Milverton Sun, 29 May 1919, p. 3

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: Every Wage Earner =. An Investor — Every wage earner can be am investor in gilt-edged securities bearing a high rate of “interest without sacrifice or worry. The plan is so simple and secure that it commends itself to everybody. All of us spend a portion of our earnings thoughtlessly. is human nature. Yet most of us would’be glad if someone would take the money we fritter away and save it for us, because we find it difficult to save it ourselves. Make your employer do it by m.ans of War that for a year.” . That is all, Your mind is free, You will not miss that 75 cents or that dollar which you have hitherto squandered on trifles. But at the end of the year you will have a little package of War Savings Stamps, each bearing ‘thé $5.00 mark, but which have cost you but a few cents over $4.00 each, These Canada will redeem in 1924. . Make Your Savings Serve You and Serve Your Country—Invest Them in War Savings Stamps. MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE ... See Our . ~ Ladies’ | New pring Coats Newest Styles = Prices Right WEBER & BETTGER FOR THE BREEDING PEN MADE CAREFULLY. Vigorous, Well Grown Young Fowls of Hither Sex Are Needed—Some Account of the External Marks, and How to Identify the Hens That Lay When Trap Nests Are Not Used. ‘It is time that preparations were strong, high-producing stock, These males sliould be mated not able in other respects, that is, if they conform to the requirements of the breed. f If trap-nests are not used, depend- ence will have to be placed on ex- ternal indications of production for selection. When a pullet of a yellow-skinned variety, such as the Leghorn, Ply- mouth Rock, Wyandotte or Rhode Island Red starts to lay, her legs and beak Will be rich-colored as well as uses up the surplus fat in the body, and the various parts begin to fade. bleach out a trifle more slowly than The ear-lobes of Leghorns duction than a bleached vent or eye- lid. r The next change is in the beak. Beginning at the base the color gradually disappears until it finally leaves the front part of the upper beak, A bleached beak means heavy production for at least the past fou to six weeks. The shanks are the slowest to bleach out so that bleach- ed shanks maybe taken as an indi- cation that the bird has been laying for a considerable time. In the absence of trap-nests, there- pelvic arch so as to give capacity. The abdomen will be soft and pli- able. The hens that will have been re- served for breeders will be either ly mentioned. ‘The number of females to allow to a male will depend on the conditions under which they are kept. For breeds of’ the general type, SELECTION OF BIRDS MUST BE | uol sham, Que., May Srd, 1915. ope ren years, [suffered terribly . from readaches and Indiges- tte Finally, d advised “*Frult-a-tives”, I ok this grand fruit medicine and if madg fué well. To everyone who fable health with Constipa-- ionand In: tionandBadStomach, I say take ‘Fruit-a-tiyes”’, and you will get well”. x ALBERT VARNER, 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢, At dealers orsent postpaid by Fruit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont, Canada’s Great Record. Canada’s contribution to the Red Gross is the greatest per capita in the world. The total contribution is $12,- 250,000. Great Britain’s contribytion to the Red Cross is £5,000,000, com- pared with . Canada’s Canada’s contribution shows an even more favorable com- parative record. Company Farming Succeeds. now in order to take over good va- cant land in the and HINTS FOR SECURING PERFECT SATISFACTION. Experiments Will Show How Heavily to Sow In the Open to Secure the Best Results—Tests Can Be Made by Using Pieces of Damp Blotting / Paper, But Use of Earth Advised. upon the reputation of the seedman for getting seed of the variety he in this regard are complied with, there is plenty of chance-for the seed to be better or worse as regards its percentage of germination, and it is, no doubt, a satisfaction to the grower to know just- what to expect as re- ' gards the number of plants that will appear as a result of sowing at a certain thickness. experimental station, but if the in- tending grower decides to make the test himself it is better to plant fifty or a hundred of the seeds in a flat e box as they would be if paper, and keeping them moist, but not too wet, and at ordinary room “7 Oshawa. Citizens Of every town are asked to get together and talk it over. V.C. for ex-Torontonian. Lieut. George A. Trorey, a son of George E. Trorey, manager of Birks, ‘ who with his brother, J. J. Trorey, formerly lived in Toronto, has. been recommended for valiantly is men while wounded prisoner hands. Freight Car Versus Motor. The average freight car travels performances. English Hackneys for Japan. the Italian such as Rocks or Wyandottes, in confinement, eight to 12 females will be epough, and Leghorns 12 to 15 females for each male. On free range, the number may be increased 15 to 25 for the heavier breeds and 20 to The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, - Ontario 0. DUFFIELD and sanitary conditions. © Trees as Fence Posts. can be made to serve later on. New Zealand Record Broken. Remember the Coal Bin The Fuel Controller is asking everybody to take their coal supply early. We have coal coming right along and we would ask you to place your order EARLY. THE PAINTING SEASON IS HERE We have Sherwin Williams and Martin Senour brands. These are the best that money can buy. 3 “We also have a full supply of Builders’ Supplies on hand, »§T. MARYS GEMENT and LIME Our rices are RIGHT—call and see. < S in- & co. 1. E. BETTGER New Zealand. Stir the Soil Frequéntly. He that most frequently stirs his soil, especially in times of drouth, reaps, other things ane equal, more abundant harvest than if tillage were neglected. Cobwebs. ’ Sweep down the cobwebs which have gathered in the cow-shed and ble during the winter, and then i to carbolic _ Whitewash makes the interior light, elean and healthy. Vegetable Oil In Japan. —* ‘The vegetable oil mills in Kobe, Japan, have producing capacit varying from 10,000. to 360,000 gal- lons a month. - 2 The London County Council has offered 250 teas scholarships for lery Borses, Don't Neglect the Tomato. For your home garden, do not ne- It is desirable to danger from frost is past. Labor-saving Appliances. Labor-saving appliances, and still more labor-saving appliances, is the one sure means of meeting the farm labor problem. Co-operation. The continued shortage of labor on the farm involves the - necessity for more co-operation and exchange of work between farmers. Counter Check Books... We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. This firm turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable — prices. “See our samples and get our prices before ' ordering. { 7 Sun Office it 60 degrees F.