Milverton Sun, 14 Aug 1919, p. 6

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‘be exhit oiene) Sxhibidion this & The Milverton Sun alee mth hee ry OD EVERY eabaabiy sates a The Sun Printing Office Main Street ~ MILVERTON, ONT: wil Advertising rates on application. Advertisements without specific directions ent op Deseeeert until forbid and charged ac: “Ghangce fog contract sufvertinemence saat be (n the office by noon Mo MALCOLM RNs CBETH, Publisher and Proprietor, BusinessCards ¥ Medical. Dr. P. L. Tyé Office: Pumice Deve SToRR, MILVERTON Hours: Leite s 2tosp.m, and pm DR. F. J, R. FORSTER - Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat e Graduate in medicine, University cee: ‘ ulate a tant New York Ophthal- ‘Aural Institute, ‘Moorefield’ i cn iden Square Throat Hi sity. Eve ings—7 to 8, Wed ind Saturday only; or by _Wetnetiy (Phone 267.) ry Waterloo St. “s. STRATFORD ANSON B. KILBOURNE CHIROPRACTOR Office at the Grand Central Hotel. Every Tuesday and Friday. an Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, tation and Examination Free Ch SEBBER, D1 DDS: L.D.S. By John B. fee AMMD i T Dr. Huber will answer all question is of general interest it will if meee will be answered personal: f stam closed. Dr. Hube r wrth net Breseribe for individual cases or make diagnosis. Adsress Dr. Jol , M.D., care of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide Gt. West, Toronto ng milk in the can. It oe be}’ ll if the water in te tank could and this will indeed be water is used. ioe 3 th 0 do other-| Wel the is| be ent flowing; unless ice 6 BSS hour. ean should re- in dike The milk should -be delivered the summer, in refrigerated in bottles about which ice is durin; CUNRER LR x EVERY ONE OF US’ | ese ae Germ re ‘ings to. feel pes jae and to be devoutly Sara thing I ai ost glad for to- 'y, though, is the aiferent ie ae Chulstianity, that cae of doing Tse ve oe. ot ne join; SELF POISONING “FRUIT-A- ae ee eka Pree Why, few ago vous THIPOEL Gerad Codi ich. most everyone inouakt of Chrstiaty as a religion of negation, at least they “The chief cause He poor health is | did in the sik avis T lived. “ti ee ea Chri te matter, instead of passing from the Jower intestine regularly every day, js allowed to remain there, generating poisons ee are absorbed by the nor nor blood. nor row on Sunday. You must- Jn other words, a person who i, 7! dake and daugh, and | sonte..e went so far as to say, you mustn't ' habitually constipated, is poisoning | : ay bimself. | We know now that 4u/0- | ruffle on your dress nor a bit of lace 4 8. When secret by the consumer it should be kept in a clean place and at a temperature below 60) these is to keep the mil to retard the growth of germs in this fluid. ‘What measures are necessary to iafoganrd the purity and safety of Questions and Sune: Question—I am a boy of 16 and Lig The rod should be healthy and| very small: Is there hot some device the milk of any animal which seems) for making me e been al indianosed should not be mised with hes discovered rom the healthy cow: - cov e fed ae swill, or the refu: m breweries or glu.| column. cose factories, ‘or upon any other fer-| Answer pCa od. ple Milch cows must have access to tah ae water. 21. e pasture must be freed from| Question xiote weeds, sad e barn and yard pao with my nose lately. It seem ie be kept ch ‘0 get blocked s pres ‘it very hard Paes shox be washed i tim: eath properly oh “then wiped dry before each milk- ing. 6. The milk must ee sions thor- oughly cooled. This is best done in the eke by lasing ine milk can| have y 01 bowels, is directly responsible for | 1919, serious Kidney and BladderTroubles; rs we sont thet it upsets the Stomach, causes | flesh as we ae about lending a. ae Indigestion; Loss of Appetite and | And it i ch in harmony Sleeplessness; that chronic Rheum- wit what Christ really taught. As I atism, Gout, Pain In The Back, are. | remember ga t two “com- relieved as soomas the bowels become ey and they were ut shalt love the Lord thy ‘God ‘with all thy heart, and thy ‘And He told Tis fol- ‘wens fiat wlioaite ret Judge di- regular; and that Pimples, Rashes, Eezema and other Skin Affections disappear when “Fruit-a-tiyes” are At all dealers or sent on receipt of priceby Fruit-o-tives Limited, Ottawa. anyone getting out the car on the Lord's day. On the ee ee He le "Straightening Steel Bale oe Wagon axles are very fre- for