Milverton Sun, 1 May 1919, p. 4

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10th LINE ELMA: x from here attended the M Seat tt the te Mrs, McKenzie at has returned home Monitor ni OR. Monsey: last. eee an ates os ee cheese airs s pane week th Rev. and Mrs. irs. Clarence MeLau sa ie Cowan has returned visite oe Sunday with Mr, and ke tee after Spending de holi- e0. Le Nice and Mrs, Joseph Burke, of St.! "Xi, Gordon Comphell, of Brantford ees over Sunday at Mr) spent the week-e1 Se mre here, a ‘Wm. yy Anderson Messrs. fone fy As ae _ ne te be ene ee spend nie suuiier in the} : with her P eedaeng Mrs, J. Klockman, Mey. 2nd, Rev. i" n;-will give i wulter_has sib tice “Jean. Val Jean, the property" of ‘Mir. Frank Ghote are rendering the cate part present occupied by Mr. George Shee the Come and bring ‘wart Mr. Noah ve ler has the prop re r. Wm. oa Rei mame, ur friends, “Misses Blanche Petrie, Grace Cow- uriel Petrie “returned to at Listowel thi Miss Grace Cowan spent a few day ; with Lae iss £5 Steven, 4th concession {last w Ene Tal He n Henry, who recently tre rom overseas spent a few ie s last week at Mr. A. Petrie’s. ers returned to Col-|M se JB one the Salvation a ean vst OKs, pees most succesatul rete ever The eran made of Millbank will be of the d Miss lays Boggs, M LINWOOD TOPICS and Henry Karley of "Bilchener, erat the week-end at pth ome here. e ae resumed her r spending the ie | duti ionday noliyg at ther home Tear Milverto1 Norm: n, Crooks is spending a cou apie ut recke near -Listow The Women’s Institute will hi esas paneetine. on wae 8rd,.at sean ‘essrs, Graham, of “Wels, ‘were Sunday visitors in this vic’ Miss inity. =, Mattie Pollock, ek, of. sean: spent the S$ with ni ents: ae aud Ms C. W. Pareill, Mr. A Saunders spent eauadas Seis hate Wellesley? The ladies’ aid of the Presbyterian church will hold their paris on lay ist, at Mrs. George eggs’ rr. Sunday at Kitchen Hooker, of Brantford, spent with her parents, Mr. and H. E. Kettle spent sunday Mrs. Bet Rabe Motiikyré related hone n Friday after spending a couple of veaks at Toronto. we Roy Gohl left for Winnipeg. on Ponday tax to resume his position in the Royal Mr. Claxton Dechert, of Water- omy spent the week-end at his home and Mrs. Chas. Moser, of Bee ‘Mr. son, ‘pent Sunday with friends ny. to. hear ie death of ing has returned to her annah Johnson, which occurred at home in Toronto after spending the Guelph on Thursday, 24th. The holiay with her mother, Mrs. E. Bar- late Miss Johnson was in her. 79th} to; ear. She will be remember A large number cue themselves large nuniber of our citizens, having | at the dance given 4 kepe house for her brother, the late! mers and Lore Barton on arte Dr. James Johnson, for a number‘of i ears. jomas Davidson, of | Galloway, of Guelph, has re- Guin, irs, Powers, e{tamned to his home: after “s ending: 0) the holiday with his aunt, 3 wie Alvin Oakley J. Jamieson, Geprumnls: neath Saney to awe Spring and Early Summer COATS and SKIRTS! ese Garments are the production of the present hour styles. The Northway Garments have a world reputation “rs sae and finish. Compare our coats and skirts with other makes. We will again give an cee discount’ this de of 5 Per Cent. Off (Cosh: or Trade) | ‘want Ww days. $2.50 e: AFTER EASTER—COMES HOUSE CLEANING TIME : e are prepared. Wall Paper— see our sample ot n) rin} cones few ape cutee it batane O’CEDAR MOPS ane neces e expect a shi Special price on mop: LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW CURTAI And everything in the Hay of making your home loo! hte AMERICAN RAINCOATS AND SMOCKS Just a few left of these nice dare grey cont and Smocks at $4.88 a G. & R. SHIRTS ave you séen the