BANK NEWS =: on’ fell to attend the Soldiers’ Recoion, at Milverton on Thursday 5 Cie, ow a Weir will conduct | {uh Ross, Jr., of Toronto, es, xiiting ius father, Mx, Hugh Ros tz eet to attend Miss cent 2 old goods on} Saturday, July 5 i and eae David McFaddin and Nelson McFaddin attend | val of the late Mrs. Nurse! an ee the for. Pfotnster, of Avenbank sf ne Pe visited a 2 as week wit a3 - ents, M a, A. Hoffmey ex, “ad Crookshanks visited last her sister, Mrs. Robt. Kerr arold Clark, of Stratford, a Brond potenti, Mr. and lark. Sire Tobn Fewings, Mr. “cichara Hall aia Mes, Hill te Jordanon. Sunday and vis- n. Hall. yA. returned home atter visiting at Tavistock, and Helen Sage, of ae at abe past week with Reinwa rs, E. Phair, of London, n M Milvertor Mrs, John Mi a ;, Wellesley, 2 is wee Tanner, of North East- lidaying with her mother, ~ Glen, of Burns, Piaited nd. Mrs. A. Crodlshanks | part CENTRAL N BS ONT. aphy, Co? m =TSATFORD, mmercial ntel secure positions of trust. free ca’s oguenow, oo may interest D. A. McLACHLAN Principal. Al D TRUNK Sastry Ghe Bsuble Track Route between. MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT AND CHICAGO Uneacciled Dining Car Service. Sleepiy cars on night trains and a 3 on principal day trains. et Agent or C. ‘Tells the story of Quality, Excellent Ma- terials and Workman- ship, Tasteful Styles, Lasting Satisfaction. We will be pleased to have ‘ou call and make selec- tions and let us take! your | measure ‘s — You WILL LIKE OUR WORK J. MF FLEISHHAUER and Men's Les MILVEATON, - INTARIO Weir's List of Farms For Sale i id farm; all fe °° —Will buy lot 32, con. 11, Eh 0 i nt ble dwel- a good = S es iy e to 5 5 5 easons for selling, widow er cannot work the land; possessio} Apply on Jes or to W. D. Weir. 0) will buy lot 1, in the 13th les} 150 28 g imple ; imple- mn house; never failing Sr close to the “cildings; go! cd peo eee or chara. % stat “od, 1 iemile fom school sain for somebo: tat, quarter of lot 3, in eae ssion of Mornii ae0 5 5 ssion al of lot 4, in Ge sion. peparniel« 4 $7/0°0-—Will buy = hon half of Jot 3, con, 5, Morning 100 acres; brick e, bai ne ara ai plenty of good water; 2 mil lilverton. $7,200 will ea rh ak half of lot 9, con. 8, moe ee 100 acres; er fi premises is er- ected a 2-storey ao ‘bik house 28x 82 feet, heated aa ik barn 52x pig stabling. re reat: "state of cultivation. Pane dwell and windmill—A snap. wel 'reeborn was a visitor mation from any Grand il hia ick Passenger Some ten u ta furnace, | t] Geo, Love, of Toronto, visited eek, pes Sunday. | here” ints | a Bae shel, of of ; Osh: ‘iss Ashelby, of Meshell, sihed is Vr, and Mrs. . Pender this week. alee Satie ee Flore: and nee onto, are visiting at Bi 0. Wrey attended the qineral of the oF ite Mrs. Malcolm ee wee last wi Mr. Henry Reinwald, of Stratford, visited over the holiday with his par- its, Mr. and Mrs. John Reinwald. "tise Lilly cae of Lin- wood, iene ayer the week-end with itis Bhim | Siege ‘visited trek week at air. Robt, Stewart’s, Fernbank. e ie S g @ ¢ s re} au rs. mn Sunday and yisited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and ae A, Matheson, of De- ape visited over Sunday with friends nua vicinity. Mrs. Walla ace of Toronto, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Jacques. Mr. arenee, pias returned home on Satur rom a business visit to Mine rs. John an mond visited wi Hammond ‘at Stra sal he pulpit of the Methodist church on Sinday and gaye an “excellent dis- Wilfrid Sm md Miss Sarah Has and Mrs. Thos. othe. series of pas oregon: in Knox ke: oe es on the jeg