breaking the ae He Satay quently sprung out of shape by. over- told them that the Sabbath was made a or by faceidents and runaways. for man and not man aie the Sabbath. fave ge es rons. “Good health is priceless. Ifyou suffer from bie A afflictions T.R.C, epirenesy your condition and remove ‘both’ nain and -diseasi Sole agent for Milverton, S. PETRIE, Druggist, oss Monkton, WEBBER & BETTGER, General Merchants; Atwood, ‘EVERETT é COUGHLIN. Or if you live out of town mail $1.04 to the above addresses or to. Templeton’s, Limited, 142 King St; W., Toronto, and T.R.0/s will be sent postpaid. C Poin ® ust is the opening month of the for for farm, when old gr ete a saved: is quite an eye-sore.—E. cates Soil For the Window Garden. a 2 tk who wish’ to have plants 'grow- alee season, Hens that start melt-| ing. in pots in winter should prepare ing. this antl gency. end in time's hen pot ‘ood soil.tap themitauiedl: to paccme £00 fs winter layers, ta ately in the following manner: Find goodness, how ragged they Took!) some goods isis soil ek is sims Molting Ee e, an Ct wi s but. fre with from sees ha ut off Pi = i diene iostes three inches deep, mixing with it about pare the bulle of aell-rotted low remain as whatever weakness sin wl>and sickness and death often follow The period days, which dates fromthe first f =< heap for a month, wetting it occasionally if there a) ee to potiper Cone ype iton ded the sheep from the goats it|ing of feathers to the completion of! gre not frequent rains; then turn it Fruit-a-tives” will protect you \‘woutd be on the principle of whether| the work. over, break i mie well add against Auto-intoxication because. (they had gone out and helped their fowl in good health will grow! jeaye it in a a d for this wonderful fruit medicine acts brother, not as hether they had/ feathers rapidly. In such eases there) y<o If the soil Tutte mix a little directly on all the eliminating organs. kept all the Jewish ceremonial | no that ragged appearance| sand with it. Do this and next winter 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 5c. | I can’t recall that He ever forbade| which is noted in cases of slow oF} your mies will grow and bloom. a. § 2 hens readily shed tae ety Rey they seem to la ck mptly renewing the “Completely Discouraged” 2 oe gt that is poor iin flesh ha: reat cleo in shedding her|Is the fecling and plaint of women who feathers. “zun-down” 80 i (rien lown ae ee back aches, dra Opp. City Hall, - STRATFORD in a tank of cold water or ice water,| petent specialist. Alin ame! ie ne 993, the Bevin ae ‘at the same depth as! tion is being mailed you. ey can sometimes be straightened! There are a great many people to- They e fed a San s food. Pee avantigs: fee kao feo — | Without hammering and without re-) day living ae ORY lives under | Corn, Seat middlings and pota. ria, and unto the uttermost nee of | Moving from the le. the mistaken Ger that it is the Chris-| toes must be given spari The |} toeat hand Pheiedien te Hebe DOE eee ae eee ms o 6 to-| tian thing to ‘As a matter of fact,| males should be separated from the| . Caco tuhite te perfor that-wotks| Che eee ¢ other. Each| Christ never anywhere said a wo females. Bran, green bone, sunflower, H.B> Morphy, K.C Sere ee eeee tie Sha rie tha the track| give one the idea that it is wrong and:linseed meal are-highly-valu | . B. Morphy, K.C. Tas ne ne nee ot| Ot the Vehicle: Ti biger that chaifis| enjoy life. And He did a great many] able in the bill of fare. Spic pi ATS CS ee ae Gt eat egi na astlae we Ae reedily passed beneath the! things to show you that He was what| ments must be avoided, especially sul- gliwaltt tenlarcn)® Arwoor | “Soe IWRC HOE catl Ehey ere still ea nee Tatads under them| we'd call od-“mixer” to. f | phur. hen is not’ in proper Offices: Listowel, Milverton. INTERNATIONAL LESS hoping for the restoration in Palestine ca ee eee Si re - you will really read your’Bible instead| condition for molting, no amognt of ie th Sia, AUGUST 17 f the kingdom of Davi fw: alee | Rok, eceseazy. to remove tue: wheels lof seeing «in: between us lines ut selene food will make up for the : mifetce thet desis neithde denies nos <teere (hue eae 2. the 2x6's and/ ideas that some are n has i of a reserve of suitable material) 3 — Gearma ‘that hope, But He bids them) Pos 2, os chain under the planks and| planted in your mind, you'll see ‘hat for cell erowth ne the use