BANK CLOSES SILENT CATS. c : ern Wasn't It? sae RIGH, RED BLOOD % Tho Latest va BEST YEAR IN HISTORY} —— : ze ‘The Great West Pemanett etisane aati Legends About the “Harmless, Neces- | © W HAT HAVE YOU ney Hens. Pigee IN” st the wrong number on ris irs seme ere Pods, 3 1 Weinrauch Som; MEANS HEALTH! © Designs Gains tn Net Profits, es Loans sary Household Pet. Tarante OMe 20 King St. West | Phon 18 Bt Jean Baptiste ‘Market, Mout: . : = Speci poe ‘Arabs are said to have an old Nop ollcwok au Uarinans only Tali ings ha Tecelved a ehook: aS Canada. syle attended the fifty-sixth | le; oan acne the cat, to the ef- a si FOUE: HOME BUILDERS! 8g “Interest pa eee cae Weak, Pale People Require a annual mocting at the head ofice on | fect that this animal was eredted to| ! Ae ae es ned pe eae cee Oleg ay ern W ite ROH OUR FREE BOOK OF ! ednetdey, tha “ih natant, were Q q House Plas and information tlle Blood-making Medicine. treated tothe most satisfactory. re: ene eipey ete Uae aes eS Se ee “It doesn’t matter a bit he pee Ang how 40 eg pe ign “It took centuries tor Brice oe port in the historyof that well known | “'r nusslans, we are told, likewise fac hala ue Capteal $2,412,878. Se ee te ae 8 aH dress. 3 Hailay, company, #8 Jackson Now, Weis Maca ttne ie tha blood presented showed net profits of $1,-|aver at the time of the Creation, Dus forepen cere HD Ming. St West | rust wettaF than thelone Lashed for; : omy. Ele, waen FE 1G as tae 363,569, 4 new high record in the his- |sy's furry coat was desisned for the Dut lt Just Rappongd that T-wasert able FOR SALE. mists always anata ar : tory of the bank and $146,000 more | a r cone animal, how- eo very few people would ever be fll. It ee Neuse ER, WEEKLY, IN ; g. s earned in the previous year. | ever, forfeited such a coat by becom- German Sub. for the “Ex.” County. Splendid ce nvnis was not until the end of the 19th cen- As a result of the larger earnings the 1 _—_ ox, 1, Wilson, Publi tury than an instrument was inven! ividend was- increased fr 10. to LE gs a eae ae pales ee ea rae art negotiations with | 4s for Minard’s and take no other. he Adelaide for measuring the re of 11%. t only were net earnings-the | ” 2 the Canadian and Imperial authorities Sea! Ww ELL ae NEWSPAPER blood. Then doctors could tell just largest in the history of the bank, but | Over to the Evil One in the hope of ac: Piety ee torn e and pie, = ee and pota- job printlag plant in Kastern how aiden a patient had become, every department of the bank’s activi- | quiring a better covering for its body. |.- ee ian “ae ae aaa lon ee toes Sa aioe ‘at the same | Cntaco: , Sngurance carried §1: 509, Wi | how ai pi Bs ties showed satisfactory increases: | This, accorging to Rugsian theory, is| finally succeeded in procuring @ sub) se one eh ees TEOneee | Rehite SuRDontne See Tad orate: and ysuemedicineto shake new pido gains being ‘registered in current |the cause 0 Aceh Hating eater tie tor tee for exhibition purposes. A the patient soon got wel Toans, deposits, guid assets and in| mer being under the impression that German U-boat over 20 feet in length, DREN. onpens, - MISCELLANEOUS, e blood in the body bs ae total assets. One of the most outstand-| the latter have stolen their furs of the largest typé the St. Lawrence | 3) sony outottown accounts. by Caxces, TUMORS. FUMES, BPG. “ished and kept rich and se ee ing. achievenianta was large _in- vere always opt ey a aciee Geen caconnnibiarereaglt hae ailanct {soney eae s by | internal and, external, cured ithe ie Sa saat geld tease gee eh deposits now stand at $91,904,000, as |in the Middle Ag thas act cones: Om, the Mishipillon Diet: (OHNE | ites cost er a