new Shirts this yutting on the market this ie reversible cuffs. ou ooks, We do n rs in stock, x, if you is a few + $1.39, FLOOR OILS, INS ipment. e shirt ve: th longer price from een to Bro cae ae PRPS re an shee 3 Lemons per di ay. large <P. & A. CORSETS frog ganeine 00. SPECIAL ka a IN DINNER NEW SPRING HATS AND CAPS For Men and Boys. SPECIAL THIS WEEK 2 ake te Malet Soap for 15¢ Cryst ae rao c ae orn ¢ actaner of davden 8 Seeds: Be and 75e tw famil and Mrs, Henry Wraight spent| | Mr. Clayton Heric, of St. Clements ‘ i Root ead Mrs John Wray and|tne holitay im London ne |apane Sunday in 4 By reversing Ue en te. = A0l vetoes, a ~ aig left on» Monday for the} Misses Dorothy and Rosetta Little| Mr. and Mrs. nett attend- est after spending the past spent Abe week-end .with Monkton|ed the foneral of ee nes Mrs. Let- weeks with Mrs. Geo, ray, Se a friends son, of West Montrose, = ther relat Dr. in Vipond, of Toronto, vis- ‘lied Lenuacls ayant Suaday his practice in the West e eis an litt aire hata Alice, over the holi- ie 5 iessrs Melvin and Wilfrid Han- ‘ _-_ 1 ver on 3 badly wounded while on ley, Hess s s 8 serice in France and has spent some has been received that Mrs.|. Miss "iene Lenhardt, of Millbank, months since his return in to | John Charles Buchanan had died in is spending a few days at her hom receiving treatment and is now re-/the Winnipeg hospital, after a con-|in the villag turning Ve take up his work in the '¢ ened ieee ae eee ‘Ki — Voll spent a tew days . Ey Mrs. Oliver ay ‘amily of |at Kite ester Tanner is soe orl Atwood, Se egbah Bonney inthe vilase . Koebel and daughter, THE ISLAND HESSON DONEGAL should cm no difficulty in putting ive “with Mrs, Ed, Zinn, North Mr. Gor i Baas 70 jistawel, | He uelen, Hake a day last week at El- and Mrs: Albert Gropp and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hammer, of Mac-| -M. pene “Bach Cag EEN ONAEE eee ‘ootball and base- ss Parkinson of Milverton, was | PanE te Menken foc haa and Mrs, John Lobsinger, of tamil Suusyod sat Me vem Dabs) ton: Spat eoutay Maa Misses augut: Dae past: ROGk: aaLAy AP, Per eM and Mrs, Chas, Wilker, of Wal- visitor at ae Pages a visitor at {ed the Meiviet in Atwood on Friday Walkerton, ca called on Mr. Peter Len. and Mrs: Fred. Schneider were! Miss Ruth Bailey and Mr. ‘Miss Plesoane Cockevel 12th line Suntan ites = riends in town 01 its Nellie McKee was a, ¥ jnight: fon Monday: sere Pink visitors. with the former's parents at ones cube ep diepone Ci sponte day last week at the home of Mr. A. Schinbein was a visitor in seats: Matedithi Love nd 'p- Tan- and Robt. Dechert spent Sunday ev-| Seprineyile ese ee Secompenied earner ee Friday, April 25th, 1919|" Eve nae ad Ed to come wo Re ig oe wisttopcin: Chess ner. oe Yisitors at Toronto this mene BRUNNER jening “Kiba k Spon ee sd tabs wes! aay ea and sister, Lizzie, spent to, si, anda Alex. M ser; a son|Donegal on Friday evening and hear ley: thi * | a day las' k in awrene ie. dramatic lect The tres of Brennan & Hollings- Se ee ee engine ofl gk te eee ee ee cee teas David Beggs and\ "Mie. H. Buddenhagen Seria Mis Adeline Lantz, of Stratford, | Knight, M.A., B.D., se eeterucy wae Hamilton, for the street pav. Tome m a Whitney. on on Friday, the mem-| Miss Winnie Beges spent Sunday at day and Wednesday of last week with incensuiing afew Raya Ale Nee, ate ruinous 1 18a, Se ee ling was accepted by the town council The contributions to the Domini bers of the Bray, when 1.0.D.E. | Moorefield ‘s. D, Schneider. has, Moser spent |ers Messrt. Arte in pups ant at its eee meeting on Thursday Alliance from Knox church Millbank |prosented our returned soldiers, Ptes.