of spices! Harding, Owens-& Goodwin | christian Missions—Acta 1: 8; 13: 1/to be witnesses for Him in all the|°ycr ‘he & le to be said ned. Two! Christ went about all sorts of affairs| at this nly overstimulate Barri Soli &e. e | chains are require: on either! and mingled with all kinds of menj and ae Snindonai on the futurg of; arristers, Solicitors, &c. 4: Golden Text, world. We are not wiser than our) 4:3, o¢ the bend. Quite efter the i “ thestaet % Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. lark 16¢°15. ies: Let us leave off, therefore; (1, ibe phad and women. ;Didn’t the poor old Phar- | page * i - d nolieh eresulatione, sbout| chains. may be_ plac an isees complain that He was a “wine- the laying season of the heavy- 7 Money to Loan, co linle aperatalt clip to avoid marring Edie. siedanoale tiie “a friend. of. publicans| weight ducks ends this month. {nas on 1 Dr. Pereos Favorto cts 1: 8—Ye Shall Receive biutad tinieg and se: of His coming, and| arith edeathent ae er and ie tiend. of publicans he Prescription, ives you mee the help J.T. HARDING W. 0, OWENS Ww. #. GoopWir and Ye Shall Be Witnesses: elect ovirselves-to the fulfilment-of our|°2P-, eavy pieces of leather! and sinners?” They wanted to tie arcl sea pullets should be} that, you ie i be had in liquid or mong the last rded sears of| mission, the mission handed down to| should be pleat under ae ik Minedewa tote raBlon. ah -negas tigi no tablets. ‘Pablet form, 50 cents, See Ratan eens Jesus to His disciples, ‘Theirs is the|us from the apostles, in obedience to} ; pees fe place a| tion, bi He Soule be caught; His} Get rid ‘ot “ ee fowls before | stores, reat commission, Bs tells them, to| our Lord’s last coi d. And ee it! sy Se ti ; : Bees “i idea wa vice ‘to His fel-| they start. to ; e that’s made especially W. D. Weir, - Notary Public | be witnesses unto Him “both. in Jer-| not be that in this very way, by carry-| very aul axle can be straightened | tows, bear ak aifch simple pleas- _Gaponizng = “be performed in| to build is ga ae lees cure piahieneee S fox tae CCmRHES ofPerth usalem, and in all Pin and in Sam-}ing His Gospel in the power ¢ His! , 53 2 x | ures as His times gave. le went in; 4 oe n iments—an invigorating, Te~ id Waterlo PGde tear dik pusd. RA ope e sal Automobile axles which have been! for everything that makes fora well: hens or incubators for Febru- pee tonic, soothing cordial and onveyancer, deeds, wills, mort A Ne Fa ar RE 7 OTR PERS not a | bent “ad serine against objects should| rounded life, and He enjoyed all the ce stable poultry. nervine; purely Seemee ‘non- @ wits made. Vilinge clerk, Dfice: Welr block, over Bank of Nova Scot! A. Chalmers, - lal acs Marriage License P. for the County of Perth. te hought-and-sold. A few choler jor immediate sale. Notary Public ‘only, prepare: the way 1s ‘FREED AFTER SERVING |: 10 YEARS PUNISHMENT | MAN CONVICTED OF FIOTED OF NEGLECT 13 EMANCIPATED AFTER NEW ot a sii Presence, the domin- vitalizing force of Christ in} | the Spitit eputting all enemies under| al \his feet, and asserting His. fin | everlasting dominion over the minds| which deserves much | and hearts of men? tought consideration is that of 01 MONKTON, cod ONTARIQ 103 _M | | Saabticton: For ten years Mr. Bar- | and Barnabas are upon noe first Veterinary. ron suffered thé agonies caused by | great missionary journey. F An-| Pan aa mgr — ras aoa tioch in Syria they have gone over the! and and foot by the grip of her ei sale R. E. Beggs, V.S. fea iice afca (cet Cyprus, and having trav VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGE! Office: Barr’s old stand Hoteles The Queens Hotel Best accommodation for eommercial tray: eller: thers. Two large Sample Rooms. RO, P, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont “ead hat he has Societies. pe Milvenas ‘Podge No. 478 R.C. Meets ate vachshs sake ‘on or before fol! moon every month tn thelr hall in Weir’ he, Meal ing aretiren alw: H,L. Sanetcon Seey 4 | Silver Star ‘Lodge No. 202 Meets every Bis ily ‘at 7,30 in thetr hall over Bank a3 Haseiten, welcome GAs Barth, Ree,-Becy kot He Looks Into the Eye’ ¥, THIS muTHOD, 1 4 impos: an error, wieomet ‘adone by nee as the ege, thereby locating the de fect right at its source, | Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cross | Eyes in many cases straightened when glasses are fitted b; advanced system. Children’ fanitned without t SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! mi.venton INTARIO very phase of labor and otgaitea~ he exigencies: of wn in the Memorials. paintings E jon required jodern ition: are ‘Canadian e show: at the Canadian Na- ean, gist, et here was pers ele and they wood, | to “the cities of Lycaonia.” you live att ;, is of town mail $1.04 to ithe eho: aat 20. “At pata Areages of to Tetapletonie,Liaited, 148 a! nit that time in that country that certain of the gods had visited them, and it was natural that they should become erent scited over wha now own di wit the healing ied leah science, or with the atte ai ap. pliances of ‘modern chesiste Stallion For Seiad eo Se at 4133 (Enrolled on Form 5342) will ewe - wd own stable, Poole, for A500. | able to treat successfully many eases f bli emong. the Terms $10. o Ronert dtlecaing: ses cure is i them all = wanted to. ws nen go so far a and try to "proitints him with, tte as though he were some kind of god.” NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS Flannels, Tweeds, of God, and exemplifies his teachin; Shectiija-snd by his daily life and by the service) e renders them. Yet ks Wool. Batts. fa LIVE AND LET LIVE PRIC! a ® 2 3 a trained” the people from offering sac-| H.C.WAGNER |f)nifice to them. Nothing could more Be effectively demonstrate the pitiful’ bc Ana ONTARIO. Sea aN ciate for ae HIGH tHe and) be removed, turned on their side with| experiences common to ae pent ae and straightened in the} A reli T have been a aes Ye Rheu- e interior, | Emerson. it the paper will blac! iti rs. Have been so | and from Pisidian Antioch had turned owes fad at times T could not move hand oF (eastward to the ol of Tconiu tes ” = ‘oot for months. iend advised me | Lystra, and Derbe. They had m Pp P I h H F, Be eater ictal cope (Se ee as utting “Fep into fhe Home rair soles and I have been eee eve e chi brie, the bitter an ona een ouulers for me, |couraging of which was the — se aoe a pays never felt ats “return of | determined hostility of fews.| County fairs in general were hard] uses the plan of ane ae ie the di | From th he apostles turned to the| hit by the war. Many associations} ele canvas tops set up in the middle t's. Prsial ically impossible to obtain | Gentiles, and opened wide to them the] went by the ‘Acres upon acres ey ee cattle, evidence er than this testi- | door of faith (13: 46-48). The promise} of centre rings were plante orn. hoieen antl hogs, as well as the lesser pais “and word ac * ad pie Pe power vee, iene oy sae in Bes al arking spai were|farm products, and build stock pens . ié a eir Piet in n Iconium they rned int ee) astures and the) alon; s i # new trial—use T.R.C.’s. “Sole ta great multitude both of Re ue tthe: PO eee The power cal s. “The! row it. judg’ P ati - riends = m ss es and miles | ne ay.” In wisi e. al i iecouauted WO O [ : | possible, th “they fhink ‘ha eould eure [pre shown ane pe 10 make prayers to him| ABSOLUTELY And indeed the missionary is sty PURE WOOL RecPant aia Weacumuaswers,, in i ace of God to such people. fe Biankets, Yarns, Lee Re ng Un eee see Christian missionary can bring, | hay eed of service is the proper shop with a plan! sigyr'hot. anevada upset gee, the c m be fastened to) “Thou nots.” Christ came to-do eyebolts in the seas el with ‘ie old Jewish Sip of a a d one law: Naharseilay oncone abhe witi| ee Deer aR ae a aims that stte ee Meri ee HE AGN Shana ee aS A good people are still Pound by ane Branidie ceauce? glean sok eee as you can. v is-a new day; 2 begin it well and’ serenely, with too! . ful of vinegar to water, Hehe epiritl to be: cumbered:aeith} in wHieH eolored fete are washed. r old nonsense. This day is all|This prevents runnin that is good and fair. It is too dear, with its hopes and _ invitations, to To test the heat of an oven, put waste a moment on the yesterdays.”—| a bit of white paper in it, If too hot ken, ballyhoo ani tate of the spieler no more. County fairs fing plegenerataé even ‘Here is nying are| The town folks turn their little city over to their country cousins for the wv ethis fair raises a considerable sum of d Community fairs, on the other hand, | si gin d, When any part w: | bai broken we went to the| other for a substitute piece, In this 00 Ss. eo ——_ picchotia, and perfectly You can procure pee S Doing Over Old Machinery. a trial pkg. by send- sian, ies ealliag’ bie ARR ing 100. to Dr. Bierer besa N.Y. quirks he was taking advantage | ‘Tttusoxnuna, Oxm.