alloted 1) special Sreett ie, Women’s nstitute will be oa 07 n Feiday even- y. All members and those inter- oe are requested to be present. . John Fewings unloaded a car .R. on, Monda: and Roy Muleahy and sons, Roy and Nor- aitors-at. Stratford on ‘Addit contributions to the Millbank Memorial Library this mek aller Moffat, 410; Hu &, $1; Robt: Alingham, 3 ive | Ros 5; W. pee $10; W. FL Rutherford, $103 H. Stewart, » $1. WARTBURG ’t fail to attend the Soldiers’ Reception a Milverton on Thursday svaring, Guests at the | home of Mr, and an |*™ Mr. and Mrs. ‘Allan: MeMane, of Mil- verton. Miss Olive Leversage is spending the summer holidays at her parent's e at Carlingford. Miss Ada: Margarette Henry js at i e of her NeMane, Buivertan BRUNNER m’t fail to attend the Soldiers’ Reception at pba on Thursday Bes ing, July 3: Come and fae the Soeuerd aur: tette at the L0.D.B on Wednesday night, on ere Sai enh reson ie gaan Braden, of Toronto, and Mr. Egbert Bovis i visiting a Mr, and Mrs, D. Qui Mr. Jas. Clarke anes se Beryl Clarke spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Griffin, Stratford. Messrs. Robt. Stewart and Gordon lain spent Sunday with friends in napuony nad Mrs. Menno Jantzi and Sani aici Mr. and Mrs. Gerber, of ae les Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ropp motored to mbo on Sunday. The pupils of. Topping school pre- eentee their teacher, Miss Alic ney, wile a manicure set before her departur Merritt, teacher, of No, 8, El- lice, Ipft for his home’ on Friday. KINGWOOD ion’t fail to attend the Soldiers’ eacephon a pitas mn on Thursday es; | evening, Mr, Aaron Yost spent a week at re cage Ed. ae de Wilms rt Kelly, 3, of Listowel ee Bitte Rebar of Alberta, visited a sg days with "Mr. ane Mrs. Henry i Be s. David Merkingler, of Hanover called ae lends wet last week. torte anne at Zion church on Wednesday evening. ‘Messrs. Wm. Schwartzentruber and Gasho, of aE called. o friends t here on Sunda rt Smith has purchased 6 ior ee DONEGAL A number of sa and neighbors gathered at ae home of Miss Tena afternoon and. pre- m Mr. and Mrs. Hedley May, of To- ronte, Mr. and’ Mrs. George Milla cette, | ah Rev, Be a ee in_the latter oe Mrs, Allan } jp, ‘e Whit- tl holds their s ent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, | Jatter’s Robert Leslie, LISTOWEL Mr. F. ©. Kelly spent Monday in ix Ament, of Toronto, is sending a few days-with his paren’ nae Harold Bartley, of West. To- onto, spent Dominion Day at his ie here. Ms. mm. Rear of Fernbank, spent J Monday in tow: Mr. John Coghlin, A: ee ‘was a Mision om save on Mon 3, Cy As Lee Spent Sun- ea Mr, Elis Hay returned to town from Port Blgin for the week-end, Mr. and. Mrs. Hermiston and son, Ron, left for the lake on Tues- where they purpose spending the st Mra. Harron and aaueht er left for eam lees woud p! team t Milbank igi and R. Hermiston; ; halves, 6 G. . L, ee ce Schell; f wards, F, Eo Windsor, eM. Scott, G. Phin ’and J. “This is Listowel’s ihe game ii this pected—th bability Listowel i place on Monday ext in the semi Gnels=-with the re- aes game here on July ROSTOCK n’t fail com the Soldiers’ lay eption at } ‘on on Thurs evenings 5a te. "Emanuel Emechtel returned eas on Monday Nownan’ Rata-and family, of erton, are at present visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. August Eggert. