Milverton Sun, 5 Jun 1919, p. 5

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MONKTON BRIEFS H.. Schenk, a Seater, dined of os brick ‘hou: Nor- man St., to Mr. E. marae Be Lo- yd Holman, of Puslinch, M spent the ee end at his home ee cept oe ee terson, Thos. Nunn and Roy. Morrison are spending afew days this week in - Stratfor The eranpale meetings eee by Rey. Johnston of Chicago, will commence, on Sands, Sune Sth.” Services at-11 am, and Tarr, Wilfri 7.30 p.m., under a tent iz Confeder-| atio: Park, and will be continued f two weeks at 7.30 o’clock each even- ing. Everybody welcome. Come and enjoy the special music, I ‘ordon Burt, of the firm)of Hay Bros, Listowel, was a busivess eae in the village last of Mrs. inglis, of Listowel, spent the week-ond-as te eu st of her sis- ter, Mrs. B. Roberts ics, Lynn Better, of Kitchener, is pending a few days with her sister, Mrs. G. Weber. ‘and Mrs. Edward Bettger, ace companied. by ‘the Misses Florence Johnston -and Frai Mereyfeld gpent Monday at Stratford and New Wi het liges last week Mr. an American cent. dat is as large as a Canadian copper. omen’s tg poate will ‘hursday, at 2.30 ness Visitor at OStiechell on ‘Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. them, y. busi- He wa: Rennick spent | lie HALF HOUR DIFFERENCE “Previous to 1884 our fathers work- don sun time. So-called standard time was then adopted at the instance of Sir Sanfo: ie Fleming, as emit nat ne ngineer, duce ie the United these-24 parts the dian or sun . Whei struck: 12 | standard th has _always~ been ime it always» | 12.30 by the old sun mark on the sun n ‘form to day-light , we must remember that it is only 12.3 instead of one o’clo the true meridian ti other words th me PEE UES f ae should” exist at Milvert A CASE TO CONSIDER ‘oronto Star. to well consider pis: ieee lom o: out on strike, o: ing men out of | ee ae iliete: “all demande have | been. where the uae amicable a couple of days at London last week. n Mr. and Mrs. J. Bartel, of Granton| cut from w et if his men spent hare at Mr. H, Ronnenberg’s| go on -strike about something with Mr, and Mrs. C. Hobbs, of Wel- wee he has nothing to do—if they ception at Granton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, Mr. a Mrs. George Ronnenber oe of Mitchell, were visitors Ag . Roi cuenberes during the past | ae Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burnes of Mil-| er and Miss R. splber spent Sunday at Kitchener. Mr. and ae Manton spent | 9 es Shape Snelling, who enlisted with) the sooth Btn., returned home on Tuesday Bight and was given the us. ual eceptio W. Sete i pete Kress, | wm Prien Roy Jn Milverton, Mrs. Wm. Rennick and daughter, Laura, returned home from London, after ‘spending a couple of weeks | Mrs, Orrand Mrs. new home at Lakeland, Mis. Clifford Hobbs, of. Welland, is at, present. visiting at her home sorry to report that Miss | Vera Ronnenberg is at present ser- Mr. Russell Morrison, cf ee ai eek. Mrs. and dau; fighter, Ethel, spent Suinday at Milverton. E. Beet aoe. family here Penadag at New pies Gould (Missionary) of For- osa, condu in Enos church on ace last. r. Jas. Wi n, Jr., is at present | visiting friends in Stratford, Mzs. J. Weber visited with {fen ny friends at’ Shakespeare on Sun mkton pub library will be sonia qromabeniiy atternbece acne te he taken Hon e mmer mo; e library will | of gowers went to show how sl be en in usual on Sati ¥ even | beloved by ‘he names of 1! ings from orelo Gi i's 3 aie is the place for cheap fruit—oranges 40 and 50¢ doz.; ban- anas 30 ani je dozen. Mr. and Mrs. George Snellin: eee Bc aed ue Listowel on da; their nephew, fe of Listowel and atur- te. home irs. Andrew Terry, of At- wood, and fansily visited Mrs. Hug- gins over Sun Gill’s store | ihe "he place for cheap groceries and canned goods, NOTICE bafta June int she Monkton: Chops (oo in. Tuesda: ping Mili will ru , Wednes- day and Friday 0 erly, during the sui oni Or On, | re A COLD DIP. m- « Holman, Monk-| q n strike and upset GolliaeiecanGent cea ier nena | PERTINENT QUESTION. | (Acton Free Press.) Are we as citizens as really patri- jo otic as we might be, so far as 2 cer an -add fpeaker asked these pointed ques- “How many minutes during | Haat years