EES a FOR SALE / a 4 1 good steel tired buggy, 1 carriage and carriage harness, @ hav a igo a large stock ‘of guaranteed. tires, Tesular pee $22. 29, res 13 Aladdin Lamps MANTELS and WICKS _ For Sale by q ees = RS —this week on 2 * . NEUMEISTER, 5 aa ‘ : MILVERTON GARAGE Milverton, = fo “at Shines For AML” H.GROPP, =~ Prop ; A i ; i i. Vol. XXVIII —No. 49. : ‘ . “Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, sune 5, 1919 ears Gil wanted Apply’ at George| A Holstein bull was sold at Buf-|¢ : | Items of Local Interest. | Guenther’ ae : falo, the other day for $129,000. | Bees, { i Mr. A Wan. Rosato ee, one ‘Beh ita me set Be eo ealthy, says set OBITUARY | Nogwithstandiae i | rs, W. Pollock, of Brantford, is spenl junday wil is fal in Mil- | Richar: ink 0: ae as wel 3 of Tuesday, there~ at present. visiting ‘her sister, Mrs. a ‘A; Verner, of Stratford, is ©The Canadian people would like to! yi friends in ‘Milverton and vi- |see an armistice signed between cap- gute at pres labor. a ppeon | of dee ; parle: W MRS. | MARY SMITH in the morning, headed by the ‘Brod, oc ’ The Farmer s ny Beinonan of or | | | Mis A | ™ ital an _|hagen band and the Rube band. A! Sa a 5 ay a with her cous ie Stanley P Bas sgn of hr a4) Thursday last was Ascension Day | | gel wets ines, Ce ie OVE a ee baseball mateh was played on a Se onpaton Bi f Newton, has|and was marked by service in the ithe grounds . between © Monkton 1 i i and Mrs, Wm. Gropp.and son, | MT “timed trom oveureas |Tutheran chureh from old age, Mary Molett, relict of| and Milverton in th i 2 abton, oF Stratford; spent the week! ialze, Sahn, Oossh weegived the sad| Mx. and Mrs. Robert Green and son, |the ith, died at noviatees seine by: Severe SE e E jend with friends in Milverton. on Wriday last of the death o: Lisa ae the, ert Groot ane the |Home in Milverton on ‘Thursday, May | A programme of tater oo 4 | : 2 ; : Friend \vide" Ser ee ee {her ‘father, the: late Joseph Smith, in | homes of Mr, 'd Mrs, John Oesch ‘peovin enaants ums Tees eet Pafernoon, the results of which last_ week with friends aes ae oe at ere Mrs. Peter Brenneman and = Mr. sh re aera pure- | 27d came to enn a4 er teens. ee eee auspi abe Bow ns ait : We have large resources and eyes a ang Ute. eas ne eee fomily, of Ta avisipels, gpent Sunda iia Jersey, cow from Mr Arthur Aout 70 3 fe an ne she mare rey |given, will be able to clear all expen- < E the vast experie nce of 87 years Ce ith Siena an Ces jad | at the, homes of 8 m Oeseh and | Simpson, | Avioods Aan Hone sine nearly siaty Years He was engaged the and have @ small margin left to || Mornin don; of in scho e : to draw upon to serve you;. but fra(fev,) BA. Miller and daughter] say, citer ecm of Mose It ve S15 PE sastuy,| couutry board. Ms; Smith vas al] at! Coxon, 1) HL Stet aS a we have something even’ more Dorada. nana s tow (norte eae GMa ment ot tik nouns he SnERee Ga carly death | aye hao 12 years and under important—we have the. earnest S Notig Bans, to Ma, G. Norman’ Wilkinson, |°f her husband im those pioneer days R, Boctenior®, 128. Paddon, 2; By | | Misses Teressa Adair, Margaret | of EA monton, ae the marriage to |leavme A with a emalt family o Soe slegine to do so. on Friday last called u |p Mleee acres See wintion, | take ‘place’ ab Gildten to care for made her "Gis R, . the Toss’ by: death, of thelr infant oe eee a et tae ee er Go childven 10) Se eiived oy tuee tHe eat oe ue rton on : _We cash your produce and personal cheats HA, hud new ovate jus th Waa gun of un |e Seiten in tesa dese som CaN, a sae c ect your s—all by mail if requir \d sal 5 i ive give yor ss advice on any financial D, Holmes. ya 16 years-and, under—- ps eeve W. H. Grosch, of Milverton, |o rice eee set oike Order had |£0rds Harty, of Milverton; Meal L. Bastendort, 1 B. Smith, 23 d Reeve Wan. Hheeteaot Morning: a fe g the war years over.