Milverton Sun, 17 Apr 1919, p. 4

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en MILLBANK NEWS ‘The citizens of Millbank and vicin- icLean are reql baskets. All soldiers fee ‘their tends re invited, Home again! Bone. again! From hore: And it t fills ei heart with j jo: et friends once more. d the parting tear, ‘ross the ocean’s foam; nee nde iat ith Lee Who tenderly greet ‘Women’s. “institute will be seryed. Ev- ieee leo} erybody, weleo Cap re und: Richard Hall returned to his inert of the week after being over- and 5 jinepbing addr rena. a ey. Ke' home! ae last on Cats service in 6 mo! Saturday night and is the guest of Mr. | ¢] and Mrs. Robt. Gale. ig orig enlisted at London with the 78th Batt.|Mr. W. Rutherford’s, and France. | este mn uae frre fas years in Wi Sr,, and other old friends - this vicinity. Dunbar has purchased | ie blacksmithing Ua ond from Mr. Hain Wate. every a success in their new home | K ‘The ladies’ aid of Knox church held | at the home of | rk last week. At th rhe | ii Wai on Ie, ‘Wolfe has se the prop-| Oven Prentag: Chris, aitpiikers erty of Mr. Jos id will take Porgenion i La a Pets , Mr. Geo: Erb addresses. Sof glitee eoe fo a Et idson for his Mr. R. visitor at Sip pees last week. mn Gus, visited Be "Sanday, with This | ri - | where he accepted a the summer months. very interes’ B. Hamilton =o 2 Bases | Mrs. Jam . Mr, Low- ,# ie left on Monday oe Peterborough position for Misses Grace and, Mary turned to ° Tre ‘o report that Mr. | on. the ae list, bev suffered a slight stro! ee daugl ter, ng Ge Fordwich, visited ed the past wi Miss Flo Flossie Coulter t is visiting with | pions hockey team and to the Nor- Gal in n Sebring Pte ee a week's visit vith Mr. and al An Le, Drctaishanke is . Jacques, during cay ae (Too late for last week.) Mr, Ed. Doadt, of Suaitors called |. Ac, on friends in = ‘oge f Torrance is Oey ade ywn on Monday. ol returned home on saturday. titer = spendin the week le re fee on nihe ores Harenel rey Levan and Johnson main returned home from over- seas on Mon Miss Lily Horn retried hie from West _Monkto1 on Satu: uite a ade fern gee attend- ‘the Linwood Spring show ‘on friends in * rookahi of Baigilen Liste! band Fz Sooo rea ee a ol eat eerto| océt|&_ perfect See maar fod a caud area te hel A fre Mf unknown origin broke. out Dominion Alliance; ea eae aioces Most of the returned er ‘af the Methodist france for about Bah ae se poe Pte, Thos. McLean arrived here a sunay Mesa H. Johnston’s, Listow- e possession in Him asaible eneeton st North Easthope Spring following is the list of prize-winners: {Pr ‘ried, Phillip Dahms. se. ond Ist an delivered two very helpful and! ise day ve an excellent address alone Ef uleahy visited over At the meeting last week Bee at of those inter- ee ‘friends near Bluev: ulting damage was eaused by the ome of the roads a Listowel str rte e this year Frill May 1 Mr, Russell Anderson, w ed lately from ee left for Win- nipeg GS of las argess. maent it week. * week-end HESSON cia i Se jar farmers have been busy mal i ing maple syrup. Now that the rus! WELLESLEY SPRING SHOW is over, we hope they won’t forget to €Although the roads were nearly have some of those sie Staffy on Wednesday, forty-two | pulls”—-the same as when syrup was a Natec [neining Be 7be a gallon. e ‘eavy