bs construction period. objective is $1,100,001 2. ep ton rival at Halifax, fee stalls, with free organize games and furnish information. Cc poe fies ee to our of the Y.M.C.A. we thank you. ae We have rendered full account. comforts t. John, ‘drinks, 3. Red Red Triangle reine free Mirinis, aatabes aatcigeatite, ‘Triangle Clubs in the beria, pen Palestine and Poland. The Annual For Our Men Returning “For the soldiers and their dependents, petarting from eis we have provided as follows facilities for the Gucbec and Montreal, indiading | ee ree eatables, cigarettes, candies, ete. ig songs, and Soa a ‘Triangle free canteen , information bureau, etc., at Beeach of the 22 Dispersal centres Red Tri #1100, pate nish bed and boatd at low rates rendezvous for soldiers. to superintend Red Triangle Secrets service i in Military Hospitals, Camps and Barracks throughout 7. ‘Tickets entitling soldiers to full Y.M.C.A. privileges for six months at any local Y.M.C.A. . furnished. the returning soldiers, we have of special secretaries in Y.W.C.A. Overseas, dependent work in Canada, erous when you make contribution. For the wives and children it upon Can- adian soldiers, and for ee da generally, of $175,000 from the Red TH For their sake also be gen- the 1 eee the sake of our victorious soldiers ae and the Help the Y.M.C.A. Finish it . Work For Soldiers — _ Help the“Y” Construct the Manhood é that will Re-construct Canada ae the world now knows that the Red Triangle of the Y.M.C.A. was the “Sign of Friendship ” to thousands of your brothers, sons, PeTHEN cousins ong neighbours’ boys in the last four and a half years. adian Soldiers went, the “Good old be ue Wea too. now it is coming back home with them n- ny For the support which has ade ae the war work Your money has been well e ask now your continued sympathy: and support for Red Tronee Service for our Soldiers during demobilization, ° and for Y.M.C.A. work for ee Fay during the Re- Red Triangle campaign will be held see it Canada May 5th to 9th, 1919. The For Canada’s Manhood The Reconstruction program of the Y. M.C. A. following vitally important develop- includes the ments:— / increased service 300,000 teen-age boys in the ae dercopmeat Canadian Standard Efficiency re trai immer eevee {8 Higa sass one for uti boys, in the towns farm and for boys everywhere, who oc maental moral, physi and cities; for Se on the unity aeclopmedt _2. Inauguration of ¥.M.C.A. work in the country, and the Canadian izations. establishment of centres for social, recreational an¢ educational work amoi 5009” * pal, 3. work ai wakes § in it industrial pi in spirit among the indus ire meetings, entertainments, gam ‘The establishment of ee Red Triangle in isolated dis- en, miners and other workers hold the ricts where lum! fone trenches of industry Besides these main ficlds of increased activity Fas af ir We ore amental foundation of manly Christianity. The Y.M.C.A. will keep its chain of Service unbroken ue promotion. of Y.M.C.A. camps; conferences; ical or sociai aR DS: AE He aero PRER I Canada’s army our cities ee ilw: en, gs steal re phenthe and calls, the Nati Bay street, Toronto. Hon. Campoign Chasrman: Joux W. Ross, Montreal Cam paign Chairman: G. Hersert Woop, Toronto their home-coming; fort the sake of our Fatt citizens, our teen-age boys; for the sake of rural life in Canada; for the sake of the social betterment of the toilers in factory and work- shop; for the sake of lonely men and boys in our minesand forests; for the sake of Agee Society and Canadian manhood— to you. Give us your eontaibiéon, “ite or big. Be as generous as you can. Hand your contribution to the canvasser when he or if you live where it is difficult for him to call, your send | ‘it by check, money order or registered letter to ional Treasurer, Red Triangle Campaign, 120 work appeal the Please Note: We are ea asking for money to financially provided for by assets not terminate till the last man has sailed for