We Z MONTHS ADRIFT ON ICE FLOE _ CUT OFF BY MILES OF WATER ~ storkersen, Second in Command of the Sl étatisséni Expedition, - ‘Arrives at Edmonton—Proves Keenan Land to be a Myth —No Permanent Currents in Arctic Sea. 178 SUBMARINES | Events 1n England N Germany Has Ceased to Exist as a Naval Power. x The Bolton Corporation has asked atch from Berlin says:—Tho| Lloyd George to accept the freedom ot Es helplessness s of Germany as 4| that boro naval power is demonstrated by a) Tho Lo: ndon County Council have survey of official records of the} ilud plans prepared for the erection” vessels lost during the hostilities and| of fifteen new schoo A despatch fyom Edmonton, Alta.,| land, where they fell in with Captain saye:_Six months adrift on an ice| Anderson, from whom they got sup~| joe in the Arctic Sea, ae off from all civilization ty milds of deen water Perrott iy Sg eR ee under the terms of the armistice and] Tho doath ts announced o Storkersen, ba has arrived inf this | ately set himself adrift on an ice the Treaty of ar epilles: aa pon os ct rink ore has been town Wen i m the great Northern wagjes.| for Scien eSHuOr OnE pis ee ae ard including 249 “Tits ‘ucW. ligadmlatredy: a GIOuGen: SDs Ie A ek esg nr em are rae the journey s an ng ie ex at nomen sunk as ter Girls’ High School is Miss F, Car-~ {ce floc, but these will not be fully dis-| In the first place it was found “ i. Ri per of, 215 lost in ne! Geo ae Dae ag ae cussed 'tintil Storkersen mects his) that there were_no neceasnaet te combat, 84 were sunk to keep oe: ae ae Birmingham last moi as US i from falling into the hands of th Marrylebone on ian the wind and its course ap- Stefansson was taken ill at the last) peared to be determined by that agent moment, and Storkersen, being sec+|alon chief, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, in Banff rents. in the sea Med witl enemy, and 141 are shown on the, cil T election a woman was elected records merely as lost. “In addition,| the top of the poll in — ward, 74 vessels. were surrendered under| On the farm of ‘T, Drury, Munkeel- the terms of the armistice, and 108) ing, East Yorks, a at is acting as more are to be delivered to the al-| foster mother to,a bunch of young lies ufider the peace terms. rabbits. In detail the battle oes show|* A baby wag drowned when it fell Detay to certain phenomena cate command of the party pat proceed | served by Mr. Storkersen, he was in- without the other explor clined to think that there was land So, in the Spning of 1018, betas i t the north of the point reached. i 2 ‘ition was. preliminary arrangements had bi re for this supposi the’ destru fan or capture of one| off a chair into a bath containing two de cee Paes Me enlace Ens ven bi catery sean| nyt water at renege, Mow on Ma wi if ‘ teen small c: ee ‘orty- outh. he huge floe was ‘seven miles in : ott object before the gesing diss length and-at least fifteen miles in pes Sra yon large and a toy Sea ae re ae Faxinisas Es ‘dt Seals, ihe lucks, one small torpedo boats, one special ark County Court for the 3 Ay party was to stay for one A al ead bikda ahoun ee once vessel and one hundred and seventy-| past sixty years, has tendered his re- ible on an ice floe and drift ae ing } gulls an: 2 eight submarines. The records con- signation. cerning the latter show eighty-two| Sir Thomas Middleton has been ap- es ‘ e currents, if any, in Beaufort Sea,| to be the sae food of the seal ; [ost in the North Sea-and the Atlantic,| Pointed a development commissioner to take soundings and to discover any s a result of the strange vovags : saga: pe pp wie of Flanders,| in the place of Prof, new lead