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riehl and fam ily spent Saniey with friends. at New Hambw Me Magers Heaglincee Watedia. is holidaying with his uncle, Mr. Hy. aurer. Mrs, Mary Wingefelder, and Ed- , Ottmann returned from under the auspices o! nd. The trus Lutheran church Can, Synod, met in convention at Linwood on Monday. Messrs. Jac. ob Lotz, John Heipel, Hammer, Henry Berscht and several others tak- ig part. Messrs. C. F. Ottman, James J. an Agricultural Society as delegates at re, Quite a number from here attend- ed the lawn social at Macton on Tues day afternoon wonn Scott and mother, Mrs, James: M cKay, motored to Monkton Healy. «Alt: and Mrs. Wm, Thompson and with . Smith spent last porary with Si, ‘and Mrs. Wilfrid Smith at ‘The wo drillers are busy in this vicinit: GLENALLAN (Too late for last week.) Miss Leona Martin has returned to Boe in a onto after spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. M. ae A 2 Se oe beauty spent Geghe Pike Miss Jessie Allin; ia and Mr, Hartley Alingham, of Holstein, visit- ie friends in this vicinity on and Mrs, Ered Starr were 4 the nd Mrs. Thomas F Tele Linwood, one Aetna dale, attend ed. suger che late Vout 0. ‘which took place on Saturday attemnbon 8th LINE ELMA A's, ‘Alexander's “T00 -acre farm on ith concession. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mills and iin ily spent Sunda; evening: with the ae Leslie, W. F, A. team play- | w he Brussels-Hthel protested game | ter 0 is, | will be replayed in Ethel on Thursday ean t ouncil meeting last Tuesday. TRALEE Stk Mis Milly | Smith, Sat a day Jasi week vw Mrs. wey Nurse: Palmenth Arthur Ney left last Friday at Sebringville. s Veronica Farrell, of Macton, ta few days last week with re-|y, latives around n Monday and called on Mrs. Patrick | £07 ~ ATWOOD. Don’t fail to attend the Soldiers’ eception at Ailvel rton on Thursday evening, July fe Dene ot Mace aie ew days last week with her apaeiten ear a C. Bin oe Ww. and Miss Annie oly ie visiting " Mitchell. s Alice MeMane, of Milverton, alle on Atwood friends on Sunday. Mrs, Peat, of Manion: ae Sunday visitors at the home of Ne ae McKay. or. Mckcoa ute his broth- er 42 “Toreto last w Miss. Nellie Desuen of Newton, is pe Miss A, Dickson. Mis: Ima- Forrest ad “Me. Bert Pieces mie visiting friends in Mus- o) Alma Wynn has_ returned from Toronto for the holidays. Miss Margaret Sandford, of Pal- ity have returned to their homes for n | the summer. r. Chas. Wynn, who ha, teaching* near Barrie, nae reearied d | home for the holidays, orward, Movement mestings Be Kenzie, of Kinloss this ae Lake last Thursday and spent a very ae time. Married—At Listowel, on June 25, by the Rev. Dunbar, rector of Christ church, Miss Kartharine, ee daugh- Klow, of At- . Thos, Vyles. la Faullner, of Listowel, Robt. Knox. skine oer in London mn. Pope was in Toronto a pita PEFFERS t fail to attend the Soldiers’ Recep at Milverton on Thursday evening, Mr. TS. Elred Nicol, of Blue- vale, are vi at Mr, Holmes’, Dr. R. Hust and son, of Winnipeg, es visiting at the home of the former’s mother. Mr. Sam Carson accompanied by friends motored to Hamilton last Sun Ye Mr. Ale: Campbell, of Toronto, with her ee ee in Stratford. CARTHAGE Don’t fail to attend the Soldiers’ Reception at Milverton on Thursday evening, July sr Chas. Rare and little daughter Ae are visiting with friends at aie as and Mrs. John sigan spent Sunday vith friends in Guel Stetler has left te “spend the holidays at her home in Windham entre. John Bee week 9 with friends her Capt. fy MD whe 2k- a visitor in our burg one day asi eek. The regular meeting of the W.M.S, will be held at the home of Mrs. A nm Thursday, July 3rd. s Martin vee recent- ly ee friends in Monkto: impson sad 0h n, of New es are visiting at the home of Mr. T. Simpson. number from here ese ane decoration services of 1.0.0.F. towel on Sunday. Tr. al H. Peffers, of Pef- fers, visited recently with’ Mr. and 4 simpson. Mr. Ed. Lines and Mr. Chas. Kerr were Visitors in Stratford on Satur- Mr. E. G, Pierce, of Drumbo spent theweeend ah friends here, fr, and Mrs, J, K. Mayburry and | ¥' tl family. attentied the Willkinsone May; burry wedding on Wednesday of las ‘homas Simpson was a visitor in Stratford on Monday. 