course of benefits and advantages gained last} WHY NOT ALL MERCHANTS ? year by people in ites: towns an [t| villages were admit great in _. (Listowel Standard) sme The barbers of Listowel have ar- a half holiday each week claim that it round out their ba FOR FARM CHILDREN them to —, ’ be (Toronto Times.) si at ee 's measure to promote the htablishment_of consolidated schools rural distri A 3 Ej 2: 5 7 28 3 g H e HI 2 oF subjects iculture and Domestic Science. | of the soil by the extra hours devot- oe nen ae cathe ota of igh not re-|ed daily to ga creation of a consolidated school in 9 Phat town get together arrange to a central schoo [farmers the change of time would inty the Woodstock Sen-| ope take a half holiday: each ‘week dur. eawass obstacle. It is noteworthy that. the | certainly be a aoe it rests oa Ores anntiniee nee: ce Gor hides wr the Pai majority pete school }iature to. est aside $100, 000. i ote ‘bolus. santa estas bh Bars ah 1 Peres i aoe fis! af for the purpose of assisting in meet-| farm: that thei teticol “einen! it 48] ing the charges invglved in transpor-|the clocks are kets The tion. public § pores aS es there education be- fei oat Listjcally i in favor of the scheme. gin That. being th eg fatory men and shop hecpes not a committee o' business me! in justice to the children, the public whe work schedule must be|Zet together and see what can be school course should bi le as com- DAYLIGHT SAVING lave MEAToTnES bir netgear eonds: |U00E ean ive ‘he children the sd-|_ Daylight saving went igto effect in Slope. Acteitistandin pte eae cals i vantage of an extended course. It|Britain a week ago on Sunday, and] io preat ti about both raralités! or Ne PU NREL TO.COST will carry them into the High School | also went into effect, “in the United and urbanites adjusting themselve: 000,000. work without causing any break or|States on Sunday last, but the Can-| "4, ivnt saving without causing ir. tendering it necessary for them to|adian Parliament did not endorse the | ‘0, 2yNent saving Wine cee ther e years would be required to leave one schem ether our parliament] ide. The innovation proved a god- ton ete the proposed tunnel under solidated school will bring | puts a similar law into t or not }eond to a e section of humanity |the English ehannile seeing to an anadians must be governed to a cer-|20 pecause “of that the problem | @Uthoritive that in ordinary times thé cost of neste would be about $800,000,000, but in view of the increased ¢ Se and materials, tl pense involved, See our silk waists at $2.50—its would, under’ present conditions, be ner.—Engeland & Son. nearly $100,000 1000, from an unprejudiced standpoint e benefit of | vices at all poin without, the loss of |be sadly disjointed if our clocks are It will enable|not set the same as in the U.S. The|a _ ‘The following is the report of S. 8, No. 5, aporningtoe, for March. Names erit. Those marked. ae ) we sent for an 5th Class—Olive Peffers 6 Sr._4th—Geo: Baden a, oe vyn Hurst 64, Danny" Albred ie 4, Bol Ty Rucpfer 40, ann, rect 10] ie] Sn ard May Smith Tee Annie Reid 61, Norman Johnston 39%, Make el Smit Sr. 2nd-—James Hurst Jr, 2n puphell Barrett 70, Menno Kuepter 68, Ollie Aas, Ez ra Schneider, Bee ence er Johnston, Laura Reid. Total ‘enrollment 25.—E. Squire, teacher. eree Following is the report of S. S. No. go) ce for the months of Fe! bruary mn : nay Woman Won > NS Recognition in War---Now She is My Preparing for Peace Women drove ambulances. They nursed. They became cooks - ; the army. They made aa ad odie tended graves. They ¢ telephone exchanges. They df but actual fiehtineeand at-that eHney were the insaton, the un fitne ae of the ee ing m fi THERE IS NO END TO WOMAN’S ACHIEVEMENTS have placed themselves upon a pinnacle by their efforts in the even as they ist, so will they rise to greater heights in the future. Women must be the balance Pies during the Reconstruction. Theirs must be the hand to stay the impatience of men aving returned from the active, strenuous days of the pbat- tlefields, find it difficult to reconcile their past four years with the mundane routine of life. 0 there was never a time when newspapers had so much to tell about women; never a time Rhea womankind could read in the day’s despatches so much about herself. She has be- come more and more