» WHAT THE HORSE REVIEW HAS i! die ai latter move opel For Sale by > oo NEUMEISTER iverton, cess : nd after Monday, June ! sige ae cnemeauite peeing tire: ‘ories, ete, ~ cash or note Delors fling, sala fs Little Capital” Time and again you have heard someone say, “If | only had alittle ~ capital back of me I know I could make Money with that proposi- tion.” Resolve, today, that you will not face Fortune emptyhanded. Sow the seeds of your success by starting a savings ac- eo with this Bank now. : Bank of Nova Scotia ‘Paid-up Capital § 6,500,000 Reserve Fund-" 12,000,000 Resources - + 150,000,000 - G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for * Coal ° PORTLAND CEMENT _ANTH PpI Ee Wan a good chance is fost for-want of ready money. Sometimes.a few ex- tra dollars make all the dif- ference. Decide upon a fixed regular deposit in the Bank, and then exceed it, if pos- sible. To-day is the best by to start. BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH—N, G. Schafer, Manager ST MARYS ¢ home LIME da Lo Loth’s store wil be Floved all ‘day Items of Local Thiet |on Satunday—Pe Hollefr enna nhoto Fraaio will be. and Mrs. Gordon Meyer sj a ‘ones ee ay. J F. |. delly glasses, ire aie, 80c dozen. a fev devs this week with pian i | penfet Sat fats in ints ‘and qu ee sloat, of Stratford, spent | ® i oi Mr ‘and Mrs; Wm. Johnston spent | # Sen her cousin, Mrs.’ few days with their daughter, Mrs. C. Kertcher, of Kitch- {5 encanta Friends in. the aes e. week-en “experien need. and | “inenpertence. Appl ply HE. ek On. | tare es ams. elureh g iene is being held this ace H, Gral e Miss no ae yee i ain ale argar iller ant ia of ane Brent Saturday tne" Taylor of Brann men SP spent Sat-1 Miss Winnie Strieker, of Linwood, | "day. with Miss Beulal t ‘week visiting |», Toronto, are spending ‘thei ‘riends in ace and Morn- t ils ponpld, of of Winnipeg, | preset 8 in; iy teeny es os the home 0 Bee Lene opto qicnts ale er e. Milton Gray recently returned won Bat aS urday aftemoon, July. 26 8 Ss ee hoe The Honsthold effects of Me | in his pace ir. J. G. Hamilton, on Sat- ur Mrs M, eer and waited at | cme iarie eaforth, visited at: calhoft's tor a couple of days Scan Roese, who enlisted 118th Battalion of Waterloo ie from overseas on Sat- | > er D. Pate ee are es ‘Shoe jomes,, ae slene and et nice, >| clean work and get good mi Eas oe | sch | day in and around Tavis. Soc Mrs. Geo. she W: ee of Batavia, N.Y., and Mr, E of Shicaus’ are at present. mattis their mother, Mrs. John Piatt and other relatives near here. Mr. Jacob Albrecht has completed oxon | his contract, rs. er, who he is now sin! ce *arans on Main | wthende | ie nic itchener for |street south, preparatory to having ae est on uple of weeks, returned | it macadamized, om che “ Phas evening. pies » Frank Adams, eee ly Vet- irs. W. Hull “and Mr. and|¢ 'y Surgeon, of Wellesley, who iter, ot Erin, [recently returnéd from overseas, d Mrs, |spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. s last week. by The, | win: and Mr. ee vee a week or two -with Nancy Brenneman spent Sun with relatives Misses Evelyn, Henderson, of Lon- don, and Hildred McCourt, of Done- ite, Mr, a sons, of Hanover, man | award | O tbs ee Schmidt a sdauchier, pees who are dwelling there i cot- Xie. A.B. Hamilton, of Brandon, Man ‘orge Strachan, of Detisit, Mich, are at present visiting me of Mrs, Margaret Me- report Schmid through the spain: mseert rs, R. H, Coulter, Mr. 10, @ afternoon Miss 1, ‘Lillian Morte | wi deliver an address on “Some 0-| lems. in fon.” Bvers: ie welcome... Bring lune end Mas, J Hemera and fon | i Bridgeport, and rs. man, of Toronto, spent Sunday = n, of ‘Wellesley, Mileses Mr. John Wittig’s. d Mr, and Ra ling of To- mber course "of pectic has the brie! two houses, Swhite’ ani Be is eae "hata well “advanced ne The Sollowiae pupils wrote on their er School examinations at Elmira eaton,- Lin- Elmira; ps ing a part 0 home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dobson ied by thei DEERING ALL STEEL LOADERS, SIDE DELIVERY RAKES and TEDDER combined, DUMP ~ RAKES, MOWERS, ETC.. DELIVERY ‘ON DAY'S NOTICE Second-hand Goods For Sale in Good Repair 1 Massey-Harris Hay ‘Tedder 2 Climax Cultivators Good Massey-Harris 