6th LINE ELMA Don’t fail to attend the Soldiers’ rton on Thursday vening, July rr. James Robinson has returned lie horaeiianntitencatier wpatal ing a week with Mr, T. der. ‘A number from this line attended the decoration of the Oddfellows’ and Russell Nutt spent an afternoon last week with the lat- ter’s parents. afte was CARD OF THANKS . and Mrs, Fabeet so jemte Ladies’ Aid of Burns church e to convey their thanks to all ss who so generously helped to their garden party a success. ass of |M, Kocher, R. Vollmer. Jr. 3: Martin, of Buffalo, visited 5 School Reports Promotion report of S, S. No, 8, Mornington, —Fembank § School. Di Mary Corry st ‘Veronica Wag- ler (honors), ia ‘Albrecht (honors), Lizzie Klockman, Noah Kuepfer, Cor- nelius Zehr. 5 ae And ~ ae ease Kuepfer rs), M: Kerr (honors), chest Siever, eClera Albrecht, Jon- agler, “ist to 2nd—Fannie Zehr, Katie Kuepfer, —M. Monteith, Teacher. ee ae Repos rt of June Examinations in S. 0. 2, Mornington :— Jr. 4th to Sr, 4th—Tena Brenner- man, Sr. 3rd to Jr, eed Chalmers yore CaS For- e Clara Ene jenn “stella Op- an, per, Dara Peahty. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd—Helen Chal- mers, Noah Gascho, Irene Kuepfer, illie Brennerman, Mary Albrecht, Helen Wilhelm, The ni iven in order of merit.—Margaret an Teacher. eRe Following is the xbork a ae pro- minations at . 19, va Jr. 4th to Sr. One Bi 725 0. me Bigam rd to Sr. 8rd—Total 600 honors 450, pass 360—-Myrtle Knight 2 Peter Jantzi 400, ene Jantzi Crummer 8 From Jr, to Sr, 2nd—Helen Mun- ithty. —Aral Siegner, Stewart Henry. —E. H, Grerar, Teacher. ee Promotion. examinations at, 8. “8. No. 4, Mornin, The following pavile Wave Hee eumineed¢o the yar dona classes. Nam es are given in or- der of merit, Se 4th— Alvin OrGrady. Jr. M. Hanley, Kocher, L, roar L. Veitenheimer, B. Martin, 1, M. Biesinger. 8rd—Josie Stemmler. (honors) Foerster, W. Aba ~ Moser, (equal), J; Helm Biesinger, E, Kocher, J. i— Anthony Btemulen a, ‘Wieten heen Ne Valles he iaches Graf, A. Haid, . and oe Moore V. Henry were |er motored to Josephburg on Sunda: ited iece, Mrs. C. B. Barrett,|_ Sr. 1st—R. Veitenheimer, M. Han- saan Fakore at jhe. tome of: Me. eorge Yundt returned home | Pecently. ley, in Voll, E. Biesinger, P. Girodat, and Mrs, James Hanna, r. | Saturday after spending ‘a couple of}. Mr. ‘Thos. Carss, of London, une, E. Hanley. 3 Mr.. George pineey « visited Tavis-| weeks a Milverton. ae ing hig sister, Mrs. ‘Alfi —wW. G. Borho, Teacher. tock friends on Tue at the home of Mr, and Mrs. ety iorn—On Mon sae yaaa 23rd, to|C. Gaul on Sunday were Mr. and ) Mrs, SS Thos. Steven, Alex, Holmes Me and Mrs, Norman Fischer, a Wa, 1 an and |have purchased Ford ears and C. E.