Milverton Sun, 1 May 1919, p. 7

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a that will Re-construct Canada < objective is $1,100,0 AN EMPEROR AND AN EMPRESS IN EXILE ‘Help the Y.M.C.A. Finish its | Work For Soldiers Y” Construct the Manhood ¢ / Help the LL the world now knows that the Red Triangle of the % Y.M.C.A. was the “ Sign of Friendship” to thousands % of your brothers, sons, nephews, cousins and neighbours’ boys in the last four and a half years. Wherever the Can- adian Soldiers went, the “Good old ‘Y’’’/went too. And now it is coming back home with them! For the support which has made possible the war work of the Y.M.C.A. we thank you. Your money = been well expended. We have rendered full account. We ask now your continued sympathy and support for Red Triangle Service for our Soldiers during demobilization, and for Y.M.C.A. work for Canada generally during the Re- construction period. The Annual Red’ ‘Triangle campaign will be held $1,100.00" Canada May 5th to 9th, 1919. The For Canada’s Manhood ‘The Reconstruction program of the Y. M.C. A. includes the following vitally important develop- ments:— The Y.M.C.A. will keep its chain of re See For Our Men Returning For the soldiers and their dependents, returning ~ irom Overseas, we have provided as follows ;— catat Bat, is @ fll equipment of ames oi ert deep increased service to 300,000 ‘teen-age boys in the Where le, also # piano or Be ccanerey n—the development of Canadian Standard Efficiency sn oan Se Seneca Sanaa Bible Study” groups: summer camps; conferences, oe pioe 2 for High School boys, for workin; and cities; for boys on the farm and for boys everywhere, who Red Triangle comforts and facilities for the men on ar- have lacked opportunity for mental, moral, physical or social siya at fia St. John, Quebec and Montreal, including cof- fee stalls, with free drinks, free eatables, cigarettes, candies, etc. 3. Red Trian ‘riangle amen on every troop ide regularly free cB ike eatables vand cigarettes, cesacise eeaes fe and sing songs, and Canadian oP anes he feneuioes 73 ‘ ducational work a joys and \ Wackef he Dupena! cates ~ Red Tri OMWPAIGD 322 Ce ee in Cana ” 5. Red Triangle Clube in the £1100, 5109) ,_ The promotion of V.M.C.A, rincipal cities of Ginnie Appeal work among Cana tbape of | MCR to workers in industrial plants, both lish bed and board at low rates in Y.M.C.A. buildings and in and to be a rend for soldiers. i factor eae organizing the social spirit among the industrial workers of our cities 6. ocSevgaty tive | Secretaries Le yer tntend Pe, eee meetings, entertainments, games and sports. & = tte he establishment of the Red ‘Triangle in isolated dis- tricts where bes bernie er workers hold_ the entitling soldiers td full Y.M.C.A. privileges for 7. Tickets six eee ‘at any local Y.M.C.A. front trenches Besides ‘heed main n, miners and ot try. .. furnished. ds of increased activity for 1919, In addition to our work for the returning soldiers, we ha to maintain the Red Triangle serps to the full for the soldiers in Siberia, as well as the work of special secretaries in No Russia, Palestine and Poland. ur campaign to en ‘all our work we place the fund- amental foundation of manly Christianity. 5 R the sake of our victorious soldiers and their dependents, and the happiness of their home-coming; for the sake of our future citizens, our teen-age boys; for the sake of Please Note: ndent upon F adian soldiers, ‘and for ¥.W.C.A. rural life i in Canada; for the sake of the social We are not asking for eee S Ho ne eben hae acum | betterment of the toilers in factory and work- rae 6 ie sik oe cigla Bond witbe Bt aside for shop; for the sake of lonely men and boys in ye, a ‘Ge back: the De pag he r of = our minesand forests; for the sake of Christian France or Belgium That Mes seh, folk, an ‘ Society and Canadian manhood—we appeal work will continue at its eer ite eo s onthe long jour- a ba Give us your contribution, little or maximum for some months, to Canada, ig. © as generous as you can. financially provided for by sod ia alto crending its work vee , the liquidation of our for Canadian