Milverton Sun, 21 Aug 1919, p. 5

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NOTICE The price ws eee Brea has tak- en another advance. e leaving hin’ the ened installed at the Last Materia and ator anaes — JAS, W. SCHMID’ fiitverton Notice to Farmers The undersigned will ship hogs in future as feu lows :— Friday, ee ae MS P. R.,. Mil- R. inner. oa announced ighest nrices, guaranteed. iver hogs C.P.R., Mil- 10.50, nih MILLER, ATKIN & SCHNEIDER. For further ne pbticclate apply to, any and Trunk ticket agent or C, E. Mubieiostits Township of of the ington, County of Perth. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- of the ING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 1919 the eee a Mil- ty Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the per- at i on th Re aeaes and remains there es reby call open all voters to take aouedints pects hav ions. corrected ace bag ar 4 COMMERCIAL Spring deity per bus. A ; ee $2 05 Fall 5 jar Outs « War Flour, spring, ¢ War Flour, blended pide War Flour, winter, owt, m CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIR FIRST POST- | take immediate d 1919. d this Second Be of August, 0 Ww. D: BR an Clerk be Milverton. Ro ‘5 | statement nature of the sanity: if any, held by 10 a gust, 1919 ection. nd I hereby call upon all voters to wroceedings to have missions corrected ac- m tl ‘and’ remains there for ins) any errors cording to Dated this Thirty- first day of July, WM. WAD: Clerk of Moraiigton. | Notice to Creditors In aie matter of the Estate of Gilbert ‘obinson, late o! e Township of Mactopia: in the County of Perth farmer, decease sees and deserptions, the full partial ns of their claims, a of their accounts and the nd take nae at after sank last mentioned date the said Administrat- or will proceed to distrib ate the as- sets of the secaness among the ties entitled seve having regard ne ae an Shall a en Administrator, ‘will Snot a "abe Eel ts or any part or persons seit seine shall not have been r ived by him at the time of such di i tribution, is son & Makin: Solicitors ae the said ‘Administrator. | Dated this 29th Of July A.D. 163d.) i of eupied_ the pulpits of ‘the Einviood |fj The harvesting is fair: ly on the way es fiorning District Passenger Agent, Cate moderately at all times; and Toronto, Ont, and the fall wheat, is found to be third, having the diet consist of sim- of a good sample and of an mney te: aie area good yield but the spring wheat ape eee Mia ny: on 4. C. BAIRD, ‘Phone 1, Local Agent |pears to have been struck with the ‘aost prevalent SS ote rust and in some places pretty badly | ease A dati rend’ “eating: Tis So shrunken and rather small yield, the | things that are not well balanced. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST-|barley_is rather short but the grain |Scienee has figured out that the nor- ING OF VOTERS’ LIST is tan good be the oats a very /mal man requires so many calories or Ln agate e roots and corn |heat units, and the average woma) thi one a Berens the dry} so many. ‘The rule is often hard to Voters’ List, 1919 weather should greatly improve with | apply, but here imple rule that the benefit nb, the refreshing showers = last f. the shen of Ri pper ahi ed at. D. Holm id Mrs. t | Ralp! hi and Joe Tae Charlotte ‘Adair, of Stratford ‘Tuesday evening in Milverton - life lies a “great deal in the following: v. Mr. Sterling | Mr. Thos, | that mor Tt is always well to avoid heavy als, The ctice of haying a es, Miss Agnes Hol- | heey meal on Sundays or holidays is im and | not id | stanc: | Siself poisoni oie ‘Adair and sons| ‘There died: at, Mitehell, on Wed- jneuae , Augus e Beh, George Vivian Sera esi Fanny |e ye Ana Ss eee ative © | Cornwall, England, pitet ety to ja when 21 yea joey! age. {vi aioe by two sons, William, and George, of Satiechelly 2 daughters, who