Aladdin Lamps MANTELS and WICKS For Sale by .P. NEUMEISTER Ses > MILVERTON GARAGE Painter and Decorator MILVERTON “Ht SiGe For AIL” z 7 E. H. GROP ; Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, April 17, 1919 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher tion.” Fortune emptyh: count with this Bank now. a Little Capital” Time and again you have heard someone say, “If [only had a little capital back of me | know I could make money with that proposi- Resolve, today, that you will not face Sow the- seeds of your success by starting a savings ac- Bank of Nova Scotia J. H LEWIS ‘Manager Milverton Branch Items of Local Interest. All places of business will be closed on Goo Mr. John Engeland spent Tuesday with friends at Zuri y next is Easter Day and wil Pea by special services in “a the churches. rs. Fred Diesenroth and niece, Isabel sim, aipent Saturday with Church on Good Friday evening at 8 o'clock, as a preparatory service for Easter There will be special Easter ser- union, in Trin- s Adi amer, of the public school staff, Flint, Mich,, is spending | a few days “this week with her friend Mrs. P. tC 5 Sapper, N. 8: returned from Be tet 0 epee “asys gure Fie the past ‘week with friends in ‘lv Bean, pastor of the Ev- angelical’ church,- is attending the Evangelical Conference, which is be- ‘avistock from April 16th ich, of Regina, arriv- @d_at Milverton on Satur and is attending at the bedside of her mbert, Sr., Lient. Earl Reis and. mother, 0 eis, of Galt, spent a days this week with the latter’s fath- Mr. J. Kalbfleisch and othe friends iin Mitverts rank Donley returned from vata 69 on ThuFeday evening end was br (ESTABLISHED _ 1872 === BANK OF HAMILTON O do without a thing until you can pay cash is sometimes good business pol- icy. You get the article at a lower price and so save money; you also get inerest on the money while you are accumulating it, if you will deposit it in the Savings Depart- ment of the Bank of Hamilton. ‘MILVERTON-BRANCH : N. G. Schafer. ere. nday next, being Easter ap, | will be a celebration of the =) eed fees 2 0 Alfred L. Posliff, Wingham. Zimmerman, who recent- a meraices of Mr, m. Oescl , of Avonton, occu- d palpi style and impresses one as be- work: e fe SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRICITE ate at the beginning Sole Agent for Coal G. HAMILTON PORTLAND CEMENT ST Rute oes —————" a v3 Glorious things in all tions of Black and Colors. Elite Millinery The New Hat—in Fashion—Distinctive and Alluring. tea Nery eee 60. (satothi cle tte meet Arties Flow- test wings. very new Ric ceeat tale mee Suaest nasa Color— Black—and the most fascinating combina- EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW IN HATS IS SEEN IN OUR SHOWROOMS. Special attention given -to Hats for Children, Miss Lucy Zimmerman Next to H. C. Mohr’s Grocery Store. MILVERTON wood, Hensall, dramatic readers. This will bea delightful literary and musi- ect he country ps ola dnritig We past we been in a most Sorlorsile coun~ f the ward as soon as ton tT ‘Tues sday of a week Mr. Wm. Rudow removes Imira after con- with his many friends in wishing him success in ve 2 Messrs. Roe attended if wie of Mr. ay w S ae Pa = the horses $874, I. D. ATKIN, Farmers Take Notice Call and feactcta our stock of CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED and ‘get prices before buying. We always have on hand a stock of OIL CAKE and LIN- janes Poultry F SEED MEAL, A full line of POULTRY SUPPLIES, STOCK and POUL. TRY TONICS. We an eyine a big reduction on Dr Hess’ and ‘ave you seen the celebrated Buckeye and Electric INCU- parons and: BROODERS ? We are sole agents. FEED. eto ‘to