Milverton Sun, 1 May 1919, p. 6

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x Brides From fpeeenss the Land of Their Adoption. In the sunshine of peace, our sol- to their native land, the but the boys do not c are gone ropever. om single Taieegaaiae: married the first year of the war, and are returning with wives and Eypigheat others are bringing e the adventure Canada om the sume trip. ‘This return in dual _or triple form, calls for a reception women of St. John, New Brunswick, | offices yw to express the feeling St. boul Not St. Peter, at the Door. By v' of the geographical loca- tion of ps “ohn, its citizens have be- come Canada’s official welcomers of our Gain lepeea and right royally as the sick men who have been yearning for ‘@ glimpse of their native land through ears Of orrors of war, of the wives coming from overseas, the prospect was not one of unalloyed bliss, for mischievous pens and tongues had set’a mental wave in motion, that made the English, Scotch and Irish brides fear that some of the ‘anadian homes might have ates Canadian brides for their 5 lowe ever, niet reception by and ti of St. John an siabed all As one of the 8 con- om poet 5 fided to a member of the fear wi ‘that Canadian women woul t us ith bad eggs, but we have been treated like royalty.” ada the British Isles, these whose ens of whom Canada will be justly. proud. The soldiers’ reception committee situation be met. A Citizens’ Welcome Committee was formed of nationally organized societies, such as the Young Won po ‘8 Christian Association, a is, the I.0.D.B., th no Bralataaty of all denomin: nati Roman Catholic Societies, all etching together harmoniously, subdividing the work in such a manner that every detail that may add to the comfort of guests is attended to. Hi A Haven of ide pacious room in the Imigration Building was prepared by tHe military authorities. a9 A. Hostess Houses of Ontario shipped their no longer needed furniture, and with the splendid: local assistance, the rooms were arranged. Bright, airy and warm, they are a perfect haven of rest to the weary women and children, who , the larger party was satis- factorily handled. One side of the long room has a of dainty white cots, which soon a filled with travel tory; where unlimited sipplies of hat snd cold water, towels oap, turn out “n ables for old." “Adjoining this ts the Cross ‘dispensary, with a trained i eines, id everything a baby, sick mc could Possibly want, are given ou ° k of this is the kitchen, and con- hedtieg with bs reception room is a sorving-table, where, tion of on “WwW. the local V.A.D.'s serve hot drinks, oe sta and cakes. HOW CANADA WELCOMES HER RETURNING SOLDIERS AND THEIR FAMILIES sere SS The Citizens of St. John, New Brunswick, Offer in Canada’ A yee A Royal Greeting to Cana: won in des) Be aris eaten tree this | ch: seems indeed the very Gate of Heaven. | co | after - | Church of their denomination, and do da’s Heroes, and Give a Cordial Welcome to clasp of ‘the ladies of tele Reception Comnitittee, who keep th ies and the bundles, so that Mother can attend é on to external, of the soldier. The Military Informatio .P. d office business answoring questions, and the Patriotic Fund booth aids the soldier or his de- pendent financially, if necessary. ‘where, ascertain: ing destinations, seeing that bundles, bags and boxes are collected, for the first train to pull out. The ming, and speeding the departing guest, until the last train load disappears, possibly at eight or nine o'clock at night, if, as sometimes happens, several thousands arrive the same A Long Chain of Welcome. This fine piece of National Service, warmly welcoming our ow! National Immigration Secretary, M Burrington-Ham, who went to the authorities to secure space in which pen a Bureau for the information of