No $2.11%4, Ge Ne -» Bes Ss eB feeds Witiam, c fo. 4 C PW, § gsores rej 3 feed Gy in store Fort tL yellow, cae yellow, 3 $i. ee nominal, tra raecato; oF ‘shipme Ontario oats— 3 The, according to areigkts outside, shipping points, according ig! 3.05, pi ee cording at Sireights outside. aoe ley—Malting, 98¢ to $1.08, ‘inal. MBuckoheat No, 2, $1.15, nominal. Ry fo, 2, $1.68, nominal. a flour—Government stan- Government stan- t | Bat still ‘te ene ; the earest little Mother ‘neath the }| Because 1 love zou, pres And I eines eee sous lips —were | etic, "2 to ee I Jats Ee end Because I oe rou Mother dear, I 0 ‘ot your "goodness nae dear, I hem— The dower 7 wore so proudly and ‘The vseecter, “entlest lips I ever Meee deat, i, ‘eniskeds See vyeither tho’ they now may be— kissed them- And one ‘towers a bear that kiss to aA soe is for the sacrst years you've toil’d, ‘The ante is for your sarits divine, The ee is for eve ur warm and living a keep you, ¢ ure— Mag ‘Heaven bless Mothermin SWEET. MAY MORNS. Oh! the gay~ =solored birdies are_com- WE BEDE f Mt THE Bae vatil further order, of Doukhobors, ‘Hutterites 5 an Memon that eon an etal as a similated 0: The ordei presentations have been received that Doukhobors, ee and Mennon- i 4 2] ee and Hutterites. despatch aoe asia, eure n 0} in-coun- ‘ect was sicied” by the At resi espread feeling exists it aieely = ‘Hectnie readily as- ime the duties Pesponsbites of Canadian shi) a reasonable der adds that numerous re- sieipucd in the L partment will be designated the Royal a Army Chaplains Department. SS _All restrictions have been withdray regarding th le. 2 h | of farm an: 2 a eee : ree ot Lenten trustées, for educa- tional purpos x din Hes facilities shor Supreme in the dat World In future the Arm: Sue in, Ee Ministry of Supply is now con: Government s age cayenne 2 ‘tly. The bands of London Park will re- cae under private manat sement, but. , prompt shipment ae To warble so 0 sweet in the wild: ites are of this and sberactees spans stationed, there, on th |_Car lots, delivered Mon- js ie By we aie ee ey are a nuisi treal freights included. Bran, $42 per bins and orioles, GERMAN DELEGAT ie Wholesale Co-operative ton; shorts, $44 per ton; good feed) Jerr ee ead et Gok wine VERSAILLES. a5 ae SOAP! Society as Gant wide 100,000 flour, r $2.05 to $2.15 per Be a a ie ee No, ag pad A despatch from sr erseitlee says:—| ter mixed, $20 to $24 per ton, track To-} 45 remembrance comes the Easiesie eas d aie Asin Yapp bas received f : ae volume of bs the best part of their first d re| the “King “a cheai r £100 tor ee ae $10 to $F Perl mpey poured trom the treetops at — hss a eee tie ve M.C,A. work abroad. morn, VIERCHANT PAYS [7 TOTRE CARPENTER) THE CARPENTER SPENDS ITAT THE GROCERY THE GROCER RETURNS 1770 THE BANK) other resi Sir: Arthilé, Hvane<has: given to tne Country Produce—W! olesal. And melody swept like a clarion peal - ao ~~ windy, chilly se The British Museum the collection of si paceneriae ht A ae econ as Deeg THE POWER OF A TEN DOLLAR BILL prececupation of most of, them, from} ancient Celtic coins collected by his } prints, 0. 5 a ie thorn, Consider the POWER of a 1 ? Count yo. is a down, “fresh made prints, 58 to 60c. LATES, ee the POWER of ‘en Dollar Bill when it is syent AT HOME. It fs like MAGIC. It CIRCU- i he} Etnest Gaston, ot, Miadinporouan, amsen poultry—Chickens, 30. to! on, owes were ee days when we y a ED obligations. It creates BUSINESS and puts people to WORK in our communi | WAS he fi ic: roosters, 25¢;. fowl, 30. to. 33c; hy tbe ty. But the ten dollar bill that is sent away to the out-of-town house does NOTHING for OUR town. It Barber shops nenr "ee three ee Lecce tere nmne oe ie; A B n u e- ine n in A oe 826; turkeys, 45e; squabs, sath the shade vies sine spread: comes DEAD to US. It {8 out of commission forever as far ag OUR town is concerned. We NEVER see it again, ee ue ermans are quartered | "NS bee chceioaices be en, give POWER to the Money .we