BRINGING DOWN THE 7 ‘TEPPELINS © 2 island of Amieland. Now. sweeping in a eangtrgeany circle,. ee headed, back ‘The mist was lifting ibe When off id again side ot it orclock bes se second pilot, sud-| in-the mist, saw gender five ie on th tarboard ROYAL NAVY AIR SERVICE IN beane and at a.height of only 1,500 NORTH SEA FOGS. Out at Dawn in Seaplane, Wrecked the Enemy Airshipeand Back For Dinner. Becta: patrols, both day and night, along outer fringes of our mine- fields in ‘the Bight of Heligoland, were ans 4 out throughout the war, des- e Zeppelins from the shed: th ese Zeppelins an- § 1917 ae ae boats, being brought down in by a flying East ais Fells: In the ‘days of the Royal Navy Air perce when seaplane pilots wore gold, and naval routine was ttowed at Peitatowe, sd first diene ena: morning in 1917, jeri vaste ane by a tele. mache: ae a the Admiralty. Con- sider nging of the bell the peb- | te aronped in the sfeeping poo}, and how the ripples wigened, and antil they broke on the 0 Getting Into Action. ‘The opts ett ige Tang up duty office’ wret slept, or ath her raid not sleep, mis for hesagora for . who cutferod rani somnia, aw ways ed out who, afte crossed the quarterdeck. As he did so he cast an eye aloft, sniffed the air, promised himself that ould be & e ae 5 £ & 3 4 = three gate, and turned ‘Se fae ne id across the of- get out the flying boat, and a1 be Beez to start the the wireless binra tans f the fly- ie peas and the Fifzeen minutes later the inet com- mander was stumbling about in one of and flooded the shed rpose put on The working le fast a stout line to the rear of th the trolley. now just beginning to get into the taxied clear, and then, the first pi opening his engines full out, Oe fea structure, driven along the water by arg cise It was a quar- 600 roaring horsepower, ward and took the air. ter after 5 o'clock. Across the North Sea. * turned out to sea and steadied ‘on her course, the first pilot h- rol pune. had been cut on a similar so far he had been unsuccessful. As '77 passed out known buoys at the mouth of the har- bor the mfat eats in, so the first pice t down | to 600 feet throttling Tok Siento Ht ae doing a steady sixty knots. Fit- a big mine fleld int No Man's ond _ce-the . Noxth Sea, th mits thickened, and, jus Thake it more cult, the sun, large and red, as if with an Pie a 4 tae above the ho vel with the eyes aC ae first pilot, 4 Seat it diff. cult for him to see his instruments. The Chage and the Quarry. After '77 had plugged along for hes hours and fifteen minutes, or a run of 146 miles, the second pilot, through rack mist, saw the flat pone. of the island of Vileland, Here altered, gad at 7.30 the res poat was off the r gold, with propellers bag she was evidently feet. Her ticking over, looking for min ‘The first pilot. wang the bow of "77 toward the airship, opened out the engines, and climbed to 2000 feet. a engineer took the stern guns, Sev: seven was now 1000 yards away ‘fron the Zeppelin and slightly above her. ‘The lockout on the gas-bag evident- ly sighted fe fying boat, for the en- gines were i changed, and pes men b: hufriedly ferdmbling to the gun in the tail on tl on top. ‘The flying boat dive pelin’s tail at a screaming 110 ae and passed Aiaseonlls across foarte to en ee “100 feet above es “00 feet away, the acne oat got in two bursts from his mac) ie used only ‘fifteen cactiine ‘As °TT cleared the Zeppelin, the“irst ilot made a sharp righthand turn and found himsellf slightly below and heading straight for the enemy. He read her number, @ize staggered him. she was on fire. | trols, he lifted ti | Zeppelin, and just in time, for, with a tremendous burst bi | in nhalf, and, each ee burning’ furious- ly, fell backwanta The hn gunner rolled Antg tiie Dame and vanishe kerchiefs of the crew fiuttering