have you spent in working on or thinking about purely | nselfish propositions affecting thi ‘are and progress of your tow Have you spent at least ten hours’ | which you are a member? lor bright, have once, gentlem: Now, hon- you?, Don’t all speak (Walkerton Herald-Times.) pies youths, Jack Chalmers, Edward ie say jsomenony woul ae “crossed the 12 [ban a s Tennyson puts it when speak-| ng ing of a tragedy, is almost certain, fhe funeral of little Margaret Wes enburg, of Logan, which took place |e, eae was largely at-| about her own age, telling her mother! and Fern ee that she was pallbearers were Lavina ai ini Leake Ivy dey Elliott, Evelyn Ean Eisler home and at the grav GROCERS DON’T NEED LICENSE. The Canada Food Board in the last days has ‘been receiving a large number of applications from every ovince in the Dominion for the re- and general retailers whose license expired at the end of last month have en numerous. rd of whi desires to repeat the announcement made some months a; 10 food ealers in Canada, seaut iliocss re- quire licenses. Arrangements are ing pa ao refund the renewal fees being sei Announcement ctionery wi 's be kept in stock; also all bits of tral an hel cream be gupeee il and ae er Mhiting Co, flour always I will also nae, ae for butter and eggs. W. S. MERRYFIELD Monkton, - - + - Ontario Notice to Creditors In = matter of the estate of Archi- bu; 19, are requested 01 intity from the 18th day of June, 1919, to send ists and vendors, as - sult of to the undersigned Executor of the| the latest order of th of Li. id estate or his Solicitors, full par- mmissionet ounce ticulars of their claims against e | bottles will be sold at. not more th: estate, after which date the assets of | fifty, cents, whi i yurchas- the said estate will be d buted | ers from ten to fifteen cents a bottle. te among the parties entitled thereto, baying. regard only to those claims ae: above: This notice is given ponent to Beeson 56 of “The Trustee Act.” ated at ee this 15th day GEORGE B. MANTON, Monkton, Ont., Executor. eet & Richardson, cae eh Ont., So! oar thelr Aniner in this for Executor. 4-t. be LOST MANY SUBS. Germany lost 198 submarines dur- ing the war, according to statistics on his branch of the German naval ser- séven. submarines interned in foreit Ports and fourteen destroyed by their own cre’ “More than 3,000 sailors lost: their kia lives in the submarine sinkings, statistics show, ile several thous- others lost their reason and ha: to be committed to lunatic asylums. TURKS MUST PAY PENALTY "Commons, Cecil Harmsworth, Un- Forei; Affai It treaty with Turkey would provide this. MAY BUY SIX OUNCES NOW Se alee. in six-ounce bottles, is the which purchasers will mai A Cure for Insomnia. chaplain eon overseas en three steps inside every man would sound asleep,” he recounts. ) u evessary for trades unionists en hast ae to depend in the words of 5 autos were in’ p Monkton; eonducted the service 4 the! ni Replying to a question in the House _ Foes FOR WINTER USE SEVERAL METHODS BY WHICH TO PRESERVE THEM. | Are Surplus Eggs on Most Farms. ‘ms. For’ ‘next f winter when eggs are shard get and are high in price. , There are several methods of pre- |serving eggs which have proven Re ace aba and which, because hey are cheap, simple, and en tte: should be ut into practice more é: (f S ioc chas preserved sitet bat } ‘hest methods of preserving is by t yellow nase ought r ue-| T or poultry SSupDlys man. ae airup: i |. Preserving Eggs in Waterglass. jor jars are the best containers, since e |trocks or cans should be scalded and {allowed to cool before they are used. 4 container holding age gallons will solution and place Bggs can be added from obtained, mak- Cover the containe: he hymn on somebody to throw out Place it ina cool place where it will the Iife-line across the darik wave, in- not have to be moved. Look at it enel= a ‘event (rom time to time, and if there seems showed, to kick thentselves to shore 10 be danger of too mt Raith These own boo lion, add sufficient cool boiled wa }t0 keep t ei ver moved from the solution shoul insed in clean, coe peed MARGARET WESENBURG they are. boiled “hole loricked in t Le 0 ;heedle to prevent then from crack- | ‘Limewater also is yg aeaeae 2 ghtly A is made by placing two or three pounds of unslaked lime in five liquid is clear. |Segs promd be placed jsarthenware jar sullable ae Legere to a depth of f two | inches with the liquid. lesired, rince water, and use immediatel ‘Transplanting Large Trees. 