$5,- Wilbughy of “the fae Mary, | M. Ker ~ | ton, at ‘ort is week at-} 00 00 gat eur purposes. ~ Gist "Race, 16 years and under— asking splendid progress towards re. [te ee Pie June session of the Pert ch) a y Mrs Robert Ashbu ry, of Mas sconductel by Rev. C, N. Pi aed H. Jack, 1;-M. i, Tue ‘ucker, 2; rise Roe, 2 county coune' eae tc lebrated their golden wed- |°* © ts 100 yard dash—A.: Davidson, A ian Crawford, eechome| The regular meeting of the ata ding on Wednesday of last week when fanly y esidence a ise aoad com | payin d fou the past few weeks, returned to Chapier 4 LODE, Be MrT. D. Cummings, aged 93, fath- | tery, Milverton, where Te Ten nep-| Sask Race—Whitney, Machin. for. the Pw Monday to resume his|held at the ” Mat he ar er of Mi shbury, presented ELS TECATEP Pe aaae ok 3-Le; ae Race — Malcho Bros., es Whitney on Saturdays, Jane 7th. All| 7 » | Smith-Co “ _| members please attend. e : B 0, Sm 200 “dash—A, : peeoet 12/000°000 J. H. LEWIS Mrs, W. B. Struthers and son, Clar| "rhe Canadian. Press fo ccislion ied Tate the Reorranizes Chore of \Geomge And Charles. Walloughby. | Davi ad asi ge + 150;000;000 Inc. which was billed to hold its 61st | Latter Day Saints, is charged by Bis. Among the friends from a distance)” “Wheelbarrow Race — Kelterborn, |annval meeting at Toronto on Thurs-) hop MeGuin with having misdirested vere te ae Willoughby, Mr. and | yfoore, Ripley Peppler jay and Friday of this/week, has de- re two thousand dollars belongi J. ee George and |“ Half-m: e—W. Ronnenberg, i : * Percy Candler, who unde jerwent ‘an “operation at Stratford hospital last week, we are please hear, is| Bank of Nova Scotia angst g to Bontiac, Mich. Mrs. Struthers’ pine npees father is quite ill and it is four years singe she lat saw hima (ae Hamilton, Miss. 7 . E a secount of the strike, y Saints for purposes of his own |and Miss Mary Smith, of New ¥ Bic tls ‘Race—F. Kelterb Alice’ Hamilton, “hulverton, he os day last yas the warmest day | recent Hounded’ religious organiza, | oS | Mell ila ete Belles recorded in. e charge was not well found- | Lon M. Carter, Caplin standin wt 9 demets at To | et MRS, GEORGE NOLTE. rian: Cle to. Friday acu . nett Demtated Cand. Ole lem: hae, Se Guay vel. One of the old pioneers of Ellice | Best Daceraeas Hone RA Cc. N. {passed away at the residence of her| Paddon, granddaughter, Mrs. N. H. onder- The football mai aa oe etw ween. New- : [ich , on Tuesday, June 8rd, in a per-| ton and Milverton fouls in a win Dobs Y elose st vhil and | Matthew Dobson and | \onday the mercury again rose .| THROWN ae nee AND ei On Monday afternoon Mrs, David) ee of Louise Mensing, relict of the | for Newton by a score of 2- Ruthella M.. Lorne C. Sebben, son|Henry, of Burns, met with an acci- late George Nolte, ft tatters of Sem - cae it Mt b; Br iia ot t a fast rat y cars being driven at a fast rate, r J. G. HAMILTON = council. respectfully |9£ Mr. and Mrs, John genres, y phalee dent that resulted in her death about jringville. Mrs. Nolte was born asks all car owners to keep the speed |Speare road; the mai tak ee hours later. — She had’ accom- | Hanover, Gamvane: nearly 90 oe own to ten miles an hour while driv- [Pie june. : panied Mrs, Wim, Meadows, neigh-|ago, where she was married to her MILVERTON SCHOOL REPORT a. 0% af Nee Bruce has tee to Milverton to do. some shoppin# late husband over 69 years ago, after Following i Shee Boot th 3 ard bearer for|and had arrived in the village and |which they came to Canada. pels ne ie ne eee Christ church, Milverton, on