home. on our Ofeaee with the liquidation Overseas, and will National Council, Young Men’s Christian Associations of Canada The Red Triangle paneer is being conducted under the distinguished palenars of His Excellency, V0, PG. ike of Devonshire, K.G., G.C.M.G.,°G.C.V Campaign Treasurer: Tuomas Brapsuaw, Toronto Campaign Director: Cas. W. BrsHop, Toronto 159} “EXPLOITING” THE TARIFF ten jeading article dealing with th: od pias? hho agen through the ale ph ites ey fiat wai ie is | the. The Quebec Chronicle | around the: world: ‘to hell with “the who, whether consciously or ‘neon: FURNITURE! Linoleum always on hand, We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furniture. See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers. We have a large assortment of Dressers and Stands. A nice new stock of Brass Beds at popular prices Tf you need anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- utes when in town and look over our stock. We also have Stair and Body Carpet. Congoleum Squares look nice. We have them, GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS - McLAUGHLIN AUTOMOBILES ROBERT Furniture Dealer Milverton = McMANE Funeral Director _and Embalmer eet seek to eee it for their selfish ends fe to the detriment of foo the grain-growers’ ed, fst of all, Sor ag 0! modu ciation, the enrichment it. What ¢ erity to farmer and manufac. rer a ike, without Lieeontitety either em, and without penali: workman or consumer for fidiv: idual aggrandizement of the “former i bi WHAT A PROMINENT FARMER SAYS. (Ripley Express.) Charles Stewart, a prominent U.] nent U.F. . and ex-Reeve of Ashfield, gave the |i 0) business places i: is all small towns are wiped lue oe eet emt Dror thin! caine ie should work together. CAT ATE LITTLE PIGS of, the stranger things, we 4 hans: ‘heard curred recentl; ig the | I Bui ENUMERATORS WILL PREPARE LISTS FOR ONTARIO PLEBISCITE ithin a month or six weeks after the men have all return- ed pee overseas. esent the only lists Boe Rig the qe Ve for local dense td ities for local purposes. ‘omen are not included yh they will of course sh crit this method, particularly | ® s|from the laboring classes. it “WELL ADVERTISED” CWalkertat poe one printec nail and te phone: He doesn't 6 end much time at the hotels and b saith alge The zs to reach is through the local. papers, fo and "at publishing er but him ,|farmers have ee full sale lists in the loc: Te a few dollars bi 3 aa =e ian ~Munie’ uy apppint £9 Tepresentatives. to » the Board ture, also a Soa cE ee re, Soul e accounts of for the year en The, _counell-t00k no action at thi witch, mens a resident oven nip, mi or a iar peste for a wash, to buy kinds eens fowl, furs, ne in oundaries of the township of The council aa this over consideration, Miller 14, Edward Golbeck; 18, ue 1 Herrgo’ 20, che , Kemel, 22, ttley; 24, Jacob Lo: rentz 5 26, Glenenss * Bolies vilsess 27, H. Satl m; 28, W. Kuntz, 17, Wm. ts iebola; 76, Louis Neumeister; aie er jams. following were appointed Panndkecremeets A sorion adden, Chas. a Quehl, Jno, a ‘ight, t be paid and issue orders ii i pacttienent of the lowing amount T. Hil Harte fede account in full, 8, $20. 35: Ee 1.55; Jacob A. stele, ccinctocs salary $80, Me .07, $82.07; Albe: rt Gibbons, filing “anpeonel pails and spikes, $1.13 Jacob A: Run: stedler, ee gaeey of ics $83.7: Total $26: Moved ne Poteh; neesivind bp Knight, that this council authorize mee! EOrombineonsMonityy the May, 1919, at 2 o’clock arrie —Peter F. Schummer, Clerk. se ndon Advertiser.) As the troop trains bearing, their yeteiouarlonts or Meowner veto who have verseas, ned Seis te Sine, tor | it is only now at ay eee ully dealing |: i LADS WHO DON’T COME BACK. g MILVERTON, - - chott; 15, Jove Hirteis; 16, Jacob | hot the | ni For pat fe strengthening “the}fwhole |@ a nat. Buree, SASK. — hay ese Scan for an m4 used of Vuh Uiesints Ho ‘STRATFORD, | ONT. e of the most re- liable eee eat ‘Schoo]s 1 in Canada: The instructors and rite at once for free catalo; D. A. MaaAcHLn Principal. ben the office by noon | “The Sun Printing Office So kaaeS Main Street = Subseription rates:—One year, $1,505 ox = months. 