ae The: ao office for up-to-date Job prin FOR SALE ‘A frame barn 26x40 ft. apply & to1™ C. R. Honderich, Milverton, FOR SALE A good driving horse rising 4 years’ old. Apply to John Ryan, Linwood. VICTORY BONDS, Vietory bonds bought and sold.—| i George Roe; R. R. No. 1, Newton. FOR ‘SALE Windmill and second-hand rubber | tired buggy. Wm. Mitchell, Newton. WANTED — Pasture wanted ss a few sheep and lambs.—A. C. C) onde § Milver- ton. “FOR S ‘SALE Fresh milk cow — Polled-Angus. Apply to Rev. C. N. Paddon, Milver- ton, FOR SALE A Happy Thought Range—in ex- gellent condition. Apply at The Sun LOST A necklace about the 26th or elles of April, somewhere in Milvei Finder please leave at Sun is rie °3, FOR SALE Second-hand washing machine and|{ wringer in good condition. For fur- ther inféemiation, apply at Sun office, FOR. SALE 5-roomed house with woodshed and splendid garden. Opp pe eae rink, Linwood. further particulars ‘apply ae Gare Fink, Linwood, Ont. - JERSEYS: FOR SALE A few 2-year-old heifers aut cows for sale. Satisfaction guaran’ will take them h Arthur Simpson, R.R. No. (8th con. Elma.) Apply to . 4, Atwood, at. PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS ie season for>electrical storms is approaching, property owners wil DRAWERS ee ube to protect their buildings with ( i ihe as fightning rods, Leave your order|the nation were too much in the r fit tes b resent. | i with James W. Schmnidt, Milverton, |Stract. Hence the concrete strik es pene peer abtosee ber! eee and secure the best material and} The suggestion has been made in|},, Miss D. M. Sutherland, of the On- | or plainly made. le to suit every workmanship. Britain that since the shell factories |t@yio Department of Agriculture, To-| || te eed === is takethemover and rin. them as |7Ou0.” Miss Sutherland spoke of the! productigh concerns. . This would of- Men's organization to be called Fed-| oe BBNATAG Tenders Wanted fer self-government in industry and| Men's aeanization to be calcd a. | \ ae eae ne j ace satay {A convention of this nature will be Tenders will be received up until) ot egy bout | dah ate Me ht held in Toronto. af 8: ala sp date. UNDERSKIRTS ‘our o'clock on Saturday, June 14th, : S wever, | the purpose 0: ing this organi Zor the construction of the conerets | °° 20% interested in the experiment: | tion) the country Will be. div ided int Cheap decorations are absent. But and brick w tering and sash | 5. Soviet: is eouane vibe Se norae three parts, known as Western, Cen-| siecial attractiv veness through neat- % and doors for Seperate School No. 4,| ‘vel for a few days, but when the | et, 2nd. see OEIC: W oon ness of fit and perfection of material There is Much to be Known rae seen a shn ee business of the moputey Isat avseaud= res is fie prosnciat ala She aan workmanship are features. Pric- Ab h Ch . f R. No, 1, Britto skill neither Bolshevism, or any other | which later appoints the executive, | Bae temas: out the Choosing 0 e The meeting then divided, and the of hunger, and the working people) election of officers followed. The! a Corset. Fe SaEe thelr wives aud_ children, who were| Nom? Pew ladies, tools whe board SHIRT WAISTS t é ay room of the city hall and the Sou The new styles require new ki irresponsible for the conditions, to i & e new styles require new kinds Splendid brick veneered house een-| gai Peepatae chia aa eniplbyer: Wid Be re getty Holey Ww ae eee of corsets—corsets that may_be trust trally loeated; edrooms up-| could not be made personally to feel : Mi | aie Sanne Nala ed to produce the right and correct irs, three rooms and hall down-|the pin GSR S en ee ae nae eopeines latent igure,’ There is much that must be stairs and kitchen. Hard and soft] It Soak astonish many of us some- ae ee nee e Pariinenk aad Ree | styles i 3 fancy ¢! ce aes iaterials known about fitting a corset and that ter; cemented cellar; ve lot. Fe es if: we could know what our} oo awn 3 “ ea Fi are new, plain and striped _voiles. is why we are always glad to advise Tannen rere ace é president, Mrs. G. Nichol, Listowel; Priced— on fe RE ‘ particulars apy it house or| neighbors think of us. very man|*o- a aos ia upon the models best svited to at Sui oflive Aiea BO lene fo 7 secretary, Mrs. R. A. Cleland, Lis 50c upwards. your figure. We specialize— oe Sam Noll, Milverton, cee eee or ie fivca. ire is winen | toWel; delegate to Provincial Gonven- P 2 1 he | tion, Mrs, R. Tanner, Mill up a great deal closer than he has any|"°South Perth—-President, Mr GOSSARD, idea of. may set it down as a| queoh' st. aimayer ast vies president, HOUSE DRESSES $10.00 Reward [iis iesaioricol nhs tas (Mis Sills Warden, SF aula da a Se bie apicion off yoo, ant be'woan | Sete © Wapaet eee ee NEMO AND $10.00 reward will be given by the | not be slow about expressing it either | ton; ‘delegate to Provincial Conven- large, both ight and: dark oftects bee D. & A. CORSETS. chy ges See for pee that will} if a stranger s! & a ee ‘ tion, Mrs. P.-L: er, Sebringville. ae well represented, - 2 lead to the. conviction e_party | Every man is al ing charact- | “rf tot MPeSToon vesston pie r parties that on the night of May|er whether he is Pe apse cet ee ee by Miss You want the pest corsets made— was given over to an address by $1.00 upwards. WE SELL THEM 238-4 stole from my driving shed a red} or not. Sut! d. In the course of her re- 2 geared McLaughli eey, nearly The oe of Blyth has undertak- | pay ke the announcement new; and left on the roadside an old|en the erection of a public hall as |that the Department of Education was rubber tixed bugay with broken reach soldiers) memorial and in, Jest week’s| prepared to pay for all the services repaired with wire. ugey, | issue of andard, $5,580 were [Preah oO eee ee oF the Do feiioh was stolen, was & red and black | published as. volar subscriptions, | 22g tng eee to the ¥ plush rug. One subscriber gave $150, six $100 |iricts to inspect. the. sehiools ch, oni , Atty-fve contr doctors and ‘three nurses } ERNEST ABRAHAM, Milverton Ont. " ain ) Stallion For Service BOLD Nagttre ets Gimralled on Form 1 No, 5342). wil es his own stable, le, Poole, Tor aie on. Terms $10.—Robert. Pleminige * COMMERCIAL Spring wy en yee nf a8 a 06 $2 06 Fall iL iL Boley i 05 1 05 Oats s ee 16 War Flour, spring, cwt. 5 75 6 75 War Flour. blendedcwt. 5 60 5 60 4d War Flour, winter, cwt. 5 40 4 45 48 GENERAL NEWS ‘Owen Sound’ 's population is 11,- mpared ‘with 12,100 e filnient 0: ay.” The best money maker on the farm is the hen. She turns frestand ahd ar grain inte gold, > SI es woods near Moneton, N.B., hegitg With him three revolvers. He ‘has been Enea tS of fhe leading retail inerchants of Midland tere agre 01 ed, it bein The decrease is blamed in part on the ite eed to | a: . luncheon of the Ontario Medical As- | j z $1,000. Blyth isa village of about 800 inhabitants, but we presume a eae, Hes seeemebreritied, from alitac | rec . but with a ose in ae sf actic ion on the of the, people: they’ Teasily raise the! money. | a few testimonials: Stor patent medicine men: “I have beet! walk without crutches for | n deaf foe many years, but | after ae your ointment I. hear at |," aunt had died and left me $10, | D. MePherson, Provincial | Secretary, stated the other day at the sociation, that the new legislation of lack of housin; One of the aT a things of today, ste months a: the close of e war, when s! Ped abroad have been nations is the continued high price of hogs, The price today is higher than at any time during the hnny. came home from Sunday gehoal “tite thrilled by the