Milverton Sun, 17 Jul 1919, p. 6

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i EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ~ The Sun Printing Office Main Street ~ MILVERTON, ONT, Subscription rate: months, Bc, in advan will be Hable to ‘Advertteing fates on Advertisements without, aeeeiac’ ‘sirectloms will be inserted until forbid and charged ac cordingly. :—One_year, $1.50; #12 Sabsertnere fu Ber ae 3 must be in the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM MachETH, ~ Publisher and Proprietor. GasineéeCords Niedical. Dr, P. L. Tye Office: Puntic Dave STORE, MILVERTON 0 to 12 A.m., 2 to # p.m, 7 to 8 p.m Hours: DR. F. J. R. FORSTER > Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat be toronte in medicine, University int New York Ophthal assista: hs and Aural ety mooretela's Golden Square Throat lly. Evenings—7 to rae Grace oulys.t or by’! pak aoe 7.) (Phone B3 Waterloo St. S., STRATFORD ANSON B. KILBOURNE CHIROPRACTOR Office at the Grand Central Hotel. Every Tuesday and Friday. Poe Hours: 9 a, m= to 4 p. m. and Eramination Free dF. SEBBER, DDS, L.D.S. ‘Windsor Block, Opp. City Hall, - Phone 993 Dpen evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock STRATFORD toga H.B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL, LVERTON, ATWOOV Offices: Listowel, Milverton, ney to Loan, Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan. RT. HARDING W.G, OWENS W. B, GoopwD Notary Public, W. D. Weir, - Notary Verdi Auctloneer for the Counties of Per and Waterlo: Bonveyancer, (deeds tis, mmovteagea drawn Office: Welr ee Over Bank of Nova Scotts A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage License P. for the County of Perth. Real estate fought and gold. A Tew cholee farms for immediate sale. MONKTON, ONTARIQ wi rinary- R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Barr’s old stand Hoteta The Queens Hotel Best eqeeraties ee source) tray: jers and o1 genie: ass Rooms. BBO. FP, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont Societics. Milverton Lodge No. 478 ALF. & A.M, G.R.C. ‘Meets every Monday evening on or before full moon every month int in their hall Visiting brethren Sons nie A. Harrow, W.M, Nicholson, Secy Silver se! Faces No. 202 0. 0. Meets every ling “night at 7,90 in thelr hall over Bank of Hamilton. W. Henry, 5 No, yy. | Ree, impossible to rial err Reork te done = lookin, g inte the eye, thereby locating fect right at {t# source. ‘Weak Muscles Strengthened , Headaches Cured, Cross Eyes in many cases straightened -. when glas fitted by thie ¢ Advanced syste, Clildtén'scres accurately examined without asking questions, « SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P.H. BASTENDORFF jatar wea ONTARIO OWES HER LIFE 10 “FRUIT-A-TIVES” The Wonderful Medici Medicine, Made From Fruit Juices end Yaluable Tonics. MADAME ROSINA FOISIZ 29 St. Rose St., Montreal. *"T am writing you to tell you that T owe my life to ‘Fruit-a-tives’. This medicine relieved me when I had is up hope of ever being well. was a terrible sufferer from pe a suffered for years; and nothing I took did me any good. I read about ‘Fruit-a-tives’; and tried them. After taking a few boxes, Iam now entirely well. You haye my permission to publish this Ietter, as I hope it will persuade other sufferers from Dyspepsia to take ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and get well”. Mapame ROSINA FOISIZ. “Fruit-a-tives” is the eek medicine in the wor!d made fro: iit. 50c..a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c, At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, To Get Rid of Cutworms. Last spring the cutworms cut down most of my early cabbage. evening when ugkt there was a aft found all the cutworms on top of 4 = where they were easily picked ‘and destroyed. I then tried the Meare (isi ou the vent of sniy gardens covering up all cut off or injured eutworms do a eir dam-) Pearse Hane: eae of the ground during the Le Be returning | at the approach of Such a Change! in feelings and looks! my eyes vata Plack circles rat pale cheeks—i was restored to health by the Favorite Prescription of Dr. Pierce.” So write many women. Changed too in looks, for after take ing Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Preseri tion the skin becomes clear, the eyes brighter, the cheeks plump. Druggists sell it in tablets ot liquid. It’s a woman’s best tem- perance tonic, made from wild roots. .—"Dr. Pierce’s [AMILTON, ONTARIO. several bott it and truly beliéve that 1 owe my health of to-day to the medicine I took and the care exer- BERT cised at that Sain | time."