Milverton Sun, 3 Jul 1919, p. 7

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4 ee Be burn, Stranraer. s | depositors. of of Peace T: By ‘shige SOP trenton are the ates to Dominate the World. ity of Versailles, hich, the Ra have signed, Ger- restores Alsace-! Lorraine to ict, whether ihe wish any, France, or he league of nations. Specentizes the full sovereignty of jum oyer neutral Moresnet and igium Prussian Moresnet fe districts of Eupen and Mal- Gedes a small strip of upper Silesia Fai zecho-Slovakia. Cedes the rest of to the principal allied ‘ead sociated powers the district of Memel. | ™M Cedes, to Poland without peti most of Posen and portions of West| and Pomerania, west of zones ‘Schleswig, in whi the inhabitants are to decide, by districts, whether nee are to belong to Prussia or Den- Recowalzes the independence of the ations. Renounces all territorial and politi- rope as to her Neerritories, Ee rpeciutly to Morocco, » Egynt, - Liberia and Shantung. council of al Siam, Agreed to educes her army — withi eure months to 200,000 men, with re tions, determined by the Allies, Hay three months thereafter, reaching a ee of 100,000 by March 31, Abotishes conscription within her} te: rritori At ee to dismantle all forts fifty lilometers (thirty sates) east’ of the hine wi oe six month: Nan all im; cst exporta- tion and eal all production ‘of war material. Avrees to allied occupation of parts of Germany for fifteen years, or until reparation is made. Reduces her navy to six battleships, submarines, and a pel hotel of ni ae : es surrender or destroy ooiee” eat el Is_ forbidden to build forts control- ling ‘the B Must Genel ish ue fortifications of fishing harbor is not all Must open the Kiel Canal to, mer- chant and war vessels of all nations at peace ath her and surrender her fourteen submarine cables. May have no military or naval air facture or import avia- ix months. s full responsibility for all nels See Ce a sociated governments and nationals. ‘Agrees specifically to reimburse all civilian damages, beginnin, mn initial payment of 20,000,000,000 ma + : Tidings From Scotland “A shark measuring about twelve! teet has been washed ashore at Sole- | lps penny a week collections | i Red Cross Funds patiouiten to £704. During the three months of ishing | £60,000 worth of fish were marketed ‘trom the Kyles of Bute. Alexander F. Dobie, solicitor, of Dunoon, has been appointed Abs y procurator fiscal for Argyllshir Cramond House, which ae been as an auxiliary hospital since November, 1914, has been closed. Mr. te Mrs. William Waterson, 33 ‘Hast Abbey Street, Arbroath, have celebrated their golden wedding. z omas Grainger, minister ‘emeritus of Coupar Angus South U.P. ch, died recently at Sterling. A cross has been erected on the vil- lage green at Arder to the memory of the local men who have fallen in the war. ‘The Military Cross. has been award- ed to man Hunter, R.F.A,, son of Kobert Hunter, solicitor, Perth. A captured German machine gun has been given as a~permanent gift to the eae Council of Glenorchy and Inish cay Atiitery cee has been award- ed to Lieut, J. C. H. Mathams, son ‘of Rey, Walter J. Sansa Mallaig. The Campbelltown Savings Bank which has just celebrated its diamond jubilee, has £47,526 to the. credit of ‘The death is announced at ae Kilum, of Alexander Baird, ex-pro and member of the School Boned | tor “ several years Captain J. C. T. Teggart; and Lieut. gS Ras Rak If you ae s ipwarpaae with your farm aE a real estate man to adver- tise it for tae Then read the adver- tisement; it may make you better satisfied, BRITISHER OFFERS $600,000 TO pee HIS COUNTRY despatch ont London says:— vhhen an individual comes forward to surrender dent in any part of the world. Such a man has been ey in a letter to The Times, “F. 8. T.” say- ing: “I have ape to Purchase that aot of the resent it to ie "Gaveeimed? for caaealli Can the nation be made to understand the gravity of the fin- ancial situation, that the love of connie is better than the love of le the wealth: lasoee® now have the opportunity for service which = never recur. know