before foo Tate, Be. isliman atediead ES Serteiepoat! D ra o hee compared with less than $76,000,000 eee als eaationa association of Dee tra ep ee i iS eee ps Gh hitaiten Conse oo food to keep tho body in health, then fog “is De yen = apm antr ene | caw BO ae 7 af tronhios have arrived, and more are | « 2xeellent kindling may be made of (G25 SAVER 5 Z i bea deposits gained from »800,-| Cat es neve a ae en sense 0! pe ae : newspapers soaked in water, = SNG-ENGCKS: GAS t Pe at pe ane RET 00 to $48,582,000. In other words to- smell; even while they sleep. “You can.| 10 ¥e shipyed direct trom the seaboard} 7 gue and Ree Outs ce eee Sue Z al deposits in Cana Sunt onsfrm this by placing a piece of cats. as they arrive from the battle fronts. any aires maxe a Anes. sragion, eta, . the nostrils of your See Minard’s Tiniwaent Lnmberman’s Priend, times each and every sea~ one is Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills. When $110,000,000 in the previous year. It is |Meat under the nosints of yom eT ICE I Sollee oman | fon and eave carbon repair bills, his a course of these pills is taken their somewhat significant that despite the | While it {s asleep. The ni i feruhe best dovieg of ts Kind, and the good effect is soon shown in an‘ im- large increase in deposits the bank's | be seen to dilate, and in a very few FRECKLE REMOVER EGGS only gne ade in Canada, under Canadian Po yak aduatas atsaiwaeteres clients subseribed to over $45,000,000 | seconds the animal will be wide ayake erst : hatent. No chemieale: simply. veporised sound digestion and an ability to mias- I rttiG over $4,000,008 rere acres | brokably looking for tho hit of mes! | Girls Make this cheap beauty lotion Can be preserved at a cost of onto merchants report netual saving, of ter you enjoy leisure how | si rious. issues, Anotheé: ‘o clear and whiten your skin. < i th gear, which were impossible be~ For women there is a prompt relief of, satisfactory feature: is. the growth in| Ui South Ameriéa it ijsaid thers && 26 per Dozen oe sett conditional sponey pack in or prevention of ailments which make ommer: loans; these having {n-| Tace of cats to which “meowing ‘ with Menai 0 days guarantee if returned in good | ‘ an unknown accomplishment. A| Squeeze the le 0 of two lemons into ; POE oe ey rn oe Rite J gcbaten Mira Phos, Raake, Belen 00) Seas Pe naar aU 000 ii nON bottle edntal three ounces of iptive ef Responsible agents ‘Trenton, Ont, tells how she obtained in Ps sizes, 4 to 14 years. Price, stand at’ $95,874,000.. This large in-|South American cat in this country aa battle ch ning reese wiptive:/eiredar. masons nese new, health and strength through the | 1 crease indicates very clearly that the | should be valuable, but unfortunately | 17° 0". quarter pint of ihe best ee wanted. The, alekmond BW. roronto anes Meanie’ Pine Pais oa Merchants Bank is doing its full| they do not appear to be on the mar] 2° 7 tan dotion, and com: jon be fans ket. share in catering to the business gett from your dealer or send | ge ak ho sraniionr. shine Oo eB needs of the commun oe eee shall gradually that at first it was | espite the fact that the banks ts doing SL “Fleming Bg9 Preeerver Co, noticeable, But after a time it got so ay cctlegels eee have or the oe crus sista nttaliebooun a: lea 1¢6 Craig St, W. Montreal ak . three ourees of orchard white ; ee Ha further ere THANKFUL } MOTHERS. [row conts. Massage this sweetly. free Se ee i i : grant lotion into the face, neck, arms z 3 servative banking methods character- and hands each day and see how SEOSGKIO SALT WORKS Thousands of mothers es trees and blemishes disappear and | @J.CLIFF - + TORONTO! ) | MR. FARMER : least exertion would tire me and leave my heart Aras pee: I-con- a da—many of them neigh: /how elear, soft and white the skin be- i 4 i fulness con-| comes. Yes! It is quickly. available form. Of its total| bors—speak with ii iefinneet e h trouble was pene Ke Seaccited a assets of over $166,725,000. no less| cerning the use of Baby's Own Tab-| : ae ll - tonic. I took this medicine for some than $62,750,000 are in current coin, |lets. Once they have used the Tab-| “As a nationwe can only consunle INVEST YOUR MONEY ey s Hass but it did not seem t Dominion notes, Dominion and Pro-| jets for their little ones they would|to the value of what we produce, an : res OUEEN § ~ I read ina vincial Government Securities. These | use nothing else. The Tablets are an|if production falls away there will yt similar ‘ease. through Dr. Williams! liquid assets are over $5,000,000 great-| syotutely safe medicine for even the|be less to go around, and each will _ , nan UNIVERSITY Pink Pills and decided to try them. Hist. propéstlohi te andcbanie total youngest baby, being guaranteed by|have to pay more for the ie es The result was these pills made me Habilities to the public. Total ass @ government analyst to contain | obtains.”—The airman of 1 a KINGSTON, el like a n mn. Ihave gained have increased opel $25,000,000 HS neither opiates nor narcotics or other ot Bank, capted by the sper m GMail @ all my former Basie and strength, ing ‘ne year. armful drugs. Concerning _ ther le. Commis! ‘ h E spe d feel that I owe my present condl- © provide for future ex-|Mrs. David McRobb, Divide, Sask., tion entirely to Dr. Williams’ Pink pansion the shareholders authorized | gays:—I have used Baby’s Own Tab- Ask your i Pargaf the Airts course may be covered by Pills, the directors to increase the capital |iets and have found them so satis- MEDICINE, | EDUCATION 3 You can get ae je Sa any cca al Weitere oat: evar factory I would not be without them.” . LUMBER DEALER ; APPLIED SCIENCE : ae ‘dealer in medicine, or by at 50 ‘President, Sir H. Montagu Allan, that |The Tablets are sold by medicine 3 Mining, Chemical, Givi, Ul cents a box a ele teas is $2.50 ere Was no intention of issuing any aes or by mail at 25 cents a box| ygNaRD§ LINIMENT ts the only Tor Mechenical and Elect F from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., of this stock in the immediate future, | from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.,!yiniment asked for at my store and ‘agineeris f { Brockville, Ont. 7 esident also spoke perlingly Eee Ont. the only one we keep for sale. .: SUMMER SCHOOL —RAVICATION SCHOOL 4 PEE MEE tae of the death of Mr. Andrew A. Alla saithe seyn ewan Plans and Prices, Julyand August. December toApril Who Stole the Glasses? one of the cae directors, His place Gert eee aati toalas le Ore ees x gate 26 GEO. ¥. CHOWN, Registrar, ; has been filled by the appointment of LACK OF PAINT f een SEES! Those who can appreciate the in- Mr Lorie: G2 ae Pleasant Bay, C. B. ' tense respectability of the Athanaeum : Ee aes ae rideaee ot the = fl of Z os - = i > lob will relish this story trom Frank! he, bank's progressiveness was shown by| Hurts the Purse as Well as the < ——~ > ATER EET, FERS 3} ‘ Boyd’s “A Pelican’s Tale.” . en simplicity is in demand, and/ the statement that since the signing Property. ; See ¥ i it appears that Bishop ‘Thorold was| i Usually is in these days, ae iit of the armistice the bank has opened} what more charming es \ ‘ one day lamenting to a fellow-church-| {ck may well, answer for ranches and sub-branches which |. find anywhere than the farmer i | ie i SN tfnined lase-| sae Smear aoc x eles ane oficers returning. from: over: | ome. with its vegetable and. olt-|_ The soled eork legs do not owe were old friends, and : sete wa aM al attern’ seas, put furnishes that much more ad-| fashioned flower garden, his barns| their name to their composition, but 2 felt eae Poite keenly. 