reside in the United me Spee me-of Mr. and ‘Mr, SALESMEN WANTED THE OLD antares FONTHILL The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in years. British and Euro- ean cmap ‘again open for Cana- FOR SALE ian d of yearlings. Apply t Largest list of Fruit and Orna- | ‘Rida fot 6, on the 5th con, Opa, mental Res gee Potatoes, etc., rown in Ferns Sys ee te Particulars NOTICE ‘ONE & WELLINGTON Pinca 1837 Stat FOR SALE Gasoline engine, 8 geht Dalle ney to Dunnville Apply, to Hugh M , RR, No. 2, Atwoo To represent Haying disposed of my flour and fe Newton I am. desir- ou having all outstanding ac- re Toronto, Ont. | ounts settled by September ets R. Jack, Newton, | | es ; Announcement! ne King, of Guelph, to do our | we repairing lt cost you no pas "oi Morte Were tone Hare as and pane, mie ey i ie: Hak the best repel shop fait ell, ‘al hates padealion ex: | in "Guelph and does v igh-class cept 6 acres ‘es in bush. ly to Simon | worl Hold, Milbank R. R.. pd. | ave us a tris ari aig: are sure | you will come back a Seaton EAE J.C. WILSON, | : General Merchant, - FARM FOR SALE That 125 acres, lot 5, con, 5, Wel- sley township, rete section. On ood house, cement silo, large le Sungnigerents | she pr emises is flange, bank one south half of the east pee aH MONKTON | 10¢ five, concession eleven, Town: of rich cli ay aa partly tile drained, eae ‘of Moi grninEton, containing: fifty or es | | 0x! i Me CK Ford Tessin ng Cis iar a R oadsters can now be Wee san new Ford electric starting and lighting — systems as OPTIONAL “EQUIPMENT. This electric equipment is a Ford product © built by the Ford Company in their own factory, and consisting of Generator, Starting Motor and Storage Battery. It is as reliable and efficient as the Ford Motor, into which built. The Ford Standard Magneto also supplies ignition independent of the batteries. Ford Runabout, $660. lear Starting and Lighting Equipment is $100 extra. $1175. (Closed model prices include Electric Starting and Lighting Equipment). Ford, Ont., and do not include the War Tax. On open models the Coupe, $075. Sedan, —o_— Fora Electric Starting and Lighting ~ | E.H. GROPP, Dealer, Milverton = t FOR SALE | WINNERS OF THE FIELD CROP DONEGAL | WELLESLEY COUNCIL at # salary. of $125.00 per year, LADIES’ FALL WEAR a | COMPETITION IN ELMA By another correspondent Counen ‘met mm the ‘Tp. hall, at conned stecubon in discuss |, ‘There has been an advance of fro Hen house 8x12, Apply at Sun I Miss Loraine Buchanan entertain- Greet on Monday, August th. a ye the new telephone system | 50 per cent. in all lines of oe office. Atwood Bee es and ek: of ed a ae ee of her friends on | Members all present and Reeve Reid: to connect the several lines, en- | wear, gl Wes and hosiery. Kid gloves Last week the folowing anaes in suratond, ie casing Mrs. Brown. | Mo on it bein; ae 12th aS te the chair, gaging operators for the 1) ar practically out-of sight, and when jth ld rer. competi oats. id Mrs. sens and Mopaey. ate the home of Robert | ee was passed striking the conten ete., and finally appointed | present stock is sold thi VICTORY BONDS | were given by judge ee Schmidt, one oh of SI apeare, and M | Bue ‘anan, All report Save had a | tax rate for the present seat ee members of the board to man-|be replaced with fal lov: of Mil eee nd Mrs, Robert Armstrong, of Ellice; good time. ills for municipal -purpos sod j age 45 and direct affairs for the time hosiery, stockings that formerly sold Vietory bonds bought and sold.