ig Ihave moved my T: stand in Fewings’ Block. NOTICE NORMAN RUBY, - Millbank | (x4 Tinsmithing and Plumbing {| MILLBANK NEWS: Messrs, A. Wilson, of Ethel, and Henry McNichol, of Elma, visited at .. Thos. Hawthorne’s Mr, Thos. Hay e day last : week.—Mrs..J, and Miss Sarah Ham. with inshop back to the old H. P ghee sister,, Mrs. W. B. Freeborn, 5 eok.—(Mr. John Watt hie ecpteg take ta dhe eter Kelly lof Welles rs, W. id M ssession wh the house recently purepaset from . A. Bi pS We ‘ai wel- ee M nd Miss dents of the villa; and Mai ed during the past w LINWOOD ‘TOPICS s Jean and Irene Carnochan 2 i 2 3 spent ‘: few dura wick Mrs. Mebieh: ren.—Mr. and Mrs, A. Ter it, lene Crooks’.——Th arterly the Methodist choir was r. John Dw M daughter, of Heidelburg spent Sun- day at Mr. John Dechert’s.—Mr. A. . loss is $10,000, partl insured.—Mr, Cecil Tanner, of Mi bank, spent Tuesday in town.—Mr, and Mrs. Harold Faulkner and daugh- ter, Enid, of Moorefield, spent a few days with the latter’s ‘parents, Mr. and Mrs, D.C. Beggs—Mr, Perey Eitistinie Brita walies to wus for a is wee to the congeste: nditic ¥ are obliged to hold over the list of prize winners at the spring show until next week. THE ISLAND Bui eer ie eftee a to a Charlotte and ean sppentS lay last week at Kuhryville—Mr. ; E. Kerr made a isinces trip to Mil- verton ‘ednes ‘Rept ee Schnelder ret ed i ae ending a week i Sebringvile Coxon, of Elma, called 0 his _ aught, Mrs. a. Rel or Peney Schmidt and Mi apa re preie sday hee with Spr 8s, West, who recently arrived from ov- ©! evil) ay at Kuhn; . last Iyth.-—On. Saterday “ast nia dey hen hs A patriotic social will be: held in tis »jat Mr. James Peffer: ale, —} Rralahante and son el Will Tachell and Robert Lo enter- C ing number f: Winchester: B. Freeborn were Bie see him out during the past week — = Mr. Duncan M, Davidson, s “s jee 5 ° a carl hogs from here on Monday, April 7, gs. Was 200 BS Si & z re verybody come and haye a, ¢ and help Te leave same at Mrs. and son, of Stratford, are visiting the guild room at an WARTBURG mber of neighbors and well- f Mr. Lorne'and Just picture the grief of chil -| fered with stomach and liver trouble. | have never had any return f | Mns. FLoreNce Hoorer, 4 Albert Street. re Miss Addie | 5. mn Mon-| oi, “Western Ontario’s Foremost past Ne de in Wellesley on Thursday last} HOW’S YOUR BLOOD ? Pimples and Eruptions Mean Bad Blood People who have impure or i ie impover- | ished. blood. should be careful to. te only a temy been for oe 50 years. _ Ingredients wrapper. ee t day you start to take this rellaie” nmedicang, ; | good blood on the, skin means that ain: ples, boils, carbuncles, eczema, al skin blemishes will ise ut must remember that yor BL ybensile blood is dake the liver: some ach, bowels and kidneys become Healthy, active and vigorous and you will have no more trouble with indigestion, back- ache, headache. Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- trial package to ea Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. ‘Winpsor, Onr.—"For over three years 1 suf- I would bloat up, gas would form on my stomach and cause me to be terribly distressed at times. I also broke out with ring worms. I doctored and took medicine but did not get any relief until g ised me to try Doctor Pierce's Golden Medtea Discovery, which I did, and, also, the “Pleasant Pellets,’ and I am glad to say that these medicines so-completely cured me that I of these ailments.”"— TRALEE ( By Regular. Correspondent.) ett.—A ver, pleasant time was spent last Tuesday at the home of ang Ts. the great war.—! : i her uneley Mr. James. Hanely— r. days in Stratford. for | { eae Apparel Easter is Again on Our Doorstep, and, as Usual, Our Store is Stocked with all the New Things that make up for Eastertide. YOUR EASTER COAT IS HERE— r stock of Northway AMERICAN SMOCKS AT $2.50— %. Coats 4 is all snes now, and.we would ask the Ladies ofM iiverton to’ eal | price Psa ASUS peels dark grey, So as AS avert coats forthe Easter trade. in prices | SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! BPO TSrY- MO No_use sayin; h abi i 2 youre ASTER ALeGeE ment. “ We make a hobby of this lines We say such a large range that we cannot ae prices, rom now until Easter we are going