassy in| o} water that flowed trough an clally at the new harbors at Rosyth | toxio was communicated by t. was a iid not su eRe lon. He echan- I A master craftsman of the} realize what . as doit ma ia i Pie developed i the navy gular art was found in Japan and} learned something when the water y whic! Heacin been made to th ype of the modern British|came up and ripped his meadow serve as effectively as sig! au toe tae. if not something in its| badly! ince the armistice, Mr Long added, composition, is-due t0:the. ae a — 5,000 moored min had been des- knowledge of Be of few troyed by mine. awe and no mer-| cyryi men who made chant ship that adhered to the pre-| "yor for the ae f Japan scribed pale Bes been amas when they fought wii sae and] Marion Bridge, C.B., May 30, ’ e. No merchant ship had.| {ows and double-edged swords. andled MINARD'S LIN tailed to sail for want of men, although ONT during the past year. It is al —— ee ‘e ac state hee torve ee faines ways the first Liniment asked for three, four or five times. plies tho diferent kinds. of of all the different kinds. of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. yet I'm too busy to die! Hospital seen show that ery “Y'm tired—too tired to move, mite Tk My head and my hands and my soul, Hys.e Ciucianat!.euthority, who tells ‘Too weary to hate or to love, you that a quarter ounce of a. dru To stimulate, soothe or console. called fr d at lit- “I'm tired of crutches and canes, ficient to rid one’s feet of every hard bandages, medicine, dope, Yr soft corn o Of doctors and dressings and pains, Soe oe pply a few drops of id Of sympathy, even of hope! mn a tender, aching corn — “ot Rete to open enh From ti heart ‘or wife; ‘The Sthees; that question and plead, Will haunt me the rest of my life. orn without inflaming or even etd See, ‘the surrounding iss im tired of striplings untamed— a Pas fe wears De nt sere ae They laugh and you love and they | will Ke elad to kuow of ¢ a Of the feats and the blind and the fae ire mai is a popular pay rete in Eng- Asaof terciuy eipeete ack covet Ligeia tise ‘winding o} on the “It's the life of a dog or a slave, train means a safe journ This salving the wreckage of war: You talk of ‘our glorious Brave, Minard’s Liniment for sale everywhere. But ay we know what they “We must hope all things, believe all things, endure all things, eon ristol_bi-| pay Gov- ‘The aviator left , and crossed the Tu- er BenHAR Or Chile, Tn 5 sizes, os to pungato range at an altitude of 19,- ; 700 feet, landing at Mendeaa,-Argitet °Ste ATO 20. conta, tine Republic. 1 i oe Na Statisticians estimate that for every death there are, on the average, © persons constantly sicl Térhealthvalue, sound nourish~ ment anda sweet nut-like Moca, A Spring suit is smart this season when one wears a waistcoat with it. ne offers an n7 bce 22 to 34 waist. cents each. These patterns may be obtained from your eee McCall Sealer, or from T! ‘a aay 70 Bond St., ‘Toronto, bape —_o-—_. gee hee! education in the world hat got by ap to make al ite ing-—Wendell See ce ist eine each h esl ‘etn 4 ce : Price, 20 to {geinara’s ecalt Cures Burns, Eta, | “Do I like*it’—this game I must play?| than lose that most precious of all Does a doom-haunted prisoner sing? | earthly cial trusty friend.” -Don’t listen—I'm tired to- mae —Charles Kingsley. " Be quiet—yes, that was my ring ‘Minard‘s Liniment Cures Dandrnf. Ne doctor, quite rested—What, Dan? Not red- rheaded Dan from Duluth” | It is estimated that 407 silane He’ shan’t . we'll save him!” | took part in the German raids on ene England. For of such is our Kingdom ot Youth! : SEED D CORN ss ‘Windsor, Ont. Pa Connty First. seit, 204 don't join us well annihi.