—. A p-Rinxs Roh 82, Sent Sunday. visiting friends ers ‘essrs. We ede jon, S. conten = ile es ad ik Gent To thi ‘bet “Neve at $2 per pair, have gone up to $3, and George Ri RB. No. 1, i ‘ohn Cowan, 85. ers, Melvin Scott ill also a es e_schoo! ates! ‘over Neeb, seconded by L. | even thi t b lity. leorge Roe, R.'R. No. 1, Newton. TW. Shearer, 79%. ‘ir. and Mr®, Robert Ropnick are) W. 5 fora fe Toft an Tuesday oe ae Bee the various sections. |-Raschier. that thie eoouel’-do mow | An increase in ne ie looked fon i 4—-W.S, Donaldson, 72. leaving for oo Detroit and W. purchased eo | The following collectors: were ap-! a Hou rn to meet again on Tuesday, | cashmere lines also. Georgette, which : 5—J. W Boyd, 67%. Sarnia on Wedn ay Daw car pne day last week. | pointed: T. Crokshanks, for n.h. of | the — day of September, 1919, as] formel t $2 an 50. per FOUND 6.—A, eee yn, 64%. ‘iss Lizzie Terry es visiting Mi ‘s, Norman Acheson and | the western gecko at a salary of a place at 10 o’clock a,m.—Carried y ii ly | v arried | yard, is now retailing at $3 and $3.80 7.—R, J. Coghlin, 63%. { Elsi Cowie, at Carlingford, and other family fyera guests at the h aS f | $42.00; Nelson McFaddin, for the s-h. | hat georgette blouses ¥ a pat watch. Owner Bees have i ands ears Ge tare Ge ae s. But yen ip 2 Sunda; ee St Ae a seers Ne ale, £0 e new fall line of sam aying Seer, enry | uy your cal age ‘rom Gill—l i, Elgin Vipon returned to al . A. Runstedler, for the S laut, OF iverton ms 2 3 ; site 1c, small es af ay be na ‘ ine after spending his holidays ele of ihe eastern section at ! eon s Georse Resta: sion mie inderskits which mrt or |These prices only 0 at his ho: Fe t FOR SALE | Saturday’ nit Mr. Matheson, of Calic Moved by Necb segonded by a Wiest: Hoard Gt: Comal has 26008 irattehs ee ee FOR SALE | piss Else Cowie, formeh school tori, Ms, 3 A Matheson, of Cat ‘ler that. the following accounts be | Mende el for tial payment of 2.15 | Teo the ail are selling xt, faite j Young ples, Apnly to 1, D. Atkin, Ueneher here, and new of Winnipes, |Mus. John orter, of Marts MP sin’ | paid and that the "Reeve and Clerk| Per bushel, for wheat, on # basis Of | reasonable prices. In su iia, thie new ryod sows with ters for, ae it eee * iste Miss Lizzie Terry, on Tuesday Jas, Soe corte stratford, and Mr, [issue orders ment thereof — |G ern, Fort William, ‘The | shades are ¢ burgundy Sep Pa ‘Aig? ne toh. Hastin ie \Tast and called on her many friends) and -Mrs. of- Mill- | John Schleutert grave per | Go Svermment as approved of the | ong navy. % lot 5, con. 11, Morni ieee ite | | ne aye spent 4 da: ith, their nephew |contract, $236.2: Jae ‘Lienbardt + ~ —| N ch C fi ‘i | Me reise ne day eteen four Mr. ‘Willia: a heson, om ihe old ee ange yards [ae sual 1.875! 3 = = = = = * er Monkton on ween four | homestead, h vdancession, i e ey rawing gravel and pa: IARD ON HOUSEWIV! a WANTED olice to Vontractors. jand seven orelock jn the morn ing,| Messrs, W. Stanley “andl ment of amo; 168.677 Oscar ‘ts | TISTCOR FACE FAIRS. ae at — fe {the ney on Huggins’ Wilson Ford ‘ant mes ae Hymers left |gpeine on road grader, 105,00; | Sess. OS en ie ‘ taaaeel 0-|pe AP SL fy he oa att the house. i ae only Seas vepered oy the We est. sere ee a oes pet, wr i053 Sri of a sonny : a lea Aad) oes pet RoR ing is be- AF y Sco’ an rien i ng] ansfor rv r de Assi e icultural ° Keren a land with suitable buildings the Pei he eee will Heiter oi wW mn. Gatto man, Mi cation spent ‘Sund any pa no ape ee oe i : pon on beitze 7 teaming gy aio § ! Societies Branch jepath eae ay 1 = urned to their 2 rs. fussar an amily -oebel cing roadwor a council at two aaa mn the emai some time with the former’s ae. ee es Atwood and Donegal i |John Rau, building ponent culvert Monday in September. » bss ‘Mar \¢ vand. ana 5 red Bat Cee NOTICE Plans, and spe ecifcatjonn| aie hur Scott, aurel, is | ‘engine on road paler 35.00; 3 y be seen at the Clerk’s office any | spending hs holidays with is cousin, | Diebold, work on road an pReeS r uve will ship hogs at G: 7. R, yards Friday fe ‘i the tovmnship Een New-| Scott Golightly. a | VACATION WITHOUT, REBUKE |9.10; Abram Siegner, compensation y ilverton and Brunner, on