from the barrelis of the machine guns. eee SEAS BOTTLING UP NAVY VESSELS. | Failure of German Plot at Cromarty Firth, Scotland. Perhaps one oi the most romantic, and at the carried on by G the Scottish shores, was recorded at the northern naval base of Cromarty 5. Aeat the time stated the Iron Duke, en Jellicoe’s flagship, the Second Battie Somer Faguaacon sapetating Re Ge mau pe rue fae tips a ‘the samé class, together with attending flotilias of destroyers le: % “shore” THREE es Invergor age upoon a night of impene- trable fog (says a naval correspond- ent), which smothered the whole Mo- y Firth in an imprisoning blanket, a at Cromarty and Ce Se ieee long: — ini have had kn correspondea with the Meme re enterpr: MiGerssornie crews worked inces- 01 santly, only coming into harbor for coal ageare and hurrying away out ‘ery. available craft at the base was papiteien ae hed a oe row Seite was Through this the Iron slipped daha and stole up to the safer harboraj ft Se Flow, where the fleets can 2 literally play hide and ae tee tantalized minel ines. The remain: "3 aimee followed soon afterwards, SSeS Solid Gold Swords for British Chiefs. if and sea on the Recon when they will be given the freedom of oe ote of mdon at ceremonies n pros- The swords will be of 3 carat ares: ‘ions id enamel and r pect. of London. manders who will receive Admiral Sir David Beatty, Field Marshal Lord French, pres; Field Marshal an Douglas Haig and General Sir mund H. H, Allenby. GIRLS! Rage JUICE A SKIN WHITENER How to make a creamy beauty lotion for a few cent The juice of two fresh Jemons strained into a bottle containing three h 80 fet will keep fresh for bia ay Fare fs is weed “a leach and remove stich mis] te skies gallownogs | jal skin softener. penn taf wr and itifter. ir. try it! Get three ounces of daily into the face, hand: neck, arms and faa ae Lea ‘o listen to ean Eve family Bae form th ves inte a class to study musical eoueaiore for or spot the mines, an a nar-| ¢ The Latest Designs. AIRSHIP OR AEROPLANE? . ‘A-Gomparison Shows That the ‘Advan- tage is With the Former. ‘A box-pleated skirt is always smart and neat-looking for the gil. “This one ia developed in and trimmed with plain Pattern No. 8834, In 5 sizes, 6 to 14 years. fine. oY . | 20 cents. © Mocau, i A pleasing. and youthfal design is this blac creation combined with Guceeeits crepe. MeCall Pat- tern No. 8856, Misses’ Dress. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Price, 25 cents. jx ers ae Sra es 7 Price, 20 cents eacl waist. § sizes, 84 to 44’ bust, patterns may be. obtained gout, local MeCall dealer, or from the MeCall Co., 70 Toronto, Dept. | meen semanend Being Treg. I wonder if hana ra it en treés? T suppose t It ee Tot Tee to nae “the ground And teal vate stand right straight up like that-— the middle—and th at ease, Big a se are ag small ones that then And a tows ete leaves that flutter ‘Minard’s Idniment Iiimberman’s Friana growing | ® _that an seranlep re- quires ae Hee and a half times more power'than an airship! to aie the same total weight, travelling at the same speed? as The solution is to Se oe in a com- parison of what is called the “co-ef- ficent of tractive Spence of the two types of aircraft This term, whilst it has rather a age of the total ws example, supposing a peram- bulator, complete wit weighs 100 Ibs, and : ain speed 5 Ibs., then the poreentase of tractive resistance for the Pea a rae speed is &, onriciaty, e lower the percentage the more ef- Aen is the ne 4 cester, in his book, othe Flying Machine from an Engin- sering Standpoint,” gives the follow- ing figures for som of SRG in common use to-day, his list has been add a a 60- ton airship, paral ling at a speed of 60 miles an how: Per Cent. ee pace tyred motor Ry. grees (normally 12-knot oust boat . ‘oplal 