15c, in advance. Subscribers in ar- tears will be Hable to pay ao Larder Advertising rates on app! ents without s; fc Gircestone. uel forb! bid ns ‘ged ace EAE ioiregeaed aes nday, MALCOLM MacBETH, “Publisher and and Propricter. will be cordingly, ‘Changes for nisinoereace: Medical. | a> Dr P. Li Tye Office: PuBLic DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m, DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Pies in medicine, Dniversity: ‘ Arata Matitant Naw Yor York Opht al eee eee e and Golden n, Square Throa' Houmnit to am: 6 pm 7 to 8, We years daily. Ei “9 and Satay ni or by’: appointme ¢ $3 Waterloo St. x2 STRATFORD. DEN’ TIS’ T. aye dF SEBBEN, DDS. L.D.Sv Opp. City Sites - STRATFORD Phons Open evenings from 7 “to 9 o'clock H. B. Morphy, K.C. icitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL. MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton.; loney to Loan, RAILWA' SYSTEM AN TRUNK Ghe Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT Ww €@ND CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. ing, District Passenger Apes wan H. C. BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local Agent Ghe Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan. R,T. HARDING W. 0, OWENS W. E. GOODWIN Notary Public. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth Conveyancer, deoda Sita tregagee Saw e ‘nd affidavits made. Village clerk, 5 Office: Welr block, over Bank of Nova Scotia A. Chalmers, - Notary Public ‘Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage License . for the Countyjof Perth, Real estate si ht and sold. A few chotce farms for immediate sale. ONTARIO MONKTON, ve R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON rinary. Office: Barr’s old stand New Spring Styles With spring Suitings and Overcoat- ik an Hoteles The Queens Hotel CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO, 10--622 Best accommodation for eommercial trar- cllere and others. ‘Two larse 84™Ple Rooms. GEO. F, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont coats at last year’s prices. eeee You are absolutely certain of get- ting the best value in mn you n- [Bet ‘us to make your clothes. eeee Wo Lies ise fit, finish and fash- ion guaranteed. eeee e J. M. FLEISHHAUER Ladies’ and Men’s Tailor ONTARIO Seok: Milverton Lodge No. 478 F.& AM, G.R.C. ‘ia fore estan apes ii Seat ‘isiting brethren away A. carte wW.M, fa shirb. yes: natees Silver ey eae No. 202 0.0. F. Meets every Fel retin Visiting fie a always welcome W, Henry, G. A, Barth, FN.0, Rec,.Seey. n.-Becy. the full shock of the w will bear ple opportunity to er and grieve for the Jad who will not com he elal peed as ity for that x from behind “the whose heri- tage is a wooden cro: ALBERTA’S PROGRESS (Hon. Duncan Marshall.) ears of a t we And |t in the “excitement and happiness of “ 14 _ Alberta cattle have increased from }3q4 os Weir's List of Fires fii Sale $65 800—Will buy lot 32, con, 3 ndid farm; ‘ai r cannot work tl immediate _ possession. vans premises or W. Dz Wei $11,000 will ey ane lot Be, in the 13th concession of Wel Cc ot sranwneds e je" from. 8 great bai Bae for some pads. ast. quarter of lot 3, in the 9th concession of Mornii yn, con- taining 50 a On the table is ood, ted ric] house with oodshed. Drilled 8 vind ill, ara paca Pi g shed. Also the no) * in the 8th con Will be sold either in block 0} ee 0—Will Morglgtn oat Poe! of acres ety 0: iiverton. $7,200, will buy the north half of lot 9, che 8, Be gre helas 100 ci i iny them avers with a score of inter- hing | este the'b ers for ecit reached by | an 4 01 Land ing rest state of uultivation, Drille dwell and windmill—A snap. P, H. BASTENDORFF Eyesight Bpectaliot” Antes Z ., AUCTION SALES — It will pes au fics ie aa ria there is no better mi \ ay you i ae eens