Milverton Sun, 17 Jul 1919, p. 5

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-. FOR SALE FOR SALE 1914 model Fora touring car, thor- fg, OW! Apply, te Ell Nafciger, N: ht. lot 17, . 5, Morning! PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS the season for ‘electrical stoims don As is approaching, pro yom be wise to protect thelr aildings with lightning rods. Leave your order with Taties W. Schmidt, Milverton, and secure the best material an workmanship. rs wil STRAYED Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, near is requested to nae her eid notify Alex. Kocher, Britton, Ont. Warning! a number of paopte in_ berry picking time have been it i ©} to get hold of a MRS, PETER JANTZI death took place after a ling esday of M place in the presence of a host friends and relatives. Headed the Wrong Way. Indiana went dry there has | is. becoming cd tierrpesgea difficult liq é other fay a policeman. met patrolmen dragging a s Helated. individual, be- “Whe ye takin’ him?” “Sure, to jail.” “What's he been doin’ ?”” SGivin’ away whiskey! givin, it away?” Yess don’t belong in no jail; ike in ome buphouse” gates and fences, I hereby issue no- tice that any fee fo rnd tres) pea ing on i s 6 or 7, concession FOR SALE ‘oal or wood range, good as new, leggers and so many. convictions that H the and No. 19: wonders for TOPS. Toot 99 spring: L.0.L. members of £W | will attend divine service inthe Meth- odist church on Sunday evening, July 27th. Lloyd Holman, of Ga alt, 25 ie = é ohn 08, Elma, spent Sunday with Hehds in Stratford. Sunday Yokin Davidson, of Mr. Frank the home of nd Mrs. J, Bettger and Mr, agilbor ae Sunday with friends at Thedfor x nie hen in and ts S Mrs. R. unday with a great indust: ‘ees hausted and ce Ain’ oat hee spent Sunday evening in St trat ince the Bell Telephone Co. has the at AP ART the attack was. novel, effective. Tt was eet Pa RS than liquid fire, ae an end to the at- tack in unt aud When we Plead the Highland ound them in a the worst attack th make he they were quaking at the porridge, with whom ‘ainy idea origin- ated by telling him he ought to have ° me. phen he asmea bee {psa wasted on they German devils! HOW TO STOP A PAPER. The Kingston Whig p asses on some ed in the newspaper business in On- excuse for discontinuing tO = complete the maki more newspapers than he can r. and Mrs. G. B. Manton, Miss|read.” It is only an excuse offered Gofton and Miss Florence |to ameliorate the presumed lacerated ‘yfield_ spent Sagar: with Mr, | condition of the editor’: gS. and Mrs. J. Gofton, BE as no such effect for in the first plac fr. and Mrs. M. E. Bettger and the editor never worries over the loss pony and Mr, and Mis, John Ellig. of a subscriber except when he leaves e country without paying al his orridge. The method f repelling ould have none of my Remnant with a|w Mr. HB. Morphy Named for Solicitor Generalship Crerar’s successor from ae prairie members Mr. Henders ‘vill e the man. Mr. Morphy Solicitor General. ¢ The new Finance Minister will be overmment may lose two he Sat these aon ook be aed te: Hl have little opportunity to for- Valsonis ees asa Cabinet possi- | mal politics before Parlia- ndon, eee ae ealisd an epedat aaa Be October. CONTRACT GOES TO LICHTY. ichty Brothers, of Wellesley, were ial and pnages 1 meeting of the Roads Committee, at the Court couse, Kit- chener, on Thursday last. There were four contractors bidding, but Licht Brothers were awarded the job, being the, idde: he Lichty bid cobs. $1) 942.40; Wellesley 33. Feor Watch: $42,659.20. Th Jacob’ 's stretch ae and the Woolwich stretch will 16 “aoe sane and an area of 28, 160; aatete yal HOTEL MEN’S VIEWS CHANGE DOUBT ABOUT QUICK RE- VIVAL (From The Round Table.) w has always been held in some auatters \d ‘see has been destroyed, whatever we do, European standards Of living have for some ti got to be lower than before the war...... y ot = ol- |GET STOCK PILES OF CRUSHED % STONE. FUN IN EXCHANGES” PUNY, TUARY ae tty wedding took pl fh frame barn 26x40 ft. Apply to 3 abt mg y we (00k pare at the ‘ Writing of his newspaper Bee. bi o.R