SPEND.. “Let us remember that out BEST investment is that ied of their stocks of soap the Local Go Hraaae Senna a sore wach one ee indenter: each nuit ee ee ape at HO Tne search of ‘the pre-| ep oos co reuene poeta ane 28 to 33¢; ducklings, Se; turkeys : cious substance a party of German|'® 5! George Newm: ~ 8be; chickens, pide « 5 Lord Jellicoe has started on a Yoy- holesalers are seeling to the re-| As our eae neat rin waubute and r secure the services of the band by| SEAL RING AN ANTIQUE. newspaper correspondents strolled! - 9 India and the dominiohst which cau far afield. Their appearance excited | °& a, t the following ies lee. aoe Rata a pote contribution ot | ey a awERRET eo raG Tent the Versail-| Will probably last for Seen months. ese. New, large, to 28%¢; i 5 y y to the suis ae They Wore Them if Rome in the Days e d his con- twins, 28% to 29c; triplets, 29 to| Then, oh, ae ps days of sweet, sunny = ‘te ee districts of F dasemal les sctleenk ands sieve the hostile| ection with the North Sees Rail 20%} Stilton, 293% fo 80; old, large, WHAT THE WESTER OPLB SC Ue rene display was limited to prolonged hiss- _ . A N PE ‘wo hundred and ei jenteen ocean way oe, “owing to his public 0 82e; twin, 82 to 32%. wet ‘noo? and gay we drifted Bie % ee Sn Goer et The seal ring worn by the modern }ing and hooting, te Houdaille, who} atic, = Sate real dairy; “choice, 50 to = forty children, arrived in Vancouver | P¥siness man.and ocassiona ed has charge of the police arrange-|/ Panes fang eared: Cerner solids, 60 to b1e}| In sunshine or rain, in Tove with the a trons oversena, And were civen 2 warm |2ea! important letters and_documents,|ments, «gave the indiscrest "soap a memoria SRA RRT eee prints, Ce | oodlal vell d its origin in the early ire anc ue ers a severe warning inst Margarine—34 to Progre: Tl welcome. ~i London schools who have been New. laid, 47 to 48c; new Life ‘a ibe our Bae a er ety the Great West Told ‘Trout fishing opened in Vancouver (Maly rca ade the centuries} roaming beyond the immediate sur- fhiiea TRahanageek te laid in cartons, ressed as ¥— Chickens, 40 to Ape spring chic! aa to 80c; roos- re why feet ta 3 ae 18 boc: ‘dockins, 5 to B8e; squabs, doz., $7; geese, 28 to c. Live sa Meee chickens, 60 to Potatoes—Ontario, Toronto, car lots, $i. 10. 3 aL: a | track outside, $1, G0 to $1.50, eans—Can., -picked, _bus., $4.25 to $4.50; primes, $3 to $3.25; jmported, hand-picked, Burma or In- dian, $3.50; Limas, ” 60 Ib. tins, 24 to 25e; buckwheat, 60 ib. tins, 19 to 20e. Comb: 16 o7., $4.50 to $5 doz.; 10 oz, $3.50 to $4 a Maple products.— im- perial, gallon, $2.45 98 50; per 5 Imperial "gallons to’ $2.40; sugar, lb., rovisions —Wholesi its—I ere to Somes ie; “pais 27% to Shes bie 27% oatrant AL lark Montr oa May 62Oats~Extra Ne 1 feed, 88¢. Flour—Spring w standard grade, $11 to s— ee to. $12.50; d , $11.75 50; do, med., S060" to § S11, do, rough, $8 to $8.50; iS , $12 to $13; oat ‘cove, choice. ewt. Ste $18.50, ecco to quality. "Bute tale, $7.50 to ae. q 0) And the eae ot Woe. is buached and ;| When thes: an herd unseen on Flan- A ders’ field wheat aa et Tele Ea et 8: "Til out from the heart of Flanders’ 1! terms presented to to| it m ue my dear, I’m afraid I left it o1 train.” ayes eee we recked of the sorrows rani ie Faween o'er our lives like bill low ‘The tears of the evening were smiles at the morn, ee aie Hos swegt dreams on our pillow. In Flanders Ground. ‘The guns are sleeping on Flanders field iat the silent dead, 2 gun shines overhead, Ti night gives stars to spray the scene With gems that can never fi Though Pari fait on abe Noeed soil Where Freedom’s men are laid. It called ak the vale of Death, ‘As men looked agast at the work of man With fevered and bated breath. “Came at ae , with unerring will, ‘And guns grew dumb at the hand of man, Inert at last, was still. mn the broad expanse of Flanders’ field ‘A silent Awe now reigns, in the halls of space When the trumpet of time shall sound, There