Milverton Sun, 21 Aug 1919, p. 2

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The Milverton Sun 2 -BVERY ee einai and esbise: ene The Sun Priating Office — Main Street ~ Be petit ONT. rcription rates stats ye aaa Se, Io advar sietecierat ‘ie BE nears: =u be Hable to pay $: on aise Roaatedts without pen fg alvectton met og Lsaecsea Until forbid and ebarged Be ‘ge anges for Codeine eM peeuecepete must ve nuke omtce by AS atat’ ah De iS Publisher and Proprietor, BusinessCards |« t Dr. P, L. Tye Office: PuDLIC Duve StoRR, MILVERTON Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to # p.m, and 7 to 8 p.m, DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat cae in medicine, ‘University ¥f Toro n Late iia it New York Opbthal- and ‘Aural’ Tngtitate, Bocretiads deg and Gol ba quare Throat H H 0 12 a.m.; 2 Pre 1 ftaily. E eli to 8, wea . Evenings—T # nesda: ind Sa iturday only; or ae appointment Phone 3 Waterloo’ St. cn eRATPORD ANSON B. KILBOURNE CHIROPRACTOR Office at the Grand Central Hotel. Everv Tuesday and Friday. |. Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4 p. m. onsultation and Exammation Free Z DENTIST. d. F. SEBBEN, D.D.S., L.D.S. Windsor Block, Opp. City Hall, - STRATFORD Phone 9! Open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock toga H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOL ‘Offices: Listowel, Milverton. ‘y to Loas Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. * Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan. BT. HARDING W. 6, OWENS W. #. Goob wis Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Aactlonter for the Couiaties of Perth Conveyaticer, saectn vila mortgages draws affidavits m vill Ofice: Welr block, over Bank of Nova Scotts +Notary Public ‘ rf la pL icone: Adame PHYSICIAN Panto Office: Barr’s oid stand Hotote The Queens Hotel Best accommodation for commercial trav: and others. Twolarge Sample Rooms BRO, F, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont” Societics. | Milverton Lodge No. 478 AF. & AM, GRC. Meets every Monday evening on or before RUipetpaemrteagonta ae sbahel Visiting ornersa, Fe age A. Harrow, W.M, Hi, L. hchaubac Secy Silver Sate Eeais No. 202 1, 0.0. F, Meets every Friday aight ut 7: 20 tn thet fall over anh Of Hanitivor vielewina= . Henry, W. K.Loth, G. A. Barth, NG.) “Bin-Sdoy. Ree Beoy SHADOW TEST “He Looks Into the Eye’ ¥, THIS METHOD, {t {9 almost {mspossible to make a art ‘ork {s done by looking {nto the eye, oe ding locatii de fect # source. ‘Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cross | Eyes in many cases serene : lasses ace fitted by thie aah system, Children'seyes t Sey rately ‘examined without { Asking quests sk SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! uy PL BAS TERDOUES onratia Add a little lemon juice to the HN os you cook a tough fowl in. x ae ies Neyer su, cy. ied fruit mas i has been rem sad trom th at "INTERNATIONA AL L LESSON Social Responsibility—Luke 10: 25-375 Gal. 6: 2, 9, 10; James 2: 14-16. Golden Text, Gal. 6: 10. Luke 10: 25-87. What Shall I Do? That is quite naturatly the lawyer's question. That, is the question of seeking guidance from the Church to-day in matters of social unrest and change. “What shall we wer ferences of judgm social py Sie Where the ails there will be friendly inter- change of opinion, there will be earn- est and patient study of the problems involved, and there will be always regard fos the interest, Pins well-being, ans ne eat of view of those w! such friendly and true progress will lanned system of tach or change ae Uae it 0 be. But love abides, the’ unalter- tote law of God. “Love never faileth.” Who Is My Neighbor? is the earn- est inquirer’s next question. To. whom does this law of love apply? Does it apply to- a aliény a foreigner, x dite it of brotherly he est! maritan is the Your neigh- bor is the one ig suffers, the one who has been ill- gee needs. your help help. ‘Phe Shnecin proved himself neighbor to the sic fellow who, had fal es a Dicee, thie not be difficult fo apply the thactiing of the parable to present a A e meet from day to y those who suffer from any cause, pa they Have been robbed, or insufficiently clothed or housed or fed, or una mforts or flecencies of life for their children, or are broken in health, or mentally de- ficient, or without faith and hope in e found our opportunity. help them? possible for us all, diy ioe cote Pehl wisi is help ivi Te hats eotiectinn with is very question of right and, help- ful relations with those