Honderich, Milverton, OB. 1. Henry Veitor, of Mitchel tig Npumecel tte bond's bevente, Mr end In the, Forthcoming Shuffle of the Union Cabinet iences,ix, the Canadian Magazine, Sir VA HALLMAN. sured: fere ont duly: Let, throws gh | Stratford on Wednesday, July. oukt pore nin rede ot ie ae : “MRS. EV Pane ‘assaulted by a return mae soldier when their eldest daughter, Edna chankee eager a hai igen . VICTORY BONDS Tie dee aoe « fully recovered, although he was |Plorenee, was united, in matviage {0 (from Toronto Mail & Empire.) deeoetis May one ve a Z és coe ined to his bed for some days af-| Robt. N. Heugli, of Pit 5 ue 3 Victory hots bought “and voli ane Pie eo ede Teds anineual to por “Heugl HEPES ee eke Wile as little delay a8 pos- bility, “H. B. Morphy, of Noxth Perth ted te CU ee Sproat ns Oe See z x {aie Ti = sible in the re-organization of the| will be soli | a different outlook. I-recall, he writ- George Roe, QR. No. 1, Newton. Shika home of her son. ‘ble bodied British soldiers beating Neisely at 6 p.m. ihe bride entered ie sett h e solicitor-general. e Gov- 5 e % . No. 1, 9) ona a eee Saren Gid- men of 16. eras. of 2 a verlon augtheterdr gt havkt Gabi Pee It is. rennet that unrest in| ernment is also anxious to ate thee an sera in a Sea ee DER: eased me atl Ss saute ta a fie ee oe aman fee for abet, Our ft nes ath Me ha ‘tans WANTED © IE. arson gl Sy ti te et ce Metal Ne Mion" Spgs hanes [n'a annem heen Cup Ones Fee Winn oe ; and was born on the old homestead Claimed a holiday by the Government| "Under an atch of fi ‘palms and |therefore, be completed this month,| Ontario, and Brigadien Gent iar, |stated that a Eolatag nae shot ia ‘anted to buy, from 10 to-30 00". New Dundee, ‘She was ve elebrate peace. smilax, ‘the nuptial knot Was tied be id will AOE 3 for of Medical the f : mae righty with eniteble brings peene Punniee ee ener § zal Russians have for some|the groom's father, Rey. T. J. ane A nee be fol! oMtett by. ee general thur Cross, Director of Medical Ser- ne preg ah cate an ex: fis, oh Ban ase fr lin Wet ep fr" CaN Sry ita Sad soca te Ee Pet el ire: gl are apy | many years. Her husband.predeceas- fa arred. . ac’ | Martin; the pastor of the bri ie ower until 1921, following the cus-| popular in the army, has lendid} 3 d her about sixteen ago and, img turpentine and tar from pine) The | bridesmaid iss Stella % Ys plendi FOR SALE od hex about sixteen Yeamiie moved |stumps and converting the wood into | Stewart, sister of the bride, while Mr. fom nat appealing bythe people in the jai ee | a Tne gene Oe ee oameat wis, a pal of the groom, |eenectation that moss nonmal times | perience in the Ontario Legislature] * rot ns aera apne: ‘9 ares ceceeee ae been saat 2 wi is : The dent had 8 sae ae just astined. “Tride ooked will prevail then than now, or tha eneral Cross has the interest of his Etnaen, wo. 3; Atwood. 24: woo i |shased the brick belonging to the ‘charming in a dress of grey erepe de With an ample majority, its ‘enure of fas th oli, ase ts cerns ee ember of the Methodist church tive] building that was recently burned |chene and carried a bouquet of cat- jrrce durine the period’ mentioned 8b iy to unjust ~ highly respected and beloved will ed fox bricking ‘nations. fod. | Wen dn the tariff i Bee ee Meisnetha Goverment edie NOTICE wide cirele of friends.” She is grin ordgr that they may |" Aller the ‘coropony about thirty, [assured. "Even on the tani issues ihe ote, ot yan the, G Sal ized, by three sons and three daugh- BY mers guests repast. | and if the total vote of the House had tyne will remain, He has We will ship hogs at Milverton, gnats ers, namely, Elma, (Mrs. Wm . MeNaught, of Deer- ihe toast "the ride as. BrapoI eo ‘been polled would have carried the|{aken on a big job and intends,to ‘Brunner: TR. y ines), ds Shi oh, Maine; Selena (Mrs Fontan Tinie received Py the geoom in.and responded. to | budget by sixty. Any defections that |finish i : july 19th,—Fred reread e wan, 1 os __, might have been feared occurred then = Mates és $ hi G )|large consign of cans in presents were numerous and e .emain in Government. mar (ils ghnson) | Guernsey to pack his honey. He has alread: ee costly and testified to the high esteem 1m, "ach, the Government decided (9) Of the Liberal Unionists, Messr FOR SALE and Eldon and Melvin, of Linw beget Oe fone fore at Ae ve A porch the spune ss couple are held fy 1917 to govern Canada during the pelentpe Melee. falter Rowell, Four brothers and four sisters also Mr, McNaught states while there ice eatin bene fe as eb, on th = ‘unrest and instability jn-|Sifton, Mewburn and Guthrie will re- menti survive. eral took pla . e bri ouple = e ei Ricca on this country by the main in nment. on, A. 3 sows and 2 boars (Berkshire) | Monday. afternoon to the general complaint ofa shortage this | honeymoon on fe Sie Thomas White, has dotnitely | K. McLean will possibly become Min- Piseding pi ios Hier otsyou ms i |church, New Hamburg, int Pie See ere eon e oeemee ae oon itt and the decided to reti Following the pre- | ter of Tra TE ‘o Mose Nafziger, lot 14 |$ § i singing of “They are jolly good fel- i rthur Meighen will remain Minister Pie a Mera eee ae ta bee s total yield il be about lowe?! by the youn ay Knox Silene asta he LOPE the exe Mine [2E, the Inievion, and other Ministers lily thy. of ths church Guild of wl ie bride. was | j 5 "|retain their ent portfolios witl {Hendin the Toss they heve sustain is 25 cents per pound. | a popular, membe ney oter will be chosen for Anencial ail |the possible exception of Hon. A. TL HOG FOR SERVICE ed. fe Hneahit will be held in Knox spent etroit, |e. Geen. eth Ser of |Sifton, who may take over a more hurel onday night to which all| Cleveland and other } points they will 5.1 Pape: (eC RN eee Clevel an $ they Tagiinmentenor 3 candidate for an| important department than Customs. A splendia Yorkshire a for nets interested in getting up a picnic, are take nitee Seances Pittsburg, | clective public of The resignation of the Cabinet. will vie ‘e at thes f $1.00; also have MRS. DAVID LEIS atte ere the groom has a lucrative posi- “5 be followed by many imi nt ap- ham bull for sale]. ‘The death took place on’ Tuesday, bet eee MeN ue His eons ae on the Pennsylvania ‘railroad, Pere = seer . joint: ents, Sir George Perley will % ‘No. q 2. sthe h . Martin Burrell has long de-|arrive 5 rt {a £9 Servis). a Stever, R. R No. daly, ‘sth nine an illnes: ake ares, days at her home at “Deerbank. : ~ sired to retire. the British | desire to retain the High Chaining a week’s duration of the wife of Mr.| “Miss Sarah McNaught, of Mitchell Columbia Tapresentatives in the Com. |sionership in London, but may do s - David Leis, of Wellesley village, at}is at, presen visiin rat thie of HIGHLANDERS’ BOMBS : » 0. the a of 71 years, 11 months and 8 pre: ie eg at ue m are Hon. F. Gre yj at mier’s personal request. man retorted, “You say, to hell FOR SALE 3 pee her brother ght. Bons are Met ipimie: ok Cobine! [thes w slain Comtacionel $) Wak oe a eT ¥, to hel . ‘dente at vs, Wm. aes nderson, “of Mitchell] A wounded officer describes the | calibre, Vancouver, the. greatest ington to be appointed, ‘Three able|Harry Lauder” beet 5-roomed house vag woodshed and roaeee tee peer 3 ae eyes ig at present vis visiting at the home of |novel. w sere land Sat oe party of | city wes ‘innipeg, is demanding | men must be selected for the Board . < Mr, surprised Highlanders met an unéx-| abi i i ¢ Fig intood osite sharing eee see aby as awit Mee n Rev, By Te ond Irs: Allan J left Og rena enemy oe f the eo th Pee ee econ te eta This $f Commas te ee reed : . c a 4 ee ‘urther into the | ;, robabilt : . 