6”’ Binder 2 Steel ‘Tire Buggies Also a Good Supply of Twine. ON, A. Zimmerman = I Ge auare if ie ae Implement Dealer Brockville and Mc- Laughlin Bug gies TO SAY ABOUT TRAMPQUICK Regarding the Youngstown, /|fi ich Trampquick cima ities, e The Horse hed at Chicago, un the regardin; the ace: exceptional skill, “Si ‘Shively have won ‘the 2 ie Groseh, of and ms ae Bie! Tea- mn to be proud of his steed, Among tl the a on Aer pag The Horse peer oy ulls off this one: as they pleased, :|Twister C, “twister, against £0 ‘urther tran: ns- mpquick — wise at gure, likewise CG. brought $2( ine ra We qiuck for ’’im! O, cos id | On |bank Soldiers’ Reception. ere Hae La on a epcedey el Be thes ct S 0: Ste Mt J MeAulay, of St ‘Stratford e Position; settle in’ eK cause Trampquick kept ‘Pampine we I; eof the features of the Mill-|th ion. and Peace | left They were in, Miss K. Langford. = The Milverton eect desire to im-| } pr intending bi nec- Rasityat obtaining a "pailding permit ing with work. Thi and co sist in carrying out their weather argar- ae ia M. a J. ae | viet ed On ‘am, Wi an! | niczadale? Milton | 0 be a reconstruc- orl cabinet at Ot- here: i is much speculation secure a sufficient quantit potatoes from his garden to enable him to have a mess on Si editor of The Roe cepa him Thank also for a fine at y be take: er e | present, Minister of Other -Onte i Y|tire a pam ay "Kemp and Hi pe a similar e name of where several m Mr. Earl ‘idwards, of, Pinnyatelle, Gener ie ive Com Cabinet appointments. there at least twelve bye-elections. A SERIOUS AUTOMOBILE ACC’ aturday Svening after i Oreons celebration as Mr. John ices fe a iS Saas ca of Wellesley, and vin and , Joh . pas John Tur UE near Baeee om! .}some manner or other, the car left the e his ad ant th as principal of eConlidnetion schol? ive oocudemia hem Louis Boyle and have been spend- | a’ the other fou soon forthcoming, owi number of passing vehicles. ae joyl the car was righted, it was ieee that week Fesign his his affairs sshierey Wi e to > Milverton where he will resides in ta ture. Tr Trampquick was in a big field et out parses By sClevelana alas week. ba up for a couple of heats in onder that Bi Shively, Be driver, pent tak ne asure her horses, Sy is seratched up. Mrs. Wilford ae “sh c tT: as sday ‘Campbell of that 9 lace = his hand | ni | erent permiss)n for ‘emi glad to jan that he will ‘ee. ple ‘sack Bester: The top of the auto: =|mobile was torn to ‘freaments Puls ped 0! ever, we wounded han oe anit a | urday. K.|in rural Women’s Tnatitute houses will | Bae ti Finance, ar Petch } in; ilford was able to finally extricate | j uA MC. es gt Hamilton, ert at e Loth's for lay—48e doz Pak Gragtord. re- urned from their holidays on Mon- Pte. Jas. Anderson, of Brunner, Letrived ho ‘rom overseas on Sat- ited syereraeae man fo: jor pork: (0 W. B. Struth- | a hans id Mrs. frattord, spent. Sunday. with Mrs. t MeLenni Mis. Soka nenase f St. Marys, and Mrs. Watlin, of Stratford, spent Sat- day with Mrs. C. F. Dahm: few days - ara en. he home Naney, spent the 12th at ome of Mr. and Mrs. E. Brenne- miMiss ae etapa Chalmers and Miss f Monkton have beet passing. thelr the AL celebrat their | citiz w Adair, of Stratford, and di Pa anny and Charlotte, spent ‘the 13th in aereeton and were Soe and Mrs. Dees Ross was formerly a oh sant of N orth Easthope. co hives Roe, the recent ic examinations oat i . |come from North See Normal a ral “ORANGE CELEBRATION A GREAT SUCCESS 6,000 PEOPLE "PRESENT.—EXCEL- ¢ recs ADORE SES “§. R. McConkey, of rey “| Milv Paenre ges were Snes a Ne me Water- oo, South Perth ai ering ak i a of the most ing predominant, while AXES oad black were much in Shalt a wealth a a rds and pi | and conspicnously displayed, the Un- "The Ferien for the “walk” formed an Exhibition park and ee congratulate Miss Roe List = er great success. A patriotic garden party will be held at North Morn: ane por chu Prday evening, August programme will be given. fuller announcement next A.C, ington will leave on Monday next to ake a week's carine at Guelph 0.A.C. ip, after which he and his familly will take thelr holi- Schmidt, of Elmira, spent Sunday at|in Milverton ly 2 | days Me ae Pfeffer DIES SUDDENLY. This community received a shock Passed away at his home suddenly late e night before, | Mx. Steinman ha turn she taseowe er aed that he > Cote ee was_ i large, eymuathy4 is ‘expressed for Mrs. ean man in het bi TORONTO CONSERVATORY EXAMINATIONS. Theory—Miss Alice Hamilton, pre- siding examiner at the home of Mr. I. G Hamilto Elementary Rudiments—Olive Roe, first-class honors. Primary Rudiments—Janet Pugh. a ee ‘Aten, honors. ike eelhoff, honors: wonoras (equal); Dorothy er h Gaul, first-class honors: ‘lsabel Sunoe, ukgee! ona Seelhoft, Bleanor Carter, Ryer- Introductory—Odell Pfeffer. 