thatsmight not have been} much Sferporahat information See re ee San rata in tee) MRERL sighted before. gleaned. Keenan. Land, which was Mediterranean, and five in the Black! George Parratt, a Horncastle fer- Four panes after the party went elles to be SS peeusacd : mer, committed suicide by thrusting ; adrift , Si en was| Keenan, was fou on * = avoid capture] hls head in eight inches of watér and as fcxen iil with asthma, brought on by| At least, there was no land on latitude sWemels des Gee ninth ea wes ee el estootna the extrethe cold, and it was decided|74 and ‘between longitude 140 echt EA ane sunk i Mediterran-| ‘The death is announced at Bllowes to retvin to shore. the| which was where Keenan Sal his BROKEN DOWN. ean ports, four on the coast of 1'117-| Hall, Sedgley, Staffs, of J. L. Gibbons, party then being find. Instead of land was water from Catalog wagons may be all right to look at. But catalog repairs are a different thing. Particularly when | 707.7214’ seven in neutral ports, and| formerly Unionist M.P. for South longitude 147 W., 500 ae to 4,500 metres deep. yow're in a hurry. It is then you learn the additional advantage in trading at home. Not only has the home |... J... sunboats and’ survey Yeesels.{ Wolverhampton, . Amerieaa Cont Storkersen strongly recom-| town dealer the best goods that can be obtained, but he offers you HOME SERVICH as well. Your time is too | Bre eet include twenty-evskt| Sarah Hincks, aged 88, sad ots of ; at Cape Halkett on mended the Government's plan of cot-| yaluable to risk one. of these expensive break-dovins. Buy your implements from your heme dealer and take | ine-sweepers, nine auxiliary eruis-| Florence “Nightingale’s nur 2 Halkett_ they proceeded to Boder Is-|mercializing the musk ox. davantage of the HOME SERVICE he can offer you, , bape err” i aie aad eventy: aceldentiy ea Teiatngtncby Bete ST pera two ia sels. knocked. dba SOLDIER LAND SET Lard—Pure, tierces, 86 to 36%2c; The loss -6f life in connection w tn] Charles oad a west end butcher, : PRINC I %e Markets of the World oie Bere to ay digs 87% to 38%c; these seneale showers total ofs18/8h4| Walle, om bis way tote.) Ne tonaD ‘ : : c. (Com pound tierces, Gan core nl i Sporting Club, fen teow a motor om- TRAVEL 8,800 MILES) TLEMENT INCREASE Tube ato 32he eal, COLUMBIA FRUIT 2 sus ena wat lle O,¢ ae ‘ ute. a2 to x raat 38 to 83%%Ge. The Chiswick District Council has ‘ —_— ~ usp Montreal Markets. ¥ seats puree two hundred acres of land ony appr ‘oronto, At Wheat — ; ‘rem the Duke of Devonshire for an ake es Journey i oe Majority Able to Begin Life on} No. 1 Northern, "2 Bey NZ sie ue eeu Dae ee ae nH Trainloads of Sugar Rushed to ALBERTA HAS COAL Sorbaukinient, Ay, So Ff a tle Man: Western Farms Without = | $2.21%6; No. 3 Northern, $2.17% rade, $11 to $11.10, Rolled oats, bag} West to Preserve Big Crop. ‘ ‘Aid of Govt. Loan. 0. 4 wheat, $2.11, in store, Fort Wil-| fhe,” $495 to $5.25, Bran, $42, esgneud Town cowed Feit tle fo G2h Bren” HE] Geant trom ovawa wo:—| — FOR 5,000 The casaasth ee ofthis Royal} A despatch. from Ottawa says:— ‘arfanitoba oats—No. 2 CW, 923405 tots, $38, Clikeen' anest pastors, 25s. Immediate ‘relief. in the difficult FATE OF U- OF UBOAT Highness the Prince of Wales, so far | Three thousand seven hundred and |No, 3 CW, 91)4¢; extra No. 1 feed,| Butter, choicest creamery, 5 c.| sugar situation in the West may be as it can be definitely announced, is | sixty-eight aie grant entries have |91%c; No. 1 feed, 90%c; No. 2 feed, | Bees, fresh, 62 to 64c; as SOR roe Also Possesses 3 the Bigwest Oil ‘as follows: een mande on lands in the Western | |88%e, Gre na et bg? SE 40 158 to 60c; do, No. 1 stock, 56c; do, No.