gir land your contribution to the canvasser when he assets Overseas, and will H calls, or if you live where it is difficult for him to call, send it by check, money order or registered letter to the National Treasurer, Red ‘Triangle Campaign, 120 Bay Street, Toronto. For their sake also be gen- not terminate till the last erous when you make your contribution. man has sailed for home. . ° 9 oye o ge National Council, Young Men’s Christian Associations of Canada The Red Triangle Ronee, ve! “rigs osha aaa Opes heeding, fae of His Excellency, Campaign Chairman: G. Hersert Woon, ‘Toronto Hon. Campaign Chairman: Joun W. Ross, Montreal Campaign Director: Campaign ‘Tuomas Bransnaw, Toronto Cuas. W. Bisuor, Toronto 150 lightning that threatened thrones and ren and grand children from whom|man Farr, Harry Schummer. she now feels herself Cae part- havicat Nekocka Ronan in all subjects.) Class A—Nellie Crookshanks, Geo. inc lass B—Milton Steinke, Olive Devitt, Voila Musselman, Alice Reid, Trla Musselman, Lulu a art is erying out in at Cibea Clans ROSE secret for the gresence of her child: | discuss in their prison cell. What-| Class 5 Lorrie hebner Austin war, aman exis: jl te Ti i of an outlaw. ‘The strong tide in the affairs of men has borne him out of /y; : . the ocean vot great. trafficking “and ¢ as a_piec 2 0! reckhee on, the shore of unvisited monotony. ai (Harold Begbie in London Chronicle) fa sheath on occasion like a terrible Teor ‘subjects to be written at the epee Examinations in July) orge Klinck, Nel Ns Crookshanks. Class B—Milton' Steinke, oie De- vit, Margaret McFaddin, Lulu Me- Lennan, Irla Musselman, Alice Reid, Viola Musselman. Class D—Mildred Ogram, Clarence joehner, Class C—Lorraine Lehner, / 1 Ml. We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furniture. Mieals Sehese Fork See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers. 4 ELMIRA CONTINUATION SCHOOL REPORT R ‘rey, cade Mattersch, ‘Vera’ AY | a id Driesinger. fl with thi pee Walter | ception, t is allow obert Otte, Florence Ruth- law as: >. Winn, Gertru fe aCe at Ca Lobipes Haro! ROBERT. McMANE itumpf, Ri A pee Sur, I cles want yore help utch loss. A HOSS FOR SAIL (Millbank Contributor.) saiv me from mui I'm fol of trable, bet yer nek, About my blaimed old hoss. Fore days ago I bawt Wie 3 brute— meen, ’twas fo: yn me. The beest was sold-—-and so was I, As enny fule kud be. I never went to buy pe hoss, I didden want the p! He’s ony fit for ene meet; His hide mite maik a rug. The hoss was ioe up at a sail, And I was lookin hh I hadnt gone.) He boosted me aS mine so stron; Thet I be; F He beet old aisiks sure, \d nevver turned a hare. He pokd me in the ribs, and sed, “Now heres a man who knos A good hoss from a unikorn. ‘ow mutch do yu sippose aa ered aie na az “Ten dollers. , vithanie yu, Sir,” he, “Thet does the trik.” And then he sed, “Ive got a bid, WwW wg r buel A haf? A quar By-poahs Birr ace te Tuck ie Sez iy Sez To git a hoss a big ‘as thet For sutch a little sum. Pay up, and an the oss, away.” ez I, “Not I, by gum. Yu kant soak me, I nevver bid. I dont w: gts the blaimd hoss.” Sez he, “Wots that? Dont argufy, Or yu wil eel me kross, T'll ask the krowd thet# stannin heer Did yu all heer him bid?” “Yes, yes,” thay showtid, evvery wun, ie kant deny he did.” Sum man stuck in his noze and sed, ike thet” utside a nacker’s yard. u_got a bargin, sur as, The aukshoneer fumpd in agen, sed hed go to ones I payd the a "et wunce; id to stop his With help I got him to the road; For thet I hed to ay. I got behind and sed, “ Git ue And shuyd him all the way. So, heer is ware want yure help: Find wun with lots Wholl buy my paser, ote afi Thares two bucks for yerself, WORKING OUT WELL APaitey Advocate.) ief, but favorable report of and others interested in’ live stock production for the mai e ob- ject of the farmers concerned in un- dertaking is to send their own stock 0 the Toronto marke to retain ‘or themselves the percentage of price that hitherto had gone to the dealer, It is a straight to eliminate the middlem is is not 0 report u saris anebeane: Wallace Megraw, the secretary’ treas: urer