the danger of the present debt. They know se ayaight of it in years " there has not been a wild and taken large blocks of the new Vietor -w movement proves the existence in Great Britain of another High for (ns Yas aeons QUICK REPATRIATION F CANADIAN ARMY A despatch from London s 2. tl a adiei ane l fave bern repatriat-! ed. The American army is not being} repatriated quicker than the Can- ‘The Manse, | adian. fe eee, over as THE FLEET HIS. Sater INITIATIVE and at Hee same time they know you—are not interested in you own town: ance in building up home interests. mn may pence pe mail uldn’t accommodate him for a two-cent stam) It you think otherwise ry it for yourself ee see, These out-of-town houses do not kno (ote IOUSES YOU HAVE Gi PATRONIZING. FOR THE {3 ST SIX MONTHS TO LP YOu.?". LAIN TRUTH. A order houses for years—may send them in that time hundreds of dollars— in any way—only in the money you se: This is the Bees unvarnished truth. lo not CARE to nd them, Spon your money with our ismen, who know you for what we Senis are, who appreciate your worth, your business, sa assist- From Erin’s Green Isle DEAD SEA AIDS ROAD BUILDING. Bitumen For Pavements Will Be Ob- tained From That Region. Ample quantities of bitumen occur William Corbett, a well-kno philanthropist, is reported dead at his His Gruss the Military Order of Savoy on Lieut-General the Earl of Cavan. At the sae ou meeting of the wo- men’s brancl the Royal Dublin Eusilleee, Gerenal Fry distributed badge: Dist strict Inspector Townsend was seriously injured when struck by a motor car eae stepping off a tram car at Belfa: The death: a ms at Knockat- rina, Queen’s County, ot ‘homas, The death has taken place at Coop- er’s Hill, Queen’s ae ae aan Augustus Moore, M.A, age ft 83. face aie wae: Hogan, of Dorset, left Society of Irish A despatch from London says:— Reuter’s learns that the aL ore are communicating with Pari is re-| garding action to be taken aeainat lmiral von Reuter, who, wit officers and men of the German fleet, is‘interned. It is confirmed that the} Admiralty has learned that the. scuttling of the fleet was entirely the’ ma of the rman admiral, ang a not carried out as a result instanchona from Berlin. oo Houses gaa entirely of salt are a unique f of some of the villages in are ‘Poland. TREATY RECALLS GERMAN TERMS PREPARED FOR DEFEAT OF ALLIES NB a demanded trom | absorp from | ‘rance in 1914 rench colonies, | a big slice of ior $10,000,000,000 indemnity, important commercial and patent advantages for twenty-five years, razing of all French eee a “gift” of 3,000,000 rifles, 3,00 horses, break-up bene alliance | b ortugal or Turkey, even if Wwe have Kill 5,000,000 Fren What Erzi “session of Channel islands, founding | to Belgium, of German empire in Africa, gradual vakia. absorption of all neutral border na- tions, complete annexation of Belgium and enormous indemnity. ed on Germany in 1919: Preliminary indemnity of $5,000,00,;: 000, See for all Seid ena 10 | coffe Heligoland, red aad *fersitorial concessions Poland and Czgcho-Slo- th Gate Sinnalca and the Irish Society of Dublin. Urban Council of Neweastle, County Down; has decided to devote ie the proceeds of a penny rate to ad- vertising the tow The.death took place recently at Sandymount of Michael O'Sullivan, as- ete poner of the Local Govern- a arian Medal has been award- ed to Sergt. Christopher Tisdale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tisdale, Drumconda, Dublin. The Wicklow. Urban Council has xed the price of best coal, delivered, ae two poandy fifteen shillings and six- Tenge per ae ‘took place suddenly at aes Tempke Road, Rathgar, of Michael Murphy, J.P., Sackville St., Dublin, merchant. workers in connection with the Spagnum Moss Depot presented Lady Clondagh ee Lismore Castle with a Morocco c: e was a 1ar8 a number of en- tries at the Dog Show held in the Corn Exchange, ee quay, Dublin, the last week in George Dna mond, managing di- rector of Woods, ta, Dublin, was pre- sented by the staff with a solid silyer e and tea ser'vice. Major-General William Fry, who has een appointed Lieutenant-Governor | of the Isle of Hee iss a son of the late | Thomas Fry, 0! An iret Testa ure on “Shakes: Little Theatre, Dublin, recently. ANCIENT SLINGS. Weapon in Common Use on This Con- tinent Before David’s Time. Popular sympathy has always been ‘on the side of Dayid in his little bick- ering with the giant Goliath. It ought ae that it will be obtainable at much. lial cheaper rates than those which now obtain in the Near Bast and in Europe. The material can best be applied by means of the usual tarspraying ma- chine. Dead Sea bitumen was undoubtedly used in ancient times. It Is evident that the walls of the temples and the palaces of Babylon and Ninevah were ee with bituminous cements, and there are bitumen-lined cisterns in rie ene atti onlay till water tight and fit for u: road surface treated with this asphalt ethod: eighth Viscount Satine in his 83rd » vehicles, a source of trouble owing to the dust that arises from it. Germans Claim Treaty nWobthlead. aa Tasting Pesce A despatch “from Copenhagen says:—The acceptance of the Peace Treaty has left Berlin, and, indeed, the whole of eee with a feeling of resentment, and, in the words Berlin oS of The Ber. Tngske Tidende, “there yawns be: tween Berlin and Paris a gulf wider than that which yawned in 1871.” Germany has accepted eace which she was not able to reject, but in the best expression of this One is found in Vorwarts, whic! is peace, being the product of topes: is worthless as a real peace, use the German people will never believe i in it. It is a peace which will last only so long as the Tab of powers remain the same as that which dictated it.” —— The story is told. that once the Kaiser, now plain William Hohen- oe, asked the gfeat Joachim to ach two of his sons ahs violin. Joachim replied: “Your ‘majesty, I fully appreciate a poner of ape ery sorry al oe tine a aera pts talented students that T find antagonist who could choose his own position and distance, and who was equipped with a long-range wea) ilitary men and naval tacticians. A fight of the kind can have only ‘one result. We are accustomed to think of ee sling as an Old World weapon, there is no question of the fact that a was in common use peed the natives. of Mexico, Central Aj rn, ee spanish historian, Del Castilla, de- scribing a battle with Mexican natives, a any: an- | S} Be vessels that bear ees illus- trative of combats were used. also wear eae jackets made of quilt- ed cotton.’ Many of the actual slings used “by: of various materials, including human pas wool, llama hair and voxctabiel| fiber. Couldn’t Fool Him Johnny paid the first visit) to a farm thy other day. All his life he had lived in the heart of a great city and when Ine suddenly came in sight of a hay- stack he stopped and gazed earnestly at what appealed to him as a new. bees of See ees "he taaieeee the ier potas to. the Tayatabe, “why don’t they have doors and win- rs in it?” “Door: farmer. that’s “Don't try to josh me, Mr. Smith!” was the scornfull rejoinder. “Don’t you suppose I know that hay don’t d windows!” smiled the Seas ain’t a house, Johnny, grow in lumps like that!” Map! a peri gallon, in which slings fo ; Tune. 80. ] No t Soe n, $2.2. ern, No. 4 wheat, Nolte iam. Manitoba barley—Ni $1. eee No. 4 cw, oes m. points, “ according i. Fa 17; No. 2 de eae me ae fea No. ; $2.02 oe s—Ni ‘poe ‘si. 19 to Bucksheat No. oe nominal. ~_ Rye—No. 2, dai ay ping Toront sus rio flour— tani 0. 50 to 01s, oe 0 ment jute bags, Mille treal ive bags included: Bran, 4 ay Mone good feed flour, $2.90 p fia: No. 1, $20 to fee $18 to $19 per ton, ront ane lesale. to Bae p rints, fresh made, solids, 47 a eee baa 9c. gs—New laid, 35. to 36c GOP ceasters, 25e;-fowl, 2 to 85c$ ducklings, 32c; arkeys, ce 6.0 nuley Sprig elite large, ee to a prints, 36 to jew id a “cartons, 47 to chickens, ‘0 45e; squabs, doz., $7; geese, t 20 je, z tatoes—Ontario, f.0.b. ee. ve lovers 5 Ib. perial gals., be 2Te. Provisions—Wholesale. bi 48 to 52c; 3, plain, 5 Ble; E Boneless, 56 to 58c; clear bellies, a and Peru | 33 to doug before Goliath Aan ‘David were ti ie OnE, clear te 32 B24 to 32%; p Montreal | $13.50 choi $12. 