Milverton Sun, 19 Jun 1919, p. 1

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x For Sale by Aladdin Lamps MANTELS and WICKS ‘ - N EUMEISTER Milverton, - intario Tans BEES gy NOTICE n and after Monday, June 28rd all sihteatie repairs, tres, gasoline, Z c ig 7 es. : cessories, ete, must cash or note before lifting, be settled for by a aes GARAGE roprietor Vol. XXVIII—No. 5 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, June 19, 1919 _ Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher = with friends ‘at’ Strat wanted, Apply at George. Guenter Big reduction in Ladies’ Se and | Coats a PH eland’s. Lon of Loc: al Inter est. et A Sow ged Strawberries at Engeland | ‘rom aiverton ‘attend. |S Get your Dresses at Engeland’s. | Ladies’ and Children’s Middies at Engeland’: ae Raisins 2 Ibs. for 25¢; Ginger Snaps ee Ib.—Engelan A monster farmers’ picnic was held alla cebu Granulated Se per ie Mr, ae G. Hamilton’s grove, near MONSTER FARMERS’ PICNIC | Convention on July 3rd. Something Every Week No matter how little, you owe it to yourself, your family, and your business to save something every a Regularity pays. na Savings Account with whist ank. Add to it regularly. dt will quickly grow. It will help you to something really worth whilelateron, ie of Nova Scotia fence Gpoltal $ Z and is hav’ y i 3) at Listowel, moved in anes Mrs, moved in wth : MeDowell dnd family will be weleom- e J. G. HAMILTON by te eltizens of ive will be able to, secure 3 ho ie A hag had good Iuek Cotton Sox 25¢; Fancy : Sole Agent for with his eee so far this spring. Oo $1; Mercerized Fancy Sox i mW PORTLAND He has already hatehed out Pvep (ail colors, reg. Te for 59e, 2 pair for| for Tavistoc SCRANTON Sena Eee eee she ae the |°""as to tariff reduction thé Dominion SEANDARD, Oa SF Beiat p oS has a capacity of 1,200 Dut it is overnment could, ANTHRICITE his intention next ce s louble the S23 Pt oar a as he is unable at preset yet wishony mick tance ashe EACH your children to save. Start for each one of them a savings account in The Bank of Hamilton. $1.00 is sufficient for the first deposit. Teach them in this way to acquire good habits early in life BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH—N, G. Schafer, Manager io d Mrs. H. W, Hamilton. with bug “is #2 Slasearel Ranney left on Mon- ne ‘ ay Chil lay fi 3% the General hospital as a probationer Bhgeland Be eee RMiss Alice Ducklow, of Woogstock ia apendg a couple of weeks at the Boos ole sini f Her pa arents, Mr. and dren’s we are rea aaa toe ar fore arrived at Hali- fax on the Dismple:s on Friday last and will likely have returned Ba ‘ilverton | 5+ ‘Mr. yt he tite we o fg pre: “airs B, Johnston, sa sawenied by Her niece, oes Samuel Johnston, oe Britton, left on Wednesday for a month’s visit with friends near tawa. The congregati Millbank, ieee Tlding garden party. ist. merman mn 2) yok he received the ean spent the week-end iis seat ncen! ts, Mr. Johnston. Pfaff and ot ” Dashwood BEY Balbrigga: tee ee ., MeDowell has purchased |Frenpy Brennesans the- aie fe Gnr. Chalmers g i at Valencienes, Cambrai and Mr ew days owing lan tte aun = owing to the hu- | *peut again. tit erton people ent his seoad hens ‘Packari re on Frid: ©! Come out and hel Mr ist of her eldes The Nisco Spreader The STEEL DISstiBY TOR and the Perfe ct AXLE FEED are the it of eighteen xperimenting and fill a long-felt want. Only 41 Inches to Top of Sides 17} Inches Clearance Under Conveyor Track No Clutche: No Gears, No ¢ Jomplicated Parts, . Full Capacity, No Expensive Repairs, Basy to Adjust fect Work Light Draft. FARMERS—It you intend buying a Spreader, see before purchasing. 