FOR SALE , Cheice “ ‘beef ring” ring” ‘cattle for Be —-R, Miller, Milverton. MONKTON BRIEFS : Reinhold Bahn, Mn.” Na emst Gra rag Mean Sts ronsaie (finde ue Pegi frame barn 26x40 ft. Apply to Grea Bl I ere cout o 5 Laura Grau! Ce tontench, Maven Ooh pan VICTORY BONDS ‘spent the week-end in our midst. iss Murray Linch, of Hammond, “Indiapngs ae pees present, visit santas: her Berets eople Seeertat. “Peace | Day at the and at Stratford. Miss Vida gen ae Milv ecton, spent Sunday at Mr.’ Henry Ron: 72'S. Pearl Siewert motored to. mn T, Ward and were among the spent the week- “Miss Mr. Gol: ly Monkton ne who church, Monkton, on Sunday evening e Ben Victory bonds bought and sold. ial ree at 7,30 welock abe Miss Saran MeNauEyl otsMian dt of the order are requested to assemble] is at present visiting a George Roe, R. R. No. 1, Newton. 2 “the lodge room. twenty minutes | son's.” a arlier, Outside lodges cordially in-| Mrs, T, J. Allan and daughter, Ger- FOR SAL nee aa Phe trude, are at echo visiting the for- v Harry McGee, of Auburn, is at) mer’s mo’ o : preset rel je pes Mr, Patterson at the Ve ue me Be ccaived a letter ¢, from Prof. ae stating that he gapaben won rande, sok se er Se, ~ David Keillor and Miss Frances|gone to Mayo Bros.’ Hospital at Box 301, Milverton ‘1+t. | Keillor R. Lambert spent | Rochester, NX aes he. will inde : : Moi onday “ising z friends in Milverton. His many = ‘s. A. Miller and family eet. wid sh i ae 2 complete and ean, WANTED of Kitchener, visited Mr, John Berlet | recove ver Sun Mr. H. A. McNaught received a Wanted i Gill will have in new potatoes, Cal-| telegram ‘stating that his son, Fergus anted to Duy, from 10 to 30|i¢ornia peaches and. all. seasonable | at Wellsdale, Alta, was ina erite acres of land_with suitable Bruldings fruit on Priday and saburday of this | condition of health. Mrs. McNaught to same. Apply at Sun office week, Prices reasonable. Gnd Miss Ethel McNaught left ¥ Quite Saunier, vf nue pple Ssturday afternaan to be et a took in the Peace celebration urday afternoon while Mr. FOR SALE ratford on Saturday last. Murray Paterson and Mr. Robt. Me- essrs, Patrick and John Cleary,|Cullough were driving on the Logan Seven young pigs for sale and a|of Boisevain, Man., are spending the| road near ‘icholson’s a. tire purebred Noreitis sow due to far-|summer at their home ii gan. burst, causing Mi sterson to loose row in two weel rey, No.) Miss Hannah Watters, who has|control of the car, which turned tur- 1, Britton, Ont. 1-t. pers ill of scarlet fever, is recov-|tle, Both of th ) ere thi Be sty and lay unconscious until othe sacrament of the Lord’s Sup-| help - Mr. Patterson did not FOR SALE per was. dispensed to one hundred ee Seriiiwuscor. tnt! Sunda and fae by commun anions in Knox | morning. < a ase Had report, church last Sunday morning. however, “ at both gentlemen are re- ech sows. ed DB boars sceneihire) 5 ; David Hitehie B.D., of Crom: covering from their ba aaa en BY , conducted preparatory _ services moi ston picnic under the ai pigs. Apply: 0 More Mataiget iat i ss afternoon last’ in. Knox | es of Knox ¢ ‘ghuzeh Sunday, ferou al te Fehurch. be held in Robert Murray’s grove on Mrs. as ne at Beles Thursday, aay ee 19; Oe and Miss Edna McNaught, cing at 2 in: the afternoo: HOG FOR SERVICE itn, me on a. visi There Pi aeueetn sports of al ase A splendid Yorkshire hog for ser- ie a ihe rate of $1.00; also ae ng Durham pul for (ar for! service). J m RR ae ; FOR SALE 5-roomed house with woodshed and splendid, garden. Opposite | skating Haley Linwoo ane < A ‘urther particu jak a) ie ai fe Fink, Linwood, Ont. Pe i HORSE. FOR “SALE J. tlprated Peace Day by a E yx 0 their Ma bel Chalmers has successfully conoleied er course in re Stratford Normal school, ‘ives our heartiest Ream eee ir. Frank Ter is oetiing at Molesworth for a short ti A picnic” in Mr. Robt, By y's e auspices of the Pre: byterian church Sabbath school is to 2 25, LE E hg e Sarees promises £9 be.ver interesting. Program of addresses, bots