Milverton Sun, 11 Sep 1919, p. 1

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Aladdin Lamps MANTELS and WICKS For Sale by P. NEUMEISTER Milverton, + + - + Ontario “Ht Shines For All.” FOR SALE ‘A new rubber tired buggy, a steel tired bugey and a corn ‘binder for sale at a bargain. _MILVERTON GARAGE ‘oprietor Vol. XXVII—No. 39 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, Sept. 11, 1919 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Items of Local Interest. Wai to Box 5, Sun Office. Cravwiond ax and daughter to Hotetreuns Fair io Mr. : HL. Honderich hes sd tk house on Wilfred street to Hoffman. SSAA in rs, F, L, Tuesda: Have your hotographs taken at Hollefreund’s on Milverton Fair Day. addon, attended the ea rs oO Presby ry meeting at Stratford on Messrs, Williamson Bros. shipped Service trope verton on Saturiay 108d | "SR aceron_ Womens Tnatete of horses. > Mann, of Port Elgin, |ha® undertaken the maintainance of R. ea a ates at the manse on Thurs- Seas Bante: ad Bi ady Borden are at ee ill from a slight attack ots influenza. W. J. Lu epee of veh frie lesley: an wee Of tie, Ward-—B Co, with eres amin Hee from Milverton and | Li tended the Wellesley i nes i in | Detr ‘The Prince of Wales will be in on October 21st and in Wi London on October 22nd. 0! ‘oronto, nt : “ite erton last | Ber Conce week renewing acquaintances. Treat . * Mr. Win. Sins, af Toronto, spent | £o%, distribution in a day o a day or two last week visiting at the] 410: have eS Ho ome of his ee sch of Sim. |Siler Septemier 80th will have ‘hem four questions in’ the referendum | hatwed tp their actount. Geo. 5 ballot or. your ballot will be counted | Coxom Milverton. ot nin oil + le A “z Thanksgiving Services wil S day from the be he 1d te Trinity church, Elma Christ pre pay erton, on Sunday, Benfenk tember es The foundation stone of any Bank's success must be service to the public. The 87 years of steady growth of this Bank, its steady increase in assets and resources, are a measure of the sound, consistent, friendly -service it extends to its customers. May we not serve you, too? Appel and family, wot tavatock, Peal ied on Mr. Wiederhold and other “ase of Nova Scotia J. H. LEWIS the bowling tournament af w Ham: burg on Moni @ Milverton elub wall be Bee Neve reipestion Esldee Sage Mibcpees tournament on 18,000, Milverton Branch P hands for collection—P. : wheeler, of Winnings, an tor demonstration, good racing and from me, | F: injured, th Jocal rinks, took in campaign in this great wor nted—A_ house to rent, Apply}ORGANIZATION FOR REFEREN- | DUM CAMPAIGN A meeting was held in the assem- room of the public library on aon organize and appoin' committees for the. On tario Referendum Camp: pale. Rav le jean, the count; resent and conducted ‘the nuseling| ver eughan, Mrs. Wm Eravford, Miss L, MeCourt, Miss Me: . H, Hasenp Mr. W. ition, Mr, Mi ‘lemens, Mr. Otto Finktbeiner, Mr, ischhauer, all meeting will be held on Wednes- lay evening at 8 o’ oe in the Evan- gelical church, Bent ae Every mem n | be ime on this list ss requested to be sae at this meet ge lant. as to the best a Nageenk formerly of the local Bank of Nova Scotia staff, spent Thursday evening | Brown and Dyer ’s Mammoth Carnival H. C. Baird left on | opituary | it the home of Mr. Sere gee " Th Saturday for es three weeks’ trip ie aout aay services of B Pa ee ier be hit on Sun Edmonton and, other points drone the Canadian Northwest. tama | gay, Octobe and the annual 7 fowl supper no Monday evening, Oct. Baird is being relieved of his duties station by Mr, Walter 6th. Mr. A Mire George Wilhelm, of | at G.T.R. Milverton, in Baden i ; INTRODUCING AUTUMN ee the Papadine of the former's wMILLINERY MODES... | fe = Miles . and Mrs, Ed Bier have re- THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY DAY \g trip to | Fey ie September {ith, 12th and{3th. reps acted se ‘ain ie hs is Sage leasure to bid you welcome to the season ton Woes fs an Saturday, Sep i . Mrs. Wel this. week, | OF te eek AR Bilin as Mrs. Maloun: Mae ‘eth. he se vil 2 be & demonst Mrs, Bed: a en Kirkland, indies hall, aller sind the auspices On Sat of Court Milverton, No, Cea aE iy Cave ST oo GO| tween. his home, and the G.T.R, sta- Mpll seta this Hon twit mber of children he al- % Store open THURSDAY and SATURDAY- EVENINGS FD Woden eicancnaneanes: ve Towed ‘his little brothet outake. the 7 beeh ‘left. without Food js ¢ographs nek with aa oe tha the the deh ’ f trol causing