2 Ton Deering 650° Twine a at 26ic Ib. Cash Up to July Ist N. A. Zimmerman Brockville and Me- Implement Dealer Laughtin Buggies Deliaval Cream Sep- arators, Fleury Plows RETURNS THANKS in win the glory o On Wednesday evening, June 4th, |greatest of all feats of aerial navi- jage space on steamers comin| a large number ofthe friends and gation, a non-stop flight of the Atlan- | @ eae oes 7 It is aiming at a ce fre neighbors assembled ae my. home in tic ina heavier than air machine, | budget of DEC fepare yacan Mornington previous t Vith the Americans rests the hon |e that as : ue ect ¥ e packers and the 0 Newton and Nrasasnead: Mrs. mera mi | bration. oe seven millions ipany should be brought dess and myself each with a fine | Will visit Columbus within the ime, chair. I chee gay that we were som | Lod AW aay eer writes the summer meeting 0: pletely ta oa uy rise: arid Milverton osiuiastes certainly ny re e gifts Pek Sill rely = | for ex 5 10 arrive home ' at the home of Mrs. fetiembar the dono pee end a | perime shortly Fe arson for their extreme kindness. ing for the real aerial conquest of fhe ed i" rst came into |Atiantie—one big hop—and Captain | ‘to the settlement and, although, the last ‘Aleock has “delivered the goods” |All, as I consider Ganada is much oF pe ° remaining: athees first settled on country of “Ki the line, I-never received anything pe eceger see Hy Denes Meightovs Thanking ee: SuLVERTON: mi aid, moving. gum a conscier Siaece sincerely, BENJAMIN araget Beacon Files June 1889. )| ite honey, to pane Manes olidnte Bee ingaton. -W, Contiall andl stitto-go back home is” 8 atill (gets voDN Of ee Milverton Pah her = PUT Hamilton ptariedeun a ish a che, as it is far more ee schoo ALCOCK HOPS THE ATLANTIC aping from a Newfoundland headin with a Vimy Vickers pe laptain Jack ey, a British air pilot, has landed safely in aeland, amaking the flight in sixteen hours. to Manitol Che doenerstone of the ene ehurch will be laid Sunday tba: wildy rem Jane [Thus the bold captain and Great Bri-|of th of achieving the | has, missio 3 joes tion will cost the to David Royden C: e vel-Milverton Junior W. z F, A. match played here 01 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cam evening resulted in a win for charge of Mr. Burne wedish iron ee wagon now. Rev Knight intend | faen. 4 ent, |" Tt was stated before a atu deaetect ae en pl ane ae Po-| esi ae GC. ae lemens. ne nish bought at A. Ct each to select from.— Call and see the pure Manilla |few days this were the garden party | ba; a ete, Richard Orr delivered to Messrg| Gold Medal Fre Master Leslie Sinpepas oO Carthage j homes of eee and Mrs. George Hopf, Miss were Sunday visitors at the home of #30, aS Mr, and Mrs, George epnton Ate ev. Walter Moffat on 1 Briday Tas st Sadie and Mr Ej sones tot condnsted preparatory. se in ne Me ere ee a, Burns church. | He preached @ ery | Sol h ee ee . on. “Faithfulness,” pe tester. et that ee ofied the voneregation’ tnch |. eiand Mee. Gy Bach: Me Peter Boshart spent Sundsy at Mr. irew A pel ‘end family have |i Pfeffer, Jr., ae ak time as they| Mr. John Elliott, use. tore—Fine Black| will remove ultim: with perfect safe-| Mr. Chas, ty, reduce the schedule a few no! tches geeks ‘Court Milvert ‘in- | C. Mena ‘Chapter LO.D.E, Bru typ and can ae invitations ae a pets Schwindt bas been laid) every day p. fo: been Kicked by a horse one day last ek, He is, however, able to get Miss Anna