rectatione ‘arills, ete. will be served on_ th m. All kins Adie. sion, adults ee! od ees 10ce, child- ren of Knox §. S. eee PROMOTION RESULTS AT THE INKTON PUBLIC Owing to an oversight, the report of promotion examinations did n appear in the issue following the close f school. .The following is a report And is |The essence PEACE s “On ai Earth Peace, Goodwill To- Peace on earth, oh, joyful sound, O let the ti dings far resound; Spread the glad news, With ais peru the world around. ithou w In history, ye eonched the end. Peace! Yes the hand of blood is stayed And co’ ta havoc that it m: EH fone An In all sate feinodates displayed, Peace! Which the world may realize, treasure as a blood bought prize, he, stra With suits dread realities. Peace! Prayed ae Peace; To armistice Fro; aAce— To Rioters" songs of liberty. Peace and the vital treaty signed, So cautiously for weal iesigned; Long ure A lasting peace for all mankind. Peace! Peace again yes national Peace, Long may its tendencies increase. Let class and clan Peace! Oh the comfort it imparts; What solace to the mother’s heart, return inch | Peace! And procured at sich a price; Let warlike movements now suffice, Ne’er to appear, Aga steer The world to war and wretchedness. in 4Peace! Yes, our much loved freedom ear lives is Jenlats ae laws— wit ind eee a With all the capmey it draws. of ti wae hea’ to Thank it) Changed os forboding destiny, Together p inj Linnie toumbin tein adlonged-fo® Peace: git Peace! Peace, we gy ens thee i {- I HYMENEAL |. | 51 ROTH—ABBOTT wetty weddin; fade at age tf on July of was solem- d sister of the’ Soka fter the ceremony the Hap | re WAGNER—WINGEFELDER A pretty and largely attended wed-" ding was solemnized man_ Catholic eoentias vietta Mai in Kinkora church on Tue: young amethyst pins i ensin yee eee r e |renewed;, but the will probably contin iS WESTERN FAIR—LONDON, ONT, on, | Own bands and have thir DAYLIGHT SAVING WILL CON- | FATAL ACCIDENT AT KITCH- UE. ENER. é Mrs. Bowlby, widow of Major Dr. Bowlby and denghise of Joseph Sea- “of King’s Plate (Woodstock Sentinel-1 Reve: ) Pregident. Wilson has preserved the life of daylight ne in_the United ah in Canada, for|f Saturday aftern: Mrs. ‘Bowlb: ee pinned beneath ear, driven by 3S er invan The 6- se “ol daughter of Ei Shion nk mS ‘ing id | Seagram, e third passe stood alone aud Gepanied See its |er in the Began oat ir, Was sever the method was /injured, but piss aes when tak- aonE ed of aging a rider to sagtaes from the will recover. measure that was sure to carry on its Capt, Seagram Sertied calecuiien ee sident Hie has vetoed the Bey E. Kemmedy, who drove the eee Bill, giv-/Yunabs our. into which the heavy Sea- that it in- Leo: agar, imme- , but with- eagram car ae comin; on Victoria street ai mash t | the runabout at the corner of Bevan ways street, on which it was d their time to maintain tet | he impact of the cols raised both: machines on. their ee pining, ieee necaene and extricated them \fro ae ie Ns eck. i re foalhtleisct als api an Peni inte! the death or Mes Bowes iby. Her husband Maj to Bowlby, | was killed in Englan 1S ago Bs he fell over a vin ‘ ge 8.2. Ea Sree Ss the cae Exhibition . 6th to 13th. hnny J. Jones Midway Ex- . | position, one of ‘the largest, cleanest NEARLY CAPTURED and best a' i (Walkerton Telescove.) —~ Aa Sister Marion Heughan re- n Tuesday night, A over- n be pro-' perving. ec: and & ‘ a year, Special train of thirty cars, carry thelr r. Marion, who was a f the Stratford General was awarded the prize the best kept ward in her. hospital district. so the doze and: nion Golden Troupe of | . 