| ber Fields in the World. BREMEN DISCLOSED Arrive Quebec August 21; Toronto, | Provinces cee the Soldier Settle- | Ma"Gwr fey » $1.405| 9 stock, 43 $9 ae Potatces, per bag, Cotimbia Fru = |No. 4 CW, $1.35; sajected, $1.27; feed, ' a: 0 $2.50. Dressed ho; A despatch from Calgary says:— nagust 24; Ottawa, August 27; leave | ment legislation of the Federal Gov- s1'57, in tore bovt. William. Ea LOR ica, Be “tad seed hogs| and Eastern sugar refiners with mem-| pa‘ B MacCallum, Chairman of the capital September ist; visit North ernment. By Provinces: |, American corn—No. 3 yellow, nom-| pails 20 7 pune Weer | bers of the Cabinet, held at the invita Council "of Scientific and Industrial] British Submarine Sunk Giant g Bay, Cobalt and Timmins, returning} Manitoba jinal; ‘No. - yellow, nomi inal tian of the Canadian Trade Commis-| pecearch, said at the recent meeting 4 to North Bay, and thence to 800," | Saskatchewan d | Ontario oats—No. 3 white, 87 to 90e, Live ose Markets aes Hil SSaneE ERT RC ANE Hun Boat Near Kiel Canal. bs Nipigon, where he will fish for trout.; Alberta ...... | according to fetes eas Tordatos Ang etO-—Choice (Heavy | The vet DiteomelTs tha Guyer; el cp ett ente aetig ae amRey oe fm ie from Washingtox 5: Port Arthur and Fort William, British Golumbia Sh Ontario SaSet Ne eee tr $14.75; good heavy! erally in trainloads, will be sent for-| pos thousand youre with the present sayai—Light gras shed 4ouay on th September 8; Winnipeg, September| There has been a considerable in- e301, nominal; No..2,,do, $2.03 to steers, $18 to $19.00; butchers’ cattle, ward by special arrangements with ve. thoveeuayvelre ae P fate of the* Germain: submarine "Bi sy iy Pee aR ORE SOURS Se ena lane Ne iG ee poe ma ing points, ‘ecortiog to ne. Ss fa 518-20 the refiners and the ri les eae ao Ste cues miky. mallions men, sister of the merchant U- ton, September 12; Calgary, Septem- | lands iers in the past four, ; eee nya will be’ epent in| months. In April there were 946 en-| g CMe minal, se) | aoe exists that the supply will sak with @ Population ot rent re ieta | Deutschland, which mysteriously, dla ish Columbia fruit crop from being emen to New London, and the lot a ; appeared on a proposed trip fro Calgary and its vicinity, feuding a tes; th May, 498; in June, 818; ""Banley—Malting, $1.85 to $1.99, ac-| $10.7 io Sesbinallan stm tae to See Er Git that would inet. the develop speared iat Yu Bre pe ae visit to the celebrated horse ranch of and in July, 941. Porcupine | cording to frei: gbts ted. ment of her natural resources. nel Of whi Leaving Calgary on | Forest Reserve was opened in July| Buck veat_—Nom os ae raborted: iat” ieee ie ah Eugene Coste said eet t eI by # . September 17, stops will be made at| aud about 150 soldiers have already| Rye—Nominal. 4.2 $9; 40, com., $7 to $8 stockers,/-present in British Columbia 10,000 Bigeae' oilfields in ‘the world): 1,600) adit, that the crew of the Brem eS ¥ ouise and Field, in the Settled there. At the instigation ace arta —— ‘overnment stand- $3 15 to $1,155 fe footers, Su 50 010 $12 S15h tote of husthriinge tenia Caine iles by 800.miles wide. turned up at Hamburg. nadian Rockies, the programme at | the Soldier Settlement Board, the Pro- , S11, canners an tters, 6.75, Seb Pina matte man, sonra de GPs iota, ener ages Sa i a a a nee —+ _ |, Bepppewmalie ie, ently 2 into the.rest id tructi steel ba i ed. ig ‘: = Negiey digest jal Sage Teas Mend sacitbee tee that bel otic mea, Seipment; dos 1D 38: te ers, $00 to $150; light ewes, ‘s to §10; tually preserved by the Fruit Gee pala WILL LAU sige 22, the: Sibampenranes’ of Hie, Gommiaa Tinte to eantiiee: Gencanier 39,| next season the area will be pretty #1080, in Jute bags, ‘Toronto, pomp yearlings, $10.50 to $18; spring lambs, ers’ Association, but are shipped fresh ORLD'S LARGEST "WARS ba netstent Bae sigs tals him any x ia mn per ewt., $17 to $18.50; calves, good; to the Prairie Provinces, where they ieut.