—Mxs. Suna, , 64 Bay Stre Counter Check — Books... Weare agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. This firm turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. See our samples and get our prices before _ ordering. i‘ Well-k cept fences baat eae saree rows will do a lot t d gi man credit at a anh ‘i feeds have done one ‘thing—they have ee Hg Spee of poor cows. G Tt Sun Office One cool | open INTERNATIONAL LESSON JULY St. West, Toronto Mouth Inflammations. There are several varieties stomatitins, as doctors call infla yma tion of the mouth: In babies, generally of Fr, M.D., cart of 1 montis, fall yellowish white blisters ‘The Lord’s Ganesan 26: 26-30; 1 Coz. 11: 20-34. Golden Text, 1 Cor. 11: 26. Matt. 26: 2¢-30. This Is My Body. resus makes of the bread and the wine a sacrament, that is the material sign ‘or make diagnosis. 8 of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide cvomite aigood de The mappa and| the child’s mouth must be frequently |.°T i evn ol of a spiritual fact, ae -| cleansed, 1-10 grain doses of calomel| !t¥al experience. ires tas given daily, the boracic acid mouth part to His disciples His own spiri wash use the causes mentioned of faith, of hope, and of love. He e. removed. was going Sons to death for them, In bad cases the child may LeS€ in proper regulation of i eae cous membrai mouth, This is ae painful on Bis ing the mouth wide, as in he doctor may apply ated zine ointment or all to be had of the druggist) cleanliness, bpwel ai ae ae ne Pie ey the ee under the jaw. This trou! suckling is Gare inful. “The ae Palen re) S| and He t the same divine hee apthous sto-| have to be fed by means of the stom-| ower which was manifest in His suf- matt Thi Sa i pet es fering flesh should energize and in- 5 20- fa per feeding. ‘The remedy lies in cor- _ Questions end Answers. spire them, and through them the panes os My husband takes cold| ‘The New Testament. The new testa- very easy and it hangs on to him s is con- and mouth washes containing bo at ieoverebeserie teriulee a Sueveh aes Ea Slay (See. Yisen. 11, id, a teaspoonful to the pint of| wanted him to go to a doctor and| jy. 4, etc.) ‘The old covenant bon water that has been boiled. ¢ examined but he says he feels based upon the observance of a farasmic, scrofulous or well enough only that he is terribly | law; the new is founded in grace and children ma; er perleche, fissure) tired out. He has a sallow ces jexion. ae -sacrificing love. And yet faith or cracking ak ulceration of the mu-| Is working nights. Now he was the fundamental fact in both. The the corners of the/ tal wning. per cent. solution of silver niente: after which a simple powder (zinc oxide or bis-|has passed. Night workers always| Heb. 8: 6-18, and 10: 15-18. muth) is dusted over the sores, Or make their occupations manifest to| Until That Day. What day did Jésus a salye may be used (Bismuth, gr. 10) the physician by reason of their pale| mear? It és not easy to answer the to an ounce of vaseline, or a er | complexions. Se is quite possible that| question. “Did He expect soon to re- cent. resoréin ent or benzoin-| your husba: Lassar paste,| I rrhal stomatitis, may last a week during which time child| cure. Gihctrilly feevful: crise and’ perkabs wee pee ai worse Aa n aes Your husband should be ThOeGERIG examined. _ Nothing is sadder than fhe neglect of what might bé remedied until the time for a cure old covenant said, “Keep the law live.” The new ind tuberculosis. Indeed| turn again in the flesh and to be with fear so aes oe letter. information mailed you. Question What should I do overcome snarls condition? m-| There are ao many medicines hat | dot are said to be beneficial ‘but I do not unless they e by a elteat ‘urther on this subject is being] te s indeed come to pass, of the Ohurch. He is with ae Beaauette g man as old as he feels.” se seats are YOU? “A- woman is as old as she looks— Sty young! Pain wrecks you in the prime of your best years, Fight i cametie sala nee co S. PETRIE, Druggist Sole Agent for Milverton. Mail $1.04 to this address or to Templetons, 142 King St. W., Toronto, and T.R.C.’s will be sent postpaid. Tediee selling.” A good eats: ae itself to a good bpy. andl If ae want big-boned hogs, breed for Do weather. wet A thorough! mbs ie = geah HOuBN orell a supplied dur- ing July. A lamb ought to gain half pound a day in wight, Hav t time so that. there will be oie fot she lambs, if the bet that cows carry tha ae 285 - Thunderstorms do not cause sour milk. ature and high humidity which accom- pany ati trghdiey are favorable to a are quite right. Where with them, and in spirit Gieis exon food, He is a) present Chris | T Gor. 11: 80- 34. Ye Pp: Shew oe Lord’s Death of the healthful life, good food, at- tention to the bowels, the kidneys and the skin are the essentials to the Information on the hygienic life is being mailed you, Care of the Garden i summer, | pti e ga | drop from blood heat to zero. | jain, is favorable ceeds, and if at Sars a the result is drought. tion demands that the garden be fre- quently cultivated. would be taken by the