8 ei $l. =» $9. balls, es Rit .25 to r $10.25 ‘to $10.75; do, rough, $8 to 8 25; butchers’ cows, choice, $11.25] s 12; do, good, $10.50 to ‘$10.75; .75; do, com feeders, $12.50 to cutters, $4.50 Cu #5: wae Sood to choice, $90 t 0; do, ‘med., sa to "$160; light ewes, : lings, gi 20 to $14; spring lambs, per| bi ewt., to $21; Vchoice, eat 50 to and watered, $23; $28.25; do, ae . $6 to ‘$1; m ality, Y per 100 ent hogs, ede 0 $23. <9 —— ae phe: when you stumble. Remember, a worm is about the only thing Hae cat fall down.” BRINGING wuP FraAceam MAGGIE? ICANT PRACTICE MY SINGING WITH THAT CHILD > CONSTANTL PLAYING ON TH: HOPE HE. REARS IT YEP THESE “ILL GIT YOU © ~AN'IF YOU BREAK ipping $1.23, Munitobs. flour--Government stan- stan- an ‘and Montreal, prompt ship- hairs lots, er aes Mon- 28 ner ton; Sus $42 to $44 Tai | the $23 per ton; track, To-| w: ou: -—Car lots, $10 to $11 per raed poultry —Spring chickens, 35 to 40er Suck 0. 88¢; poles 3308 8c. Tala, 44 to 45c; new pou rae, ‘chickens, 50 ack To- ronto, ear lots, $1.75; on ise out- 24% to zee! “| No Naat Have Acquire aS 4 ‘man Civilization. ring the years, and has shown that th: ae it of the Belgians was Ave a ok den outburst of passion, but characteristic, of a scientifically re oped system of atrocities practiced on the black subjects of the imperial gov- iNet ig ae ‘1 Spring, $2.09 | ten repeated 0 ment. : w Germany treated the natives is now as familiar as it ties committed there, revolting to the point of nauseation, were wholesale slaughter common ‘there. tt as not the cruelty of a few unscrupul- man beings which lay at the rope of ime failure in colonization. German Official Policy. ~The official policy to be carried on in Africa and the South Sea Islands was announced in the Hogue ‘Zeits- chrift in the early days of German ex- pansion, ie the ey of one of fhe ci acquired this col see it. was Hee “not for- the evangelization of the blacks, not primarily for their well-being, but for us white: Whosoever hinders our jects we must put of the way. eet of the way,” a translation of ee own phrase, aptly describes what kill by thousand: sert and left to die ae aaah by abuse i power, which g Peters, “protector” St the ee ‘of the -wa-damn, rena stained “dl ?} hands”; by systematic slaughter which reduced the Hereros of German South- est Africa from 80,000 to 15,130, thé Hottentots from 20,000 to 9,781 and~ the Bushmen from 30,000 to 12,831. _ i. They “put out of the way” their cap- and by allowing the 0 log ’| them to death and otherwise kill them for minor offences. They “put them out of the nase by failing ing to make al- fee with the siambok, starvation, reek shackles, and hanging by the “put them out of the unyentilated, fested huts to sleep, where they met death from many diseases, Problem For World Statesmen. It is little wonder that the ‘people are rejoicing at their liberation from +] German. tyranny. problem confronting the government which now takes charge of them is a difficult one. No longer are they the simple- ie,| Minded savages oe loved to decl K hei ceremonial i hate and to fe: "they have been eae ae ve ne “«ohristian virtues,” the vices of a Petia civilization, German sciente has overcome somé of the native diseases, ee Reha ane off! tite of the tropics, he is now bereft of property and-of personal freedom, Twenty Years Operations were rare. _ Netody swatted the ity. Cream ‘was five cents'a pint. Most young men had “livery pills?” Cantaloupes were muskin melons. > You never heard of a “tin ee Doctors wanted to see your tong’ Milk shake was a favorite ae Advertisers did not tell the truth, Nave sila for the a of gaso- Nobody sprayed cent int ‘Parmer came to town fohs their ‘The hired girl drew one-fifty a week. ites butcher “threw in” a chunk of Pols said pneumatic tires were a ONabody “{stened in” on a telephone. Strawstacks were turned zoe of Publishing a epuntry, “pewspanet . was not a business. People pe Lopes ae z were bird: Tules Verne was the only conve _}the submarine Bar hee i string . =

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