the car to tal ry es not let L. Zimmermann, Milverton || aici ness eta’ are aE one" oP He ile renter 4 graphs for you on Milverton Fair SY 7, injured See chee an y next being the centenary |* ieclaly close ae Seriven, the author of that rban- Mn valine Guent! picture variety, though less trimmed. Hats for occasions niblie and press praise the work he streeet, hats for the motor, ester Concert Co. Special showing of Misses” and children’s hats. We extend to you a cordial welcome to visit this exhibit. , who tecontly ar Patera ts discharge trom the army =v ¢, {is moving his family to Hamilton where aking a ¢ morning service in Burns church will make an approp- sie for a G. H sractage aime i Nate reference: to his life of service The secretary of the Mornington| the be Fair expects that the prize lists -will e in the hands of the members next x somewhat SoleZAgent for Loal D. SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRICITE L. @ W, PORTLAND Ohio, sp in Manno on last wae with Me Jy Mrs. Edwards was mem- ber and intend exhibiting write for a late Samu: a daughter of the timers as “Puck” ie you really want to wees a first- wn to the old. clas: me omnes rate pri ice seeure a ticket for the re which, will Ae ‘held er nder the aus- jeople ;| lace ree her h Rese ved seats 50c. Plan of hall at ru: MONEY IN LIVE STOCK “"Loth ce Hay donated ie eenibenre: ristegniagi™ ax th acs eee en Malitiin. cb arsede irehped iin ‘per cent, in the United ing cattle and the right kind of financial backing will put you in a position to make money from your herd, The Bank of Hamilton vis prepared to promote any legit- See ee 0: i to beat their wives and oie there children. Fs See ssrs. Hngeland . ex wn oe interest in inthe foal i ae peey ds a imate development along. this line, BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH—N, G. Schafer, Manager land town’ says i conver- ed, 2 is prssentative: ,,,E was ¢ Milverton Fair Night Conse | nell fT hi m-e time take it from me. 's| frauleins—swell j janes beaucou} cognac, and Diane, "spielen, Kran "Tanne! er, Reno. ub- | Toro: seth | ts rday last as Frank Kelter-| an, father’s car be- | Fai y | pastor. * | Kerr was el Roe | the ROBERT J. KERR ti aplene. and Pee business n years the general who survives him, Grosshill, isa ster, ial and hearty & made friends mhatese er he went. He took sm oy, were cee by Ri Tarneod: “Methodist | church: ee . Moffat, of Mill- bank, assisted at ithe services. a member ete Kilwinning lodge, No. 64, Lon. don, and members” A i te Nasinte ordér from London, Milverton, De- and Mis, George Love, Toronto; Mr. rs. Ford McConkey, Siratiord; ih. Danbro and Mr. and Sirs. er, Londons, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ‘ters | Lambeth; d Mrs. Rinner an daughter, Listowel: Mr. and Mrs. J. Love, Lebar eee? MRS. A. -R. HORN ‘There passed away at her resi- denee on lot 19, con. 13, Eima,on moraiag ugust 30th, Re- rtridge, beloved wife S\Me A. R. Hom, age ears, Gah with eavy ist ea many years i a3 Monkton. s Tn the yeai was married to M head Ste eee prs Pats Ea 3 PES 3 2 5 ere a 3 ¢ 8 g = g = 2 2 3 8 3 2 a 3: = | Riding and Walking Plows ! a We carry a complete stock of Hamilton and Oliver Riding 2-Wheel Plows eeder Oat ethelt and also Fleury’s Famous Walking Plows Free Trial given with each Plow. pisses winners. and their waren Pula ue wi eon i soe possibilities for. the the Wisteria Room of the Canc Rite| C. chant, ce terloo to Line : ot < ht ave si £ the tra N. A. Zimmerman foe ie as PE ae kata ero Mean Sc EEE act i twher is On aaa elph,’so Jong as they were bene. Dekaval Cream Sep- Implement Dealer. Brockville and Mc- neta n the party. visited the Toronto’ fited.. Howev e arators, Fleury Plows. Laughfin Buggies din ee anteeacee at | with this cit {she f | ae Bc tian for: s jolly good time ‘was, hear- | wl | w ty endorsed. oe uw ere of-| hy 0 Zor. it ‘ahh they re- da: it |tention in the chur r. taking up residence on the on which she died and Eneaby their they were successful in building ze ‘> ‘congenial neighbor, highly, respected erever know ‘er. life, tho hot long-had been spent with g ood I nd ward will eo 2 rue Hotel, they embarked on the Canada | iw 0 connect with the Guelph and fortitude a her happy spirit commis Have for sale the following second-hand Steamship Line’s pleasure’ steamer, (Eedexieh ey quent di {lieved from the y EARAS tenement Of | hoot vot one { oods : eo or madvey ee mls rsion ue freight