soldiers’ dependents comin; After many difficulties and delays this. was accomplished, and i Burring- m-Ham's assistance was ode est A sy mot they aipractaualy, cated her, acceeadan in vipcire upon each boat bringing a nui women and children, a Ship Sooner who looks ‘Y possible way, aiding the sick, corny the well, carrying babies, and when the tim mal de mer pe giving talks on conditions ferent parts of less children coming with their fathers are her especial charge, until placed with friends. The end of this work— but then we cannot speak of the end the infinite, but rather the follow- ip work of the port servi cate them as so upon them, put them in touch with a all possible to make this new land a tribute to this great interest taken by the Canadian women. This long chain ft Welcome from England to the Paci- a5 deroonates tes, in magnified form, the work that has been carried on for years by the Y.W.C.A. Immigration and Travellers’ Aid Departments. Its re in person, but who can, by financial support, strengthen the hands of We realize the- difficulty of those re- turning to the different struggle of the wage-earning civilian, and if we real- made ‘the occasion of an extensive public ceremonial, Ink stains on carpet can be romov- ed if of long standing, by treating with oxalic acid. QUEBEC WANTS WINE A AND BEER m Both City and ae Beaty Gave acne: a Pe Sr the boat, a the ape ane and | By Of “Welcome Hom great |t streamer at the head. 3 ia Seinen come is repeated by voice and hand-| wen! at er, | 260,000,000" and. £300,000,000, ac. | new, standar: _| And hyacinths thrust up their ‘headas (Rol Tha r Don’t venture ne: Markets of the World nitoba Whei at in Affirmative Vote on store Fort William. i Referenifan. aie pate Ne 2 C.W., Te; No, a No. 1 feed, A despatch from Montreal says:— baie No. 1 feed, ie Gees reed, majority of 3 5%c, in tote Fort William. Province of Quebec pronounced itself a finan spar ine OW. | Go f& in favor of light as at Le Blike; fed, ots, 1h store yee 3. yellow, t. to. the polls out of the 400,000 $1: Sn aon va, Le 1; track ‘Toe registered. Both cities and country ronto, prompt sh districts were e in favor of the restora-| Ontari ants N 0. 2 white, 10 to tion of Ii ‘20; Ne ite, 68, to 70c, eae, ‘The island of guia contributed | Ing to. freghte cues a majority-of 61,799, and’ return: foams Shebovoes Rivers, Que- bee City su S28 Noch sy -| shipping points, ies. ie surp! Ontario wheat—Ni ym the agricultural districts | to $2.17; ie 2 do, oe = which see been ‘ ” several years 2. past. unties like L’*Assomption, | points, according to freigi with 1,219 hs to 64 against, and] Peas—No. 1.70 to $1. 80, 4; inal, Stconding ‘to freights « outsides Bar ley—Malting, 95c to $1, in ect Buckwheat-No, 2, 966, nominal. light wines and 6,407 for prohibition,| Meritaky Howe eet stan- wile the general proportion was lit-| dard, $10.75 to $11, Toronto. tle better for the “dry” division. Ontario The ndum was decided on by| dard, $9.65 to $9.75 in tie} and Mon n 1918 | Jute the Legislature vege * total prohi- Bile nrareeee into ‘eftect) Lee, freights, bags included." Bran, co $42 to $48 per ton; shorts, $44 to on May 1, 1919, ‘for “the aration of| $48 per fon; good feed flour, $2.70 to the war.” The war ending before the| $3 ach AoUld becapallad, the Government . 