Milverton Sun, 5 Jun 1919, p. 7

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With Profit? Many wage-earners are hing them- : ‘ selves this question. L BPs do cat Gast. ok a meee the bank at a time, and before they know it, it is gone for trifles. rprTie BSk tearidea I “F ples to enable you to save tha fgets ‘ in such a way that it will eats you : nae Twenty-five cents buys a Thrift Stamp. In May s become a War W-8s. Savings Stamp, for which the Govern- Cost $4.04 ment will pay you $5.00 in 1924. ra In June 2 Wee: \ If you lend Hes peorenninatt your seals Cost $4.05 ings in make cannes Gan ore com} ea = terest as often as a fae mundi This is not only easy and profitable in> vestment, but patriotic aoe inert fe cause the Government needs money for the heavy financing of the recon- struction period, War Savings Si i sli etek Sere Make Your Savings Serve You and goer tt5 alan te Serve Your Country—Invest Them in War Savings Stamps. MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE Just Arrived New and Up-to-date Men’s Furnishings New Shirts New Collars New Socks, New Belts and New Ties Get your belt here with your initial on the buckle ~ | Hot Weather Millinery New and Up-to-date WEBER & BETTGER _ “A WOFUL TALE (Continued) sSUUbgn i Cone tontan) I tride anuther farm, st e last eyver But I kwit thet jobb in a rush, nevver sed “Goodby.” I got thare jist at sinner time; And fa a: hing to lot tee eat, was S told To ae miself kwite free, was thare. ied ae lookd bloo But, gosh! I ‘tine I filld up wen I hed ei Pia And lucky jobb, I di Tana feat and last eel ‘T hed thare. t no sekond bi Wen we ie an the. misses sed, N ee i both oe u low, pa, fe um a ene Sez he, MT Kar eae thets flat. I got to trim the hosses feet, ‘And brake in a yung kolt.”” He tirned to me, and sed, “Yu go, And mind the mair ‘Gont bolt. She’s fresh and wee bit skeerd of kars But utl erveize a all rite.” So we got in iruv away, And I held A lines tite— Too tite, a evlannen site: for the mair; She wasnt used to thet. She Par the eee atween her teeth, at The pase sp reemned and grabbd the And I pickd up the wip *Aiiie tie ansis put twas no'use! She didnt kair a rip. Wen we hed gone about a alle The line broke neer the The mair jumpd Sideways oft the road And misses tuk a The bugee tind upon its ‘The mair, she kiekd like nad The misses fel out top of mi And maid me feel kwite pad? A box of uxs fel on her hed; n butter on her feet. I ckrambild up, and then I thot ‘Twas time for me to beet. DANGER LURKS IN EVERY ONE OF US We Are As Fall of Deadly Poisons As A Germ ~ Laboratory. AUTO-INTOXIGATION OR SELF-POISONING “FRUIT-A-TIVES” Absolutely Prox vents This Dangerous Condition. The chief cause of poor health is matter, instead of pi lower intestine regularly every day, is allowed to remain there, generating poisons which are absorbed by the blood. In other words, a person who is habitually So ke is poisoning himself. We know now that dudo- intoxication, due to non-action of the bowels, is directly responsible for serious Kidney and Bladder Troubles; relieved as soonasthe bowels become regular; and that Pimples, Rashes, Eezema and other Skin Affectio disappear when “Fruit-a-tives” are taken to correct Constipation. sce a-tives will protect you Auto-intoxication because his wonderhil fralt mediclie: acta directly on all the eliminating organs. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25. At all dealers or sent on receipt of priceby Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, I sed Id go and git sum help, ‘And started off to run, And nevver stoppd, nor Jookd behind Til I was fraely dun, T nevver went to fetch ae help; T was in too mutch dre To look the misses in the faise With eggs uppon her hed. h like hard wt Td like a mise jobb in a ban, : d wurk kwite free. I dont like yea nosin round ‘And findin falt with me. Id ee see a Ay: pays thru Fo) ee bucks a day, Pete patel the boss Ern all he gits with swet. PROTECT THE BIRDS (Orillia Times.) il boy has apparently Eevee wait for e small g assistance in