Sun-| the next prov inetal sleet, ‘s they resided on the "payor Fa ee eee cat Scbneider 20% PORTLAND SERA ON CEMENT | H. Fenton, M.C., of Arran township. | ve Mix and Mra Josoph | farm in. = : On, 3 . Joseph | f M , after which th 4 STANDARD ST MARYS days June 8th and. Loth, as the Bow Lieut. Fenton is a Zefumed soldi ree Th a Naa eae ‘Mornington, after which the Bepeie reddon 1381/2 Harold Knight « H. L, Nicholson will preach in Mill- T hen | J 183° George Neumeister 178, Eno! ANTHRICITE LIME ban a.m, —Sund: [ii WOU se ees ee fine |that was universally, respected by all) Boshart Se nau Iti, Basal be held at 11 a.m, in Christ hurl ald. Of: Ghesley: coat fésuibes [snip BROKG:OF SANG off the bit ,faus,| that, knew. her apd her death leaves | Gatcke 143, George Hawken 130, pans datén. i have the fight of\his life on his}ing the horse to cramp the buggy /another vacaney in the ever iminish-| Flossie Berger 128, Shirley Ford 126 Mr. C. H. Broughton, who for the} me \until it upset. Mrs. Meadows fell|ing band of pioneers who cleared up 3 p vy D past year has been courier on route ce "Fathers ’ Day was Marked in Burns clear, but Mrs, Henry was pinned|the great wilderness. a) rned_it| Ma; —_—— Newton, has disposed of the business | church on Sunday last by special ser- | under the heavy phaeton a selena. into the fruitful land it is to-day. She | oy 15, ‘Chad to, Ar, Rober fe pedeby Tee Maebist | ies, Che Uo ie are ee and one da: Dahms'08, Alfred Ratz 80 Earl Bund 4 s r ‘ishe upset the horse took fright and broke ter, namely, Mr. David Nolte, of Ros- * Ro 0; ‘i y neers while the floral decorations were} away from athe rig. His efforts in |thern, Sask., and oe C. Zimmerman | * , Rosina Opper (absent). contributed by the young women, | getting away may have caused injury ‘i see aig Pe ise reper oes 2, ; e's to Mas, Henty, fon it, was subseatient | survived by eight e arideniideen and ane Bundseho 123, Gack Gateke 10 on ant years ts six great grandchildren. e funeral! " to be plentifully supplied with cigar-|¢d bY composéd of the young |close to the shoulder and. also sus: | will leave the residence of Mv. N, H. Lennie Hoffman 102, fe Hiann 4 We ER selling, buy- eo vee eent Lae tha oot leeaied the congregation, - | tained fractured nb, Dr, ‘ye was) Honderich, Mil on Saturday, | $257 russell wade 5S tay Visto ing or shipping ae a or fot ae they eats ae is) teacon are es wee SESE ae Gane ee ome ates iessie nown.and if.the offender is notified |‘) 22 , b, J. Bid- mpleted_b ing- hve stck the fe ofall you your Sage he need not be surprised pe ree hers Creoribinon | eur wan die am cock ae at ergitave pice in the van: sun ing Schmit a S ; i: question, and indicated that he would | h fflicted P tro it aS vage, Melville Coxon, Cora Noll, Od- financial transactions for snot, Seroplane following: the Tre to |Zavor the séle.of light beers and wines| Bee ee ase cee ee Sebringville, se you. Careful attention to de- Biyth ‘passed over Milverton on Tu under strict government control. His | cilia-Mildred Hill, was aves se ee 4 Lordship was strongly opposed | tail and courteous treatment [Wine pane ae mete lock \the restoration of the saloon and the | ried fe ee Ere teeeinad | REV. ROBERT McINTYRE BRE eddie Hocking, Arnold are features of Bankof Ham- of i ab | ye bar and woul a not make any change r 1 ae ni len ove | BA aed totes son, ‘Sheldon | ne of the most highly esteemed! Paddon, Joe Schrenk, Willie Blair, ilton‘service at all times. rz oe ct and) y ve fire hol vediced the fracture and the pee, SOS s Wednesday. | tyre was a native of Alloa, pearetl m held in| ang beloved ministers of the Presby- | Mabel ees enabled to veturn | Interment taking