— for a reasonable length of time. Invention for Keeping Milk Fresh. The question of keeping milk fresh has become more and more acute during the past few years. Different methods have been tried, but the re- sults ‘have not been satisfactory. However, it now looks as if the prob- keeping for months, will also retain its taste and aroma as well as its full nourishment value. The inven- tion pectations are entertained of the new Product as an article of export. Alberta’s First Thirty-pound Cow. whose production for seven days at time of report had reached 498 lbs. milk and 24.30 Ibs, fat, equal to 30.37 lbs. butter 80 per cent. fat. work at tony Plain. 'The World’s Record. ‘The world’s record for milk pro- the credit of 5744 Ibs, beets and 6 Ibs. beet pulp. No Signs of Slump, ychased in boys between the e ages TESTING SEED AT HOME| the - The Indian never. but he “Sould do the work and/let him ane puruisump - EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ~ on eta ‘ The Sun Printing Office Main Street. - | MILVERTON, ONT. months, 75c, in advance. Subscrit in ar- rears will be liable to pay $2.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted ‘until forbid and charged ac- cordingly. =~, 2 Changes for contract advertisements must ‘be in the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor, —~ ? Subscription rates:—One year, $1.50: six” fully . combined aOy?. wiht ober ba peer ee Women who are worn out, who suffer intervals; times, should ’s Favorite Prescription. Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids’ Hotel; Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package. Discovery." ‘again and gave me the on! Been wonderfally helped. Si am glad tolend connection with Depeche’ kaowing how cool they are."—Mns, AL, MicLer, 815 John Street, CENTRAL iil STRATFORD, ONT. We have Telegraphy, Commercial and Shorthand Departments. We give Students are Our graduates Get our you. D. A. McLACHLAN Principal. Double Track Route Medical. De? 1. Tye, Office: PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON ‘Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m, and 7 to 8 p.m. ~ DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in mediciné, University vf Toronto. a Late assistant New York Ophthal- ae ae poet: atin mooretens an n juare Throa' On alt ; London, Eng. é - Hours—10 to 12 a.m.; 2 to 6 p.m. iaily. Evenings—7 to 8, Wednesday and Saturday only; or by appointment - (Phone 267.) e 43 Waterloo St. S., STRATFORD. ANSON B. KILBOURNE “CHIROPRACTOR Office at the Grand Central Hotel. Every Tuesday and Friday. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Consultation and Examination Free. DENTIST. gd. F SEBBEN, D.D.S., L.D.S. u Windsor Block, Opp. City Hall, - STRATFORD Phone 993: Open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock Legal H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton. Money to Loan, bo between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT AND CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night traips and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. H. C. BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local Agent Ghe Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan. R, 7. HARDING W.G, OWENS W. E. GOODWIN Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Waterloo. Conveyancer, deeds, wills, mortgages drawn wad affidavite made. Village clerk. Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage License J.P. for the. Countylof Perth. Real estate bought“and sold.—A few choice farms for immediate‘sale. MONKTON, ONTARIO - 4 New Spring Styles With spring Suitings and Overcoat- ings and Trimmings purchased and de Veterinary- Oe \ _R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Barr’s old stand coats at last year’s prices.— cree You are absolutely certain of get- ting the best value in town when you get us to make your clothes. - eae Hotels The Queens Hotel CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE R@. 10- Best accommodation for commercial trav- ellers and others. _ ‘Two large Sample Rooms. GEO. F, PAULI, Prop., =” Milverton, Ont Workmanship, fit, finish and fash- ion guaranteed. eee J. M. FLEISHHAUER Ladies’ and Men’s Tailor MILVERTON, - + ONTARIO Societies. i Milverton Lodge No. 478 ALP. & A.M, G.R.C. Meets every Monday evening on or before full moon ‘every anonth in their hall in J, B. Weir's block, Visiting brethren always welcome A, Harrew, W.M. H, L. Nicholson, Secy. Weir's List of Farms For Sale $6,800—Will buy lot 82, con. 11, Elma, 100 acres; a splendid farm; all Silver Star Lodge No. 202 1.0.0. F. Meets every Friday night at 7.30 in thetr hall over Bank of Hamilton. W, Henry, "7.0. under cultivation; dwel- e; 2 bank barns; in a good ; reasons for selling, widow rk the land; Apply on brick house, bank bara; |good water; 2 miles from $7,200 will buy the north half of ected a 2-storey ré 32 feet, heated with hot air furnace, hard andesoft water; bank barn 52x 60, cement stabling; driving shed 26x 44, with hen house and pig stabling. Land ing reat state of cultivation. fect High "Weak Muscles Strengthened ‘Headaches Cured, Cross Eyes in many cases P, H. BASTENDORFF MILVERTON. ape Lien note books—very handy for Drille dwell and windmill—A snap. nee we ON : business men and, farmers—may be had at Sun office for 25e. : BusinessCards | SHADOW TEST

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