0 inches in dia 1 ots will afford the most estistintiee metho Put Loafer Acres to Work. of large size ee ie age aiutlihte se or one ditches or needless thane. is vat ating under a handie: e increas: 2d ease of rking, and the reduc- eases the most profitable and desir- able method of enlarging crop acre- Strive for More Chickens. be served on farmers’ tables as well as in the city. TOO BIG FOR OUR‘USE comes from Johannesburg, ein mine in It is said that this ‘digiond: promos diamond think it queer that we Roviiaanlite a Mewsot shir ane: and we wouldn’t giv i The fact is tha free to go after this stone if you want A far are e do not consider it in the ey of taste to wear a diamond of this tt 15 dozen eggs and will 'anq ey inches of waterglass SE =| Remove the | magnificent soft | pan: to be one of the historic gems of the | Pras FOR THE MARKET | Animals That Gait Weight Rapidly | Ave Most Profitable, |. It,is of the greatest importance in PprQaUelne pigs for the market that | they gain in weight as rapidly as pos- nan Sra 1, ia. to ac: | Waterslass Solution Is Best and, sible. The modern hog is a high Sinai Gndeke Ge aare AteoEs alized and efficient machine fo! conversion of grain-and roughage terredy ane: Containers into edible meat; but to obtain the Glazed Surface Prevents Chemical greatest efficiency, to make the most Action—Work Should Be Per-' pork from a given amount of feed, to | must be k elas the | born p the sow is much richer in protein, fat, 1 | A Good-Sized, Profitable Litw. }and ash than is cow’s milk, and the nde | by the little pigs place ma: The best Maes for pigs at this age are dairy products, such as skim (milk, of butterialk- ‘These, uilxed eds, a8 middlings, shorts, with mill fe with a meal of ground oats from | the | which Ue ‘nulls have heen removed, ‘aera ant, | give excellent satisfaction. feeders use thé eeder at ime, placing it inside a cre at will admit the pigs to their grain all ti is is best adapted fo: igs ec! wi e prepared ioe the period following | weaning “with teed , hydraulis wing water may be utilized in delivering a constant supply of that water at an elevation hig! and a con- i ig aw yherever a farm water. supply tain- able, must flow.‘“uphill,” the hydrau- ic is desirable; and wherever a satisfactory “fall” can be provided the ram, No other power is Se and very ae attention is | Yet to-day, over 120 years : | atter ine date s invention, not one \ | "Properly installed, the hydraulte r erates itself, without fuel, ' | without care, and without operating | expense. It is reasonable in i is sizes to neces: , are correspondingly works while you sleep. Garden Is Most. Important. e garden will be even more im- this year than last year. asset toward coming season. produce more food than an became a nation of gardeners. That reputation must be maintained. Every farm must have its home vege- table garden, and every foot of vacani land in the cities and towns should be planted to food crops. If the flea heetle becomes trouble- purple to fifty parts flour or lané aster. Prepare to lay the new lawns down early. Grass must the cool early spring _ tc put tates aie before the grast Begins TO BUILD CONCRETE AUTO- ~ MOBILES jon England. All pai eluding wheels and chassis, wil ye st es out, each sublet a one 2 pee me. ‘eal ww this week in connection with the pro- sary piping. The water flows through |to use an ordinary auto as a ram and tract h a valve into a! This pan: both constant. It © W. L. MACKENZIE AND HIS NEWSPAPER. Hosaie Times, ) McDonald, which was written by Hon. irs had in Sohies out his newspaper, tke ivocate. In (3) 5 = derive pleasure from seeing ot do likewise...... is letter is writ- min a hui md. that, hu cannot get the better of. cate has still a great and unexampled cireulation, oor agents in most places haying little in- terest in the prompt payments of th Li their own affairs to a degree suffi- cient to prelude much regard to mine. This, jomed to the evils of