and shipper, the found a man who is a n having practical business: j plan seems to be to allow the “tight of fay to shine upon every transaction, so that all members of the club ma see just what is doing, and be able to judge whether their interests are be- ing properly served by the new meth d of marketing. Many other club me system, and should the same satisfaction be se- cured by each in. xt few years ra a widespread revo- lution in the live stock business in this country. ABOUT STRAYED ANIMALS an iors ae we get the fol- lowing regarding ‘imals. many people know little or no. thing about it. If al strays 0 a farmer’s place it is his duty to al due tim ywnship_cler! should be notified and it is that offi- cial’s duty to sell the animal by pub- from e proces which all expenses are dedu: A RG eect eS WELL DONE, CAPE CROKER! (Walkerton Telescope.) Winter Term. Class de Schmidt The Indians in Canada ere Cisim- fa lass $2 le ‘ilborn, Amos uw of wi We have a large assortment of Dressers and Stands. ane revere, given below the pu-| wilkinson, Milton Allingham, John ney. 2 rig becetenr ‘an- pils Are grouped in classes, according |tehman, Harvey Class, Ada Bauman, ada 5,500 Redmen enlisted which i A nice new stock of Brass Beds at popular prices Glins Ac includes ill those weitiha wi Frard. "Kline, Osea a very good showing. On the Caj A [Gem Agneta allots i | rnupes Lawrence Brenna So ate i count ot If you need anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- on total—(Honors). Cla: Junior Matriculation. a a eee na ek! etn fites when in town and look over our stock. el iioes ith AD case subject and Glass A—Gertrude Schmidt. went overseas. is is a reco) t Pte eat ee bee B—Gertrude Hilborn, Amos|is hard to beat. Of those who went ‘We also have Stair and Body Carpet. the total, Class D_ ect, but; 80, “a willdnson, caietih aun Harvey |to France 6 made the supreme sacri. .: but bel "60 ‘Bass ‘on Class, Jo! fice, 22 were wounded, one losing his i subject, but’ Balog #0. bn. thentotal Edward Klinck, Edgar|right arm, 27 came back and 20 are Congoleum Squares look nice, We haye them. \|Class B, all other | Rahn, Lat Bi i nd ahi . meting’ sto fhedes near Pini x in, Lawrence Brenner. still over: juch a reco} WS: ae ieee antl k ey the Indians are worthy sons of Te- inoleum always on hand. their particular class. P) avigeh ot Moraviantown fame in ths. ; f 1812 to 1815. The Indians 4 ee, School—Form I. ES WHEN a RAFFLES NOT _ |S81 of (ore eva ES eerie , Fyne ie eavan senhadher,, Maris LEGAL? : eo ratt ines an ecaally, 00d Fecord GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS - McLAUGHLIN AUTOMOBILES sine jee a Maa ahaa Gaui acd pace ais local with their brethren from Cape Crok- é Edythe |whether His of a public priv- |" ‘A letter was received from a flyer cal relative saying Pei ree that _the destination of Mow- Z ce and d_ Chalmers Motat (equate gio is Furnitu Di lass i te ‘oul furaeete Doster (Milverton, <> fies cireser allard,Eenest Miler, el or the yor has hood been t HARE HE ‘ : pat eee dit ae tained ened He so tes ena of articles raffled exe eeds $50 Lowest, then—Influenza! > @y = C. BOWER, M. D.) red, stee ther bivod ie thioy they hav lived indoors and | all their mental and bodily they BVERY pisos seks i The Sun piistiig Office Main Street ~ MILVERTON, ONT. Subscription rates:—One year, $1.50 ; six the, ‘Se, in advance. bscribers in ar- fars will be liable to pay $2.00 per. Sar pthread rates on app! fase ition. rtisements without specific apettions < ae until forbid and charged ac herbal remedy, which has had such s fine Teputation for fifty years. It contains no alcohol or narcotics and is made into tab- lets and liquid. Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. for trial package. ‘Dante, 20 Rallway Avenue. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Is recognized as one of the most re- liable Commercial Schools in Canada. ructors may en. - | livered from one t RAND TRUNK © Ghe Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT AND CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains = parlor cars on principal“ day trains. Full information from any Grand runk Ticket Agent or C. E. ing, District Passenger Agent, ene ruddy skin and feel th exhil on of real advertisements must good health tin; bodies, | b« mot he office by noon Monday, inerance spun lof el Kinds,” on “AES tt PRaran are apt to suffer from an attack of Inftu- Ste tee eed tnd you tan aety | SUSI nessCards influenza. This is the time to clean Medical. Dr; P.C. Tye Office: PuBLic DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 pm, and p.m. “DR. F. J. R. FORSTER | Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat aaron in medicine, University of Late assistant New York Ophthel- Re and Aural Institute, ifooretele e and Golden Square Throat Hi e panier E irs—10 to dally. Evenings—7 and Saturday realy: or by appointment Dr. u 5 4 63 Waterloo St. “ss STRATFORD. DENTIST. J. F. SEBBEN, D.D.S,, L.D.S. « Windsor Block, Opp. City ba * hone 993, Open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock Lem H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, LISTOWEL. MILVERTON, ATWOOB Offices: Listowel, Milverton.; ney to Loan, Harding, Owens & Gasiiw Barristers, Solicitors, &. STRATFORD, ONT, Money to Loan. Gordon Block, R,T. HARDING W. G, OWRAS W. Boop WIR Notary Pub! W. D. Weir, - Notary Public ASSO HES for the Counties of Perth hd Waterloo. Conveyancer, «deeds, wills, mortgages dcawe ad ata otapr oleh Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nove Stotta A. Chalmers, - Conveyancer, Issuer of M. J. Notary Public riage License Real estate bought and 80 Seme Gr immediate ante, MONKTON, ONTARIO H. C. BAIRD, "Phone 1, Local Agent Ghe Veterinary. R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Barr’s old stand New Spring Styles With spring Suitings and Overcoat- ings and Trimmings purchased and de hree years ago, e are offering you suits and over- coats at last year’s prices. eee uu are absolutely certain of get- ting the best value in town when you get us to make your clothes. eee orlaanship, fit, finish and fash- ion guaranteed, eee “| J. M. FLEISHHAUER Ladies’ and Men’s Tailor ce) MILVERTON, - INTARIO Hotels The Queens Hotel GANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO. 16--622 Best accommodation for commercial trar cllers'aad others Two large Samp} GEO. F, PAULL, Prop., - Milverton, Oat Sec! — Milverton Lodge No. 478 Meets every Monday evening on or before “fall moon a every month in thele ball wining brethren always w A. Harrow ls michele, Seog. Silver Star meaee No. 202 1. O. ry Frid STE att: 20m thete Meets iui over Bank of Hamiito Visiting brethren always W. Henr, . K, Loth, ninth Hlasecy. welcome » As Barth 60 ,-Seey, erent in| Weir's List of Farms For Sale arm ; all ie dwel- od im premises or to W. $11,000 will bog Jot 1, in the 13th concession of Wellesley: 150 acres; la fit ° chen and enn lary bank Sess Soles st sl pat ment house; pig pens an windmill; never falling ‘ring ‘lose to the buil ae fs at Tinwoeds 1 great bargain er somel mn, con- taining 50 acres. On the premj rected a good conan house with en al Drilled ‘gers Ss ae bani f roe mie d driving shed. Also the nortl es not to be mei entioned, Phot at this case was tan exceptio | Southeast quarter of lot 3, in the| $7 | 9th concession of Mornin, “He Looks Into the Eye" THIS METHOD, tb te Shao Weak Muscles: ae a Headaches Cured, yes in many cases gis as aes hen, glasses are fitted Advanced system. Children fecurately b portage ed wit asking questions, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED? P. HL | easter! Cry eres lot 3, in the 8th concession oe the south easterly 4 acres of Fee in the 8th renee eat ats ITARIG sion. Will be sold either a block 0: separately. : ‘ oz 008 Hagel Mora the cust but of 4 lot 8, yn; acres; % 5 brick haa: aise yank a; ren AUCTION SALES ‘ ~ good water; 2 miles from Milverton. It will ses ,200 will buy the nort of! your auction sales in the 9 eon. % aren, 100 a teres po ean has Rem corner farm. 8 ; SAL gdh ttokey rod brick tonms Nex |B trees eae countrys thes i no better medium: tian ns. Z 12 a.m.; 2 to 6 p.m. ‘edi STRATFORD_

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