fea all about the mone Bane nes “ithe what?” asked hi “The Midnight,” repeat ‘the “Teacher told us how Gideon fought lights out of ’em Everyone will a toeaktal’ te the Canadian people for holding back the refuse any terms presented if she cers to, at the Allies also have the righ impose such terms as will fully recompense the world for the War, as well as to make impossible each, Eo, thirty-five $25 each; the We. ‘O- ‘0 (ei been aciunly revers wat 0 | Could not get it through my noodle. | holders at the’ expense of telephone ol] e Of ours, (Germany has a right to respecting public hen Ith would: nee that all per- adian Expeditionary Forces in cent war showed that ee figures | youl ust. mane! from the! s up against garment. . Priced— } ui i \ au)’. Muslin Underwear A Spiendid Showing of New Goods That Will Delight You. Ladies, we Invite Your Inspection’ of These Up-to-date Garments. These garment inva favor. may be colors, Pee WASH UNDERSKIRTS its Bs each, will They come lent. wash srogterialas are durable and mol th light and dark meet with in excel- SUMMER VESTS et gare i ef ti kid, it’s w en pl lacing chains on your tires|to cut out v e sure to have the hooks towards |take a brace or you'll see your finish, ie teen ead nad ee fee the -back as you lay them. over rest thing you k bleached, with taped arms 2 ne eA fn'use which Sends fod, Heueve dae. CORSET COVERS ‘We consider them the very hest sum- ¢ hooks when in use whi ‘0 the final exams. { % to keep them closed. chains |Not on your tin-typ ' ainty sheer creations that are a Hee vert vain ip thesis re put on the other way “they wi there with bells on. iH AcHEes to see-even if you don’t wish 25c Each. ae open and so be in danger inly some class to the way I answer- to buy. Value is prominent in every com’ 25c upwards. 3 @ on me when it comes to mar, that’s a cineh,” And is not at all surprising that al rs father was able to gasp was: “Get seas ee e hook!” wear as long COUNTY MEETING WOMEN’S ITUTE t eres | NIGHT GOWNS 08 oe notice es; celal hi ents are made, L | and omits Sees that tent as the muslin, $1.00 upwards. Priced— appointed so far while a also been appointed to ime after the of a dental clinic. She Notice te to Farmers Th future as follow: Friday, ak: oth, at.C. E R., Mil- erton, and G. T. R., Brunne: Other dates will oad weekly. ‘ighest aoe guaranteed. Kindly deliver oe at C.P.R., Mil- verton, befor a.m. MILLER, ATKIN & SCHNEIDER. Notice of Payment The ratepayers in the Township of Mornington who~are assessed the Municipalities”. contri: Bution for the drainage work must be | paid forthwith. WM. WADDELL, 2 Clerk of Mornington. AN APOLOGY | < To the Publisher of The Milverton Sun February 19th, 1: gre Ruderaumed will ship hogs in 2 0! n for the g cover the expo act z mn meeting has been held. ey so spoke of the fighting, heating and m of the schools in order JUNE BRIDES— WILL YOU BE ONE? We are specialists when it comes to Wedding Garments for both women og men and always nave in stock a ment from waieh to peices eS importa: Les oo awaits Goues June Brid assortments of exquiste loths—Silks not only lins and the Geor dae pune Fail And such savings! ! ang are buy- g many month’s oe wi leh attest their decided price Saieancee Women’s Stylish: Coats and Suits are Here in a Grand Array eady to play any part of Spri: time wraps are the splendid Scie An oats we have gathered together. For motoring, for driving, for eee swagger coats are in nsible, while for street ‘wear our nie pines e most popular fabrics in the newest shades. Priced— . . .$12.50 to $50.00 . . .