his that the cob ye ee a few of his lows ive cut worm than he himself ett i encourage the Smart Clothes for Men Pure Woollen Cloths and Suitings to ad Our advice is to buy. euch as we have are going ance mi igher owing fo the and for wool for other purposes, and labor conditions in England. It is doubtful ason if woollen goods be d from the British Isles in quantities ply the demand for civilian use. We Eat a of Suitings on receraiian many onths a: Our customers will g Zorenigtne ORDER NOW. 0. DUFFIEL et the benefit of our The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, - Ontario INFLUENCE A nameless man amid a ©! That thronged the ally. eee Let fall a word of hope and love So, wit farmin then and thare, piteshe ired men. we have Sires or fight against insect pests. It is true! ful p thoug! ehtfal oe out so gnsouging a prospect sa ZINE | mo: much more diligent Sin efficacious| Gf land for such a DUrp cents an acre yearly. Comparatively | al tives, as run, run, running, ran, ru} ner, ete, f CANADIAN NORTHERN MEAT FOOD (Guelph Mercury.) presumably with Arctic plant and ani- mal life, has been advocating the stocking of the far north of Canada h the musk ox make it serve as a greai source of foodstatt during the restor- table. peace the souidoee at orld to of “ stocker!” cattle The Ontario Government, few mths ae offered to lease ‘this sort pose at five) fittle has been done in response id then, i: worth listening is offer. Dozens of hes, Ene tae, gang to sleep; but dinna aoe yer img many thousands of acres, should fay ws before : Eet commenced. Gie a ave been stocked by this time, and | buddy a chant ea would have been s for ‘ae 1es8 of to as and & want of confidence. The Ontario Makiy Des Jekesonee® Government, having put the hand to ‘4 A li roe ad lost its wa: ‘ork, so as to test the : ‘mal t ng woman’ behind’ the ‘desk ittle stream had lost its way | Character of the ranching idea; it has|-in a public Ubrary for Boswell’s Life A passing oh eae scooped a well apparently contented itself with mak- | of fohnson.” She cat techised him ere weary men might turn, ing as to what Dr. Johnson’s first name He walled it in and une se ‘with eare wi and -how did - Boswell’ spell his A ladle at the ni an were his al He thought not the deed he sits It would be impossible, be give the|Then she confided with a charmin But hoped ot all much drink, exact num! f words the Eng- ihe that she wanted to sure He passed again an Ete well—|lish 1 guage. Words ane ge PAG are 80 my. ohnsons, y summers never being coined and forei; ords are | You know,” was her final ‘comment. Had soolet. a figviena “parched ton-| being added to the lan; 5 Ares Bre eae cent edition of 2 pading dictionary eee nd saved a life besides. ives betwee! 4 i he ofothel ari All He Needed. Unstudied from the heart ‘A whisper on the turmoil shri; it mighty’ at the last. \ Remember the Goal Bin The Fuel Controller is asking everybody to take their coal supply early. We have coal coming right along and we woul ask you to place your order EARLY. THE PAINTING SEASON IS HERE We have Sherwin Williams and Martin Senour brands, These are the best that money can buy. f We also have a full supply of Builders’ Supplies on hand, in- cluding— x ST. MARYS CEMENT and LIME Our rices are RIGHT—call and see. Ontario M. E. BETTGER & CO. Monkton, — EVERY CITIZEN A SUBSCRIBER. ‘a home paper Well, that is’ distresstul es chen and she will lay eggs to pay for a year’s subscriptions ein, ‘work her up into a pot pie an she will ay will be clear Fee ue ae —__—_ NEXT LEAP YEAR 1920. _ The last time theré was a lapse ae to 1904. year will be 1920. leap rule is as follows: It is every fourth year, which leaps over a day e . more tl coramgn year, a day being added t Counter Check Books... We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. This firm turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. See our samples and get our prices before ordering. > See Sa Nia OVER THE DON. young lady called Vera Lavel, e Didnt like the look of her So she picked