Draft—Jacob 8. Meyer. Heavy y Dratt, 3 3 years ‘old—Wilfrid “Kesialaral Arie 3 Maynard. ose who are spending # ys at Toronto are: Messrs. enest-Knoblauch: 1ael Kocher and Miss Cecilia Haid r. and Mrs. J. Cassel and famil; zg spending a few days at Elmira. Coletta Voll returned after riage—Ro| ‘Ss het ag er bet *Wittria Kerr. enti w months at Toronto. Draft Brood ‘e— Owen Flem- With daylight saving in force in the ing, “Aare ianntns larger town ties, it is wise cultural Brood Sane Hanper | aera efrsen 6-91 Hout 9at tis ond; Gordon Hammond. lier in making train connections at the Roadst ‘ood i — Louis ein coeaes Gelding,“ Heayy— made a ne Borho ftp te atk ont-Saturday. Best Mare or Gelding, Light—L. Best Heavy jilorse—Harper Ham- an egt Light eee Vante p Drate Team—Owen Fleming, Nor- mai i hgcicnttaral Team—Andrew Flem- ing, ey ys sata! x, Albert: Heipel. Patterson. ied, And. THE RIGHT LEVERAGE In the human system means a spine in perfect alignment. ‘ubluxations of the spinal verte- brae result in impinged nerves. ‘ou inquire into the management CHIROPRACTIC—NATURE’S WAY OF RESTORING NORMAL CONDITIONS? rpbiyrda dts B. Se velcome him pe at the Gress “Cental pore Se or, Russell Reinwald spent a a day very Ti and. Fric pave E ‘uesday office Hows: 9a m, to Consultation and Wartinaton’ Bree M ; Sweeps Pace Beeps Owen Flam in Sweepstakes, Light—1. “Fried: CROSSHILL Mr. Jas, Anticknap spent a few days last weeleat Crosshill. Mrs. G Glaister A. warts spent Saturday at Kitehener inchester, of ‘Toronto, occu- pied the pulpit in Boyd church last Sunday and ayes a very impressing temperance lect A little el has come, apparently to stay, jie I rs. Andrew Bast. |™ Ww. Slom man, of near New Dun- pee the week-end at Crosshill. tar bese last Saturday from overseas, ale and hearty after his NEWTON Miss Wanda McLaughlin, of perk the week- oe with her Messrs; Walter and Alex. Davidson spent a day in Stratford Sad week, Mr, an ._ Kirkland visited friends in Downie last week. lay evening another of our war heroes returned in the person of Mr. David Thorpe, His friends here glad to we is sister, Miss Eva, in Toronto. Broughton. visited week-end in Stratton over the FOUND Dogs and other domestic animals stray off, get lost or are stolen, every day. The joy of the Tittle “gil. of her beloved ‘doggie’ could "Ke multiplied every day if those who find dogs would watch the “Lost and Found” columns of The London Free Press. The first thing that occurs Free Press. The first thing that should occur to you, when you find anything, is to read the “Lost and Found” ads. it ie Lon- don Free Press. Then do willing to return it Read the Want Ads. every day in— Ven PUES sa London Free Press pt Aico lemag “Western Ontario’s Foremost Ne tt “lis spending & couple of weeks at her LINWOOD TOPICS Miss Helen Hayes, of se re- me from France on Thurs- Meuse, Cha Bal court. Butter 55¢ be vegas 45¢ doz, at ‘rank H. Schumm Te the Meth adit chureh, Linwood, on April ins Aiea ce Su nday. ) a can- tata will b by the titled “Glorious ‘Vietory.” or Easter. Service to the Collection in he of funds of church, r, Emerso: acer was isses Grace in at Erle Slimmons, of Elmira, spent Thursday in the village. Mr. John E. Beggs, of TODA is at present visiting friends Mr, Alvin Denny, o: of Wallace, called on Sure