( | ‘ FOR SALE i on™ house §x12. Apply at Sun | th VICTORY BONDS it Victory bonds bought and sold—|° George Roe, R. R. No. 1, Newton. i FOUND abide wal atch, » Owner ak as. ote Bahai ope enry Zu- aut, te Pa verton | eas WINNERS OF THE FIELD CROP COMPETITION. IN ELMA meant Bee e fol Howtnss een in ‘fell pos Peotapetit were ST hurt by judge endret Schmidt, ee Robb oa hn. Cowan, 38 W'S. Sheaver, 79%. * iW Ss. eae 5, W Boy: 6.—A, ‘Sinpioy 7—R. J. . Coghlin, 63%. FOR SALE FOR SALE Young pigs. Apply to I. D. Atkin, brood sows with litters for sale Apply to dohn W. Hastings, w, he pee fers) con. 11, Mornington, tn “| —— SSS | FOR SALE : WANTED _Four young Yorkshire sows, cS ‘ Wanted’ to buy, from 10 to, 20| PIS in On eae tot sie acres of land with ‘suitable buildings Bares Ngee: Tot'13, con to same, Apply at Sun off NOTICE Notice to Contractors. We will ship hogs at G. T,R, yards | Tenders for the construction of the Milverton, and Bruner, on Saturday, Poffers drain extension and ep August 16t! h—F. Zimmerman & S airing ee Peffers. drain peed a received by tl LOST Square gold brooch at Millbank on Peace Day. Finder please communi- sate with Mrs, Robt. Stewart, Brit- FOR SALE ood red brick veneered dwell- |= il be opened in council at ye 0 rene on the first | Monday in Pepteniue id a Plans, profil spectatone may be seen at aie Ole rk’s office hall, WM. WADDELL, Clerk of Mornington. Britton R. R. No. 1. HOG FOR SERVICE A splendid Yorkshire hog for ser- vice at the rate a fine you furham ro sy roa ice). J, Stever, R RN FOR OR SALE 5-roomed house with woodshed and pote Cand lady’s wrist watch Sec Black rib- bon attached: Finder | will Kindly leave Gertrude Queen's "hotel, Milverton. FOR 'SA\ SALE A quantity of ot inch and two inch oh and auiekly and vill not be replaced—so ). AT! ‘ilverton. FOR SALE Solid brick house with three rooms rooms down stairs er -par- Dee a Capling, Milverton, NOTICE se s will hav -qiatenal ue ee "P — JAS. W. SCHMID’ Notice to Farmers The undersigned will ship hogs in future as follow: i ug. at "Toth, ae CFF. is -» Mil- and Brun: Other dates ay be ighest prices cee iver hogs at Mil: efor} 0.30, a.m. MILLER, ae & SCHNEIDER. Asse anucunced Onta CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- q OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 1919 lity of the Vil f Mil- verton, County of ets Notice is hereby given that 1 have aenuatiat or delivered to the bic made pursuant to said Act, of all per- ons. appeari he last Revis ‘Assessinent Roll of the said Municipal- W to be entitled to vote in the Municipality at elections for member islative Assembly and Municipal Elections; and fui the said ist. was. a oste my office Me Milverton on the ourth day of gust, 1919, and eins there for ins pect ion. nd I hereby call” -upon all voters to ae aa to have sions marrested ace conaing to law. d this Second day of August, w. D. 1 Clerk of WP ilverton, COMMERCIAL Spring | aa per bus...8 2 H #2 08 ae 22 rs it | In the ‘spring of the E Estate of GIRLS WANTED ., ebee: lantyne is visiting | MONKTON BRIEFS i mnie and Mrs, s. Rennick spent is wists ae the me of Miss Sindee afheroon visting the latter's alles eee home oF parents, Mr. a: rs. chy. ont Ray Messrs. George Loch- Miss Mae Wve any Master ¢ Clare | ‘head, T Ratcliffe, Hugh Porter, have ‘returned home from a week’s|and John ee went to Bt. Marys hb friends ¢ ai New Hamburg Rowin tournam eet HoRateits, ot Toronto, is home in the vil- ‘eends S ‘Catedoia” ae ve te ain resumed ‘poles ‘at his 's new house | |; eality. m Hammond spent Sa- turday and cane lay with friends in Monkton and vicinity, pets leaving for his home in Kim! parly. ne an id Be -com~ d by Miss Fy Lay ett scale ‘ oto tri ane a Bol Mr. Stanley Soe and Mr. berly