'T. P. Roe’s sale on Saturday, Jul: i And share the ents vietory. tie pins. is HHetbest: of thelk el 26th, the driving horse belo a 2 tare pees eport a successful fox ae Serie Total pulls 120, p066| a puiy 190m nee See See ee Sea een eee SSeS e late . Stei e | de ; oI ma, July s Melburn Troupe a | good third horse on farm ti) Mies Fem: Semmington 02 “arnt a liais rrr her 27. ae Sh . Sik appear cra K: nd others will| $500,000 IN ADVERTISING oh pl ae aT MeNauaht| Bysly ort Stories Retold. every night. | Plenty of music all the) stanle Mills, th oe Hamilton mer- Se rele scratalé salarical x, 4th—Total marks 780,"hon- RROE ENS Rather Different. time: All information about the Ex. | chart Bagh in one Of bis RARECaE LOST iset OF emt ea very melancholy | 928 585, pass = all Erskine 67; : hibition a applicaliy nto the Secre- iments: Rea pas deep-seated ‘is ‘éxpression on his face. It Bin thought Ruth Bettger 630, Marjorie Golight- Whenever es high cost of the nec- Some time ago a resident in Dub-| tary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ont. my confidence in the results that may About two weeks ago, in Milverton Ore, Le Acliee was! brooding aver" 52, Kenneth do lightly 587, Clare] essaries of life is talked of, some one |lin entertained an old Presbyterian. 3 be. expected in honest advertising, lady's wrist watch with black rib-|{h2' prevalence of crime, but later, it Weber 581, iva 560,” Edna |is sure to express the opinion that the |minister who was rather short-sight- ‘ollowed up by honest values, that bon attached, Binder el Kindly | wa iseovered that the cause of ‘his | Gerth 545, 5, Hae TteDonald 5 534, fa “profiteer” is mainly at fault. Is the ed, and loved to prow! about the city [ENTRIES AT GUELPH ARE THE “recently with the pen that writes this, leave wi iss Gertrude Pauli, To Sr. Srd—T onors 585 | charge really justified imself, ee Queen's hotel, Milverton. ah heartediness was the absence of | 27 468 “Tcslle Adair 979, Mage 0 begin with, who is the profiteer? |, Qn returning home one evening his BEST IN MANY YEARS. f sieued ae reser ho Taek il? 2 from (own. wanton and|Rennick 575, Irwin Benneweis word itself is new, bom of the /host found him reading the Bible and ch involve before our part ‘of these Bes ie ee ae mee eicn Botnet home| Loretta Shine 516, Harry. Peppler ut the thing is as old as human muttering to himse Saturday and Monday, Aug, 2nd contracts is comple ‘expen FOR SALE after spending a few days,at Bright. 511, Mabel Near 501, Hilda G er is, of course, one|_ “Very strange! Remarkably strange |and 4th, will attract many seipanta fore of upwires of Heke e.milon dae Mr, 8. Buddy, of Toronto, spent a|498, Geo, Bennewels 487, Arthur ge of the-conditions |I| have read Genesis scx. ‘through | to Guelph, All, preparations have) lars.” 1 Waterloo tieshing outit; Water-|few da Pay aduent the Haris ‘af Leppard 4 oward Weber 474. war has established to exact three times and fail to make the eon. |been “made. se | BSE SHAN loo engine, 20-2 Chains Mie Joba Davi sn nce Durieith 461 (Ree.), ‘air profit on what-|nection,’ Champio ces, running | Ga eA ere age Cot ee Ratigerahd Mas finecon Steuthe ec.); sell—a man who makes host naturally enquired what |and trotting, football, baseball, music’ Never send a dollar away cutting box tar foe ety galego ae er eer glans i a wd for rd Patterson as, Wassman was troubling his visitor. galore. is Sea eer ie aricla ieee Sanaa All d order. ‘ Grand Bend. us E ley Dunseith 298, m|_ “Why, I cannot understand why so | Western Ontario this year. Trains will apu urchase can tained at Box 6, Sun office, Milverton. at FOR SALE 1914 model Ford touring car, thor- ank Terry, accompanied by Mn ‘we “plliott, of Mol lesworth, are pending a week at Ste aa aoe: Jolin Davidson’ and son, Ralph, 2 and Mra. Robt. ry at Stratford. Char! lie Gill 33. LIST OF FALL FAIRS Following is a partial list of Fall gughly overhauled this springs new Mrs, fom Fanson and. son, How-| pati" dotes fasued by the Agricultural tires, Extra condition. Reason | ard, of Fullarton, spent Tuesday at| Societiea Braneh_ ef the Department for selling, owner is in New Ontario, |Mr. Wm, Merryfield’s of Agricultural, Toronto Apply to ft Nafziger, N. ht, lot 11, Miss Annie Broughto ny, of Toronto Be ticeningtatt ig renewing. old acquaintances here. Mr. W. G, Hammond, of Guelph, ye NOMICE NOTICE Our blacksmithing business has Jcc0. Oct. 2 an been taken over by Mr immer- pias) ATES yarh: Sept. 30 and Oct. man, and we would ask all those ow- wilverton ane ar in Saturday, Imira PSept. 