| === late you.” That, in effect, was what Pre ) the Bolshevists said. to “Col. John WY INES hemarchat hs badaton me's tose|| RABBITS & Col. Ward promptly ar- Fold tablecloths differently from ime to time and you will prevent the forming of worn lines in the creases. MONEY ORDERS. ominion Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout, Canada. im milk is less digestible than whole milk, The safety lies in light aaah Minard's Liniaent Relleves Neuralgia. Let’s try to bring into bearing this year some little field that has not brought in anything before. That will make the world so much better. cleaning Cans- ge the poNmet HORSE SENSE SAYS Spohn’s Distemper Compound 1a the boat anawor for ail questions concerning Diste among horas E - ce rae 2 eanter. and tn montha, when there. oF POH S cach day Fell Kees your abie free. free Tiseate Give SPORN'S Dortore bon hora knocked ae eventive or cura SPOHN MEDICAL neem a Gsten, Indiana, U.S.A. xis ra Raley System ian Government Railways The Gee North Western Telegraph Company 14,000 Miles of aie 56,000 Miles of Telegraph Lines v very province in Canada’s Dominion a creaky serving the great ocean port orien! tg sane be de Risaieae Mamiagssdy silat ight Express For time tables and informat go to nearest Canadian National Reilways Agent. GEO, STEPHEN, \NSON, ‘Freight ‘Traffic Manager HH. H. MELAI Passenger Traffic Manager C. A. HAYES, Vice-President Head Offices, Toronto, Ont, Let PARKER Surprise You PARKER'S know all Yhe fine points about cleaning and dyeing. We can clean or dye anything from a filmy georgette blouse to heavy draperies or rugs. Bvery article is given ‘ careful and expert attention and satisfaction is guaranteed. Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods to ee PARKER'S . We will make them like new again, Our charges are reasonable and we pay ex- press or ‘postal charges one wi st card will bring our booklet of household suggestfons that save money, Write for it. PARKER’S DYE WORKS, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. - Toronto « BROILERS sian ere the leader, posted his men eat a ns, by resolute action save Better be quality preferred. hi the eRe ae being a of WRITE FOR PRICES command a battalion than accept a|| STANWORD’S, Limited com seat in the House of 128. Mansfield St. Montreal | Coughed for 13 Years ONE BOTTLE OF BUCKLEY'S =| D White Bronchitis Mixture cured P Buckley: Dear. ES be only 400 quiries. 5 § >urs, John Holm No. 1. Yorky Je, Toronto, won sold pan ara nt By cure pronenitg ‘coughs. ke bron- ial asthm: cure—no_ pa) ‘en BY a \WANDLLND ONISN WaLIV 3 Sold ‘only Pay BUCKLEY, the ‘7 Dundas Street Rast, Toron- pe eekeae Sone Pigs farrowed early in the spring sometimes hecome badly chilled. One Fe and Ointment Quickly soothe and h eczemas, rashes, nines and burnings of the skin. Semple Each Free by Mail. Address post: o ina blood heat. Then dry off thoroughly and put j back with the ) rilto Ly Smenvel eae ORMOKEY REDE ae Scan ca teen gals | IN PRIME semis for fat and hav- xe Cows being fo uoeu: fatie"te gontastons | tonle, however, walle ry wes to- ype fm improving your tows’ con- ton, Sow intvigoR ATOR, will prevent abortion and the re- fenton of aftei ANT give j ti vi + DFe- age Blot fc in 9} ows jomes bars ‘enness auenuty and qu: ee \dder, hhowld use iri derful ponte: pane nimal An- Dr. ve 9. Danie} ments sent, free. mit te for a (| Sard"Gutioura,Dopt-N Poston. (-8.A." Sold by dealers throughout the world: Enowiton, ‘P.Q.. |. copy. | ore.” <apllaks for you! aking two blades Ri “Cheap Fertility work at cultivation ele re he Ao ir ¢rop tpl ig another ue Sahai reheat eet Soe aay fert Ly as. wi unns your soll the complete blend of nitrates, phosphoric iseana o ities weeded for bumper crops, “Shur-Gain” Fertilizers growt an they are combined iF expert eed ho have knowledge soll. at ci are you planting this 5) part about Guang “Bbur-Gain” now and bo #1 of. real but ssanet tert Don't Gels: é this ioiportent Ne Booklet “Bumper Crops” mailed o; em GUNNS LIMITED Ww! TT ;RONTO, ‘ONT. 7 EARLY NORTHERN .