to sell a mclnt line of Bleached Cotton, regular 25 cents per yard, for eats vill have to hurry want any at this LADIES’ NEW ee lack per vane, for 32¢ lack Daryn Spools at 10¢ have one of the Fer sace La hs of Skirts | FLOOR OIL CLOTH: yo e ver" shown in Milverton. amounts to nearly $1,000, so we are sure to please you. Try the “ 'D) Laced-in-Front rang- ing in price from $2.50 to $5.00, SPECIAL PRICE ON RAINCOATS— ave a special American Raincoat which we bought one year ago, but was delayed in ship- ese are in dark grey only. Priced to-day at $7.00, OUR PRICE $4.08, Our special Tweed Coats ai spring Overcoate—with or without belt, Prices range from $9.95 to $18.00. NEW ors FOR MEN— W SUITS FOR THE BOY: NEW HATS, NEW TIES, NEW SHIRTS Bent Sink Cap: Brooms each . On eo but a few as we He a 8] ae and ave Bh have about 25 ends of these, Tdinkine Gat aeeetey ste eed good | ogc, Toss pecialiprio uying can accomplish ppeal to our | Wide, remular $2°5 Pe a is, yd. Paster attractions. "These blouses are. all guar $2; for $1.7; Haney Silks, all colds, ust take a look at these nifty ereations Prices | * $14:755 Special prices on all Black Sis to suit everyone. abe ee EASTER PRICES ON SHIRTINGS SPECIAL PRICE ON BLEACHED COTTON— AND DERRY— ue and White, regular 40¢ Cae, 65c, and 75c p 100 yards, 5c; 150 yards, 7 2 fie vis SPECIAL PRICES an CE OANTS OF Prices _to- ' ' prices we are offering these | day ave 75c per yard, ‘- lear t] | skirts at—it will surprise you. Prices range fom offering then! a 60 ules yard noes wae Pats on |. $7.50 to $12.00, 2% to 6% y. ‘ D.& A. Sg eo FOR SPRING— 4 PIECES OF FANCY DRESS GOODS— andle nothing but D, A. Corsets, We Worth to-day $2.00 d have ail fap lesting impart Ofte see Gen amen Tan ee Oe a MEN’S AND BOYS’ CAPS— a look pingngh our stock of Men’s and SPECIALS IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT— » -55e and 75e . » bbe tome child at the lose of hie ‘ o “ departure for th pce or her beloved. “Dogri NSE LemeateceMee Wee and} re 8. Burnett aa Sanday e 1 V er on 1 4 ri eee Jand daughters, Misses ithel and. Ol, Tron ‘hare attended, 8 8 5 ao heir lithe ives, [ive attended the Sunday School Con-| the horse show at Linwood on rat | We belie as jvention held at Rostock last Tuesday. | day.— Wedding yells are ringing.— —= ———— nt they Boake every man, j—Mr. Thos. Crowley, of Palmerston;|'The friends and neighbors of Mr. E. etchant ORI ts ne cart seater gear aioe et Ga ee of | McConkey ‘assembled at his home last is sister, —3 ; i Ee iss woul vier, others 1a ‘Detrich is in'a serious condition of | Monday, guening and presented HESSON do for them. health at present in, of | address was read bi Arthur Ney| Misses Lavina and Elizabeth Moser Stratford, ism atts nda ce We, wish McConiey is the’ oldest | of Dorking, spent. Sunday. with Miss ‘ er a rec re Rl and most esteemed residents of this | Ruth Bailey.—-Mr, Jos Docksteder, of . he “Lost and Found” col- A chnGahe Prronded the omnes E oot community and his departure will be| Brampton, spent Sunday with umns of The London Free cil meetign held at Stratford sever-| <incerely-reeretted b @ hope |Dockstader and family —Mr. armers a @ GC ice Press carry a list of articles lays last wi Master Robert] that Mx, MeConkey will it spared to Schedewitz, of Elmira, spent eople who are anx- Henry was a week-end visitor at the|enjoy many more years of good day with relatives here.—Mrs. iously awaiting word of home is grandparents, Mr. and| health. « irch left on Saturday for her eet their return. r you Mrs, Samuel Henry, of Stratfo: in London.—Messrs, James Short and find anything, read the lost Mr. Andrew Deiss, of Stratford, was ROSTOCK Thos, Basler, of Linwood, spent Sun- Owing = : See Sep in the wholesale price of Wire Fen- in TI 0 Free a recent Visitor. at theshome of Mr. oc) day cwith: faeride: in: wlessenes ike cing, we r price list able to. quote Pi you and Mr. Zulauf and son, Edward] Coletta Foerster spent Monday last in you as mail o est h Anyone who has al- would be done by. | ‘atford, spent the week-end at |fistowel—Mr, J. Ankerman, of Mil ready paid for is Wise fencing is requested to call @y our shop . | KINGWOOD ¢ home of Mrs. Mary Wingefelder. may spent a fev days, with friend and get a rebate of 4 cents per rod. = ses Margaret. an. la Kreut ere.