1, $24 to $26 per ton; compromised on the demands ae mixed, , $22 to $23 per ton, track To- from the liquor faction, who dem tad ca” Guutinuaricé of compleve “mer *Straw—Car lots, §10 to $11 per ton. zB Country Produce—Wholesale. Butter—Dairy, tubs and rolls, 36 gine alone?) the. clestre to 38; prints, 40 to 41c. Creamery, | © 2,000,000 TONS | ,2== 8 to ‘Sse; duckltn 30c; chickens, Tee ck neese—New, large, 28%6¢; 12 New Types of Submarines, twins, 28% to 29¢; triplets, 29 to 300 Destroyers, and 100 aoe; he 29% to 30c; ald, large, sy aati es hed) twins, ieee =. i lers are selling to the re- A despatch from London saye:—|tail trade at the following prices: More than two million tons of ship-} Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 48 to ping were sees to the British navy, 50c; is, 61 62c; during the wi a cost of betwe ween 35c. cording to a statement by Sir E. H. vr aid, 48 EERE cel Meenivetn:Dieyicoiee i Bae eid if eartons, 48 to of Naval Construction at the Admir- jae torte 2 silee icine, ae 38 35% 80s, ducklings, De thas wake at i Falkland De ‘e % Be; squabs, doz., $7; geese, Islands, the statement sa: the de- sign of the Reno’ arenes Rey pulse was! S pbtatocs—On tarios, Bileved stron betonbion caer h ; cruisers, the value of battle cruisers ish Sp Saeki eral i basal, $3.78 te $4; primes, $3.50. t eg ep ng imported Mand picked, Burma or pad ot indian, $3.25; ous and Fu fo f. re b. track 50 to 85 hos oe -02., oo Hi 6 Maple producte—Syrup, per wine to the British navy, Bah; per 8 falloud gia; anesthe Little Miss April. Come Heres. re lads and lassies all, Provisions—Wholesale, if you And si can say Smoked —Hams, medi Wiel little uaiden' tistaay ke [tp 88e;,do, heavy, 88 to 84e; cooked, Comes trippi hi 50 to 520; rolls, SL to Sze; Breakfas ee ge. ea Saat de bacon, 41 to 45c; backs, plain, 4! On one side walks a brother bold, | 6c; boneless, 50’ to 52c. 0 a sister Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 28 And in between this maid in oe to anes clenr bellies, 2 ieee Z ard—Pure, é i ee Se 20%, to Boe; pails, 20% to 8024; Who may she be? Whence can she eins 80% to 3 I aid et ‘knew her nam pails, 26 to 26%c; prints, 27% ta Fob! rotind shersfeek the-ensens-balhay ote Are bursting into flame. Moutreal Markets The pussies on the willow bough Montreal, April 15—Oats—Extra| All crane their necks to see, j No. 1 384 oats Bags, 90 Ibs., $3.60 to 8.75, | Bran, Me o $47. Shorts, $47 | She laugh d he flou to $48. No. 2, per ton, car epee cies; she flouts and to $48, aes re ‘0 learn who she may be. terns, 24 to 25c, Butter—Choices' rowns and then she pene ae ; 2 , 62 to 62%c, Eges—Fresh, There's jiachiet in her cant Noses Pk Pataebrer bh. cas in her frolics wil sed hogs— Hots, $1.30 to $1.50. Dress ar, my lassie dear [betel ila RBs to #8. Lara Tn that spring hat and dress; | Pure» Wood Pails ee paucigae: turn the sprinkler on your oe clothes, Live Stock Markets. Then laugh at your distress. ize even dimly the tremendous crisis Toronto, Ap: 5—Good _ heav. we are facing, let us, as loyal Canadian ; steers, $14.50 to $16.50; choice b men and women, leave nothing un-|A"4 You, my lad, she'll pat your! cher steers, $13.25 to $14; butchers’ done to continue individually, this 7 cueek ttle, choice, $18.09 to. $145 do, good, magnificent work in every community | ,, With such a coaxing a $12.75 to $13; do, medium, $11.50 t to which o} s When: piuswvour erst wal tWene fie dor vomalan, AI0G0 we se; bulls, uur men and women co that we may make them one wih ese 50 to te ara oe fFs bulls, $10 to $10.50; do,, rou; mulls, for a greater and nobler Canada. sir ah aes AS 7.75 to $8.25; butchers’ cows, choice, Body of Navee Bath Cave She'll Pelt her friends with petals a2 to ae oy reed Ln = $11.50; y curse white lo, medium, .2 > Mo, com TBS Retyovel te Sapinad |. (OE are Alpys@ikex of suaw?); on, $7.50 to $8.25; stockers, $8.7 With dancing footsteps ope advance} wa tanhes. Soedvas, (Sib ee ee Steet an despatch from London says:—| Then turn her back to See ee Seer 0 ST; angements are being . Likes ri milkers, good to choice, $90 to $150} guderstood, for the removal of the pel mised out the timid Agta do, com. and med., $65 to $75; spring- ly of Edith Cavell, the English mip them with her shears; |€rs, $90 to $150; light ewes, $13 to ree execut io Gortnans at Shen "whiatle to the aailioe birds, be ete ah Bree sa oo SEE Brussels in 1915, to this countay. "Th nab pute) cand thelr este. oles, $15.50 to sii. 50; hoge, fed a ly in English With all her faults we dere; her still, ) water 75 to $21; do, wei hed And joy that. she is id cars. Fee ‘to $1 25; do, f.o.b., $20 je gladsome, eincn, teasing elf,| to $20.2 The naughty, ti Tere Sars If you aa ete turnips to hay Some people spend so much time| good flavor teaspoonful Zos iS righ car “Tot, $24 14 to $2.! 