Milverton Sun, 3 Jul 1919, p. 6

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The Milverton Sun and Monkton Times AED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING SS The Sun Printing Office Main Street - | MILVERTON, ONT: year. $1 2. elincabeish 10 per Adsercia rates dverileements sthoutagecttie directions wil i cles aE forbid and charged ac- Guanes {or contract eAvestigemente tet be in the office by noon Monda: MALCOLM Ber BETH, Pablisher ana Proprietor, BusinessCards Medic: Dr. P. L. Tye Officer Puptic Dave STORE, MILVERTON Hours: AS aad es 2to4p.m, ¢ 2 7 to B pam DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose ; Coens in medicine, University ‘*f Toro: Late asi aah mt New York Ophthal- oe and PKG Institute, Moorefield’ and Golden Square Throat in. Eng, to galt "Evenings — ‘Wednesday d Saturday Rag shee ralnenen! (Phone 267.) — STRATFORD. B3 Waterloo St. S., ANSON B. KILBOURNE .OPRACTOR Office at Fes oats Central Hotel. Every Tuesday and day. | Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 4p. m. Consultation and Examination Free a Discouraged” so ge that wor dey aq feelings oe izzy, tre feu oS ae te Dr. "Pierce's ‘s Tete ives Riba just the help. what you'll find in Prescription. It that you need. ‘To be tablets. ‘Tablet form, 50 cents, ab stores. igor soothing cordial vine; purely vegetable, non- tootobe sag ee harmless. You can procure a trial pkg. by send- ing 10c, to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. LSONBURG, ONT. - Ts ago I had a severe nervous break-dow would have pains in my head and would suffer with backache. about two years. Had doctored but did yt seem to get cured of the ailment. At took Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip- tion and it did me more good than any medicine I ever took. It built me up and I felt better in every way than I had for two years previously."—Mrs, L. HEATH WOOL! DENTIST. ‘g J. F. SEBBEN, D.D.S., L.D.S. Windsor Block, Opp. City Hall, - STRATFORD Phone 998. Open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock Lexa H.B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOP Offices: Listowel, Milverton. Money to Loan, + Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT, Money to Loan. R.T. HARDING W. 0, OWENS W. 5, Goopwi3 d y f , ; , Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctloneer for the Counties of Perth ‘and Water Pontoresers eet, wils mort: ages drawn si Village cer, Oice: Welf block, over Bank of Nova Scotto A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Isduer of Merclage Liceuse J. the County of Perth. Real estate bought and sold. A few choice Harwin feetmmacdiate onic. MONKTON, ONTARIQ Veterinary. R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Barr’s old stand Hotele The Queens Hotel Best beadage aaea for commercial trav- rs and others, Peni Se tet GEC, F, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont es Societios. Milverton Lodge No. 478 AF. & A.M, Meets every Monday evening on or before full moon every month jn hele hell Wilting brethren area wel fA. Harrow, W.M, Y. Nicholson, Secy Silver she Lodts No, 202 OF ‘Meets every aut aight at 7.30 In their hall over Bank of Hamtiton. Visiting brethren always welcome W. Henry, . G. A. Barth, Fin.-Secy. ~Ree--Seey SHADOW TEST ie Looks Into the Eye’* Y THIS METHOD, tt ts almost the eye, thereby locating t} “f fect Nght at ite source. Weak Muscles Sieaneee Headaches edly es in many ¢: straightened when glasses are fitted by 2 a advariced system. Children'seyes securately examined without asking question: SATISFA#TION GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF tf + “ Eyesight Specialist" MILVERTON. = INTARIG The equatorial circumference the earth has_ ate renee out at 24,- S $72.4 English m Lots of time is ere by knowing exactly what is to “i done in the preparation of a me NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS Sah ak DLE ak Sharad he ealaares ABSOLUTELY PURE WOOL Blankets, Yarns, Flannels, Tweeds, Sheetings and Wool Batts. #8-"‘LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES” Counter Check Books... We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. This firm turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. See our samples and get our prices before ordering. = ™ Sun ( Office H.C.WAGNER NEWTON, = - ONTARIO la = a as "TNFERNATIONAL LESSON ULY 6. ‘The Church: Its Life and Work—Acts Golden Text, Eph. 6:25: What shall we do? of |they were convicted of sin. j shall we do?” they cried, and we can magi eageceas to the plac id or | group of disciples stood about Re nt, and be of life. of Ae and a_ chai toward Cet It meant sorrow for past sin and st error and mis- Eraieetcaninie? Ean a full purpose of eart to serve God in following the new way-of faith in Christ. And baptism meant an open and formal confession of Christ, and at the same time was an appropriate and wel understood symbol of the Mleahalaie of Ai nears from evil. began with Jesus Gan