—Mr. John Stemmler lost a val- Read the Want Ads. every <"|- We are: glad- to “report™ that. Mr 1 days with friends in| uable cow last week by her falling BINDER TWINE Re and Mrs. W. Burke, of the 5th line, ek.—Mr. Alfred have almost recovered from an attac! ‘eitzel, of Tavistock, peanent ie RSM a Rica i ae We are also in a position to book orders for the best 650 ft. gs THE. ox: of influneza and also that the baby is|at his home here.—M Die BRUNNER Twine at $26.50 Per Cwt, payable in May. on the road to recovery too.—Rev.| of Sebringvile, Visited ‘with: friends : Mz. Edington called on some of his|here | on | : ee Ean Me Brunner U-F.O. will meet at congregation in this vicinity on Mon-|Schmi “sl of Stratford, spent the week | t] a T ‘opping schoo riday, Apri * London Free Press |sevrygtn.3 2 “G's.2 Mo |Ssims at i einpoat tee] | GEO. d. COXON, Milverton have resided on the farm here for the|auf spent a day in Milverton last ae Ge discussed, a full attend- w years, moved to their home | week—! asa spent a few| ance members is requested. so all farmers interested. ZIMMERMAN’S HALL 8.15 OLD TIME ONE NIGHT ONLY 9.15 NEW TIME MILVERTON By Capt. B. Bairnsfather APRIL 17th |THE BETTER ‘OLE CROSSHILL (Messrs. John and Mike Pinning: ham left last week for the West meh, e they intend spending the Mr. Donald Campbell, ae Strat perenne Rennie and little Margaret spent Sat. er,—Mr. Robt Hooey Milverton last oo, where taking a position in a millinery $1 —Mr, Andrew Tillie has, purchased 52 a8 Lather has about porchased the Stev- lage,—Mr, M. lis One shave, were three outfits. go. ing swithfa half a mile of each other. SLEEPLESS. Th er than the’ difficulty of taking it a order to properly. You need: rest in ord store up again.the spent energy 0 the day's grind. the Nerves are} or through some = tional disorder, a restful sléep Will What the Papers Say About The Production: LONDON EVENING NEWS—“The Better ’Ole” proved to be a tremendous success. It is the fin- est British picture ever produced. LONDON CINEMA—A close and true analysis of the spirit which animates the men in the trench- es. “The Better ’Ole” is unquestionably the best film of the year. LONDON MERCURY—“The Better® Ole” shows more vividly than could be done by any other means, the daily life of ‘Tommy’ in the trenches. NEW YORK TRIBUNE—“The Better ’Ole” has caught.more authentic war spirit than any other play of the trenches which has come to town. NEW YORK WORLD—“The Better ’Ole” has: all the persuasion and force, both for humor and pathos, of the famous pictures'on which it is a NEW YORK GLOBE—If you miss it, you’ll miss the best pictrue of its kind ever seen. If your appe- tite for the theatres is jaded, go see “The Bet- ter ’Ole.” be difficult to ‘obtain, you Want Rest and Sleep, do not dope yourself with “sleeping powders” or depressenta,” as this cure is e- times worse than the disease, Hack- ing’s Heart and Nerve Remedy bri about a natural sleep | by soothing the the hea: its. 0x for $2.50. For sale by S. Petrie, Mil- nkton, verton; Weber & Bettger, Moi and C. G, Coghlin, Atwood. ever saw. duced. tive at the front. to reproduce on the sere front, SRA _ ful mi dope. No ‘What Returned Men at Whitby Military Hospital say: A SERGEANT—A darn good picture, The best I A CORPORAL—The most Eat version of life at the front that I have ever see’ A GUNNER-—Great! The last word in war plays, ys and I have seen nearly all war pictures pro- A PRIVATE—Seen it twice; want to see it again. This is the picture for anyone that has a rela- AN OFFICER—Never thought that it was penile en as you see it a “The Better ’Ole” has aatonplidhed his - A NURSING SISTER—Wonderful! It will give the pu Hg on EsnetOs view of the life a our wonder- vise everyone to see oe eT SES ARE 2 PSSST SR Sa “A PRIVATE—Liked it ton Ta BF better than any picture I have’ever seen, dispenser, but a gloom-chaser, camouflage to this picture. of the best points is that this picture is British from start to finish, Full of pep.. The greatest TRG SPECIAL ORCHESTRA Playing “THE BETTER ’OLE” Score With Effects PLAN OF HALL OPENS AT PETRIE’S DRUG STORE AT 10 A. M., FRIDAY, APRIL 11th. ‘ PRICES: 50c, 75c and $1.00 (War Tax Extra)