| Messrs. E. and: Oscar Lutz of El- w fiesers, Henry ‘Schmidt and Dan| Sunda gener Meme abate ding a prehese 3 vening Work will be started and Crosshill, amounted to something AR. Whi ‘i r mira, spent Sunday here, Schneider made a business trip to rae es seona| Sag jarton spent Sunday in jot ian over, $90. ‘ard K : W. Martinson, of /Milverton and Poole on Wednesday. Sri emacs emg aspen Ae Slee Fh ea Be mm. Neilson, of Fernbank, was Will ai ee who have yarn oF jin Wallenstein, spent antag at Mr. s. Jack Becker, of ep is “iis cae Ha Ls ioe ates yet id bells are singing a oy abel vision a town we ringville ae recent visitors wi , y |My is RS ERA Povo te anon BeRRUTR 6a Maton, Mok Mange {friend Her Mis Loyola Hanley over Sunday bright smile these dayeits's Boye Noth nine spent i Ban at the 's possible: 4 i ses . anedbany- potcvsd: tortie home. at oo eee dune! ee i or and gue Hiele’s han on Weduescay (Intenided ‘for last week.) hong, of Mrs. 1 age and fam- d 4 9, S Fs x ily, Mg aged pany rom the W. et |prograt e a cauole of sik ama Stee span fread ors at ms na ‘Hol pn evening All Lene see a ti ae cher aud Hae ae eney Aran spent tl ited during the past weel Ts, iehl ani family and Miss | a Wig Me anda etn anil dnote BaPae of Weer, NE Bese, aivenon | aur: iat Kab get VRP rede Cares 4) Cl Raley st Som] OSTOR and Mrs. Coghlin spent ening was then at present visiting her parents, Mr. Sunday With ‘their sister, Mrs. Robt. Senha eee Teed: aoe ind Divasbymene ea ea aa z Sunday with Miss Mildred Hamilton ‘i Pippo and Mrs, ricker. Hai toon Rei Mor eae Haale: her frond: Mice heleacnerten Re Wingetelder returned Mx. and Mrs. Mettler, of Stratford, W. J. Collins and daughter, #Branner,| rhe en armen sab wad empusieed ou odie: Galleeieen eae me - spent | home from overseas oi rsday, ———— spent_a few days with ‘Mr. Mus | Billie, left for Kitchener on Tuesday tl cot, of Donegal, | sunday iner of Wilkam, son, of Mr. |Surday ct ok hoe oh ae Aten | Mae and Bs on ney a CROSSHILL so ue where they will visit friends for a r rr’s on Sunday. | ond Mys, Michael Vollmer, and Annie Petrie’. with, iriends in § Stratford on Sunday. | a Vink Kropf spent a few days) time. s. Eddie Savel and Louis Sch- daughter f Mr. Andrew Querin, of| Mr, | . W. Oliver and famil Marg: Kreuter left for Mrs. George Petch returned last at tae Ben Mr. Fred, Heinbuch notes He midt and sister, Lizzie, were Sun lee: he marriage to take place of ‘Atwood, Grete Sunday evening v4 Stratford on n Thursday where she will Week ‘after spending. several es) eee ‘ita, Henry. ted. with friends household effects he Linwood on M: ae at Rostoc! e hom of ir es Buchan ane weiss with friends in Kitchener. She was at Peffers and Doneg lay Kitchener and expects vy trop here attended the fun-|® = Hemember the U.F.0. meeting at nie Wingefelder. hea accompanied home by Mrs. R. Ie Te argrtoal Seki at: Vee ee Mrs. “Charles Kerz ingen aS 1s ouk with sriaiie atiSieereint of Toronto |. Messrs. John Reldel Reeye of Wel-| at Brunner on Sat Mr, ee ‘shipped on Sebi : Ir. ant al ret yess ad Mrg R. Rowand, of Strat. lesley Township, and Mr. Levi Lichty| Mr. David ‘aiien. and G Master. carn! of hogs, which LISTOWEL Mary, Me an Bastendorft M ford and Mrs. Jas. Anticknap, o DORKING 1 a business trip to eae | A iy ee es |’\Mr. Jos. Lambert, of Elma, visit- Sunday. Schoo! will re-open next ‘ed eer days with his brother, Mr. | Sunday, May 4th, after being closed | a ‘pect pate Se, ea during the winter months. Hiresbiks Jase werk po tigei bie aor | iss atried—On Wedn neaday iy, Apri! 23, Pte. Med, Lavery, who returned home Mr. ‘allan’ Glaister, of Crosshill, Yo on Lriday from ST ier: to Bes Nhl dak or Gon. | Murray, of Moorefield, went to Lon: Messrs, Cecil Barbour, Clarence don, on