weeds, get ri Of the weeds before they appear above! v. | the groun The bad effects of Deca rake checks the of mois: ture evaporation should be regarded as if it were the last one! if planting takes place at a dry time.) Fines, courtesy. We should ‘com-| ee long time, ie es the) When wlandiee sweet corn in dry. wea-| ort ourselves as those who are in the! soil becomes dry work it! ther, be careful to place the seed in! ory presenze of Christ. There ghoula| should be dibtouetly eritivated and’ moist soil below the surface mul pga A sol a fine mulch formed on the surface a Successive plantings of string beans! J.14q3 who would petra Bae "Master| the ground. Cultivation should be, may also be made if similar precau-| ¢,, very spirit and mi aa | repeated at least once in ten dags,| tions are taken to save moisture for] of CHrist must nc ia ae ells et if no rain occurs in the mean-, ie seedbed. Plantings made during We iiist And our’ coul’s! Pood-in| time. It is surprising how mu e last half of July a ‘specally Christ, | drought some crops can endure if the, likely to yield good e the moisture from each rain is saved by} plants will have the benefit of pina cultivation. In spite of Ee some crops! vant ght, fall during the sum especially if the “csought lasts for a| to grow good craps of late vegetables! poteine that on many f s fortunate if the| on may suffer on of dro long time. garden is within, ae fupply, Whenever the garden is wat-\sible this should ie done, ered it should be give application, enough to scak the soil to’ weeds if it is growing a erop of vege-| a considerable depth. Light sprinkl. ings are of little ee since they do not reach the roots. should be put on ata least a week. 0 last al as oad as the ground is dry enough : tow Besides cultivation and watering, certain crops wi lagainst the hot sun. Head if it has not commplated its growth ing with when the hot we |be given artificial sha ee or muslin over a fra shade the plants. The |can be used to shade as ae or Blant- lice, which suck the juice from|™ v |eclery plants. protect cauliflower heads ce hot sun, the outside leayes of the appeal Mnnaatoes. quay become. ecalded’ be |, When the balmy days of spring give, fore saeeNe tare they ripen unless they are pro- e to! directly on the ground are pelle weather, if Somat y frequent r the Apes of Either condi-| To save the plant food, moisture and sunlight, which in be! cessive planting fp eh Aaa layer of soil, with a cultivator, hoe or, f by forming a fine mulch on top, v: a: of the soil, and thus holds the water ee planting, a order ~( in the soil below. Each rain od wes the weed seeds produced one year Follow Rach Se the ee the next of water with a thorough cultivation need protection plants, such as lettuce, blister-beetles may be killed by spray-| the line that can not be tilled at all ather arrives, should le by ta nae plants, potatoes’ and tomatoes, can be} from : ther plants shon'd he drawn together and tine sulphate or keros tied at the tops as soon as the: heads Eungous = shat they cannot eat tl er when they act in a "sls, greedy |! cod glationade Malte. ye not houses locent add fords a2 aid. ‘he should come together teverently and thoughtfully, zk a an occasion of feasting, but as who remember their Lord’s | That is, indeed, the very purpose o in Hot; Diy Weather ‘tected from Fruits lying fikely to be sun-scalded. Tomatoes) that have been staked and tied Bea hy fe ae hin win a decided advantage over thos SORE Saat Ser cae e not supported n suditienal. al ett of staking is that the plants} RS } n be cultivated throughout the sea-| ee feels ace oad 2m ft thus pe eee against} torefore, be the oldest record which| ind wane ae ieecak me. have of that even’ | Ge Obs SURE Nae: aul goes on to say “that this| deetitles through the summer. ant “ais | early fall it is necessary to make ‘site pecamionstor ste oy: Rear ciinie, 0 i . AS : i eae ourselves,” and tproviding| the incidents of the last. supper, ai sweet corn and string bent cds Seen phodld. tS waved supper thoughtlessly, greedily, with- esus Christ or} sha be guilty of the body snd blood! f the Lord.” The occasion is one| | that Seid call fork el et Ubest| jin us—kindness, charity, self-forget-| in for a few syoek! to save Snonee athe to sprout the aes crops, bi rhc Res |rains when the pods are developing. of rain- mer, it is possible | P na recent little trip round my eos | Is Clean Out the Fence Rows. | t of the cou mtry I could not help s the line ‘ground which has had an early| between - adjoining fields is. badly crop harvested from it. Whenever pos-) 8"ewn up to brus i Stop and think for a moment what, s do. - tables. No weeds should be allowed) take a a Brest to go to seed in the garden, because| the soil. roots extend far out re-| each ee This root ae demands unnecessary Tabor in) aout who has such