-Commander ldge, ae. tor to New Westminster through | well Mlled up. | who have take RL cor tee to choice, $18 to $22; xhogs, fed and are bought by the consumers, usually) A despatch from London saysi—|N., who said bis information camd Southern British Columbia, Penticton a 4 ,, DABS > » per | watered, $23.75; x do, weighed off cars,’ in case lots, and it was customary for | Appointments are now being made to| from Lieut. Langley, of the British September 29, and steamer trip on}dlers’ land entries also have received | 10 850; good feed flour, per bag, $3.25 see oy f.o.b., $22.75, xPackers’ | consumers to purchase. the required ron un a mie aun navy, =“ papeaigt ae ee 00 c % Shrough. the Coow'é Next fi a great miny were able to |* in. sone 4, partons $02 t67 $245 [joe eee ana od Wee coe eieioneal [Pee alee ot aebates e Sigain about the end of Octo Braet Stach. patra: re Teo October 2, Lethbridge, Medicine pane teTste ae BN rape | mise, per ton, $10'to $19, track, To: ot ars Ghrce steers, $12 to $13) Will be undertaken by the refiners’ /nificent vessel is A vdalquereephe |”) sLieut Mlcngley) aetoaint ta) tha . na Moose Jaw, =e Regina, October Guteieent loake F ‘ aiesiD x arades, $7.50. Pl apent senting as she does an absolute blend] story, Lieut,-Commander Stockbridg¢ . ‘Three days’ duck aunt Shs Stray—Cor lots, per ton, $10 to $. ere" cates bests $8 to $12; canners, othes ahinoente will go forward in| of the battleship and battle cruiser, | told me, cruised in the direction of tracks.Forom 5 to $5.50. Calves, ed milk-fed| due course, but it is certain that the | and having all the gun power of the| the Kiel Canal one night, Com’ Winnipeg, October “he Fort Willian’ MONTREAL FIRE TRAGEDY Country Produce—Wholesale. stock, $12 to $15 per cwt. present prompt ee will relieve | former type combined with ‘the tre-| the surface at dawn, the British craft eto! Be 7 ov Ose at Biscotasing CAUSED BY SMOKERS’ Butter—Dairy, tubs and rolls, 36 to FUSE eR what had become a serious deadlock in| mendous speed of the latter. saw a huge German submarine not Boone vant Pe ‘g Georgian Bay to 88c; prints, 88 to 40c; creamery, fresh eos OF AID TO RUSSIA the sugar supply. This arrangement fe loronito:. amd» Hamilton, “October 18; |. A despatch from Montreal says:—|made solids, BI to biseer prints, S14 $70,000,000 SINCE JULY |is entirely in addition to supplies in| withheld, she is known to be by far) «Tt was the work of a few momenta ¥ Niagara he is October 20; Brant-| pire Commissioner La Tulippe has| to 52c. excess of the normal consumption| the largest warship in the world. Her) to land two torpedoes amidships wh , xe Guelph, Borptiord, Woodstock, | opened his inquiry into the fire at| Eegs6 to d7e. ac ‘A despatch to London says:—Bri-| which have been shipped from Eastern| displacement is not less than 40,000| Lieut, Langley aati He describ s hatham,’ sondon, indsor, Gait, | Dominion, Park on Sunday last, and it] nese pow) ‘e Le ee a ickens, tish expenditures for ay and mili-!refiners in the last few days. ton n i ‘ Kingston, and a as reaching was broyght. out in evidence that $9..