up a ladder made the co} | Sun Office | i Yes Para snd adder ‘than— | anything.” | than ‘Short Stories Retold. sae Like Times Ase digesting bac ne are eu “doing, son?” the captain Pe cled oul lier = the stump slowly satel his eyes and looked ae expression ae that of a deta ed and world-wea: under the burden of a secret sprreme We didn’t seem to ease his mind much for he sighed deeply and returned to his quent inspection. in’ over the personal col- see if there were way they if “ea been a small town a week ago, me car refuily, “You're a pee eerines ‘reporter, ain’t your ure. “Well, listen, did old General Mis- fortune ever billet a whole army corps 10" hese on your oer e to fatten. u) multiply an’ rep replenish your shirt?” The coldier Fminaiiately, lost all in- ere in me and took up his duties ane’ "Goo: by,” he mumbled. had ’em, you know all the news there “If you’ve is to know around here.” ar aa in peace, it's the little things, that count eee It Sounds Fishy. is a lot of truth in that old There S the y and J began to take a mo. ‘ious view of life, he decided to achurch. He was gladly welcomed, as a brand from was gentioned that ittle more im . days ate ee gave it weight of the fish instead of size. All went well un- feos way when Jones was calle away on important business and the stor visited his home during his al ce en they wanted to weigh @ baby the only seales to be found| fish scales, on which the | the beam at just | twenty-five pounds, | ae ae | Mysterious. The hired man took his girl out for a walk the other Sunday, “Telling the girl to take: one arm, e put. out the other to guard them Mary very much by éxelaim that’s good; its the firs time a knowed my nose was ise yy arm!” ee ee Asked For a Chance. Se acher one Sunday fouiid Was comers uorc pene es sleep ees he had fairly begun, On seei ti A seeker after knowledge asked gro was on the stand in an A court-house testitying to the details of a shooting scrape. e told how the prisoner drew a revol- ver and peeen shooting at George de re pas enry ral an? interjected mary. | the, lawyer Stor the defen - ut 5 “You are sure he ran?” * is.” «Well did he run fast?’ “Did he run fa—Say, ee ef dat nigge! = had, o had one feather on his back | he’d 0’ flew. eee A Mirage. A Toronto man on a trip to Buffalo was invited by an a “What do you mean, Gabe? You won't have ‘a drink after coming all this distance? “Nope!” answered the Torontonian “There hain’t no such pI Til wake ap inverter eeee In Braw Scotch. The “Scottish American’ reprints the story of the Christmas in New Testament in is the token for: ye; ye'se fin’ the bairn row't in a barrie-coat, lyin’ in a man- A few hundred yards to the rear)’ eyes brighter,’ ‘the pecs plum ied “aot ‘re lookin’ for news to print?” F: Sa shaniad .. We gi individual instruction. Students -|entering each week. Our graduates gecure positions of trust. Get our free catalogue now, it may interest you. the fields, although it | Ot: ings and Trimmings purchased and de is this | ¢. diz- The Sun Pri ating ‘Office Main Street. =. MILVERTON, ont. — ription rates:—One year, $1.60; sx monther foe In advance, Subectbers it ar: rears will be llable to pay $2.00 pet year. Advertising rates on application. Advertisements without specific directions | "will be inserted until forbid and Charged ac: cording! Changes x contrat advertisements must “pein the noon Monday, RS MacBET: Publisher and Proprictory BusinessCards” Medical. ing Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Preseripy tion the skin, becomes sen 04 Druggists Sasi it in ‘ae liquid. It’s a ‘woman’s best, tem; Decanog ble medal ‘TON, ONTARIO.—"Dr. cised at that trying time."—Mns. RoBERT ‘Smairs, 64 Bay Street, S. CENTRAL D. A. McLACHLAN Prineipal. Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT AND CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full, information from any Grand qrunk Teket Agent or C. ne District Passenger Agent, Tore H. C. BAIRD, "Phone 1, Local Agent ave | mic re Dr. P. L. Tye Office: PusLic DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., ia te Sak and:7 to 8 p. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER : Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in medicine, University” of eoronta. ssistant New York Ophthal- ral Institute, arannenee nat and Golden Square Throat H ni s ing. pee to a ae Oe aa 6 p.m. Wednesday ne cance ne pues Me a appointment ¢ 7.) 43 Waterloo se oo STRATFORD. ANSON B. KILBOURNE CHIROPRACTOR > Office at the Grand Central Hotel. Every Tuesday and Friday. ~ Office Hours: 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. Consultation and Examination Free. DENTIST. J. F. SEBBEN, AUS L.D.S. Opp. City Mal | STRATFORD hone 9! Open ovenigs from 7 ‘to 9 o'clock, tesal H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL. MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton. ney to Loan, Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money. to Loan. R.T. HARDING W. 6, OWENS W. E. GOODWIN Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Cownties of Perth nd Waterloo. Conveyancen, cede, wills, mortgages draw affidavits made. Village clerk. Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia She New Spring A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage ‘License LP. for the Countyiof Perth. Real estate bought’and sold.” A few choice farms for immediate’sale. MONKTON, ONTARLO Styles With spring Suitings and Overcoat- livered from one to three years ago, Veterinary. R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Barr’s old stand e are offering you suits and over- coats at last year’s prices. is eee You are absolutely certain of get- ting the best value in town when. you get us to make your clothes, eeae Wo oes fit, finish and fash- ion. guarante ee ee J. M. M. FLEISHHAUER and Poe Tailor ONTARIO MILVERTON, = Weir's List of Farms For Sale $6,800—Will buy lot 32, con. 11, Hotels The Queens Hotel CANADA FOOD BOARD ee NO. 10--622 - Best accommodation for e regia gts trav ellers and others Two large Sample aoene GEO. F, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont x Ae ot ee A ag A eae Milverton Lodge No. 478 A.F. & A.M. G.R.C. Meets. et Monday evening on or before full ms ips on eS Wele pepe at ence hall , J Ricias brethren swage wel releo! betas ihe: Silver Star Eon No. 202 1.0. 0.F Meets every pie night at ke ve in thets hall over Bank of Hamilto Visiting brethren always eer Ww. Henry, W. K, Loth, -G. A. Barth, NG. Fins ree ys» Rec.-Beox. jes. Elma, 100 acres; a splendid farm; sll under cultivation; dw ling house; 2 bank barns; g0 locality; reasons for selling, widow nd daughter cannot work the land; immediate possession. _ Appl; premises or to W. D. Weir. concession it Wolestey2150 (acres; summer kitchen and rf bank barh with straw shed; imple- ment ; Pig pen: use ; dmill; never failing spring close to the buildings; good bush and or- chard. ile C.P.R. station at Linwood, 1 mile from school—a great bargain for somebody. ne ast quarter of lot 3, in the 0: concession of Mornington, con- Seine 0 acres, On the Premises is erected a good comfortable brick id mesihed: nees- 34 acres of lot 4, sion. Will be sold ene a block or separately. < $7, pale cht ess ‘the east half of lot 3, con. 5, Mi ington; 100 4 acres Bice houise, bank. bar. iyat aod water; 2 miles front Hivetion: = P. i. BASTENDORFF $7,200 sil ae hs aes half of ce , 100 acre fe premieet is er- jouse con heat hard and soft water; bank barn 60, cement stabling; driving shed 2 44, jen: Hots d: pig stab’ Land ini te of ees business men : SHADOW TEST “He Looks Into the Eye" ¥, THIS METHOD, it te almost erro! eb: Berets its so ‘Weak Muscles Siecaptlleken ‘2 Headaches Cured, Cross - Eyes in many cases straightened when g! hte Titen, Satettcur: Cudren ayes stcuratcly cramined without ~ asking questions, TISFACTION GUARANTEED t fae fate de~ urces = lasses are Eyesight Specialist" MILVERTON, ~- © oti) oO. Lien note books—very sania fu 5 farmers—may Drille dwell” at ‘windmil].—A. sni i y, an had at as othie for 25c.

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