about us that Jesuy uttered the great promise of Matt. 7: 7, “Ask and it shall be given you, seek and: ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” See Matt. 1-12, and Levite thought only of their own interest and their own se- = ROR TROUBLE Since He Commenced We) Take “Fruit-a-tives” Lees AVENUE, Orraw. e years ago, pian 4 to on eae and tired, and suffered very much from Liver and Kidney Trouble. Having read of ‘Fruit-a- tives’, I foes try them. ‘The result was surprisi _F have not had an hee sickness ' since I commenced using ‘Fruit-a- rane and I know now what I have body and clear ar thinking brain”, RIOTT. boc. a Ps 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. enemy, a alt Boa es ie apply t man of erate or creed? » The erate SOE Te Geek Bee {{ cold, but mast be kept d e| With a floor that can be Lest dry will 8. In mer, the owner. i3 | busiest, sheep Meqoine practically Ste care al 4, The land upon which sheep graze FOUND GUILTY OF NEGLECT THREE Bans, Pui FOR MAN W! Sunn SITUATION Failure o ae: one ‘precautiods Deen responsible for many deaths, Wm. Dunn, 313 tack etetecia Ten aad caer. ond attack left me hélpless for over After I had tried almost svervthing, a friend got me a box of T.RO.’s, and a joses_ convinced condition rapidly, ‘and T Peal that had it not been for setishi Or Hdtria “Droxniats ott, Monkton, Webber & Bettger, General Merchants; for Atwood, Everett G. Coughlin; or if you live out of town mail $1.04 to,the above address or to = aa Haan Limited, 142 Kin; » Toronto, aud T.R.C’s. will be sent poate aid. Stallion For Service BOLD sees fae 133 (Enrolled on Form 1 N ill stand in his own stable, Poole, for the season. Tee $10.-Rohert Fleming... 2m, ‘At all dealers or postpaid on receipt of price ea ‘uit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, curity. They put self- interest” frst. The Samaritan thought first of his duty to the Lové prompted | *' his iui and ready effort to help and t The exhiatin of Aenea (2: 14-16) is to the sam: pea of who. have. need, denial on our part will always make possible that greatest happiness, the ‘A successful farmer who has of practical experience with live @ has received mee He gives seven reasons ge t does not take much money to tives in sheep. A ram suitable for a farm flock can be bought for from $80 to $60, and grade breeding ewes for $10 and up, depehiine arporeauel- a: Sheep do not ‘need €xpensive'shel- They will stand a amount of A shed} «. Lee do for es ee is gradually enriched, the ground be- ing very evenly covered wih thedop- pings. Sheep have the golden hoof, indeed. Those who have wild pasture and pieces of land with weeds and brush wil find sbeskivery eestive in’clent-| 3 far as noxious weeds dee mall Seu e 6. The price of wool shies high, encueh so that ¢ profit is really By a B. Hubern AMMD Dr. Hub uestion is of cencra) Inter ct not, it will be answered pet nally if stamped, ‘addressed env el oye=! om losed, Dr. Hus ber will not prescrits tae individual cases or diagnosis. ‘Address Dr. rept 8. Huber, M.D., care of Wilson using cae i) Adslaids St. West, Tore Vs me Do For Pleurisy. Here is clearly a disease for whi the as must bé called. Sane owever, Tuch can” as ise back, and when the patient has fully aie irothee out), and before te breath, we ray na tightly bring around the strip under the.armpit to the middle line in Be e pe ‘f second strip s the same Roe e spine, plac- ai 6 covers the Grst aiins ahd ee as rapidly as we can, between one expiration and the next pa ee ae bring the strip also to t ae strip the same way, bring ing it forward the same as the ones over the Tprokatplete: 33h if need be, a fourth strip above that, always: aitlapping the prévious strip trouble continues beyond several days, there is probably fluid forming. The doctor then either er will answer all signed letters pertaining to Health. est it will S fe} best to 3 “ tt your e answered through these columns; prescribes medicines -to absorb, the uid, or.he taps the chest by means. of a hollow needle and an aspirating Seneca) apparatus. Previous to this eration Ke uses an exploring needle so’ as ie locate the placé where it is tap. eee he orders a es es die! it supposing i ‘exploring needle elas out pus; then the trouble is an oper: a? anaesthetic is Ses by which a portion of the patient rib is removed and the patient's chest is drained of) its abscess. Questions and Aiswers. Kindly see ete for the} cure of rin; Is it infections? Should a Child affected with it attend