° iuotlings, ‘Bees tuvkeos,, 85. to| t@2¥ operations in Russia from the 48 ethers and she is almost 900 feet) the middle as the result of the terri Montreal Oetober 27. ‘The total 'twelve persons had boarded the boats | 4oet, squabs, oe Ke paca ge we aerey Gail the Sec . in length. “In her hull have beet em-| fle explosion, with both ends rising aia ae TO-qamIghracy dgvover: oe the ee Bil just previous to the} Live pouitry-~Spring chickens, 30, July amounted to £70,000,000, accord-| Beir ie? pepper is the best remedy hodied all the dearly, bought experi) high in the air, The British com- 8 ‘ tragedy. the present, clues| to $2c; roosters, 22c; fowl, 26 to 30c;! ing to an official “white paper” issued ences of Jutland in regard to armor| mander said he ead ad clearly along the Bos Ses OS lowing hg Beis had lost their tyes ducklings, 22c; turkeys, 30c. here to-day. These expenditures’ in- #e will-4ost thé” Canadian National] S2amaden water protection; °°» bow the word ‘Bremen’ in large let- $5.000000 In Galt Ingots had been found, °A long list of wit-|, Wholesalers are selling to the re-) cluded assistance given Admiral Kol- Bahibiing over $25,000 in salaries,|_ Het armament consists of ight 18) ters, and then pth wads plunged ber 3 ered From Wrecked! Ship |Tesses.was subjected to close question-| tail, trade af the following prices: || chal, head of the Omal All-Russian] transportation charges and board to| 8c! 6uns—not 18-inch as sonle Papers| neath the waves.” P ing, and his conclusion at the end of! , one*sey, tp aise ieee peeet | Government, and Gen, Denikine, com-| bring. the British Grenadier Guards| Dav? crroneansly stated Wiki sit 2, Sieringnisiapae: that spatvengers,cin| Ste print mander of the ant Bolhevil forces| Band out for the two weeks o} can brine Inter actionyat: 8 apeely De i is A despatch trom i Bunerana, bata | Boss Felton sed to: 0g f the ‘i h The Hood, ‘says:—Gold ingots 2 ot | going through the Mystic Rill, ba Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 46 to| om the southern froi ig Fair. about 38 miles an hour. 6 : (ood, AZTECS HAD MIRRORS. Mees £1,000,000 sterling Have ison fecavor. | been responsible for the fire throush | 486; oer prints, 55 to 56c. tn fact, promises to prove quite as bial sd0y.eelzagere from the, mtesk of the enol Nomen aot prepared Hage No: Ts, 58 58 to 54c; selects, 57 ees Have elecionehe teelts coher eee i He pata ba ait mai i 0 state thal = 2e8—! ’s, 0 54c; selects, ie! jexici former White StarDomision. Liner fide ei ai 5. trials are awalted with keen interest, |. "or Use® by Ansienl 3 = 2 & t 4 2 2 pe m4 e ane gazing and the use of magic ! diary nature. The Fire Commissioner | t0_5' Laurontie, whlch was sunk January | 97 rhe F Ei 28, 1917, off Fasal Li peplpsmied the: iaaWiy eine die. ana seal ol oat ah te se mirrors played an important part in The Laurentie, 0 Maas! tte goa Stated that full investigaton into the) gg¢° turkeys, 40 to 45c; ducklings, Tbe religion and wizardry in the past, and Sy tons, which was acting as a Bri itis jorigin would be See: %5 to 6c; squabs, doz., $7; gee DIRIGIBLE STOWAWAY though almost every nation had’ its Ee auxillary eedlsee: struck a mine 0c, PUNISHED BY BRITISH NAVY | own method these did not vary as the nortti coast of Ireland and Mes ANDREW CARNEGIE BURIED Live: poultry—Spring Geecais, 85e; xe uch as it would be sup) . sank. Of a personal of 470 only 120 AT TARRYTON | fowl, 30 to 36c; ducks, 27 t ‘A despatch from Edinburgh says:—| ‘Thus while Japan had in her inner wore saved. 