Co: ae wand fa om nold Webster, 0 n. con- ; cert was the last OF 2 See seot four ana” oe Aceon one ae Duk om bythe chap E. Deacon, of Stratford, left| fies J. 7, Kerr received a letter last Sein acorn ct Sauter week from his nephew, mo: Nee York ‘State in Mr, Faill’s fine morning, July 6th, at 11 rd Mii bank “football meets the local it, June 20. e boys. caine Ae Mebeepblin: of | Sey towel, announces the engagement] nt “Exiday hill, the marriage to take place quiet- 0p. Valter Davidson, of Newton, |" Bes only. several coppers were ple of weeks previous | 1 Vy Rea will continue | sionary Societies Brags Mi n Zi vith a July 13th; Mr. and Mrs, Knight have | tary addres Aa ai heen invited to take part in the chor-| pin. Mrs, Husser was event will be one of | made a life member by the poet th est church ‘events that has Soeie u om Aus' reais EOE. the | 4 steamship com id all mail) verton Women’s Institute will be fad Smith Bros. and the Milve Robt. Sch: A Ladies’) Wash. SI Dresses— your rope requested to retu: ik ir. Geo, Hopf, is Sale and Mas- IR iesvoconsee Hoptiment avery eciten See bills. ing hogs for | 26%¢ of $1,108.-|19 ne | i ehibfleiseh me ne esday and Th in Underwear 59c | a.m. Loth’s Men’s Store Specials for Sat- ‘All phone orders should be-in by 9.30 per garments Straw Hats reg, 75¢ es} s St rawherries, — Leave your’order | with W. K. Loth. We have the choice Fruit aelling this week at 25¢ per ie. Ce n Mohr returned home on mentee: Sattar arennine atey ae x. and Mrs. | visiting the mem and Mrs.|in Stra ond. Mrs. ©, EE ie Thompson, of Walker- ie, spent a few days last week visit- her cousins, Mrs, Geo. Roe and and Mrs, Louis Mr, S. H. Pugh: B.A., principal of Mitchell high schoo), ae “resigned and| ly to London eS he will ee od ES s & z as delegate at the High Court _| meeting which is being held at Lon- ing Co., Lim 3 . Barth, who intends yemowing to Stratford. Mr. Perey week trom Stratford hospital where e underwent an operation for ap- es. | pendicitis. He is improving in health ince. to shaving | addon was at Avon- dresse rd congregations in connection with it. fo: id Mrs. David Jacobs and| the Forward Movemen: family, of Newton, left last Friday nyder an, Bal. de and Williamsville, and in-|day and report having had G tend spending a week with relatives A number from Milverton atten- d the circus at Stratford on Tues- The managerie was not ington will at ur of | Grace chiureh, Anaibanie, on Rance o’elock, lodges ay a to as- vale at the hall at 10. gs | np OF Aecount of war conitons the’ 18 | Martin-Senour ti |sell at special prices beginning Satur morning. Don’t miss this,—A. C. ; , John A, Crerar, of aah peare, aged about 70, was struck by voll, Gads-| a motor car driven bj ley of Stratford, real Sates Be S r ie % |Tuesday after and died a “bev ol by a score of S-1. During the fst|'" hn. Nicholas Nafaigey, of Bronner| minates laters tr, Cres but during the latter part of the sit hats Mis Mirtiest cAbrect Sout or Wee nee innean |game the team found their on a Seat ae fath H. Puw and Mire nerve and held their opponents down| the other day throu: eh phe efor 3 of Malco sfacBet, of Milverton, retty W vistiors were: ate) he Guach eae tlie tire tie eee mn Griexer, of Lghinon, Eompanied by many enthusiasts and | qner Parties, who expressed | anq' Mise Agella Cummings, 0 a band, which did considerable to en-|°°Ruy “Sohn pasa tive of | Povough, vere: one ah Heian ‘by liven proceedings and add interest to |ine Christan Shanter scabs Association ;Rey: J. M. Nicol, B.D., at the the evening’s enjoyment. oe te live antymen's Association’ manse on Wednesday, June 11th, at Mr, Fred Zimmerman had a wagon RS iver Me monet tha immer, {four o'clock. was _tastily left in his yard on Monday to have Su nday opeewla™ | attired in a becoming dress of white the tires sel. In looking it over he OT Sanday SI core, |S, and they were attended by Mr. recognized it as one that he had fin- e: Bewce com |B W. Cummings and Miss Mae Do-| erty.