school? Answer—this is A contagious ekin disease due to a vegetable parasite having the maint ‘name of erosporon e best treatment is fo rub id freste tinetarere® iodine | by means. of a cotton-tipped match. Some school doctors would keep the child away from school. I would not if the ringworms are thoroughly treated as above, There may have to several applications a few days apart. At the conclusion ‘of the treat- ment there must be vigorous cleansing ca tincture of green soap and hot dey cbuehahstd sueciiter fis-ownc foreland dvitikingr Cup, ea & gen ENDS ™ We are at the high tide of the kit chen gatden’s abundance, and it re-| conse‘entiots and] i The lags word surely seems ‘to have been| in regard to canned frarden pro- dacts, but enthusiagin'should not wain| now that the stress and st war! summers is over. “Can small: beets| and carrots in as great abundance as) e and patience ell allow. ‘These! 0: are a differ: ei proposition Pick| your string beans eo eealy: Bee will continue to appear until frost:| c tomatoes you ee and. strained and -flavored oup. Just before frost, collect all) sorts Of delectabie soup’ vegetables’ such as:catrots, string beans and sieva, or lima beans, small summer squashes;| for is increasing, and promises to increase for a long time, insuring good prices for years to come as Curing Meat. In the making of good meat on the farm, curing is of the utmost import- ance. v soa make the mistake of allowing meat to remain in the brine too long—to “talke too much salt.” For] hams a good r to allow a day and a half for each pound of meat; for instance, eighteen. days for a 12-pound| his is for weather where the meat is protected from freezing. If the weather is especially severe, or i meat| freezes, a longer time should be allow-! ed. allowed to sible to prevent ‘it. method it is a good p! meat in a poe In the “dry salt” lan to pack tl eae the meat that was on & | should be placed near t+ bottom, so} as to insure an even distribution o! | salt. Bacon or side meat that is to be| ¢ days.| in salt more than a week 01 | Where bacon is to be Loe ‘nto ot weather, two weeks’ e is an aver-) Sides riahofld be split in a thick « or heavy, and al r of country-cured should be near the suse. - Smoking sma) ‘ny weather, After the hams have teen emoked sufficient! them in old apers te rshests fre het ae hang up in a dark place. sncking WOOL! NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS | ABSOLUTELY ere Fiaanels, Tweeds, y Wool Batts. rp EEE m@-"“LVE AND LET LIVE i e ia of ef ai val ie ia PURE WooL™ ~ 1H are it 18 a good plarito first dip each piece cf rivet in boiling hot or wipe dry. Next eager ihe suface sittitoinetpcinake aa RIS ihe mney also be added, Sepik it in with the pepper. Mold does not injure hams) in fact, a fair coat of mold js regarded by many as a hallmark of a good old ham. Baconi ay be treated mu hams, is hard to keep fro1 getting seg if kept ie rong ie sonall; nev wail se but Selit to leave it tbut a ham does rhe attain its best! flavor ca one yeai eat — othe demand for wool and mutton ? ordinary winter) 1 + done on.damp, “muggy” % a to vate ChanpxGhoy cook in a tomato foundation until all are tender. Add parsley, bay leaf,! lt, pepper and ugar to taste, pack, Jang boiling bot a jar of this delicious combination soup odmed by the offen! eyes aret feel he additional pre-! yur’s: cote stenilization the ve aaa into he jai ing hot, just the same. [an Before ost time aie a trenchtin the Be and sink boxes a carrots, | beets a ips packed (dry) in ex-| | celsior. Cov ae cae een wit d- when you take out the /boxes fh the spring you will find the’ in |vegetables crisp and fresh. ave | vivid remembrance of the prices paid ei for carrots and turnips during the last be cooked, cut from the cob and Sex mead | fore it can live a life of Aine and) two springs, and shell see to it that I conserve plenty of these homely vege- | tables for late use or sale. Carrots, ! Feadae, and Brought in, a box at a to thav use. _ ing them—store many of the which are much Penta: Serve used before summer should 8 eS cleft these baked: aneininy by the big\ tells me 0 is—| strawberries, whic! spoonful. Let some o | sievas,, string and Hove, ripen by soaking yundant Can’ es use ett spring before tl the, saakesntanapile sede Srey eNSmoking) bas much to do. with te! Avon arenas also may be saved leaves for use in the | the Bake biz "Kettletule of cooking pears, to jin it oyen until rich and delicious,’ el arf pi it them into gars and can, | Wild. grapes are preatly preferable to “tame”. ones, for jellies, jam or spiced grape. “Cooking with a little water to t steam—mashin; they cook-—until seeds are LC ag ee Rub all through a‘ sieve, add t f e dines above- fourths measure of| sugar, boil bes any desired size.