place in the bla | EE oe at geere gee solitithte Daieymen’s Keichanige at Lis- esday 14. in the dit- ane |e flection ay a wide | tcvian Church of Canada passed to his| “Names on rol 50, average atten- i) somewhere, Tt has been no-|fo oh ough his danuhler, Mss : b mn MILVERTON BRANCH—N. G Schafer, Manager Hied in Toronto, Buffalo, Newmarket, | sey earner Lgikd Carthage. | Noy, _2ith, 1873, he married Miss Jan- ce Friday the following factor- a Sole Agent for ing: through th vill be oe morning service | chosen 35 thei >) who will be given possession on July 1st Up, to fist tne Mr. _ Brow ehton be the responsible cai umber of boys in “the village| 1 to; Bundscho eee Bobbie McMane, Viola Attridge, Carl 62 a rd & 2 e 2 ne 3 , Of lon Tuesday, May 27th, a_brief jy rae cranking his Ford car.|North Mornington, took place from mines. reed) tel ee e apes GOOD PRICE FOR CHEESE. 1 day. afterno hil ve ee se ae est when Rev. Robert Melntyre, pas-| dance 47.1. B. J, Glenn, ‘Teacher. Stratford and other points furtl | Hamilton, kyr eat the car. Much sympathy is felt ee Mr. Henry | Lo ere lake several days it isl See Listowel, Mr. Hamilton | mise a5 st a gloom upon ‘the whole Feapectatle noticeable in early morning | pen the misfortune to break the large | c it uneral, which was |°o™ 6 sky is lit Ont. : Scientists or observator: ther | antici ipated that Mr. son, Sheldon in the heavy aries] ‘ iv vith si Molesworth, make May 15- tL 11¢ Y 4 on not yet explained fo 2 a8 tiateadeet® suffer ry any permanent inju m the| tion they have been called upon to jrone om he is suryived, along with six) e y 3 0. 3 bee ee pee his forenrrt just above. the {eon ¢ |churehes, died at his home in Linwoo ident. ear. nom Min Robext MeMane, who recently | i aa Sinux City, Towa: Mil ¢ Wan.| Elma, make May 22-31, 4 of uuirdoror Frank MeCallo nigh, es-| ~ ioux City, Towa; Milton, of Van eer hati ie busted oanee oy ghots a from Toronto Jail with a FORWARD MOVEMENT ee B.C.; William, of West, a Natiandy nae Mey fe a W has disposed of the |e? Woman. prisoner named Wuthering MEETINGS |ginia; Robert, of aoe Harry, of * Mey, nas a spor iddell, of | Maston, who has since been captured, | — eutalets plese _ Li. Little, of ae eR epee ecco se oa ae a | talsen a HBorontg where the funeral {two houses and will commence build- Pavelle vas" awaiting sentence for | Stratford get ete, commencing on [took Place on Thursday, May 20°") "“icthel, make May 1-81, 95, st Be Ba li He see ere contd by Bet | Wali mae Nay 128, 240 | hof’s and Mi a ae pr. raile in foranto et the y Rev. Jas. Wilson, Five sons and Bidding’ on the board Saeed at pas Sie Bocthot's and Mr \of discipline around the, jail, arhick ie ha [His sonsinlaw acted as snipe |e a nt up to 80 B-8e, Sales ps E is Toronto’s “Cl ne Mr. McIntyre was a member oi tap at Ene, Paling White Flint Wane Cap ello Dent, About & week ago four youths, wall Wr ee See ity will David’s lode AF. & AM. St, Thon: ever a ieee oe “Boe. Seven Wisconsin S Early Huron Dent,’ Golden Glow, Improved : Pts : it-|""'A number of the villagers on Thurs-| ity h as, and also of the 1,0,0.F, y Wisconsin No, “sect! Get our prices before buying. TA ee Leas ae ar knownl| 22s last ied themaselyes beside the | chu Seiient. he he | sesse : 2 pe Ghat they were after, a5 a doz dis- | 00! waters to spend the day in fish-| sermon will be es on Sunday always had the faculty of placing any aes A full Tine of POULTRY SUPPLIES, STOCK and POUL- }/ turbed them and sparated the party [ine “As the day was warm, the fish| morning, June 22nd, n Sund®y |audience immediately in touch wit aes will be getting «fine TRY TONICS and BABY CHICK FEED. Jor a inte A passing, sells et in an indolent