Saturday, ton on the first Monday in Septem! Mr. Nunn, 0 mira, spent a |for moving fence, 12,90; John Linse- Bed August 80th—F, Zimmerman & Son. | at two lock. * ing weston = Phi B i Philadelphia Pres: oe dij ging ditch half pay, 3.00; 8. suck, 0: iagara Pal 5; | a ‘ _ Simon Friedman, gravelling’ as per T 2 “Wat dae PEM Lb ington Ne and Mi Sarah, ae fs ae able oe ee ae 2 Soo contract, ek 3 ae on os, apes Los’ 3 | wood, were visitors at, the home e|ing gravel per ‘contract, 4.00; Saw- Britton R. R. No. 1. Me J.B Bre. EE fe I \Gusto ek Hoses ESE ag cet Manage a ee nee ab ae ush- Square gold. Brooch at Millbank on | ———= re ine spent Suns (co tyasted with the horror that had | Cf iL, Baechler, expenses to Peace ‘Dey, Fi der please communi- og with friends at Atwood. OY baepeio cep through human | Hamilton, 8.00; J. T. Pete yp eapenees 4 washing dishes instead of “ed, 8 cate with Mie ‘Robe Stewart, Brit- NOTICE | Fethins ‘and d the Mis. ie Te has been curious to note the | to Hamilton, 7.00; H. Knight, tS 17 | church services. I hereby notify the public, that af sat Fionence, Sigel svoning Stat Eno Rect bamtan es Saste sto Hamilton, Void eee orrie ct, ereby not e, pubis F i 1, ‘lton, °7.0) Ccevesessenssengnnneg st ainenreste “responsibl the pay: | Listowel. | at the Sond torn em tiief in| Neeb, expenses to Hamilton, 8.00) franave soe a FOR SALE ment of any debt contracted By po Miss Exma, Hiles, of Arress i is a the ‘peace of the human” spirit as| J, B. Petch, operating road ae p and 2 OUR DIVORCE “LAWS” son, Russell Mi olz, ‘who is a| present visiting her cousin, contrasted ‘with the wondrous calm | 58-503 Herl aufman, printing as % ait do | Horn, ae ete per contract, part 82. Tcbas never. favored ing, g dusted on "ein set, Aver hae theurawd eisk Jacob. Mit tel | Rae: w. - sho at Walton, a ree amie an ta ah ce hemes se. = Saree i and. Park a ‘3 olz, 34 levine agent, who is at Walton, “rts phone system, 00,—C: {oe Gevome, large Tote hard and soft PO, ey que 19, 194i | Sunday at hie home ‘one were that we took durine those Se Peete water. Apply to Art Hatz, Milverton, , iseuteae> eet ("Miss Bertie Ronnenberg spent Sa? | NeeMe ctv e can look out on wear) lled by dogs and was awarded ue is t Sr ee ee aa ee tM \tiful countryside and find its peace- | $15. n of Baechler andj i . HOG FOR SERVICE GIRLS WANTED | Mr. 0. Du fel ‘has commenced OP- fal charm.mateed in our own hearts | Knight, ws in . | eratio: all of his ne : Moved by Neeb and seconded by Oita ay r did Yorkshire hog for pose "reside "Stn Gerth’s ‘h e we have| Knight that H. Kappas be appointed ita (Central Pgs eee nc pn Ga vice ‘at the rate . of $1.00; algo have nee en oe hen fH t but ae Emenee fH Merlay, Palmerston Perrine stk ce ave Mf % Rev. Thomson, of Hastin: Ca 2 Pa . aes spplicatian was defeate: Rice a fine y i Durkan. bull torn Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. | occupied the pulpit of, Knox chureh ceased.—Catried ‘ort Hlgin . Le er discovered, while Parlia~ (At for ser Mervice). I Blevers R, R No. aes ee ‘on Sunda Thomson ; alae a a eens f eS ment wee in ‘com ittee of the wi hale » Bri ort hours—a eee ae 4 : ae Se gS geen Re 8 10 m. | s we see on all! townsh = $a | with Saturday half folday, Siete Mrs. Jae i, a cat | side, Gechapg ie iseiuectaeiue Yauch banded ui hte een Togo ( Sinaia: Netloall, ‘2 Ave. | the’ rules th bill was thrown out. fs ; FOR SALE Velable taining ble jeral anit S sedauin that we can now face nature without] The Bnpliconts being J. Lorentz and — 23 t Soe ae aluable training in agreeable | - feeling the rebuke of her profound] G, A, Barbour. After due consider- W: dita ry. The Sun office for up-to-date S:roomed ‘house with woodshed and work for the inexperienced, | : Mrs. " Rrances and daughter4s ation cae Lorentz was appointed Woodstock . -Sept. in ae 8 fob. Pointing. splendid