—I ve all the} The; fe cans eccaat us .' tacking wire netting onto ‘ Siteas minutes or until as hit, as an. wished, If wild grapes are abimdant, use some for grape juice. A good Tule is as follows: stem and mash sx pounds of. grapes and boil until soft in one qu: of water; strain and stand over night. Next morning strain again through three thicknesses of strainer cloth, add one ae of sugar, let boil up, and seal can. Store as any green tomatoes. Paes grapes may be halved, stoned, cooked for about thirty-five minutes with their weight of sugar, adding two tablespoonfuls of water to start.steam. y snake ee incomparable Me to a nies ely wand the wild “beach Api? s delicious ‘meds into both jelly and jan. Wild Beakerriea “angdB wien ties make fine jelly and jam, with a mics feng” auaditvar Wletuel Gay and huckleberries, canned, make as pies and puddings in winter as raitly=pickaa agen teebells} sie in my own pilertiattne oAayeree ot HOt hnuckle, or blackberries with slices of w read in a large deep bowl—using| lots of files and letting it stand over night or a few hours. Tip out as a fold and. sexve> saith whipped team. Stoi tomatoes, wrapp edn Aleta paper a in shallow boxes—as poss and use through the late fall. yourself of Government. bulletins on the subjects. of various. economies, cookery, meat buying, canning and “drying of vegetables, fruits and ber- fe It is a good thing we are follow- ine the exadiple Sh aok exiotmothars] Gvbo=asied epplhar imetties, piahgiies corn, with great success, Corn should on cotton cloth over ~ clean boards, | \ platters, ur drying trays and set in| the sun; while drying, turn or stir well. This on corn makes the most tash, combined with this aifection in many ways. A friend success in drying] i she has. verified and stewing a few of the berries, the result being 4 delicious sauce, ther dried successfully are rots, onions, Swiss chard, rhubarb, ahs nd so fo: paige as seasoning throug Rud through the hands pulverize and keep in baking-| poseadt or esttes tins e wishes to go into the drying nce more scientifically and exten-| vely, there are various drying out- fits aAeetined ek rabat auctanetal, dryer ay be made wy the bottom | igh oblong: frame of of Saree winter. two-incl i FENG | “FROM THE (AN OF eeTHLEHEM ie tie wrt Blow of a Summer even- ing IT rode hie’ a . The, | alittle then fife scree alone the mnbincenabherk Wakivan: - et, was oyer this: very 1 fC aeeeanl and Mary and their ‘aithfat donkey| went in haste the day before Christ- ance is only ue Lig! En; fies in World, 220 {bs SS a Real daca ing, Toronto. Uxhibition.. Pree iitera- H.C. WAGNER Te five months an acre of g NEWTON, 2.2 ONTARIO |f| Pasture = furaisis feed naan to a ton da half of hay, and at les 1’ COsty ES ture at our Bxhibit, n't fal} to.eall. | to Pes ear ee & 3 (ees. © a on Jerasalem | OF mas. The ancient well by the way- side is pointed out, with every degtee| of probability, as the one ‘at whicl s round the town; which is solidly built} Shae ubiquitous ifeneltaiae of the @ wise man builds his house 1 th ‘ock—the underlying’ rock of Palestine —and ofthe rock as wel pe stone is quarried soft and hard: upon exposure to the air. ee a limestone cave, which once was unlovely eyidenc sitife- motably, the ausightly tae divided the: Interior, hav re ONEt * 2 still eae in an’ though mily ig taade by | uni “canned | (for all Rh Sol I ie os foe ey gon 5. iawn WEB ie ‘Atwood, EVER! Or if you live ae ies ie ca sent postpaid. 2 eee E, Dru ete. ; fo: i oes for = $1.04 to the above addresses or : Templeton’s, Limited, 142 ae St. W., Toronto, and T.R.C.’s will b now the sold‘ers ate British, j instead of Turks. | A silver star is let into the centre of the grotto ber be eath the church, and it is inscribed, much ecclesiasti One can cearetly resize thay eh this holy spot the*miracle of the ages was wrought; and that here was! is town the mysterious celestial glory oe and later ‘a focal point of the universe and of Dsigitns What has all this got to do with the present time? Everything. This Bethlehem manger has become central world, Th | with warm water = v a A Pave! ing application for. burns: shoul in every uitchen, a Bo be one—mix the with either olive: or. oan oi It ie very healing. eA Wash leather