| Following is the eee report daughtei Mrs. Hagin Gaal Paad Mente w ‘Strat a tt a Maxwell. for S. S. No. 5, Morningto: te. “Beebach, of ee spent a|ford. Mr, J. Campbell, of Stratford, at To Jr. 4th—Pass 468, Voante 585, lays recently a eof her| Mr. Lavern Zulauf, of Stratford, |tended the funeral ‘of the late Henr Emily Scott 702, Muriel Hurst 699, niece, Mrs. John Deel sp -end at his home here. thel Dobson 656, Sadie Hawthorne Mr. and) Mis, George Henderson, ot : ike Stock and fam- 575, Helen Hawthorne 474, Danny Gadshill, : bye! Middlediteh,. ai es f To- Sr. rd Pass 372s honors 465 Bangs M red Schutt and Mrs, Wm, | onto. olidaying at Mr. “Richard —May Smith 430, Annie Reid Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Ehgoetz and | Paul Stratford, visited’ with : Norman Johnston 380, Mabel Smith Mis s Kate Bhs Ehsoeta spent Sunday with friends recently. arty Sechaver and 380, ea is Bhi and Mose Wek Staent end-tam here. Sam Horst 430 pie iy. mcd Wc ie Mea Wee, Dunes os, MeWatters and Mr, Jas. ass—Campbell Barrett, Men- and family of. Willow Coe aha visitors | no “Liepfer 5 es ee Visitors tae ahs ee oe iP iie mone Ge ee voit sfeee gdtdleich turned WELLESLET Ae RRA apg cere as ome on Su: inday from the Stratford Pentel teoattend® the: Soldiers’ BE re red Taylor, Laura e s f th hospital having spent the past three | Reception .at Milverton on Thursday | were well attended at Nocera ata Bier panebten, Faults Miss Longfoot, of Stratford, spent Le See PERS ube te vite Grisids| ee. Splendid addresses |Smith, Sally Albre g friends | were piven b; ee ere ae secondly.» the home of jneve: prior to leaving for the West | speak ae is aes Ste ee Teacher. rs. Roy H where his position as tinsmith is) Miss Kathleen Barrett is visiting eee Following is the result of the pro- motion examinations held at S. S, No. Feat Nate aeae a arlee of ‘merit, To Jr, 4th—Nelson Flood, Lottie hae Norman Snelling, Mary Mof- Sr. 8rd—Charlie Young an Katie Rock (equal), Ellanora Riehl, gid Hul we 3rd—Glen Battin and Gor- ign kcetaee (equal). John Rock, Wil- Flood, lie Howard Young, Oscar Rock. To 2nd Class—Martha Queren- guesser, Laura Harrison, Willie Hinz, Dor: tt Annie Harrison, Ern: ie Rennick, Lawson Leake, Lily’ Snel- -—Milton dock, Verna Os- ote saree Hullat: —M. eee Teacher. eee ee reife oo overseas, 2s ing. Following is the report of the pro- vie examinations held in S, S. No. 1 h—To pass ade! Denstedt 760 aide Mucller cal, To pass 4) Davidson ee on Mog’ , Bthel Diebold’ 526, August Bahn 495, to, bass 360-—Elizabeth sng Fe jut 498, Adolph Mueller 413, wilt Debold 315, Arthur Denstedt Douglas "Denstsdy, Buin Diehl, Man. da, Riehl, Mabel Diehl. To Jr. 2nd—Walter Mogk. TO ist Wilke Mueller, _ Christie Diehl, Leo Mueller, Ruth 'Denstedt, Helena Muel dr. Prim Riehl, Laura Riehl, Ella Diehl, uit Bel Debold, Ol- iver Diehl, Rudolph —Grace E, esti Hides Leave your order for counter check check books at The are agents for Appleford’s. ‘om Sr. Gale 387, Daniel sented 235, “Boob 5 To Bre ae 68—1 : Mae "613, Hulda Mueller 612, ‘Nel eben _Denstedt, | om mores Licicamuaes the then Tollow Palpitation, Dieziness. ne icenbeeath article LL esi aareas he This (AC) to each article and which seem ortness of Breath. occurs tiewieie nd wih the former's broth |ed funny and appropriate, a greatly in older people, and it would ner, Mr, John Matheson ai Elgin. | dainty lunch was se Mrs, 'W. | be advisable to use HACKING’S KID- ‘Mr, L. W. Mill, has cursed ae es. abs ji ene ae hous a NEY endl Hise Hest an in connec- aken comple’ surprise, - {tion wil acking’s Heart. jerve OE Li ns ce ftom Mer Beliahy ed all present for Mier kindly feel-] Remed: These little pills. are ad- Yr. an ‘m, Ford spent Sun- |ings toward her. irable for this purpose becau: thee - | day with teenie at ‘Millbank. ae is oe eee perinink Leave: at other herbs mac! eee a nd L. Pills ae 25c or 5 iglacchues pues pet Stk Ginger Snaps per ei 2 Ibs. Red Rose Tea for - New Arrivals in Hot Weather Specials © 0 @ emma «= 6 WHAT hae