top fie ae clelar Beene ¢ event fi sed by darkns pats aah aay faintest ase the white ‘ible, malin £ TO RENT Store and dwelling. Apply to R. Miller, Milverton. FOR SALE good driving horse rising 4 years old Saprly to John Ryan, Linwood. FOR SALE About Ss. hens ae aid). Apply at Sun office. FOR SALE Second-hand bicycle in good shape. Apply to. D, Atkin, Milverton. VICTORY BONDS Victory bonds bought and sold.— George Roe, R. R. No. 1, Newton. EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure-bred White Rocks—eggs $1 a pet setting. Apply to Robt. Hanna, WANTED. Second man as helper for the Pearl Creamery, Milverton. Apply at once at Factory. FOR SALE 2 Seed Boxes for No. 7 Massey- Harris Pepe Apply to Geo. Coxon, Milverto "NOTICE. We will ship hogs at Milverton and Brunner on Saturday, May 10th, a following ‘Saturdays. —Fred Zinimer- man & Son FOR SALE Holstein ae calf aout ready ‘for ee a Holstein -bull calf le Apply to Otta Miner, R, R. No, 1, Milverton. FOR SALE 4 asoline engine, slightly ; having pumped water’ on far for two summers; with jack and belt. Apply to W. G. Wray, Millbank. 4-t. FOR SALE mber of post office lock boxes C. Brown, Leghorn | j 8 HOW LT. McINTYRE MET DEATH ee Poi. ES pecan received a letter from Mrs. W. yre, of Ed- bust, Scotland, ees ct |. B. Mech ‘ormerly of Dabo, 2nd Dec., 1918. Bont McIntyre, aarie eld Road, in] ee “ike ‘tier of ‘Doth November. Wied 4 he able to ive you the i prion askes mn. August 16th ‘of. this year, in the yorensan there was seen in the e in: y son had met ot struck in een tor was on ihe he was already itech fae ‘the a aforesaid Holschburg. France and her Allies were always considered friends. There was a beg Or - the grave and| wreaths place: With sincerest Pagaceie in your (Signed) soe. ré of Dabo. ~|great grief, bbe “Li Force, Royal was ficially reported 16th August 1918. Unofficial Fats mation has now been ed that he was killed in air fighting on that date. Lt. ragoons in December 1915, and jorps.. He crossed to France are oh 1918.” QUARTERLY *diieers BOARD ET. h | John Davids ential farmer _ 5 with the receipt of On OBITUARY JOHN DAVIDSON News of the sudden death of Mr. son, a bee aminent and in- ‘on, on morni aoe as a aot ahock’ to “this: community. closely followed by he ene . x. he “An honest man here lies at rest, As e’er God The Fait with his image blest. end of man, the friend of The following is taken aoe the zi it when he joined the Royal Canadians ¢ Dr tranate ks from them to the Royal} , |Thefriend “ofage and guide of youth” ‘and was held in universal esteem and his sudden and comparatively early 54 Yacaney, which, will re of Se and and Delong: as a native jed to eee sturdy branch o: ‘igh- i ae ce known as ea of aeshine: Wher woe e years of age ine with his parents, the late Mr. and im, {| Mrs. lugh Dayidson, niga to VAtaisice Skate in ‘ington, i which was the ‘orest. ithe fruitful soil. He was a man of |powerful physique and in the early ays had e jo! the township’s tug-of-war team. About forty-two years ago he led to e nee John Turnbull low! i ; | Hugh, President of Cassidy’s Limited, Vancouver; Alex., Miss Janet Mrs, John Munro, of Mornington; brother, David, having pre-deceased but a few months. Davidson always enjoyed the confidence of his fellowmen ora yee toba, Can: mt of d George rn Farmers’ Weather Insurance Waizon’s College and after leaving | Co. odstock, and” of chool te went to Canada, where he| Mornington ce as peciety i was’ on the es Staff of the Can-j which 2 tine adian hae Railway for a time. | terest, Pig, abe ee fe wa the staff of the Bank cr devoted Presbyterian -and was Nova Scotia at Milverton, ruling elder in North Mornington countryman, the poet Burns, and keys (in good condition) for sale|_ Qn Monday afternoon the Quarter-|@"¢_ he himself | had rege paces at half. price ‘Apply at Sun office, {ly ypfficial Board of the Milverton will have noted. ‘The tet Milverton. 