to vst fric Pope, of Toronto, §s] a few days | id Mi Bdward | Broughton, of | last ae ave the vill Bee . Chatham, sated: Mr. and Mrs. Smith,-of the 17th of Elma, over the don con eee weekend. | Messrs. oud Mes: Smith and Robt. Arm-|lance, J. stron of Ea Hees spent oe si \the Hee ee a Mr. mith, | Valley this w ir. Brat Roy ae. attend irs. Will Hunter Mrs. ed the funeral sn the late Rob- mn, PP seal ue on at cenad daughter, Betty, pe PNG Laken, are penne te a few eeks with M R. Er- Baa eMoe McCullough Spent a coupl visiting friends. in Toronto last her ‘eranda arent Mae Mr. and Mrs, John Bettger ae Str, !Pe and Mrs. Chas. eaiies spent Sunday-at raham, a ‘daughter, ary Jean). day evening. iss Wm. Elliott and Oswald | sister, Mrs, B. G eae of Molesworth, spent Friday | Mrs. we evening” in. Mon! Mere ie bree Ny ara psiting with Mr. Mr. William Merryfie is having | \Mize, John thes upstairs of his wpalldine ye-arrang- | for a dwelling and expects to move |Ducklow, who was oe shortly. "Messrs A. Chalmers | George Struthers are doing the |i ork. ee Miss Ada Boyd, of Port Huron, |from aOR where he spent a f spent a few days last week at the | days. Mr. J.C. Wi |. The ¥.P.S.C.E., Misses J. Elliott and fe “Gibson, alter Fraser, 0: anh the Presbyter- MERCURY MILLS LIMITED be Hamilton Ontario | $12.00 TO WINNIPEG . (Plus % cent per mile beyond) August 19th—from all stations be-| tween Lyn and Midland, ie Harbor and intermediate August 2ist—from Toronto and_all| stations west and south thereof Ah + Ontario . For further particulars apply to any |™ Grand Trunk ticket agent or C, B. Horning,Distriet Passenger Agent, ‘oronto, CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POST-)| OF VOTERS’ LIST | Voters’ List, 1919 Municipality of the Mornington, County of Perth. is here! n that I have transmitted be dettversd tot ner din section 9 of Township Mineipality at el ae e egslative “Assembly and. at| Sfunterpal Blections; and that the said at Mornington, 0 nm the Fir st, and remains, there fe ectio nd I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate redeegiogs to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. Dated this “thirty- first day of July, 1919, WM. WADDELL, Clerk of Mornington. “Notice to Creditors son, late of thet Township of Mornington, in the County of Perth farmer, id. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustee Act Cap. 121 that all creditors | cai yehate having claims or d tate of the sai on or about ceased theis christian names an iresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, 8 Seo 10 i 40 be is eta aa! 95 9 War Flour, spring, owt 6 00 6 00 War Flour, blended cwt. 4 # 5 85 5 15 Ti War Flour, winter, ewt. 38 flops iiyawelait: Butcher os 26 28} 22 82) ‘96. 34] 18° 28] 45 48 statement of their accounts and are ature of the sacarity; if any, held ee) nd take notice ee after such last \ said Admini: pees tribu' re~ | dis- oes & Maki ie Solicitors fort said ‘Administrato Or. Dated this Souh of July A.D. idit. 48} Sains isl Read The Sun advertisements. HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS . and troronte,, Weston, Gill’s. 4 C. BAIRD, "Phone 1, Local Agent uv |) of |W Lists Act, the RUSS cel List was, first post ted UD: 8b ‘hy office | Mr. t day of | line | and’ daugk of re n here after ae abenaes of several | fe last week at his ag Gray and Mrs, ee ‘Dr. Rey. D. A. ThOmagne: of, Hastings roi, are Visiting the former's ate lis a visitor with his son, Rev. B. A-/ Mrs. ‘ugh, Richaiond cted | Mrs. Wm Wi | Thomson at present. |that he will t of last ‘week in the Stratford “General | Hospital and is ae impr ii. “condition ion. etn at the home of} 1 wood fire brigade is having fing. ja well auld by Mr, Alexander, of rho recently