lay if you feed them this mixture. our “SPECIAL” SCRATCH Call in. Your hens are We have a small quantity of FEED CORN on hand. = Milverton whi brought the woul ial up over $8,000. Some time ago Mi is, arm a eer ae his son, who was with. h dias which deciaed 5 ie Fs a SB & made towai wiping drink traffic, ihe battle had mot eer ae to an rengthen their stakes” for the com- ne onslaught. on a ler to fight, it was necessal sinews of ead’ the “Allianeo- wes appealing for nds. ttlewell delivered an {anteas'at Milloanic in the afternoon. sult of his appeal. al places he seceived subscriptions am- ounting to $10 rist|ed men a welco: McRoberts, of To- by. urday evening | he take’ place quietly in|™ has a ranch} ¥ as purchased a ranc! Globe. Shsarel and George oe fractured and | 1 the Itquor inverents | Be at both} of Hollefreund’s photo studio will be open on Briday, ‘April 25th. Sergt. TY’ ‘Thorp, of Newton ER Poa Chief Hartmier made a bu: ae trip to Hamilton and Beamsville on Monday. Mrs. Thos. McLean and little son, - Stratford, spent a few: day: iome of s Elsi pe in spending the winter with her Mrs. G,. The Danighters ‘of the Bmpire want Suiey, to assist in ebies ng our return- ar Ju dks Al- den ont Tuesday, Api Spx “B nd. . ‘Thomas on cores in the inter- the Summer School there, he eir. ia iy BRE sisi er m. the Amer- and is at present. — Eee Schneider and Mrs. Israel ew members were enrolled No. 45 on Wednesday, mak- ing the addition to the membership since the beginning of March number po The of Burns church in- tend holding a ee in the base Wednesday evenines Abmission 25 an poss in. Zimmer. April 25th. orchestra, Kite Hear the last “of the 1.0,D.E. Ly- ceum course in Zimmerman’s Saber Krag’s has Tuesday evening, April 22nd—Judge Alden. You have been delighted rt McMane, accompanied Allan. een e presen Lunch will be red, <A goo Peenee turned: from several ie on France.—Toronto i Se Be we hope that you may see e hin a large share of your July 12th.—Walkerton Telescope At the adian Fuel at Toronto speselyih Fuel 4 annual meeting of the Can- alors! Association held ed th i ‘oal prices would go up again. The United States min- $ were aski are and the United States ate bill showed a billion-dollar defici reight rates would bt. hue he thought a wo. wi -|Arthur and Fort William. Toronto tobe. eee Williamson Brothers will rand Central Hotel, Mil- a 0. to bring them in on Saud them know b; ‘phone a call ah ae ther fal Wi ill be held a OX. Ladies bringing , boxe: . Ed. Weir will anetioneer, of ‘the boxes. St Rev. W. mos, preached at as church on dune a farm near Listowel, and i aa “of the leaders in the United Far- tario, being a is not vere bringing the ee tae into |ine.—Walkerton Telescope. at the | chei with the other three—he is equally| secure a farm ai The snow storm and heavy rain of n | following garden corn being. ready | ¢ on eputy n Seer vat Lita ot tee bye abo euent lo: ‘rance. _P Hollefreund ean copy or enlarge ae! ve yt our ‘photograph Tee Friday Apel 26th, at Hollefreun' e best grades of clover ‘and Tim- ote a sone for sale—R. jack, Ne iin epnt “a few lke tha went Visiting at the home of Mr. Hen ler. "Wanted at Loth’s this week only— 500 Ibs. Potato Onions, 100 Ibs. of Dutch Setts. Mrs. S. Boyle has mdyed into the house on Pacific Ave., brs as re- cently purchased from Peter Schwartzentruber. ie friends of Mrs. Andrew Kuhry will regret to hear that she is serious- ly ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. derick Zimmerman. The friends of Mrs, Chas. ees the sami ss ht receiving for ten. Strickland “Gillian, y have been ne trained ick and tired rr ing how ‘Judge Alden has just been