2 i Al ee oti pastccars a to George | her husband she leaves 5 ‘mourn her | ten iy ded te E PE Se ets Bie tency” hevwnies, “0 fas es rood imerenses, probability oF seleey he ant Governor of Ontario, | Tt is be N UNEXPECTED REBUFF. | ink, Linwoo s six childr and-children that they surprised a party 0: - fi = I ; 5. W. i and, 5 eae The on W. Denstedt, of |landers in the “te SSR pomp meen res ah ea mul anne eeng Sun a ot eee oe CoCr en. - if ee a, i will » a d te ip ver- La making for a secti - ct ns n vacation reer ly; 1 Be Mee dace rere | Same ie rey nore ho om eae enema go Aes Pete, Cea a ae Benalta. Wellesley; and “dacob. of ce Mise Ea. Bale etsie ies nang ee ino aa 6 sek weapon ie ead | Tt. was ithe Jate Minister, of Agricul-| member. for North Renfrew; W. beh the sae 2 F ‘p B rogress ew t] 2 “ See SS - , ‘4 SATs threshing att, Water- | Kitchen ee child died in infaney | {nceting has been ee on the roof {ridge and ffung it in the face of the | tari poe etoceyi Ge in the iagt Paiament of Be ae Joo engine, 20- i Oham-|and one daughter, Mrs. John rb, |gha ihe bricklayers wil soon be en (advancing foc, ‘There were yells of | 3 his ge 3 5 pion Separator, rec er, stacker “and|about three years 4 gaged in putting up the brickwork, | |rage as the scalding porridge fell am. ther. Ey eee be a vie a Ec soa orn Daa eee cutting box attached; also water tank. he funeral was on Friday th i i aes lay cae eran pa tario Legislatu il in good order. Apply to Box 6,| afternoon. Interment taking place | notal in reine his bi gf the Monkion Se ee oe re Be Twelve Bye slectons Sun office, Milverton. 4-t,| in the old Mennonite cemetery e work is being done|1 am told, was to see iar wee : are ‘five Commons vacancies 3rd line, where services were held. Ische, of Brodhagen. |ficer trying to look dignified before and with new Cabinet appointments | { Paar rmers are at present busily en- men in a uniform covered with there will ‘be at least Swae bye-elec- |}? Ing the big concern, ie is the i ei! the town, is to be pany mena serve as a seeninee h a view to meeting the future i only used 8 months. Apply to P. 0.1 tyj a the districts with | just what you feel 4 sperity ; age ee 1 eens at Mul here Tas Ten | ae ee eh oe 2 2 e first} you pay e Girls Wanted (aoe — _pisee those a tel nin tra nity that vou don’t want ent system, says es: |e”, We shall e poor. Cora of the 17th on the line with a centra! ‘is disreputable blackguard shee ny ske ‘is, See ane or a main con To work on power sewing so tae. gona eem at Atwood. esult this w: er. 0 him in a ‘so 1}continuance of the present. conditions|are not dissimilar from those making fine shirts and muse rw. We| A a vads beicle ddwelf that phone users not more than a ile e of that you deeply regret|and others favored a retw ‘o beer | France and Belgium. It is true that pay pay liberal weekl to be- Bod re eek cttese Miiiver.|9¥ 8° from Monkton were compelled his inability to publish @ newspaper |and Wines All seem to steer clear of {during the war Germany has incur, Prey ii cine pase worageiom ace ne Gn Hing street Mi cer; | © Pay 20 cents to get connection with | worthy ame and advise him to| whiskey, but it is apparent that there|xed no great foreign debt, but that experienced 0 ee 2 Soom large lot, hard and soft. che- village: Another. prapositionsta tell dus plant ty some man with: 2/45 very little difierenc between the | deficiency is supplied, and on a s steady ‘work year around in clean fac- wa ee Apaly.te atz, Milverton.| \i5ce all users north of Kennicott on|thimbleful of brains and seek some |former bar receipts.and those now|far grea’ in the case of an: ory. Write now, or visit our factory. the Atwood line does n a meet with | occupation ich does not require|earned by the dispensing of soft pie nation, by the reparation terms | q7 baat § oe ihichene, favor either, as_most people in wee much wea and tear on the mind. Do | goods of the, treat i face ‘At 3s true, | Por tonding the waggons and trucks are desirious of retaining tl iteh- is an n can go away Wi' e. re int A ome air “onnection. “Several ‘users in| the comforting assurance that the Nevertheless she is bare of raw ma-|® these supply stations. a ay ei SES . as a claim that if ase cas ne nee an sect ‘i gyae Ar vant A New One. terials, at ss anole nee and . de the centre of a zone with a rad-| candor and will cherish no hard feel- economic structure is being straine: A farmer whose orchard is near a ged Notice to Farmers Announcement ius of six miles it would be the most ings epee use, You choose. arr%|samnol fue hove wie aunoved uy thel ihe breaking poitt, | Her surrency |THE WESTERN FAIR — LONDON aves See