an ee e village on Miss Ethel Beggs, of Toronto, is spending a ‘couple of weeks under the EPS ntal roof. Saturday Specials—Lemons 19¢ a 0z. 3 19¢ doz.; peanuts 19¢ Tb.; banan 3 doz.; new Brazil Nuts 25c Ib. a Prank ik H. Schummer’s. ir, Isaac a pent Sunday at his pore in Goderi eter Voll ‘ett for Waterloo where he intends spending the sum- mer. iliss Rose Voll has ret turned home x spending a week with friends at fence nee cin . Stickney, 0 Elmira, is at pres- ent visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. S Me Osear Lutz, of Elmira, and Robert Lutz, of London, are spending ew days with £ bert Sioman, of Petersburg rate the week-end in Mr. Clayton Dechert Teft for Wat- Gu nan "Matthew Schummer, of St. his brother, M irs, French, of Saugeen, is visiting her sister, or Miss Mary McCardle, of Toronto, ome here. Mrs. Atcheson is at present visiting friends iat Rergus. Mr. Heinbuch, one of the pioneers ot this di the home of his bro’ years old an th the neighborhood of Linwood. He took place on cemetery is was conducted by Rev. J. Reble, pastor of the Lctheran church of et ich the deceased was a ix nephews acted as pall- | Easter Apparel! Easter is Again on Our Doorstep, and, as Usual, Our - Store is Stocked with all the New Things that make up for Eastertide. YOUR EASTER COAT IS HERE— stock of Northway all here now, and a sien uld ask a esis poke ilves call and see these garm making a special show in these coats tor the aster trade. Our prices are very moderat YOUR EASTER BLOUSE— ‘Gactabe and saeaetataly riced as Aye as goed yaying ean accomplish a they appeal to our Easter attractions. louses are all _new. aylonle at es nifty creations. Prices to suit evel SPECIAL PRICE ON BLEACHED COTTON— now until Easter we are going to sell a ne _you want any at this pi LADIES’ NEW SKIRTS— have one of the largest ranges of Skirts ever, shown in Milverton. We want you to see these skirts, Serges and Silks in all the new shades Just take a look at the prices we are offering these skirts at—it will Marae you. Prices range fom $7.50 to $12.00. D. & A. CORSETS FOR SPRING— e handle nothing but D, A. Corsets. We have ai ane Henin lines, resent stock amounts to early, $1,000, so we are sure to please he CODDRSE? Laced-in: “Front. rang. ane in pace ‘rom $2.50 ¢ SPECIAL PRICE ON Sense ave a special American Raincoat which we bought one year a0, bet, was delayed in ship- e are in dank only. Priced to-day 187.00, OUR PRICE $4. special ‘Tweed ons are very. ‘he lived ae porns Or ceageta writin or sricienieelh Prices range from $9.95 to $18.00. NEW SUITS FOR MEN— NEW SUITS FOR THE BOY NEW HATS, NEW TIES, SNEW SHIRTS AMERICAN SMOCKS AT $2.50— mn American Smocks, dark grey, regular price Sie $4.50, OUR PRION $2.50 °° SILKS! SILKS! SILKS!— No use saying much about our Silk D. = ment. We make a hobby of this. irae We ee such a large range that we cannot oS prices, = On al all but a few dias we es as ecial price — ssa. h yd. wide, regular $2, for 1h; iS Fane yl at $1.75; Special for $1 on all Black § inter, Sea epi EASTER PRICES ON SHIRTINGS ID DE! Black and Aye se Blue and White, regular 40c per yard, for 3 ard, Black tee i Be, 65c, and 75c per yard. peoce ae yards, 5c; 150 yards, 7¢; 200 syards at 10c each. SPECIAL PRICES ON REMNANTS OF FLOOR OIL CLOTHS— e have