19 and 2 us accounts, to kindly settle on Logs | Embro - Oct. or before August Ist sas we need ————— | Erin Oe 4 ey.—Fred Zimmerman xeter .» ept. 15 and 1 FOR SALE | Galt Sept, 18 and 1 PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS s the season for electrical storms will is approaching, prope! owners be wise to protect their buildings wit Tor eave your 0: workmanship. 6 head of cattle rising ra a old for sale. No. phone. y A. Voll, lot 8, con. iZ Wellesley, Ee oS No. 1 Wallenstein. FOR SALE A good red brick veneered: dwell- ing, dituated on King street, Milver- STRAYED Cpa aisley . 23-and 24|the sort o: soning we have des-|brand new joke. chet hori the, Sonat sate FOR SALE almerston t. 7 eribed we believe to be common. ae This minister had been with his day, July 13th, a white sow weighing ort Elgin t. 2 ne, business man or workman oF £81-| congregation for many years, but one about 350 Ibs., due to farrow in el Solid brick house with three rooms | St. Marys Sept..18 and 19 | met, 3° amands, lest_he find hi saz | Gay he got a letter from the church two wee ‘inder is requested t tai rid nag vcemid.dosch eafortl and 19 |er hi fone) 5s ae tine in. | Managers asking him to send in his Bhs Wate of. ter and’ sobiny alos ps" ong, three Fomm own, Hais| atrattord iptp 11 | alone; Seng, with» eontrcting i |reenat Kocher, Britton, Ont, ‘on Mill strect. For further par.| Foront ational) Aug. | come, Sis haa aregi ete af othing against your Heulars apply to Mrs. Ida Capling,| 22% = SEph Oe eee haliever abate i Py |style of pulpit “oratory,” the letter ——— |ticulars. apply . Ida. Capling, | Wing i 8 and 9 |ists believe, that we have moved up-| concluded. is splendid. We Milve Waultock’ . ..Sept. 17 and 18 |ward to a price level from which there | ,ave nothing against your theological Girls Wanted wil be no going back: , Whether thet | doctrines, They are . i seer sane Ses” ae wey (think that you are just title tog -day is fairly obvious and widely @ work on power sewing machines STRUCK WITH AUTO—MUST |understood. It is not caused by the obstreperous—Swhent ae runk, making gen Me a8 underwear. ae ! PAY REPAIRS ret ee epulty practices of the pro- = y liberal weekly cbe- A eer, y conditions, economic, % gins hee ces pee| Announcement ! ean oe gheiege poe ene ene gee steady work year around in clean fac: ey alee Oe Bee! had at Sun office for 25e. We rite now, or visit our’factory.| Having purchased the ah mid ae eR allée, eine sien oreyth’ Limited, ‘Kitahen so Hionnenberg, 1 hereby solicit 4 A |ibth of the month to collide with a| Births, Marriages and Death: Notice to Farmers The anand will ship hogs in future as follow: mn, 7 rooms, large lot, hard “and soft water. Apply to Art Ratz, Milverton. - Sept. 15 to 1 Oct. London {Western ai) -Sept. 6-1 ri, Sy and 2 id 1 ttawa (Central canada) “Soph 6-1 of your patronage. ack of roceries ani res) jionery a of fruit and ice cre in season. ial order will be te eciated. joal 0} in er Milling Co oi flour always 0: on ey also pay eae for butter and con: al. | bu ways be kept in frstgck; also all eats am ii whi nee iday, Aug. as, at,C. PR. Mil a ing the bug- verton ae ts RB Bru a but stated that he did not stop as tee o = e ae in lookii a ugey appeare: yeekdy. | ih “ elie uaranteed. 'W. S. eee to be all sight: fand he concluded no iy elven ors at O.P.R., Mile : + Ontario|harin had been done. He claimed verton, befor a.m. US plete: vie | that tthe driver of the buggy, alles 10 give ii LER, ATKIN ‘t K his pttariieen ae eres that he had blown the hor in COMMERCIAL gn Spring Wheat, per bus...$ x ee $2.06 Fall Whe: Barley Oats ale War Flour, spring, owt. i War Flour, blended ewt. 5 War Flour, winter, cwt, 5 Shorts per ton. > shenrae # ae to oe fe} S € gS ie 5 e Monday, August a | WM. WAI 5 | Gere, Pe Areasagtons| 5 | ‘Britton R. R. No, 1. 