shall aon all those who in silent worth Are rsa in Flanders ground. See Losses Imposed Germany iy Terms of Allies teh from Paris says:— Germany inelade! a Joss of seventy per cent. of her iron re, rd of her coal deposits, Sete per cent. of he xr potash, and} between 7,400,000. and 8,000,000 of her pre-war population A despatel incurable. Profe: ie piss e railroad ay wife genet good. Where is Peet By Jove, I—really, m the age six ‘hundred soldier applicants for peared eer the qnali- aa for ‘The ae = lulled by the voice of must aot at qmbrelle. I left on the aie last week.’ a Few Pointed Paragraphs. Calgary School Board uy spend half a million dollars this y: Pincherm Heiss is going tb enforce its curfew by-la’ The Great War Veterans at Historie have endorsed the SiS of the ternational Rare the occasion. suring 42 inches in length and Bape the scales at 27 ae was the re- cord stecl-head t ‘Assuming full Teponstlity tor the returned soldiers after they have bee Teleseed by: tacts autioation the bd alent of pees Civil Re- t Vancouver ha tion and os a nabecctsn agreem that Veterans be given preference fo: ine in the mills. The British steamship Cyclops, af- ter aes years’ absence from the ied and braving the dangers of sub- Cc i W. A. McAdam of Duncan as been chosen as publicity commis- sae ta eae and Island De- Nelapinent Aasociat Nanaimo and pores City were the winners in the preliminary games 7 Me secede Shield, siplomatie of pall championship of pro- testing against ey eee eet of f Great | War Veterans on the Indian oe rho has eee re- , has been given tls former position as foreman car- penter the School Board mae. as 2 Inspector Barrs, at me ‘total amount of ue increase in ‘s’ salaries for Liet W. Boultbee, of eneotatad have re- a returned from overs the time the Manit tata Parlia- it Buildings are completed six mil- have been spent. before the Mantoba the Fede men’ lion Saat will A resolution disablement, with proper provision for wives and children. 3. es rere Associa- tion har ssed a resolution to give i financial aid to the Returned Soldiers’ ‘lub. first iaiaiceys of the season gathers ‘and Forks on Sunday, a ne abe “ ‘There have been several oo i in the Ficinity of South Van- cou’ "that the people of alist Columbia cousiderably more ¢o- and initiative if they ‘The were the British Columbia eae Assoeiasins during the course addres: he annual meetin; It ts ania that the proceeds of the concert recently givenein Van- poner by the French Band exceeded ina. ation pean at Rey he. guarantee of $2,000 necessary to sre gistered, up ie February 22nd, 715 men, 106 of whom have been placed in positions. ee ER The Nurse Who Stayed Home. We Dues asa ee adoration our And tee ‘worthy cabs A aie justly But ute e still suns iaoland we haven't far "Tis the eirl who reed the old folks and the babies here at hom Hers the task to heal the aged or the guise left behind; to render corfort unto five e of feeble mind; Hers to serve in ward and household in this land from sea to sea, While ae sister nurses served the use in winning victory: And slie had no thrill of battle to ex cite her to her tas And she had-no dream ot slore ah! what honors could she ask? thee aan but imple. pee of home, of life and art— That ae *xent her at the bedsides in her vigils with the chart. Oh, Be never- ene gow of-our wo- anhoo Here's a ‘health to ‘her that ventured far beyond the ocean foam, And a double health forever eg the nurse who stayed at hom Pe Relic of the Romans. There is a showcase in the British Museum that is proving very interest- in British section con- taining the discharge certificates given to | the e are quaintlly worded, and record the act that Ail ee eee hon- ora a wr 25 yer service,” are al- ranted nian tiene if n ready held, ma: pe The iperishabe oe that is herald- TWO. BILLION FRANCS re TO marry, eae each.” last. sentence, in patie lar, amuses the khaki visitors. Koa Made-in. wo! Ganeae: ‘Gouda A au & T¢ Cs ies #32 Ganafian: ae 8 bears in intagllio the font whicl hh us Gate ie eos artists, taken cap- tive to aaaibaned’ ‘with the jewelry of other ok nations, the distinctly Roman d to possess the adyant- one we) onstruction and the use of large eockegs republic the use Ww - a pearls and emeralds from head to TaiGhedting the decadence os ase zi x Pompey’s Oriental conquests. The Front Line. Mr. Philip Gibbs, the famous war correspondent, Tecently told a London piulence a good story. It was at the me of the Huns’ first precipitate re- it i matter of fact, sir, 1 am the front line.” GO TO BELGIUM Settee of their billets. Ge FORESTS es BE PLANTED se oe ae [Preparing for Task at f $17,000,000. Two tone 2 Beemer acres Gre: emergency. Foresters are being GERMAN SHIPS TO BE DISTRIBUTED A AMONG ALLIES A despatch from Paris says:— German fleet is not to be destroyed, it will be distributed. Final ion has just been reached on this point. Great Britain, which at first e the plan for ti of the German craft ‘ar Taachines, ey its position and came to ihe support of France .d Italy, which had Fasived thea of the craft among the cast erican peace delegation op- as st plan of destruction from the first Great Se to Exchanj A. despatch He London says:— the British announced thi for the pa eee ae all Bre ee in the hands of the ts. > _ ear et) Lake ae nevi Sadar: Seat of League ‘A despatch from Paris says “A. despatch trom. Ga lace for the permanent seat. of the will be constrnet- of $17,000,000, according to an an- oo one of the magistrates paid her nouncement government. The ees will replace some of the heavy recent Sunday in Souitiyani timber eut down during the war and cated air Sere MacKenzi provide additional forests, so that|r mit the names profession the country may be inde] name a Santas Welledeor a onier a other Jimber ysources in war. trained and | ne’ oc 000 acres within the next forty years.| t8! s ble t hout sus- Tener k: With a ee Or has sie moun fe it without sus: In cutting round tops and bottom: It is proposed to erect commemora- tive tablets on spots where bombs fell with a record of The Co~ -operative Wholesale Society of Manchester have Reps that their mployees, Aue ‘ing 30,000, should join a Lage 2 widow of Reigate, ue re shilling: The omnibus service between Put- and Liverpool street, which was mnapended during the aware: has been as business of the Law ean and Insurance Compan: been the London ar Lanca- mouth publican, who won the Victoria Cross in South Africa. TIN STOCKINGS. Many Persons Wear Them Uncon- sciously—Disguised With Silk. ‘We have adopted many foreign ideas of comfort or utility, but no one has - sought to introduce the wooden shoe stocking is fro, e tin stocking even less suggestive of luxury, and yet many of us wear them. Of course erson ‘could not wear a sock of “eightee! tin be uncon- qubstanes to welelt his goods. A silk garment hangs and fits, olds “its dveryone eighted pongee silks. So facture of tin cans and of silks ate. One disposes of.his tin waste Belgians have asked the Cou yen. silk. & Three for-a first nd ronce of two) st oH Deagtety) site3! tin-can fac is pu \ Pa ee franes on oe of the ae Tae aaiere city.| some silk ace contain as aaah pe rman inden aly orig to|In the meantime the city authorities as thirty per cént, of tin, The use is enc) jes, it ee that} v 1 the Palais Eynard, near|entirely legitimate, since the trade de- ; they have re anes definite me sat- University, at the disposition of| mands a silk th: firm_and heavy delegates. for certain garments for which the isfactery assufances. BRINGING uETF FATHER GARR’ 9 giles 2 fiswr THAT MRS. ae SN'T SHE pee \ oe alt SMART: 20 AN’ TALK TO HER: San cin ONE- DO ee Pe YER: SURE TE SICK MAN TH, ae Beene 3% aT wm SOST EIGHT YEARS | OLD AN’ 1Go es meecls vo AT ie ad from the oxide the metal can solved. gee 7 GERMANY MAY JOIN LEAGUE AT EXPIRATION OF ONE YEAR A pegs from London says it at Pasi Robert gree a period of age ‘pally one year.