re- | TOTS in the vicinity of Mr. 1» leaves oral cds "residence. n Roger spent Monday at Wm. Sh eanek. from | Thursday for Rewit nd the _Biesbyterian church, | Motheiwell Eth {lage of eal Waterloo. argaret and Jack returiied son Tes r, and) Mrs, W. Merry eld Bud rontb last w family, Miss Minnie Cox and Mr. F. |" Born— “Medicine Hat, Sask., on Cox spent Sunday at pranks ahs Augiist lst, 1919,, to Mr. Verna Husser is visiting her are bite ‘to report that Lawson | an church held & very successful gar- Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. | Stratford, are at, present. wasting den ‘pare y on rch grounds eatery ise Of S- | the f Mr, Robert esday even’ Bidhagen ort hours—a 47-hour week, | Mr. ee he R. gun and. Famiy| baa cteenieted music during the in- : jwere a ener on Sunday. ervals and a very good program wa “with Saturday half-holiday. ate eaine tae ‘i eet tne: OP Pee and a very good program was d ex speneinigs comple ‘a Nellie Vipond is visiting at zp vensble taining & in see | jof weeks at Hamilton, London and| g ome at Ate Shing: Pathet. jor the inexperience: Stratfor ies ‘Misses Dorcas and Enid Mec fiv: Mr. a Mrs. A. Featherstone, Mr. |have “returned home from Detroit A good livingwage to beginners |and Mrs. H, B. Wiliott and Miss Me-| Mrs, J, erdcand-W which materially. increases. with | ready, te Listowel, spent J Mardad Ward, of Hamilton, are vi experience an roficienc: witl TS, uggin our burg. P ae a Ae Dunsieth 2a Mr.|" In the absence of Rev. W. D. Me- Write or call— jand ae Bornholm, | Donald, Rev, Mr. ‘Thomson, of Has | spent Sunda yfield. | tings, will take charge 0: 8 We are Pleased to. see_Mr, two. weel | Batterson Sak Mee ER ae” = Mt Sohn Bell, of Guelph, spent & y tl iss, Margaret Bdgar, of sroraatics| day | Electoral District of the North Rid- ia Yo och int ing of ‘A. Ni yoters for all the Polling ee fficer for the- purpose of hearin| inte laints and’ appeals as to sai is eres was in ton tees, fu ‘ings of tl al be hela’ vw reranpenls forall ees abs Givisionsin { Chenoa tke bon In_ appeals County. Council NOTICE! ¢& the County of Perth, to wit: iene“ OTICE that the lists of |Counell soon at Newto sub-divis- day of August, ni ‘amlet ward sad 43 of the City of Stratford, ‘5, ip of North Posthone and Vil. the to ‘ilverton have been prepared ; umerator, who desi ther take notice that the! y omitted ns sett Revising Officer , ists, may on or jowing days, that is to ae the Ate ort |Stratford, on oe 22nd duet pe Stratford, lists, the 18! 7" {om m._ the sain, tthe streets Stvattord, at his nie a at ar, in Hohl’s, wapes of persons who oe ae en- Hes uot iey on wae before “the } able. Koch spent the past titled to be voters have been entered fai respective date: eck with her uncle, Mr. H , on the lists, may onal ators the fol. Dated the 9th day of Eee eee lat at Stratfor eee pena uth, jlowing days, that i J iss Emma Shelling, of Hanover, Fant her un- John | v0 ‘Valli ance, Lorne Val- | lust, ae cliffe are attending in _the peal at Gra ie anpealsinallthesu divisions of nington ists, Co aa the 24th day of Au; apply, complain or appeal to have his own name or the n: Dated the 9th Be - * August Pas AR cipality of the Gi for all the pollige sub-d And further take notice that ai | voter whe -desires to the nai of commencing at 10 o'clock Fae Pa mship eee) fat = h day Tints, ft hip all on the 2’ commen ie eals the “Dand day of ly, 3, complain or v ah The Ontario ther 3 co) Ae even cuir eneaee eu itled iat orn the Glerk, of the Revi: Be entered on the said li fe ha aye Reta Nein appedis froin owiahig-o€ Nori Pe tre eam pe el Ties | m Towniship of No ew Hamburg, were the guests of her Basthope lists, the 23rd day of Aug; NOTICE! parents, Mr nd Mrs, A. Streicher, Fred Rehberg