4-t. | Methodist church met to complete the | Yijun took pl ste wotk of the year, which nominally | hich took place on Tuesday after. Side om April 80 and to prepare thy [noon from his late residence to Mill- FOR SALE report for district meeting and specie bags b bgt pan ig ae ais Annual Conference, Every \depart-| Ono ‘of the: largest ever seen in the zoomed | house eth woodshed, : oh re being over two hun lots of fruit, arn in rocession. and caring Cpe hard and soft wat- rom. jistance were er. h line sehool. ‘or John Campbell, Stratford; Mes- further particulars apply to John yy. Hay, M.P.P., and Georg agner, Milverton, Ont. Mahone Listowel; if EGGS FOR HATCHING Bred-to-lay S. C. White Leghorns. My flock of 65 hens laid 98 dozen or 100. R. is filvert on. FOR SALE Holstein bull calf (pure- bred) sir. ed by second prize bull a reat rea While a) R 0. the Board for pulpit pply, the ard .paid it and still Sa not to the Contin- community or the sight perhaps, iis still pleasing to have the Missionary Spirit aglow in the life of a community. rnestly his hearty FOR SALE $500. 00 will buy a good’ dwelling house with a nice shoe Leni maker’ ‘8 worl La Five G cheap for a sale. Por 4 further articulars cal r Mr. A. Diemert’ ilbank, Ont. EGGS FOR HATCHING rous stock, Keiffer, 4-t, , PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS the ine rele walecieal storms | Ch is is cepkond owners will wise to ears thei Bentning ee with fates W and secure poe St FOR SALE Frame house, eight rooms and store Lea ¥.schmit, ‘Milverton, e best material and a tried ‘well. For further ee pply to V. Siegner, Poole 3 COMMERCIAL Said ane per bus. 3&8 : af a 06 Fall 21 ana Oats War Flour, spring, owt. rf War Flour, blended ewt, 5 60 War Flour, winter, ewt. ere So site joe~ of fo aildings with |, septa faith and confiden VILLAGE ASSESSMENT FIGURES ee Gaal assessor for the s completed j| his roll for the year 19 ‘rom his | g, ete val- e: e x local improvements only. i ublic property to the not subject to ‘te have 25 dogs. The rte Supnne ot baxahle. pro) operty in ount y275 as Sempated: with | 2 gut 00 last year. books at The office. We are ‘Tenders for Bratt Tenders Be pad ee oe tie and yan a drai 7, Con. sioner Township of Mornin, TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTON Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision on the ‘Aanenarnent ’ Newton, on Thurs- oe 1919, at two o'clock agai ent Ro! “os int ine cay fort the Clerk of the ee before the 20th day.of Mi WADDELL, Clerk. Britton, No. x May 6th, 1919. e s| ton; W. | Tavish, J. aye * | John The Pastor, for himself and family, |¢ ‘ais begs out of vi Leave your Caer for counter check agents for. "Apoleford—the best on | Oo Wroxete: and the, Doxaldson, » Wm. Turnbull, John Turnbull, Chas. Neilson and Phineas ronald. n m, diverter of the Mornitzton Agricul- e | tural Society the shadow— the clearer li stepping behind the curtain, Getting a better sight. Passing out of the shadow— Into eternal Letts not call: this dying— This beautiful passing away. eee MRS. ISAAC ATKIN an illness extending over ret Atkin, Her hiaiband gedecensed her by about. two y She i fly’ of two. sons: and brought ah oat home on Ml str rom whence the funeral took place rother, namely, ae, of | Listowel, and m, Orr, of ais * Se tae. einaiene ord has been received from Bel- ihidphasss Washington, that Mr. postmaster ‘and moi a resident of Milverton, had died there af the residence of his daughter, Mrs. on Sunday, A) Sitoean oe acnanie ae Ngee many Me came to C: when vung man and worked the most of iis Ife at the trade of shoemak- ing. His wi: died in 1915, afte: which he resided in Baden for a is terwards going to Bellingham where sever rs of hi ages Thomas, Belling . Doughty, Toro arian; Wellesley; Mt oes Witiard, Bel- lingham, and Lizzi = op. ets oe liam, ny; an The Charm of Your Personality Is Intensified by What You Wea r Not every store is it that—like ENGELAND’S—enables one to satisfy taste with definite knowledge that each garment is