subscribers on Tuesday iad Gate ia ie the yo neste ae worth between 3d, in- September 6th to 13th. ‘he macereaued. will ship hogs in ving purchased the grocery and] night and some amicable. settlement the Louisville Courier-Journal. Find-| stead of 1s.; prices are very high; her future as follows co: onfectontry. business of Mr, F. A. may be reac! LARGEST GRAPE VINE ing two boys helping themselves to) workmen are demoralized. and debili- Friday, July 18th, at C. P. R. Mil-|Ronnenbers, I hereby solicit a share| On T TTuestay morning | the team be- his apples, he escorted them off théll tated by the conditions of war and verton and . . your patronage. A fresh sto. ek of longing to H. A, McNaught be-| x, Catholic Mi eiepee een eee each a parting kick) the constant underfeeding of four Sener tee eroceriey and confectionery il | came feghioned st «ean a en | gM" pinbacy gCSldaraay efe| were frig vot hc olan nga (90a Haske eee be Stale eekly, | Hi be Kept in socks iso all kinds|away. They became separated from |* J ; internal bankruptey can be avoided, K 1 ii ys : is an enorm ‘ape-vine, said to be ne an e s Forts, before 1080, im ee srutatdt sam tet” |e ten Mar beh Wn ea: tine i was hactae|Ommee a Pteag ht te, Sia, SR we shea MILLER, ATKIN & SCHNEIDER. | "Cost ‘oil and Pfeffer Milling Co. | en straps: in the harness, no damage |°f the Mission grave variety, and was | you yesterday what you would get if| effect this would have on the s four always @ wag dane : Pa ae Vier nae coe |e a asl | gee Seneca a Notice eth will also ay: anh for butter and| . recent cane vatary exam: ain ie vine fe0n 1 TI tons of de- 2 ok smi. ‘We haven’ come for iP the eh nabiain itree reds ane of diferent ae will be on abroad for the purchase of raw mi . Boi y -years you to join our football team!" i r w.S. gctelaeeaepeaned assing: the. elemental iano ex- | gallons of wine have Dee made ‘from 3 cannot possi Bey the gate Met ge CEE NTURES. "|Monkton, - + Ontario} amination: Miss Willa Bulerngton, [#5 Scale 2 he Neves apes anded of her. spread over an area 0: 5 square es ae See Sra fory ant Mise ae cane fect, while it 18 eight feet in eiFeume a ticular intersat a val tye wer of We ‘enders will be receiv Iv. first-class honors. rence at its pears part. ie vine buildings promise dersigned for the purchase of eben, dg Jos. Johnston and |Teally consist two parts, whiel CUPID REPLACES JOHN BARLEY-) socio and the di No. 509 Miss Florence Johnston attended the |have encircled each other as they CORN. and butter in the Dairy building will it ii i i ing will i 7, i ly ‘ew, ‘in; spirs e immense eau be funeral of the former's sister-in law | o"s¢ the branches requires @ heavy (Toronto Me rae aera, “othr t eare, = = if i ee to support i regardi P d chener. - nt a aa ahaa Toronto has experienced the joys tition wilkbe given on 0) Heavionsto ra . it John Adair has returned home |them, | The vine, ators sea tow it, WEBS of prohibition, but go far has not ex-| the Secretary Western ee a nee oe Tenders For Coal ac ter seni a, few days with her [over 00 people when seated below i EBS ma he ee “poor which | Fair Offices, London, Ontario. a ti rs, . Holmes, Mil- hit New York since it went of interest six per centum per annum. enders ror Uda! verton : s NEW Nernuiniias perspiring clerks in the f 2 Amount of each debenture $202.97. ir. Wm. Merryfield has Sarciatee FROM THE CIRCULATION MAN office, of “the City Clerk, P. ¥ Scully, LLOYD GEORGE'S GREAT ‘TASK, Se: lers addressed to the ihe aioe belonging to the late Archi- DICTIONARIES are in use by: busi- worked feverishly to “accommodate WM. WADDELL, aled tend di -t. Cler! undersigned and endorsed “Tender | bald Holm: s for the sum 2,500. st Nati ness men, engineers, Tanke the rush of couples eat pateees 2. ‘k of Mornington (Gold Coast Nation.) "| for Coal for the Dominion Buildings | It is expected that the stock of boots judges, architects, physicians, arriage licenses. for licenses | , Sree and “Gus il be |BELSNIPASTR, We Walaa °° nce the felowi sce appeared i. res ech, eran GH [ed the lg of ee i ii o Clifford Hobbs, of Well since ‘ollowi ap| s