eae and. the company of earnest and devoted disciples, both men and-women, who gathered about Him. Ther twelve Rice men, who circ le about It meant a change ge of attitude had formed an inner Jesus, were destined to b 8. They have now been waite for some time in Jerusalem, in obedience to their Master’s command, in fellow- abi earnest Soumereation and pray- and their waiting has been ACUTE HERUOUS | XMUSTION erupted by a ent experience. is nothing less than the assurance that the Spirit of their Lord is with them, a real and living Presence and Power. With enthusiasm and FREED AFTER SERVING 1G YEARS PUNISHMENT MAN CONVICTED OF NEGLECT 19 EMANCIPATED AFTER NEW with Ke deserves much thoughtful éonsideration is that of Wmn, H, Barron, 103 Morgan Street, Bennington, ron suffered the Rheumati tim hand and foot by fieegoe matie pains, On ave be tated for a new ti a and use RC.’ oad what “he has to een a sufferer oS Rheu- @ and I have never felt any return of the disease.’ Tt’s practically impossible to obtain evidence stronger than this testi- monial, and a wo! always sufficient. If you suffer, have pale trial—use T.R.C.’s. PETRIB, Druggist, Sole Agent for aileron Mail $1.04 to this address mpleton’s, 142 King St. W., Toronto, mand TR's. will be sent postpai Stallion For Service Porm 1 No. 5342) stand in his gwn stable, Poole, for the season. ‘Terms $10.Rohert Fleming, Making Saving In June W-SS. Cost $4.08 You COULD save a little, but. If you knew you could get 414% on every $4.00 you saved, wouldn’t that tempt you? Well, then—that is what War Savings Stamps will enable you to do. If you find it hard to save $4.00 at a time because the quarters slip away un- awares, Thrift Stamps will help you. You can buy a Thrift Stamp fer 25 cents, and when you have sixteen, you can exchange them for a War Savings a Stamp, for which you will be paid back $5.00 in 1924. »By doing this you will ae become an investor! And you can go on building up that investment every time you save another $4.00. The odd cents pay the accrued interest, Attractive Perhaps you have never been stron2 on saving. “wasted five per cent,” Stamps. You Will) can BOLD CLYDE ake (Enrolled on will 218; fe 5). all else reared Uscless\Until | They He Tsied “FRUIT-A-TIVES”, — | to overfeeding, becau have faecess to the feed at all times and 11) OFfo0s®) There are many adv: vantages in the inde of att feeders for growing int pigs. They save more than sixty per cent. f the labor, ‘They reduce waste of feed to the leas sible amount. weal and strong, heve an equal A self-teeder will sesupely_ prove economical where only tw three mnin’s. expericnce ‘with: » self-tecder for seven pigs: I fed them from a self-feeder, us- ing this ration:—One hi ASURE Pk! rel ‘vee from pain. T.R.C.’s will do it. and T.R.C.’s will be sent postpaid. Z A Scientific pre panini which eradicates every trace of Rheumatic Troubles. Stay aote Keep your best yrars S. PETRIE, Druggist Sole Agént for Milverton. Mail $1.04 to this address or to Templetons, 142 King St. W., Toronto, Z lay— of ‘taith and the blessings of Christ’ Chueh might. extend. ehrouihaxt el whole wor ‘As Many as the Lord our God Shalt] Call. God’s call sounded in the ears| of those who heard Peter’s sermon| e promise abundantly true. God saves in Gri ier hear, Batt to nerformin this work of t is hear, to give attention, aa ton decnniies qe ein celle ieeste pater teteces ata nee admission to the Church and its holy fellowship. y Continued Steadfastly. The life of the infant Chureh was marked by “the apostles’ doctrine,” or tea ing, and “fellowship,” frequ to> be impractic- e whole picture presented here of the primitive Church is one of pawl ood fellowship, kind- ness and hap The Right J si of Shoes to Wear. Thousands of Canadians have. found ra eer e cuits feat too. built on a specially designed last. It the lifting and forward ing. The shoe is so shaped that) the metatarsal bones of the extend. radially reat is about an hh, the sole is sufficiently heavy to assist e arch support as the body is tMcwmetarward A change 2 ae has been found benefici roops were pro- vided as pairs to each Although soltiers wear out shoe leather faster, then nee of any other Oe it is m well spent; Ble es been crea that d developing trengthening the feet is as im- portant as developing afiy other parts of the bods Worieuenawtenn se ridile* to; man for thousands| of years e is the one ae that he always refuses to give ‘ Whe action ‘clothes are ironed, the more glossy and starchier they will 0) muc! which involved the: nL Over $67,000,000. no. small thing to be training cattle. “Of course, in a fk it’s worth it, ing humanity a ilk for babies like the Holstein milk. olstein milk is the only milk that can be drunk whole. And pare because it has in it solids which a almost perfectly proportioned, “Tt has less butter fats than other -| milk, but r fats are not the most desirable solids in milk. ter fats are only fat-builders. The other solids portidnately than does any other kind, of milk, but goats don’t produce as milk, and consequently not so much bone, nerve and tissue build- Seer y worry about things that will soon be forgotten Aimy horses and’ mules sold in all atres of war have, so far, realized “ ‘A small house is big enough for ‘arva, Imes Magna—A little house “SMOOTHER THAN VELVET” HE reason Silverwood’s tastes so good is that it is simply frozen cream, wit none of its creamy smoothness or lost in the freezing process. * It is sweetened with cane sugar and dainty flavorings are added, of course, All your favorites are sold by ness SILVERWOOD’S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. and-a great quiet.” MR. JAS. S. DELGATY. 