here, and pleased our people immen- ely.”” “fits 8 Henry Sage, who recently dis- e-quarters section Sire Sask, for $15, 900, has, re: turned to Mib verton, wher likely purchase a howfse if he cannot Tuesday night will again reduce the roads to the condition they were in the heavy rains of last ‘hey were just beginning to Mrs. Bicone passable, infant son of Mr, and operatio: mplica- htlott andl abs nova! ant the witlriaice a complete reco: “Next Sunday. preset Ganenreres £ $700. with tion, etc.,and report at the next e council. - If the re- can greatly inerease his in; busine ss. Under Bs 38 years, the town merchant has bis ¢ op. portunity to grasp what logically should be his own, OLD BILL IN “THE BETTER ’OLE” “The Bet wn 3 Fei ee is pee first mae four 50c, " Seats now selling at Petrie’s drug store. gr C. H. Beese, of Kit- . | King, streets fe Ron eee ship- | fru’ iy million dollai A GOOD BUSINESS DEAL. e -Mornii ton, aesculus So- rehase ir, J, ance st the Ic le by tender on Satara, es of them disposed of as fo! owas The id S) has growin} Grosch for $275. lots eal rnne the property ae with about hereon this summer. D. D. G. M.’s VISIT. On Monday evening, April Bi .D G. M. Bro. Ror! (0. 15th, Lodge No. 478, A. F. to by the singing of t “The oe Suaee and H. Niel day of sports on June INVESTMENT SUGGESTIONS per con 5.25 per cent, Distt, yielding 5.75 per City ot ae 5.90. pe ‘ADpIY. ae Bin Office, Milverton. LIMIT OF ARIDITY of Arizona. WEEKLY SCHOOL REPORT . Entrance’ Class—Hygiene— Cook. 73, Frank Keltorborn 70, Stew art Pugh 67, Joe Moore Barth 63 Gaul 62, Clifford Wei na Jacobs 56, Janet EF B3 anche 48, Melvin Schatz 8 “he rishias ints os a & ae $5 $38 k=) E +50: ae bas oa S Pay 5 R ‘Thiee d|Kent, and thence transferrs street running parallel with Temper- Sk) to it trees; this lot which has a fron- tage of 75 fee eet, was purcha: I. | ci ie) e work! of Valcai until it 2 disper, 0 Mr. e Hopf and fronting on Morn- 0, After settling with Mr, Kerr, this will leave the Society Iso | Milverton and rke, of District , South Huron, Clinton, paid |? s |his official ‘visit to Mile : a A. We onion 48 one Work of the Ist degree was exempli- constructive criticism. of |" thos and he Nes t Harrow and G. M. Rorke: | gy; Lewis and res) poset to by | ce: i i All Dominion of Canada War bonds of Manitoba yielding 5.60 Province of Ontario bonds yielding reater Winniper pater gary ponds,” yielding stopped in a particularly dry section Form I—Literature—Ella Clemens 70, Lela Kelterborn . nee Guenther 60 Kenneth Curtis’60, Ruth Bundscho 57, Migno! 57, Olga Rerkner 47, Freada Rommer Gindys old » Fred Sundecho 8, Herbie ir 60, Margaret fam- r46, Sgainese shman appeared before St. Peter Bs re Golden Gate and expres- he lars up hase a pees te HIGH POSITION FO) FOR ELMA Bor Dr. Charles “MeMane, son of Mr, and Mrs, Allan eraner of Beet hake ton, who over four. y w | up a lucrative practice i in in North an is. Shortly after landin; land, he was sent Aquitai macs ‘rom Egypt, but shortl as return. ed to Salonika, ee he spent Zour months as physician: in nee Ss Patt ie paseuet gate _six_ week's ear pomieanding Medi Camp, near was and made _assistant- direc: ue aes Bervich District No. 5, eines ES . 