and length of the sore lors while © COMMERCIAL oom friday, July 25th, 1910, Zor if mh tn cht | amen theworid one” Hear te mu ese Sk Spine wl ikea per bus s x 06 $2 . eS some oe oS ae poe ace AREES WELONG TO. PROPERTIES, connection oy pea Heep, Are You Equipped to hue ness ie a Scne mete eee ee ee ‘4 of Ontario and Quebec. ¢ New Internati gars Sat Serie seein ‘ Je: OWNER. prevalent today P : ay ‘passin of John Barleycorn was| treaty, are worthy of enduring world~ arte sash Sc ec, EAS specification sand, fon Se : if not on the inerease: “It is| ff them: cra tgquer ie eal case f6F pede in the Wide appreciation. His nation War Wiour, apting, owt. 5 78° 6 taf office ands Ae cGavetalees: fact that A Soot be d_and Sena ed ee atte: 3 arriage mat putting forth the |of t gree ee pees = been " % - . 5 . nerally recognize: at ree chasers will do = argument at ol ne favo' ly received meeting wit rac= War Flour, blended ewt. 5 60 5 60|the sient peatnen Buil ae q | Planted in front of a piece of proper- discourage that almost asa seek effi “A there was nothing left for an ener-| tically no. criticism, Rion Ve War pies enter ewt. 5 45. 5 45 mad t pe considered | ty belongs to the owner of the pr e of lending for per-| [4 Yancer nt why notanalce dal ally getic young man but to marry damson, labor, paid him a tribute Shorts per «48: 0048°09) Unless: mia e forms supplied | ety and is not subject to municipal papers to those individuals, who,, useof this vast fun settle down. The crowd was the |and regretted only that ription by the nd in accordance Y is By SAV . 48 00 48 00 eee os atti ¢ re th th control. It is yery clearly stated in hi of al al | ation greatest to besiege the City Clerk’s had not been prohibited in the Allied’ woe 14 00 13 00) th the ‘conditions tae erein:| the Ontario Tree Planting Act which own to support ff 400.000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 hages- Fi | office since the draft. jcountries as w any. Sir Plog livewaiatt, . 18 00 22 9% Rede oe acco et ared | S298: Lrees So. plant uni- | the press, but ever prefer to boriow | $8,000 Geographical Subjects, 12,006 Z : |Edward Carson, while emphasizing rs ig 5 n accepted cher a chartere F Watctier Cai 08-10 69 Bank outa wo tise et of the iin ginal nate, comenuastonels 21-0 her- | from {helt too indulgent and obliging) FY BiegraphicalEatice, {his great work, | had a timely word a8 wise) on hi ays, become the pro- | friends i litions. ir. Asquith, who ha e Sheep... 7 00 ister of ee Works, sae oat BE eUn se onek nk thay pEateeey Parse ONO ee anaes [ditoat alt task: shearing oh the wae 90 Ee icon, nor the neue pt aide ger adjacent to the highway and. nearest ig eae a basis ae aes in the ‘ part of the ‘5 the so planted. Suc! e Ci cele! ee Ta er undertoo! , and who, in spite of slights and- 95 |also be accepted as security, or War | aiso with any tree left standing on | trade-mark c: poke ed Topless order in Council has been gaz-! much unjust criti a) never failed 03 bonds “ cheques if required to|the high ” The ct allows | for his cies. athe rita sued aby the British government tais- to give the succeeding government Gal etee Ue . Be, SuG meEOR any muntlpaity to pass byd Jaws for |leaving his telepraphie aad baer with | ing the S| x in rank the seven- support in the succes 1 rainuetes 3 the followi pi regu- t he was to be notified th Fee in the realm, the order be- the war. 92) R. C. DESROCHERS late’ the sikene of ‘trees a high- | of end deckion ‘ : “The Archbishop of Canterbury | = Sectetary.| ways. To prevent the planting of m the case and the barrister. the Lord Chancellor the Archbisi ison any undesirable species. To provide eapleas: eolastice has trium: aphe' | of York, the Prime Mini later the Lor. Lien note books—very handy a det peperiaen of ri wore ‘or the removal of trees planted e client we back: Rpet im-| Chancellor of Ireland, the Lord Presi. business men and farmers—may be _ 4g) 2-t. ‘highways contrary to law. mediate appeal = dent of the Council, ‘the eSreaker had at Sun office for 25¢e, Ottawa, July 3,

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