interested in the broad questions of National Gavpeiaeat: and in Ontario she now votes on the same basis as men. THE TORONTO DAILY STAR REFLECTS EVERY ACTIVITY OF WOMEN not merely a social chronicle, but a mirror of what women are achieving. Its thirty-one Arena correspondents (including two women) tell of the work of women the worl er. In addition, The Star publishes daily fashion hints; Bedtime Stories for kiddies; se ee on ‘keeping well’’ and ‘‘doing things,’’ all of which interest ‘both men ~ and won every woman should read her local newspaper pene it tells with intimacy of the people whom she personally knows, But woman’s plac the world’s affairs de- oF mands also a WORLD NEWSPAPER—a paper which will ute her into ‘‘reading touch’’ with things far and Roat, as the telephone -has brought her into ‘gpeaking touch”’ with those from whom she was once isolated. _ Women cannot read The Toronto Daily Star for a short while without feeling that it is the paper they need.’’ The truth of this shown by the many women who, sending in @ trial ala eae for three months, renew their subscription for a year be- fore even the three months ire. nd your paliestodon in now. We will, mail The Toronto ely Star to you each day at the following rates: For 1 month, 25e. For 3 months, 75c. For 6 months, $1.50 For 12 months, $3.00, ‘ To Publishers Toronto Daily Star, Toronto: Dear Sirs: lease enter me as a eee to The Toronto Daily Star for .. months—for which please find enclosed stamps or money ane for $ Name and address in full... ....... Consolidation of rural schools is to years ago, bef little red schoolhouse had begun to ra @ i i 8 $ a, ca Py & 5 substantial will be effected witl Guelph Mercury notes in this connec. tion that when, in the early history of the common school system of Up- per Canada, now Onta: was made for the townships into: school districts. practice was begun a long generation ago, and it has been a success from e, beginnin; HANNA—A MAN OF THE PEOPLE The renee ae the late Hon. W. J. troly a man of the people. his life in the open, and aw: energies in laying the Tentagtigne.o of a system in Ontario in for a carping and ungrateful people, Dent too fe ms ee ngth. The bow was en! THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT (Toronto Weekly Sun.) gauge a seems to be not free of perplexity. Replying to a question in the House of Commons the other day, Rt. Hon, Andrew Bonar Law state emphasized that actio: taken in conjunction with the Allies. a x e month of | n, re given, in seks of ab-| cl Taylor, Lowry | mn ‘| J. M. FLEISHHAUER Ladies’ and Men’s Tailor ELS. + + ONTARIO windm' 2 to the bailding chard, 3 mile Tie CPR. ‘ion e | 8th concession #134 acres of Tot | 4, in the 8th ce pitt fl gion, Will be sold either in block o ba BRITAIN HAS NAMES OF CHIEF CULPRITS e id that ‘the ch THE DELAY OF PEACE (Toronto ‘Weekly Sun.) RL iat a to the spatches, is the publication of a = cree ing yundai between ee suspension of factory indus de, on whe the perl be of Europe A id vanquished, ly dependent for existence. The delay in the making of peace becom- es intolei It is not unlikely tl ‘ives the war rat = monthe, 766,10 advance, The Milverton os and aes Times B PUBLISHED BYERY Ta peante MORNING Lesicdteen The Sun Printing Office Main Street ~ MILVERTON, ONT. Subscription rates:—One year, $1.50; six “subscribers in ar- will be liable to pay $2.00 RE TeR Sad vehtatdly rates on applic Advertisements without specie directions willbe neerted until forbid and charged a¢- “chan for contract advertisements must {| be te the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprictor, “BusinessCards LISTOWEL’S PLAYING MANAGER ‘onto Star.) were standing in one o: Opp. City Ha - K e Medical. Dr. P: L. Tye (Toi ‘hi Sr. 4th—Total 680 — Charlotte | Guy y Rocher, of the Listowel:Pal-| ogice: Puniic Davo StoRR, MiLvERTON Mogk 614, Mabel Smith 579, Hulda tl hotel 10 tae ete ith-“Total 680 — Gertrude Y kapssioasiaty Denstedt 539, ia Sas 522. ‘ “ rr. 3rd—To ere “Den. 3 goals fo: ae m, e stowel- pipet Aeerere eae, suns 458, | Baimerston team had the supp ort of Di Ft RE ORSTER Badolph, Mogk 464, Ethel Dasidant iii’ Haoillton: coniathics for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ; pen oe en aa bert meek son that they wore the ‘gers? Doin M578 Yom Bal fn 18 260, rvin