2%; Be? 2 3 as to 2.10 f.0.b. casptng, Millfeed—Car lots delivered, Mon-| What hay e ducklings, 32c; turkeys, 45¢; aebe ADDED TO NAVY) *::,2°, be Live poultry—Roosters, 22c¢; fowl, pio, 2 gs, Ib., 35c; turkeys, EY Lg | an .ia little 5| Poison Gas to be | For 5 ;| Academ: WILL KEEP FLYER AFLOAT 8 DAYS Life-Saving Suits Tested By Trans-Atlantic Navigators jat St. John’s, Nfld. cal eae from. 5 John’s, Nfid., ‘ys :—I ker and Lieut.- aavigator those developed by American! * navy with airbags. on the chest and shoulder d three, which is still bette: eat) funy planned ind some Lee person that Sct kind fae bilan AN EASTER PARTY All children adore an Easter party and at this season a delightful affair The Automobile Eow to Avoid Engine Troubles, When for ai hi may be planned for the small people. . any reason a charge hattati a 7 atin us m| @n engine cylinder is fired before the. pretty, Easter cards.” If the party is| Proper time, 8 “backfires,” backfiring often from schools A 1 fs o be Eira paint rbag Ree en zeiy “oe the Saturday after| cranked, and is rather dangerous ear “bein” ‘at| it may result in a bieken ge ae gets ae noite caused by one of the . ing things: rtainment should be care. teSpark aisdaised toot dae au Glowing carbon deposits in oye should y. Il guests are al ts Spank va rusty oe dirty, caus~ to be shy at tat so it is best to begin| ime Pointe tot, with a quiet ga Before they ar- ve, oe ‘ see of os Bost On «the | Spark lever or control. gifts and| Placed th eges. Give each child the pieces of to advance the spark as the engine one card au allow fifteen minutes to| &4ins order to secure effi- ihe blkeck-theacher cient operation. But when the engine? Next, suggest an eng hunt. If the|is to be started the spark : cater i favorable st can be held| Should be in ful retard) and ieee 55 occur most often tor hhas carelessly Teft the mors aE vance 78 2 variety a few china ae eee and a Diaby eres tan Sue 3 “3 some. candy eggs. If h in the ie pos! ean ee foe sae i: palens abe House dt-is better to awe ‘the “smal other cause of backfiring, but this. splashed about like kids trying tol °t@¥ eBEs. Conceal them in | allj foes not ooems until an ehgine as durant cbarand as ey horse-| manner of places and give each cia been running for some time and be ise generally, horse-| a paper bag in which to collect them. | come h d-hot spark plug y They: event tried -t0- sho The Faster bunny stint is not n points cause the: same trouble as the what a ¢| but fs great fun for children and even| flowing, carbon, for after an engine ids,” a tumultuous litle stream that| Por i reef "has Deen run a while the points may : retain suits worked very well, though some| Draw on a ihoeb or ese plece ofl of gassas socnan it i pan nts water got in the neck and sleeves and ther men: found: Chat, isin test kent on the surface, This was the result of the soles not being heavily enough weighted, an e been completed. It was said by mem- 1e party that the test flights favorable weather only. ‘his is not yet in sight, and the field is still in bad shape. The water stands to a depth of six inches at some places, while on others it has been drying out quite satisfactorily. :| TEST FLIGHT AT ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. Citizens Had First View of Mar- yellous Machine for Trans- Atlantic Trip. A ae ety from St. John’s, Nfid.; neat ine a saereny ss a heavy| m: Wednesday i Havkenan Thursday le a test flight in the night Harry ansline to the ship in’the air x 40 abate he t 0 o'cl ing altitu : Conception Bay and the City of St, John’s and its harbor and the huge ice fields which stretch 40 miles out! from the mout arbor. Ni Dneeiiomabnt Bad baenmale. of the! flight, but the hum of the bi stores and offices, house, and ships at anchor, thousands poured out to see the wondrous sight. 