14 to 20° s’ Dress. In 4 sizes,| te banking facilities to the pub-| and out-buildings all well painted in| to the fact that their inventor was ee “T can’t think how it happened,” years. Price, 25 cents. ic, Mr, Macarow, the general mana-| color, tuned in harmony with the| a Doctor Cork, sald he, “I had them with me when 1 3 seb saled initio couse oF Hie ats green of his meadow land, his fields hi a dress that out of a staff of 1,300 at the pea Geha DOD e 6 \ went into the reading-room of t ; of waving grain, the orchard and Athenaeura, vid them Dept eet tue, war -onliatmente anny woods nearby, the azure Sine aver . e ‘ bered 823, or nearly 100% of th éligibles. “Of the wumber gone oyer-| BO ; How to Purify searched my pockets to find a letter eassi 9 ied! maadecthiesauprema: sare And yet how rare it is to see such th ‘ bs I wanted. When I looked for them fice, while 87 were woui homes in this fair land of ours. $ c Blood 3 they were gone he general manager in Do our farmers not realize that the Fifteen to thirty ai ‘Then the rod Bishop was asked {preset conditions spoke optimis-| “run down” condition into which they| prutes™ to thirty drope of who was in the room at the time as ae Sed nee allow their Ss in eet |e ‘ i well as himself, : re in the coming | ;, g deliberate sacrifice of their money ea “That's the dreadful part of the expansion of the country’s business. | value, Many of them act as if blind eti 4 a A any present the Bishop of Bishop of St. David's, tie oArehbishog the Days president and Mr. K, W. Blackwell, | painted as often as is necessary proves of Rochester, and Mr. Gladstone!” Vice-President, not only an attraction but actually en- Couriers on horse back wi re good enough in’’61 but they gave place RA ances ee selling value. It is the ex- to despatch bearers on fo cycles when Pershing flattened the Winard’s Lintment used by Physicians THROUGH THE CANADIAN ALPs, perience of banks and other institu- i ico aa St. Mihiel salient in forty-eight hours. Castor oily salts, mineral waters, oa and such purgatives wero ey Between Banff, the popular summer | ti ; Nojol. i i i % d enongh in their day. Today they are giving place to Nujo resort in the Canadian Pacific Rockies | 50% of the applications received, the 00K ae ee ‘Wwindermerse” the head | Droverty has so deteriorated by rea- Rsilis is eat different froma drags as it does not force or irritate Be. ve ‘ son of the neglect to keep the wood ee ‘ % <a 4 SIXTY-EIGHT-YEAR-OLD HAT. ‘And An Overcoat of Over Forty Which is Worn With 50-Year-Old Boots. lies an Alpine ridge of spectacular | #nd metal work protected from decay cl A straw hat that lives to me age beauty, forming part of the Great|by the necessary application of paint, Bi le Tir sopation ‘and self-poisoning. It fn eat Abe and ee : BS twenty-seven years may be con- Divide. This ridge is penetrated by | that the borrower is abe to realize cy¢ es Nujol helps Nature establish easy, thorough bowel evacuation at aad aareieun teeta ies qalts two’ comparatively. easy passes, the | anything: near His EE 3 regular intervals hy healt habit in the world, Get a bottle i peels compared with one that has Simpson, and the Vermillion which| their value. The Y preraee! Egaee rage : j seen sixty-eight years’ servi Jead Into the Valley of the ube shows an utter disregard for keeping | 8F€ Ser x Warning: rie eran aol a tet we \ which is worn di by an