—*A fow years ago ae help out when times’ pinch, I¢| had a severe nervous Peake called to mind some of md aye we would have pains in ead and would have taken on our own farm to get| Suder with backache. I was ailing for a little more wear out of ietent | ® ae tools. ai last For example, there was a wheel sakethat eatetie ty a along withers other things when we bought a pia fi f t iwo years previousiy."—Mrs. L. HeATiE whee a one, w > took one out of the rake we had store to put in the place of the broken one. it has gone hen a Counter Check So part would give way in ke and we would draft the naa ion the other. We did the same thing with a mow- ing machine. We as we 1 dly worn or way we have made out to keep from buying a new machine a’ number of years. ‘A néighbor of ours is a very handy man at this thing of rigging up ma- chinery out of old parts. Out of some old mowing machine wheels he built a che land-roller, so good that we got We are agents for'the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. ig St. W., T.R.C's, will - apidl ited AiGld otas Ne nebabbary Scot : i Ast Matoala: Himself, in works of he: were rapidly gaining a eect” ut it ¢: in Lystra, he made a cripple stand| the war intervened. Let us Jet they | ily be raised by a = nD acme | on his feet ed walk. popenieiele-atgaiia ahead,| among bo people marveled, and he| for they are “education A help to| for ail are and Barnabas must be goils in rdise. stant any aoe | strong comp: be ibb form: sa story current at| They tend een de-| bring out the eshiiicors: sUhegmood rid pelo friendly tpitit-ot xivalry: and lant thing 4s to appoint hustlers, men bring ab better co-operation be- with both “lnowiedge and “pep,” on! nei tween families of the anit’ the important committees. Have live] also between town ‘und c oa for department eds ee pei ave no gold mine of premiums They| poultry ex hibit to fl esm re purely local affai of minia-| Let the best liked fuk frome ‘handle a county a we the ecanmuciate the track crop ied amusements left | uit exhibits over eee ol F Several years of exp yetice ta as-|Get the women int nvereated and your! “tair will mak sting in nonin fairs, acting as and visiting m and the? casval spectator a have of experience on Hake part! tae things to carry away with him those in charge ' of Sepemen mele * ee be attracted. 2. | often causes exhibits of high qi ted. He wi y poorly. This hinders end wi ihe exhibitors Senieless sia ing, spoils the effect and) that Ese sounds will prov leads to dissatisfaction of wor' ; ten ate mes, mong those who are showing farm, best re I havelaeen vitttads se & oe vegetables be-! exchange of ideas t d_be| beats the instite uniform a potatoes, beets,| school, because a turnips, are pumpkins, squashes, a| press themselves more fr \ definite number of this or that; then sements help make the fair a) ith plenty of room the display be-! success. Games, foot races, greased | jsomen Pade atone aebosiidcadaestional (sles "aNd det bring m things together. and fhe display i is| laughs and some pride to the contest-| ractive ants, and they ai cause | © nether educational por att fa is ines to, secure igor s, preserves, es and other things in which omen = interested. ur A have as much ony tag | can spare, and, will continue Make streets, or canv street itse ashe as eae take as much time in s you ing exhibits as isle saree and ee fairs 1] community fairs hav: ni t the exhibitors, the visi-| tink This firm turns out only high-grade work at-very reasonable prices. over old machinery is e of no small moment in farm economy and worth cultivating. There is this danger—that the\do- ing over of old machinery, and replac- ing of worn parts, can be carried si far. T “See our samples and get our prices before ordering. Said. Co amie A dete. cal chinery 80 good. wa i ater th iatals most re the junk-heap is very, te Sun Office \ eu { ‘the old cui that accumulates! a THE SUCCESSFUL MAN TO-DAY==_ Is the one who gives careful attention to his clothes. To him his business suit is of as much conseauenS as the clothes he wears for social engagements: He realizes the importance of Z a ressed at all times. He requires “QUALITY” besides style, finish and correct “along ty us: for ee next suit. 0. DUFFIELD, * THE TAILOR, MONKTON % .] » e =| a ) ‘ ~

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