8. in it a consideration of $4,500 per ol, lane’s many old frien: a extend congratulations on his honors and achievements, ear, ii UNION EVANGELISTIC MEET. INGS Gat eat ) angelistic campaign con. ducted by. Rev, H. L. Stephens was s m one week ant proved a Piven to those who parti ews to aoe and knows aie reads men. it for werrice and a clear i font: Cheated eae Roe, “th hea and W, T. fe _ There is no doubt that the 3 ra uadies” was proposed by] in the: he: of those who we! we reat factor in ae tenth Beat inating.the-fro! d t given Mpkice tpeihate purplavice likely ask epayers to express eer y. iret ap ager ost from the ground. | J tat after the 1st of May, they will | their desire in the matter by petition. Pelepe ade apedebg be ar ak a on drying up the ground so rapidly bianca a Bigg hour day with po SOWLING CLUB REORGANIZED | jaye nae ingpiranon 2 that a number of farmers on the high- | T0-howr | Bay er e. | This i Se Maree iets on Mendes: progressive step ie in ing with the |THE LOCAL MERCHANT'S OPPOR-| ‘The Milverton Bowling Club @ remal§) of thee: meetings “| spiri peerings Sr eS Oey, UNITY IS HERE a reorganization meet “(Sent pena in teed eee oneh appreciated by heir employees hotel on Thursday evel MALCOLM—ASKIN vening.) A: number of friends were | «., NOW, Harold,” ‘said the: t teacher,| Tn conversation i a weekly we r. As C..Cl the i NG. eaten dee reeninigee if there ere eleven sheep in a field newspaperman yepresenta- | the chi The main busi Monday, the 24th of March, but he eluded them by slipping out | @"d six jumped the fence, how many tive of a Toronto fin ‘exprested 1 ithe reorganization. | The 1oldiat the yaanse, North Mi of the forward. pa: ies nd | Would left? None,” replied | opinion that the day of the ficers were elected: President, A. ton: by. the Rev Ao. Ste Ate a making his way ov in oey| ee a nega 2 Clements Nice heen acre cee nike ‘Agnes, elder daughter of the 3] ‘No, ma’am, re Wo! Secy-Treas., xecutive 7 ; on Wie, plaitompty x reaching home by persisted Harold. “You. may know Be Op aittee eae : Groseh, G. | late Tanne and Mis, see oh WA bn G Friday. ‘night, April 18th, oe but you don’t know Schafer, W. R, ett, W. J. Smith ot Ng ae ee D. HRS: i) the nach contela TRe Galilean,” | shee! y and Ged, Coxon; Grounds Committee, ein Ona will be given in the Methodist church Mr G. K, Mills, Continuation gene 4 ast! Sad drothodist church School Inspector for Ontario, will ne an wi nes sisted by’ Miss ieklin, violinist, | meet the public hool board at th Comnities, N.G. Sehate, Te. Rae, Milikantey Nicklin, violinist | public library this (Thursday). even- i|J, H. Lewis, and W. College belleville, and Mr, Burt Reed. | 38 at 8 o'clock to dist ee se s S Wal ae was decided te Spb aR ms z 0 N. A. ZIMMERMANN MILVERTON, ONT. at closest market price, yielding 5 Our reputation for fair-deali 5.40 per cent, ind Seopa with prouince. of Alberta bonds yield- et stryioe 5% pi has made the “AProvinee.of ‘British Columbia bonds ream Separetor ‘the seuine 5.30 to 5.80 per leader in this fe community. nce of waakatehewan, bonds, g 6.05, per cent: ANY of your neighbors are using De Lavals. Have you ever asked any of them how they like their ma- chines? Why not make a few in- quiries ? , You'll find that the De Laval is giving them more cream Better cream; that it is easiest — to turn, to clean and to care for; “This, place is the limit,” he re. very seldom gets out of order marked addressing a native. “I don’t . think there is another locality on the and never seems to Weat out face of the earth that is quite so dry, Your neighbors will back up joesn’t it ever rain in this section?” . “Rain!” exclaimed the native, “say what we have been telling you nger, we've got bullfrogs around about the De Laval. Harries eight years old that hain’t learned to swim So will any of -the other 2,325,000 De Laval users. made coe wah yo wack We will sell you a De Laval on e in, examine the machine and talk it over. it admiration for the ee SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A ere wail ick. “Yes, Pat,” sai Peter, “a cent is tI e -a8 . “DE LAVAL