to tl ine fe 2 a and ew acted to @ eoriats beyond | | Me ester and 01 exandr i J ese papers Mi; e|to enjoy the eternal happiness 0: | care poe Binder. +: 2 good steel tire top Bay. The scenery on the St. Law. |disilusioned by the ‘piers hi df pute delight, . Precious in the | Bug; = 1 Massey Harris Feed Cutter. rence River, studded with lovely is. et with the C.P.R. with uot eae ot bord is the death of His | : ‘was’ very. much ~ enjoyed:| which ows that no diversion is Sait 6:15; To. depart and to g EAS 3 e “International portable gas engine in Breakfast. and lunch were served ati sible terms, ai | be bins which’ is far. bett A { condition the J: ffic now xouted over that line will Pht 3. ‘The # eral on. - jexan mein at-| conti routed. while the | was’ conducte t tractions was a two and a half-hour} present. co is fe Doan, < Benes and ay sees ; : a hrers a4 Pallbe: were: and Jo artridge, John Horn, Wan: | Moryneld, Wm. Near and John il-)Sun jman,. Int ment was made in El PR, contract ma Centre cemetery and the sympa- | of. the entite ‘communit} oe Braiden: ved ib ea had zs sail 5 thangs by rail-to Winnipeg, Ruddell,} Mr. R. W. B, a 0 ae Seattle and Spokane. . J. Watts, Smith san| ES #5 other and faithful wife and and in the home tied spithout dei w @ bore} electric bell instal! i in-their. “deep | S88 and Prsdbyt terial w. A, AMOS U. F, 0. CANDIDATE — : | the ti F.0. of of] eNom ea iets in oe HYMENEAL § . McLAUGHLIN—-WATSON The marriage was solemnized at mn jcandidate for the On\ President W. S. Shearer, ee . |OCc! ehpied 668 hair tien XPresset coe a 5 an at the large attendance an Haris Rutherford McLaughlin, |ed that the presence of ladies md Mrs, Albert pots would Fesult | in the cleansing of _pul ; ‘a Mr. Cokel; lue serge with | and unt hat and ostrich|ed a labor Burnaby, sek af Farmers’ Co-operative Co. ponent and abies a nah ess but ‘almost. entirely ery the tariff, bonuses to”industries, rey, er, Courtenay, ee ee JORDAN—CONWAY in Tuesday morning, Sept. 2nd, a |ial one | quiet but ut pretty, i wedding urch, aiuto bachac ououth Mites Ay rm Jordan, brother of the |for privileges. The: mi | does was groomsman. The bride Ho oh that. would benefit the greatest looked very pretty ina gown of white| number. Their motto was nights to all and special privileges to Mir, W. mod, of Wallace, the County Dinoae oe ithe UFO. sv wedding party called. upon and sai Heensot He Ieiaeh parents where a wedding breakfast was and expense of Nominations were and the followis North aloe John Hamilton, EI . McCallum, North East Nit withdrew from the field except ie|W. A, Amos, who was Coie the of the convention, re accepting said id that he would. 0 all s 4 power to win except canvas for _ foray Miss Gla Carpenter, and Minster Edward Cat. |penter of Det eeee ate | ‘ SMITH—LOCHHEAD |. A very pretty, but gulak rales, Cy 8: |took place on Wednesday, Sept |ber 3rd, at the home of Mr. Genes MORNINGTON SCHOOL FAIR The first annual school fair of the en the immediate rela- MecDo: ee officiat- |was becomingly attired ina gown 6! | white” get pe crepe, with regula- ie wer bou- B,Davidson ~ | Geo. ty Sra etary, Me Presidex’ Seer £. s ads 5 ee oat REFERENDUM MEETING x Their many_ frie join ie wishing them a long life api pros- pert SERIOUS AUTOMOBILE .CCIDE! One Man Carried to Baia on Engine te) sly oes srs, youn der from the fore: and is still ina serious cotton Mas. iy dS hd a a mained until the train stopped at the station when he clim| off daz. t uninjured. e of ahs: any -re mae rs tion of nay ing eed st eral The car had three whee! n off but otherwise was not Ty ‘aly dami aged ne crossing’ has long been known cg Ge one, as the view at CORDA WARD BUCHNER Grand ci ene Entertainment e re have been a Shani Under aie Se aac of Court Milvers previous to ‘0, 99, C.0.F, ZIMMERMAN Ss HALL "| Wed, Bve' , Sept. 17 By the-Ward Buchner Concert Company en Any ratepayer 08 led at the wy by making application to the Rata ittawa, showing \ OUR CEUSRING IST ord Ward Buchaer, Viol One. of the greatest ax will be assis st of ‘the ted by Theodo Sroxford £\San and’ Toronto Daily Globe. $5.00 Matday |Sun and Dailv. Mail & Empire. 5,00 ‘A, E,{ Sun and Toronto Daily World. Vic tor Hloentionist, Robinson, ‘Soprano! There. are Five People in | ree Press. sakiiaoe tt Pebrie’s peer “360, Reservéd Seats RRR Drug. ig Biors s 8.00 50c $.25, Hevald and oh 78 | | Soy and Family Weekly Star

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