15.00 it sree the airship is see soa tales more sistance is aly 1.92, or Jess than that of a motor- of lift has. more important if we e lift 3 out alah, and incidentally “nis rey more than 20 per cent. eae Gs ae mensions, the tractive resistance co- efficient st Abmllei per Hout aly At 45 ales per hour pe pelalancs would: be as low as 1.3: nt. — very ttle more than that Se a aes train. One me is mee ee inclined to ‘Why then do we not build airships dan or twenty times naar than present vessels and e advantages of this amazing increase in efficiency. he reason is that the development of airships is a in, its infancy. See: years ago the greatest engineer day would rave peat at pele =i progressive stages of development as steamships haye done. EE SOE Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then pass it along to others. ] It works! $—0—0—0—0—0— 0 02-0009 2Pttt th of rough be heard less here in town it authority, who claims that.a few drops of a drug called freezong whon appl ton tender, aching corn stops soreness mee, an son corn dries uj neat lifts right out without pain. of American women will welcome this since the of the high heels. The Uniform. ‘There's something in the uniform that fills my heart with It’s jolie eae stains and thread-bare s make me thrill inside! ‘Too atop ‘for idle shouting and too n for empty cheers, My oe ioe aae tim adtioral beias 8 in my tear They had their faults, no doubt, those boys who went away to fight, But somehow their clean sacrifice out their failings quite. They did their best in face of all that man detests and fears— And now the faded uniform calls forth our sudden tears. It ee 80 en tells so much of Woe and death, of courage ‘hat ety ee ont true of en hei ei appear: What waver that thé unitor-d draws the smarting tears! Oh let ed Pad the AGEs and cherish ride— It bathe ot that unsullied ‘Truth for our thousands died. Place ae ore St ai can ate its age ino} And wold - Same sete, ith Premios. ane yet Minaré’s Tinment used by Phystolans. A Fifty-Fifty-trishman, In his book, “From Gallipoli to Bag- dad,” “Padre” William Ewing tells the story of a burly Irishman brought in- Yo the’ field-hospital suffering from the doctor, “Sure, 'm nae an Irishman.” “And what's the other half?” “Holes and bandages.” —EGGS ‘Can be preserved at a cost of 2c per Bozen with Fleming Egg Preserve pale 1 rub ee fea sae Pera Va wil — eggs Gert from your dealer or send ie to t Fleming Egg Preserver Co. 166 Craig ‘Montreal e of the ane b w In the case a aeroplanes, the horse- TWO NEW FRUITS, Grown in the Philippines—One Term- ed Vegetable Limburger. has been found in the Philip- e durian, whi n on a lofty tree somewhat resembling an elm, is abou! large a coco , has a shiny shell and contains a creamy ines S01 of the pulp which comb! flavors of delicious custard with those American soldiers have dubbed the durian the ‘vegetable limburger.” The other rare fruit is the Saag ne canes flavored liquic contains has not yet been eats here Ca for foro ing. GIRLS! HAVE A MASS QF BEAUTIFUL E:AlR, SOFT, GLOSSY, WAVY -| A small bottle Hea cis oh dandruff and doubles beauty of your hair. of s in the Philippines hin ten minutes after an appli- scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw through your hair, ing one si wavy, and an appearance of abundance; "an incomparable lustre, of it a oe will just try a little Danderi ga a Murphy Preferred Coasting. An officer on board a warship was drilling his men. “IT want every man to lie on his back, put his legs in the air, and move them as if he were sheets a mee he ex- plained “Now After a short starts one oe the men stopped. “Why have you stopped, Murphy?” asked. tes officer. “If ye plaze, sir,” was the ariswer, “Oim pairs A shoe 3 Liniment Co., Limited. I very sick with Quinsy ay thought I would strangle. 1 MINARD'S, LINIMENT and it Ba me at once. I am never without it now. Yours gratefully, . ©. D. PRINCE. Nauwigewauk, Oct. 21st. Canadi feed, Ralsed from gym the best ateck by Dominion dete of Involce and §% allowed pestioalare ae a cation, AWN! a Fecal ‘Ont. LUMBER QAVE BIG MONEY ON LUMBER. ‘Write to-day for our “Mill-Dire: or’ User" prices before order! e ental Farm: Satisfaction guarant sor money beck. SUPPL Lnerrsp. Shipped anywhere. Davies Construction Prizes, ka Salow! Company, Vaneouyer, EXC: RIVE POULTRY WANTED. ER ———E—Ee Oc. AND Up, et: ancy poultry | to ats Write for ‘Price, inrauch & Bon. Bits Gt. ean Heepale, Marken Mma NURSES. URSES BARN $15 TO $25 A WEEK. Tearn without leaving bome, Tor : Bolence Depts 48: troronver. Ca FOR SALE. ELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER and Job printing plant in Rantern Ontarle:,, Zumerance-carvibd $1,600: “WALL 0 on aulek satel Hox 03, Wuson Publlening Cor Leas to. MISCELLANEOUS. Freight paid and sacks fre et payment bank draft ¢0. days from for cash on appli- . DR. M. Central Experimental Farm. rt. Ont. si Ho Bible times music played ai m the social life of the maint pes said to have re- ft a een of Jacob's ee e because it depriv be opportunity of sending him a oay with m MONEY OR ORDERS. uy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express Meter Orders, Five dollars costs three cents. General Tronsides is the British commander opposed to the Bolshe- vists in the Murmansk region of Russia. Keep Minart’s Itaimont in the how The correct “way “way to dry an Sirellac ig cpetatnl 1¢ manda; dviyh ine up and down position so that the wet dripa- Dut: ipnvea ot ins DOMINION Bicycle Tires WILL SERVE YOU WELL Ne ead that you could troubles, you will find in Dominion Bicycle Tires, They are Unduestiqnably he Best Tires” Be sure to ask our dealer for DOMINION TIRES that have proved and Ni Ask for Minard’s ana take no other. have them,” 0 “We'll get ’em.” It was a French army slogan during the war. Read: les, Root Painta, ete, MoDERMAD BROS, ” gorvts 5. sn THIS AU ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, The Union of South Africa con- Tate HAL 930 See AA out pain by tment. Write Dr. Bellman Medical ists of the provinces of Cape of Good us befor *e o, Tat aed fool savaal Orange Free State | Co. Limited, Salinewoo4 Ont patent EAGLE = AVP LD Write se aee for our big “On les aura” means “We r more FRE E Ca TALOGUE yiN L ct gripe owt fll ings of Dlcyles for teu MOTOR CYCLES All grades, Write for, prices. Ss, ATTACHMENTS TORONTO SALT WORKS Tanna eae pickaterne Gitar nace: B. a, ChIER 220s UPORONTO | | Rem end Fane or res een bey Seeepereeeseetemnie erence T. W. BOYD & SON, ROO E ‘IN NG = DON’T NEGLECT A RHEUMATIC PAIN Go after it with Sloan’s Liniment before it gets dangerous Roofing, “Asphatt Slate Shing. Board. Building Papers, Write for prices and~samples. Save money by buying direct. Apply a litile, don’t rub, let i trate, and—good- -by twinge! Saude for for :| CANADIAN GOVERNMENT LEGEND OF (Tas ao Care Leen eee a ee mmm AND bea 0 the a pirsgtke land children, Million: pas ott th. "Th of it, with touches of Ointment now) = and then to. little skin and scalp! BE ANS troubles, tends to insure a healthy Sore. skin, a'clean scalp and good hair i. i, 1 TREAL se Feel Kiddies Enjoy sare closets drains kills rats, SEND IT TO EXPERTS -P. ARKER’S ‘arker’s can aa oe ve carpets, curtains, laces, di 8, gowns, etc., and make them Took | ike new. Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods, and PARKER'S will renew them. We Uieien ys pasta one way and guarantee anciatectare: Wor Our booklet on Soak an that save money will be sent free on request to PARKER'S DYE Dyers Limited ‘ Cleaners and xe 791 Yonge St. . Toronto ISSUE 16—'19, ‘LOWERS, Goorgs