elderly River, a region abounding in game on| UD the cash value of his property, per- “Dominion ae) Ing the Nujol Trade Mark, All drug: eee Gena yay 4 ii n who works in a Gov i account of its being well south of the|mitting decay and disintegration | of Tires, made in fists Tnaicton Nujol You may suger f > 4 fice not p great dlitadce: from’ Perils main line of the Canadian Pacific | What is mo’ able on his build-| the famous Do- RUBBER, s a > ment Squ: Railway. Between the Kootenay | ings, namely, the oa cand metal} minion Rubber a ji La j ° ‘This hat is of the beaver type, ani ea e for warm days| River and the Columbia River is a| Work, whereas, if Brae had been used| System Factory— yt was handed down to thé-present ae uld be hard to . This one is|/small range of mountains through | When found neco: Bae which means/ py the same Sein wearer by his grandfather. The hat and| which the Sinclair Pass and Canyon | ie: ee every three or four! who perfected L . McCall} provide an easy road. When the first | Yeats, it. would ste A ease and years; but hae stood the-test of tine tern No. 8958, ee Dress. In| suryeys“were made for an automobile | maintained their value as able. ld do. 8 ans te ars Price, 25! road between Banff and Windermere | asset and aubgtant, colateral erin here is another man who possess- | ©°Pts. sede er ie No. 962.) it was planned to use the Simpson NS grat Ris } i i es an overcoat which he has worn tg|PTi¢e, 20 ce ‘EGit Hamied “alles Rikstidoreecan who. aoe ti protect ; their superior quality all; Weatliets “for ‘the past tomy onl. buss patterns may be obtained| son, Governor of the Hudson’s Bay inate pionorcieesty paint are raaver |. sho} more years, and “it still looks newer from ae local McCall dealer, or| Company, who made this crossing in| tising io beg countryside their lack of| easy riding, the are fresher than other coats made|{fom the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,| 1841. But the route over the Vermil-| real thr sturdy wear, the many yéars later.” Toronto, Dept. W. lion was found to-be easier and at the —_- extra mileage of It was nas in the Great Exhibition % same time more beautiful, and con- Dominion Tires of year, 1851, by’the master tailor of the struction of the Highway of the Great OTHER TABLETS NOT Carbineer ate for an officer who Africa Has Novel “Wireless.” Divide was commenced from opposite ‘ saz f was the present owner’s master, and Castle Mountain in this direction. At to whom it was beavethed Ce ten poe native inhabiting the jungle of | the same time the road from Winder- years’ wear. It mr, | Africa cannot send letters, and he has | mere through the Sinclair Canyon was “Unquestionably Poole the Wallioune Ste es ne certatnly no telephone wires or tele-| also commenced and at the time of the mas x the Best Tires” copied, but, alas! no such cloth, even | &t@ph poles, and yet he can with ease | outbreak of war a gap of only thirty| ONLY TABLETS MARKED WITH y in 1866, was to be found to equal that | CO™municate with his neighbors some | miles ee the two roads. War| “BAYER CROSS” ARE ASPERIN. remarkable coat, In fact, it was the| twenty miles away. His method is ex-| put an end to construction, and a great - last of the Mohtcans in coats; And the | ‘Temely simple. He makes a drum| washout destroyed several miles of eae , : present wearer is proudest when he| ‘fm one to three feet in length, hol-| the western end, so that the project | If You Don’t See the “Bayer Cross” on 8 . Now,| the Tablets, You Are Not Getting shooting boots given to him fifty years and he taps out his message by means | however, the Dominion Government ago. of as made an a: m two wooden