and Willi Hi apnea rama eee oe iver Electra EE RET ORT Tt 'sehunidt eee Tardis Schmidt, of oe e of any n WI ting in th d by the Hf ac arrests form, si and Ellice, have been prepar pitas Sylvia Streicher was spending Su OEnE and ono, ae the -Enw erator, and “have = w days visiting friends in New e Clerk of ising Of. livered to the Clerk of this Board by Hamburg. J, M. Riddell, Bar rrister, 48 the ang, icer, ani Si Chavike Vacee is at, present tario street, Stratford, at hi tesi- Geomge Gordon McPherso} of: “hy errs ae ence, or place of busin s Tesi the City of Stratford, Barrister, at: anedie ie ne ae Kitchener e the said respectiv av, has been appointed Revisin ; a nates - i riends here on Sunday ape sinallt es ivisions of | NOTICE! Romeo Ward, Stratford, ake Coun. family motored i eta a er in the ity if Strat-| day. last aber the spent the day Electoral District of the North Rid- a is on the 22nd “aay Au uigusty wit i onl, ing of the County of Perth, to wit e forenoon, toe 2 Me: ech Knapp, of appealsinallthesub-divisions of nae gules nn felen dae TAKE NOTICE that the lists of t nship Wallac a te we on eT senahip ‘Hall » at Goweastent 1 the pies brick- 5 Mu lay of Sek », 1919); commene- Saaer Ng a few tile on han y of Si Stratford, and ing eS 1 lock in the forei ‘ions Railway sone f Mornington and “Fo eleven 0 clock and d ington. and. Neil Either- week with Mrs. m. ew potatoes, 2 Ibs, for 156 at| | monday r Smith and Mrs, Fry and daugh- So aed Tec ene ibe | Miss “Annie, Jolly. visited at Palmerston last week. Gonnland’ cot cbr. pring Leohestiaren our town on Mon- tid Mrs. F. Hoffman, oe » Hoffn man and family at Mr. Ldap friends Mar, s last “4 day last . Hammond. ae, J. aoe of Brussels, i at the home of J Ida Pai and . Mil ae visiting er. yerton, pent Sunday Bevis Edith Erski ding h Miss Edit! ies ane a spending her HAMPSTEAD Mis, Ri oa bridge, of hi, MeDonald, of the Gen: Owen Sound, visited at the home of ices Sectrcak: toraecly Of ir. ve Harrison for a few days |this place, called on friends here last eek. last we iG, , Dewar, of Wellesley, we andersand ‘has set engaged 1 to ten the Topping school nex DONEGAL ‘ir. James Ha is able i be about again after hi a eck Mr, Alex, MeGiiawee "has purchas- e who spent, Sunday at the Struthers were:— George Struthers, 0: ae Mrs, Charlee neetens of ee d Mrs. ited. last ees in Listows + M.D. ate wife who pon he ave Harrow eon h is an ol | Haig in his dispatch diss B Blanche Thompson ,of Lists has been engaged by the sco boat ‘0 take che e school x the coming year s of Mrs. tt the home of | ¥ i 068 AeeeH Lashes Jd. 8 ° ta oe hte James Chal- Monkton,’ and Mr. t : Broughton, of Mor in Mrs. Miller, of tay verton, Mrs. last week at the home of Mr. ey os hel aren) and daus tto Schmel | who Mr. George Jacobs, of Milverton, | here returned to spent ey at the home of Mr, 0.| pleased to h Sehm | Dorothy. ‘Slewart who. for 8 been a probationer a another correspondent Mr. and Mrs, Archie McGillawee, |been accepted and.» eet. er cap. r. and Mrs, John Aiken Mr. Adam McMillan is recovering wel, motored to Welleesle after having had’ blood-poisoning in Sunday with Mrs. McGill his hand. er and brathers, i Messrs, Adam and Mark | Mr. Dixon Scott spent sy on ine. d “Mrs. yea: DEATH OF MR. SHANNON Mr, Solomon J. Shannon, a prot inent and highly pence sted pioneer "ot ex- Moore” spent ion and son, Stan- Mrs. 1 -W. Foulston attended pected William Math- | 2° Goderich recently. non, “motored alter, Senior is visiting at Mr. William Died at Hineks eae Goderich, on | Mir. ‘several grown: Poe wife a a! iim dott ats | Presb: tori gio a Con jFreenive in polities... He tad aitained the advanced age of 82 y mee s married in 1877 to J who survives him _besi on saver, Mrs. Leslie Flick, Goder- and two in , on’ the home- | e| IMPRISONED FOR DESERTION Knox church, | etroit, a ne} atford, Brantford, nt i Clinton . and pa; Ca Elgin, sellinwotth Dunnett, ad farmer Ly ing at Oaklay end net pane : 0 and costs wee! oe -apprehen was not done | shooting wild ducks on his own ae Ra Ree de are Taiele pe | ing that he “lag agus would | eona Hammond spent a few | si Mr.