furniture yes gently which there is a little vinegar, wipe with a dry cloth | turpentine, which is applied with a flannel. ee Dogs are good friends and ate a Not ~ long ay 0 seven mongrel curs ea one farnis If their owner gets. seven times as much pleasure as the owner of one, he must be happy. to a newly seins hg ealeneigahe aitibaen centur- ies ago has become, as it were, the upreme luminary of a celestial sys- ie. seems ne oe SRA into and pi titted Christ wha is to. awing I have recently traveled—“Come over and help us.” There is no thoughtful person intelligently reviewing world’s present condition who does not arrive at the greatest need itual, and to be met only by a vitalized and praia jreligiet urning from Bethlehem soubniegk abd ater Uap Trent two hours in conversation with a cosmopolite who problem places in the present world unsettlemient. We discussed the na- tional perplexities, one by finally confessed ourselves til the soldier said—and he was/not a religious man—T tell ‘ole business will never be set except on the basis of religion ‘which wilt fies peaple cenly friendly.| There has got to be some great pow ahi he spirit of brotherhood into all the world That interview was true to type. Over and over I find all sorts of men turning to religion as fie solution of all mien unto Him: Now, above all! ‘The Indian never liked work but he ladys that have eyer Sheet: is a time of} wanted his sqi to get well as soon as the supremacy of the teaching and mene to. that, bhe’ gould do. tha wore spirit and fetid of Jesus, once born and let him in pe as mother’s hunt, e heart-sore world is ready BiG g : te aay vit the shepherds) "Come, Soafedtt het alae, now, let us go unto Bethlehem \ eat remedy for s of o 1d, Paul heard Macedonia 0 VSN" female weak+ calling in a vision—that same poor, JESS nesses, distraught Macedonia through which Dr. Pierce usea ou, ed Nature and the Indian full ee W tn pth r shit: S207 Gpentstiiat mak ameiranre Women who are worn out, Wr suffer’ prescribed man; druggists, in tablets ant wa, as ig Pierco’s Favorite Prescription. Send 10¢. to Dr. Pierce's Tnvalids? Hotel, aie for trial package. - i Own 1 cannot say enough in prostration’ and wee Peerless Twas sobad the doctors considered mine a hope Tess ci much discouraged and was | yeady ve up when I began taking the “Favorite Prescription’ and the ‘Golden Medical Disc ‘These medicines put me on my fect ‘again and gave me the Sry relief. Being & ‘Rurse T have recommended Dr, Pierce's Medic to many, especial ite Prescription.’ Ticcer 30 tate 0 Poem bein: eee have recommended “Fovorite Prescription’ that been wonderfully helped. the great affirmation of Chnist is be- ing ‘cchoed—maniknd must be bor again, and receive a new nature, be- | helpfulness and harmony. That line of reasoning leads us styaight to the conviction that the | most. important work in ea world at {tie present time is to create Christ- n and women are led is the bi Hasan ‘ashtaien imperi ia, “5 \all the other isms that menace the integrity of civilization. cannot improve upon the Amid these wills | of India and Galilee Jesus chose a dozen common men—just such looking men as are at this moment passing careletiot with | mate | them uncommon men, Their acne ship led them into a servi ere y became a world Aevalutiogising sole Again we are at a plastic hour in oe New personalities are. yet) to emerge to lay a shaping hand upof | events. person who is t h elpers. the spell of Christ's jeadership may tbe ardecisive fac man des I tiny? Mis: are bbcoluty Theteorlah in profoundest and most fundamental | ways when we lead men cae pase i j allegiance. —William T. Elli: the hes work jome express DrFlees to tend Yer pea 2 foeoat pie a desire for a new w religion. coe is, A. le Mic, 616 John cviee or an = yeligions. In the speech of soldierd and statesmen and men of the world, We are agents for tlie Appleford Counter Check Book Co. This firm’ turns out. only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. See our samples and get our prices before ordering. : es ™ Sun Office He Y” besi THE SUCCESSFUL MAN TO-DAY== Is the one who gives careful attention to his & clothes. To him his business suit is of as much consequence as the clothes he wears for social pe STS be 4 well dressed at all times. ALIT ay ibang Try us | for your Ne suit. =| 0, DUFFIEL rtance of ¢ requires des style, finish and correct realizes the: in| THE TAILOR, MONKTON Sr piolant es a ae vee le

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