mood and spurn-| Nicol, B,A., of ewer on Sw day | ae cn He death 4 i ch the early settlers Have you seen the celebrated Buckeye and Electric INCU- Ra ae genes set mg Shae [wi palete eed mid, B. Aoy| Pretted. “Among those prego edie telat: eae wie aD weadingthy BATORS and BROODERS ? We are sole agents. fallsrfhan fhe atherk TE 6 not ‘abl¥ | aited, ‘The habits of the fish are an a ai t they were ont on any philan-| mysterious to the amatuer; one day | pal of Knox College, Toronto, will be coma ir. AL ae of tae X|mare over the big. town may have ad- ; borate tay if you teed Coole SSyppteiesion at that tine Re on the day following nothing |of Py aayes a = of raiaga al pe Lo ee Ge on veus ‘aa ee “ he Past | will tempt them from their repose in (On Prince Abert Thursday: and Frida eave oo We have a small quantity of FEED CORN on hand. as Richesniaer ¥ , | the cool depths Of their favorite|Rev, Dr, Martin, | Fi 2s name last week to Markdale where | haunts. LB, Gibson, B.D. Fh. D- fot Woo JOHN ARMSTRONG Births, Marriages and Death» ‘The death occurred at the family No, Seno eecaNerheded. @ basiness of his Derinume with fis yeah, Someistock, and Kev x. Matthe I D A K I N M . own. Mr. Coxon has secured the ser-| ep eee of the Bile ie ee Ps _biratford, Na I be < en ission to : He re ou. i ilverton ene MAW ge Port Chumbia U rity. dents must ins Stee ach ae emeeiteead Faday oe ee Nee John Avmatrong, | Dempsey—At Elie, on, Wednesday, ’ ; fo: hi ik tive of Old | by ‘Rev. 65. years, 11 months and ae ee eas ee and Mi a : Testment, the eS of. the Hebrews of Walkerton Speciat 1 Lee days. Deceased was born i of Walkerton. i . from the Egeptian perio d to the des- | prov: ied by Pr wee He spent twelve year; eo Maekoks Spencer Ae Milverton, on Thursday truction oh the Jewish Synpowenth other: rei Shane to this dstrict from there| May 29th, to Mr, and Mrs Sidney in A.D. oss to repeat some ot raven = roe years ago. He had not been Spence a daug 2 th ib-| well for some time. He leaves to | Stra shers—At Monkton, on Sinuday, lical prose and poetry and know| MILVERTON 1; NEWTON 0. mourn. their loss, besides his wife, | ne ist, to. Mr, on nd Mr: a i oe four, daughters, iss, Alex. Slate Struthers, a daught three yeats in the army, spent a few|Phy. How many men ‘and women of| THe football season was opened in| Noun Masthope;, TAB. 5. 74 zieoe MARRIAGES. ays in Milverton last oe a renewing to: “ay could pass an, examination "eov- | Milverton on Friday night Tae waen cS Ad Muskoka; Mrs. Jas. Merrick, | acquaintances. Chris was at_ Mon ring those subjects | Newton met the local eevee Eds ee and two sons: Wiliam een pe -—At the residence of . when. the rae was signed. He "hrs. AL Davidson, of Millbank, re-| game, as Bein ta be the ven sities see recently ly cents He Ae the bride’s Leal Rep hgte las on a spent a couple of months in Germany | cently ‘returned from Hamilton where | custom in these cate was late in get- | Pry, os a bt in Muskoka, an Wednestay, Jun by Rev. Spent eS races and frequetniy. used she has been for the past five weeks ting started, with the result that dark. | Robert, © | Blunek, Ida’ Eltzabettt eldest daugh: fo drop into houses and ask for a|at the bedside of, her sister, Mrs, TI had set_in before it was over. Ane es lagers nd Mr: m Yundt, ink of water in the German lan-|D. Maleolm, who is seriously i "She | Milverton managed to seore the only to Mr, Milton Oswald, of. Kitchener guage. said that nothing surpris- | was accompanied home by her broth-| goal of the game in the first hal us al- MRS. C, FLOODY. Filey — Schlotzhauer — At the resi- ed the Se qore than to hear the/er, Dr. D. C. McKenzie, of Bellevue, tought they had several ‘other 