9 0 adian, Tappiked ‘bus Ballantyne, the stowaway on the R-84) temples mirrors which only the priest a A deipatsh from Tarryton, N.Y, ported hand eed: Bega; e43 Linde: on the voyage to America, on his re-, saw, and which were always to re- * says:—The body of Andrew Carnegie, 15 t turn to Scotland has been ternibly) fect the good and the beautiful for 3 HONOR eRe oF 8 teel Saran aa philanthropist, wes Henkes Extracted clover, 5-Ib. tins, punished by the British navy. the gods, the ancient Mexicans taught ANADA'S HEROIG DEAD. | laid to rest at 5.30 o'clock on Thurs-| 24 to 25c; 10-Ib. tins, 23% to 2de; He was not court-martialed, but,| that their God Texcatlipuco had a yad afternoon on a hillside in historic} 60-Ib. tins, 28 ‘to Bes buckwheat, 60-Ib. placed before the officers, was Tec-| magic mirror in which he saw every- A despatch from Ottawa says:— Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, overlooking | tins, 18 to 19¢. Comb, 16-0z., $4.50 to tured on the canst he had incurred, thine that happened each day in the Canada’s var toll ty men, according to, the Tudson $5 doz.; 10-02, $3.50 to $4 doz and informed he would not again be the official figures of the Militia De- SNE SEN ides Pret to 80.30% oe Gipers permitted to ak teas cat ste, dS iets obsidian mirror “ with its partment, is 54,919 dead,-$,119. report- : Saal el igible’s crew. strange textile string still attached ts eT missing, 2818 prisoners of war,|.teRt-the Prince of Wales hag ex-| netiat, eons HEBD I Ae .A0y Sugar) He anid honbuld Wake nboterved a{ in-tne Britteh: Museum, now eudcwan 2 149,709, waunded. ppetsed.the desire sto. mest, anme, of ) Ix, 776, hfbicsai year in solitary confinement. used by the Aztecs and ancient Mext- Géthils ave ad ‘follows: Kiedy Me Canadian. soldiers: whose.acayaint= povinjons--Sygplesale. ete 2 cans for various purposes and verry tn action or died, of wound cers, | ance he made overseasiduring his stay: “Smoked meats —Ham to \ He probably for srystal gazing, I Peso: athe rake, 48,338; died.| i To¥onto, when he will open the| 48¢; do, heavy, 40,td 4c; rooked, 08 : «i eiual thb-each be aie i lfioe no officers, 284: other ranks, 3,706; miss-| C@median National "Exhibition on ie 65e ys ee to B50; breakfast Bee. be Prine of alee used by pecalied “wizards,” so far as a seene ‘August 25th, He’ will review 15,000 | bacon, acks, ‘plain, 5 spend an entire day inspecting live- f Ing—oficops, 252; | ather rags, 7.76%: over eas troops on Wednesday, Aug. | S16) boneless, 86'to 58e; clear bellies, EATH IN MIDST OF PLEASU! stock, agriculture and manufacturing | # Shape fe comegrned. | Rie ne ot er ears, 130; other | + o7th, Veterans’ Day at the Big| "8 to 35¢ at tia. raius of the Mystic REI ahd Sealy: Rathway=at" Doc} predicts of Canada, atthe, Canadion| Cent] weane. argatal seating _ ranks, 2,688; wounded--officers, 6,244; | ust 27th, song elear, bacon, 82 | minion we Or afoutecal destenyed tore ant in wich af lease. sevenl| Nagional Rafbition, /-Wedasndny, | Pracsee’, Sum sh imspno ee noes & other ranks, 148,365. Fair to Be, clear bellies, 81 to S20. liven sive. lost : Aba Bee esday,| havo tried it that the mirror or cry- 5 —— et ee stal seoms to disappear into a mist a OH! PARDON ME- WHO ARE You ? 10 BABIES FORMING, TLL WANT OUTSIDE FOR HIM ‘ The A HURRY CALL SAY* OR, KILLUM #1 i NSN SO ero THE HOUSE + HLL ENT! | LIKE TO SEE YOU <1 | Cony FEEL RIGHT: 53 \ = he 1M A FOOL AN' JOST FOUND IT OUT! The Cryptic Cable. For smartness te poctinay! Ph bi yery hard-to beat, oll sonage in Devonshire bad just "ruoetredl the eae was baifled by the mys terious message, but after much pus ling the meaning dawned upon him, Taking down his Bible he yoha a the Second Epistle of St. J read the twelfth verse, which runs ag’ follows:—“Having many things te write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink, but I trust to come ‘|'fo you and speak face to face that joy may be full.” His son was on es