$12.50 to $50.00 Mothers, You Will Find the Right Suit for the Boy in Our Stock Worthy of spare pipiens is the reve Sizes 24 Priced’ eee ymoderataly, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL and the clerks will be pleased to show you ything you may wish t ENGELANDSG SON Ghe Home of Good Clothes MILVERTON oe Je [School suffers thereby, | We lave the childrens ‘we much, desire to teach z icneven (han Ingplation of silent, ren reading and prayer 5 8 8 2 ES & & a & ¢ 3 3 8 e le hearts e © | they are doing. in mouldin: is the gee ‘ity of our number of ung men, te aa spans | lefence of Can: a e There are at the present aii eight i eS in South Perth and six in and ee North Perth. This is the first time a} ., cial statement of the to 5 ‘ternogn Perth, total receipts $2. 689.- Malanee on hand, oath Perth ,total reco 732, 014.- 04, balance on hand, $311.53. FEED CANADA FIRST shortage in-| the) la has a food TEACHERS AND RELIGION exp sh if | 3 not prohibited, until the domestic sit- | I wish to let it be known m by every eeouts ee) uation has been relieve e para. | ads at the statements | A speaker at a ent aay, mount duty of the State is to attend; about Rob: McCourt, of ine | meeting said that it yaad be a dan. the necessities of its own people! are absolutely unfounded. I am sorry | gerons thing 0 place th voligi es It is equally obvious that tax that I thoughts circulated the | education o: ing ie a hands | and other restrictions on food should story because on the fullest naveatic of the public school tea be removed. Some parts of Canad: gation I find the story has no founda- |E. Lillian Morley, a a teantes of Mil: are heavy i of food-stufts tion whatever and I take this means n, Ontario, writes to the from the United States. On these a undoing the mischief that the cir- [resenting auisr ualcue as TEvOIIEe duty is levied plus a war tax of 7% culation of the has done to Mr. 'an insult to the whole teaching pro-| per cent. Thus Canada, with no food ‘eCourt and I hereby tender Mr. Mc- ' fe: 3 lus, and in many cases wi jCourt a full apology for the wrong| “There is nothing that teachers re- | ee luction considerably iC than pte done him, i gret pore che the fact that there is domestic const i igi ly is DAVID G. McLELLAN, place for syatematin ao as j porting food a rge quantiaes; bae a ae Hh Con, 6, Elma, Tiatdual Bible study 1s. |i intainit and Saciivent is ma’ The home is neglecting it it; “the ae (against ey leer Bible exch morning, and feel that their iit. | The d_ welcome more, even a ches.” (Victoria Daily Times.) twil THE PROBABLE: GQUTCOME. It is little wonder that labor unions and white labor generally fear ithe influx and competition of the Asiatics, have oo to be ap: prehensive, ir fe: re: Welk foanded; and | despite legislative and other artificial 'restzain' , the inevitable is bound to pen. and in the not distant future, white jor will end against ‘the “cl ‘cheap” bat sili ahd efficient “yellow labor” ef the east. ways aces of Asia, equality, and have sufficient power to enferce demands, WOULD BANKRUPT COUNTRY _ Sir Thomas White said to a delega- he Great War Veterans’ grant which was manifestl, i- ble. That this opinion is shared by the majority of the G.W.V.A. mem- rs is shown by the vote on the mat- ter at the Windsor convention. ie Sele wal ie e rous, but it n just, with the inds vel freee Binns of the” war the way FURNITURE! We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furniture. See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers, We have a large assortment of Dressérs atid Stands. A nice new stock of Brass popular prices If you need anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- utes when in town and look over our stock. ° We also have Stair and Body Carpet. Congoleum Squares look nice. We have them. Linoleum always on hand, GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS ~ McLAUGHLIN AUTOMOBILES ROBERT McMANE Furniture Dealer Fune: and & Milverton Director balm: