GENERAL NEWS Midland now reports a porsianes ot 7,339, an inerease of 1,029 0: the potate bug is said to ke. much in evidence this year and there is a there 4 is plant of work on farms, if any? Carried unanim- is called our because fath- ‘much of an opportun- othe English ee ity to use if For faite tobacco without a li- cense, a member of one of the Farm- | to jarton was recently they married aalics does. ‘his lite for her. After ie even lay er. e farm o: ere he is elm "and Sortae unced this mo} of milk would Te m that date. Up to the pemecstt AS thas been sold at 11¢ a quart. ount contributed by the citizens of Blyth and district now amounts to $6,575, ie Women’s Institute, Red Cross.Circle and Girls’ War Haus are Poneebutine: $1000 of this amount z eapeneier tries to sell you stock | in and dend, be assure trying to aoe an easy jiving on your hard earned ¢: When pe a woman in Ontario dies ates and childless, her hus- ee father, mother, brothers and ‘sis- ter that here, wheve th the ladies furnishing most of the en most of the id shoes may become a little | “7 er as a result of the abolition fa, In other respects Pe will not affect the boot and shoe in- (From = Wall Vall Street Journal) of Paris inating will at the Peace Confere ce powerful mind, soning, the document, even i ‘bly expressed in his memo: address ie the G He handed t they clous suppose that 5 a- treaty was contemplated by Wilson humbler a eeded correction widely different from fiantly flung in the te of the States Senate. Th t} Renate for i con needing, ant. Mr. Wilson’s “fourt poin' have been aia ted, extinguished or} modified te such an exte inte cote of sagt: § wil es led to adjust them to the final resul y, still, cue eit concede eee Neither this newspaper nor whole push” at the m Wilson thought when he returned from France pe, as his MR. WILSON Noe “THE WHOLE | a yr delegation. | ** on nie safeguards demanded | #moun by Sincere norlGer of ane tek eh 7 Tepresented. e treaty as it stands within the time fix Wilson’s Republican critics ‘led to | in; THE EN! WOMEN. oot Mercury.) W. arlton, Secretary of the Wewtern “Onteno Liberal A jsame Footing as m also | privilege ROG wok ee shed ab any Feadon, cart never be recalled Tr set at Gmittins forthe present all the school v | Peohlethe of. taxation, street improve- less people on he °: Sitch anode eaten anata be nm more necessary that men’s attention should be constantly xed on educational conditions an their betterment. era House elenely showed. ane nas thick thin admirers who istry. t one hundred Bruce county | 206! rip under the auspices of the Bruce Breeders jul During the retreat for the clergy lic pe 01 a ot Logan, and Edward Weber at Dub- lin. once had ee be te hut ene, hall, an il pass. onthose who x the borrower, ceive 25¢ fe Now that vitory is to%day covered with ties y: teaniae pik oh in; ‘he following speach was made by an Irish barrister on behalf of his ene where core sued paca alles. by | den wizard, would not have been injured when she was killed.” From a head, the cattle being ith, a thysterious ailm fat deprives ham Of tia use of there financial loss thro meh after having wintered their stock. The Bell Telephone Com ited is Yet fe company has not had Bo Profit chiara ie Re Ties, ns = ea a Se pe a thin one. 'y Mas . Y. Outlook. fipaee saves an “ho ur a week} Estim: ating mas. g saving | the his cee tal 312 per cent.— Farmers’ ‘A notable event of the Historical! and ff ah week the porti number of points in Glen-|as they gr fi When people in ni A a ingle gazing inward and iaanceipte to Tight from without GET RID OF THE SENATE (Guelph Mercury.) ‘idence were need- armfulness it may disposing of the mnunlipaites te the big the control: of he: of the people expressed through Par® ja WHAT NEXT? (Walkerton — : Mr. Con. B, Schnurr, the local gar- has Peanuts | Growing in Mr. Sel says you nate them like otatoes and it takes about the same lengt enormous lengt GADSBY’S VIEW food pi thapewil in ‘the fall when e country is glutte place to sell it bi da—wage will find rele level and industry will resent the working- ig for somet mor vages—vindictive “wages. getting them. But ig he ‘bites off his $0 Pe little show patience toward coe “and ie kers who- woul ke our money r than earn it,— F. HL Gadsby in Saturday Night. MAKE THEM BE GOOD Canada will be eas are not opted here, vil was cure there. cite ah erecte’ hem in two. oe taking a swing. There t all and an ami- t was effected at lonce, with the prices being cut in two. TS /Tt's astonishing how simply evils are {corrected in some Palmerston will crt 8 a fourteen- the stimated cost Palme! rstonians won't ” from gazing uj f the masaive pile. S| 1. We . Bag Ba “One Big Uni binles of the Paris d Ww id ies of dead solder, and pensions is be raised on trellises and grow to an] eq ome tumbling | Kee. {dence on the groom’s farm, 8th con- memory of| D a thing may be sbout hiring hath teachers and ue The tendency i joard of With al these things in view, ro" who are entitled to the franchise the purpose. of aeise Ortcided te Me f neglecting to take, in good time, the proper precautions. THE GREAT WAR VETERANS emcee it is “difficult to tell are, opposed fo. anarchy We shall eee "be eady to jen assistance and Ss “good | Ve recommend a round table conference to find a solution for the he nine peace prin- conference. e advocate eae to se- ene (a) A minimum wage. (e) Si migration and ni i qual eee ion Parberbunitios for all children. (g) Support of the general prin- ciples of the Witley Council of Gre: Britain, (h) Proportional representation in eleiee to office, Better is for the fam- ‘or wounded oi McKEE—WILSON. The home of Mrs. Eliza M. Wilson | WHY MEN AND BOYS SHOULD COME HERE FOR THEIR SUITS AND FURNISHINGS In the Final Analysis you always serve your own interests—you buy wherever you believe you get the most for your money. In buying a Suit or Over- coat you go where large style and fabric varieties are offered for your selection, where you have confidence in the store, and faith in its printed and spoken word. - : : > Let us stick close the facts-—this store's policy of small profits and large volume has worked out so Successfully that it is now the largest clothing store in Perth county. And because we enjoy such a trem- pnibas purchasing power, we are now able to offer the greatest values possible at every price. = The largest clothing stock shown by any clothing store in Perth county can be found right here. oe style displays are not limited to the products of y one maker. We show the best styles created by tae elothing fact of i Not another clothing store can point to a record at all ehaeabies with the twelve years of service we have rendered to the men and boys of this vicinity. With scrupulous vigilance we have rigidly adhered to our high standards of dependable merchan- dise, and superior values. In the Final Analysis, this is the store for your Suit and Furnishing purchase. NEWEST IN SUITS FOR THE MEN AND BOYS WHO CARE Don’t Buy Ordinary Clothes when you can get an Improvement for the Same Price. There never was a season when it was so necessary to exercise the greatest care in buying clothing. The scarcity of wool, the uncertainty of dyes, and the high cost of labor is ‘responsible for putting some very un- reliable clothing on the market. ith our customary foresight we purchased pe present stock months ago when conditions were bett a8 paces lower. You benefit two-fold by buying fers get the very best materials obtainable and you a! teas for them. MEN’S SUITS BOYS’ SUITS . $10.00 to $40.00 - -$ 4.00 to $15.00 Men’s and Boys’ Furnishings This store has always been the Leading Furnishing Store. Larger stocks to choose from and best brands at lowest prices. Whether you adhere closely to the very newest styles, follow the extreme fashions or dress conserva- tively, it makes no difference at this store. You can best satisfy your ideas here. The unusually largestock we carry is justified by the immense business we styles in every department. At most reasonable prices. LADIES’ SUITS & COATS AT BIG REDUCTIONS | OUR SPECIAL—LADIES’ NAVY SERGE SUIT AT ONLY . .99 LADIES’ POPLIN SKIRTS at.. + aie «$4.99 LADIES’ WASH SKIRTS at. $1.25 to $3.50 LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S MIDDIES 50c to $3.50 LADIES’ CORSET COVERS from. . WHITE LISLE HOSE per pair..... BOYS’ RIBBED HOSE per pair ... ENGELAND @ SON “The Home of Good Clothes”’ MILVERTON fern wedding Se was played by Miss Della Me- eartiesi andl best wishes had been extended to cession, Elma. Births, Marriages and Deaths. BIRTHS. rydone—At ee y, Jw 6th, to Mr, on Mon-|in Im a and Mrs. ings, a 80) Diet At Ellice, ‘on ‘Thur Sto Mand Mts. Hi n " {longer. I gton, ne 17th, to Mr. ter B. Sehmidt, MARRIA haat oS creel pain the the bride’s parents: uw and Mrs. a daughter. residence fas ts iS. on un fells Mr Aiteed Keay. | pefeki, of ‘Milverton, to Afsss Me: | wieght daughter of Mr, Mrs, Wm. Reihl. DEATHS. su “Lease—In Ellice, on June 10th, Au; — CONTROL OF PRICES. (Vietoria Daily One of the first steps a goptral fofin fi prices) would haye-t but what will permit a fair profit and | more ould Sass reasonable asperated. JUDGE THE CRIMINAL people who asked age and given a thorough- pola education in erime while: ‘other Colonist.) cold-s seouee Waciities j [with only a inet sabes that tne e creature before him was de- Bread should be brought e. a good tl sie of that sort left on Yr ENGINE CREW CLIMB FOR SAFETY. ie engineer and fireman 2066 on the ee ae ot (London Advertiser.) Tor. a, com. e sentence stand on ceremony, but the- shor ute, 'v Tes athe “going me alee yee, aged'65 years and 2,ture, fell in with tram packed into’ a penitentiary at 15. of en-)_ FURNITURE! We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furniture, See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers. We have a la assortment of Dressers and Stands, A nice new stock of Brass Beds at popular-prices utes when in town and look over our stock. We also have Stair and Body Carpet. Congoleum Squares look nice. We haye them. Linoleum always on hand, If you need anything in the Rug Line spend a’ few min- GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS - McLAUGHLIN AUTOMOBILES ROBERT McMANE Furniture Dealer Milverton Funeral Director and Embalmer