garden. Opposite skating of Strat ord are at present visiting nic: ‘ood. terms. A good living wageto beginners | yrs. s. Stewart NO DOUBT WHERE FARMERS - further particulars ‘apply to George whch ma tops ibe 2a with | jacob Weber, who has SOND . ‘ink, Linwood, Ont. experience and proficiency. ill with pneumonia, is dee pe ashes } = Write or call— ee “Rite is at prevent vis- Sager Son LOST non There may be lack of clearness and i Ham | precision as to the attitude of the (Ene M a ; tivik ibn aud aos ts ailyéena MERCURY MILLS mau site afte leaders of the two old parties in this : — oe: fa lady’s wrist wateh with black rib- LIMITED sad Miss Loulhom there ig 10 doubt whatever ic, er ran d, Finder will kindly) ya rnil oO i {Bett er, ot New emborg, s ane the as to where the United. Farmers of ora leay Reta Ger Pauli,| Hamilton = =~ mtario tte, ee My: Jctteors, | Ontario stand on this important ma- Queen’s hotel, Milverton. ae Tg rie wey ae es ‘for |tter. Their stand was unequivocally O well known as to have b pai ue ee — lthe’ West “to visit his’ parents, who {stated at the last convention o ae Wa ee an ans ae Leal ee Se ne a Oc Lele inetenonbe when. Canadian institution is this grand FOR SA SALE AND TRUN RAILWAI cadon, took ‘charge of the | Solution was unanimously sdopted working Pandora M | Sa A gvaniey a of inch Poantbes 28 i SYSTEM Sum nd in the Methodist church on ae the Tanutac- ive nee Cases begs eyes enoven lumber. g timber and ing the ¢lectrical storm on Sa-| ture,importation and sale of in- so evenly heated that even the be; can. long posts of the ee quality, Lin- HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS | tarday the barn of Mr. Henry Riehl pasate liquors as beveragesin bake well with it. Grates work genic asbestos lar ti eaver board) as struck by lightning. The hay anal | Sag eas ae enameled and may bi for lining din s. Will be sold $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Started to burn but: was quickly Onn ‘anized farmers have not wait: | ag ts and may be removed auiekly a and will # I not, be xe laced-—80 eae 3 secateut by putting a wet broom into the ree for -bublig guinken cece el t as “ 4 ce ; E a r. rt in v2 S + Fags, : AGRE call at once. iverton. |. . (Plus % cent per mile beyond) fate Ee Sree tok ehtming. Gordon |, so mold on that right expres: There is a lifetime of satisfaction in the a oar |srith a imife in the driving shed ft \Giote bg iver di 4 the time: received: e K that | for pr 0 y as a War- FOR SALE August 19th—from all stations be-|the fime received sucha shock that | time measure > for the same mea- ° hand and ween and Toronto, Weston. tis eae sure as.a means reasing the ef- Solid brick house with three rooms| _ Pp; Hee boon Sa ee, ee acne theta moran: de Pet. Relarave ‘and North Bay, "imeladiig Mrs: George Adair and |ficiency and the happiness of the peo- 0 'y o Ue upstairs and three rooms down stairs] Penetang, Meaford and Midland, | " and two halls, good well; well situat-| Depo ‘and intermediate | family 50 spent ut Tuemdny, a¢ the home. of | He 1 P°#S® Se ee ed on Mill street. For further par-| stations. lolmes’, Milverton. °-. | ss ee Biba ad again | Sires RPDS: APRs tee Cee os with their threshing outfit attending Milv August 21st—from Toronto, and. all i the farmers’ needs along that line WE EAT TOO MUCH 5 stations west and south thereof in : Ontar In the absence of Rev. Mr. Watts| ‘The secret of a long and healthy Mr. Thos. E, Hammond, of Bima, oc = SESE EES [with goad 0 utlet for diainage. - +. € | are on the premises a ban! W. D. Weir’s Sale Register 60 feet, a frame stable ene, an |orchard, three wells, two Tuesday, Sept. ‘2nd, 1919—Mortgage , no house. Possession Sr el aoe illage lots in Carthage, at ae on or before October 1st, par | 30 Waddell, Proprietor.

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