OF HOSIERY Do YOU WEA\ as the Boer Wi cheap cotton to the finest silk at §2.75 Pair, "This is the-Hosie Ret B is us for your next Hos ie skit oe satire for your holiday irt. This is the store with the New Stock. All shades ranging: in price from 85e to $1.40 per pair, ore. tie eae ‘with other Specials in ceeery Dept. Leave Your Order for Strawberries Now This will likely be the last week for this fruit. ive you almost anything te qa ‘e have the store. NEW PLAID GINGHAMS LADIES’ WHITE SKIRTS goods at this store. LADIES’ SILK GLOVES HOUSE DRESSES ae ie house Dees is to be had See how our price and stores, | THE MEN’S STORE eS HE HOLIDAY Waist-line Suits — the new navy and fancy colors at..... es priced hats trom $1. $2.50, MEN’S SOX 50c pair for 38e, or 3 pair for dozen Sex, regula: be, for... 2. on eile Ree DANS ee W. G. & R. SHIRTS Shirt. Wears twice as ordinary shirt long Jap underwear, weave, rors to- day Tde, at. MEN! Try Our New Store For Your Wants MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS FOR Just arrived this week Young Men’s cut — in $35.00 SPECIAL SALE OF FELT HATS 10 dozen Men’s Faney Sox worth $1.00. Men’: a; Mercertzed Fancy n Men’s Black Cotton ‘Sex Have you tried the reversible Cuff as BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR very. aie in the it they go. +59e WE WILL HAVE A LOT OF NEW STRAW HATS FOR THE HOLIDAY by e an Peabody’s Overalls - (this week) - $2.95 a Store Closed Every Wednesday Af- & ternoon---Open Tuesday Evenings. “4 W. K. MILVERTON, ONTARIO LOTH |: FERNBANK Don’t fail to attend the Soldiers’ Reteption at Milverton on Thursday evening, July ond has been bus; Avery ARE Sees bbe s en at the h Robinso: er ala Jas, binson mi Zenitinue Tel fell thee quiet sreaning was solemnized at the North Mornington manse last daughter of Mr, Robert Bevens Ve rie M ted for going by boat. Their many friends a them a safe iat and a tong phe and happy life. Nellie Neilson, who has been ihe in Stratford for a Pahor time is home again. Mrs. Stewart and Mr. Durham pines to Listow- “: te Saturday and-spert the after- A large amber of the peorle of . S. No, 8, it the home of Mr. 2S. Reid on Friay cveni: ay sented the teacher, - Miss Monteith, Str: ipizond on on lay = Robert Stewart 1nct- peed fie pes yn two successive Wednesdays to aiGatie the weddings of a neices. . Hymer is at present pressing and re Neilson, Mrs, A. Corry ent John G ‘ordon motored to . {Galt on Sati ect eae they spent the day with fri Rai now as fs needed very badl; as |evening, July 3 on Dur! mer of Della 5 *Monda: |e - | around our An aN aia pa a have prov ed fatal happened on Thursday night hen Mr, mt. Galbraith, of North ornil mn upset with hi: ear in a leep ditch near here, binning the oc- cupants underneath until help arriv- no on seriously mn pues Fees will spend a few months ae coming year. HESSON t fail to attend the Soldiers” Ree! peption at Milverton on Thursday el and family spent. Sinday wiv aha ipa Schiebel. Pte. Lawrence Neuert who recentl; returned from overseas spent Satur- day with Mr, and-Mrs, M. Stemmler. ir. Jos. Graf and ‘daughter, Se pene Sask, are visiting with Mrs, George and Joseph Isley L; Helm spent Saturday night C Samuel Koebel, of . ted “test weeele. OaNie 24 Cae spent Sunday in Klein, ‘who sagan return- ments, ed Sport overnta is visiting friends ed. ~ Luckily aye fag accident was the result of m3 Sin “James Kennedy and Mr, John Linseman motored to St, Clements on Saturday. Mis: sano erent has returned home after s spendin; oin' e is accompanied home y her little niece, Miss Alice Stem-