about 25 ends of these. Prices to- da; oftern me Be per yard, to clear them out, we are foe wie ‘per yard. These ends run 4 ress OF FANCY DRESS GOODS— — Worth to-day $2.00 rd, OUT THEY AT ope per ak $ per yard, Go MEN’S AND BOYS’ CAPS— Take a poh en our stock of Men’s and Boys’ Spring SPECIALS IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT— oms eacl Ginger Garden eS WM. K. LOTH, -- Milverton bearers. eee LIST OF PRIZE-WINNERS AT THE LINWOOD SPRING SHOW Qthe Spring Horse Show held at Linwood on Tuesday, April 8th, was x held in thi Although the weather was very tur sie was. ran maa re exhi in Jac ab 3 Jaries Hardie, Wellington Jack district. old J, Miller, Heavy Draft Filly or Gelding tis- r4 3 years—Harper Hammond, Wm. Heavy Draft Colt 1 year old—Bert | Fleming. a ~ }hom: *\ter, Mrs, Reel Colt 2 years old—S. Bert Wray, George Ren- eo Colt 1 year at Hammar, Robt. Crooks arriage Gait 2 years arias ah lip te ann Donald: Jack. pike Colt 1 year old—Phillip wit AS son, Sunday evening ‘a Jas. Ma ayburry ‘ON. Mr. and Mrs. E. Newbigging erent | Sunday at the home of Mr. G. r= Meath Stanley Waukee and John Woods, Jr. spent S' Mr. i Mrs. Hy Wright, Sot ‘Tralee, I has re- tured home after spen ane a. few Mr. C. Wri Reid, of Ferhat ei at the home of Mr. Sok Gnwganics rank Norman held a Fs his} Norman has been engaged as ‘cheese- maker by the newly organized Joint. We orry to report that Miss jan ie nh) at} Helena Oram, at the time of writ~ is “s "| ‘dtying ‘up very fast. and farmers are getting ready for spring work. Some steps have been taken by our town fathers towards paving our public c highway this sons David Harron. tak Alexander ‘spent: lesler and dau; Mar- | andard’ Bred—L. Fried, J: W: weer ori RY years old—C. 8. funday" neo ahs aad Mrs. A. May-| euerite, of Welland, apa a ie days |i er. Roadster Colt 1 year old—Robt. |W _|Jast_week with her parents. Hacknhy oes. Hahn, Robt. Hyde] Gycoks, G. G. Manser. nez Johnston spent Sunday Mr, ah Schmidt has purchas- | Heavy Draft Mare not in foal—\” Roadster Team—Peter Walters, with her aunt, Mes, W. dieting ed the Erb homestead and is installing name Bert Wray, Robert) jeavy Draft Te: mm —Owen Flem- —_—— electric epnbacees: Mr. Newal wil Ne ing, Robt. Mewhinney, Jackson. Rostod OCK py the residence. ek + Mare in foal—Owen bind eit s aed Babes OG [Fieming, “Wellington dackson, W. |p AGS een, Zu, of asington| a Ce ae aa |yackso wale : : Single Carn Plashg 2 mone Chas. vlaied is ie ‘mother, Mrs A, Zulauf for Ge take Atrieu Le be in foal-—|ystthews, Peter. Walters. Legh inc Ist-and WwW. gs; Srd, F. 2 7 1 Miss Botte Comet ge spent Satur-}_ Mr. John Re idel, Reeve of Welles- Rigel piace ies SEE Oe A reapers etait Te 7 at Strat ee ley township, was in town on Monday Agricultural Mare in. foal—-David| "GW ojstakes Heavy—J. 8. Meyer. Messrs. Bayard Riehl and George |0n special” business, rr per Hammond, Andrew Mare in foa!