3 a won- 420; | drous sent for them literally, a never before has an airer Bl deseriptian pede seen Crowds watched beautiful picture of gleaming in the sun, They ai the street car tracks, but the trams| did not disturb them; for the crews] d passengers alike declined to let thing like a schedule inter-| fere with their view. the roadway, but Wietorias stopped dead at the note of the motor’s t drays an first aster for th way Ae rae it at- tracted and held all eyes. It is prob-| ably true that more sees halt, the population of 25,000 waited in th Nhs. 0 Shalehagite and opts Seasthind “giiapeeieee ye eyiane & more than adequate reward. Utilized x Destruction of Larvae A despatch trom\; Paris Poison pas; that worked. euch “bavas during the war, will be utilized for a neficent purpose :|in the future, it is announce Gabriel Bertrand, ‘as dis- of caterpillars and injurious larvae, whi workei ~| room table stands the “Easter bas-|@ cannon a | ing with the number of. their cards.|a garage man ox a stood yy stoo ef tol white cloth a bunny standing on its| cylinder. The spark plugs should be hind legs and holding up its paws a8|cemoved and. clean eat Stretch the sheet on the wall or door| Stim o¢curs, and if this giv lief you may be sure there where it can be tacked firmly in| jc7,3°U, may be sure there j Place. Cut eggs from colored paper Ripe eis ipsa ags din each ogg,stick a pin. Blind. sett Piste ce pear | in Ha ree at ‘aletion commautator br distributor, or the Sr nieces nie oe n Bun. | Mechanism that divides the current ny’s paws. The child wee ping ba|2Mong the different cylinders at. the egg the nearest in position may given an Easter bunny and each of Fm" op the others a small 0} e 2 5 o & which are imbedded as many contact points as there are cylinders. Then comes supper. If one of the! ‘These points are insulated from each stractve Easter sets of paper table! other, and a c ver and napkins decorated wit! * bunnies seaatvts ocured, very ti pretty ones can be arranged from|Drohe" Mme. If these crepe paper, ith A centerpiece is made by filling al to do low, round glass dish with eggs,| part, vines and moss i f Boned cae aie saline ar oon eed renter ackefictng may be caus- The only thing do in this case is to buy a new valves and timer on wrong, but I that you have not torn ribbon leads to each plate and ends 4 Su apatie tT h shiek’ es ae engine to misplace them, neck is tied a card with the guest nami A Close Call. stul ffed eggs ina nest of let-| A few weeks cy. Jim ee bitovaaa egg-shaped sandwiches of met with an accident that wa Lem y and \ihiueey. “Duate ane eins i—though milk is bet. ih “indiepatable fact that he hap- provided for the! pened to be in town at the time in- guests they will be delighted and it stead of four or five iter from no- will not seem like “just milk.” Ne ice-cream ire had been a hak the ic and cookies cut with a ee cut-| carbureter, of his auto, but its dis- ter, with currants for e position kept As the guests leave She. “table, give| worse. d and it each a numbered card. On the living| missed, and suddenly it went off like and flames shot up clear the hood. Some ah ace ty had |from yellow paper cut in very nar-| collected in the underpa n Fires don’t appeal ta ‘Jim oe he boxes and fs each box) didn’t fancy sitting over