sticks, News in this ai aa Asperin—Only Acid Imitation! A ; gement with th i a meus 6 ak transmitted, and no| British Columbia Government by| S FACE WAS FULL = Dea t Let Him / new bread with a knife dipped ae = he complicated for tho | which the route of the road comes un- = i Ss U Y. in “ting water to prevent crumbl- a: Every native knows the der the jurisdiction of the. Dominion ' Ant meak pon frou ay SoH Mada thee Geiss oae operator. | Parks, and a, substantial appropria- BAYER OF PIMPLES MUN 1S GREEN Old Potato Ay doesn’t blow a tion has been allotted to finish the j horn to let you know he is com- : work. In this way there is every pros- 7 : i 9 : pect of the eatly completion of what For Three Years. Hard and ing. Just wien your potato oe ? will be the most wonderful aut. : gree ‘ _ Saul liv Onna petiins esear at an Genuine “Bayer Tablets of Asperin”| | AwfullySore. Disfigured, leaves this deadly destroyer sni There's a Rea S OTR region of entrancing beauty. It will |S now made In Canada by 8 Cana, GuticuraHeals, ~ in and begins to chew them uj 4 be possible to motor from Calgary to eave aise er eee laa Ae ay a nD, reception all fe for ee H : i | “ hy SO many Re inronch, hundred milee at the [fromthe United States Government. | | 4 7nad pos cueing with « pime e pest by spraying plants E > RECS make most glorious scenery in North Ameri.| _DUring the war, acid imitations were | | ‘rag full of pimples and they were MUNRO’S PURE PARIS GREEN - eee fomopile road. rans {S014 as Aspirin in pill boxes and varl-| | hard and eaiely dors Che) eee i south to Fort Steele and Cranbrook, {US other containers, The “Bayer| | teed and dried up, ead were tcly, Itis the good old killer that always does the job right. Seay 2 aoe rea Cranbrook, there aan rool | Cross” is your only way of knowing| | and dinfigured my taco They early and as often as required, and your Potato plants will be impervious ; that you are getting genuine Asperin,| | caused me to lose a lot of sleep, ; Tent roads to Spokane, or eastwards | (at you ere geltine genuine Aspetin,| | od were avfully itchy, making me Tivaris Punt Palle Greate bls ta cinfora ‘tb Government standard, ~ : through the Crow’s Nest Pass, and| 0” fore: eae Rheumatism, Lum. | | 9ofateh and irritate my face, Ten fine cutty, sich green Gowdel, which a mixes evenly in water. 3 ’ ti lgary, 7 3 “ 3 « “tt the redul woh ty tts | meng wa ty | | ctr. Caen Sea | te mnt la we set rom 2 egular part of at or the pronpect aa his wil mean |, Handy, in Boxes of 12 tablets ‘aso See eee eeenanates testartt Manufactured b : B! : monet = “ Bb as each da: he ave tourlats from al) IPE, ted “Bayer” packages can be| | Cyfeira Ointaent when I wpe i % ee | ao ty everamedon Whe wee reed gilts | Hat Ae arue store, bale, (Sigaed) Ciford iractintes c , ; ae cause of the be of great benefit to the Upper Col-| , AsPerin isthe trade mark, registor-| | Ban eTHUR, RWIN. Ee : : delightrul? flavor, and ~ umbia Valley, w mh hag many attrac. | 1 1 Canada, of Bayer Manufacture — Cats for soyis alk a ‘won- Mae Wont ac tine oa: anbeai nee MonoaeSticacidester of Sallcyllc- the with Soap; oathe Es : erful values of Roper fertility of the soil and suitability for | 8°! \ || Sikh Ointment, dust with Pate MONTREAL 4 = as ahealth builder mixed farming. This valley is served | (4, ees Rte. ae sir pees sin ten aus Manufacturers, Exporters and importers, Crown f [By thepiiotonay Ceuttal Rstiway, a Bak Rhona bak Belden Dj { Paints, icals, Dye Stuffs and : tly constructed branch of the| I getting something for nothing ——— seh a Ve: atuiee An * ‘ oa Ganagien Pacific. we taaaly pay all it is worth. ED.3y ISSUE S—'19. Taanars Sunplies. a