qualified. by true style and marked distinction. with hemstitching ite and i rleshy; other nue interest. eee and tucks—$1. Te. $1.50 to $6.00. again this season, Spec make this display the best of all has result: ed in a hat showing that is in a spring Shirts To buy a shirt of pleasing pattern ignot. difficult, but our Men's Bestrto-Duy Clothing— about o1 Suits avy i Steel, ‘Res ‘ol Biscuit and when we aay ae Boys’ Clothes are Black are the strong selling colors in the best to both the ide vim and the mor conservative styles. All sizes 614 to Searched the country over Hoes Bopat BOs up; * Mania for the best wearing cloths, the best a hav shirts have all kinds. ENGELAND & SON The Home of Good Clothes, MILVERTON Whether I he more costly, Ecce: price range provides tor ‘he most ie best of Bere styles represented in this showing, tention a drawn. - THE SMARTNESS OF THE SKIRTS re is an irresistible charm—a_certin our new skirts exceptionally well 1i some in appearance, but the styles represented are tru! ‘he prices we have marked o1 their Thee qualities, We've been selling you for a long, {one time There are an unusually large num- ber of fine Smooth Worsteds, in fancy- enecks, st pes ind plain cloths, a striking gathering of Black and Blue Serges, and ry satisfactory and interesting gathering Summer Greys. All thi w desi and styles es 31 are generously represented. to 48. Prices $10.00 to $35.00. Made-to- Measure guaranteed d. and Gud opt. bate tely aa peacOlr large range of these popular y advances. Prices range de Ta ‘ $30. 00 to $45.00. and the most attractive patterns, and they are here in ‘in bie variety and they are priced right—$5.00 to $15.00. The New Caps aps in every conceivable hue and the and evenings and for outings, Prices 500 to $1.50. The Finest of Ladies’ Suits— The eu of ie season’s ele makes this display on: f Many charming styles for Matron or Miss A na pray a0 pueaal in the’ aoe “COATS, CAPES, BLOUSES Special at- attractiveness that maki liked. Not only = Ree panei ss hand: mn them are ate consistent with Choose Aah from $5.75 to $15. 00. Now in Stock A complete line of Corsets just re- ceived. We carry— GOSSARD, — NEMO, D. & A. and CROMPTON CORSETS Ladies, we invite you to call and ewest styles than that PALMERSTON PREPARES GREAT -ELEBRATION Palmerston had Sige Sait ie hold a three-day Soldiers’ Wel Home ‘eet |on August 3rd, ath and th, 71919, but ing Elora, Art! Te come Home acco: set the aatee 7 Suly ath, 28th, 29th and 30) The seaimitees have been appoint- ower to act without ni natures rentoetii the f Xour days, thus giving ten ee fae jation. rs’ Wel- ‘ordingly | wish oeuvering over the grounds will pone of fhe many attractions pe nged, while prominent speakers will te ie, Pahenuph pat the cele- ration. The Sunday services will be con- ducted by the local pastors and re- turned Chaplains. lay prior the celebration will be practically de- one to welcomin; rly arri jeeretary, Horning, will be glad ar vacoing RoNgseE OD Palmerston Old Boys and Girls at a z 3 2 z 4 ae Ey forward them official invitations. maser ra BLADE EBACE puget LEAV! Gclugmen, (Arison) Miner). William ae eles a frac- sve shoulder blade early this week when a car which he was in ran off ‘oad at the south end of Fourth Kingman. as bs off the road at this point, there havi een several enters at the same place the past y FURNITURE! We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furniture. See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers. We have a large assortment of Dressers and Stands, A nice new stock of Brass Beds at popular prices If you need anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- utes when in town and look over our stock. ‘We also have Stair and Body Carpet. Congoleum Squares look nice,’ We have them. Linoleum always on hand. GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS - McLAUGHLIN AUTOMOBILES ROBERT McMANE Milverton Funeral Director Furniture Dealer _—_ and Embalmer