the @ narrow yellow ribbon. ;At the end of the ribbon is attached/ tracks down the street. g a number correspond-| turned in a ne alarm. Then greasy cae with | one in turn gives b a fire eainpuiine under arm, | quick pull there is a box of running, toward the bast iit, git |eandy eggs “to take home.” pean ea elp, | And now the hostess gathers the the hose and ladder wagons he beginning the yabbit ‘way bird, : Of i grest favor the goddeat of: ee had made a lot of sediment on [gave it four legs. In remembrance| motor, but Jim's auto had been saved of its former life as a bird when the| ftom going up in smoke. Jim peeled apring or Easter season-comesit laya| 8 bill trom: his roll and handed it to Then in a] the hero of the oe t | few simple words, the children are auto was ni aly damaged. id of the egg being a symbol of the Before Jinn) drove home that night ‘resurrection and that is why we use He ee to the and aie tink. A-its axtingulate tabs bead eae on the dash ever since, ling of the life everlasting and all things made new. This, followed by i“ ‘ the singing 0} miliar songs, x Helpful Hints. i bel wi have a quieting influence snd the}, When placing chains on your tires children will go to their homes with| be sure to have the hooks toward the happy memories at a delightful Eas-| pe as fhe Jay them a a. | keep them closed. If the chains are Canadian Deserters Shot ut on the other way they will tend Both in England a inn ‘at the Frout| £9 open and so be in danger of com- ng oO! When you have the time study A despatch from Ottawa says:- your starting and lighting system Hon. Hugh Guthrie stated in the! Commons that been informed| carefully, using your instruction hat a number of Canadian deserters book a as a guide. Gradually: the uses overseas had been execut. ers f the parts and thé paths of the cur- Sails Gall hasenh onelea to it the care it needs and you will get \ had received sentences up to 80 years id the punishments in Diane vee pes Saree than in this coun- r etter service and have less trouble d. ene eral Hughes said they had been| ii ig ‘ied ourt-martial and es both BARA ana ae whe fr tree growths in the country maeists during the past few yea: ve PLAN TO INCORPORATE std INTO GERMANY spatch from_ Paris says:— ation, which has opened negotin- tions for the incorporation of Au: handing out advice that ey have no| sugar to the aes when cooking time to accomplish anything. i them. tria in Germany. le The clear little brook sings low and sweet, is lier’ Bek The indelible mark Touching .the pebbles with dainty! will rema‘ s the wet rubber helps a to dlscolve, the lead ‘ot the the pencil. All in the Easter morning. _ “Spring is coming; I make the way songs hate hee flowers shall be The Ancient Outiaw, I never see a threatening trespass sign But ee me there comes a longing gre To ones a “isis at it, Sh rneaeer’ Singing, y Habeas sau first ray arly on Easter morning.” BRINGING UP FATHER . Dety the padlocked gi I never see an orchard bending low With luscious fruit, but IT look '. THINK FLL CALL ON MRJONES “HE'S THE ONLY ONE OF OUR SINCE WELL~ gee Phe eo at MARE YOU HES A FINE MAN I OU ¢ THIS MR. JONES. YOU SAID 1T-CLANCY- ANT DO TOO MUCH FOR Him § DON'T WORRY- 1 DON'T IN TEN TON throug’ fence 0 \ And wonder if that farmer keeps a dog, Then search for self-defence, I nover cd the youngsters in the sun, In 8, at the old ale But I say, “Mustn’s play for keeps!" a ‘Kling Kkttow They'll do it just the same, And when I see a lonely vacant house, With wide inviting glare of window pane, My fingers twitch in the old wicked way, And I'm a boy again! But when my youngsters clamor ger \ id tales old Ot what “thelr daaay id, when he was you I tell them its 100 long ago and that . Their bed-time hout has Mdgy

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