row can n fail ieouee ee the crops sult in a lot h are likely The goodness has all garden, and they should be controlled. , The Gnsects which eat the foliage of | grow potato-beetles and; there is a strip of land It is pects waste land. these rows out is not such a fan $0 The main thing is to get eee Te arsenate 0: ‘lea-beet-} les which riddle the foliage of ege- ge saplings can be piled | out with the tractor, The best time, melons arious | plants, and cause leaves to eorl,|§ 0 make’ fairly sure that the stuff | cut off will not grow up again, is soon leaves of may be killed diseases which att iage of vegetables, may be con-| cutting will be practically the end of a iy Wed ‘in; ith Bord | the matter. SE ee eee piled along the row es FAR from tie systom—but ed vin: trouble returned; that the redietuaia one oH start using T. 1E, vprugyist Rebatane Mail Agent ‘01 oa! to this address or to Templeton’s, 142 | fq, ’Kiag-St. W., Toronto, and T.R.C’s. will | bo cent postpaid. \ mixture. \p that is simply mae ae dae years with Rkew- After trying numerous treat- | i 4 Fen ee eer tutor Hhonnatic symp- | The amount of harm done to, stock ots appetsagain. What dows bo tn betsuse of annoyance by flies is not mediately conclude? That it ishis old a settled matter. However, it is | Ina nutshell, here are the things to jdo in a garden in hot, dry weather: Cultivate the garden eye Bins the , but! will help to destroy the roots. ete cece) Expert knowledge mixed with com- mon sénse mak«s a farming formula | hard to, beat, the grow mill: to ee Sweating horae need of ws may be often enough to water in cool) shee when horses are idle, but! “hoes failing +0 thrive, and often cause it is interesting to remember that this! smal pigs often blister on the backs and about the ears, sometimes causing bad si earls lambs .are profitable there are good markets. The | ing July, and the lambs are dropped from | December to Februar#. jings are ies Lek at lambing time; j- Z 1 build before win 2: Live Stock Items, poorest animal. requit You can not ae big bones on a] 1918. Building In 1917, For the year 1917 the total value of e building permits issued by thirty- ave cities in Canada was $33,936,422, as stated in the Canada Year Book for pig that was not born to have them. Never pour ae water on hot hogs. Eee deed Hiagscsas <loubtveid is Bed we cars with sand and for eee st market must find fave a cow freshen about lambing ewes are s Ss. Howevet, the warm temper- h of bacteria, which cause Gallon Fas Sie BOLD CLYDE, 4198 (Earofled on Form 1 No. 534 gyn stable, Poole, for the season Termg $10.—Robert Fleming, 2m. 2) will stand in his. is an indication of the ater. Twice a day; jorsemen consider four times) at foo often in August. when bre season for early ate begins in Warm build- Sha at one and heat are frequent causes of die. During July and August Pam ey I oads Jead to ailway crossings. WOOL! NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS ABSOLUTELY PURE WOOL Blankets, Yarns, Flannels, Tweeds, Sheetings and Wi fa~“LIVE AND LET | H.C. WAGNER NEWTON, oo] Batts. PR - ONTARIO Novet THE SUCCESSFUL MAN TO-DAY— Is the one who gives careful attention to his clothes. To him his business suit is of as much consequence as the clothes he wears for social He realizes the importance of being well dressed at all times. He requires “QUALITY” besides style, finish and correct tailoring. Try us for your next suit. engagements. 0. DUFFIE THE TAILOR, TAONKTON Z s-xill Se ice cream every th “sig popular with o¢ and > ‘£ it’s Silverwood’s, it is >omogenizec: oe ‘Toere is'a dist ike. out our rg alike. Sure —pure sasteurized cream—— ving extracts, and cane sugar, inctivens 2 bricks that mong our =nany wet you wil. find your ree SIL"7ERWOOD’S TIMITED, ONDON, ONT. Bricks in all STHER TAAN VELVET” favorite dessert. you will me string beans. 0 to seed in the garden. res fangous diseases. ee Swat the Fly. | established fact that flies are a source |? of annoyance to animals in pasture and in the barn. Flies keep cows from. pasturing, and annoy the cows, as well as the milkers, at milking-time. There are several g ‘ood fly repellants}| ~~ ' that the farmer is indispensable we sell this furnace it is in your If you ere going to install a fumace, let McClary’s engineers show you Ask about the LITTLE DRAFT. MAN that turns on the drafts an: Fegulates them Turomativalie i ties § Suite | : 5 it should be done. They, ‘@ guaranteed heating sys- ears. wve seventy ience to aulae Gy Adopt their plan and you are assured of a comfortably heated home; and a durable economical heating plant. Let us tell you more about this proposition. n FOR SALE BY E. BETIGER & CO. The world is ae waking up to the et ill | to life, liberty and the pursuit = happiness. ‘ . S we :. x F: ¥ 2 a 4 BY = é all

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