1 'brimary — Lottie Gowing, honors, —Lotta M. White, Teacher. Elementary Piano —— Ina MeKay,| ~~ | gret-clase honors. Florence roma (Monkton) Teach INJURY RESULTS FATALLY. On Thursday last as Mr. Henry Murlan, a prominent farmer and eder of Jersey cattle, who resides Wellesley, was called and ance ani Glaister, of ssed th mber, which poisoning had that ie entire leg ani ly was af- fect ed, Mx, Murlan died on Monday INJURED BY FALL. Mr. W. B. Struthers, who resides one mile west of Milverton es with, ;|Monday mornin; Glais' n, 0: Stewart, of North Morn: pata most terrible tri of i ee ere might, of free- doi RS over auto aera and are ‘was added to the the numbers given b: ‘ipe Band: consisting of dances, oe the bi Maventie ing business duri oe the Sronranine was being run No less bers of ae Orange order enlisted for e late war and as @ con- London, mad “Harry Lauder” songs sung by. 1 Sam Munro ae loudly encored. The singing of Mis: athleen Bet rccrtie “ye ae Recent 3 the , ‘Trish oh S date. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT j On mhorsday last st John Reis, Wil. frid Zimmerman, J and telephone employee Teft by motor for ‘tratford on the frame of a F Milverto! on and the “lwhich one of the party desired to 3|eatch and, of course, record time had for over three days, but we are glad 0 note is able to get about again, Kitchener, are popalenans on mart Bros., of anes to begin buildin; an immense packing : Do Your Shopping on Friday: ia STORE CLOSED SATURDAY, JULY 9 th——-PEACE DAY. PER DOZEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY ‘ ae 20 ue bag. Sugar ou as x ishing A ‘Ora sd Soe weet, y. ranges; ioz.. .30¢ 35¢ pkg. ae Oats for.. + 25e Ne colorful that ever fssembled in the |S opi bolism, yeeata ot the Grier tee street and pro- Th fea a Fea a Fea a FRR hold a Peace Cel obra RG Ad a Soldiers’ d , . \ er ‘ing y ; f which Y. there wit y Highest’ Prices 7s Poultry up oat o Thursday Night of each week. ee = ENGELAND & SON ne! follows For spxenile football the game was oul pion eet tied ym From, face-off Milverto: en the offen: better of ihe | sive et for the fst hive sauteed {much the bi the Pee: continued to press and sec! x kick, In ed the corn made a penalty kick. merman took th nicely placed now realiz ue e SC) crimmage | whil ick Listowel “Gamey” Zim- kick and from a local on their plays 3 we the ball, and Listowel penalty re by a well se ot. e score 1—1 plonship at stake the ted to some exciting "football. For had the ed the honors, and to heartiest cai aa er, the Listowel boys have nothing to be ashamed of. The team work of than about 80,000 mem-|® at ee a is the line-up: Milverton—Ernst, Yost, Jack, Kerr of Capling, Bean, Bastendorf, Zimmer- fe | man, er, Listowel — ‘kmoi Fritz, Cross, Pr Hath "Phi mpc Zuben, Kelly, Gabel, Referee—Stan re esos BOY ELECTROCUTED Stanley Bean, aged 10 years, eld- est son of Rev. J .W. Bea: ne Menon minister at Mt. Elgin, Ostsed Co County, brother of Rev. E. in, of distance being "Hs er, Woodstock, Ha: Millgrove and o . E. ean an mens of in: verton, attended the funeral. A MONSTER npamegeeseten Pe e Towishi of otiinens will © eception School — grounds, Millbank, on Bye: rday, Jul; 19th, ads AB ware: will e rel d from 2 con- gating ots 5 peaches be Messrs 2 ict. oe eee between au mae pe ra Oy 5 at $10. famo “R, band of. stratford, ae be present, ‘There also b rom the grounds. 0 kindly bring 1 body. Palcoaese SPRAINED HIS ANKLE, e sprained his ankle oné last week and has since had — the Higaments of his Paty timo. if no unfores: a oo is felt for Me Sct, as in. the past eal coe ote, sickens in his. family ‘ BRRRERRR .. and Hie suai Pe