2-t. Ye] « ed ye de aler. as he knocke: they did cident gecurred just outside of the city lim was guilt y of hitting bugey, but of to assist the people in the bu the law reauires and said that id_suspend sentence ith the understanding. that Mr, Gale rags? Any old iron?” chant- dat the | surburban villa, The man of way” ped, irri, hers hothing for you, My. The itinerant aera hesitated a Pict eDsy and then inquired: “Any bo tiles: +W. G. Hammond. |i Ww bitant_ profits arrives. no reason to believe that/they. have een so numerous or so successful as to influence greatly the general level of prices. gh all we call the farmer a penteer his wheat at the fig- because he sells BIRTHS. Vipond—In Elma, on Monday, 7th, 1919, to Mr. an Vipond, , a son. Ballantyne-—In Elma, on Wednesday July 9th, to. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bal- lantyne, a daughter. Gray In Elma, on, Tuesday, July 8, to Mr, and Mrs. James W. Gray, a Hanultees Thompson—In Elma, on Sunday, July 18th, to Mux and Mrs. J. 8. ‘homp- son, a daughter (Agnes Isobel). Harris—In the General Hospital, Re- gina, on June 4th, to Mr. and 3 nee July nd Mrs. Emerson Sus: en nord, a daughter (Jean Lorraiiiey. peaTRs. — ~ Cochrane—At 72% ronto, on Tuesday, July 15th, Miss Marga et Powell Cochrane, in her 50th ys MAIMED MEN MAY ENTER At the sessfon of the 64th annual ie ie ~great war shall ea be Snel le for membership in the "| Masonie order, but e accep’ ance of shall rest upon the ee of th ith tl Sradge: as court of appeal, Tl eee rule is belie earried out ini gla nd, is|lines, the men. of a Hi 0 | 80. e | pered consultation, the pianist, amid to the edge of the stage, and bes Scots wha’s hair is awfu’ red, Scots wha suffer ia swelled head, Gang and wash yer kne t nade his escape in good time, ve the nidered # ee are still hop- ing to pick up his wmany of the shops Sao feeaee et "Genesis. xxx. inscril m them. Lanta Seen it everywtiore: even on fe Light: dawned “on-tie hasta dest: “Oh! he exclaimed, laughingly, You mean Guiness’ eeee Time to Beat it. We read in The Messenger of Mel- bourne that a rest camp, back of the regi- ment were holding a coneert, to which drifted in, lured by sou y thovor driver’ er a whis- applause, s famous ce tiger ie Ba in sovene Bae wha hae on porridge fed, ee ee Sting Was in the Tail. here is a good story told about a preacher out in Nebraska. It is a pronunciation and poor choice of rds, Know the meaning of puzzling war terms. fase’ your efficiency, ;hich results in power and success. e leave after in all directions, Money is our financial blood. Remember the { Coal Bin The Fuel Controller is asking everybody to take their coal supply early, We have coal coming right along and we would ask you to place your order EARLY. THE PAINTING SEASON IS HERE have Sherwin Williams and Martin Senour brands, These are the best that money can buy. We also have a full supply of Builders’ supplies on hand, in- cluding— ST. MARYS GEMENT and LIME Our rices are RIGHT—call and see. Mi. E. BETTGER & CO. Monkton, Ontario MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE Hot Weather Goods That Feel Cool and OOK Aven UA Beautiful Line of White Voiles just to hand DICTIONARY fs an all-know- ing teacher wren vnade. ta meet, your it is il b in thundreds of eeaaade ‘of suc- eos eee ee Se reoie the pe over. jovations. 1 aio Blots apie En- tries. 30,000 Geogray ‘Subjects. PRIZE, (Hi oy st Award) Srila ition, REGULAR an ‘PAPER Editions. WRITE for Spraines Pages, FREE ett you samme this paper Gac. MERRIAM £9" Springfield, Mass., 1 in white and colors, some of them with A ee edge—these are extremely handsome and we offer them at a low price to sell quickly, 44 inches wide at 75c, 90c and $1.00 per yard, Summer Millinery . Only one more week for Summer Millinery— beginning Friday, June 20th we will offer all trimmed hats and shapes at Half Price. Get in on these seas- onable goods at two hats for the price of one. WEBER & BETTGER rs were hurt in ai collision at peace at 1.30 o'clock ons 3