Wednesday, and were accom Bigam and Pte. George Rowland mot- panipd heme on hii . Stan- ored to Kitchener last Friday night Mt es *Byran spent a few days tend the aut hi + vir Thos: Wilford. spent. ‘Tuesday lin Toronto last w week See Lae evening with friends in Elmi family ‘ppent,. Sanday at Mr. ‘Alex. al "ANSON, 5. KILBOURNE lq Miss, Libbie: Coote, District Presi. the Women’s Institute, went Office at vale Gran. “Cente Hotel. arker om Wednesday to asst in eaters! : organising a Women’s Institute there. Mrs. Albert Kraemer vis- off m. ited at the home of Mr. Ed. Walter's Coniuleatien nad’ feumlestioy whee jst Macton on Sunday. county roadm: detec were viewing the eaedas in this vicinity. KINGWOOD spending a few ome here, Mr, new beginners t jerbauntel tortie rob Leis spent Monday ra Wellesley ‘with’ friends. Albert Stewart, of Gu uelph, oe the week- suc at the home of a Hamm oy Hantans spent Sunday wit "Wallesey friends, Amish Mennonites held ee yice ra the home of Mr. Christiai Schmidt on Sunday last. Without Once Shifting Gears 4370 Miles in 7 days and 7 nights In High Gear Breaks High Gear Non-Stop Record Seven days of Pte over ey lanes and through blocked city streets in Oklahom: SAA,, 2 alway: ‘igh gear—each day showing an eee of 624 miles and an average of 20.66 miles be the gallon of gasoline. Not fies did the motor miss an ioe losion. ‘Not even a spark changed. Let us show you an exact remarkable Model 90 test Overland Model go Touring, — $134 Overland Modet Sg-4 Sowing, $408 Wills Six Touring 4.0. d. West eat, duplicate Wihtss-Kndgh Four Towing, $2373 Sin sealed ps $24: B JACOBS BROTHERS, Dealers PHONE 16 r 1-2, MILVERT' ‘ON, ONT, ill ‘land, will a ited, Head Office and Works, West Toronto ‘Montreal, Winnipeg, Regina cee days at his |" Seiler, Mr. and erg and_ sons, Walter and Lh were Sunday evening visitors at Mi Colin Kerr ‘and Mrs. gauehter, Mabel, Mrs Win Miss Elizabeth Parkinson Sunday with Mr. Rehberg ane or Eedy $3 Eedy, Millbank. at Mr. Robert Hanna’: 6th LINE ELMA ‘e glad to report that Mrs. W. | calbrait is some better. ‘Wm. Karges spent the week-| end with her mother, Mrs. Bell, Lis- towel- rs, and Mrs, sunday es Mrs. Willoughby. Misses Vida and Ella Gray spent Sunday afternoon with the Misses Alexander, William Booth mie daughter, Alice. ,Spent Tuesday at T. R. Alex- ander’s. Seeding has commenced Benin and we hope for favorable weather. (Too late for last week.) seeding—we hope we continue having | t fine Bens as report that Mrs. | Wm. Galbraith: is eh the sick list—j we a er a speedy recovery. essie and Lettie Corr; handing the holidays under the ak od Mr. Gordon Leonard is at present seslay feats in Hamilton, ew from our line atvendall the isaquceinatHoe n Friday last and report having had a very enjoyable | ime. [. R. Alexander who has been il fer oud ‘ime, is im nicely. | Jexander and daughter lexander on Su visited Mis day afternoon: TRALEE friends here recently. a en ame with has return Piven Connolly ed home fro: ‘d, Totter sp. ing a few parte with her sister, Mrs, Baar and Mts. L, F. Armstrong and Byron Visited on Sunday with friends here, Hazel Burnett, of Linwood, visited one day last week at the hom of her uncle, Mr, Geo. C . GLENALLAN Quite a rumber from, here attend- ed the show “Hearts of the World” at Drayton, pees of Brantfo: i Billin; no ae i few dase Flor- ence, cot Lon ment a at Joya | realized Tha eho spent | and Mrs. Beqacl| Russell rate spent yehose who | A pul ablic sale of household ae bunch 960, Mrs. ape Me r and Master Jos- ‘ea return WELLESLEY public school teachers who Th Miss Tessie rena! Sepent Sunday | jepene their Easter holidays at their espective homes returned to their aa ities on