Diehl} yellow and black, about 1,500 peo- pitti in medicine, University oe, ease Ra A Elsabe le witnessed the game. The Twin-|+f Toronto. hal Yungblut 324, ‘Adolph Mueller Bee, | Tow, club play their games in Pal-| late eee area ae Arthur mstedt 227, Wilfsd De,|merston. They play three men from|mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield’s bold ilfrid De-| Listowel and three from Palmerston. rie Soh Gaiss Sous Throat Hoe- aes at, Brin | The manager, Cully Rocker, has, ac-| ital, is nes cording is state er’ the at ma. * Dik ie peaeedts Mabel Diehl game, Played his last game of hockey | daily. Evenings—7 to 8, Wednesday Eimer a pas Pog aller, Christi any affiliated -lea; He al|end Saturday oye * hs “appointment Dene Wille alee Chae record 0} fteen seasons continuous (Phone 267.) PARSER, Ot, Senta ieee / aOR at | $3 Waterloo St. as STRATFORD. Grace Wootton, teacher| Canada and is still purely amateur. SSR SEN Cay DENTIST. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS ANE CREWS. Che SEBBEN, D.D.S., L.D.S. hey were awaiting discharge and jor Block, STRATFORD 4 Open crauiaes ea <3 to 9 o'clock is, you get your dollar-ten for,” said’ one ° “You line up al you p for _y , and I’m senate You didn't your turn to go over the Kt Leip CENTRAL Ae a wait Lega! H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton. ¥ to Loan, Is recognized a: of the most re- liable ence Schools 1 in Canada. The instructors are experi *|the Courses are up-to-date. Grad- yy tudents may en- rite at once for D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. RAND TRUN Ghe Double Track Route RAILWA’ SYSTEM between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT AND CHICAGO Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan. R, 7. HARDING W, 6, OWENS W. B. GOODWIN Notary Public. . D. Weir, - Notary Public mncticuers oe me ie nr kata of Perth Waterl Conerrancar anode wills, mortgages drawe nd affidavits made. Village clerk, Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage License for the Countyjof Perth. Real estate bey and sold. A few choice farms for immediate sale. ONTARL MONKTON, - Unexcelled Di: Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any ice | - | Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Veterinary. R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Barr’s old stand i ing, Dee + Passenger Agent, yee onto, "- |H. C, BAIRD, 'Phone 1, Local Agent Ghe Hotels The Queens Hotel CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO. 10-622 Best accommodation for commercial trav ellers and others. Two large Sample Rooms, GEO. F, PAULI, Prop. - Milverton, One “|New Spring Styles With spring Suitings and Overcoat- ings and Trimmings purchased and de livered from one to three years ago, we are offering you suits and over- coats at last year’s prices. eee You are absolutely certain of get- ting the best value in orp tee you get us to make your is eeee Societies. Milverton Lodge ae 478 ALF, & A.M. cventag on oF before rae i ghee ‘hall ‘Visiting brethren ‘ioe “4 aie A. Harrow, W.M, Hy L. Richoleom, Secy Silver Star Lodge No. 202 . 0. B, Meets every Frid. cht hall over Bank of 1 Visiting brethren always w W.K.Loth, G. A. Bere, NG,” Fin,-Secy. ec. Seoy, Workmanship, fit, finish and fash- ion guaranteed. eeee SHADOW TEST Weir's List of Farms For Sale mad eu in, vy Plea $11,000 will bu; concession of We at Linwood, 1 mile from aoheo eat bargain Se, aca ody. Southeast quarter ef lot 3, in the 9th concession of Mornington, con- On the premises is fortable brick 'He Looks Into the Ey: METHOD, It ls almont to make all. work te done by rooting ‘into oe. Weak Muscles eae Headaches Cured, Eyes in many ca Ai straightened when glasses are fitted by thie Advanced system, Children'seyee accurately examined without asking questions, re a goo house with kitchen and woodshed. y forty acres of in the and fe ae ‘easterly separately, Morningto $7,200 will buy the north half of lot. 9, con. 8, Mornin; ee 100 acres; er farm. mises is er- Land ing r Drille avel ‘and windmill.—A snap. , chk P. H. BASTENDORFF “Byesight ‘rayne MILVERTON, ONTARIO AUCTION SALES © sane Bat on aloe ay ‘te ae Sun sta gut the county yughout coun’ If you have sell there is a hotter medium miter reach the buyer, Adve! results. ae The Sun and get eR sn OSes ee ge in ai.