—Listowel Banner, Srrhe iden which dome husiness t's classes jhave in, regard to advertising Js very and is still in a aplendid state of re-| on Ween < Hamilton's = icely x Josiah Green's i ‘or show es | Wy “ ¢ ae wa comidel ist prise al the feir eens y of Gee oCaanike the rapidly osing “hs tie pear it was built, nd was Durchae- | @euyCne, St Se Oe ne |health and vigor and was by ed by th C. Schwartzentraber, | eo Shadow Inst when. Mvs, Phill |friend that Blank’s iron pills wguld land is at present owned by Mr. D.| sippel returned from church she dis- | DUNG him up again.” He replied, “Ye Schwartzentruber, Mx. ‘Zimmerman raped a patk ugingrto jest ok og | that’s just what my me, says no man could pursuade him to| {he hease os re ily as be Bet OU rnhe |L took one of them pills, but it Pete put the same amount of work on a jhea Dispel Taare dg me any good.” ouse sicked, but so far |{9,me any eee Mill St., oe dis- ne residence t N. posed of his Pee vi H, Honderich for the sum of $3, "550, mornin eutly alums ond the ng, ft he apparently mal with beers ie ce anid will give up. possession in. the ions of the) formerly of Atwood, was iment flee from Hverton of M: | Barth w rN ane calc spirited oes eae x, and J Mrs, bo generally regretted a ‘0 take a part in al and reli-| gious functions in the a a committee nta be Te com | Features ae which will be sues e of Stratford, choruses by a hor, instrumental _m f the Mil |% rent band. A good car service v os [Beto een the village and the t-|Supper 6 to-8 p.m. A'dmi: a 5 cents, Ss ‘At a meeting of the public school | and bi BS held on Mon ie grea’ 1e - = eaee nd Walvis e, gob, it interesting and profitable. talk on |Carbert, makes me proud to come me of the main battles fought. b; that back with me a wife, also the Canadians in the Great European Ste Carber aay i tl ra, Gray, having taken a positio to sail tor Can ada.” m the Toronto public Bcoae ates orion dad ii her romeonion which wae ers of her family | tim a John Boeckner left last week ite 3rd Candler returned last | ti w stunts were pulied off /in & will take ye aes Sapa Weir ci: Podie, reas lent the Gr ranizin; es _ be-| with the que: to cast an intelligent vote in ne elections in etic es were soon to E Mr. Halbert expressed himself | ai ngly against the Manufacturers’ a a peesiie to keep up a high tar- |B wall. long, he declared, as far- | Mi rs reniein subservent to @ so Tene will they be the under-dog. Far- |v obtain te Tegisla-| Q intain | franchise as free men and not party slaves. Mr, W. A. une falc that he had |" not come with a sage, but wi: S| depending upon previous bean Fy | rovide him with a text said | ante, Farmers w old a. conven- i Thursday, July close ‘of the programme all sat we a lunch on the grassy mounds throughont. £he woods. F PERTH HOLSTEIN BREEDERS’ CLUB | peor re discussed at the Sr Breeders’ Club on Thursday after- 01 n, David -M. Arbogast retired roms cers were elected: president, C. arys; vice-president, Tig 2nd Fice-pasidenty he ‘followings | ey Peter ‘Smith, Downie; Gleason Gill, | towel is sec- treasure, Jan is to