Monday. ‘e were visited by a Western bliz- zard last Friday, but the snow did not Hee long; it melting away very quick- a died_on Saturday afternoon a Ottmann at the i 0 ears: months. In- terment took place last Wotnestny in |the i ee Be is 1 ere nded the funeral from eae showed their sym- “mele feeling towards tha beet ergt. Major Inkley, Vandre, Cr Harold Twamley and Pte. John Hawke arrive home from o fee [ son, of Sault Ste, Mar- ie, is” er sister, Mrs. John Recon at of the 2nd Con. of Elma, this weel iss Olive. Robb spent the week-end wi Sgr in Atwood. cher attended the funeral |ter, ofieree nels Toronto on Monday. r. Gordo ent. Sunday: at his home in Atwood, Major A. ever, .. who was officially credited: wit bringing down 35 Hun aeroplanes, ex- x ee to arrive at his home here in Barker and daughter, of To- ronto, who. have been visiting with Mrs. ‘Anderson "daring we past week returned home 01 The Listowel Amateur” Aitetic As. s a Sergt. Fred 0! Miss Olive Ellison, of “stratford, mee with her aunt, Mrs, vata ‘Wingefelder, of Jose} Ke init. visited ae a aon days with ae tye 3 orge chet of Seb ville,’ sapant unday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. ‘ton. Mr, Lincoln Riebling, of ites enntts at teh pense? Mare 1g a Win, Sherbarth, of Monkton, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Knecttel 0 on su nda; unday visitors at the home of Mrs, Mary Wingefelder were Messrs. nd Lorne. Berg Hartleib, and hese Mabel B Wilhelmina Bruder, ew Ln drew Ullrich, of Pate | spent sunday in he locality Mr, Jacob Baumbach, of Milverton sp Lacy Sunday ith eat in Ros- rents ant fami ociation have hased the Rin PSMr. Jacob Ottmann, “of Hanover, | Park from Mr. facking and will] s spent “a eel here among relatives have it in Al meee when nee foot- |and friends. ball season Spans ay. 80 | “Mrs. C. F, Ottmann is spending an |many returne boys in town, Listowel |t indefi time with relatives ani riends in Neustadt and Hanover. Ow roa at. present Everyone is getting ready for the ‘district and somethin; oe is their maintenance. Hee el | of the late Jacob ase 8 will be eld next Saturday afte: | The Dutharan Bonday School rend- | rt Keyes, of Guelph, spent ine. family are moving to Dorking ints 7 of Horses for cently. fe and Mrs, Fischer, Mr. and Mrs, ‘Web d daugh ‘er, Mary, an Miss encite Starr, of Elmira, ns pent Sun: an te home ‘of Mr. a rs, ered their Faster programme last Sun aa Conference at New Hamburg 1 FERNBANK tharles~- Neilson and sons, Frank and Sttanie of Stratford, spent Gleb at thelr home on Sate jurday” afternoon. y; gpent a few lon. chi ni ‘Mrs, David Reid on Thursday even- ing. After much beating of plough shares and ringing of bells, the parti- cipants were invited into ‘the house a pleasant social evening was spent by all present. r, And w Corey, spent Saturday with his brother in ers Mary Hanley visited on Sun- ; ~ On Frida ren a iniscellancous| gaya with her friend, Miss Lyola Han. * sowie wes “tondered "Sim David ¥ id by her friends 0! No. By dir, and’ Mrs, Leslie Wright Mornington. pee time was ever: ig. improing, although some- eur slowly. Miss Clara Gordon spent the week sida her friend, Miss Marie Craw- “POOLE Re peuaner, po, Miss Struth- 1 Mrs, James McKenzie, ce “Mon James Kerr and fam- spent the Raster ew: erich. new "irord car. Cream—Silverwood’s, Sold in all flavors in “SMOOTHER THAN VELVET” HE ever- securing serve, i8 so eas: Frozen cream—a paren flavored dainty -~velvety smooth and rich. Silverwood’s is always shisesaghly enjoyed. 5 ‘SILVERWOOD’S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT, problem, what to ly solved with Ice Bricks or Bulk.

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