200d! ‘One of Huron’s pioneers, Mrs. C. e of the bride’s parents er ie Canadian Tommies speaking“ Ger- Alta., who has disposed of his prac-| chances to score, but failed to come Foods, ot Blyth, i eae the ae : years. She was born in Tee eae DS ‘this country when : ost gr: ge fader a group of the choir and Sun-| Ta Re Rn Dice Humilien, | to Me. Chas, Riley, both of Mom ve ; h fay School workers of the Methodist | more in the hospitals of New Yor! 1 i a rwards removing to Huron, cc evrolet Cars Church nominally to take the review|and London, Eng. Mrs McKenzie right on the job and managed to stop wltere! she ed ee ccna ae vEATHS. Sf the Teacher ‘Training work upon and family intend residing i jMaKenzic |e amber that looked like such goals, | Het bus redeceased her some ad_|Nolte—At_ Milverton, on Tuesday, the new model on exhibition in my showroom. Price $895 which examination will be held on|while the Dr. is ab wa an of ti he Inland FHevenue, oront June 3rd, Louise Mensing Toliok OF a eae ee onary Sender CouRe he Sinden aR a ated and fe Heceregtuhte |e ate Gongs te has Soh @ popular member of the choir and |longed bate, approved by an over. Annual Meeting {: Bist, said avian yw. Hee N.Y: — a take, place ne aj t @ ie. Have a second-hand Ford equipped with Gray & Davis Blee- || | nounced for early in dune. Tha: gath | Upitn Coy nimittee Thefore Nov that| ‘The annual meeting of the North |” ivertony was # daushts Hénry—At. Milverton, on day, ta ae ering was designed as a kitchen show- | Presbyteries report before November Perth Refovn Association will be keld June 2nd, ‘cea titdred, bel re ete oe Wea Sieg shots absorbers, tire carrier er and the gifts were of the perman-|30 whether they approved or ar in Cook’s hall, Milverton, Me eset” : wife of David Helis , of Aenmngs ly equipped—good as new so have 2 Climax Stiff Tooth ent and useful nature including many | proved the dr: aft articles of union | da “Sune 11th, at the hour of mee SUMMER SCHOOL ton, aged 52 years, ; Cultivators for sale—good as new. of granite, glass and silver. Miss with the United Free Church mit aie o’clo m. gates to ith—At Milverton, Thursday, 3 oe erator Sis one of Milverton’s |ecting that a Commission of the AS-|be sent from each municipality. Lad- Central Business College of Strat-|" May 20th, 1919, Mary Molett, reo Sa and is|sembly be held in December for the | jes are cordially invited to be present, | ford has a large re crete alee of re- t of the late James Smith, in her eS nd | purpose of authorizing the Union | Local associations will meet on Tues: turned solaiens and the college will . ‘ : pose of, Uni 7 eae, N. Zimmerman, Milverton iruscal abit, Her home wall eel urpose of the evont of @ majority | dey, Jone 10th, 20 appoint delegates, /be Kept “open during the ‘summer |Ohm-—At Milverton, on Friday, M ‘inue near ni om- | ug) Bee era Lavelle, the sweetheart | fo gg ae Se cae Charles K., of Toronto; Albert R., of | 1°: 81, 210. | nd e| Silver Corners, make May 22-31, all and feulieat our stock of SEED CORN, we have the fol- ° 2 z & Box POR © Lyon as presel r, Coxon wath a Nes ereadedly exe with his ini- tials engraved upon it, as a mark of) J = gE gre 38 Ej EA 8 8 “ Ej BS ER $ Bu 6o a. ae ® i ¢ 3 ba ® 3 3S @ 3 ® S & 2 ES ki ms “3 Ej 2 ¢ 2 . 8 ee QD. of 2 Ana S 5 Bg LF mn Tl horsday peenig e share gather- : ; of See approving the articles Returned men or others 30th, 1919, pit ii di - 5 * munity io ‘oin in wishing her a yery|to approach the Government as re- ae HAY, M.P.P., peat Saahide a course may enter the Col-| tei ie of Mr, and ee, reese auch ; happy life. |ge ards the necessary legislation. ‘A, HACKING, Secretary. |lege at any time. aged 4 days. : x?