}™ For ST altune nabs -divisions of Falstaff Ward, istowel, have been prepared he in the Township of Elma at ‘ne ‘Age rie Equnercions and have been delivered el tural Hall SAR poked on the 25th) Mr. Robert Coxon and Mr, Delton ins Clerk of ah his Board by the , commencing | Coxon and Mr, and Mrs. John Coxon, eturning icer, and that James & o’clock ae "the ‘scream Rail- | of Rugs ite arene Sunday at Mr. Ste tele, of the City of Stratford, Ree- way time Ed_Rehber; eeds, has been appointed yy appeals in all the sub-di Mr. amd Mrs. George Yungblut and Officer. for the, purpose the Township of Ellice, at. Town: family, BE uhoyville Sundayed with ine complaints and -appeals 8 fo ship Hall on lot 20, concession 8, on bert Hanna. the said lists. t day of August, 1919, com- ‘Ml ae ay noe and Lewis Graul tice t the ing pS aa Ck clock in the fore-|and sister, Laura, of Kuhryville, nd ie Bey ising. Officer -r on, Rail ys. Lewis Bahn and daughter, Bea- And poms ‘take notice that any|trice, of Stratford, and Mr, r who desires to Stratford, at the Chamber in the !be ceed t on the said lists have been. Cormeen Seat ‘on the 22nd |omitted fro 19, Fon susie at|names of per: the fore! tle rappeaixinalthesnb-divisions of jon tI 1919, commencing at | 10 o'clock in the Goa Railway wal y And further aoe notice that any e entered on the said lists ha from the same, be ire aie ersons Who ai is from Township of Mor:| |dence, or pla the 22nd day of ple from Town of Listo’ take see that Bas pees ‘amet Ward, Chairman Voters’ Registration Board, is spending a fe wit] stratford, lists, the 18th day of Aug: ii . iit eB aes e purpose complaints and appeals as to Se, Chairman. Vous" Bs isan Be wd lists etistration Bae And further take notice that ings of the said Revising Officer appeals. in all the abe same, or- that the to be voters pee been p Berar the He Eure: ays A the 26th Romeo Ward, | Strateond ‘ists, the sth day of Aug- ust, i Tn appeals from Township of Wal- lace lists, the 21st day of August, been entered | pe before the fol- Saye: Palstatt Ward, | sth pay ara als the ae aid res jective August, toi. : Chairman Voters Tepistration 2 Board, appeal to have LISBON. Mr, Edward Kneisel shank, fhe Sun- at: friends in Rost 2 Se a me of any| ned by the! of To wings the Mr, 05 ie left | ja ecker Vase Weanesd day. ig Of-| Harry Weiler and cf hter, 90 Church | vot Waterloo, are at present visiting yee Mr. Huras, = Fg Eso) 3 Mr. srs ak Archie Hickie, of ng 4 Mr. F. THE ISLAND complain that|Ed Rehberg rand family spent Sunday evening at My. and Mrs. R. Hanna's. BAS | i Electric Starting and Lighting N° car has a better starting and’ lighting system than that now available to purchasers of Ford Cars. It is a Ford product, built into the motor— —a positive starter as reliable as the motor itself: —a powerful lighting system, uni- form under all engine spe On the open models—Touring Cars a Run- abouts—it is OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. On closed cars —Sedans and Coupes—it is STANDARD EQUIPMENT. On all models the Ford Standard Magneto also provides ignition independent of the batteties. See the Ford car with this new equipment. Ford Runabout $660; Touriny On open models the Electric Starting ie Lighting Coupe $9753 Sedan $73 (oleae prices ine levi These prices are FO. B, Ford, Ont ee do not include the War T: ay