—Louis g eave your order for counter check |is visiting with his g1 es—S. I. Miller, neg at The Sun office. We are|and Mrs. Henr angen lean. agents for BONY 's—the best on| Mrs. D Kn.chtel ii Group of 3 colts—8. J. Miller. the mar Sweepstakes Light—Alex. Hahn. aes tel, of Sebri t their home: es here. ster Harry Nickel, of Stratford, 1 is at present visit- ing with friends at Sebringville. ngville, spent Sun- ir, John Hahn, of Heidelberg was . a business visitor in town on Mon- ay Drs, J. W. Green, of Kitcheneiy is spending a few days here, visiting friends and renewing old acquain~ randparents, Mr, Get in Touch With Schrenk for Good Shoes | These Prices are Good During our 14-day Sale WOMEN’S FINE SHOES, regular $3.00 and $4.00, hie WOMEN’S FINE SHOES, regular $5.00, for . WOMEN’S FINE SHOES, regular $5.50, for .. WOMEN’S “EMPRESS” SHOES, regular $6.00, “for < : WOMEN’S MAHOGANY SHOES, regular $8.00, for ’ WOMEN’S MAHOGANY SHOES, ee uae Cy fo) See Sars WOMEN’S GREY SHOES, regular $8.50, f: WOMEN’S BLACK VICI KID SHOES, high top, reg. $9. ae for. WOMEN’S WORK BOOTS, regular $3.50, f WOMEN’S WORK BOOTS, regular $4.00, fe te WOMEN’S WORK BOOTS, regular $5.00, for . WOMEN’S BOX CALF BOOTS, ree hes 50, foe “S GIRLS’ WORK BOOTS, regular $4.00, f GIRLS’ FINE KID BUTTON SHOES, cogulae $3. ‘50, now . GIRLS’ CLOTH TOP SHOES, regular $3.75, now .... GIRLS’ HIGH TOP SHOES, regular $4.75, very special GIRLS’ HIGH TOP BROWN SHOES, regular $4.75, for .....+. GIRLS’ WORK BOOTS, regular $2.75, on sale GIRLS’ SCHOOL SHOES, regular $4.00, now .. 4 CHILDREN’S SHOES, regular $1.50, extra special at ...... CHILDREN’S BROWN SHOES, regular $2.50, special at ..... CHILDREN’S BLACK SHOES, regular $3.50, now .. Me INFANTS’ SHOES, ranging in price from ..............- WOMEN’S RUBBER BOOTS, regular $4.00, now .... CHILDREN’S RUBBER BOOTS, regular $3.00, now SUIT CASES, regular price $4.50, now .. SUIT CASES, regular price $2.50, now ..... CLUB BAGS and TRUNKS at at... Better Prices MEN’S GUNMETAL BUTTON BOOTS, regular $5.00, for. ... MEN’S GUNMETAL LACE BOOTS, regular $6.00, for ..... MEN’S BOX CALF BOOTS, regular $7.00, for .. MEN’S NEOLIN SOLE SHOES, regular $6.50, for . . MEN’S NEOLIN SOLE BROWN BOOTS, Topetee ‘38. 50, for: MEN’S PATENT LEATHER BOOTS, regular $7.00, for .. MEN’S PATENT LEATHER BOOTS, regular $10.00, for . MEN’S HEAVY SPLIT WORK BOOTS, wear like iron, ey price of these boots was $4.00, yours for. MENS’ SHAVED KIP WORK BOOTS, reg. $4. 50, ‘special at; MEN’S URUS CALF BOOTS, very soft and geen the Peiular was $5.50, on sale at per pair ..... MEN’S TAN WORK BOOTS (pig skin) wear likes a pig’s nose, regular price $6.00 per pair, at MEN’S BROWN ELK BOOTS, regular $8. 00, 6 onvenle cabs BOYS’ BUTTON BOOTS, regular price $5.00, now . ‘ BOYS’ MAHOGANY SHOES, regular $5.00, on sale at’. BOYS’ GUNMETAL SHOES, regular $4. red now ..) YOUTHS’ FINE SHOES, regular $3.50, f. ‘ YOUTHS’ BUTTON SHOES, regular $4, 00, ‘exh ‘special at BOYS’ HEAVY WORK SHOES, regular $3.50, now ...>.. Sale Started April 15th and Ends on April 30th} rice Can You Beat This? Men’s, Women’s and Oxfords and Pumps, regular bes 00 to $5.00 per pair, for Children’s BRING US YOU EGGS—-THEY HAVE THE SAME PURCHASING POWER AS CASH. SCHRENK, ‘The Shoeman,” BOYS’ HEAVY WORK. SHOES, Urus Calf, regular $4.25, for YOUTHS’ SHAVED KIP BOOTS, regular $3.00, extra value YOUTHS’ URUS CALF SHOES, regular $4.00, for.......... MEN’S LONG BOOTS, regular price $7.00, now ... MEN’S HIGH TOP LACE BOOTS, regular $7.50, now .. MEN’S BLACK RUBBER BOOTS, regular $6.00, now . ALL KINDS OF MACHINE NEEDLES KEPT IN STOCK. . . $2.50 +16 $4,50 sete B425 Milverton

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