introduce pee -bred | Holsteins throngho ut the country and |" members aim to bred sire in.every he rd in the county. | {ill rowing. : a Reception | Milverton i | i THURSD’ Y JULY 3rd)’ uet will be tendered soldiers ee Suitveston ay the entire surround- 5 les dance and Hfarmighed music dur- meeting at the Peder: ig speakers: sGhh Brown, Ethel; si t tary, atte "Brodie nee ‘divjions of the riding take part, (Sh (ical news Steps for the wider introduction of |tell the ure-bred Holstein cattle in the coun-|have friends your- meeting of the Perth District Holstein | to thenr r Sir |axticie™ ae appeared ie house, and that Oe * Atsson ASSEMBLED IN ANNUAL, MEETIN! out two hundred men and lady asieeued seune the annual meet- ial conventions to be. ‘held at Ottawa eee wi a large booth and Tore ronto. President F. W, M.P.P., of of the crowd ait Listowel, Prengey) and ‘officers ‘are: inl Presiden F. Quinlan, Strat. ‘ord; ones sereke ‘Mrs. R. J. Has- vice-president, Listowel; treasurer, ecretary, regory, Stratfor rd; Samant secre- ens & sidents | to represent the x. J. J. Foster, atford, ‘Tom Brown and Mrs. ee ar emsworth} Ima, And: No’ hs prenone Mrs, J, M. MeCalium and McCallum, I elbzates to att: provincial con- ntion are Mrs. Easson ani Be Stratford; y, MP. «Mayor Stevenson and’ Mra,’ Kelly # Stratford, TELL US THE NEWS. We presume that there never was in any y Joeality that reaye ppenings, It is may era. on ‘eaten iter oat flat failure at cho. Boe: 8 candidate for the; cuvome. Wrist, Out B uey a. area rs eoniing elect (ee eS ee ~and vice vi Edi- rial is obtained. ‘by. study, Perso! and lo- |takes physical as well as mental ex- mn to eet six or oor columns of this size. more Ree a local paper to get al Sawee enings. Don’t be afraid 0 editor or reporter that y 0 _are interested an the office of president. The following | Tight if you give it a chance. COMMUNICATION Editor settee ba — correc! our last i the stipends of the d of “Mission” clergy who, have, Berved ou years who have served ten years to $1,200 i hou: Tl The membership is 45 members and ee ee PSerot Abs e placed af $1,200 and a house, Your rs eS H. L. NICHOLSON. MRS. LOUISE MILLER. old resident of Milverton died ey London hospital on Saturday, June Tath, in the person i iller was a native ‘of CAPTAIN (DR.) PRATT BACK » Son-in-law of Captain “W, C. Prat ing district, who have served in uni-|Mr, and Mrs, M. Mace illivray, ar- | form from 7 to 8 o'slock, rived at Quebec from overseas on | ‘The famous Waterloo band about |e eet ee ae ie Cale |75 strong will be auscousge music throug! t the concert Frank Oldfield, baritone; an Joe Williams, comedian W. H, Fanon, T. P, ROE | President. Secretary. 'C ga out the even- |f' ry be! Hey joining his wife here.— istowel Banner. Pratt. Dee at Millbank prior to’ enlisting, Big reduction i Ladies’ Suits and ‘oats at Engelan | FORWARD MOVEMENT a MEETINGS | FOLLOWING ARE T! EVERYBODY BURNS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, MILVERTON JUNE 22nd TO 29th, INCLUSIVE » . J. M. Nicol, B.A.,Listowel teDeninid, B:A., of Goderich | - Dr Gandier, Prin: Knox C6 oronto | | Tuesday, Jine 24—Supt. Young, of Prince Aliert, Sane | Wednesday, June 25—Rey. Dr. Martin, of Stratford | | Thursday, June 26—Rev, L. B, Gibson, B.D., Ph.Ds of Woodstock, | Friday, June 27-—Rev. F. Mattheson, B,A., of Stratford — | Sunday, Jane 29—Rev, W. H. Burgess, B.A., B/D. of Walkerton, Chorus Choir will Supply Special Music Each Evening HE SPEAKERS: i WELCOME ! |

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