an_ill-, regulated et otlicas renders my situa | jon in a~ pecuni: point of view very irksome. I am not able to pay the necessary ber of hands to ge e paper out regul: I ofte: and agents in one week. If to this’ be added correcting the press, Which | hope, in readin, |—1 have done all this for a long iene; and I will do i |] believe you wis undertaking—or yo' aken in hi i For this kindness again i | ae your obliged and very humble WM. L. MACK) York (now Toronto) December 1, 24. | S=Your letter went to Queens- [ae sent without any charge as bee cause of the trouble I ee ic have given yo | GODERICH LANDS ANOTHER BI& INDUSTRY | Another big industry is to be locat- edn. Goderich, the tractor he manutuenmrod there: Megow, viee-president of the Conver. tible Tractor Corporation of St. Paul n., and president of the Charles Tractor Corporation, is there |) °The Me-Go tractor attachment is an appliance which makes it possible ue Brockville, cas loaned ae fhe Times in ii, the prices of fo FOOD COMBINES ‘THE LOST AND FOUND = * Montreal Herald, Whe: 7 you iose your temper, you in the Te on May 15, the , Hon, lose a valuable ee ‘When you lose r. Chaquette made the following | your h cath, cowie at charge: "The increased cost of liv: ising the fact, When you lose your ie, targely, 10 the. fact “that self-respect, it’s time to take invoice wioleah Hons: fy Monteesl, and os pécially in Quebecy are formin; pay apetamedistelyrel! that they can get from the farme: Tf you find the road to’ snécess, don't put out your rear li n who is prepared to prove eth ti r securing control of the people's food for the pw ment industrial cae ” Sie ACE £ INL OUT The finishing touch to a good meal—Silverwood’s a Ice Cream. : Tts creamy taste and pure fruit flavors are a real delight, Many fine dishes can be ‘served with ice cream, making dainty desserts for special occasions. Silverwood?s is pure pasteurized cream—homogenized. SILVERWOOD’S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. Bricks in all Look for the Sign Flavors wing to @slight ae in the wholesale price of Wire Fen- uote citig, we have revised our price list and are now able, to you as low a my mail order house ‘one who has al- ready paid for "his. Wire Fencing is veques BINDER TWINE We are also in a position to book Spies for the best 650 ft. Twine at $26.50 Per Cwt., payable in GEO. J. COXON, Milverton It’s gust the Stoee for the Canadian. housewife! 4 faring an ordinary auto into DETROIT VAPOR OIL STOVES ake eel Corporation ex- ‘pects to soon. With these two dustties "Godiench expects to be one | ‘of the finest cities in Western On-)| ‘tari lot of property has chang- | ‘ed hands in the last two weeks | everytl is move. oar ade expects to land a Sinorble tidusiry weeddinenten the trocar two. literated, the posts a aioe ies to them need levelling. Mail carriers are anx- ious to render x 00d service, but in many cases they are not helped by our’s worl the box owners. we Cheaper and Better than Wood or Coal dust Like a City Gas Stove neh er where you live, you can bring city gas Conven- x kitchen, Many city folks wl just outside of the larger sises where they cannot get gas rede nae these stoves because they cook and bake to perfection: You don’t need to “fuss” with a Detroit Vapor Stove. Siaply light the burners and put the cooking on at once. No yr. ce tanks; no need to cu tholes in the floor. The mplete in itself and can be placed in any part of the he burners are durable and as simple as ga: Ba des ae 5 They require no attention as they have no wicks, ings, or ‘asthing that looks like a pent Come and see bat at ie Finkbeiner Hardware w ould improve conditions very much, iomical of fuel; a your home comfortal This is the proposition we tem for you withou' If you want if you want up to us. M‘Claty’s Sunshine Ae easy to manage; a furnace ae 5, McClary’s heating Bree will plan a heating sys- it charge—a heating ey guarantee will heat your home comfortably. a dural furnace, well installed, put the Eee Ask about the LITTLE, Dee ae regulates them eitorsadicalge furnace that will h offer in the Sunshine. system that to be sure of COMFORT; ible, honestly built MAN that turns on the dr

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