15, selling for twenty-six cents RR. No.4. Gilbert Plains, M pound, the total sale amounted = “Tn the year 1910, I had Nervous ae he pigs cost $83, the feed cost TH E SUCCE S Ss FUL Prostration in its worst form ; was | $207 Je vine Pete nae ee a redvicod in weight from 170 pounds’ |-yith the results though nothing MAN TO-DAY== faa rete anes onderful. Think if I had had a bet- ES % nae he doctors had no hope.of my | ter pasture I would. have made a‘ e é recovery, and every medicine I tried, greater profit, and expect to try it. proved useless until ¢ friend induced | again next season'using some crops, | Is the one ato ae careful attention to, his Po meto take “Fruit-a-tives”. such as oats, peas and barley, follow-, clothes. To his business suit is of as much Ibegan to mend almost at onces |ed by corn, te the pigs do the! - Recclatigssh fi 1 and after using this fruit medicine | harvesting. pigs ran i gga Sag eat as she clotties-he wears for social) = for 8 or 4 months, I was back tomy | orchand and feeiet no labor of any! engagements. He realizes the importance of normal siate of health. consequence. Water-pipes led te thi being well dressed at all times. Hé requires Tnover had such good health for | orchard so that they could “always WALITY” besides style, finish and correct’ [If twenty years as I havo enjoyed the | have water to dri = | tailoring. Try us for your next suit. : pastsix years. We are never without - 2 as ' : : : a box of ‘Pruit-a-tives’ in the house”, S ° \ JAS. 8, DELGATY. “07, THE TAILOR, 50c.'a box, 6:for $2.50, trial size 25e. e O. D U F FI E L MONKTON At all dealers or sent postpaid on ‘A cow is a milk mill that changes receipt of prico by Frult-a-tives | @™sses, which folks ear’t egt into the 3p estado ta. greatest food for humans the world ’ ver known,” says an eminently — successful breeder of Holsteins. 7 _ joy and with praise-to God they bear! “And that old milk mill is just as 2 testimony to their faith in one ane sensitive = the inside of a rare| ~ many who listen are convint watch. it’s under as t drape alow wk there the gail ouen the ke pate ie \Church, in the power of the Spirit,| ated, as a horse is in a thundering Ss “| has begun ose and grow race. I’ve seen my own cows stand- To those who repent and confess|ing in a tremble with the strain, Christ in fem ere comes for-| while the machinery inside of them giveness, “the remission of sins,” and| works up the masticated grasses into > the promise of the highest of all gifts,| milk. It is very wonderful—and it’s the gift of the Holy Spirit. itiful, too. ase their mills are Por the Promises’ ‘The _anlent cov-| always working overtime, whether enant promise of God v those| they want to be or not. Pio eccieets auto heneauikiven| 708 Sues the ent gears P = (Gen. 17:4-8). Ip the prophets it) specially trained cows. These record became the promise of a great King| cows must be guarded from any un- and Saviour of David’s line, and of/ necessary excitement. Their food the oulpodine cS Bae See pon) mus be delicately, proportioned, the nations :| their bodies must be thoroughly ex- ot $0 the “om amined ani > a in the old creased charges. Following 3-minute talk to scrikers: Milverton to are in effect are now From 8.. May 25th. Took, and this is eer col- lars and lingerie sbieee should: look, rs . Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada’ ‘Rates for Telephone Service HE new rates for Long Distance Service, effective May 25thand based upon air-line mileage, correct inequalities schedule and embody both increased and de- is a comparison of old and new rates for a points most frequently called by local sub- Old Rate New Rate AS $ Saree eae List sa Raney Tor ji Kitchener Saeik London Brantford Atwood . «15 The hours during, ies enced Tati pices rates (night rates) 30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m., 60, per cent of day rate From 11.30 p.m. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day rate Night rates are based on Standard Time LOCAL SERVICE \ Rates for local service to present subscribers will be increased ter _ per cent, effective from July Ist next. bs , Applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates, from

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